Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 30, 1919, Image 5
Yew Task Formed For Desk Officer Buch Who Now Gives Correct Time Harrlsburg people have found an >ther use for the police station —• hat of furnishing them tho time. With tho declaration of tho 801 l 'elephone Company to discontinue ts old practice of furnishing the lme to Inquirers, many persons wore .t a loss to know what to do, but ither housewives who frequently orget to wind tholr clocks and per itt them to run down, have started liq custom of calling the police sta lon for this Information. Daily a dozen or more purposes vail themselves of the telephone to all Officer Buch to the telephone to earn tlio time. And tho custom Is rowing and demanding more of Is limited time, Officer Buch fllrms. larding Resigns War Finance Corporation By Associated Press Washington, Jan. 30. —W. P. O. larding yesterday resigned r.s man ging director of the War- Finance 'orporation because of the increas tg press of duties as governor of le Federal Reserve Board. Ho was uccieded as managing director of 10 finance corporation by Eugene loyer, Jr.,'now a director, but will atain his oflico as a director of the rganization. REEQUNS Hi PILLS ■ Keep the stomach well, ■he liver active, the bowels ■egular, and the breath will be sweet and healthy, nut let poisons accumu late in the digestive organs, ■he system becomes clogged, lases form in the stomach Ind affect the breath. I Correct Ih.ese conditions with ■leecham's Pills. They Biromptly regulate the bodi ly functions and are a quick Bcmedy for sour stomach and had Breath lATgest Sale of Any Medicine in the World* ,;1 Sold everywhere. In Boxes* 10c.. 25c* ■est For Backache, I Rheumatsm, Lumbago ■ it.i Mow T*u libtiiliied at All Drug Storm. IM tiunranteed. ■l'!;e sliooting. tearing pains of Neu- Sciatica, and Lumbago are relieved, while Headache, and Earache simply flee. colds and sore throats that pneumonia and tonsllitis By bo cured in a single night—and only is 20tli Century Liniment relief needed in such cases as in practically any painful ■There's nothing injurious in 20th Liniment. It contains such known remedies as Camphor, and many other ingredients by the highest medical au- Hu'itics in tho lanu, things that Bng soothing relief and real joy to and aching muscles. into tho nearest drug store |B stop 011 your way home at any and get a bottle. If results what you want make an effort to m I®! I Indent asks: "Please relieve me i coated tongue, foul breath, head e. constipation and „ general 111- lth." jiswer: If habitually constipated, should take Three-Grain Sulpherb ilets (not sulphur) and arouse the nns which eliminate waste ma il, from ypur body. These tab purify tne blood and Improve health by acting on the Jiver, neys and bowels. Obtain in sealed es with full directions. * * • eekel writes: "I find my natural ngth and nervous system failing 1 do not recuperate as of yore, [food and rest seem not to benefit they should. Am weak, despond and unable to perform the duties Ich were assumed earlier in life, le my ambition for work and Lsuro is slowly going." pswer: 1 think a powerful, harm- I tonic and nervine medicine will kvenuto and restore the func [s of digestion, assimilation am. hination by invigorating the rous system. Obtain Three-Grain pmene Tablets, packed In sealed l*s. and take as per directions ■mpanying. • * • • fhankful" writes: "I have suffered pronic cough for almost a year, I catch a fresh cold every feV. Iks Nothing the doctor gives mi Is, so I write to you." pswer: You need a thorough lax p cough syrup, one that not onl> fcves, but surely drives it frotr. ■system. Tho following regular).