10 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A NEWSPAPER' FOR THE HOilE Founded 1831 Published evenings except Sunday by THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Telegraph Building, Federal Ifiare E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief P. R. OYSTER, Business Manager GUS. M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor A. R. MICHEN'ER, Circulation Manager Execatlre Board I. P. McCULLOUGH, BOYD M. OGLESBY, F. R. OTSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Mombcrs of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and t lso the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. t Member American Newspaper Pub- Associa- Bur'eau of Circu lation and Penn- Associa- Eastern office. Story, Brooks & Avenue Building, Western oftlce', Story. Brooks & I Chicago, 111. Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a Omr.'KffljO week; by mail, $3.00 a year in advance. Give me an ideal which will stand the strain of weaving into human stuff on the loom of the real. Henry Van Dyke. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1919 i = THE "DRY" VICTORY 1. HE "dry" victory in the Legis lature yesterday was no sur prise to those who had any knowledge of the sentiment on Capi tol Hill and throughout the State. The liquor lobby based its sole hope of defeating the prohibition amend ment in the House on the willing ness of prominent Republican lead ers to be its tools, and they de clined. The day is past when leg islation in Pennsylvania is dictated from behind barroom doors. The rum influence is dead and doesn't know it. The Senate unquestionably will do as the House has done. The prohibition amendment will be adopted in Pennsylvania and the Slate placed in line with the pro gressive Commonwealths that have driven booze from the United States. This will mark the passing of an influence in Pennsylvania politics that has always been bad. The liquor lobby never has fathered one piece of progressive legislation for the benefit of the people. Always it has been interested in sending men to the legislature who would safe guard its pocketbook and cater to the prosperity of the liquor trade at the expense of any other line of business that might happen to stand in its way. At every State conven tion, in every legislative or State wide primary the booze agents were present with smooth promises or open threats. But they over-reach ed themselves last fall when they openly backed Judge Bonniwell in opposition to Governor Sproul and were beaten decisively. And they showed their weakness by pitting their forces against the "drys" in a contest for control of the House— and were beaten. The men who stood up under pressure in the House are to be congratulated. Dauphin county has two on the honor roll—lra E. Ulsh arjd David J. Bechtold, and the con stituents who sent them to the Leg islature may be proud of their man ly' course. The others voted to in still life into a corpse and they will nqt be very happy in after years to have it pointed out that when the opportunity offered to help put John Barleycorn under the sod they thought they were at a christening instead of a wake. :NOT EXTRAORDINARY SAYS the Advocate and Press of New Bloomtield, Perry county: Assessor T. W. Campbell deliv ered and mailed noltces last we:k to all property holders of real estate, with their valuation. The appeal will be hell at Bloomtield, Tuesday, Feb. 4. • • "Nothing extraordinary here. Most appeals are. > ... FATHER AND SON WEEK DO YOU remember long tramps! through the woods with your father In far-off boyhood days? Do you recall with delight early fish ing trips, when the path led down through the green meadow, where the tall grass grew sweet and lush and the soft spHng breeze stirred the willows to low, drowsy music in sweet accord with the peace that was in your soul; when father tramped along by your side und all the world was rosy as only a world is rosy when a boy starts out with his daddy for a whole day along the streams where the big bass lurk und the suniish play Or you may have memories of a hunting jaunt into woods and fields when the maples matched their flaming torches against the yellows of the hickories ut their back, and the hoar frost in the hollows was harbinger of tho snows to come; when the world wus young, and father'let you into more woodland WEDNESDAY EVENING. secrets than Daniel Boone or Da vid Crockett ever knew. Those were happy days, if per chance you were fortunate enough, to have a father of that kind, and you learned a lot on those excur