Report of County Controller . Report of the County Controller at Dauphin County, Harrisburg, Pa., January 31st, 1919. To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County: In accordance with the Act of Assembly creating the office of County Controller, I herewith submit my fifth annual report, showing the receipts and expenditures in detail and classified, together with a full statepient of the financial condition of the County for the year ending January 6th, 1919. The following are the amounts charged against the County Treasurer: Cash on hand January 7th, 1918 .... 3174.747.86 County tax levied for the year 1918 404.089.18 County tax outstanding for the year 1917 23,815.03 County tax outstanding for the year 1916 1,531.22 Personal property tax levied for the year 1918 73,583.74 Personal property tax outstanding for the year 1917 100.20 Personal property tax outstanding for the year 1916 102.73 Dog tax collected for the year 1918 7,296.50 Dog tax outstanding for the year 1915 3.01 County's portion of liquor licenses, year 1918 7,340.00 Interest earned by Sinking Funds in 1918 6,986.06 | Interest earned by County Funds ... 2,202.00 Support of insane, paid Treasurer by Commissioners 2,729.77 Sale of material by the Commissioners 510.58 Fines from aldermen and justices A 72.00 Detective license .' .... 25.00 H. F. Holler, Prothonotar.v —one-half excess fees for 1917 .'7.'. 4.9C0.85 C. K Pass. Vrothonotar.v—fines, costs and Jury fees for 1918 10,418.6S J, E. I*ntz. Recorder —oae-balf excess fees for 1917 5,626.41 Hank loan 10,000.00 Forfeited Bail Bond—Fortunate 74, Jartuary. 1918 202.30 Refunds account Inter-County Bridge Repairs 454.21 Refunds Insurance Premiums and Lunacy Commissions 159.42 Sundry items received by Commissioners 45.95 Directors of the Poor—boarding inmates and support of insane.... 3.487.21 Directors of the Poor—Sales of wheat, mules, etc 2,391.17 Directors of the Poor —Sundry receipts 315.17 .Directors of the Poor—Land rent 200.00 iyity of Harrisburg, maintenance of prisoners 2,352.22 •Lilted States Marshal, maintenance of prisoners 1,964.75 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, re: prison labor ...., 1,112.20 Prison Inspectors—Sale of junk 48.46 Redemption Fund Receipts 295 75 •Return Tax Receipts '. 3,427^08 i From which must be deducted the following items: Commissioners warrants paid by Treasurer 3333,941.95 Prispn Inspectors warrants paid by Treasurer 37!369!58 Directors of the Poor's warrants paid by Treasurer 76.113.38 3917 outstanding warrants paid by Treasurer 2 137 31 Abatements, exonerations, commissions and returns 1916, 1911 and 1918 County Tax 40 "84 "1 Abatements, exonerations and commissions 1916," 1917*. 1918 Personal Property Tax 6,728.25 .... 3496,574.68 Balance due the Countv i-> 5 nw Which is accounted for as follows: Cash on hand and in banks •>•>•> sic 75 1®1" and 1918 County Tax outstanding. ... 33 o*l3 47 lata Ti ! £ lB Personal Property Tax outstanding | *lO3 80 1915 Dog Tax outstanding 3 01 TAX ACCOUNTS AND SPECIAL FUNDS 3256,022.03 lUlb COUNTY TAX. To amount outstanding January 7, 1918, $ 1,512.94 To penalty 18.28 „ , $ 1,531.22 By cash J 468.36 By exonerations. 881.21 By commissions, . 24.66 To amount outstanding,... $156.99 1917 COUNTY TAX. To amount outstanding January 7, 1918 $ 22,773.23 To penalty and additions,. 1,041.80 $23,815.03 By cash $13,752.30 By exonerations.. 3,966.50 By returns 539.3S By commissions, 723.65 To amount outstanding,. .$ 4,533.20 1918 COUNTY TAX. To amount assessed, $402,598.21 To extra lists and addi tions, 1,490.97 $404,089.18 By cash ..$341,832.09 By abatement, .. 17,111.7t By returns 314.82 By exonerations, 2,520.07 By commissions,. 13,902.21 To amount outstanding,... $28,408.28 1916 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX. To amount outstanding January 7, 1918 $ 102.73 By cash, $ 82.38 By exonerations, . 16.00 By commissions, 4.35 1917 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX. To amount outstanding January 7, 1918, $ 100.02 To penalty '.. .18 100.20 By cash $ 3.63 By commissi®,.. .19 To amount outstanding,... $ 96.38 I*lß PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX. To amount assessed $73,583.74 By cash $ 66,868.61 By abatement,.. 3,677.17 By exoneration, . 4.00 By commissions,. 3,026.54 ?• amount outstanding,... 7.42 1915 DOG TAX. To amount outstanding,...! 3.01 DOX TAX FUND. To cash in reserve $ 200.00 To cash received in 1918,. 7,296.50 $ 7,496.50 By cost advertis ing $ 2.70 By cost tags, ... 108.00 By cost killing dogs 875.00 By cost printing forms 159.30 By cost assess ing 157.50 By cost damages to cattle 77.90 By surplus of re ceipts, 5,916.10 ■ 7,296.50 Ho cash in reserve $ 200.00 RETURN TAX FUND. To cash from county tax, .