Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 31, 1919, Page 18, Image 19
18 SHAFFER, HOME OUT OF FRANCE, IS JUST PLAIN YAN BOY Without Trace of Emotion, Dauphin's Daring Aviator Explains What His Many Decorations Stand For . "Walter couldn't fix the spigot on our sink," said Miss Esther Shaffer, this morning, at the Shaffer home in Dauphin, which is locuted on a high kopje just above the new villa built by Lieutenant Governor Beidleman. With an affectionate arm resting SAVE YOUR HAIR AND BEAUTIFY IT WITH "DANDERINE" Spend a few cents! Dandruff disappears and hair stops coming out Try this! Hair gets beautiful, wavy and thick in few moments If you care for heavy hair, that glistens with beauty and' is radiant with life; has an incomparable soft ness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it im mediately dissolves every particle of dandruff; you cannot have nice, heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a l'everishness and itc-hing of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast. If your hair lias been neglected and is thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily, get a small bottle of, Knowlton's Danderine at any drug store or toilet counter for u few cents; apply a little as directed, and ten minutes after you will say this was the best investment you ever made. We sincerely believe, regardless of everything else advertised, that j if you desire soft, lustrous, beauti-1 l'ul hair and lots of it —,llO dand-] TII IT —no itching scalp and no more! falling hair — you must use Knowlton's Danderine. If eventu-! ally why not now? REV. MOYER LABORS Itcv. 11. K. Moyer. 4813 North Fif teenth street, Philadelphia, says he believes in putting his labor to the best uses and be recommends Tan lac as giving him the best of re- ; suits. "I suffered from stomach i trouble," he says. "My system was run down and 1 had a nervous] breakdown. 1 read about Tanlac' and the first bottle 'quickly deni: onstrated I was on the right road, to recovery. In fact, the first few doses made me feel better. The exces-! Hive nervous condition began to suliside. My appetite became better and I found 1 could sleep for a longer period." The genuine Tanlac. which bears tlie name J. I. Gore Co., on outside carton, is now sold here by Geo. A. Gorgas Drug Store, Chas. F. Kramer, W. F. Steever, and other leading druggists. Tanlac, the celebrated vegetable tonic, stomach and health builder,' is 'also sold in neighboring cities and towns. Ask for it. "A Pill a Day Keeps Indigestion Away" Your stomach thrives or suffers from the food you eat. The right kind of food is easily assimilated—wrong food causes indigestion. If you have a strong stomach—respect it. If you have a weak stomach—strengthen it. Keep your stomach sweet, and the digestion in good order by taking P*?fuSKS as directed, after your heartiest meal of the day. This will stimulate the gastric juices, tone the digestive organs, regulate the liver, and help the system to carry off waste materials, which so often cause dis tress and disease. Beecham's Pills are a great aid to the digestion. A half-century old remedy for flatulence, acidity, dyspepsia, bad breath and biliousness. Get a box of these world-famed pills today and Take One To-Night to Keep the Stomach Right Directions of apodal value to woman arm with ovary box i "The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World" • . At AH Druggists, 10c., 25c. ' ,: " v o'" - /'• 4 ■ 'V : ; *"" •. " ■ • • ' • . . . : , ' , .' ■ FRIDAY EVENING. HAEWfIBURO (AlAt telegraph JANUARY 31,1,919 mm ojMBR X. """ 1 ADJUTANT SHAFFER j on the stalwart hsouldcr of her hero brother the premier "cloudvuster" of j all this neighborhood, little Miss I Shaffer gazed her sublime admira | lion at a figure which will surely at i tract much attention in Harrisburg. j Shaffer, a sergeant in the Lafayette squadron, one of the famous flying j units in the late war, laughed boist j erously at his kid sister's remark. He