- I will ount any curable cough i ■ promptly: Obtain a 2%-v■?.. botl'i ■Essence Mentho-Laxene, mix It THURSDAY EVENING, MORE UNITS ARE* ARRIVING HOME FROM WAR ZONE War Department Announces Departure From France of Artillery , By Associated Press WnslUngtnn, Jan. 80. — Departure from France of tho transport Due D'Aosta with tho 331 st Field Ar tillery comploto and the Headquar ters Company, Medical Detachment, and Battery E, of the 339 th Field Artillgry Is announced by the War Department. The 331 st Artillery Regiment, of the 86th Division will go to Camp Grant, 111., while the units of the 839 th Artillery will go to Camp Dodge, lowa, to join the other units of this regiment now en route there. HAVERFOIU) IN CAPES Delaware Breakwater, Del., Jpn. 31.—The steamship Haverford bound for Philadelphia with 2,096 troops from France on beard, passed In the Delawae capes shortly before 10 o'clock last night. When sighted about six miles off the capes the Haverford slganeld that her peering gear was tempo rarily disabled and that repairs were being made. Two hours later she made only two miles and finally anchored just outside the break water. At 9.40 o'clock the ship again got under way and proceeded up the bay. She is expected to arrive in Philadelphia to-morrow morn ing. REACH HAMPTON ROADS Ntwpoi-t News, Va., Jan. 30. Three transports, the Zeelandia, Martha Washington and Montlcello, bringing troops from overseas reach ed HHampton Roads yesterday. The Zeclandia landed 1,655 officers and men,. but the Martha Washington and Montlcello arrived too late to dock and will discharge their pas sengers to-morrow. The Zeelandia alnded the 311 th Ammunition Train, 2 5 officers and 1,193 men, detachment Cadre of the 86th (Black Hawk) Division, 16 men; Headquarters Company, a medical detachment and Batteries B and C of the 325 th Field Artil lery, 32 officers and 335 men; forty casual officers and four casual en listed men. To Spend $500,000,000 on Railroads This Year Washington, Jan. 30. About $300,000,000 will be spent by rail roads this year for extensions and improvements and $200,000,000 for new cars and locomotives, accord ing to preliminary plans of the rail road administration. Much greater capital expenditures will be authorized, but Indications now are that the entire program can not be carried out before the end of the year, and no improve ments or purchases of equipment will be ordered by the railroad admin istration without approval by the individual railroad company. RECIPE TO DARKEN GRAY^HAIR A Cincinnati Burlier Tells How to Mnkc a Remedy For Gray Hair Mr. Frank Harbaugh, of Cincin nati, 0., who has been a barber for more than forty years recently made the following statement: "Anyone can prepare a simple mixture at home, at very little cost, that will darken, gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. To a half pint of water add 1 ounce bay rum, *\ small box of Barbo Compound and Vi ounce glycerine. These ingredi ents can be bought at any drug store at very little cost. Apply to tho f-ialr twice a week until the desired i hade is obtained. This will mako gray haired person look twenty years younger. This is not a dye. It does not color the most delicate scalp, is not stlpky or greasy and does not rub off. rKel) octets & J)r. Zrew3l£aAe3 Oc* The questions answered below are general in character, the symptoms or diseases are given and the answers will apply in any case of similar na ture. Those wishing further advice, free, may address Dr. Lewis Baker, College Bldg., College-Elwood streets, Dayton, Ohio, enclosing self - addressed stamped envelope for reply. Full name and address must he given, but only Initials or fictitloi • names will be used in -my answers. The pre scriptions can be tilled at any well stocked drug store. Any druggist can order of wholesaler. with a