sions of the things every "he-man" in America ought to know. Also, you owe it to that boy of yours to pass the heritage of father and son fellowship along to him. After a while the lad will have nothing of you but a memory. What kind of a memory are you going to give to him ? These are some of the thoughts that have prompted the Y. M. C. A. to make Father and Son Week an annual feature of "Y" work. But Father and Son Week will mean little unless fathers and sons get permanently closer together as a result of the yearly contact. You >we your lad more than a living and an, education. What are you going to do about it? If you are in doubt, let the Y. M. C. A. show you. FOOLISH RAVINGS REPORTS that the liquor lobby ists are deeply indignant with Lieutenant - Governor Beldje man and W. Harry Baker and in tend to attempt their political ruin because they did not turn in against Governor Sproul to'help keep Penn sylvania in the 'wet" column, need occasion nobody any alarm. The "wets" have not yet learned that they are dead and buried politically. Their voice is from the tomb. They long ago lost their hold upon Penn sylvania politics, only the public did not know it until last election, when Governor Sproul, the "dry" candi date, overwhelmingly defeated Judge Bonniwell, the apostle of booze. They can no longer muster majori ties in the Legislature, as they will learn when the Senate endorses the action of the House's approval of the "dry" amendment. Lieutenant - Governor Bcidleman carried the State last fall by a ma jority even larger than that accord ed Governor Sproul, and neither he nor Mr. Baker need fear the oppo sition of the defeated and discred ited booze element if turned in their direction. Indeed, it would appear just now that the man or measure the liquor interests oppose is apt to stand much higher in public favor than otherwise. They should pay no attention to the ravings of the tooth less hounds who for years have been snapping at the heels of decent men and honest legislation in this Com monwealth. FEWER AND BETTER ONE of the effects of national prohibition 'will be fewer and better hotels. Those licensed places which were maintained mere ly as a means of retaining their liquor selling privileges will have to close their doors or become real hotels. Hundreds of them will go out of business, but those that remain will be larger and better, for they will have to satisfy the discriminating taste of the traveling public if they hope to earn a profit. It used to be thought that a hotel without a bar would be an impossibility the profits of the liquor trade were be lieved to be required to overcome the losses on rooms and food. If any hotel man figured that way. his bookkeeping or his system was wrong. It is not the practice of any other line of business within our knowledge to operate one branch at a profit while carrying on an other at a loss. This may occur in the course of trade, but it Js never intentional, and is rectified as soon as discovered. If the hotel keeper entertained his guests at a loss to himself he was foolish and got small thanks for this trouble. But it is not likely that he did. At all events, he must make his rooms and meals earn a' profit now or he must close his doors. The public can no longer count on a doubtful percentage of the barroom profits, if it ever got any, and hotelmen will find their patrons ready enough to pay generously for first class ser vice—but it must be first class. ENTITLED TO A REBATE JUDGE BALDRIDGE, of the Blair county courts, replying to the request of the hotel keepers that a portion of their license fees be returned for the period of the year after July 1, when the country will go "dry," or that they be al lowed to pay monthly instead of yearly for their licenses, referred them to the Legislature. New laws must be enacted if the liquor deal ers are to be entitled to licenses for half the year, or for so much thereof as the law permits them to ply their trade. A number of bills have been presented with that end in view and in justice to the hotelmen some measure should be adopted. The Telegraph holds no brief for the liquor trade, but It does not believe the counties should collect fivm the saloon-keepers or any other fsass of citizens money for privileges vhich cannot be granted beyond a certain limited period. We should not compel liquor men to pay for a full year's license and then yut them off in the middle of the year. They are entitled to fair dealing at the hands of an electorate that has voted them out of business. A Snappy Hand