i arrived at Dauphin last night, just j released from a German prison and i he looked the part of the very piod- J ern cloud climber, the real prototype !of daring Am erica nisnj. He wore a I skyblue French uniform consisting of | bright red leather puttees, blue trousers and tunic, with a French gubardine dver the top and a saucy J two-pointed cup. On liis breast glist j ened various medals, >each with its particular narrative for bravery. Medal Upon Medal I "I guess thut'p the most* precious." I said Shaffer, without any show of pride or triumph, for ho is delight ! fully human, and just as natural as j any American hoy who represents | the result of real Democracy. It was , a beautiful French military medal. I Next to this was the Croix de Guerre, jand above tha't the Lafayette ribbon, j Then there was the French aviator's medal, for Shaffer served under the banner of France, and the Lafkyette : corps pinion. His-uniform was given him by the French government on ! being released front a German pris on. When the Germans captured him they took a fancy to his fur shoes and fur coat. They put wood 'en shoes on him and says Shaffer: j "Nix on them; they would never be | popular in America." j The arrival of Shaffer yesterday . afternoon in the quiet village of ■ Dauphin brought Ihe great war j vividly to this locality. To-day lie | cannot .begin to meet, the demands of his friends. He represented all the | daring, ingenuity and dash of the Yankee fighter whose arrival at the | front forced Germany to surrender. 'Along with him relumed another of i the Shaffer family, Etnest, who be ! came sergeant-major of infantry and did not have the luck to get abroad. These two bo.vs are part of a ! family of seven who have lived at i Dauphin twenty years, the typical j Pennsylvania solid folks who make | the basis of our Democracy. Ilow It Klurtcd "1 got the flying bug from that i fellow Peck who was smashed up in Paxtang creek," related Walter. "1 went out there and saw his smashed j machine and 1 thought that 1 would | like to hunt through the air. Sister says T could not. fix the spigot, and | I guess she is right." Miss Esther j nodded her head emphatically, and the point was settled. "But it is not j knowledge of mechanics that makes I the aviator; it is the wild desire to fly; get me: fly! Say the first time| you go up alone; that's an experi ence. On the level you would laugh to see fifteen or twenty kids on the first hop. You are scared to death. 'Gee, I'm glad to get on earth" they all say." Shaffer after his mind got fixed on, cloud climbing with the Peck dis-j aster worked nearly two years at the. State Printing shops here, then he got a job at Kssinglon, down the Delaware where he flew seaplanes. Here he imbibed the careless, reck less, daring of the cult. "Lucky dog 1 was." he reflected this morning, while sister Esther silently expressed her admiration. "The man with me was killed. I managed to jump free —and here I am." The machine fell into the Delaware. Hard Examination Shaffer went to Buffalo after this and worked at his tiade which was a linotj'per. He migrated to Brook lyn, got some expeiience there, al though the flying school only had one machine. Hearing about the Lafayette corps he wrote to Wash ington, for Shaffer, though but 26 years old, has all the initiative in the world. "Say," he interpolated. "That was some examination we had to take to get in the Lafayette. You had to have perfect eyes and your moral character had to be testified to by half a dozen substantial persons." Speaking of morals Shaffer said he was shocked in France, where mor ality seems to be only a shibboleth. He said it was a dangerous experi ence for American troops. Shaffer paid a fine tribute to the English Cloudclimbers. "They had nerve," said he. "Three or four of them would so out on patrol and if they 'met fifty Boche machines they would butt in qnd give them battle. The French were more careful, be cause they were always thinking about safety first. The English did not care whether they got blotted out or not. The Frenchmen loved the Yanks for their daring; they de spised the Germans, who are only animals. The Germuns were al right when they flew in groups of fifty or sixty. 