home-made sugar syrup or honey as per directions on bottle. • • • Mrs. D. asks: "Can you prescribe a reliable treatment to get rid of dand ruff, Itching and feverish scalp?" Answer: I know you can got in stant relief and permanent results by using Plain Yellow Minyol as per di rections which accompany each i-oz. Jar. * * * Ahe writes: "Something seems to be wrong with my system and I don't know what it is. 1 have huge puffs Under my eye§, my eyes are blood shot in the morning and my feet and ankles are swollen. Sometimes 1 have chills and feel weak and tired most of the time." Answer: Your eliminating organs, such as liver and kidneys, are in need of treatment. Begin taking Balmwort Tablets at once. Get them in sealed tubes with full directions of any well-stocked druggist. NOTE: For many years Dr. Baker has been giving free advice and pre scriptions to millions of people through the press columns, and doubt less lias helped in relieving Illness and distress more than any single in lividual In the worlds history. Thou sands have written him expressions of gratitude and confidence similar to the following: Dr. Lewis Baker, Dear Kir:—For the enclosed coupon and 2 ct. stamp •ilease send me your "Great Guide Book to Health and Beauty." I am not a regularly trained nurse, but have cared for invalids more than forty years and would be glad to 'earn many things from your book ■'or their benefit. I have cured my lelf and nearly 50 others with your wonderful prescription for Rheuma tism and am now taking the Balm wort. Tablets for liver and kidneys, "hanking you, I am Yours sincerely, MRS. M. " HIiDGINS. Orange, Texas. More Pennsylvania Boys Are Released From German Grasps By Associated Press Washington, Jan. 80. — The War Department last night made public another list of Pennsylvanlans held prisoner by Germany who have been released. Joseph Rogers, Scranton, has been released and has returned to France. The following are reported re leased from Camp Altdam, and will sail from Stettin, Germany: Joseph Pilotti, Slovan; Daniel L. Lewis, Taylor; Boyd S. Blinn, New Brighton. The following are reported as re leased and now in the territory oc cupied by allied troops: Lieutenant Charles W. Drew, Philadelphia, and Frank W. Norton, Willlamsport. Reported released • frpm Camp Merseburg, Private Peter J. Brand stetter, Ford City. Reported released from German prison camp is Ernest A. Reusch, York. Reported released from Merse burg and to have arrived at Alt dam is William J. Ferris, Erie. Reported released from Emmons penberg Is John J. Hlgglns, Phila delphia. Russians in Paris Declare Principles For Their Interior , By Associated Press ' Washington, Jan. 30.—Represen tatives In Paris of the various gov ernments In Russia which are op posing the Bolsheviki regime have issued a manifesto declaring the fundamental principles of Russia In terior and foreign policies. The dec laration, as cabled' to the Russian embassy here recites these interior policies: - . Broad decentralization and devel opment of locul government admin istration; Recognition of individual histori cal forms of self government and development of different nationali ties it, the boundaries of a single, Individual Russia In the forms of autonomy and federation; Independence of Poland; and Re-establishment by the tempo rary government to the constitu tional rights of Finland. Regarding the foreign policy, the declaration said Russia's national aspirations would correspond to the principles of international' unity adopted by all the allies, and that the country had no "aggressive ten -dencies." Kills Aged Banker Who Foreclosed Mortgage; Then Shoots Himself Patcliognc, N. Y.,' Jan. 30.