$ 1,027.51 To cash from school tax,. 1,243.10 ?o cash from road tax,... 979.72 o oash treasurer's costs, 176.75 $ 3,427.08 By transfer coun ty general funds 1,204.26 By transfer school tax fund, 1,243.10 By transfer road tax fund 979.72 SCHOOL TAX FUND. To cash on hand January 7, 1918 $ 2,119.44 To transfer from return tax fund 1,243.10 To cash on hand $ 3,362.54 REDEMPTION FUND. To cash on hand January 7, 1918 $ 527.43 To cash receipts, 295.75 By transfer to county gen-* eral fund 345.39 To cash on hand $ 477.79 ROAD TAX FUND. To cash on hand January 7, 1918 $ 126.04 To transfer from return tax fund, 979,72 To cash on hand $ 1,105.76 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' EX PENDITURES. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. APPROPRIATION A. 1. Salary com missioners, $ 7,000.00 2. Salary chief Clerk 1,665.00 3. Salary clerks, 4,440.00 4. Books, forms and station ery 1,453.01 5. Rent of tele phones, .... 135.95 6. Postage coun ty fee of fices 160.00 7. Contin gent fund 324.11 9. Purchase Land Tax Sales 438.72 COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE APPROPRIATION B L Salary treas urer, $ 2,500.00 2. Books, forms and station ary. 102.39 t. Rent of tele pnweisa. .... 94.00 4. Coses return Tax Sales, etc 176.25 6. Contl n g en t fund 116.00 6. Redemptions, 345.39 $ 3,334.03 WEDNESDAY EVENING COUNTY CONTROLLER'S OFFICE 1 o , APPROPRIATION c. 1. Salary con t-oiler, $ 2,500.00 2. Salary dep , "Ifc . v 1,545.00 3. Books, forms and station , er-v 58.95 4. Rent of tele - ..Phone 67.80 0. Conti ng en t fund 107.35 CORONER'S OFFICE. APPROPRIATION D. 1. Coroner's fees and mileage. 3400, ste nographer „ reports, 330, 430.00 3. Physicians, . . 270.00 4. Books and stationery. . 56.63 5. Rent of tele phone, 97.11 DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. APPROPRIATION E. 1. Salary Dis trict Attor . "*>' 3 4,000.00 2. Salary two Assist ant District At torneys, ... 2,400.00 3. Salary ste nographer, . 900.00 4. Salary coun ty Detective, 600.00 5. Official inves tigations, .. 164.78 6. Rent of tele phones 197.41 7. Rent of office. 260.00 8. Light and power 32.87 9. Conti ng en t ■.a P " nd 11260 10. Books, forms and station ery 294.50 ■ j 8,962 16 COUNTY SOLICITORS OFFICE. APPROPRIATION F. 1. Salary Solici „ _ tor 3 1.500.00 2. Rent of office, 180.00 -3 1.680.00 ALDERMEN AND JUSTICES. APPROPRIATION G. 1. Disch a r g e d cases (See Note A.), ..3 2,206.90 2. Court cases (See Note A.). 4,070 65 CONSTABLES AND POLICE. APPROPRIATION H. 1. Disch a r g e d cases (See Note B), .3 2,057 32 2. Court cases (See Note , B.) 7,782.29 3. Consta b 1 e s' returns to . court 1,620 02 4. Police returns to court, ... 702.50 —3 12,162,13 ASSESSORS. APPROPRIATION I. 1. Property as sessment, ..3 7,067.61 2. Registry as , segment, .. 3.694.39 3. Military as sessment, .. 706.14 4. Births and deaths 1.570.00 —3 13,038.14 BRIDGES. APPROPRIATION J. . 1. New bridges, 3 24,156 54 2. Bridge repairs, 13,874.48 3. Bridge views and inspec tions 773.40 4. Advertising,. 240.61 5. Contingent, 3.50 ROADS. * APPROPRIATION K. 1. Road views, .3 2,167.44 2. Road con struction, .. 3,698 42 3. Advertising, . 99,85 4. Contin gent, 78.60 COURT EXPENSES. APPROPRIATION L 1. Jury Com missioners, .3 753.60 2. Clerk, Jury Commlssion . ers 125.00 3. Grand jurors, Pay and mileage, ... 1,386.78 4. Petit Jurors, pay and mileage, ... 5,360.52 5. Traverse jurors, pay and mileage, 5,237.86 6. Court criers and tlp staves 3,271.50 7. C o m m o n wealth wit nesses 6,702.56 8. Court ste nographers, 3,748.07 9. Court interpre preters, ... 176,00 10. Board of Jur .. 740.40 11. Counsel ap pointed by court 939.56 12. Trial lists and print-. • tng 193.00 13. Probation of ficers and expense ... 1,612.62 14. County fee auditors, .. 300.00 15. Court procla mations, ... 395.05 16. Teloph ones, Judges' chambers, .. 212 76 17. Contin gen t, 10A78 —3 31,258.06 COURT HOUSE MAINTENANCE APPROPRIATION M. 1. Salary Jani tor 3 880.00 2.'Salary Jani tor's assist ants, 2,920.97 3. Salary night watchman, . 1,674.60 6- Heat 1,917.61 6. Hlght and power, 1,277.51 7. Elevatorm en (2) 1,316.60 8. Repairs 1,609.82 9. Insurance and fire alarm auxiliary, . 2,743.66 10. Cleaning and disinfecting.. 465.06 11. Law Librai lan 680.00 12. Telep hone. Law Library 88.45 13. Contin gen t, 274.66 14. Law Library, 1,814.80 ELECTIONS. APPROPRIATION N. 1. City regis trars $ 3,276.00 2. Primary elec tions 6,695.28 3. General elec tion officers, 4,525.05 4. Supplies 850.51 5. Room rent and storing booths 1,646.00 6. New booths, etc 342.75 7. Computing re turns 470.00 8. 