1 have to hand it to them for formulion. tine day I was out with five of the Lafayette squad ron. We were up about ten thou sand feet In the clouds. A heavy thick cloud lay just below—and say, believe me, the Boches staged some thing new. They had fifty machines flying in a circle. One Boche would be right behind the other so if you butted in the Boche behind could get you. We nipped at them, but it was 100 dangerous, and they sent us back. But when one Boche went out alone he had no nerve, while the Yank or British sky traveler had the nerve to light alone. That seems U> be the failing of the German. Give him a crowd with him and an officer and he showed system and efficiency. When it comes to per sonal initiative, he is nix." "How did you fall a captive to the Huns'.'" asked the Telegraph reporter. • "Tell him," suggested Sister Pls ther, who could not forget that her brother Walter fell down oh fixing the broken spigot; "tell him about the balloons." "Jt was beyond Chateau Thierry," related the bright-eyed Dauphin lad. "We hopped off at daybreak one morning to fly over Rheims. They call it 'Raams' over there. There were eight machines in our patrol. An ace was leading us, and he be gan to do some queer acrobatics. I thought he was signalling that Boche were about us, but I could not see any Boche. A heavy white cloud was below me and 1 was some eight thousand feet in the air. 'Shaffer boy,' I said to myself, 'they'll be talking about you In Dau phin, Pa., if you can't bust those Boche balloons. All of a suddent I thought 1 could see a Boche bal loon. The ace leading us was paint ed red and white. Then I got onto him. He was signalling that there was a whole lino of Boche balloons, moored to the earth butjjome dis tance up in the air, and all with bat teries. As the air cleared I began to shoot. It was a beautiful morn ing. 1 could see through my glass the Germans in the balloons observ ing us. Euch balloon had a big bluck cross on it. Three times i shot at one, then my gun jammed. I wus up against it. They were all shooting at me and J could not shoot at them. Then I took another gun 1 had and got it going. Just then a sharp pain hit my right leg." Sister Esther glanced inquiringly at Friend Leg, gave it a sisterly pat and the talk went on: "Another bullet cut off m.v rud der and I found myself wabbling through the air and bumping right into one of the Uoche balloons. I looked for a place to land, but It was all one big shell hole below Good night, I said, here's where Walt. Shaffer gets his. I remem bered the last thing the commander told me was that if I was downed I should either smash or burn my machine. So, as i did not want to be burned up, I threw her on one side, and put her on the hum for ever, and presently was on earth again, with all my clothes. "Who are you, French or Amer ican?" asked the Boche officer who reached me first. He spoke good French and I was able to tell him. While he spoke another guy took off my fur shoes. They wanted to take my fur flying suit, but I kept it. The Germans seemed awed as they gathered round and stared at me." . "What do you think of the Ger mans?" asked the Telegraph men as .the Shaffer boys hurried down to the state printing plant to see their father. "Just animals," Raid Walter. "They j treat you Hke a dog until you over come them and then they lick your hand like a dog.' ! MARKETS HEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square. Harrisburg; 336 Chestnut street. Philadelphlh; 34 Pine street, New York—furnish the following quotations: Open. Close. Allis Chalmers 3031 Amer Beet Sugar 68 6814 American Can 46' i 4g' 4 Am Car and Foundry Co 88' a 89 Amcr Loco 59's 89'. Amer Smelting .. ...... 70! 71% i Anaconda .. .. .. .. .. 