Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 03, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Allies in Accoyd Over Dispo
sition of the Enemy
Pari*. Feb. 3. The accord reached
by the Council of the Great Powers
concerning the disposal of the Ger
man colonies and occupied regions
in Turkey in Asia is much more def
inite than is-generally supposed, and.
besides acceptance in principle of the
American plan of mandatories, it em
braces the following main features:
he Allied and associated Powers
are agreed thrft the German colonies
shall not be returned to Gerinan>,
owing. first, to mismanagemen
cruelty and the use of these colonies
as submarine bases.
The conquered regions of Armenia.
Syria, Mesopotamia, Palestine and
Arabia shall be detached from the
Turkish Empire.
By Associated Tret*
Zurich—The Prague Tageblatt is
authority for the statement that for
mer Emperor Charles of Austria-
Hungary intends to apply for a di
Bcrnc —Swiss Socialists decided by
a vote of 238 to 147 not to attend the
international conference being held
here and Gustav Muller, leader of
the party, resigned, decalring non
participaiton a bad political mistake.
Constantinople—lnformation lias
been received here of much dis
turbed conditions in Turkestan,
where Bolshevist activity is preva
lent and where some 40,000 German
and Austrian former prisoners re
liondon —The strike fever, which
has become epidemic in the United
Kingdom, spread to London to-day
and the week threatens to become
critical industrially for the metrop
London —The employes of five
electric tube lines struck this morn
ing to enforce their demand for a
half-hour lunch period in an eight
hour day. Threats are made to ex
tend the strike if troops are brought
into the strike district.
Bombay—Striking workers in 85
cotton factories have returned to
their tasks. The employers, on the
advice of the Governor of Bombay,
granted twenty per cent, increase in
wages and a bonus of twenty rupees
to the men.
Paris—The cabinet met yesterday
and examined into the subject of the
increased cost of living. Penalties
for speculation and cornering food
ttuffs are to be increased.
THERES'things j
you can't make in
a hurry—good friends
an' good tobacco.
In VELVET, there's j v
no attempt to "hurry ]
up" the making.
Nature says tobacco
is mature only after
two years' ageing in
wooden hogsheads.
This is the slow way,
and the expensive way
—but it's right. ! <IJI
And that's why VELVET j IOC
* ..v % • . v- •••>•;
United Church /Advocated at
Two Big Church
A campaign will be opened in
Ilarrisburg in the near future for
funds to be used for war and recon
struction purposes by the United
Lutheran church, it was announced
at a victory and merger mass meet
ing held by Lutherans in the Chest
nut Street Auditorium last night.
It was announced that Friday
evening at 7.4 3 o'clock ministers and
delegate laymen of Ihe city will meet
in Zion Lutheran church to fprmu-
Igte plans for the campaign which is
in harmony with a national move
ment. It was further stated that
Thursday evening. February 20, a
member of the Lutheran commis
sion to France will address a meet
ing in Christ Lutheran church, out
lining tne needs of the campaign.
The campaign will open some time
in the middle of this month. Harris
burg's quota toward the national
fund was not announced.
I The great mass meeting last night
| was attended by approximately
2,500 people. An overflow meeting
was held in the Zion Lutheran
church. The meeting was opened
with an invocation by the Rev. G. X.
Lanffer. The Rev. L. C. Manges, who
acted as precenter, led the singing
of "The Battle Hymn of the Repub
lic." Musser D. White, president of
the Lutheran Brotherhood Central
led Scripture reading. The Rev. 11.
W. A. Hanson offered prayer and
the Rev. Dr. F. If. Knubel. president
of the United Lutheran Church of
America, delivered a Stirring address
touching upon the work of the Peace
Conference. Behind the questions
confronting the men at the table,
he declared, are the principles of
liberty. Behind these principles are
the principles of Luther.
Opening his address. Dr. Knubel
described Harrisburg as the "birth
place of the United Lutheran Church
in America." because the executive
hoard held regular sessions here.
Following the preliminaries, the first
meeting was. held in New York on
the day when this nation and other
nations were wild with joy over the
signing of an armistice. "The New
United Lutheran church was born
for the new age of the world," ho
Commenting upon the coming
j campaign Dr. Knubel said: "God has
I called upon us to fulfill our respon
sibility immediately. An appeal is
coming to you within the next few
weeks which I believe is God's call.
There is religious confusion in
Europe to-day. There is spiritual
[ confusion and suffering. There are
ichurches by the hundreds of thou
sands that have not been properly
led. To-day they are being thrown
on their own resources. Of the
Protestants in Europe more than
two-thirds are our brothers in Lu
theranism. There arc more Lutheran
in Russia than there are in the whole
1 Western hemisphere. There are Lu
therans among the Czecho-Slovaks. In
Bohemia, In the Baltic provinces
and even in poor, misguided Ger
many, and Finland is entirely Lu
theran. The day has come when we
must appreciate that there must be
a United Lutheran church of the
world and it must be established."
