Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 01, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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'i4*;\esolution of Respect Passed
on Death of Former
fc Commissioner
L .
Resolutions of respect in honor of
tVilli&m Luther Gorgas. former City
, Commissioner . and Acting Mayor,
and widely known in banking and
' Masonic circles, were passed at a
special meeting of Council, held this
morning. The members decided also
to attend the funeral services on
Monday in a body. The Rev. J.
Bradley Markward. pastor of Beth-
It-hem Lutheran Church, will officiate
JLfit the services at the home. 904
North Third street, at 2.30 o clock,
while the Masonic Order will conduct
an impressive ■ service at the gra\c.
At the Council meeting this morn
-fcing following the passage of the res
olution. which was introduced b> ,
_v> Commissioner W. H. Lynch. Mayor
•"■Daniel L. Keister made a short ad- i
t dress, in which he paid tribute to the
■—ervine and integrity of the ex-Com-
N- inissioner as an official and a Ipisi
'• nessman. He also called attention to
■2 the honors conferred upon Mr. Gor
gcis and mentioned his political and
fraternal activities.
? Commissioner E. Gross also
if made a few remarks before the reso-
Z lotion was passed. He mentioned,
2 particularly the services of Mr.
,t Gorgas and his work in connection
' with charitable institutions, notably
the Harrisburg Hospital, of which he
v was treasurer for years.
Y The complete tribute and resolu
tion as passed unanimously by
1 Council, and as it will be placed on
:he official record of councllmanlc
' procedure, follows:
• Whereas. William Luther Gorgas
has been called front service to re
"■ ward, and the good that men do is j
oft interred with their bones,* there- |
I Tore it is fitting that a record of his j
municipal work be made while these j
matters are still fresh in the memory
of those who were associated with j
him. Now. therefore.
* "Be It Resolved. By the Council of
-i the City of Harrisburg. that the foi
-1 lowing minute be spread upon the
•b records of the Council, that a copy
'Jt thereof be forwarded to his family,
and, as a mark of respect, that we
attend the funeral in a body."
•William Luther Gorgas, busi-
nessman, banker, philanthropist and
citizen, began his active service for
i the City of Harrisburg upon his elec- |
i lion as a member of the Select Coun- j
j| oil from the Fifth ward in 1883. He |
V served in this capacity trom 1883 j
* to 1886 and from 1887 to 1890. His
diligent and faithful service, ability
' and interest were so appreciated by
j his fellow-members of that body that
he was elected president thereof dur
i ing the years 1883 to 1886. In 1902.
when the original Board of Public
Works was created, he was select
ed as a member, and rendered signal
1 ! service in assisting that board to ex- ]
,1 eeute the important work entrusted
- to it. In 1913, when the Clark act
V went into effect and four members
Y of Council came to be located on the
.; non-partisan'ticket. although he was
to be a stalwart member of
—rhe minority party, he was so high
esteemed by the electors of the
Spci ty that he was nominated and elect
f 'jeil with the largest vote received by
gYunj candidate. Recognizing his fit-
S ? 'nss in character, learning and ex
i'"" p. rience. lie was by his associates
* placed in charge of the department
b; of accounts and fiance, which de-
J: partment he organized and conduct-
Jl ed for two years with his usual effici
fi- ncy. in recognition of his services,
£ : lie was in 1915 re-elected as a mem
l! tier of City Council, and again placed
J at the head of the department of fl
•-- nance and accounts. During the year
r 5 ; 3 917. on two occasions and for a con
| eiderable time, he served as Acting
* j Mayor of the city by reason of va-
SL fancies in that otfice. He was also
£? vice-president of the League of Cities
fcof the Third Class for two terms.
j. "He brought to every position in
I the muniicipal government which he
J filled a trained and a charac
1-*er rich in experience, which enabled
. him to transact business with a com
, plete grasp of the situation, accuracy
- and dispatch, lie was always a shin
* ing example of a successful business
woman. ready to sacrifice his own time
£'apd interest in carrying on the mu
v . nicipal government."
* The Central Democratic Club also
. met and passed resolutions honor
■ ?ing the banker and former city oftl
* - cial. They are as follows:
*S. "Whereas, Almighty God, in His
wisdom, has seen lit to remove from]
eour midst William U Gorgas, and
"Whereas, By his unexeptecd 1
Lrieath the city of Harrisburg has lost
} a public-spirited citizen who always
fflahored to promote the best inter
rests in our city government and
| whose wisdom and sound judgment
*' will be sadly missed in our municipal
* and
"Whereas, He lias always loyally
V defended tlie principles of the Dem
jMocratic party and sought to niain
jf tain its glorious traditions, be it
| "Resolved. That the Central Dem-1
*f. ocratic Club hereby expresses its pro
found sorrow at the death of Wil
liarn U Gorgas and extends its
i'lieartfelt sympathy to the members
S? of his family, and be it further
* "Resolved, That these resolutions
I be spread upon the minutes and a
,; °Py be forwarded to the family of
Jithe deceased.
- (Signed)
"E. L. EGOEF."
| }l)og Tax Collected For
3 Year Totaled $7,296.50
J J Dog taxes collected during 1918
Mcounty according \o Collector Henry
j=W. Gough. Of this amount $875
-were used to pay for killing un
licensed dogs, and $77.90 to pay for
to cattle caused bv dogs
Cl'he balance, $5,916.10 will "be dis
tributed among the various school
in the county.
& Tax collectors last year returu
led or accounted for all hut S2B -
J408.28 of the $404,089.18 which had
.been assessed against properties.
