Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 31, 1919, Page 7, Image 6
E. Z. GROSS, OUT FOR MAYORALTY, HITS AT KEISTER Attack by City Cduimissioner j Is I'nwarrantcd. Savs . . fc Chief Executive Mayor Keister yesterday re fused to discuss the political aspect of the attack or E. Z. Gross. City | 'Commissioner, who Wednesday night slammed the police department for; what he alleged to be the failure! to round up persons who turn in j fa'se alarms. Gross is quoted as saying that the j police department "let the take its own course, as it does with j the other things brought to its at- I tention." Mayor Keister said that the state ment is unwarranted, and that the farts in the case show Gross to Jiave ] spoken without knowing what he j was talking about. He said the po- j lice records would show that arrests] have been made on the charge of! 1 turning in false alarms. The. records ] show that the last arrest was niade I October 9. . The Mayor said a few J •minutes after that arrest was made.! l another false alarm was turned in j 1 and that his police have been on the j 1 watch ever since to apprehend such ] disorderly characters. He admitted ; no one has been arrested on the j charge since, atid added that it is p very hard to apprehend such of- . fepders. |. The rumor is current among the t policemen at the Mayor's office, and ] ] on the streets, the Mayor's friends , say, that Gross wants to discredit ( the Mayor so as to give his own campaign for the Mayoralty a beU 1 ter impetus. The Mayor refused to comment upon this aspect of tAe I case, merely reiterating that Gross' attack was unwarranted in view of the facts. 4 Gross' Slain Commissioner Gross when he j 'earned of the Mayor's statement j that he did not know the .facts about I ] false alarms, said: "Records of the [ lire department show that since De- ! cember 18 there have been five false:' alarms. Not one arrest has been j made. These alarms are turned in. 1 believe, by mischievous youths, I from fourteen to about twenty years ' of age. ''False alarms do not cost the so much to operate the fire appa ratus. but they do endanger the lives and property of the residents. Every- | one knows that when a motor-driven fire truck comes tearing down the , street that traffic dangers are great- J ly increased. Then. too. there is al- , wavs the danger of a smashup be- i ] cause' a few reckless drivers of other ! i vehicles will get in the way of the approaching trucks. The firemen are ; willipg to do their best to save prop- ! crty. hut it is certainly discouraging , to run so many risks, be aroused at! all Ijours of the night, race to a box | ] ami find that it is only a false j alarm." ■ Commissioner Gross made no com- j ment about his candidacy. He has,] asked his friends for support, how- j i ever, and privately declared that j "his hat is in the ring.'' The Official King Investigation of lire department j records shows that since December j 18 there have been five false alarms, as follow: December 18, evening. Kox 36, Second and Dauphin streets: n.orning of December 23, Hox 13.1 Race and Paxton streets, 3.05 o'clock; evenings of January 19. Box 3, Wash-! ington and River strfeets, 9.35 I o'clock; January 16. Box 12. Race; and Hanna strets. 12.02 t*'clock; Jan uary 28, Box 214, Fourteenth and! State street. 12.52 o'clock. Fire Chief John C.*Kindler de-1 clared that during the last few j months two and three false alarms! have bee nturned in, while a few j years ago there were seldom more j than that many in a year. His only j remark about the situation was i "Something should be done to stop it. | 1 report the alarms to the police for ; investigation." Krister Stands Pat Mayor Keister stands firm in his determination to conduct no investi-: gation of the alleged irregularities) of the policemen and officials, as charged by Theodore A. Magnelli. l the discharged policemen. He said I Magnelli's charges were only rtatur-l al. coming from a policeman who! was vindictive because of losing his; Joh. . ' In spite of this stand by the may or. the opinion persists that the charges must have a foundation ofj fact behind tliem, and that a thor-j ough investigation