—Smith W. Conklin, an aged banker and real estate owner who was repute'd to be a millionaire, was shot and killed in his office here late yester day by William W. Wright, head of a New York detective agency. After shooting Conklin twice in the back, Wright attempted to take his own life, but failed. According to police, Conklin re cently foreclosed a mortgage he held on property which formed part of the estate left by Wright's father. Constable John Glover, to whom Wright was speaking shortly before the shooting, said Wright admitted "having trouble with Conklin." Additional Subscribers to Penn-Harris Stock Warwick M. Oglesby, secretary and treasurer of the Harrisburg Ho tel Company, announced today the l'st of ne wsubscribers to take stock in the company, as a result of the canvass started at the epochal din ner recently when the confident pre diction was made that this stock will eventually pay ten per cent. The list include the following, with the books still open: B. F. Blough, R. C. Boyles, John D. Banks, Frank L. Cook, Carson Coovers, Frederick W. Coover, S. S. Eberts, W. H, Fet ter, H. A. Fishburn, Samuel Fish man, Spencer C. Gilbert, Henry Boas Gilbert, Harriet Henderson Gilbert, Sarah Gilbert, Spencer G. Hall, Elmer H. Gingrich, Galen Hain, Frank S. Keet, H. C. Kennedy, J. L. L. Kuhn, Frank R Leib, Frank J. Maclilan, Henry G. Mueller, H. W. Ncndlg, Caroline An thony F Petrasfc, Mrs. M. M. S. Shellehamer, C. C. Slothower, Wit mer, Blair & Witmer, Wtllard S. Young. • "Honeymoon Town" Is Now Torquay's Name Torquay, Eng., Jan. 30.—This seacoast town so well known to American visitors, and which has hitherto been known as "Queen of of Western Watering Places," will have to bo • temporarily renamed "Honeymoon-town." It is here that the authorities, have decided New Zealand troops shall assemble with their British brides before return ing The dally arrivals of New Zealanders and their wjves is expected to reach a thousand. The girls of Torquay are not viewing this invasion altogether fav orably, though many have no reason to complain as they have already se lected husba.nds from the thirteen thousand New Zealand troops who have passed through the place dur ing the war. Strikers Vote to Reject * Woolen Mill Offer Lawrence, Mass., Jan. 30.—Votes to reject tHe offer of the American Woolen Comphny to Rive the work ers at its mills in this city a 48- hour week with 4 8 hours pay, with time and a half for overtime, were taken last night at meetings of oper atives of several nationalities em - ployed in the company's mills. Six teen hundred Russians voted not to KO to work next Monday morning unless the company should agree fay to-morrow night to grant a 48-hour week with 5 4 hours pay. They also decided to establish picket lines about all the mills in the city on Monday. i Turn Y. M. C. A. War Huts of England Into Social Clubs London, Jan. 3 o.—The Young Men's Christian Association huts, to the number of about one thousand, dotted all the country, which have been erected for the soldiers lye to continue their usefulness in another sphere. Plans are being mnde for the huts to be moved into villages nnd turned Into social clubs for tho Improvement of social life In Industrial and rural communities. a ttXRRISBURG TELEGRAPH! Queen Mary Voices Sympathy For Women London, Jan. 30.