Cash returned to the treasury totaled
>5341,882.09; exonerations, $2,520.07
Jl-.and abatements and commissioners
the total to $375,680.90.
< i Major L. V. Rausch, well known
" liarrisburger and keeper of the Penn-
SgPylvanla State Arsenal when in civil
ian life. i 3 recovering from on" at
tack of apcudlcltis in tne base hos
ppital at Cump Shelby, Miss, lie was
,(itperuted on January 27. Major
fauscii is u prominent member of
le Rotary and Klwanis Clubs and
' the Masonic fraternity.
Chairman Richard \V. Prow
ell Backs Bill Which Ap
pears in the House
! Fishermen's license, which created
j considerable stir in the closing days
of the legislature of 1917. bids fair
j to occupy a prelty fair place in the
I deliberations ofYhe House commit-
I tee on fish and fisheries this scs
jsion, as a bill establishing a dollar
license for ail fishermen has made
its appearance in the House with
; the influential backing of Chairman
i Rlchayd W. Powell, of the Fish com
mittee. Sir. Powell halls from Lu
zerne county and took an active
part in the work of that committee
at the last session. The aim of the
bill is to provide a definite revenue
for the operation of the Department
of Fisheries, just as the hunters' li
cense furnishes the funds for the
maintenance of the Stdte Game Com
mission offices and its force as well
as its preserves and the bounty sys
tem. The bill aroused considerable
opposition and much talk at the
last session and was sharply attack
"This bill which 1 have introduced
is virtually a duplicate o9 that in
the session of 1917," said Mr. Pow
ell. "The object is a dollar liqense.
the proceeds to be devoted sblely
to the work of the State Depart
ment of Fisheries. If that depart
ment is to be run on a broad basis,
such as the fishermen of the State
demand it, it must have money.
There are many calls for State
money and we have been going
through unusual conditions which
require large appropriations. The
people at the head of the Depart
ment of Fisheries say more money
is needed. I believe that the opin
ion of many people in regard to a
fishermen's license has changed
since the last session, just as opinion
has changed in regard to hunters
license, which many recall, was vig
orously fought. The bill is in. Now
it can be discussed."
It is estimated that the measure,
if it becomes a law. will bring in
about $600,000. There are almost
700,000 people who like to fish,
many of whom it is calculated,
would pay a dollar for the sport if
they got' returns in the shape of
more fish and better stocking of
The fish license bill got 66 votes
in its favor in the House last ses
sion and its advocates will be get
ting busy.
[Continued from First Pago.]
frontier. Naturally, however, we
do not desire a spread of Bolshevism
over Germany and other countries. J
"As for point No. 7, we are pre- j
pared to pay for all damage done to
the Belgian civil population and
their property as far as will be
proved to have been perpetrated by
•German aggression.'
Fears New Wrong in Alsace
"The same applies to point number
eight, relative to damage done
civilians and their property in North
ern France. As for Alsace-Lorraine,
we could not consider it 'righting a
wrong' if through the peace settle
ment a new wrong should be per
mitted. That, however, would be the
case if Germans were compelled to
become French against their will
Likewise," it must be emphasized in
connection witli point number nine,
that justice would forbid forcing
Germans to become Italian subjects
without their free consent.
"Point number ten, treating on the
question of Austria-Hungary. has
been subsequently enlarged by the
American government, in the sense
that the Slav nationalities of the
former dual monarchy must he
granted, not only autonomy, but ab
solute self-determinatiou. Justice will
demand that the same privilege he
accorded to Austrian-Germans. Tn
the same manner, we consider points
11 and 12 merely the demand of jus
tice that various peoples of the Bal
kan peninsula and the Ottoman em
pire should be given their rights
without distinction and the freest
opportunity for self-determination.
"As regards point 13, justice com
pels us to consent that present Ger
man territories .'inhabited by indis
putably Polish populations' should
form a part of new Poland, but jus
tice likewise compels us not to toler
ate that territories he placed under
foreign sovereignty which are inhab
ited by indisputably German popu
lation. Moreover, we would consider 1
it a wrong of the gravest character,
if. to satisfy Polish ambition. East
Prussia should be cut off front the
rest of the empire.
Self "Determination tlie Basis
"Concerning all territorial changes
to be considered by the Peace Con
ference. we absolutely rely on point
number two of Mr. Wilson's address
at AJount Vernon, in which he em
phasized the fact that settlement of
all such questions must be made
'upon a basis of free acceptance of
settlement by the peoples imme
diately concerned.' Indeed, a peace
of right and justice presupposes that,
under guarantee of the league of na
tions, the principle of national self
determination will be made superior
to all territorial questions.
As to Guilt For War
"As to tlie question of guilt for tlic
war, the German government tins
proposed that tills question should
be submitted to a neutral commis
sion. This seems to be the only Just
solution. The German people, in tlie
vast majority, do not feel guilty, al
though they do not deny that mis
takes were made."
Captain Thomas Matlack
Visited at Duncannon
Diincaimon, Pa., Feb. I.—John
Haas, of Altoona, was a recent guest
of his brother, Elias Haas. —Cap-
tain Thomas Matlack, stationed at
Camp Gordon, Ga„ was a week-end
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sieg.
—Russell B. Noss. a student at
Franklin and Marshall College,
I spent over Sunday at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George B.
Noss.—Private Charles Toland ar
rived in New York from overseas
last week and spent Sunday with
Ilia parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Toland. —Theodore Poeth, 34 years
old, died at his home Tuesday even
ing following a few days' illness of
Pndiicuh. Ky„ Feb. 1. Home
guards were called out here last
night to protect Gus Nolan, a negro
charged with attempting an attack
upon a young white woman.