38' i 59 | Baldwin Locomotive .... 65% 6616 Baltimore and Ohio .... 46% 46% Bethlehem Steel (B) ... 59% 59% I California Petroleum ... 23% Z3'6 Canadian Pacific 158% 158% Central Leather 58% 59 Chesapeake and Ohio .. 50'6 55% Chicago, R I and Pacific 23% 2376 Chtno Con Copper 34 34 ! Col Fuel and Iron 35% 35% Corn Products 47 46 74 I Crucible Steel 52% 53% I Erie ... 15% 15% | Distilling Securities ... 52% 537 'General Motors 12214 23% I Goodrich. B. F. .. 61% 60 j Great Northern pfd .... 91% 91% Great Northern Ore subs 37 3674 I Hide and Leather- 15% 17% Hide ami Leather pfd .. 86% 88 | Inspiration Copper 44% 45% i Kennecott 32% 33% Kansas City Southern . ..17 17 Maxwell Motors 29 29 Merc Mar .Ctfs 23 22% Merc Mar Ctfs pfd 99% 98% Mex Petroleum .. ' 169 168% Midvale Steel ..' 41% 41 New York Central J3 73% Pennsylvania Railroad 45 45 Pittsburgh Coul 45% 45% Reading 78% 78% Republic Iron and Steel . 72% 72% Southern Pacific .. . .. 98% 98% Southern Ry 26% 26% Studebaker 49% 50% Union Pacific 127% 127% U S I Alcohol 103 103 U S Rubber 76 76% 1 t; S Steel 89 90 % f U S Steel pfd 114% 115% Utah Copper 69% 70 Westinghouse Mfg 41% 41% Willys-Overland 24 24% NEW YORK Cl'RB STOCKS Following quotations furnished by Howard A. Riley antl Company, 212 North Third street, Harrisburg. Pa.; Land Title Building, Phila., Pa.;; 20 ] Broad street, New York City; INDUSTRIALS Last Sale. Aetna ~ . - 7% Wright - 3% Am Marconi 4% Submarine 11% U. S. Ship 3% United Motors 36% INDEPENDENT OILS Last Sale. Barnett % t'osden 7% Federal 2% Intel' Pet .. _ 21 % Houston . . . .. 78 Met Pel 3 1-16 Boston And Wyo 20 Ulenrock .. .., 37* Island . . .... 7% Midwest . . .... ......... IS6 Sapulpa , 7 % MINING Last Sale. Atlanta 5 Big Ledge % Cresson 5 Cal and Jerome 7-16 Goldfleld Con 21 Mother Lode 33 | Nlplsslng 8 % Rescue . . ... ' 7 Tonopah Mln 3% Tcnopgh Ex . . .* 2 7-16 Boston and Montana 50 Caledonia 30 Con Arizona 1 3-16 Hecla ..' 4% Jumbo Ex 14 Ray Hercules .. 2% Tonopah Bel 3% PHII.ADF.I.t'H 1 A STOCKS By Associatid Press Philadelphia, Jan. 30.—Stocks clos ed firm. Baldwin locomotive 66% General Asphalt 62 General Asphalt. Pfd 95 loke Superior Corporation .... !9% Lehigh Navigation 72 la-hlgh Valley si\% Pennsylvania Railroad 45 Philadelphia Electric 25% Philadelphia Company 80 Philadelphia Company. Pfd 30 Philadelphia Rapid Transit .... 24% Reading 78% Storage Battery 52% Union Traction 87% I nlted Clas Improvement 71% United States Steel 89% York Railways Bid 7% York Railways, pfd 81 CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, Jan. 30. (U. & Bureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts, 50,000; market steady; better grades with weight favored. Bulk of sales, $17.35 © 1*7.65; butchers. $17.50® 17.75; light, $16.50® 17.50: packing. $16.50® 17.40; throwouts. $15.75® 16.50; pigs, good to choice. $12.50© 15.50. Cattle Receipts, 9,000; quiet and steady on all classes. Beer catCe. good, choice and prime, $15.85®20.00- Common and medium, $9.80®15.85; butcher stock, cows and heifers, *6.65 W14.00: canners and cutters. $5.60® 6.65; sockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy, $10.50® 14.25; Inferior, common and medium. $7.75® 10.50. Veal calves, good and choice. $14.15® 14.75. Sheep Receipts, 18,000; market steady to 25c lower. Fat. lambs weak ening most. I-afnbs, choice and prime, $16.50® 16.75: medium find good. $15.25 ® 16.50: culls, $12.00© 14.25; ewes, choice and prime, $10.75© 1 t.oO; me dium and good, $9.50© 10.75; culls, $5.00® 8.00. I'HII.MM til *, I'llonUCH By Associated Press Philadelphia. Jan, so. wheal -7 No. 1. eori. tru. 62 20. .So. 2. leu. 18 2t. No. 3. soft red. |2.24. Corn The market IS firm; No. 2, yellow, as lo grade and location, !1.38© 3.45. Oats . The market Is loner; I NO. it. white, !7%©68c; No. 3. while, 1 97 ©67 s4c. ' I Bran The market Is steady: soft winter, pel ton. 140.50®47.00; spring. I ... 141 <<"45.00, | Butter Thee market is steady;! western, creamery, extra-, firsts, 470; nearby prints, faqcy. 