to prove them or disprove them, should ve started atl once. It is generally felt that so! many rumors of a nasty character have been prevalentn during the last! year and a half, that in justice to| the conscientious members of the force, they should be proved or dis pelled. The charge of Councilman Gross • 'hief Wetzel also denied, who de clared in proof of his defense of the department that the three boys who wero arrested October 9 for turning in a false alarm from the box at Tent hand State streets, would be I given a hearing in juvenile court this) week. Mr. Gross is quoted as saying. "So far as I can remember, they toave Vigorous Men and Women Are j in Demand If your ambition has lelt you, your j happiness has gone forever unlese > you take advantage of H. C. Ken nedy's magnificent offer to refund your money on the brat boa pur chased If Wendell's Ambition Puis do not put your entire system in flae conditio u and give you the energy and vigor you have lost. Be ambitious, be strong, be vigor ous. Bring the ruddy glow of health to your cheeks and the right spar kle that denotes perfect inauhoud and womanhood to your eyes. Wendell's Ambition Pills, the great nerve tonic, are spienuiu for that tired feeling, nervous troubles, poor blood, headaches, ueura.gia, lestiess uess, trembling, nervous prostration, mental depression, toss of upp'etitg, and kidney or liver complaints; you take them with mis understanding, than In two days you wilt feel better. In a week you wilt leel line, and ttiier taking one box ycu will have jour old-time confidence and aiiibt ,,u or the druggist will refund the . . I, e of the box. Be sure and get a 60 cent box to day end get out of the rut. (CeniAiUr ber H. C. Kennedy and dealers every where areadthorlzed to guarantee them. } ,/ . . - 4 ... . . • - FRIDAY EVENING. KARRISBURG TELEGIOPE JANUARY 31, 1919, not made an arrest in the past year of persons who send in fire alarms without cause", ' Talking Through Ills Hat : - Chief Wetzel was also of the opin ! ion that evidently Mr. Gross waa I talking without knowing what he was talking about. Me admitted, however, that false alarms have been turned In continually since the last arrest, but no additional arrests' have bee nmade. ;, | He said that as the fire companies ' have .men deputized with police pow-; eCs. and as there are more firemen ] thnn police, the firemen should break up the false alarm epidemic.; Chief Wetzel said that he request- I ed all theaters a week ago to throw ] a warning on the screen eveiy night at 9 o'clock, that-children under 16 j years of age nnd unaccompanied by: their parents, should leave the tlie-j aters. A number of officers who we; hirbd at theaters al night, declared! that they enforce the order effec-! lively. "Will Let Job Stand}" Pier Says in Answer \s to Seattle Strikers Washington. Jan. 31.—1t will be the policy of the government in ship- j yard strikes to "let the Job stand." ' Charles Plez. director general of the ; Emergency Fleet Corporation, said j yesterday. . H .i referied particularly, the situation at Seattle, where he ' said men had been out for a week. ] and at San Francisco, where he said ! it was reported workers in two ! trades intended to go out shortly and tie up all the work in the district, i Mr. Piez declared most of the yards needed a breathing spell, that he did not think the government j J would continue to furnish work at ; extremely high wages unless increas- ] , ed skill and output iustified it. and ! that in hUs view it was highly un- ) ' wise for shipyard workers in their: own interests to call strikes at ex- ! ' .jsting scales. Cumberland Valley Elects Directing Board Harrisburg men are included ; among the directors elected at the; annual meeting of the Cumberland! Valley and Martinsburg Railroad j Company. The board named is: M. ' C. Kennedy. H. A. Riddle. Thomas , B. Kennedy, J. B. Hover, Spencer) C. Gilbert. George H. Stewart und Rewis S. Sadler. Cause of Stomach Sickness llnw 1o Believe Slvwaeh Distress Is s Few Missies. Money Hsek If Treatment Uses Not UTerrtse Any Forsi of Indlgesllos If you feel as though there was aj 1 lump of lead at the pit of the