Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 31, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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The International Sunday School Lesson For Feb
ruary 2 Is "The Giving of Manna"
Exodus 16:1-36
I was in Great Britain when Lord
Rhonda inaugurated his food ration
ing scheme; and I shall always be
glad for the experience. As every
traveller knows, the British are fam
ous grumblers about their food; I
have heard them grousing clear
around the world. Yet when the
rationing scheme was put into ef
fect for all, from king to coster, I
never heard a whimper. All men
adjusted themselves to the rigorous
regime cheerfully, for the sake of
an ideal. It revealed the truth that
character has made great advances
since the days of the whimpering
Jews who would have exchanged
their liberty for the flesh pots of
Nobody can contemplate the spirit
in which the allied nations carried
on under war's restrictions without
a sense of pride in the wholesome,
brave and idealistic spirit of our
people. The spectacle is a discour
aging one for pessimists. North
America voluntarily rationed itself
in order to feed the world. With
Put a stop to them with old
reliable Dr. King's New
That raw, hoarse throat must be
soothed. That phlegm-loaded chest
must be loosened. That cough must
be checked so you can sleep.
Dr. King's New u.*a. cry hi:
been relieving colds and coughs foi
half a century without the least dis
agreeable after-effects.
Your druggist has it because it is
well-known and in big demand.
Try this for Constipation
Keep the bowels on schedule time
with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the
system freed from poisonous wastes,
the complexion clear, the stomach
sweet, the tongue uncoated, the
breath untainted. Mild yet positive
in action.
Sale of Furniture
Because of judicious buying during the past six months
we are able to offer you furniture under the market value
to-day. If you are aiming towards economy do not fail to
take advantage of our savings.
Come in and see with your own eyes the quality and low
prices which the purchasing power of this store has made
possible for you.
Liberal Credit on Easy Payments
This suit consists of Dresser, Bed,
(ihiffonier and Toilet Table, finished in satin wa'nut-.
Suit consists of 54-inch Buffet with 1O / UU
mirror back, China Closet, Table and Serving Table. Amer
ican walnut, Queen Anne style. Chairs to match at extra
low prices.
Good grade Tapestry Cover, with loose 1 # U.UU
cushions on Davenport, Chair and Rocker. Davenport has
extp foot in center to make it more substantial. The best
spring construction in seat and cushions with spring edgfe
on seats.
Other' Tapestry Suits from $90.00 up.
plenty in its hands, it denied itself
for the sake of a service and a con
Bread I.incs, Gld and New
This far have we advanced, that
the number of persons who will
voluntarily go hungry for the sake
of an Ideal Is not small. The eman
cipated Jews were not among them.
When the pangs of hunger attacked
them, they forgot all about the joys
of liberty, about the marvelous
crossing of the Red Sea, about the
miracles of the plagues, about the
Passover and about the twelve
springs at Elim, and remembered
only the flesh pots of Egypt. They
preferred bread with beatings to
hunger with honor.
One ailment of these wanderers,
-as of persons not a few today, was
! their inability to take long views,
I either backward or forward. They
; could not see beyond the present,
j When I shivered in the cold of
; Manchuria I thought that I would
never again grumble at the heat;
but In India a temperature of one
hundred and fifty degrees smote me
just as hard as if I had never known
zero weather. Past and future were
blotted out for these Israelites by
the consciouness that they were
hungry; if they could only be fed.
they foolishly reasoned, they would
mind no other ills.
Facing the Verities
A certain mild-spoken son of a
preacher remarked, in commenting
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not
recommended for everything, but if
you have kidney, liver or bladder
trouble, it may be found just the
medicine you nee.d. Swamp-Root
makes friends quickly because its
mild and immediate effect is goon rea
lized in most cases. It is a gentle
healing herbal compound a physi
cian's prescription which has proved
its great value in thousands of the
most distressing cases according to
reliable testimony.
At druggists in large and medium
size bottles.
You may have a sample size bottle
of this always reliable preparation by
Parcel Post, also pamphlet telling
about it. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten
cents, also mention the Harrisburg
Daily Telegraph.
upon one of his Boyvilic quarrels.