8 he r I f f i proc 1 a m a tton 190.85 9. Contin gen t, 176.03 INTEREST AND SINKING FUNDS. APPROPRIATION O. 1. Interest on 1901 Bonds. at 3 P. C....3 7,395.00 2. Interest on 1902 Bonds, at 3 P. C... 1,675.00 3. Interest on 1903 Bonds, at 3V, P. C.. 2,117.50 4. Sinking Fund, 1901 Bonds, 7,193.16 5. Sinking Fund, 1902 Bonds, 1,809.42 6. Sinking Fund, 1903 Bonds,. 7,455.99 PENAL INSTITUTIONS. APPROPRIATION P. 1. Eastern Peni tentiary, ...3 14,908.01 2. Industrial Re format or y, Huntingdon, 4,888.80 3. G 1 en Mills • School 4,503.20 4. Phila. Pro tectory for Boys. ...... 114.00 5. Downing town School, 92.50 # CARE OF INSANE. APPROPRIATION Q. 1. State Hospi tal, Harris burg 3 35,374.63 2. State Hospi tal, Wern ersville, ... 621.43 3. State Hospi tal, Far view, 1,752.86 4. Commissions on Lunacy,. 1,170.00 5. State Hospi tal, Norrls town, 130.36 ELECTIVE COUNTY FEE OFFICES. APPROPRIATION R. 1. Sheriff 3 8,170.93 2. Tel ep ho n e rentals. Sheriff, Proth on o tary and Recorder, . 316.20 3. Recorder, fees on m or t gages 345.00 4. Prothon otary, 6.439.40 MISCELLANEOUS. APPROPRIATION S. -1. Publishi n g Annual Re port 3 618.02 2. Salary Inspcc t or of weights and measures. .. 1,280.00 3. Expense In spec tor of Weights and Measures, . 266.67 4. Soldier s' burials, ... 9,953.50 5. So 1 d i e r s' tombstones, 735.00 6. Memorial Day 438.55 7.Dau p h i n County His torical So city 200.00 8. Detention of ficers 1,020.00 9. House of De tention ex penses 2,414.79 10. Ice, all of fices 173.75. 11. Books, forms, etc.. Sheriff, 26.45 12. Books, forms, etc., Prothono tary 487.24 13. Books, forms, etc., Recor der 699.40 14. Books, forms. etc.. Regis ter 455.76 15. Books, forms, etc.. County Sup erl n tendent, ... 502.94 17. City Institute, 200.00 18. School Direc tors' Asso ciation 199.99 19. F u r n i s h ing offices,. 30.75 20. Dog tax ex pense and damages, .. 1,380.40 22. Re in d e Xing Recorder's books 10,908.28 23. General con tingent (See Note C.), .. 11,000.23 24. Hospital con tributions, . 2,000.00 25. D a up h 1 n County Farm Bu reau, 1,500.00 26. Tax Collec tors' ex penses, post age, etc., .. 177.12 27. Expense re assessme nt of coal lands, 4,500.00 SUMMARY. County Commis sioners' Office.3 15,616.79 County Treas urer's Office,... 3,334.03 County Control ler's Office ... 4,279.10 Coroner's Office,. 883.74 District Attor ney's Office, .. 8,962.16 County Solicitor's Office 1,680.00 Aldermen and Justices 6.277.55 Constables and Police 12.162.13 Assessors 14,193.14 Bridges, 39,048.53 Roads 6,044.31 Court expense, .. 31,258.06 Court House M a 1 nt e nance 17,453.34 Elections 17,016.47 Interest and Sinking Funds 27,046.07 Penal Institu tions 24,506.61 Care of Insane,. 38.949.28 Elective County Fee Offices, ... 14,271.53 Miscellaneous, .. 61,168.84 Total Commissioners' war rants drawn 334,141,53 Deduct for warrants not presented to Treasurer,. 199.63 Warrants cashed by Treas urer, * 3333,941,95 PRISON INSPECTORS' EXPENDI TURES. 1. Food 3 11,828.38 2. L i g h t and heat, •••>.. 3,785.05 3. Coal 690.61 4. Soap 488.23 5. Brushes and brooms 113.19 6. Disinfectants, ' 300.14 7. Clothing, shoes and findings, ... 667.31 8. Beds and bed i 777.26 BiUUUSBUBQ mEGRXFS Medicine 188.11 10. Tinware and ~ repairs 204.84 11. Tele phone rentals -104.56 12. H ar d w are, paint and , oils 360.03 13. v alves, pipes and plumb .. ing 129.61 14. Printing rnd stationery . 74.72 16. Repairs to prison .... 2,561.77 16. C on 11 ngent fund 2,746.05 17. Salary of the warden 2,600.00 18. Salary of the matron . 600.00 19. Salary of the under keeper .... 2,820.00 20. Salary of the first day watchman . 980.00 21. Salary of the second day watch man 850.00 22. Salary of three night watchmen . 2,760.00 23. Salary of the baker . 800.00 24. Salary of the physi cian 620.00 25. Sal ar y of the cook (male), ... 208.34 26. S a 1 a r y of the cook (female), .. 600.00 27. Salary of the organ ist 50.00 Total warrants drawn .... 37,592.69 Deduct for warrants not presented to Treasurer.. 223.11 W Sr r e r r an V . C . aS . hed .*'!?!". 337.369.68 NOTE "A" Appropriation "G," Items 1 and 2 are made up as follows: . Dis- Alderman or Court charged Justice Costs. Costs. C. E. Bowers 3 40.10 3 16.80 Jacob Balsbaugh.. 3.55 Mansfield S. Carrol, 4.30 10.00 S. Brady Caven? .. 440.25 36.95 Joseph Corbett ... 2.75 James B. DeShong, 147.10 97.05 James L. Dickin son 135.35 6.40 Isaiah Daniel 4.50 ...... Richard B. Earnest 45.00 34.30 Emory B. Dunkle . 33.20 3.65 Edward P. DeHart. 9.60 W. H. Ege 9.80 W. A. Feidt 4.60 Edward J. Hilton. 314.20 193.9 George A. Hover ter ...... ...... 304.50 85.80 C. J. . Householder. 