Tlie call for troops by the authori
ties was merely precautionary. The
city is quiet.
State Chanties Board ' v
Reorganized by Governor;
3 Members Reappointed
Governor Wiilirfm C. Sproul last
night reorganized the State Board
of 'Public Charities, reappointing
three of the memb-s and appoint
ing three new members. There are
four hold-over mergers. The new
board will meet shortly and elect
its staff. Under the policy of the
Coventor the Board is to have its
original powers restored and its
recommendations for appropriations
for hospitals and homes on a defi
nite bas's of service rendered will
have more weight than ever before.
These recommendations are now be
ing made up following investiga
Judge Isaac Johnson, of Media,
chairman "of the committee on lun
acy and a veteran member of the
hoard; Lewis Vfoff, Elkins Park,
and Br. Daniel J. McCarthy, of
Philadelphia, were reappointed. The
two latter were named in' the last
fottr years.
Howard B. French, prominent
Phlladelphian not reappointed by
Dr. Brumbaugh who wanted to
make room lor William H. Ball,
his private secretary, was reappoint
ed to succeed Mr. Ball whose nom
ination was withdrawn from the
Senate by the governor on January
21. William Price, president of the
Diamond National Bank of Pitts
burgh and prominent in philan
thropic work in Allegheny county,
was selected to succeed the late
Francis J. Torrance, of Pittsburgh,
long president of the board and a.
member for twenty-four years. Dr.
Peter F. Moylan, Philadelphia, was
appointed in place of Mrs. Elizabeth j
D. Thaw, of Sewickley, appointed by
Dr. Brumbaugh.
Governor Sproul said that he in
tended to ask Mrs. Thaw to con
tinue her activities as a member of
the new Committee of Public Wel
fare. She has been active in wom
en's work during the war.
Judge Johnson will be the new j
president of the board.
Standing of the Crews
; Philadelphia Division The 130
icrew first to go after 1 o'clock: 101,
133, 121, 122, 119.
Firemen for 130, 105.
Flagman for 122.
Brakemen for 122. 11S.
Engineers up: Matzinger. Roath,
Giger, Grace, Roos, Stitteler, Mc-
Cracken, Rennard, Gunderman, Hall,
j Shoaff, Wlker.
Firemen up: Plank, Kuntz. Mof-
I fett, Sensenig. Webb, Abel. Flicking
i er. Leach, Carroll, Ressler,. Sheets,
j Mayer, Dennison, Bahner, Cushing.
| Yloyd, Hess. Rhoads, Sarge, Kintz,
Brakemen up: Rineer, Straw, Dun
' gan, Yohe. Dailey, Arndt. Murphy,
j Christ, Houck, Cole. Dorsett, Poff,
| Scharr, Miller.
Middle Division —The 35 crew first
jto go after-1.30 o'clock: 28. 20. 244,
Engineers for 35, 20.
Firemen for 35, 20.
Flagman for 35.
Brakemen for 35. 20.
Engineers up: McAlecher, Heisey,
Gipple, Fisher, Cope, F. K. Smith,
Kauffman, Loper.
Firemen up: Pennison, Shelen
berger, Huggins, Sheaffer, Jones,
Swiler, McMurtrie, "Wilson.
Conductor up: Bennett.
Brakemen up:' Beers, Leonard,
Lauver, Pare.
Yard Hoard —Engineer for 23C.
Firemen for I3C, 10C, 12C.
Engineers up: Boyer, Hamilton,
,T. R. Miller, R. B. Miller, Riffert, Mc-
Cartney, Waltz, Hall, Pesch, Graham.
Fry, Pougherty, E. F. Eyde, Richter,
Keiser, Fleisher, Ewing, Snell.
Firemen up: Ettinger, Soles, We
vodan. Manning, Ellenberger. Hamp
ton. Lynn, Bolan, Neith, Shoeman,
power. Sheets, Graham, Barnliart,
Miller, Boyer, Snyder, Cunningham.
Philadelphia Division The 212
crew first to go after 1.45 o'clock:
234, 248. 207, 203, 238. 237, 245, 217.
Engineers for 207, 238, 234.
Firemen for 207, 203, 3^B.
Conductor for 237.
Flagmen for 2R\ 234. 237.
Brakemen for 216, 212, 234, 207 (2),
203, 238, 245, 217.
Brakemen up: Shuffler, Skiles,
.Middle Division- The 111 crew first
to go after 1 o'clock: 114, 108, 226.
The 1 crew first to go after 1
o'clock:* 11, 63. 53, 5, 22. 72, 59. 58.
52, 14, 62, 71. 15, 4. 24, 57, 3. 64, 68.
Engineers for 53, 53, 63, 64, 72, 3. 14,
Firemen for 52, 53, 54, 57, 53, 63.
1, 3, 4. 22, 24.
Conductors for 53, 62, 5.
Flagman for 62.
Brakemen for 52, 53, 57, 53, 62, 63,
1, 3, 4. 5, 11, 4, 15. 24.
Engineers up: Herr, Deardorf,
Ruth, Zimmerman, Powhower, Kohl,
Felix, Bordner.
Firemen up: Herbein, Berry, Par
mer, Voglesong, Schwartz, Mereney.
Connelly. Shellhammer, Amey, Welse,
Seasholtz. Stauffer, Schreffler, Pear
dorff, Stone.
Conductors up: Orris, Shover, Het
rick, Esjileinan, Yocum.
Flagmen up: Wickenhelser, Spang
Brakemen pp: Heagy, Ryan, Pal
ley. Bufort.