15®53c, i Mefinso sugars Markui steady;' powdered. a.4oc, aim, line grauulat cd. 7.25 c. Cheese The market I* lower; i Xe ii/fh unu is. undo. fh,i x miia. 25if 37c; do.. No. 2, 32if 31 tie. . Eggs Market lower; FOnnsylVi*' nla uiid other nearby nruis, tree cases. $17.90 per case, do., current teeeipts, tree cuoes, eii.iu per case, .. uAl.'i.,. ill,. i.tKls. Ilci ao.. 117.10617.70 per case; do., lirsts, tree cases, *17.1t) per case; tuncy, selected, packed, 60©60 c per uur.cn. Live l J ounry —r Alfirket firmer; fowls, 32 ©3 4c; spring cnicKeas, 30® 22c; iowis, not leguoj'iiS,'32©3t>(l; wiinu ICgllUi'llo. ulsyCie, j olfls, t.cil roosters, 326 32c; old roosters, 21© 82c, staggy, young roosters, 26©20; Sl/ll..„ cllltttti,., llUi ,te„u, lis. uUhjw... while leghorns, 29©30 c; broil ing chickens, fancy, 36©38 c; roastinif ClllCkcUs oU©uUC, UUtki, I'cmu spring, 38@40o; do., old, 30@35c; In |Uian Runners, 30©370; spring uucks, I.oll* isiunu, olifobc; turkeys. utn„t, geese, nearby. 32®56c; western, 32® nee. Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys, spring. choice to fuuey, 41®-tut, do., western, choice to raucy, 43® He,. tiirkeyG, iresh Killed, lair to good, 33 6 42c; turkeys. cuiuiuoii, 3e©„„e; ulu. turkeys, 38®48c; fowls, fresh I 4044,4-c, wesle.il uucks, 3344,40 c; geese. I 26®3i'e; dressed Pekin ducks, 28® I 4c; old ducks, 30®32c; Indian Kuii uers, 36®87c; spring ducks, Dong isiaud. -ciijfioc. • | Potatoes The market is lower' New Jersey, No. 1, 80®90o oasael, ill)., ,\o. Z, bOif-uc ,/uf basket, uu, lbtl-lb. bags. No. J, $B.6uJ 3,00 extra quality; uu., No. 2. 61.5u© 2.25; Pennsylvania, No. 1 100 lbs f1.8U02.20; do., per 100 lbs., fancy, ic.yary-.ib, Nwh Jersey, 4 \ u . 4( A J lbs.. ol.latf2.so. do.. No. 2, 100 lb* f1.55#1.7D; western, per 100 lbs., f2 00 ®2. to, New York state, per 100 lbs f1.70tf1.90; Maine, per 100 lbs., 61.60® 1.80, DeiaWa.e .a a.,u„ U| j, ei , bag, suc®sl.lo, Michigan., per 101 lbs., f 1.50 431 i. 0; Floriua. per barrel f2.60® 2.00; Florida. per busn.li hamper, 75®80c; Florida, per iu-lb' bugs. $t.60©3.00; North Carolina u„," barrel. $1.50©4.0u; couth t-aionna Zlt barrel, SI.JU©4.O; Rollout. p cr 'bar rel. $3.25: Easterh Shore. Der barrel, $2.00®2.7U; fancy, Macungic Nu. i, UaiiUi, uu . * pel uurrc, *l.+itkH 1.50. ' Flour —The market is weak; winter straight, western. 6t0.26tf10.50 uer barrel; do., nearby, f0.50® 10.00 per barrel; Kansas straight, $10.70®iu.65 per barrel; do., short, patent, flo 60 tf 10.00 per barrel; spring, short pat ents, f10.454f 10.65 per barrel; spring •patent, f 10.4atf 10 o_u_ per , barret, firsts, clear, $9.20®9.,5 per barrel. Hay The market is firm; timothy No. 1. large and small bales, $3l q u £ 32.00 per ton; No. 2. small bales, $29 00 ® 20.00 per ton; No. 3t $25.00®26.UU n e r ion; sample, f 12.50© 12.00 per ton: uu grade. $7.50® 11.50 per ton. Clover Light mixed. $29 00® SO.00; No. I. f27.00®23.00; No. 2 $'29100 ©26.00. Tallow The nfarket is, weak prime. city, in tierces, !®10c; prime special, loose. 10c; prime country Blie?' dark. 7®7%c; edible in tierces' 12 Vi ® 13c. > CHICAGO 110 till) OF TRADE Chicago, Jan, 30.—Board of Trade closing: Corn—May. 1.20' 4 : July. 1.17. Oats—May. 57%; July, 5516. Pork—Januarj, 44.00: May, 38.."i"i. I-ard—January. 2!.07; May, 23.30. TUbs—January, 22.22; May, 21.35. "Cure Your Rupture Like I Cured Mine" Old 8m Captain Cured Hia Own Rupture After Doctor! Said "Operate or Death." ~ ■la Baa**? and Book laat Free. Captain Colllngs sailed ths teas for many years; then he sustained a bad double rupture that soon forcad him t? not only remain ashore, but kept him bedridden for years. He tried doctor after doctor and truss after truss. No results! Finally, he was assured that he must either submit to a dangerous and abhorrent operation or die. He did aeither! He cured himself instead. "Fellow Mea and Women, YoaDoat Hop* Te Be Cat Up, and Yon Don't Have To Bo Torturad By Truiaa*." Captain Colllngs made a. study of, himself, of