Following Dr. Knubel's inspiring
address, Victor Huasknecht played
as a violin solo Elgar's "Salute
d'Amour." The congregation sang "A
Mighty Fortress is our God," a hymn
written by Martin Luther, and the
Rev. J. A. W. Haas, president of
Muhlenburg College, spoke. He also
touched on the problems at the peace
table and gave an intensely inter
esting address. The Rev. Thomas
Reisch pronounced the benediction.
The Rev. J. Bradley Markward, pres
ident of the Harrisburg Conference
of the East Pennsylvania Synod pre
In the Zion Lutheian church at
the overflow meeting the Rev. H. K.
Lantz, president of the Harrisburg
Conference, Pennsylvania Minister
ium. presided. The Rev. R. 1.. Meis
enhelder pronounced the invocation,
and the Rev. H. S. Garner, led the
Scripture. The Rev. A. M. Stamets
offered prayer. Addresses were de
livered by both speakers of the main
meeting, the Zion Lutheran quartet
sang and the Rev. C. P. Lantsf pro
nounced the benediction.
Mayor to Prefer Charges
Against Policemen Before
City Council Tomorrow
The policemen who were asked by
Mayor Keister to resign from the
force following their virtual confes
sion of having accepted thirty cents
reward, called graft by the Mayor,
will not know their fate following
the meeting of Council to-morrow.
A date for the hearings will be set
The Mayor said he contemplates
taking no action whatever in regard
to the counter charges brought by
C. Laurence Shepley Is
Guest at Farewell Dinner
A farewell dinner was tendered C.
Laurence Shepley at the Columbus
Hotel early Saturday morning by
members of the Patriot editorial staff
upon his retirement as managing
editor of that newspaper to enter the
insurance business. The dinner was
served after the paper was put to
press and it was near dawn when
the party broke up. Mr t Shepley, who
has been connected with the Phila
delphia North American, the Harris
burg Telegraph and the Patriot at
intervals for the past eight years
leaves the newspaper business to be
come associated with the Harrisburg
office of the New England Life, of
which A. A. Wert is manager. He Is
well known in Harrisburg and
throughout Central Pennsylvania,
and has been studying insurance for
some time under the tuition of Mr.
Wert. For several months he has
been connected with the Wert offices
and has been getting much valuable
practical experience.
Dean M. Hoffman, editor of the
Patriot, presented Mr. Shepley with
a handsome leather prospect case
and among those who responded to
•toasts were J. Douglas M. Royal,
Kenneth S. Thomas, Ross S. Hoff
man, Charles H. Bowers, Bernard L.
Thuerer and J. Harold Keen.
Fraternal Order Offers Splen
did Quarters to Na
tional Body
j Cathedral Hall, tlie home >f the lo
cal council. Knights of Columbus
may boon become club rooms for sol
diers at Marsh Run and Middletown,
under tentative provisions formulat
■ ed by the local organisation. No def
j inite announcement has yet been re
; eeived from the national body ns to
whether they will accept tho rooms
and make necessary renovations for
the soldiers' use.
Several weeks ago, representatives
of the national body got into com
munication with officials of the local
lodge with reference to the propo
sition. Favorable decision was made
by the members and notice of the
proffer was sent to the national of
ficials. but their wishes in the matter
have not yet been made known here.
Tentative arrangements for the
establishment of the club provides for
the sending here of two Knights of
Columbus secretaries, who would de
vote their entire time to the conduct
ing of the hall and work among the
men at the two camps. Certain reno
vations would necessarily have to be
made to the hall. At present there is
no heating system to raise the tem
perature of the water in the swim
i ining pool to a degree suitable for
bathing. This Is the principal change
that would be necessitated.
The bowling allies, the pool tables
and all other rooms would be in sat
isfactory condition for use by the sol
diers. All of them would be turned
over to the secretaries for the con
venience of the men. he Knights of
Columbus would continue to hold
meetings In their council rooms and
would also have the privilege of the
use of the social rooms.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Dlvlalon The .108
crew first to go after 12 12 o'clock,
120, 102, 105, 110, 130, 131, 121, 101,
Engineers for 108.
Firemen for 102, 108.
Conductors for 131.
Brakemen for 101, 108, 121, 131, 133.
Engineers up: Trickman. McCrack
j en, Tenny, Brauncr, Diffe.nderfer
Rhoads, Karr, Blanltenbow, McCurdy,
Baston, Andrews, Lambert, Mann,
Matzinger. Stauffer, Minnich, Grace,
Firemen up: Wilhide, Devener,
Paxton, Straw, G. C. Vogelsong, Hock,
Malone, arman, Alberts, Flickinger,
Hess, Polleck, Nissley, Hattan. Vogel
song, MeGonigal, McLaughlin, Ken
Conductors up: Wilson.
