Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 30, 1919, Page 9, Image 9
"The Live Store"Always Reliable" Tomorrow — We Open Our "Strictly Semi-Annual MARK-DOWN SALE % _ * ....... Where Everything in Our Entire Stock Is Reduced Except Arrow Collars, Manhattan Shirts and Interwoven Hose The eventful day is here The day thousands Remember it's impossible to buy any shoddy" of customers and people throughout Central Pennsylvania have or undesirables HERE at any price. There has been no change in been thinking about and planningfpr It s The Day we open our our h u nies policy since we came to Harieburg. We sell only dependable mer semi-annual Clearance Sale. 1 his is a most important time of the year to us be- , . i .., L . ..1 1 £ . % (<r . , e .. . 1 sr 11 V • . 1 1. . . ..t c chandise throughout the year, but at the end of each season we have a Final cause we dispose of our entire stock of fall and winter merchandise, but it fe of - „ * . ; ' . . . . , , * far greater importance to yoii and your friends to be able to buy the exceptional Clean Up so we can begin the next season with an entirely new stock. This is quality merchandise this "Live Store" sells, at such low prices. a strictly cash sale in which you enjoy the profits. Hart Schaffner & Marx, Kuppenheimer, Society Brand Clothes Reduced This Mark-Down Sale which begins tomorrow, Friday, promises to be the most wonderful selling event that this "Live Store" or any other store has ever attempted. For the past two weeks we have been asked many times every day when we were going to have our "Semi-Annual Clearance Sale." We feel certain as to the out come, for these sales have been growing in popularity year after year. Don't confuse Doutrich's Mark-Down Sale with the ordinary sales that are noised about from time to time—There's a vast difference—when you come HERE you always find what we advertise, plenty of it—We never bait the hook with the hope of catching tKe unsuspecting buying public. The methods employed bv this "Live Store" to "get business" will permit the use of the X-ray any time. All S2O Suits & Overcoats $14.75 All S4O Suits & Overcoats $29.75 All $25 Suits & Overcoats $19.75 All $45 Suits & Overcoats $33.75 All S3O Suits & Overcoats $23.75 All SSO Suits & Overcoats $37.75 All $35 Suits & Overcoats $26.75 All $55 Suits & Overcoats $41.75 AH S3B Suits & Overcoats $28.75 All S6O Suits & Overcoats $45.75 ■ Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws 19c 1 All 35c | 1 Brighton Garters , 1 19c % All "Shirts," "Hosiery," "Gloves," "Pajamas," "Night Shirts," and "Sweaters 99 Reduced iAini.no shirt. 79 c AH am shiru an sa , Pajamas I All 51.50 Shin. .. .1 su9 All SSAS Shirts $4 . 89 p { . All 52.00 Shirt, $1,59 All 16.85 Shi,!, $5.89 All t2JO P.j.nU .~ l{ Sfli 525051 *"' sl-89 All 07^5Shirt, $ 6. 89 All 13.50 Pajamas . $2-89 A " !UsShirtl $7.89 I i Boys' 49c Black iHose . . 39c Boys' $1.50 Kaynee Shirts . . {1.19 1 304 Market | 39c Street fHURSDAY EVEN IN 6, Boys' $ 6.50 "Suits," "Overcoats" and "Mackinaws r $4.89 Boys' $ 7.50 "Suits," "Overcoats" and "Mackinaws" $5.89 Boys' $ 8.50 "Suits," "Overcoats" and "Mackinaws" :.. $6.89 Boys' SIO.OO "Suits," "Overcoats" and "Mackinaws'' $7.89 Boys' $12.00 "Suits," "Overcoats" and "Mackinaws $8.75 Boys' $15.00 "Suits," "Overcoats" and "Mackinaws" $1 Q 75 Boys' $16.51) "Suits," "Overcoats" and "Mackinaws" $ \ J 75 Boys' SIB.OO "Suits," "Overcoats" and "Mackinaws" .$ \ 3.75 llPoutrichST ° , HABBISBUItG TEEEGIOJPH | 79 c | All 95c Boys' c Kaynee i Shirts and | Waists [ 79c 19c _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ JANUARY 30, 1919. 9 „ ' 'R- ■: '' ' * " • K' ■ ' * I . IFFLB 3FBB I^B*<£3SKES^RB&<^SSHKII^HB&^ * \ ' • 9