Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 31, 1919, Page 4, Image 3

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Mongolia Carries Pennsylva
nia Soldiers; 4,429 Fight
ers on Board Vessel
By Associated Press
' Philadelphia, Jan. 31.—Philadel
phia yesterday, extended hearty wel
come to 2,197 men of the American
expeditionary force, first of the over
seas contingent to arrive at this
port. They came on the liner Hav
erford which sailed on January 15
from Brest.
After being entertained ut a stand
up luncheon by women of the vari
ous war organizations, the veter
ans of many battles on French soil
marched to the Pennsylvania rail
road downtown station and entrain
ed this afternoon for Camp Dix.
Most of the returning soldiers
were members of the 65tli Regiment
Coast Artillery. In addition there
were 138 colored casuals from near
ly every American division that
fought in France, thirty-seven offi
cer casuals and nine naval officers.
Nearly all of the casuals Wfere
wounded. Among the navy men
Daily Health Talks
A Single Remedy Often Cures
Many Diseases
, By Valentine Mott, M. D.
It is almost impossible to give a
list of the endless diseases that fol
low indigestion. Perhaps a whole
column in this newspaper would be
required to print them all. You j
eat to keep alive to supply blood
and flesh and bone and muscle and
brain. It is easy to see that if your
food is not digested and taken up
By the delicate organs and distrib
uted where it is needed, a disease
of some sort is sure to come. Dys
pepsia is a common symptom, and'
so are liver complaint, loss of flesh,
nervousness, bad memory, dizziness,
sleeplessness, no appetite. Many
times, when neglected, indigestion
results in coughs, throat diseases,
catarrh, bronchitis and even more
dangerous things. And all these
disorders arise because the food is
not properly digested in the stom
ach. It is plain even to a child
that relief and cure are to be had
only by setting up a healthy condi
tion in the stomach. Dr. Pierce,
of Buffalo, N. Y., many years ago
combined a .number of vegetable
growths into a temperance remedy
for indigestion, and called it Golden
Medical Discovery. It is probably
the most efficacious discovery ever
made in medicine, for the list of
people all over th world who have
had their countless ills overcome by j
Dr. Pierce's Golden Modioal Dis
covery makes an amazing total of J
I know of no advice better than
this: Begin a home treatment today
With this good vegetable medicine.
It will show you better than I can
tell you what it will do. "When tak
ing Golden Medical Discovery, you
can rest assured of one very im
portant thing it contains neither
alcohol nor opiates. There is noth
ing in it but standard roots and
herbs that possess curative prop
erties of a high order. A safe medi
cine is the only kind you can af
ford to take.
Three Day Renwval Sale
Friday, Saturday and Monday
We will take possession of our new store
room in the Penn-Harris Hotel building in a
few days, where we will be pleased to see our
friends and patrons.
No sale goods charged.