There is considerable enthusiasm about starting a Mason Tire and Rubber Company band. Late last summer a band was organized and had three rehearsals when it had to be abandoned on account of the war. —From the Kent (Ohio) Cour ier. IK By the Ex-Oommittecman Liquor leaders went away from Harrlsburg last night defeated for the first time in many years They went away amid the Jubilations of the "dry" forces whom they had scorned and laughed at for more than a decade and with some un kind things being said about them by the legislators whom they forced into line and who had voted "wet" because of promises in the face of a pronounced movement the other way. Some of the talk is that men who were forced into line will not be amenable when the regulatory legislation comes along and that they consider their obligations ful filled. The ratification of the amend ment by the Senate is assured. There will be a hearing and the bill will H* voted on finally about the twen ty-fifth. The ratification of the amend ment will end the domination of many legislators, it is predicted, and one of the sorriest things connected with the general assemblies will be a thing of the past. Governor Sproul was everywhere praised for his attitude and even men who to line up against the resolution to ratify the amendment spoke highly of his courageous fight for the amendment. Not much stock hv talk of "Retting even" by the liquor cohorts. Rn Tf^ C i' ret! ! ntative E n - Smith, of Bedford, who was absent, will have Home explaining to do in his "dry" Dledied -a .. iS Said t0 have been h mS? and t0 hav e absented without any excuse being absence. d ' d " 0t " Sk any leava of "Bennv" A??" 0 ®- ° f Re P res entative r? . Goider is accounted for by thefact that he is in the army, fnrmi McAfee, of Pittsburgh, wealth Becretary of tbe common ' ? arnonfr visitors to Har evenln* today ' He cam.e here last hlr if ?! , ?' as by a num ber of old friends. ■ Brennan ' Democratic was at th of Lackawanna, was at the Capitol. firs? a " ?jj counts Irv in G. Rea gan first assistant state librarian and sometimes known as "Spider " bus rea d the handwriting and has resigned. The story on Capitol Hill were Oh" J th< i Librar y trustees e about to ask his resignation bv The") °? y> ,vho was displaced wav for i? admin istration to make pointed. KCaga "' 18 t0 be rea P" f roni^" ass ° clatlon o' ex-senators here i R ackawan n a was formed em J t evening. M. E. McDon ald, E. F. Blewitt and W M • ' wu are charter members. Tbe State Comsnission of Agri fn ieh? wbicb has been somewhat hefe to bave a meeting before long, ft will complete any work needed on the budget. _ Tbe Philadelphia Record Goy ernor Sproui all the credit for the "dry" victory burg- 1 * a dlspatch bom Harris qnro,n° aUS , Gov ernor William C. Sproul willed it, the Vickarman resolution calling for ratification ProWbiZ Va " ia .° f the National Irohibition amendment, passed the House by a vote of 110 to 90 six more than the majority required. th m nS . > th ? last moment that the House dry leaders would be unable to procure a sufficient num ber of votes to pass the measure, rn.hoa . Republican state leaders rushed to their defense and by throwing thirteen votes from the stronger to the weaker forces, saved the resolution. "A sufficient number of votes were VU? the Vare delegation in Philadelphia to insure a 'dry' vic tory. Led by Representative John R. K. Scott and William F. Rorke of the Fourteenth and Thirteenth wards of Philadelphia, seven Vare men deserted the liquor forces at the last minute and aided in bring ing to an end the long and sensa tional fight in the House to ratify the amendment. " The result was a Sproul vic tory, and no one else shares In it. Without the aid of the Governor the Vickernian resolution would have been badly defeated. Even the 'dry' leaders realized their helplessness and Monday night and early yes terday morning they were urging the big Republican leaders to come to their aid. Besides Senator Edwin H. V'are, the leaders who split their delegations to please Governor Sproul were Senator William E. Crow, of Fayette county; Congress man W. W. Griest, of Lancaster county, and the Dauphin county po litical moguls." But the North American ex plains the "dry" victory in this wise: "The margin for approval in the lower legislative branch 'was not large, but the party politicians, and the liquor men, too, know it could have been made larger at will. That accounts for much of the feeling of hopelessness that prevails in Penn sylvania booze circles. "Those of the