Engineer for 108.
Conductor for 108.
Flagman for 114.
Brakemen for 111, 114, 108.
Yard Board —Engineers for Ist 126,
4th 126, 3rd 123, 4th 129, change crew,
2nd 102. 112.
Firemen for Ist 126, 3r d 126, 135.
change'crew, 2nd 102, Ist 104.
Engineers up: Hanlen, Wallace.
Kawetl, Barnhart, Eichelberger, E. F.
Brown. *
Firmeii up: Knoehstedt, Krelt
zer, Shoffner. McCurdy, Stoll, Light
ner, Frank. Henderson, Shover, Eich
elberger, Rickert, Ready.
Philadelphia Division Engineers
up: M. Pleam, V. C. Gibbons, J. C.
Davis, B. L. Smith, R. B. Welsh, fi. A,
Firemen up: W. Shive, X F. all
iums, J. M. Piatt, B. P. Huston.
Fireman for 678.
Middle Division— Engineers up: C.
D. Hollenbaugh, P. Keane, S. DonneL
ly, W. C. Black. W. B. Glaser, G. (£
Keiser, H. F. Krepps, R. M. Crane,
F. F. Schreok, W. P. McPougal, W. C.
Engineers up F. W. Pensyl, F. E.
McCue, I*. R. Colyev, C. Linsenbach,
16. M. Graham. R. Parks, G. H~ Tlp
pery, G. Howard, J. A. Swab, C. W.
Kepner, P. W. Beck, M. E. Horning,
C. 1„ Sheate. L. M. Orr, H. S. Olewlne,
W. P. Primm. J. K. Putt. E. R. Pierce.
Engineers for l'A-49, 31, 45 35.
Firemen for Pl2l, 19, 35.
Military Training to Go With
Physical Culture if J
The bill prepared by' the State
Board of Education tor a system of
physical training in the public
schools of Pennsylvania has been
made ready for presentation in the
legislature during the coming week
and it is the idea to have the act
take effect immediately upon its ap
proval, except in third and fourth
class districts.
The bill was drawn after an ex
tensive study of the subject in the
State conducted by Dr. J. George
Becht, the secretary of the Board,
tTOring last year and some studies
made by him in foreign countries.
By the provisions of the bill the
course "shall be adapted to the ages
and capabilities of the pupils in the
several grades and departments, and
shall include exefcises, calisthenics,
formation drills, instruction in per
sonal and community health and
safety and in correcting and pre
venting bodily deficiency." Instruc
tion in citizenship as they relate to
community and national welfare is
also mentioned, while for female
pupils there is prescribed instruc
tion in domestic hygiene, first aid
and nursing. The State Board is to
make the regulations and adminis
ter the act under a bureau of phy
sical education to be cyeated by the
State. Board. A State supervisor
will be named. An annual report
is required on the first Monday of
In addition it is provided "If the
Board of Education of any school
district shall determine that the
course in physical training as pre
scribed for male pupils shall include
military training such a course shall
be prepared under the direction of
the State Board of Education, and
i the Adjutant General and shall be
la part bf.the course of physical
I training for male pupils. All male
I pupils of the high school shall be
required to take this course, exqept
| ing in the case of boys physically
, unfit, as determined by the medical
I inspector or whose parents may have
I conscientious scruples against mili
' tary training."
The system will start in third class
; districts in 1920, and in fourth in
the following year.
[Continued from First Pago.]
| and fourth is the One Hundred
J Sixty-tifth Infantry of the Forty -
(second, with 879.
The I,o*r* Tabulated
j The figures for each of the thirty
j combat divisions included show the
! following-totals of major casualties:
I First (Regulars) '... 5,248
Second (Regulars) 2,963
Third (Regulars) 3.617
Fourth (Regulars) 2,9§6
Fifth (Regulars) 2,501
Sixth (Regulars) 122
Seventh (Regulars) 326
Twenty-sixth (New England
National Guard) 2.864
; Twenty-seventh (New York
| National Guard) .: 2,194
- Twenty-eighth ( Penney Ivania
( National Guard) 3.590
i Twenty-ninth (New Jersey, Vir
ginia, Maryland, Delaware
and District of Columbia Na
tional Guard) 1.117
(Thirtieth (Tennessee. North Car
| olina and South Carolina
I National Guard) 1,772
! Thirty-second (Michigan and
1 Wisconsin National Guard).. 3,213
1 Thirty-third (Minnesota, lowa,
j Nebraska. North Dakota and
I South Dakota National Guard) 1,171
I Thirty-fifth (Missouri and,
| Kansas National Guard) .. . 1,733
Thirty-sixth (Texas and Okla
j honia National Guard) 869
I Thirty-seventh (Ohio and West
Virginia National Guard) .. 1,250
Forty-second (Rainbow) 2,95') j
Seventy-seventh (New York
Metropolitan National Army) 2,692 j
SevWnty-elghth (New York and
Northern Pennsylvania • Na
tional Army) 1,825
Seventy-ninth (Southern I'enn
! svlvnnin National \rmvi ... 'JJtSfI
j Eightieth (New Jersey, Vi 'g'nio,
j Maryland, Delaware and Dis
j trict of Columbia National
•Vrmy) 1,355
Eightv-flrst (ennessee. North
I Carolina and South Carolina
National A-rnv) ... . 370
Eighty-second (Georgia, Ala
bama and Florida National
I Army) ... 1,592 '
Eighty-eighth (Minnesota. lowa,
Nebraska, North Dakota and
South Dakota National Army) 86
Eighty-ninth (Kansas, Missouri
and Colorado National Army) 1,525
Ninetieth (exas, Arizona, New
i Mexico and Oklahoma Nalion
-1 al Army) 7,585
'Ninety-first (Washington, Ore
i gon, Californ'a, Nevada.