"I don't know why it is, but some
how I never Bet to bo really sood
friends with a fellow, until I ha\e
licked him." There is, philosophy
lying buck of the youngster's re
mark. Jehovah could never get
along with His chosen people until
He had shown them His sovereign,
ty. and they were dependent wholly
upon Him. Now once again in tho
wilderness, as in Egypt and at tho
Red Sea, the Israelites had to be
brought face to face with the great
verity, that it is God who provides.
This was the lesson that was be
ing taught, "line upon line, precept
upon precept," in that forty-year
session of the Wilderness school.
The Jews had to learn before they
could become in truth n nation, that
Jehovah alone was God, and that
He was their God. their guide, their
protector, their provider. Proud
man has to be made aware of his
insufficiency; earth is utterly depen
dent upon heaven. In tho face of a
storm, a drought, a flood, he is as
helpless as a cockleshell upon the
wind-tossed ocean. To learn the ex
istence of heaven it is worm while
to feel the shaking of earth beneath
one's feet.
The tremendous and vital truth
of God's providence may not be ob
scured by secondary causes. What
if He chooses to send our daily
bread by the way of the wheat field,
the miller, and the bake oven, in
stead of rain from heaven? As Malt
bie D. Babcock sang;
Back of the loaf is Ihe snowy flour,
And back of the flour the mill:
And back of the mill is the wheat
and the shower.
And the sun and the Father's will."
Grccdjr ami Grumbling
Loyalty is the mark of the good
soldier. A really line fighter is sure
to be a man who trusts his leadeis
in adversity as well as in prosper
'>?*" '^' le un ' verßa ' revulsion against
the German outburst of whimper
ing and faultfinding shows that there
is a wholesome and instinctive re
pugnance in human nature against
a w °' lo >'bßy and stamina. In
what glaring contrast it has been to
the spirit of the brave Englishman,
Henley, who sang:
In the fell clutch of circumstance,
1 have not winced nor cried aloud,
Beneath the buidgeonings of chance,
Sly head is bloddy, but unbowed
Those ungrateful slaves, "the
whole congregation of the children
of Israel," turned against their
leaders as soon as they felt the pinch
bf hardship. Hear tjiem: "Would
that we had died by the hand of
Jehovah in the land of Egypt, where
we sat the flesh-pots, where we did
eat bread to the full; for ye have
brought us forth into this wilderness
to kill the whole assembly with
Poor Moses! He deserves the sym
pathy which every great leader al
ways deserves and rarely receives;
and especial commiseration should
be extended to him because he had
to work with an uncommonly for
getful, ungrateful, unappreciative
and rebellious aggregation of fol
lowers. Everybody finds it hard to
work with people, and many are
prone to say that they have the most
uncongenial and difficult company
of associates. But Moses really did
have a rare lot of spineless grom
blers on his hands. What a sermon
he could preach on the grace of good
Among earth's martyrs must be
counted those who have to live with
complaining, fault-finding, whimper
ing and petulant persons. More un
happy homes are caused by nagging
and ill-nature than by marital in
fidelity. Just as this wicked habit
(really, is drunkenness much worse?)
turns the married state, which God
meant to be a blissful one, into e
state of torment, so fretting, wor
rying and fear convert the Chris
tian's relationship with God, which
should be a peaceful, confident
thing, into a burden and a cross.
John Wesley said that he would no
more dare to fret than to swear;
for he knew that both are expres
sions of impiety.
The Rain of Bread
The grumbler would grumble In
heaven, if a grumbler were ever ad
mitted there. Jehovah undertook to
show the Israelites that the root of
their complaining lay deeper than
the lack of bread. First, though. He
made It plain that their murmuring
was not against Moses and Aaron,
but against Him. Who ever insults
the king's ambassadors insults the
king. They who rail against fate
and circumstances are usually rail
ing against God.
To vindicate His own glory
which is dearer to Him than men
commonly think—Jehovah promised
to rain bread from heaven for them
day by day—bread in the morning,
and, occasionally, at least, meat la
the evening. It was to come day by
day, suggesting that the spiritual
life cannot be sustained on past ex
periences any more than the body
on stale manna.