Brakemen up Alexander, Beard.
Zimmerman, Dase, Craver, W. M.
Craver, Clay, Mongan, Hoffman, Hel
ler, Straw, Cole, Werdt, J. W. Smith,
Kohr, Dungan.
Middle Division. . Middle Division
I crews, with 20. Crew to go first 12.15
p m.20, 303, 29.
Extra engineers wanted for 29.
Extra firemen wanted for 20.
Extra brakemen wanted for 20.
Extra engineers marked up: P. I*
Smith, Kreps, Leiter, McAlecher,
Brink, Kistler, Kauffman, E. R. Sny
der. Heisey. Gipple, Hawk, Cope, Leib.
Extra firemen marked up: Denni
son, Strayer, Furtenbaugh, Stevens,
King, Jones, Sheaffer, Gingrich. Cum
Extra conductors marked up: Wag
ner, Hoffnagle, Gennett.
Extra brakemen marked up: Leon
ard, Lauver, Depugh, Dare, Stidpole.
Yard Board — Engineers for 4-7 C,
Firemen for 9C. lOC, 12C, 17C, 51C.
Engineers up:Riffert, McCartney,
Walt, Hall, Desch, Graham, Fry,
Dougherty, E. F. Eyde, Ewing, Snell,
Flel her, Richter, Keiser, Ferguson.
Coonkerly, Mayer, Smell, R. E.
Firemen up: Soles, Woodau, Man
ning, Ellenberger, Hampton, Bolan,
Nelth, Shoenaan, Lower, Shults, Gra
ham, Barnhart, Miller, Boyer, Snyder.
Cunningham, Riter, Loser, Burns.
Philadelphia Division —The 252 crew
first to go after 1.45 o'clock: 235, 23,
243, 250, 246, 208, 202, 203, 215 251
242, 206, 229, 214, 212.
Engineers for 213, 214, 216, 237, 242,
Firemen for 203, 215, .237.
Conductors for 252, 250, 202 215
251, 206, 229.
Flagmen for 233, 213, 243, 208.
Brakemen for 233, 252, $l3 -> 5O
208, 202, 203, 215, 242.
Brakemen up: Eshleman. Ellinger,
Middle Dlvlalon Road Crews — The
114 crew first to go after 12.45 p. m
Engineers for 108.
Flagmen for 114
Brakemen for 114.
Enola Yard Board Engineers up:
Myers, Barnhart, P. F. Brown, Hall,
Firemen up: McCann, Gamber,
Frank, Jenkins, Knachstedt, Kreitzer,
Shoffner, McCurday, Stoll.
Engineers for: 4th, 12C, 3rd 129, 4th
129. Change crew: 2nd 102, 112.
Firemen for: 3rd 126. 135. Change
crew, 2nd 102, Ist 104.
Middle Extra Engineers marked
up: 12.01 p. m.: S. Donnelly, W. C.
Black, W. B. Glaser, Keiser, H. F.
Krepps, R. M. Crane. F. Schreclc, W.
D. McDougal, W. C. Graham, J. Keane,
O. L. Miller, J. Crunmell, J. W. Smith.
Engineers wanted for trains P49
31. 45. 35.
Middle Division —Foremen marked
up at 12.01 p. m.: 1.. R. Smith, G. C.
Kennedy, L. Graham, G. S. Rainey,
F. W. Pensyl, F. E. McCue, L. R. Col
yer, C. Leinbach, R. Parks, G. Tip
pery, G. Howard, J. A. Swab, C. M.
Steele, C. W. Kepner, O. W. Beck, M.
Horning, C. M. Studts, J. H. Oliume,
W. P. Benson.
Foreman wanted for hauls 45, 19.
Philadelphia Extra Passenger en
gineers marked up 12.01 p. m: G. W.
Gillman, G. L. Smeltzer.
Engineers wanted for train 628.
Philadelphia extra firemen marked
up 12.01 p. m: J. F. Gilluner.
Miss Pearl Gaupp, of Elizabeth
ville, a trained nurse in the Red
("toss service, returned Friday from
France where she spent the past
flflcen months. Miss Gaupp was the
only Elizabcthville girl to get to
France. Her family is prominent
in the United Brethren Church of
that place and Recorder James E.
Lenlz Introduced her at the Sun
day school yesterday, /Where she re
ceived a warm reception.
Usa McNeil * Fain Exterminator—Ad
Store Closes Regularly j£% Store Closes Regularly-
On Saturdays at Six On Saturdays at Six '
(After Inventory Sale oj_ j
Bedspreads, Table Cloths, |
I Towels and Toweling
Irresistible savings may be secured at this event in our white goods department. It is good, clean merchandise, |
most all of it from our regular stock. A comparison of price and quality is sufficient to convince you of the rare vain*® ® C
yy offered at this sale. • g ■
I Bedspreads j
kO Hemmed crochet bedspreads; size 68x80. $1.50 each.