! ITtah, Idaho. Montana and
I Ninety-rWjnd (National Army
! negroes\ 211
j Ninety-third (National Army
negroes) 48 s
The figures given include only to
| tals of the casualties which put a sol
i Uler permanently out of action and
|do not include wounded figures, as
| the lists of those slightly wounded
! 11ill are incomplete.
Blain Men Kill
Two Large Gray Foxes
j main. Pa., Feb. 1. Harvey
| Brltcher and Rudy Britcher, of Ba
, Mile, killed two gray foxes and a
• skunk on Monday.—Word reached
I here that Emory Durbin Ott, son
jof the Rev. L. Dow Ott, of Jersey
Shore, formerly a pastor of the
| Methodist Episcopal Church here ■
was slightly wounded last October
In Franco by an explosion of a hand
grenade.—The third number of the
Lyceum course will be given in the
Town Hall on February 13, by the
"Theobaldl Company."
Millersburg Boy Has
Arm Amputated by Huns
MJUersburg, Pa„ Feb. I.—Mrs.
Charles Russell, living at Enola, re
ceived a letter from her* brother.
Sergeant Clarence F. Orndorff. in
France, stating- that he was jwound- '
ed in the left arm which was am
putated In Germany and the Ger
mans made a poor job of it, but is
i Improving how. and expects to be
i home soon. He told how cruelly
: the German women had treated him.
He was almost blinded and starved,
j The Red Cross is gibing him the
! best of treatment now.
Declares the Brunner Scheme
Will Make a Wonder
ful State Park
"Pennsylvania has a splendid
Uapitol and your plan of surrounding
it with a Capitol park that will be a
civic center of the commonwealth is
a wonderful idea," said Governor Alc-j
Kelvey, of Xebrusko, who enmo here
to-dy to inquire as to the methods
used by the Keystone State >n con
structing a State House.
Xebraska has named a building
commission headed by the governor
and he inquired here to-day regard
ing what this state did, also visiting
the Department of Public Grounds
and Buildings to ask about the supply
system and the state police offices to
get the details of the police force.
After a call upon Governor Sproul,
who outlined the general system of
the state government and the police
force, the governor went to the office
of Superintendent George A. Shreiner;
of Public Grounds and Buildings,
where he was given information and \
then shown the Capitol park exten-!
sion plans.
Nebraska plans to spend $5,000,-
000 on its Capitol and the governor
who is one of the youngest execu
tives ifi the United States is to be
the chairman. He was impressed
with the state's expenditures and the
extent of the building and of the
Brunner plans.
FOR Y. M. C. A.
[Continued Tront Mrst Page.]
Campaign opens Monday night
with dinner far team workers.
Continues until Friday night.
Winds up with home ta'.ent en
tertainment. Ail members and
friends, ino'uding women, ad
Team woikera and captains re
port every night at supper jn the
Y. M. C. A. building.
team workers nad captains will make
daily" reports.
The goal of the drive is 1,500 mem
bers. On February 1 the member
ships of approximately TOO men will
expire and the Veinaining total will
be about 000. This does not mean a
slump in membership, it is explained
but simply that the memberships will
expire and that an effort will be made
to have them renewed and to secure
more new members.
Friday night the campaign will
close with a home talent show, in
which members of the association
wild play a prominent part.
Provisions are now being made at
the "Y" for the new members it is
expected will be brought in through
the campaign. Two hundred steel
lookers hav e been purcnased for the
gymnasium and other improvements
are being made to use every avail
able inch for the members.
The personnel of the teams, as an
nounced by Robert B. Reeves, gen
eral secretary, is:
Team No. I—C. W. Burtnett. cap
tain: J. William Bowman, John C.
Herman. Harry Xeal. John C. Orr.
Harry Delmotte, C. H. Hoffman, A. D.
Team No. 2—Al. K. Thomas, cap
tain: Walter Dietrich, Charles Rees
er, WiMiam C. Alexander, Richard 1,.
Team No. 3—A. Ramsey Black, cap
tain: W. Frank Witman, J,. Vernon
Fritz, Jesse D. Wells, Jr.. Jacob
Baum, G. W. Bogar, William C. Wan
baugh, Cloyd Holland, S. Edwin
Moore, John W. Appleby.
Team No. 4—1.. A. Irw'in, captain;
Anton Benson, L. V. Harvey. James
Reid, F. F. Unger. G. R. Hurd, John
H. Hall, J. Floyd Whalen, Austin
Tpam No. 5 —J. Harry Messersmiih,
captain; George K. Whitney, S. s.
Rutherford, Dr. M. V. Hazen, Franl:
J. Consylman, W. .1. Fisher. Samuel
K. Franklin, H. F. Klchl. Ronald
Ross, Ira C. Kindler.
Team No. 6—John F. O'Neill, cap
tain: lk>e Moss, Charles 8011, William
11. German. Robert CahiU, Fred E.
, Team No. 7—Frank F. Davtnport,
captain; P. G. Diener. Ross H. Swope,
J. Harris Bell Dr. F. B. Kann, George
E. Zellers, G. W. Preston, C. M. Mc-
Naughton, H. G. Pedlow, H. M. But
Team No. S—Benjamin F. Bagker,
captain; Eli N. Htrshey, F. W. Co
vert., C. B. Price, Dr. E. B. Lawrence,
Charles Aronson, George G. Carl E
B. Mitchell, G P. Tiilotson.
Team No. 9—Frank G. Roth, cap
tain; H. R. Leonard, Jr.. L. L. Ferreo,
Karper W. Spoug. Frank C. Foose, f!