—Deep sympathy for the women of India and Inter est In stepß taken for their advance Record Smashing Friday Bargains Tomorrow | A. M. Daily and Closes MF A. M. Daily and Clo.es j at 5.00 P. M.; SaturJayfl Sat " rday Now For Another Big Splurge in Women's and Misses' Coats j Nearly 500 high-class new, fresh stunning coats go on sale Friday. All the new styles. / These Prices Mean Savings of $5 to $lO on Each Coat j WJ Women's & Misses' Coats 50 Women's & Misses' Coats $-f /\ Mvi thI h p R rice a i" t west' 1 "of 'fhVln^re 8 / , Your choice of velours, Egyptian plush II I j ' "represent d tomefl „d I pTush collars. III ' A® Mlesesf Extra Special 17.60. " 9 thl * Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' / offlA | W W 3SIM gSMI jtpplSS rfW ! I . - ! lined tnroughout. lnrs. All sizes for Women and Misses. | If Poplin AN( J G AT J N DRESSES $A Q C Serge IF I I IfPQQ PC The Serge Dresses are good quality. French *—* I Iwaaaaa \ vU Serge, braid and button trimmed, black, navy ffl■ ■l'nTl 1 fiTTI I #rPS\P\ I V 1 . . _ and most popular shades. The Satin Dresses B ' * vw 1 i Made of Susque- are black and navy and are smart models for a W _ , \ \ < I hanna silk poplin, afternoon and street wear and in ail sizes. A Colors Black, I \ I I. * / in pretty styles; B 'g Saving on each dress. , navy, brown; made \ \ I . Vr / nisely trimmed; all of a heavy serge; a \ V n/ colors and sizes up ~~ * good model; sizes I JPIS * M qc Serge and Satin DRESSES c% QS r\er 1 T1 Ja .J/J High class models in' plain and trimmed U/ I W J / / H*> T Mm v styles, in the leading shades and in all sizes. ■ ■ W m_. ... i . Y # •*/ t* | / I If ( \ Mm SEBSEBR9 These dresses arc worth a great deal more, H W BEEnI M B v / \ ,\ I m/ \ \ mm**'--'*. but will be put in the last two days of the H M m M -. n " J / ff \ \ j I \ Clean Sweep Sale at this attractive price. Be fIHB m m U ' \ \ Mm early while selection is best. MHB W Winding up Sides & Sides Stock-Big Day Friday We're not going to carry over any of this stock. So we've cut the prices further and the drastic reductions are sure to bring a crowd. If you missed the start of this sale—here's your chance to get in on the windup at greater reductions. Quantities are small and might not last the day out. Be early. If you know good bargains when you see them act now. Read each lot carefully —be here when the doors open on Friday. Final Wind-up of All the Collars From the Sides & Sides Stock "Ide," w "Redman," "E. & W." Collars— t~| TOT* ill If* Were 25c and 35c each—Final Sale W VVV Sides & Sides Full Dress Vests One Big Lot of 395 Pairs Men's LESS THAN HALF PRICE anfl SlllT Just 32 White l'lque Vests .lust 12 Black Silk Vests X lUvl k/IHV UllU k/lIIV M*e— Slssea— _ 111111111 11211 I Q ]p Hhqp 33 34 35 37 3S 30 40 42 44 30 38 30 40 42 LjIOIV X tl/OV Sides & Sides Price, Sides & Sides Prices, Assorted Colors. • $4.00 $5, $6 and $7 Sides & Sides Prices up to $1.25 Final Sale Price, Final Sale Price, Final Sale Price, 6 Pairs for $1.25 $2.50 45c Eah $2.50 2""M1 Wh,te ®" lk V"'" sue'^i 2 ° r " y V *" U Men's Fine White Kid 35 30 40 Oil 37 38 30 40 42 44 (j^OV 6S Sid J? & SidCS &^ S t d 7 PriCeS ' All Sizes : ° nl y 79 Pairs $5, $6 and SB.OO $5 to $7 . Final Qalo Prices Final Sale Price, Final Sale Price, Sides & Sides Prices, (t* 1' Q f $2.50 $2 00 $2.50 and $3.00 4>1.Z5 V l ' v\/ Only 50 Pxilrn on Sale. Final Clean Up ot Sides & Sides [ gideS & Fine Kid Gloves Sid ? f kwear Dent's, Fownes and Adlers; lined and Final Clean-up • unlined. Sizes only up to Sides & Up to SI.OO Four- Up to $2.00 Four- Sides Prices $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4,00. in-Hands, or in-Hands, fiC Only 110 pairs on sale. OUC UUC Final. 