stom- ' ach, take a couple of Mi-o-na atom- j ach tablets and in live minutes you should see that all stomach distress has vanished. If you belch gas. have heartburn I or sour stomach, you need Mi-o-na. If your stomach feels upset the morn ing after the night before, take two I Mi-o-na tablets and see how quickly I you get relief. If you have shortness of breath. ' pain In the stomach, waterbrash or j foul breath, you need Mi-o-na and the sooner you get it. the sooner your ] stomach ahould perform its duties , properly. if you use a bo* of Mi-o-na tablets 1 and feel that it haa not overcome ; your indigestion or tomach trouble, i take the empty box to your dealer and he will refund your money. For], sale by H. C. Kennedy and all lead- J ing druggists. SATURDAY SPECIALS Y 321 Market St. '• : - —-— : No Mail Orders , Dental Preparations p 'LI- C * 1 Standard Patents Baby Foods Filled Pebeco Tooth Paste 36c IXllOO6l° Op6Cl<ilS $1 00 Fat her John s 83c $3.75 Borden's Malted Milk. Pyrocide Powder 73c $1.25 Pierce's Medicine 81c Hospital size $2.79 Lyon's Tooth Powder 17c i' Ideal Water Bottle $1.90 $1.25 Varnesis 83c $3 75 Horlick's Malted Milk' • Graves' Tooth Powder .........17c Vehrrt Water Bottle . $1.79 .'!" .'.'! i "oepital rize .'..,52.79 Colgates Tooth Powder 15c _ ? . 81c 75c Denno Food 63c Mary Garden Face Powder ....79c C alox Tooth Powder 18c Hub Water Bottle .$1.28 $ .00 y®° n •' p reparat i ons .' 98c $1.25 Imperial Graniu 89c Djer-Kiss Face Powder 53c Euthymol Tooth Paste 16c Hercules Water Bottle $1.48 $125 Russell's Emulsion 98c 75c Mellen's Food 54c La Blanche Face Powder 43c Colgate's Tooth Paste 10c and 25c „ „ eo m.'lZi , Qc nn Fc . . - . „ Swansdown Face Powder 13c Grave's Tooth Paste 16c Radiant Water Bottle $1.68 "J° •• • • ■ Y ood . ..... 75c Mavis Face Powder 43c Gorhan's Tooth Paste..2oc and 39c RfinwM*lr rmhintinn Water Bottle $2 98 !nn w amnn i. Extract 63c yS ' hos P ltal Lady Mary Face Powder .43c Kolynos Tooth Paste 19c B™nSWlck Combination Water Bottle $ .00 Wampolc E.xtract size $2 . 7 9 Palmolive Face Powder 45c S. S. White Tooth Paste. 10c and 19c Superb Water Bottle $1.78 | ' R Q-u,- r 75c 4 cans Ea S le Brand Condensed Elmo Face Powder 23c Senreco Tooth Paste 24c* *j \\r . r ..i di cq „ Ctnmai-li Wmprfv 79c Milk 83 C L-Ame La May Face Powder 39c Pyrodenta Tooth Paste ........ 28c ** Xki*li*if $159 $l.OO Glyco Thymoline .'.Blc Nestel's Food. Hospital ..... .$2.49 Arnica Tooth Soap 18c Elite Water Bottle Jpl.OiJ $l.OO Stern's Wine Cod Liver, 79c 4 Cans Libby's Milk 60c C. &C. Fountain 89c $l.OO Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin ..73c Toilet Creams Health Fountain $1.28 f j>;P E " Str °"B £ Toilet Soap 1 Hub Fountain $1.48 50c Goff's Cough Syrup 39c FloiTle SuDollCS Ekaya Cream 45c r Whirlpool Fountain $1.19 50c Phillips' Milk Magnesia ...37c me OUppiieS De Mendor Cream 34c 2—lsc Cakes Castile Soap 25c „ cf a • 1 CG 50c St. Jacob's Oil 38c Pond's Vanishing Cream 32c j3_j ere n's Violet Glycerine ...25c Radiant hountain '*' l** *' , I Z 50c Foley's Honey and Tar ....37c 4 rolla Toilet Paper 25c c!!L e :?fi 3 —Buttermilk 25c Ice Caps • 79c, 89c, 98c and $1.19 75c Tar and Cod Liver 45c 2 cans Dutch Cleanser 15c. ' Pomptian aC Day°Crtam !!!!!"! ,43c 3—Colgate's All-Round Soap .. 25c Ideal Spray Syringe $2.89 50c Usohne 39c 1 pound Borax I2c Mercolized Wax 69c 3—Germicidal Soap 55c MarOOn Rubber Face Bags ..* 68c and 73c 50c Drake s Cough Remedy37c 2 Images l ux " 1' Elmo Cucumber Cream 43c 2—Colgate's Big Bath Soap .. 25c ir f ' Clfi c go c California Svrup of Figs ...39c . ,„ . c ® Honey & Almond Cream 39c 1 2—Colgate's Eldear F lo wer Soap 25c ! Infant. Syrmge }C 60 Syrupof F.gs, .. pound Talcum W. '"•"f i? c 2—Harifina Soap 25c Ear Ufcer Synng* ............ 15c 60c TonsiH P e 4sc {"'' W'tch Haael ..JSC Ben Hazel Cream 59c 2 _ T c g 25 Rubber Faced Bed Sheeting, white, yd. sq 79c 25c Alexander Lung Healer 5 19c j Health Fountain Syringe .. $1.28 Oriental Cream $1.09 -i—Jersey &oap A twood's Bitters 19c 1 P air Rubber Gloves 48c Orchard White 28c 25c Lysol Soap 19c Sanitary Napkins, 1 dozen 73c Butter Color 39c * Rubber Sponge 10c Derma Viva 39c 25c Palmer's Soap 19c ! _ . j I— I' pound Epsom Salts 10c De Meridor Liquid Powder .... 