158.75 113.55 George D. Herbert, 40.05 52.20 George W. Hensel. 26.45 12.45 Charles H. Har man 8-10 ...... John K. Henry ... 7:10 8.'2 Fritz Kramme ... 89.50 165.3 W. J. Kennard ... 89.85 14.30 Daniel L. Keister, Mayor 125.00 ••••;: A. M. Landis ..... 675.90 90.50 A. L. Landis 5.60 33.85 Herman D. Long.. 3.45 ••••it H. A. Lenhart .... 17.50 14.80 Charles Emmet Murray 422.00 396.90 Theodore E. Miller, 2.35 Charles A. Miller.. 22.30 J. W. McGarvey... 37.50 3.35 John B. Nicholas.. 24.25 11.26 George K. Rife 3.85 John H. Shaner ... 257.80 536.60 Frank A. Stees ... 505.30 247.00 Rilev B. Shope ... 9.50 W. E. Shell 3.60 T. Clayton Smith 14.60 George R. Wren .. 39.95 Walter S. Young 2.85 84.070.65 82.206.90 NOTE "B" Appropriation "H," Items 1 and 2 are made up as follows: Dis- Constable or Court charged Police Costs. Costs. John W. Atticks ..8 5.96 Robert Brashears. 129.50 6 5.33 W. C. Bailey 43.61 12.35 Silas Bailey 57.11 2.01 I. N. Bonawltz .... 6.36 W. C. Brenneman. 48.52 1.89 Henry Brandt .... 23.32 John A. Bishop ... 12.43 Geo. W. Charters.. 360.66 24.80 David Challenger. 373.03 32.45 Peter R. Day 51.51 2.28 Irwin M. Durn baugh 217.25 47.73 Joseph Dunkle ... 9.22 2.67 Harry Emanuel .. 320.78 453.46 T. W. Eshenbaugh, 3.09 John D. Evans ... 8.56 Henry B. Fox .... 6.70 6.88 S. H. Garland 323.30 151.75 Alexander Gibbins, 14.86 6.49 John H. Gibb 713.91 206 96 Isaac J. Grove .... 959.69 380.23 Malcolm Graham.. 188.66 82.20 David Hodfce 173.11 69.88 Charles Houser .. 13.12 Christian L. Hoov er 112.60 20.30 Oscar Hawk 82.29 12.02 Harry B. Kurtz ... 145.05 29.44 J. B. Kautz 46.27 Amos Kreiser .... 4.64 T. J. Kaufman ... 16.49 George A. Lutz ... 7.83 10.29 Isaiah Lenker .... 25.90 George B. Lehr ... 47.10 Harry A. Miller .. 46.09 U M. Miller 21.67 Irvin H. Pickel ... 47.50 5.62 D. H. Reigle 167.00 . Levi Still 7.50 D. J. Shoop 45.68 6.77 David O. Shomper, 37.09 John A. Snavely .. 15.59 Edward M. Shatto, 19.15 Simon Snyder .... 107.89 72.04 J. 11. Stipe '6.47 John Wheeler .... 6.92 Charles L. Witmer, 32.02 John S. Wagner .. 15.28 W. L. Windsor. Jr. 503.20 189.85 Harry C. White ... 306.85 32 65 J. Ed. Wetzel, Chief Police .... 1,634.61 103.55 Enoch Williams .. 41.41 B. A. Weills 8.09 James T. Walters. 164.86 Ross Zimmerman. 2.46 87,782.29 82,057.32 NOTE "C" Item S—23 is made up as follows: Borrowed money. Interest and revenue stamps .... 810,122.00 Various refunds, overpaid county taxes, etc 134.61 Commissioners convention expenses 165.55 Viewers, re: land for school purposes—city 105.00 Expenses of Chas. E. Wal mer, taking Indigent sol dier to New York 37.05 Expenses of J. E. Davles. conference re: coal as sessment 46.28 Boyd's directories 58.50 Compensation insurance .. 49.38 Repairs to clock, carpet and chairs 41.29 Hauling coal and ashes ... 30.25 Extra labor 31.70 Flags 20.00 Supervisors convention ex penses 18.28 Miscellaneous 140.34 811,000.28 DIRECTORS OF THE POOR EXPENDITURES OFFICE EXPENSES APPROPRIATION A 1. S a 1 a r y of the direc tors 83.000.00 2. Sal ar y of the clerk .. 1,800.00 3. Sal ar y of the assist ant 760.80 4. Sa 1 a r y of the solicitor, 300.00 5. Tele p ho ne rental 223.55 6. Books and . stationery . 107.14 7. Postage 134.51 8. Incidentals . 103.78 8 6,429 78 RELIEF APPROPRIATION B. 1. P e r m a n ent relief 8 4,049.00 2. T e m p • r ary relief ....... 1,214.74 > 3. Quara ntlne relief 2,887.06 4. Burial of paupers ... 1,309.13 5. Physicians .. 5,605.00 6. Maintenance of children, 4,391.08 '•Maintenance of Insane .. 4,782.81 8. T r a n sporta tlon 108.68 ALMSHOUSE: SALARIES APPROPRIATION C. 1. Salary of steward and matron 1,200.00 2. Salary of assist ant matron 440.00 3. S a 1 a r y of watchman . 1,230.00 4 Salary of cook and as . sistant .... 652.00 6. S a 1 a r y of baker 840.00 6. Sal ar y of laundress .. 360.00 7. S a 1 a r y of minister ... 120,00 8. S a 1 a r y of coach man and m e s - scnger .... 72.00 9. S a 1 a r y of a t e w a rd's clerk 150.00 10. Sal ar y of ' Asst. Stew ard 811.15 11. S a 1 a r y of physician. .. 825.00 12. S a 1 a r y of nurses and ward at tendants .. 607.17 PROVISIONS APPROPRIATION D. 1. Groceries and vegetables .3 6,966.72 2. Meats and flsh 1,944.13 3. Butter and eggs 7.29 4. Ice 125 5. Water rent... 317.28 SUPPLIES APPROPRIATION E 1. Har d w a re , tinware and tools 3 160.98 2. Br o o m s , brushes , wood and willow ware 100.36 3. Leather and findings ... 82.69 4. Laundry and barber sup plies 82.92 5. Disinfectants 204.09 •6. incidentals 677 ' 03 T , tSO g.O7 •Covers doughmixer and electric motor. CLOTHING AND SHOES APPROPRIATION F 1. Clothing and underwear .3 401.40 2. Shoes, hats, caps and hosiery ... 