Hammerer, Carl V.'. Davis, Charles A.
Traver, Robert 11. Lyon, Harvey O.
Team No. 10—Charles E. Beck, cap
tain; Harcld F. Cobaugh, Warren K.
Harlacher,' Sidney B. Wight. Henry
Bruce. H. E. Kochenour, Samue'
Kainsky, Ralph Moycr, C. T. Wil
liams, Harry C. Webb.
Boy* Department
Team No. 11—William Fortna, cap
tain: John Beck, Harold Croll, Rob
ert Leiby, Robert Marcus, Ira Clous
cr. Joseph Gordon, George Beard,
Jamea Craiglow, Paul Henning.
Team No. 12.—Wm. Hoerner. cap
lain; Julius Kamsky. John Roth, Gil
bert Mattson, Frank McCleaster,
ißlair Hefkin, Albert Tossas, J. C. San
ders, Leonard Hebner, Johm-Koch.
Local Chapter, Order of
Eastern Star, Banquets
Bethlehem Star Chapter No. 245,
Order of the Eastern Star, held its
first annual banquet in the Masonic
Temple last evening. The guest of
honor was Worthy Grand Matron
Mary A. Todd.
Eighty guests were present and
woret seated at tattles, formed as
live-pointed stars. The colors of the
order made up the decorative
scheme. Marshall IT. Dean was the
toastmaster. Speeches and music
had jmportanFparts on the program.
Polling place which will be chang
ed „for registration February 5, and
the special election February 25
follow: Fifth ward. Second pre
cinct, from 1002 to 1000 North Third
street; Ninth ward. Sixth precinct,
1408 to 1444 Regina street: Sixth
ward. Second precinct, 1405 North
Third to 339 Reily street.
One Boy Says Twenty-Eighth
Division Was Under
Fire 120 Days
Formei* West Pointer Among
Carlisle Boys Who Dis
tinguish Themselves
Carlisle, Pa., Feb. I.—Men from
Cumberland county won special rec
ognition for services in France ac
cording to letters from the front giv
ing details which have just reach
ed relatives here. An interesting
feature of a letter from Sergeant J.
Austin Lindner, a son of John Lind
ner, a prominent shoe manufacturer
of the town, is the fact that the 28th
or Keystone Division was under shell
fire for 120 days in all. .The regi
ment landed in France on May 16th,
moved to the Chateau Thierry sec
tion early in July and went into ac
tion against the Boche on July 4th.
From that time on to the signing of
the armistice they were in action.
Sergeant Lindner writes, the only
rest being in the charges from one
sector to another. They were in
the fighting on the Ourcq, the Vesle,
in the Argonne Forest, and on the
Tliiaucourt sector and were under
orders to attack in this sector when
hostilities were suspended. Of the
120 days under fire 104 were in the
lines. —Sergeant Jtaytnond Whit
comb, of Boiling Springs, well known
as a baseball player and athlete
who served with a company of
Engineers attached to the Second
Division has been recommended for
the Distinguished Service Cross, ac
cording to a letter to friends and
his entire command has received a
citation for services in battle.—A
high honor was paid to Lieutenant-
Colonel William W. Rose, C. A. C.,
the son of W. J. Rose, division
freight agent of the Pennsylvania
Railroad at Harrisburg, who resides
in Carlisle, writing to his uncle, J.
Irvln Mahon, of Carlisle, he tells of
the honor and encloses a copy of the
official order. Colonel Rose is a
West Point man and served in the
Philippines. He was attached to the
Railway Artillery service. 'The tri
bute to his services conies from
Brigadier General Chamberlain,
commanding this organization. Es
pecially were Colonel Rose's activi
ties in the Argonne-Meuse sector
commended by his commanding offi
Elizabethtown Crescent
Club Elects Officers
Kli/.nhctlitown. Pa., Feb. 1. —At a
meeting of the Crescent Club on
Monday evening at S o'clock the fol
lowing officers were elected for the
ensuing year: President, 11. W. Wag
ner; secretary. E. R. Ebersole;
treasurer, C. B. Die Wolf; trustee,
George Hocker. —Miss Ruth Zarfoss,
of Columbia, was the guest of rela
tives and friends in the borough.—
Mrs. Amanda Gish is visiting rela
tives at Harrisburg. Clarence
Kraybill was a Monday visitor to
],ancaster. —Prof. H. K. Ober. of
the college faculty, is on a business
trip to Cincinnati. O.
[Continued from First Page.]
Serbia,-.which was largely concern
ed in it. He invoked the principle
of nationality, which President Wil
son has enunciated, in support of the
claim of the Serbians to the region,
where he asserted the Serbs largely
exceeded the Rumanians.
Although the hearing showed a
sharp difference in views, there is
reason to believe that mutual con
cessions will lead io an agreement
between Serbia and Rumania, or, if
not, that a commission will he ap
pointed to deal with the subject.
.lugo-Slav Claims Soon
The bearing given lo the Serbs yes
terday is expected to be followed
by tlie early presentation of the
jiigo-Slav claims to the eastern Ad
riatic, which Involve, delicate ques
tions and render probable a formid
able issue with Italy over the Adri
atic coast.
In anticipation of this question
Prince Regent Alexander, of Serbia,
will arrive here to-day for the spe
cial purpose of personally laying
Serbia's case before President Wil
son. Meantime reports from tlieVe
gion in controversy show increas
ing tensionthere.