37c 2 5c Resinol I9c . W* MHV CDCPI AI C i £ n ?, rgin , e Mum Deodorant 23c and 43c 7S _ u/norfhurvk Soan iQr 1 liTa\R E-AINDY Jl Kellogg s Tasteless Castor Flor Sweet Deodorant 45c ScuraSoau ' 9c . a , Pill, Takbf. ° U 23c ' 43c Deiatone Hair Remover 69c 25cPoglam So a P . 1 !!"!!!!!!'.'.i9 C SPFPTAIS Helm s Assorted Pills and Tablets Woods Depilatory Powder ....79c <2sc Johnson . s Foot Soap IQc , 25c Carbolic Soap 20c ' ~ .. lOO 5-grain Aspenn Tablets .. 89c , ' Don ° . • 100 Alophene Pills 63c Ointments Talcum Powders ' nL B.?heior :: 7 /|Q 109 5-grain Csc.ra 40c 1 aicum rowaers Rose O Cuba ... i lOO Nux and Iron 89c Musterole .-...19 c Hudnut's Talcum tin 19c HaiT Preparations - V . 100 3.grai„ Asafetida 45c 23c lit Djer-ICiss Talcum 33c $1 1Q Mary T Goldman Ha ir Cwnce'lior 'P° r 1 10 ° lomel ! a ° Camphorole 23c! 39c en . Talcum 3^ c Restorer 98c R o j ? ' 50c Cascarets 39c p cterson ' s Ointment ~19c, 39c Williams Talcums 15c sl .oo.Hay's Hair Health 69c M art agon OF- COFFEE SPECIAI 50c Nature's Remedy Tablets ..34c Forkola 19c Browns Jess Talcum 13c siqO Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, 'Even Steven $l.OO DeWitt's Kidney Pills ...67c Hobson's Ointment i..40c Kitty Gordon Talcum 55c gg c ' H-rtranft * U/L*. *1 35c Phenolax Wafers 23c Analgic Baumc 49c Mary Garden • 48c $1.25 Pinaud's Quinine Tonic, 98c ri nco Wnite IxOUSe 60c Chase's Blood and K. Y. Jelly" '..19 c $l.OO Herpicide ...' 73c ' Tablets 39c Velogen 19c ■ $l.OO Wildroot Hqir Tonic ... 79c Afl /. Coffee 37c $l.OO Bliss' Native Herbs 69c 75c Damshinskey De 63c AH V/ttier DC Llfi[&rS ' 60c Doan's Kidney Pills 43c KENNEDY'S 6For3sc 3lbs.forsl.oo KENNEDY'S NATIONAL GUARD j TO REORGANIZE WITH OLD NAME Famous Fighting Keystone • Division to Be Perpetuated After War WOULD PRESERVE HONOR The wish that the Keystone Division be reorganized Into the National Guard of Pennsylvania has beep expressed often by members of the now famous alul battle-scarred unit. In this manner t lie brilliant | history of tlc Iron Men inny l>c preserved'ln a living organization , which will be ready for the ucxt war. Few divisions, America.l or al lied. made such n splendid record on the Held of battle as did the men from Pennsylvania.. It is j recorded they never gave ground and never stopped fighting until every objective had been won. The bright red Keystone the men now wear on their arms at the recommendation of General Per shing is one of tlic honor murks of the great War. "War Department officials are in favor of the old names and numbers ' of the regiments of the National | Guard of Pennsylvania luting re- I tained when the 28th Division re- ] turns to this state and the Guard is ! reorganized," said Adjutant General ] F. D. Beary yesterday after his re turn from Washington where he ; discussed the militia, situation with Much Rheumatism local Druggist's No-Cure No-Cay Offer Attracts Many Sufferers 1 If there are any rheumatic suf ferers in town who have not availed themselves of Kennedy's generous] offer the.v should do so at once. , Kennedy's* Drug S'tore states that if Rheuma. the guaranteed pre-! scription for rheumatism, does not] give any purchaser quick and joyful! relief, Kennedy's Drug Store will leturn the purchase price without) anj quibbling or red tape. Rheumatism is a dangerous dis-. ease, and anyone who has the slight-' est taint of it should drive it out of! 1 the system as soon as possible. Head 1 what Rheuma did for this sufferer: , 'I have been laid up for one year) with chronic arthritis. I had doctors galore, also spent four months in; the sanitarium hofepital at Troy. N. Y., but had practically no relief. Then 1 started taking Rheuma. I have! now taken five bottles, and can go] without crutches or other aid, which! ) I could not do for the, last nine! i months. 1 highly recommend it. and] would gladly answer any questions asked, on receipt of stamp for post age. This letter may be published as: a benefit to sufferers front rheuma-1 tisnt in any form."