463.39 3. Dry goods add notions j ogg gg FURNISHINGS APPROPRIATION G. 1. Carpets and linoleums .2 134.89 2. Furniture and bedding ... 196.i5 HEAT AND LIGHT APPROPRIATION 11. 1. Electric light 3 1.082.90 2. Fuel 4,063.22 3. Oil lamps and fittings ... 259.43 4. Salary of engineer .. 900.00 5. Salary of firemen .... 110.00 ALMSHOUSE INCIDENTALS APPROPRIATION I. 1. Insurance ...3 1,662.54 2. Advertising . 28.08 3. Tobacco and matches ... 470.80 4. Contingents . 314.44 5. Autom ob 11 e supplies •• 216.67 ■ VV 2 2.692.53 HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATION J. 1. Salary' of physician .3 210.00 2. Salary of nurses .... 900.00 3. Surgical ac cessories .. 44.50 4. Drugs 444.49 FARM EXPENSE APPROPRIATION K. 1. Salary of farmer ....3 624.30 !. Salary of dairyman . 20.00 3. Implements . 644.63 4. Horses and mules ..... 1,380.00 5. Harness etc.. 121.70 6. Seeds 180.18 7. Feed and silt 2,303.80 8. Fertilizers .. 361.00 9. Incidentals . 140.73 ' 10. Rent of land 200.00 NEW WORK AND GENERAL RE PAIRS APPROPRIATION M 1. Salary of carpenter ..3 600.00 2. Blacksm i th ing and ma chine work. 94.58 3. Plumbing and steam fl t - ting 850.85 4. Elevator in spection and repairs .. 36.99 5. Hardware and i , lumber .... 1,851.16 6. Tin and wood work 617.36 7. Papering and painting .. 1,283.17 8. Sand, lime,ce ment, etc... 334.30 •9. Contingents . 4,611.87 10. Boiler and repairs .... 45.00 11. Piggery and cold stor age 527.71 , 3 10.752.99 •Item 9 covers the following: Carpenter work. 3 1.734.60 Concrete work .. 1,604 29 Electric work .. 525.78 Masonry 195.85 Roofing 303.36 Brick, pipes gnd labor 151.16 Steel, iron, etc... 96.83 $ 4,611 87 SUMMARY Office expense...3 6.429.78 Relief 24,342.50 Almshouse sala ries 7,207.32 Provisions 8,236.61 Supplies *• 1,308.07 Clothing and shoes 1,088.88 Furnishings .... 331.64 Heat and light.. 6,415.67 Almshouse inci dentals 2,692.53 Hospital depart ment 1,098.99 Farm expense... 6,976.34 New work and general re pairs 10,752.99 •Total warrants drawn.. 3 76,381..8 Deduct warrants not pre sented to Treasurer 268.00 Warrants cashed by Treas- urer ~..3 76,113.38 COUNTY GENERAL FUND To cash on hand January 7th. 1918 3152.189.24 To cash from county taxes. 356,052.75 To cash from personal prop erty tax 66,954.62 To cash from liquor licenses 7,340.00 To cash from treasurer — interest on deposits.... 2,202.00 To cash from treasurer dog • tax receipts 1918... 7,296.50 To cash from commissioners —support of insane 2.729.77 To cash from commissioners —a|c fines • 72.00 To cash from comm ssioners —sale of material...... 610.58 To cash from detective 11- censes ••• • • 2,>.00 To cash from H. F. Holler, —Prothonotary, one-half t 1917 excess fees ■ 4,960.85 To cash from C. E. Pass Prothonotary. fines .... 3,839.00 To cash from C. E. Pass Prothonotary, costs .... 6,451.68 To cash from C. E. Pass Prothonotary. jury fees. 128.00 To cash from J. E. Lentz—- I Recorder, one-half 1917 I excess fees 5,626.41 'To cash from sinking fuad earnings 6.986.06 To cash from Bank Loan.. 10,000.00 To cash from Forfeited Ball Bond 202.30 To cash Refunds a|c Inter- County Bridge Repairs.. 454.21 To cash Refunds Insurance Premiums and Lunacy Commissions 159.42 To cash Sundry Items .... 45.95 To transfer from Return Tax Funds 1,204.26 To transfer from Redemp tion Fund 345.39 To transfer from Lyons ville Bridge Reserve....• 15,000.00 To transfer from Little Wiconisco Bridge Re serve 2,437.00 , 3653,212.99 By commission ers' warrants paid by Treas urer 3333,941.95 By Directors of the Poors' war rants In ixcess of receipts.... 69,987.83 By Prison In spectors' war rants in excess of receipts ... 32,115.06 By transfer to outst a n d 1 n g warrant fund a|c 1918 199.63 By transfer to outst a n d 1 n g warrant fund a|c 1917 11.88 By reserve for Mothers' A s sistance Fund. 3,344.93 439,601.28 To cash on hand 3213,611.71 _ DIRECTORS OF THE POOR To cash—boarding inmates and support of insane..3 3,477.21 To cash refunds 134.31 To cash—sale of hides.... 193.41 To cash—sale of pigs..., " 109.10 To cash—sale of potatoes.. 108.43 To cash—sale of lard 218.40 To cash—sale of junk.... 42.20 To cash—sale of mules... 408.25 To cash—sale of Salvarsan, 38.75 To cash—sale of wheat... 894.04 To cash—.sale of calves... 110.80 To cash—sale of Cows.... 250.00 To cash insurance re funds 70.20 To cash—sundry sales.... 54.45 To cash—county warrants returned 84.00 To cash —land rent 200.00 To transfer from county general fund 69.987.83 376.381.38 By warrants cashed by Treasurer ....3 76,113.38 By transfer to outst a n d 1 n g warrant fund. 268.00 76,381.38 PRISON INSPECTORS To cash, city of Harrlsburg —maintenance of prison ers 3 2,352.22 To cash, United States mar shal—maint ena nc e of prisoners 1,964.75 To cash, sale of junk .... 