H? ' l emme d crochet bedspreads. Several attractive designs. Bleached snow white. Size 74x86. $2.00 each.
Hemmed crochet bedspreads. Double bed size. $2.50 each.
Kg) Hemmed satin finish bedspreads. Extra large size. An unusual bargain. $3.75 each.
sfej Kipplette bedspreads, hemmed. Light and durable. Size: 62x90, $2.00 each; 72x90, $2.25 each; 80x90, $2.50 each, m
| Table Cloths and Napkins
tf&a Fine damask pattern cloth. Size 68x68. $2.50 each. * '
Damask pattern lunch cloths. Size 58x58. These cloths are made of a fine satin finished damask. While they last, | i
SB $l.OO each. j ®
CP Luifceltnble napkins, hemmed and ready for use, $1.25 per doz. 11
I . Turkish Towels |!
Turkish towels. Bleached and hemmed. Size about 17x33. 21c each.
\ Turkish towels. Bleached and hemmed. Size about 18x40. 25c each. |B
-< \ Turkish bath towels. Made of closely woven double Terry. Size about 19x40. |m
' Khaki colored Turkish towels (Martex.) Large size and very adaptable for use of
/by mechanics and railway men. 60c each.
Turkish bath towels. Extra large size. Heavy double Terry. 65c each.
iJi . | \ Bleached twill toweling; quality Pansy. 12 1 />c yd.
® Heavy cotton Crash." 18 inches wide. A most desirable Crash for hard use. W
jyD L A Part linen Crash. Unbleached. This is an excellent number. 19c yd. yS
PSj BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. W
Buy Sheets and Pillow Cases At This Sale -
•'• A '
When you buy these goods at our store you know you are getting staple, dependable qualities at the lowest market prices and
at this sale you get them at extraordinary low prices.
Such well-known makes a-s Utica, P.equot and Mohawk, and other standard makes. Also sheeting for persons who prefer
making their own bedding. ' (
Not all sizes of a kind, but a full assortment of sizes in the Double bed size, 81x90. Made of standard grade sheeting;
different makes: each, $1.59.
54x90, $1.39. 72x90, $1.69. 90x90, $1.98 Mohawk. no r- * ~ , , . -TV
-63x90, $1.49. 72x99, $1.89. 90x99, $2.10 Mohawk Bleached sheets, 72x90. Center seam. Made of good quality
63x99, $1.60 81x90, $1.89. 90x108, $2.49 Utica. ' muslin; $1.19. , "
i ■ ''a " ■ 1 ■ —" '
Bleached and Unbleached Sheeting 1
By the Yard '
Bleached sheeting; 81 inches wide. Standard quality. Cut from the piece at 69c yd. e
Unbleached sheeting; 81 inches wide. Cut from the piece. Smooth, even thread, 57c yd. ' '
Bleached muslin ;' 36 inches wide. Cut from the piece. Soft finish, perfect goods at 23c yd. \
Unbleached sheeting; 36 inches wide. Smooth, even, round I|\ \ '
thread. Will bleach easily. 15c, 20c and 23c yd. Jll\ \* '
Pillow cases ; size 42x36 or 45x36. Made of medium weight muslin ; 23c and 25c each. V
45x36 bleached. Made of good muslin under name of "Wave Crest." 32j4c yd. \ •
Mohawks under name of Empire. Sizes 42x36 or 45x36. Slight mill imperfections. '
Nothing to hurt wearing quality. Z7]/ 2 c each. v <"\
Utica: size 45x36. Under name of Oneida. Slight mill imperfection. 40c each. v N
Hemstitched; 45x36. Made of good muslin at 40c each.
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor
| The February Furniture Sales j
1 Provide Values Unexcelled Anywhere i
&e| Let us prove to you that furniture need not be too highly priced to be good. Our floors are stocked with the kinds jSSi
of suites and odd pieces you want to live with and use. Beginning at a modest figure, we offer a choice that is likely
B§s to suit all tastes. The dining room furniture includes interesting designs that are uncommon ; the living room furni- Nfc
ture shows some of the daintiest among the modern coverings, as well a% fine period designs. The bedroom suites have m
fisa been, in some cases, specially constructed to our order, in order to have generous size, solid workmanship and exclu- fir
jyy sive design. SB
IP ' J
il l_s" •l| I A : ' 1 1
Beautiful Queen Anne Dining Suite in American burl walnut. Ten pieces. Note the new style serving table. I
Chairs upholstered in genuine brown Spanish leather. Five side dining and host chairs included. February Sale, $395. I I
Fifth Floor For Fine Furniture I i