political leaders who had legislators under control, to turn as they, wo.uld, calculated nicely to pass just enough over to the dry side to make the majority safe. Such members as they re leased to vote for prohibition for the most part represent districts in which they can be protected in fu ture elections from guerrilla attacks by liquor men who may hold to gether for a time after the saloons are put out of business. "But the great bulk of the dry majority, of course, was cast by leg islators dry from conviction and ac curately representing the people of their districts. Some others who wanted to vote against liquor, but who for a time held fear of political consequences, were encouraged by the stand of the Governor to go on record in accordance with their in clinations." FATE . On what strange grounds we build our hopes and fears! Man's life is all a mist, and li\ the dark Our fortunes meet us. If fate be not, then what can fore see? 0 And how can we avoid it If It be? If by free will in our paths we move How are we bounded by decrees above? Whether we drive or whether we are driven, llf 111 'tis ours; if good the act of •-Drvdan. SULRRISBTJRG ORQI TEXEGRiPfI MOVIE OF A MAN ARRIVING HOME IN THE DARK AFTER THE FIRST OF JULY By BRIGGS g£ ; H DEM> | I "Seutt'eJ ffeSc eS J Me l ~i ]"J rw R : a "sw^H £ p S hf b l cr Y °AMD OOK ( &OOD DAY? I A L S U ° K O 1 T R^ D W R^VVL T :R- K ,T MR£T! .\SSeV J T^. 6 HTJ V RT^R\ • \ A MUCH BETTER ARRANfiEMEMr l#. f /*S — — ' T S vi A ( the companionable birds we thought that we drew something and with them had some tie. But now | wei give in such terms of wonder and admiration that the insufficient return hurls. Not even on the in hospitable sea does the cold and rounded beauty of the scene seem more aloof. • So do not go into the winter I woods without a companion. He | must be a finite, warm, hearted friend. He may have a corner in his | heart for consciousness of the ln i flnit> about him, but he must have a j human uppetite. With a tent and quilts and all the things that are good to eat lashel on a tobaggan set out with him into the deep for est. The webbed shoes will give you complete mastery of the waist-deep snow. By three of the afternoon it will be well to think of catnp. Settle into a southward-facing seclusion and dig down to the moss carpet beneath the snow. Night will steal , about you with a softness and beauty uncomprehended before. Li gif t currents from the ocean of infinite cold will draw you closer to the fire. You will be wrapped in silence, and the bigness of it would break your spirit were it not for the friend ship at hand. . But in the morning stir of a zero awakening all that will pass. Now the woods are shot with sunlight, or, perhaps, are soft with the liuze of storm.—T. Morris Longstreth in Harper's Magazine for February. "Going on Five" A little like a rabbit, A little like a bird, A humming bird, a butterfly, Oh, very like a butterfly, A fay, a fawn, a squirrel shy Gay boisterous, absurd! A little like a rainbow, A little like the rain That wakes the green in withered sod, A little like the hand of God, Oh, very like the hand of God Upon a heart in pain. —Herman Hagedorn in the Outlook. lEuenutg <2Tf|at Now that the Pennsylvania sol diers are coming homo from Francs there are many inquiries being made as to what will be done about their battleflags, and Adjutant Gen eral Frank D. Beary, who was the executive end of the Pennsylvania division until it went into United States service will endeavor to se cure the flags of the four infantry, ' three artillery and other units which were carried when the Key stone State men won what Persh ing says is "a fine reputation," and what the Germans call something else. Just what will be the outcome of the general's effort to obtain these colors for the State of Penn sylvania so that they may be placed in the Capitol rotunda beside the flags of three other wars, and the ghostly hours of the night tell their stories to the standards of Gettys burg and Appomatox is uncertain. Because the regiments were United States infantry the war department officials may decide that they should be deposited with the flags of the regulars in Washington. There are many Pennsylvanians who would like to see the colors of the 109 th, 110 th, 111 th and 112 th infantry in the marble hall of the official cen ter of the commonwealth, and the flags of the artillery placed close to the colors of Kickett's battery. But the nub of the question is how Washington will view the proposi tion. But if Pennsylvania shall get