Fancy Shirts All Gloves
$1.50 Arrow $1.15 $7.50 Gloves $6.35
$2.00 Arrow $1.65 $6.50 Gloves $4.85
$2.50 - .... $l5 $5.00 Gloves $4.15
$3.00 .... $2.15 $4.50 Gloves $3.50
$3.50 .... $2.85 $4.00 Gloves $3.15
$4.00 ... $3.15 Special lot of Buck Gloves,
$4.50 A $3.15 sizes 8 to 10 $4.00, tot
$5.00 .... $3.85 $2.75
$6.00 .... $4.85 Odds and ends, sizes 7, 7 1/ -,
$6.50 ~ $4.85 up to $3.00. for $1.15
$7.00 .... $6.35 ! ——
$8.50 . . $6.35 Winter Union Suits
\!1 SI2 00 122 ""S8 65 $l2 0 ° silk and W ° o1 ' S o *
All $12.00 Shirts $8.65 , sio.OO Silk and Wool, $7.65
~ $9.00 Silk and Wool, $7.15
Winter Shirts and $B.OO Silk and Wool, $6.35
Drawers s7 ' so W ° ol $ 615
urawers $7 qq Woql $6.15
$5.00 Wool .... $4.15 Each $6.00 Lisle $4.85
$3.00 Wool .... $2.35 Each $5.00 Wool $4.15
$3.50 Lisle .... $2.85 Each $3.50 Cotton : $2.85
$3.00 Lisle .... $2.35 Each $3.00 Cotton . $2.85
$2.50 Cotton . .. $1.85 Each i $2.50 Cotton .$1.85
$1.50 Cotton . .. $1.15 Each j
Night Shirts
Sweaters i $4.00 Silk $3.15
cn;n ' $2.50 V-Neck $1.85
I 9 m rTI Is 12 52 00 V " Neck $ 165
luSS"::::::::: wioo s '- 5 ° Fla "" el * ll5
$lO.OO Coat $7.65 Pajamas
$lO.OO V-Neck- $7.65 conA c ... J
y $12.00 Silk $9.50
KT 1 $lO.OO Silk $7.65
Neckwear $B.OO Silk and Linen, $6.35
$4.00 Silk & Knitted, $3.15 54.00 Silk and Unen, $3.15
$3.50 Silk & Knitted, $2.85 $ 3OO Mercerized .... $2.15
$3.00 Silk & Knitted, $2.15 $ 2 - 50 Mercerized .... $1.85
$2.50 Silk & Knitted, $1.85 $2.00 Mercerized .... $1.65
$2.00 Silk & Knitted, $1.65 \\T 111
$1.50 Silk & Knitted, $1.15 Wool Hose
$l.OO Silk & Knitted . . 51.50 Silk and Wool. .$1.15
75c Silk & Knitted 50£ $1.50 Army $1.15
65c Silk & Knitted 350 , 50c Lisle 35c
42 N. 3rd ST.
_ \ ~
were Ensign Jay Gould, of New
York, who had been stationed at
Murmansk, Russia, and Lieutenant
. .eilson Poe, of Baltimore, once a
Princeton football star.
Ensign Gould, intorder'to appear
immaculate for the greetings show
ed upon the returning hero v es. dug
into his comfort kit while the liner
was coming tip the Delaware, pro
duced a needle and thread and calm
ly sewed on a button -tyhile photog
raphers made the most of their op
Two days out a stowaway was
brought to light on the Haverford.
He was a cattle ship sailor from
South Carolina in a hurry to get
back to the United States.
Organized on the • Pacific coast,
the 65 th Regiment, is composed
mainly of men from Washington,
Oregon and California. Colonel Ben
jamin H Kerfoot, of Kansas, is in
command. He is a veteran of the
Philippine insurrection, having serv
ed with the famous Funston's Twen
tieth Kansas. Major James Muir
head, of Pittsburgh, is second in
command. .
The regiment claims the honor of
being the only organization of Amer
ican troops to fire the British 9.2-'
inch Howitzer in action and is said
to have handled the heaviest mobile
armament, outside of the railroad
mount guns, used by the American
First Army. The regiment fired 15,-
000 tons of steel and explosive at
five different point in the* German
lines of defense, all within a period
of seventy days and nights.
Mrs. Catherine Wise, 48 years of
age, wife of James M. Wise, of Ober-
I lin. died at her home late Tuesday
night. Funeral services will be held
Sunday afternoon at 2 o clock. The
Rev. Dr. Keiffer will officiate. Bur
ial will be made in the Oberlin Ceme
Irish Center Party Formed;
Captain Gwynn as Leader
Captain Stephen Gwynn, is
leader of the recently formed Irish
Center party, according to a dis
patch from Dublin. The principal
item in the new party's program
is self-government for Ireland such
as is accorded to the British Domin
ions. *
Mrs. 11. S. Prentiss Nichols
Outlines Need For Ameri
canization Campaign
! mrs. anna Hamilton wood
Mrs. Anna Hamilton Wood, his
torian of the Harrisburg chapter.
Daughters of the American Revo
lution, was elected f to the important
office of recording secretary of the
state body at tljg session of the con
ference held in the Penn-llarris
Hotel yesterday morning.
A feature of the conference was
an address by Mrs. H. S. Prentiss
Nichols, of Philadelphia, president
of the New Century Club of Phila
delphia, in which she outlined the
need for an Ataiericauization cam
paign and gave examples of the
work accomplished by her own or
ganization. Mrs. Nichols is one of
the best known clubwomen in the
Resolutions of regret upon the
death of Colonel Theodoro Roose
velt were adopted. It was decided
to hold the next conference at Pitts
The session opened with singing:,
led by Mrs. nines G. Sanders, of
Harrisburg. Dr. Floyd H. Appleton,
rector of St. Paul's Episcopal
Church, pronounced the invocation.
It was announced that the Pennsyl
vania Daughters have won the sec
■ond prize, a ■?5O Liberty Pond, for
sale of subscriptions to the ofticial
magazine. It was moved to endow
a scholarship to the Marysvllie Col
lege in honor of the members of
the organization who are serving
overseas. Five hundred dollars from
tlie treasury went to this fund and
m addition $032 50 was st.bseiibed.
bringing the total to * I,os 07,
which included a contribution fiom
the ambulance fund.
Reports irom various- regents
throughout the state were read, giv
ing evidence that duwng the past
>ear members of tho D. A. it. have
been especially active in war work.
Many t>f them, it was reported, nave
made large sacrifices in order that
They may bo represented.