—Thomas H. : Eddy, Schuylerville, N. Y. Good druggists everywhere sell Rheuma. and a, large bottle is inex-v pensive. > t the chief of the militia bureau and ! other officers. "We have all the authority needed now for reorganization of the Guard and absorption or the Reserve Mill- 1 tia into the new Guard," continued the Adjutant General, "if the 2Sth comes home this spring we will not ask any legislation to Increase the Militia because it would be absorb ed, but if there is uncertainty about it we will seek the right to add a couple of regiments until the reor ganization lakes place." General Heuvey, chief of the bu reau of militia affairs, is favorable to withholding the gradUul increase of state strength under the national defense act because it would require this state to have 30,100 men in 1920. For the present the strength will be on the scale of 200 men for each repersentative in Congress. This would give 7.200 men. The Reserve Militia contains 3,200 men. The Guard contained 1,1,000 men In 1916 and 16.500 in 1917. The general will return to Wash ington next week to discuss the ques tVory Deep Price Cuts arc helping us move our surplus winter stock in anticipation of our cavilling spring Sliaos. NOTE THESE PRICES; YOl' CAN MAKE MONEY. I • of Boy's' Shoes. About fib pairs lyoys' solid shoos. Sale of Mens nn ,| button styles. 11 QQ Good Shoes V "" to M..NQ. at .■ ■ * * Men's SI soft Men's Drossy Men's Heavy Tan Work Tan niuchcr Tun Work Shoes. I'ull Shoes. Army Shoes. Good high toes last. $5 values $2.95 $395 $3 ' 95 Men's $4 Tan Army ffJO OC Misses' CC- Boys' and Rubbers .. OOC Hcn - S H igh f JUfL R libber's .. 75c Whe /0* Women's CC r *' /' "'v Rubbers . . Sneakers S' . 98c 98c ! tlon of the strength per unit. It is f 1 ] now 65 and the belief ts that when j , the reorganization comes It will I I be about that figure. , I Geperal Beary, who discussed mill- i . tary training with General Heavey J i ! said thai he thought the time was approaching when national and state j authorities should get together on i the proposition. A number'ot bills j I dealing with that subject are ex-1 ' peoted in the legislature soon. SNYDER DIRECTORS MEET j Middle burg. Pa., .Tun. 30.—The! ,! annual convention of the Snyder] ! county school directors'was held in ;j Rely On Cuticura | For Skin Troubles Soap 2Sc. O IBUnset 25 and 50c. ———————————- ; the courthouse at Middleburg Tues day. Dr. Tietrich, deputy state su perintendent of public instruction, of Harrisburg; Dr. G. M. Phillips, COMBINED 10th Anniversary and February Furniture Sale Double reductions on nearly everything in our store. A wonderful opportunity for Home Furnish ers to provide their needs in our lines at extraordi nary low prices. Just ten years ago this store was opened in a very modest way and in rather limited quarters. A fixed policy of square, honest business methods has built the business up gradually until at the present time it is one of the largest, if not the largest, and most complete Furniture and Home Furnishing establishment in Harrisburg, utilizing 19,000 sq. ft. of floor space to show our goods. This being our 10th Anniversary we felt the necessity of doing something in the shape of celebrating a successful business. The event coming at the same time as our Annual February Furniture Sale com plicated matters somewhat for us. We hardly felt ourselves able to af ford two reduction sales owing to our unalterable rule of adhering strictly to every representation made in connection with our business. We finally decided to apply an extraordinary large reduction on all our goods during the entire month of February and call it our 10th Anni versary and February Furniture Sale. This reduction will place our vast stock of Furniture, Rugs, etc., be fore the people this month at prices that it is fair to say will not be equalled in other stores in the city. It will pay you to anticipate your needs early in the sale. BROWN & CO. 1215-1217-1219 N. Third St. THE BIG UP-TOWN HOME FURNISHERS principal of the West Chester State Normal School, ami H. H. Mauser, superintendent of schools of North umberland county, were the speak- ers. P. S. Hitter, of Middleburif, was elected president, and James Herman, of Adams township, secre tary of the convention. 7