7& SI.OO rt $1.75 Sale 1 m Only a limited Only a limited Price I quantity. quantity. .50 Pairs Wool One Lot of 39 One Lot of 21 Silk Just 39 Pairs Men's Hose, Sides & Sides Mufflers, Sides & sftks $2-00 to $2.50 Silk Price up to $1.65. Sides Price up to ££ S ™\ Q & S ' Final Sale 7C $2 ; 00. Final OA Final Safe Q(- Hose. Final Q Price i Sale Price OI7C Price t/OC' Sale Price KAUFMAN'S—FItBt Floor ' [ \ Extra Special Fridayßargains in theßargainßasement Outing Flannel Unbleached Bed Spreads Huck Towels Pillow Cases W-lnchMwiae. Sheeting Full size crochet Guest size huck "®™™ d stripped outing ANRAIIDR —— towels, dN.ni XH k Pillow Cases —• slz© flannels ® Sheeting 76 U |neh*a hemmerl ready for border ends, slight- e?Al M aaeh ' SP6 ~ good quality and Sheeting, 76 Inches uge special, ly Imperfect Spe- c,al ca £iL , weight. Special Frl- ® X,ra Sp< f™ d oa cial. each, .25$ day, yard, yard, "I Or/ 29$ 55<* Woolen Bed n . c , _ " Blankets Tahlo Plntbq „ r 1 f . i i i. n nea oneets Combination wool iaoie ciotns i Calicoes Comfortables and cotton warp Hemstitched Dat- r . ... Good heavy bed .f." 7 ,- x ?" Inches gray plaid blankets tern table cloths. ..hfriini c ° m fortablos cov- h bed "J 1 ® 0 . I .?' that w" 1 w. aßh and size 58x58 Inches. ca lcoe? ered wUh K"red ' ■' n - £ IU> wear well, are Special Friday. Friday. 8 " yard. jP6C ' al Zy™' F "' A*". £eh!*" ClLfFrUy' pair P<s " 98$ 12 y 2 $ ' $2.95 " —1 ; ; J ment are voiced by Queen Mary in a message she has sent to all women of the Indian Empire. The Queen also paid tribute to the Indian wom en for the part they played in urg ing their husbands, sons and broth ers to render faithful service In the war. v Prof: Kelly Miller Will Speak Before the Forum Prof. Kelly Miller, dean of How ard University, will speak before the People's Forum in Wesley church JANUARY 30, 1919. on Forster street, Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Prof. Miller Is one of the foremost colored writers and educators in the United States. He is an orator of ability and a scholar of note. His work at Howard ranks him among the big college men of the world. Full Dress Shirts Negligee Shirts Just 110 White j ust 115 Men . s Full Dress Shirts ah J on 1 Soft and Stiff Bosom; all JrlclQrUS & I CTCHfC sizes in the lot. All sizes and colors. Sides & Sides Prices, Sides & Sides Prices $2.50 to $4.00 up to $2.50 ££ Sala SI.OO p;"i ,Sa,e SI.OO J V _J Friday Clothing Sale 200 Suits and Overcoats Choice of Any in the Lot $12.50 % <> This is a good time for a man to buy a suit / /'VvY/r \ or overcoat at the lowest F/j \ A J [yJy&k \ price of the season. Wc I A / K r il\ V have taken 200 men's / j\ '/I / and young men's suits Sa , / and overcoats that sold \ V / iKSS)/ up to $18.50 ahd put \ J l* 1 \ them in this Friday sale M I A \ \ at one price $112.50. J I 1 \ \ The Suits come in J I fjß figg, ' 1% neat mixtures, worsteds, I ' I l\ cheviots, and cassimeres, J I m \ etc. Handsomely made I l| VB I \ throughout and finished I I I Y in a high class manner. I II V The Overcoats are in jf IB H all wool black and ox- f nil U ford materials, plain box I 7v models. There are.new I my* ulsterettes with convert ible collars. These are ,'3M made in fine cheviots. TWO BIG LOTS OF MEN'S TROUSERS Extra Special Friday $2.95 and $3.95 The most serviceable materials are represented In these lota. There are worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres and stripe and checked materials as well as bliue. BOYS' PANTS, BOYS' O'COATS ROMPERS^ 99c $5.95 $1.29 „ , _ Rompers and Creep- Boys' Odd Pants. 7 Boys 1 010 Over- erg _ 2to 6 years. New to 17 vears cordurov coats, 3 to 9 years, lots of silk stripe „k.vin. 'nnr.,.. ,ii Every coat in this lot madras In plain white, and cheviot pants, all sold'from two to three blue, tan, pink. A rare sizes. Seams all taped, dollars more. bargain. V KAUFMAN'S—First Flnnr Three Big Shoe Specials Friday One Ixit Women's One Lot Women's One Lot of Chll "-inoh Nurse Shoes—Floxl- drcn's Fur Trfmmed tation tip; flexible ble- Kushlon sole Juliets—With flext- Louie heel: In com- wllh rubber heel; ble leather sole and £2 .... $2.79 rr„d 7.'. 5195 _ 69c Kaufman's First Floor. — -* fwnu eaia so Young §Rub Dandruff and Itching with Oiticura Ointment , Shampoo with Cutkura Soap Sold rvmjvrhrrr Soap 23< Ointment 23<5(*