his condition—and at last ha was rewarded by the finding of the method that so quickly made him a well, strong, vigorous and happy man. Anyone can use the same method 1 It's simple, easy, safe anil inexpensive.' Every ruptured person In the world should have the Captain Colllngs book, telling all about how he cured himself, and how anyone may follow the same treatment In their own home without any trouble. The book and medicine are FREE. They will be sent prepaid to' any rnpture sufferer who will fill out, the below coupon. But send It right away—aew —before you put down this paper. FREE RUPTURE BOOK ARB REMEDY OOUPOM. Oapt. W. A. Colllngs (Inc.) 80x2130 Watertofirn, N. Y. Please send me your FRKE Rupture Remedy and Book without any obli gation on my part whatever. Name Address I I ' Are You Awaiting The Great Crisis? U So, Do Not Allow the Tinro to Paaa With Nature UnaWwL Women who fire nature a helping hand during tbo period of expectancy find that wber, the time arrives for baby's coming it It approached and passed with Infinitely Tess pain and danger. 2 Thousands of women for over half a cen tury have learned that in the time-honored preparation. Mother's rrlend, they have a grateful, relaxing, penetrating remedy, the pee of which make* It possible for them to go through childbirth without the usual BIU4M. nervousness, bearing-down and stretching pains, and that through Its use the hours at the crisis are fewer and of much lets pain and danger.- Mother's Friend penetrates the muscles, rendering them- pliant end' easily governed by the demands of nature. They relax gentlv and bring happy diva and calm, rast ) ful nights. As the result the crisis Is passed with greater ease and In late time, the breasts are kept In good condition and the skin is made and kept soft awTfree from blemishes. Write to the Bradtejd Regulator Company; Lamer Building, Atlanta, Georgia, for their Motherhood Book, and obtain a bottle #f Mother's Friend from roar drug gist today and thoroughly fortify youfMF lor tike cowing onrcat* Pollock Hits Critics of Preiidsnt -Wilson \Tntthlng;tM|, Jan. —Cjjitlcs of President Wtlson aiul his proposal for a league of nations were sharp- It rebuked In Senate yesterday by Senator Pollock, of South Carolina. Democrat, who, in Ills first prepared address, chargey that pattlsA poli- February Furniture Sale 1 )'■• # ! . h k ( ;Jn } ■; . t , LtO OVER ■* FURNITURE CO. 1415-17-19 N. Second St. ■i\ Presenting the finest selection of Period Fur niture that has ever been displayed in Harrisburg. The prices *will not be equalled elsewhere. We guarantee you a saving on etiqry purchase. Your Purchase Will Be Held for Later * 4 > Delivery By Making a Deposit l ' ' i * 1. * American Walnut Suite, 5 Pieces, in- eluding Vanity Dresser, $210.00 Value, v / y K /i/| February Sale Price *P-*- • */•■*/i/ • American Walnut or Antique Mahog any Suite of U Pieces, $175.00 Value. Feb- S? / ~f/§ /J/J /nary Sale Price fpl&U. VU paMS Xilie-Piece Jacobean Dining Suile, in cluding 6 FMairs, genuine leather upliols- a tered. $22f).00> Value. February Side \J\J Three-Piece Fane Living Room Suite, Mahogany Finish, upholstered in Finest Quality bine damask. Value $225.00. Feb- \ / hZfi /J/J ruary Sale Price *P •*- ''l , .pf | Tliree-Piecp Bed Davenport, Chair and Rocker, Oak, Fumed Oak, Mahogany, Brown Spanish Mule skin Covering, com- _ plete with mattress. $150.00 value. Feb- fifa ruary Sale Price UU Everything For the Home at Prices . That Are Less I U . __J si*_LL_ 11 1 " '' . ■ " ■■ ,<| in! ~ * I t tics was the basis for mp,gh of the \ criticism voiced recently in the Sen ate. > ij* .. I Scrtators I.odse, of Massucjuisot l K Knox,, of Pennsylvania, urfct BocaW.. of lduho, Republicans, and Reed. <KI Missouri, Democrat, the South Caro lina senator said, were ahtbng thofce who iiad labored for "destruction in stead of construction" in the pei/ce plans fOLDS i Head or chest— lire best treated ' j "eaternally"—• J NEW PRICES —3oc. 60c. Si.2o