Of course all this was a miracle—
"Manna " or "What is it?" cried
the astonished pilgrims. But this
is not wonderful. The principle of
divine providence is so important
that God will work any number of
miracles to maintain it. Back of the
fact, and not to he obscured by it,
lies the truth. God will care for
His own even if he has to send the
Angel Gabriel down from the high
est heaven to act as one of earth,' 3
messengers. "The Lord will pro
vide." is the homely, tested teaching
of this event, and of the history of
all those whom Jehovah has called
His friends throughout the centur
In a thousand ways during the
war, by natural increase of harvest,
by the appearance of unexpected
allies and resources, by opportune
fogs and rains, by the timely arrival
of re-enforcements, by the develop
ment of women workers, we have
been taught during the war of old,
simple and profound lesson of the
good providences of God. He is the
Lord of the manna and the ravens
and of the widow's cruse.
As to the manna, we can only re
peat the exclamation of those who
first found It—"What is Is?" It was
j plainly not a natural product; we
[ only know why it was sent and the
purpose it served. When God's peo
ple are In need He brings out of His
Infinite treasure-house stores new
and old for their help. They think
lightly of Hint who say that He can
do no more than He has already
gone; Jehovah Is a God of exhaust
less resources. Of lale we have
been surprised at the possibilities
and resources within ourselves, as
a nation and as Individuals. Who
would have dared to predict, five
years ago, that North America
could perform such wonders in
army-creation, food-supply and con
servation, and financial resources
for national service? With the stress
of the times, and In a fresh spirit
of reverence, our people have mado
Jfreat calls upon God. and not in
vain. Whatever the new conditions,
whatever the peculiar circumstnces!
God can be trusted to indicate His
Lordship and to take care of His
Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv,
Swift Will Not Clai mExemp
tiou on Testimony,
He Says
Washington, Jan. 31.—Questions of
whether appearance of packers' rep
resentatives before Congress would
grant them limniunity from prosecu
tion under Federal laws and of com
pelling the Federal Trade Commis
sion to disclose the identity of wit
nesses upon whose testimony
charges of collusion were brought
against the packers came up at hear
ings yesterday before the Senate and
House committees.
Louis F. Swift, president of Swift
Company, after conferring with
his counsel, toid the Senate Agricul
tural Committee he would waive any
rights he might have in respect to
his testimony regarding the aban
donment of the M..K. and T. railroad
stockyards at Fort Worth, Tex., lo
cated near plants in which Swift &
Company and Armour & Company
were interested.
The question of possible immunity
for the witness was raised when
Francis J. Heney began questioning
Mr. Swift with regard to the aban
donment of the railroad yards. Mem
bers of the committee said evidence
in this matter had been referred to
the Department of Justice, which was
considering Its application on the
Sherman anti-trust law.
T. E. Wilson, president of Wilson
& Company, was testifying before the
House Interstate Commerce Commit
tee when members brought up the
matter of requiring the Federal
Trade Commission to furnish the
names of the witnesses. Mr. Wilson,
In reply to questions, denied that
there was any collusion among the
packers to fix prices. Representative
AY lnslow. of Massachusetts, then said
it .would be useless to proceed fur
ther with t,lie questioning of the
witness unless the committee had
something more to base questions on
than "an anonymous allegation."
He suggested that the committee ask
the rade Commission to submit their
names and that the witnesses be
called to testify.
The suggestion was embodied in a
resolution offered by Representative
Decker, of taossiuro, which specified
that if the Commission refused t
Rive the names, the committee
should demand them. A vote on it
was not taken because several mem
bers objected, but the committee ex
pects to dispose of the resolution to
Cold*, toughs, Croup and Catarrh
Relieved In Tno Minutes
Is your throat sore?
Breathe Hyomei.
Have you catarrh?
Breathe Hyomei.
Have you a cough?
Breathe Hyomei. )
Have you a cold?
Breathe Hyomei.
Hyomei is the one treatment for all
nose, throat and lung troubles. It
does not contain any cocaine or mor
phine and all that is necessary is to
breathe it through the little pocket
inhaler that comes with each outfit.
A complete outfit costs but little at
druggists everywhere and at H. C.
Kennedy's and Hyomei is guaranteed
to banish catarrh, croup. coughs,
colds, sore throat and bronchitis or
money back. A Hyomei inhaler lasts
a lifetime and extra bottles of Hvo
mei can be Obtained from druggists.
One Lot to be
Closed Out at
One Lot to be
Closed Out at
$2O, $25 and $3O
Extra Values in
Bates Street
Arrow and
Eclipse Shirts
$1.50 Reduced to $1.35
s2.ooReduced to $1.65
$2.50 Reduced to $1.95
65c Neckwear
Reduced to
See Our Windows.