48.46 To cash, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania—re: pris on labor 1,112.20 To transfer from County General Fund 32,115.06 337,592.69 By warrants cashed by Treasurer ....3 37,369.58 By transfer to outst a n d i n g warrant fund . 223.11 37,592.69 There is due the Prison Inspectors by the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania—re: prison labor In November 31,053.93 which reduces the actual cost of the prison during 1918 to 331.061.13. OUTSTANDING WARRANT FUND To cash in reserve, January 7th, 1918 ...-. 3 2,148.71 To transfer 11.88 To 1918 Commissioners' warrants 199.63 To 1918 Poor Directors' warrants 268.00 To 1918 Prison Inspectors' warrants 228.11 3 2,851.38 By 1917 warrants paid by Treasurer 2,137. jl To cash on* hand 3 714.02 LYONSVILLE BRIDGE To cash in reserve January 7th, 1918 3 10,000.00 By transfer to County Gen eral Fund 15,000.00 LITTLE WICONISCO CREEK BRIDGE To cash in reserve January 7th, 1918 3 2,437.00 By transfer to County Gen eral Fund 2,437.00 MOTHERS' ASSISTANCE FUND To cash in reserve 3 3,344.93 SUMMARY RECEIPTS County General Fund ....3482.037.10 Directors of the Poor .... 6,393.55 Prison Inspectors 6,477.63 Return Tax Fund 3,427.08 Redemption Fund 295.75 Total receipts 3497,631.11 Cash balance January 7th, 1918 174.747.86 Total 3672,378.97 EXPENDITURES By the County Commissioners 3333,941.95 By the Directors of the P00r.... 76,113.38 By the Prison inspectors .... 37,369.58 By the outstand ing warrant fund 2,137.31 449.562.22 To treasurer's balance close of business January 6th, 1919 3222,816.75 SUB-DIVISION OF TREASURER'S BALANCE County General Fund..... 3213,611.71 School Tax Fund . 3,362.54 Redemption Fund 477.79 Road Tax Fund 1,105.76 ■Dog Tax Fund 200.00 Outstanding warrant fund. 714.02 Mothers' Assistance Fund.. 3.344.93 3222,816.75 The Commonwealth Trust Com pany, Trustee for the Dauphin County Sinking Funds, as of December 31st, 1918 report the value of the County Sinking Funds, and the character of the securities contained therein, to be as follows: 1901 SINKING FUND Dauphin County 81 per cent. bonds, issued 1901 3151,000.00 M ceit' Pal . BOnd ". - P " 1.500.00 U. S. Liberty ' Bonds, Third Loan 4Vi per cent. 7,200.00 CO c?nt at ! on .. B ° n "• ••• 1.000.00 Bond's'and Mortgages 5 per 972 12 Bonds and Mortgages 6.4 per cent 3,800.00 Total worth 3165,472.12 1902 SINKING FUND D *B v, „;. < s '••••• Municipal Bonds 4 per j 700 0 „ Part"'"Bond" and Mortgage .... 6 per cent. Total worth * WHO- 6 * 1903 SINKING FUND All securities sdld and proceeds of same in conjunction with' the 101 *P; propriatlon used to redeem the 8121. 000.00 1903 3% per eent b °ndswhch matured April Ist, i?i?' ftft /' 0 o nSeiiv bonds in the sum of 3121.000.00 deliv ered with report. SUMMARY Value of 1901 Sinking Fund. 3165.472.12 Value of 1902 Sinking 1' und, J3.019.68 Total 3198.491.80 BONDED DEBT l8 per cent 9ol . ?V%249.000.00 Voir °cent.° 2 /V?.!!" " ? 60.000.00 FEBRUARY 5, 1919. " REPORT MANY YANKSWOUNDED Of 2,050 Casualties Mentioned 1,996 Were of Men Wounded Washington, Feb. s.—Four casualty lists released by the War Department today contain a total of 2,060 names, summarized as follows: Killed in action 13 Died from wounds 8 Died from accident and other causes 3 Died from disease 14 Wounded severely. 195 Missing in action 16 Wounded slightly 1,046 Wounded (degree undetermined). 755 Total ,Xoso The Pennsylvanians mentioned are: WOUNDED SEVERELY Sergeant Joseph Lutkevich, Edwardsville. Corporal* Raymond Decker, Philadelphia. James Murtagh, East Pittsburgh. Private Antonio Verrecchia, Philadelphia. MISSING IN ACTION Private Joseph Green, Keyser, Pp. WOUNDED SEVERELY Private* Harvey Deisher, Northampton. Bronislaw Garbowieckl, Pittsburgh. Gilbert Harshbarger, Fayette City. Jim J. McCann, Philadelphia. Salvador A. Romuin, Sturgeon. Walder Ruhola, Philadelphia. Thomas Philip Kiehcr, Sykesville. James King, .Philadelphia. John Munns, Philadelphia. Giovanni Pallotto, La Belle. James Joseph Wales, Philadelphia. DIED OF DISEASE. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED DIED PROM WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION Lleutenunt "rank Riddle Fleming, Franklin. WOUNDED SEVERELY IN ACTION, PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISS ING IN ACTION Private Jesse L Dutton, Norwood. WOUNDED I.N ACTION, DEGREE UN DETERMINED, PREVIOUSLY RE PORTED MISSING IN ACTION Sergeant John Slovick, Shenandoah. RETURNED TO DUTY. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION Private Joseph S. Kindur, Wilkes-Barre. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Captain Alexander Colt, Hazleton. Lieutenant Clarence A. Henry, Jefferson City. Sergeant* Albert P. Anderson, Philadelphia. James L. Angle, Philadelphia. Martin A. Cleary, Philadelphia. Glen F. Fisel, Gettysburg. Clarence M. Malley, Minersville. William Joseph Beadman, Philadel phia. William T. Dunn. Maltby. Corporal* Frederick J. Bach, Philadelphia. Joe Bovines, Midland, Pa. Private* Frank E. Garlitz, Elk Lick. Giubileo, Uleder. Charles Domierlewicz, Plymouth. Grover Cleveland Dunlavey, Sharon. Andrew Girard, Monongahela. Foteolos N. Hontall, Reading. Samuel S. Hudspeth, Courtney. Percy Bobes, Unlontown. John R. Bosler, Jeftersonville. Clarence V. Buisker, Pittsburgh. James M. Frawley, Antrim. Charles C. Herman, West Catasau qua. William A. Knorr, Pittsburgh. Anthony D'Orsi, South Bethlehem. Alfred H. Dunlop, Waynesburg. John Deanovich, Johnstown. Chester H. Herchenrlder, Philadel phia. Charles A. Horneck, Allentown. Edward F. Kane, Philadelphia. Lester H. Kimmel, Berlin. Russell Jerome Kirk, Pittsburgh. Walter Schley Shipman, Mount Car mel. Irven P. States, R. F. D. 3, Roches ter Mills. Cirako Stavone, Point Mary. Thomas H. Tait, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Lieutenant* John H. Michener, Erie. Nellus Arnold Rhodes, Meadvllle. Sergeant* George E. Brown, Philadelphia. William M. Everitt. Philadelphia. Alexander Hoffman, Bristol. Andrew Sas, Pittsburgh. Howard J. Smith, Reading. Frank E. Beckton, Clearfield. Alfred E. Coburn, Crafton. 1 Lewis Dagg, Washington. Michael Dingeldine, R. F. D. 1. Mc- Keesport. Davis S. Davis, Wilklnsburg. Lance L. Eck, Reading. Horace H, Fulmpr, Center Valley. Samuel Householder Ickes, Wolf burg. Llewellyn Jones, Rauchaw. Daniel R. Tobias. Calcium. Alexander Joseph Waters, Bristol. . Wagoner Thomas M. Evers, Philadelphia. Prlvnte* William Adams. Shenandoah. Alexandro Angelilii, Lebanon. Alfred C. Hillegas, Shelly Station. Walter G. Jacobs. Pittsburgh. Andy Juker, Uniontown. Albert Kiehl, R. F. D. 1, Brookvllle. Lawrence John, Morris Greene. James D. Mullen, Philadelphia. James Pagliaro. Philadelphia. Blaine Pennepacker, Strodes Mills. Burton Watters, Bridgeport. Hyman Weiss, Philadelphia. Christian M. Anderson, Philadelphia. Martin J. Dooley, Turtle Creek. Aloysius J. Duffy, Philadelphia. Thomas Dwortz, Philadelphia. John I. Finkbeincr, Strasburg. Bernard Kartavich, Dubois. Michael L. Kichinko, Monessen. George Steve Brown. Reading, John Donahue, Philadelhpia. Bernard G. HerlL Northwood. Eugene A. Hoffman, Dunmore. Patrick J. Joyce, East Pittsburgh. Alexander Livingston, Reynolds vine. George S. Brown. R. F. D. 2, Olcy. John G. Daily. Turtle Creek. John H. Helmbrecht, Pittsburgh. Ernest HolTner, Strasburg. Total bonded debt $299,000.00 Less value of sinking funds 199,491.80 Net bonded debt $100,508.20 FINANCIAL, STATEMENT RESOURCES Court House and grounds. .$340,000.00 Prison buildings, fixtures and grounds 350,000.00 Almshouse buildings and grounds 165,000.00 Cash in county general fund 213,611.71 Outstanding county tax .. 33,098.47 Outstanding personal prop erty tax 103.80 Value of sinking funds ... 198,491.80 Jacob Ecklnger, Coroner, surcharge in 1917 2,172.84 John H. Peck, Assessor, surcharge in 1917 453.75 $1,302,932.37 LIABILITIES Bonded debt. .$ 299,000.00 Due Jacob Ec k 1 n ger. Coroner, on bills rendered to December 17, 1918, ... 959.76 Surplus of re sources .... 1,002,972.61 DAUPHIN COUNTY, ss: HENRY W. OOUOH, COUNTY CON TROLLER, being duly sworn accord ing to law, deposes and says that the foregoing account is a crorect state ment of the financial affairs of Dau phirt County for the year ending the sixth day of January, A. D. 1919, as per the books in the County Control ler's office. HENRY W. GOUGH, County Controller. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 31st day of January, A. D. 1919. CHAS. E. PASS. Prothonotary. Frank Kebart, Helvetia. Stephen Bedrzyskl, Philadelphia, Michael J. Klefer, Mount CermeL Bert Andrew Bowers, Kane. Harry Dailey, Pittsburgh. Thomas J. Dawson, Philadelphia. Andrew H. Degutis. Priceburg. John Hodrick, Mount Carmel, Boske N. lvancvlch, Slovan. Samuel Clark, Elizabeth. George W. Dakln, McKeeaport. EugCne J. Donahue. Erie. Emedlo Dorlzao, Grindstone. Walrey Mallchovsky, Bridgeport. Gerald J. Maloney, Erie. WOI'JiDED lUMItHICK VNDETEH-. MINED.) Corporal* ~ ohn J. Kane, It. F. D. 1, Bummer. Held. Albert Finch, Scranton. Colie L. Jenkins, R. F. D. 2. Mans*' field. William O. .Tones, Pittsburgh. Roger G. Klscaddin, Lebanon. Melvln S. I,efever. York. Joseph B. Yadouga, Scranton. _ , Private* Folks Lis, Donora. Mike Wandishrh, Treakoiw. Thomas John Mahafty, Philadelphia Andrew C. Meehan,, Freeland, Harry E. Stormer, Brooklyn. 