Airs. Mabel Crontse Jones, of the
credentials committee, reported that
.there are fifty-two chapters repre
sented, with fifteen alternates, ami
177 delegates, mailing a totai of/li'li
entitled to vote. This was said to
i e ,'tlie largest representation in. any
Mrs. James if. Krom, Jersey
Sliore, was elected as rcgist ra i.
ether officers elected included three
directors, Mrs. 10. Sydney Prieiiard,
Germantown: Mis. F. VV\ "leriiani,
Wavetly, X. Y., aro Mrs. 1,, t,.
Hunter, Tidiouto. Mrs. George Hi
S'ewart, Shippensburg, was appoint
ed state librarian by the state re
gent, Mrs. Anthony Wayne Cook.
The term of Mrs. Cook, state regent,
does not expire until next year.
Among the.officers of the conven
tion is Miss Mary L. Stille, state his
torian, \vho has held this office for
fifteen years. Miss Stille is from
West Chester. She is one of tho
ldest members.
Dr. 1,. S. Mudge, pustor of the
.'ine Street Presbyterian Church,
ddressed the afternoon session on
When the Boys Come Back." Other
.iteresting addresses were made.
Mrs. Frank B. Black, president of
le State Farm Woman's Society,
utlined the relations of this organ
-.ation to tlie D. A. R.
Bishop James Henry Darlington
pd Mrs. Darlington will entertain
le delegates apd officers at a tea
the See House this afternoon lol
wing the convention session. It is
•ssible that an evening session will
held following the tea to eom
'ete the business of the conference,
o-day is the closing uay of the
/.rylenko Is Held
Captive in Russia
i fefc- #clp
, . ~ -fr
% iJ
! . - ' : - I
.msign Kryksnko, former com
under of .the Bolshevik army, has
en captured by General Krasnoff,
• mmander of the anti-Bolshevik
roes, according to a dispatch from
ipenhagen. Reports* say that
rylenko was captured while try-1
ng to get inside Kraamjft's camp on I
j. spying mission. I
Sunday*s Choir Leader.
Returns From War
urn ii .jwiiiiiMsawsatßMiadSMßaßSa
;N V— - -WM-vI
, \jj
Homer Rodehaver, of trombone
fame, former choir leader for Billy
Sunday," the noted evangelist, photo
graphed upon his arrival in New York
. ———
k. ' V, • V •• "FT
Burns' February Furniture Sale
• v - * * / 1 . '• •
It is of interest to you that we point out We could only do this because we had large *
why we are able to hold this great sale. storage facilities and we were able to purchase
During the war we stocked up heavily on 1/1 ar^e Quantities,
all lines of furniture and floor coverings be- In order to have complete stocks for our
cause shipping facilities were hampered. customers we bought heavily on all lines.
$lOO,OOO Stock in This Sale
The Savings Are 10% to 50%
•' ; " r- ~ i ' " I < - 1 " t • ■
The following lines will be included in our February sale: .
Dining Room Furniture Library Furniture Floor Coverings
Living Room Furniture Kitchen Furniture Bedding
Bedroom Furniture Hall Furniture Draperies
Now "that we are to hold the first February sale since the war is over, we are going to
offer savings which will not likely be duplicated again. But we are willing to make the special prices: First, to
reduce our stocks as much as possible; second, to supply hundreds and hundreds of people who have been waiting
for one of those old time Burns' Furniture Sales.
\ ( * '• | 7 >i
We have large assortments in every line and Why have Burns' furniture sales been so
we can say that for the quality of furniture, the beauty tremendously successful?
of design, and the high-grade of workmanship, the equal
of the values in our sale will not be found anywhere in Because, no matter how small a customer's
Harrisburg. purchase may be the same service, the saiqe attention,
We Would be pleased if you would make same value, the same guarantee goes with it as with
comparisons all over town with our values. the customer, whose entire home we outfit.
Those who wish to make arrangements for easy payments will find our terms exceptionally attractive.
/ i •'
Sale Begins Saturday, February 1
' The Largest Furniture Store in this section of the State
.• - ~-3—j wipa pssmqHc —-: ■_ ■BED
from France. Mr. Rodehaver return- .
ed aboard the transport Belgic. He
had been In France for several "
months touring the American camps,
singing and'playing his famous slide
trombone for the Yankee fighters.