228 Market St.
Store Closes Regularly #J Store Closes Regularly;
On Saturdays at Six On Saturdays at Six
ggg—_ • C • i*' 'i
▼ •
tz# Opportunity to Purchase First Grade | i
Decorated Porcelain Cups and Saucers *1 o'^Lllftgi
1 ~ ls2BirV j'
Plates, Fruit Saucers, Etc. . ' 1
at Prices Prevailing Before the War I
There are three decorations in the lot. Decorations which we used to carry \ i
in open stock. The order fpr these goods were placed in the summer of 1917. (CSt^s
Last spring we could see no possibility of getting the goods, consequently, we —fr
closed out what we had in stock of these three patterns. A sale which you will <ssso l 7A& '
probably recall. .... , *- O 1 'imrc' A
■"w!fc \ 'If 1 />
Now, in 1919 we received these goods which were ordered in 1917, and place V \ *?/! / 4
them on sale tomorrow at 1917 prices. Some of the lots will not last long so we JD *%:■ /
would advise coming early. ; .
NOTE —No telephone or mail orders filled. We also limit the purchase of ! !
cups and saucers of one dozen to each customer. *
464 tea cups and saucers, 30c. 6 cream pitchers, 35c each. *
48 coffee cups and saucers, 35c. 36 bone dishcS| ISc each a
• CIIPS saucers ' 2^C - 18 uncovered vegetable dishes (small), 30c each; - *
ono i " CUpS and saucers> c ' 24 uncovered vegetable dishes (medium), 35c each. f
208 brjad and butter plates, 10c. 18 Uncovered vegetable dishes (large), 50c each.
208 pie plates, 12c each. 18 covered vegetable dishes; $1.35 each.
208 tea plates, 15c each. 18 meat P'atters (small), 30c each.
228 breakfast plates, 20c each. ' \l P ,a " ers <™ edi ? m >: 50c f ach ' i
~ , f '• 12 meat platters (large), 85c each. ... i
256 dinner plates, 25c each. , 18 covered butter dishes, $l.OO each. \ 1 'J
Wt f SO " p p ' ates > each. , 12 gravy bowls, 45c each. - •- J j 4
326 fruit saucers. 10c each. 12 bowls, 30c each. ' T* i I
6 sugar bowls, 70c each. \ 12 pickle dishes, 20c each. I R
BOWMAN'S—Basement. J
— —— . . y.'. *
Shoe Specials for Women p - 7"~ ~— —~t~t
Saturday Specials 4 ]■
Women's field mouse kid laced' boots with French heels. '•'**!
spcdai.s9.°°. - • Silks, Dress Goods and i:
\\ omens gray lod laedd boots with cloth ..tops; French ,
heels. Special, $7.00 „• ' Wash Goods f
Growing girls' black and tan calf laced shoes, $5.00 and
+* 36-inch dress or skirting silks, plaids or stripes, sl.9sij
Women's black patent button shoes with cloth tops. Spe- yard. *[
cial, $1.49. 36-inch black silks, such as chiffon taffeta, mijfesalines*;
Duchesse satin, satin Merveilleux, Paillette de Soirei!
BOWMAN S-Maln Floor. Louisine, etc., yd., $1.85. ,> J
40-incfi wash satin, white and flesh, $1.79 yard.
— 32-inch foreign and domestic ginghams, 59c yard. *
27 and 32-inch silk mixed shirtings, 59c yard. i
T J C'll Oa_ 1* 36-inch silk mixed suitings, 59c yard.
Ladies ollK 36-inch best American percales, 39c yard.
■ O 36-inch foundation silks, 48c yard.
x , x . , 48-inch French serge; all colors, $2.79 yard. 1
Now that clearance sales ,n hosiery are ended, we 54 . inch best graded velours , $395 yard ;
are show ing to-day a new silk stocking. A medium weight 36-inch latest designs of lining saffeens; 59c, 75c, 89<^
good wearing silk, black and white with double lisle heel and y ard - • '
toe with heavy lisle top, $1.75. BOWMAN's — Main Floor.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ['
- 1
45 Winter Coats . |j
O ne lot of all wool velours
1 # an d borella cloth coats. All
lined throughout; just the thing
\ for this weather—All sizes, 16
> to 44. You will appreciate what
°bargains they are at this price. , J