One dispatch from Laibacli says
the Italian Hoops have withdrawn
from Fiume, the central point of the
controversy, and that an inter-allied
commission has tagen charge of the
city. Another dispatch, from Agram,
announces that Serbian battalions
have entered Fiume and that the
Italians have retired to a point near
Volosca. These dispatches are un
official. but they are taken as indi
cations of the growing acuteness of
this issue on the Adriatic coast.
[Continued from First Page J
on board the Narragansett are not
in danger.
Reports received -at American
army headquarters here this morn
ing say the Narragansett is aground
two miles below Southampton and
is in no danger. It is said she will
floated without difficulty.
The American transport was loan
ed the British to bring across the
Channel troops who have been given
leave. There are almost* two thou
sand on board, including sixty
Deal, Eng., Feb. I.—The Ameri
can steamer Piave. which went
ashore near here Wednesday night,
parted amidships last night during
a fierce storm accompanied by a
blinding snow, and is a total loss. It
is feared that several lives were lost.
Two boats capsized while being low
ered. but their occupants were res
cued by a lifeboat. Thirty of the
crew have been landed at Deal. They
express the belief that a majority
of the others of the crew wefe res
cued by tugs and patrol boats in the
vicinity. They assert that there Is a
of the seventeen
American officers aboard having been
saved. 4 '
In addition to the thirty men from
the American, steamer Piuve who
were landed Irbre after their ship
broke in two last night, twenty-nine
have been landed at Dover. A tele
gram from Dover said the captain
and the remainder of the crew have
1 landed at Ramsgate.
' FEBRUARY I', 1919. "*
Miss Frances Hall Smith Will
Direct Girls of the
Mexico City, Mex., Persons
Visit Relatives and
Mcclinnicsburg, Feb. 1. —On Sat
urday evening, February 8, a con
cert will be giveh by the Glee Club,
of Irving College, under the direc
tion of Mrs. Mabel Frances Hall
Smith, assisted by Miss Mildred L.
I.ittle, reader, in Columbian Hall,
I for the benefit of the Red Cross.—
i Memorial services in honor of mem
j bers of the company who have died
| during the past year, will be held
i to-morrow afternoon, by tbe Rescue
.Jlook and Ladder Company. An ad
dress will be made by the Rev. Dr.
T. J. Fergusdn, pastor of Silver
Spring Presbyterian Church, —A. H.
Mohler, and daughter, Miss Thelma,
of Mexico City, Me*:, are visiting at
the home of > the former's brother.
M. Grant Mohler, Sunnyside. Miss
Thelma is spepding part of the time
in Harrisburg with her aunt, Mrs.
I A. L. Hollar.-—Mrs. H. C. McCartney
and Mrs. S. M. Goodyear of Carlisle,
spent Wednesday with friends here.
—Mrs. Lewis Lesher, of Carlisle, was
the Wednesday guest of Mrs. T. J.
| Scholl, South Market street. —Spec-
! ial services were held this week in
| the Church of God, conducted by
j the pastor, the Rev. J. Russell
I Bucher, assisted by the Rev. F. M.
■ Thomas, of Washington.—Mrs. An
lfie Lehman, of Boiling Springs, was
! the guest of her sister. Miss Marga-
J ret Totton, East Main street. —Miss
j Anna W. Longsdorf, a school teach
i or, is recovering front illness at her
] home in East Main street.—Miss
I Leah Reinoehl, of Lancaster, visited
I friends in this place on Sunday.—
Mrs. I. Mervin Fought, who was ill
' with influenza at her home in South
I Market street, is able to be around
j the hefuse.—Mrs. T. D. Huntmel
! baugh and daughter, Isabel, have
I been ill at their home in West Simp-
I son street. —Miss Olive Taylor was a
| Carlisle visitor on Monday.—Miss
] Ruth Hefllefinger, teller of the Sec
! end National Bank, is recovering
from influenza at her home in West
I Keller street.—Mrs. A. J. Snyder, of
jllarrisburg, spent Monday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Gard
. ner, South Market street.
Receives Copy of Hun
Propaganda Distributed
Qver Americans' Lines
Marietta. Pa., Feb. 1. Thomas
Herchelroth, of East Marietta, to
day received from his friend, Pri
vate George Gress, serving in the
United States Army, in France, a
copy of what the Germans were dis
tributing from airships over their
lines before the armistice was sign
ed. His friend says he picked it up
on tlie battlefield on the Hazivant
Farm,■ A'engneulle, France, and held
it until he was sure the censor would
pass it. It may be the only one in
America. The headline—Peace in
Sight—was displayed in bold type.
It reads: "Austria-Hungary lias pro
posed to enter into negotiations of
peace. Germany, Bulgaria. Turkey
have no objection to it. Peace is
close at hand. Peace before winter.
Peace, the yearning of all nations.
It now depends upon the Allied
governments to speak out. Or,
should' they prefer to turn a deaf
ear to the appeals of their subjects,
it is up to the people themselves.
Is now the time to start negotiations
for peace? We beiieve so. Upon
the German spring and summer suc
cesses there followed the successes
of the Allies. But it has not come
to a decision. The German army is
in readiness in its former strongly
fortified positions. Both sides are
prepared for fresh fighting. But
what can they achieve at tlie very
beat? Drive back the enemy slowly
and lay waste more French soil.
And all this at tlie price of this
monstrous bloodshed. Therefore,
tlie time has come to enter into
negotiations of peace and to pre
pare a peace of understanding. It
is up to the Allied governments and
nations to say their mind." Private
Gress is a native of Columbia, and
enlisted at the outbieak of'the war
in Company 3. and was later trans
ferred to another command.