them what a ceremony we can have and how proud will be the men of the Keystone State units to show the flags to posterity. Similarly we would like to see the colors of guidons of the regiments formed of Pennsylvania drafted men deposit ed with the colors of the regiments of men who went,out in the draft in the civil war. * • • If it should happen that Wash ington insists upon retaining the flags perhaps General Beary will be able to obtain the colors of the regi ments of the National Guard which they took with them to Camp Han cock, and bore until they were merg ed into new formations. We, in Harrisburg, are immensely interest ed in the Eighth regiment just as Luzerne is in the old Third artil lery, Westmoreland county in the "Fighting Tenth" and Pittsburgh in the Eighteenth. It would be a fine thing If these colors, which were lettered with the name of Pennsyl vania and the number of the regi ment, and which were probably turned in by their colonels when the organizations were made United States troops, could be placed in the Capitol, all grouped in a niche and marked as the colors under which Pennsylvania guardsmen en tered the United States army and a career of glorious service. * • It is sincerely to be hoped that the colors of the Eighth can be lo cated. The war department has a wav of finding things years arid years after some incidents, and per haps it can trace these standards, too. It all depends upon the im pulse that is given. If the people of Pennsylvania call for them to place beside the battleflags of sires it ought not to be hard for the folks at Washington to see the lm nnrtmce There are empty niches at the State Capitol, but he f J?*™}" ed with pride for what Pennsyl vania did. . While .we are on war topics it would be worth while for the com mittpps named by the Chamber of Commerce and the Dauphin Co "^ y Historical Society to make some ef forts to obtain photographs not only of the Harrisburg units of the Ra tional Guards as they appeared be fore going to Camp Hancock, but -while at. the camp and when on over seas duty. We all know how inter esting are the pictures of men of the civil war from the Harrisburg district, and the Spanish war photo graphs furnish a study in the ad vance of military uniforms, 'the Harrisburg boys in mobilization out fits and in flghtng togs should be preserved by all means. And It may also be said that city authorities might authorize City Clerk Ross Seaman to secure a good picture of the United States trans port Harrisburg and place it in the city council chamber. Thanks to the enterprise of the late Mayor Charles A. Miller Hari isburg in peace is well illustrated in the photographs. The transport HNrrisburg is a fine ship, and some of our people have crossed the Atlantic \>n it- We would all like to see it in picture form. • • * Adjutant General Reary's state ment that the war department favors the use of the historic names by the National Guard regiments when re constituted should nytke the Harris burg people vigilant to see that the old Eighth designation comes back to the Capital City. The books of the war refer to the Eighth as the Harrisburg district regiment. • * • "There is another thing about your new hotel which is'to the advantage of your city." said a travelling man who often "makes" Harrisburg and who is keen about the Penn-Harris, "and that is that people can see what the city looks like. The other hotels did not afford a good view." | WELL KNOWN PEOPLE 1 —General Charles W. Kutz, who was in command ut Camp Meade, has returned to his grade of colonel in the regular army. —Colonel Asher Miner, who re cently returned from France, is kept busy doging receptions in his home county. Everyone wants to greet him and wants him to speak. —E. T. Stotesbury, the Philadel phia banker, will shortly leave for Florida. —Frank B. McClain, the new head of the council of defense, is busy on plans to change the work. H. W. White, chairman of the State Commission of Agriculture, is a trustee of State College. , L,. E. Mallery, of Bradford, haa gone to Florida for the winter. Freeland Kendrick, prominent Philadelphia Shrlner, is due to be advanced to the position of Imperial Potentate next summer. —Williafn Price, Pittsburgh banker named to the State Board of Charities, is getting many con gratulatory telegrams from friends. f DO YOU KNOW ). That Harrisburg made mounts for guns that were used in some of the last of the fighting? Historic Harrisburg. < —As .early as 1810 Catholic mls-< sions were held In Harrisburg. The first church was built in 182 a.