Sabbath School Conference
to Open in Grace Church 1
For Two-Day Meeting
The Regional Sabbath School Con
ference of county and district offi
cers from Dauphin and surrounding
counties will open today at two
o'clock in the Grace Methodist Epis
copal Church for a two-day session
under the leaderships of M. G. Landis,
state secretary, and his force of ex
perts in Sabbath School work. The
program follows:
Friday 2, .devotional; 2.20, "Why
We Afe Here;" 2.30, "Organized Sun-*j
day Work;" 3.30, divisional programs, j
(a) children's, (b) young people's, (c) j i
adult's administrative; 6, "Fellowship I
Supper:" 7/30, "Orgunized Sunday j t
School Work Throughout World." | 5
Open meeting to the public and all :
interested in Sunday School work. J
Lantern used ,
Second day—Saturday February 1. |
9, four division conferences, (a) chil- 1
dren's, (b) poung people's, (c) adult's' i
administrative; 11, county and dis- '
trict conferences; 11.30, county and <
district standards; 2. devotions'; 2.15, <
"A Financial Policy;" 3. statistics; (
3.30, "The Kingdom Challenge." .
Those who are not delegates but
Interested hi this work are welcome
to any of the conference meetings.
The open meeting at 7:30, this
evening all Sunday School workers of 1
the city areurftcd to attend. ]
■III I—'■lfffiM—i
Widow of Man Who Died as
l}esult of Inhaling Fumes, -
Is Awarded Benefits
f"\V ptmllrtion UOaifd 1
a " a,)proVe<l '<ii 1
effects of iohniu-;
tlon of fumes in un explosion in the I
works of the Aetna Chemical Co., j
at Oakdale. Tho decision involves ■
some.unusual features. The deferfd- |
ant claimed that the man died from i
pneumonia and it was I Pound that
the mail had been made ill by fumes, |
which caused him to go home. He '
returneil to work, but three days
later ho suffered the samo exper
ience. • Pneumonia set in. The
board holds that it furnishes "a
complete and unbroken chain of
I events from an accident suffered in
course of employment until the
death occurred as a natural result
of the violence thus suffered."
In tho Case of Wick vs. Trio
Waist Co., Philadeltdiia, the board
adopts conclusions olf a medical ex
pert who holds that the man who
t tgMWi!"J - L U1 n r - e
appears to have suffered nervous
ness from an accident can over
come hts disability by going buck
to work. A similur or4er 19 mftde
in Canazaaro vs. Frick Coke Co.,
Uniontown. in which it is recom
mended that the man take up some
work which does not involve any
violent use of the neck.
The board disallowed compensa
tion in Wright vs. Fels Co., Phila
delphia; and dismissed appeals- in
Wright vs. Hodder Construction Co.,
I ltraddoek; GaVin vs. Heilprln Mfg.
j Co., Philadelphia; and Wesle.r vs.
| Reading Railway, Philadelphia.
Recorder investigated—According
I to reports reaching the Capitol the
I Mercer county court has investigated
! the recorder's otllco in that county
i and there may be a shakeup. Ira R.
! McNeal. formerly of this city, was
the special auditor In charge.
Favors Insurance-—William Draper
Rewis is making a series of addresses
in Philadelphia on the proposed
health insurance, lie will present
i some legislation.
Governor in Demand —Governor
, Sproul is being deluged with invita
j tioiis. The new Governor Is w.anted
I for all sorts of functions, lie also
j has a large list of callers, but thanks
| to the systemi of Seoretary llarry S.
McDevitt, people get to sfco him in
I office hours.
lllMt-iiNMlng Hills, —Governor Sprout
I continued yesterday, to discuss propos
! Ed legislation with heads of depart
! ments, giving .special attention to
■ Highway Department, matters, but
j nothing was completed. It Is prob-
I able that some of the administration
measures may be rendy for submis
sion to the Legislature... within a
week. ,t
I Army Complains. Tlie.Jlrst COin-
I Plaints Co be tiled witli yie Public
. - -l._ ' 'L..U.I. CI, . Ul. JkhlL.. 1-JMI-
Se.vlce Commission by a branch of
tl i tTnited States Army was entered
to-day by the Quartermaster's De
paritpent ngalnst the rale of the
Rlvecipn Consolidated -Water Com
pai>jl It Is charged that the company
clrnrkes too much for the water for
fire 'protection at the Army Reserve
Depot, near New Cumberland, especi
ally as the Army built the storage
tanks and provided other facilities.
Add to mil. Consideration of pro
posed changes to tlio deficiency bill
now in the Senate on second reading,
was tinder way to-day by state of
ficials. Several items are to be added.
The Kxecutive Department list has
not been completed.
Sure Relief
Drink Habit
Surrenders to TESCUM
Tescum Powders for breaking up
the drink habit, destroy all taste for
whisky, ale, beer or other alcoholic
stimulants, as thousands of wives
and mothers can testify. It is a sim
ple home treatment that can be given
secretly and is sold under a steel
bound money-refund guarantee by
J. Nelson Clark and other druggists.