New Market Boy Faces
Death in Many Battles
New Market. Pa., Fell. 1. —Mrs.
James Bates, of New Market, lias
just received several letters from
her son, Sefgeant George S. Bates,
who has been overseas for ten
months. He has faced death many
times. Here is part of letter which
he wrote to his mother January 11:
"Mother, I am going to tell you
something that I never told you tie
fore. I was in three of the largest
battles of the war, Chateau Thierry,
A'erdun and St. Mihiei. \ have
learned many things since'l joined
the army November 3. 1917. One
thing is. you have to fight shoulder
to shoulder if you want to accom
plish anything. I was up on the
front lines at Chateau Thierry and
A'erdun with the Third Division and
they were sopie fighters as they nev
er once yielded an inch of ground
to the Huns. I saw shells bursting
close to where I was and waiting
for one to be my finish. I faced
death many a time as did the other
boys of the Third Division. I have
seen all I wanted to and I am cer
tainly glad that the war is over. I
was pretty lucky to escape without
a scratch. 1 never told you this he
fore as I was afraid it would tnake
you worry and yon had enough of
worry. A'ou did your share whefT
you gave your two sons to Uncle
Sam and that is more than many a
mother did. I will be coming home
some of these days so cheer up,
mother, and we will wait the time
when we can meet again under the
old home roof." Another 4bn Pri
vate Charles D. Bates, is also in
France but expects to sail for home
Day and Night School
Harrisburg's Greatest Commercial School
Entertainment For Benefit of
library Is Largely
Local Hero Returns After
Much Fighting
Mt. Wolf, r a „ Feb , _
Thumb Wedding'' wn. „
v • , " K presented in
he Knights of Golden Eagle ha
" sr* by "" .hi
two lower grade schools, for the
benefit of the library fund The -
tertainment was large,^
fell. msr WeH nlled - The little
?ern%3 mt a e t t re emSelVeß in CXCel '
75 children UPWard of
and ten years mth ® * Ees of six
ters—a a f the cnst of'charac
Uyered bvth * Crmon wa * d -
the United Sutesarmv .? t1° rps ° r
meeting held "a? YoT-Mr
Rsr ' " 1{ ; of his father. Jacob
' • • s the week at Balti-
John' KK" S the f °rmer's brother
Kinnorf i F " aiUl Alrs - J °h"
rt s, the latter w ho was for-
Blanche Shearer, this
week started housekeeping in the
Mr o Kinn aP f r,ments ' at York - where
Mr. Kinports is employed. —John AY
dawfthi ° Baltimore, spent several
days this week with his cousin. Mrs
memh , Du f ri ng.— A number of
members of the Mt Wolf Auxiliary
L!, r . P Can Red CroSB met ii,
to in headyuartfllrs on Wednesday
to complete the January allotment
iifi ,? n F* Hazel, the seven-vear
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
llam Bloss, Is recovering from an
attack of pneumonia.—The Misses
Josephine and Margaret Eich of
Lancaster, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Molir, of Holland, were recent guests
entertained at the home of Post
master and Mrs. C. M. Hummer.—
Six candidates for membership have
been received by Mt. Wolf castle.
I s ?• K - G - K - These will be
initiated on next Monday evening
The choir of St. John's Lutheran
Church, is planning an oyster sup
ber to be given in the near future
for the benefit of the chorus. A
committee composed of the Misses
Ethel Arnold, Laura Kunkel and
Mrs. John Kinports has been named
to arrange for the affair and to set
a date.—Mr. and Mr. Adam Brenner
returned from Martinsburg, AV. \ r a..
where they attended the funeral of
the former's mother.—Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin Rodes and soil, Ernest, were
recent guests of friends at Steeltvn.
—Miss Neita Arnold spent the past
week at Lancaster, where she visit
ed her brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Lease.—Mrs.
Charles Diehl, who has been ill the
past week or ntore, is slowly con
valescing.—Harry Bare has return
ed to Lock Haven, after spending a
vacation here with his father, 8. K.
Bare. —A number of members of the
Luther league society of St. John's
Lutheran congregation, went to
York, on Thursday night, to attend
a tnusicale given under the auspices
of the county Luther league society.
—Company K, One Hundred and
Twelfth Infantry, Twenty-eighth
Division, which participated in some
of the hardest fighting of the
World's greatest war, suffered many
casualties, and the division was re
plenished with replacements on
three occasions, according to Pri
vate Arthur Miller, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Miles Miller, who is home from
tlie battle arena, and who was
wounded in action. Company K
was made up almost entirely of
York county boys, many of them
being from the upper end of the
county. Private Miller arrived at
Newport News, A'a., on. January 10,
from which place he was transfer
red to a base hospital at Camp
Meade, Md. He arrived at his homo
here for a five days' furlough on
Tuesday night. 'The local hero is
*the first Jit. AVolf boy to arrive home
from overseas. He was retired from
front line duty on October 7, when
he was wounded in the right foot
by a German machine gun bullet,
lie continues to suffer from tlie
wound and his foot is badly swollen.
He has had a long experience at the
front, serving in the trenches from
July 4, when the great American
offensive was started, until October
7, when he was wounded at Verdun.
Ray Knighton, the Shove boys. Pri
vates Buckineyer and Gordon, all
Yorjc county boys, were among those
Private Miller saw fall and make
the supreme sacrifice.
We solicit your weighing !
Expert Knowledge
Without Obligation
Henry Gilbert & Son.
400 S. 2nd St. Harrisburg