1* red E. Watts, lola. Charles E. Penrod, South For*, Be.rnard A. Peppelman, Phm,- delphia. Benny Podua, Scranton. Edward J. Riehl, Philadelphia. Joseph Sempeto, Reading. Alexander Skrockl, Philadelphia. " Charles Watson, Lancaster. Fred Market, Philadelphia. Frederick McCauley, R. F. D. 1. Weedvllle. William C. Rhubright, Shoemakers ville. Cloyd R. Romig, R. F. D. 1, Mc. Clure. David H. Schelrer, Hokendauqua. Brittian W. Smith, Elysburg. Albert Stenstrom, Erie. Benjamin Franklin Stoudt, Reading. John J. Wodzinsky. Carnegie. George Russell Tschop, York, WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Sergeant* Edward Frank Kaptetna, Spring-, dale. Elmer Alexander Klrkstfcln, Pitts burgh. Francis C. McFarlin, Grafton. Frank Wills, Hazleton. Corporal* Preston R. Johns, Mayport. Andrew Latzy, Terract. Martin Michael, Philadelphia. Louis Theo. Muller, Philadelphia. Bugler Lawson Johnson, Altoona. Private* Curtis A. Dunkelberger, Snyder* town. Albert Dunn, Cuddy. Mike P. McClain, Philadelphia. John Paklsh, Charleroi. Carl P. Priest, Johnstown. William Joseph Walton, Phlladel* plTia. George D. Williams, West Chester. James W. Yates, Lebanon. Michael Migoni, Lancaster. Robert Vincent Mulinari, Dormont. Tony Tabasco, Philadelphia. Archie L. Tanner, Hallstead. Martin Pabesen, Braddock. Chris Wellington Rimbaugh, Ells* worth. Frank Semi, Koppel. Earl M. Reinert, R. F. D. 2, Boyer* town. Kmmett W. McFadden, Brookdale. Joseph Rotell, Archbald. Andrew S. Rusnock. Beaverbrook. Lynn Henry Schrodlng, Port Car* bon. Arthur W. Schumacher, Rolfe. Alfred E. Shoemaker, Waynesboro. Edward A. Wills, Loretto. Arthur L. Manley. Fullerton. Fred L. Market, Waupum. Elmer L. Marshall, New Brighton. William J. O'Malloy, Pittston. Albert P. Poag. Philadelphia. George R. Roth, Philadelphia, Edwin M. Marsteller, R. F. D. 2, Boyertown. Felix J. Semaako, Pittsburgh. Albert IT. Willman, Pittsburgh. Joseph Mancuso, South Carbondale. Hubert R. O'Malley, Carrick. Anthony Ponteriero, Pittston. Joseph Stornable, Scranton. Joseph Yakubisin, McAdoo. Joseph Zyslta. Lee. Learns He Was Cited For Bravery Only When He Got Home Kew York, Feb. s.—Bringing the 4 4th and 60th regiments, co'ast ar tillery corps, of the regular army, and 150 casuals and nurses and civilians—3,so7 In all—the trans port Cedric arrived here yesterday from Brest. Captain Herbert W. Hall, of Battery A, 44 th regiment first learned that he had been cited for the distinguished sendee cross when the vessel docked. Captain Hall was a lieutenant at the time of the incident for which he was cited and was promoted for gallantry. The citation said that after another officer had been kill ed, he assumed full command of a detail repairing an ammunition railway near Thiacourt on Septem ber 27. "I went out to assist Lieutenant Plympton, an engineer officer, of Buffalo, with a volunteer detail of men." Captain Hall said. "We were at Dead Man's Corner, near Thia court, and the shells were falling fast. One struck twenty yards away and Plympton and a corporal were instantly killed. As X could do nothing for them, I went ahead with the men and completed the work." Dull Market Is Closing Mines; Many Men Idle By Associated Brest Scran ton, Pa., Feb. 5. —Announce- ment is made here by the D. L. and W. Company, that the Continental and Brisbin collieries were to be abandoned and the Bellevue colliery closed down indefinitely. Over 2,000 men are affected by the order. All of the mines of the Scranton Coal Company will resume work to-day after being closed down two days. Until further notice this com pany will work but four days a week. Hazlcton, Pa., Feb. 5. —Further curtailment went into effect at the anthracite mines of the Lehigh field yesterday as a result of dullness of the market. Most of the independent operations will work but three days this week. An exception is the G. B. Markle Company, which announced that its collieries will be kept on steady time, and that surplus ton age will be stored. Americans in French Army Who Voluntered, to be Freed Upon Request Washington, Feb. 6.—The French minister of war has officially noti flefid the State Department that all Americans in the French army who volunteered for the duration of the war will be discharged upon their request. Moscow Soviets Call to Colors Men Between Ages of 29 and 45 By Associated Press Holslngfors, Feb. 6.—A decree is sued by the Central Soviet of Mos cow has called to the colors all men between the ages of 29 and 45 years. The men will be ordered to prosecute the war in case the proposal confer ence on the Island of Pjtfakipo falls.