Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 30, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 Shaffer's Last Flight [The continuation of Shaffer's thrilling experiences have been re ceived and now will be carried on to their conclusion.] I asked a French ndjutant if he did not want to go along. He had been one of the six destined to leave that night, and not only knew trench warfare but something about the map thereabouts. He did not think the plan very prudent, but I quickly squashed that argument by pointing out that the trees and brush ran right down on the road and one could get in and away before anyone could follow. Anyway, darn it, a bul let was about as welcome as these doggone Boche lice. That was a clincher, for he was as sick of bugs as 1 was. Booking around, we were pleased to note that no guards were anywhere near us. Luck was all with us, and since the forest was drawing near we edged to the out-' side in readiness., It worked likg a charm, and I was fifty meters in the forest and going strong before one. could say Jack Robinson. Na turdly, I thought the adjutant was right behind me, for that had been our agreement. Therefore, I was one surprised boy, when having pene trated some 100 meters Into the for est I looked behind and saw no body. Thinking ite may have let me get a little lead before he started Wm BRASSIERES worn in connection with W. B. C° r ® et gown-fit perfection x x jm& grace and finish busM:hat the give the necessary finishing touch ' Sold Exclusively in Hamsburg at Bowman E/very Other Person Has Seborrhea The prevalence of dandruff and falling hair is appalling. Everyone knows that the men and women of America are losing their hair. The tens of thousands of hair shops testify to the ex tent of the scourge. For it is a scourge the scourge of seborrhea. But there is no need for peo ple to longer suffer the rav ages of this disease of the scalp. The appalling sacrifice can be stopped tomorrow. Famo Destroys the Bacilli Famo is the remedy. Famo destroys the dandruff bacilli. It penetrates the scalp and cures seborrhea. Three years were spent in perfecting Famo. Famo was produced in one of the great laboratories of Detroit. It is to these laboratories FAMO Stops Seborrhea — GrovJs Healthy Hair . THURSDAY EVENING, and thus lost me, I went back to a point near the road and searched for him. I gave this up, however, \yhen I nearly ran into a Boche who was crashing his way through the underbrush. I thought it was the adjutant. After that I resigned to my lonely condition, crawled under a' brush pile and waited for darkness. I felt like a rabbit curled up under that brushpile and 1 felt more so when a Boche and his wife passed close by. He was too interested in telling her what he thought of her to notice me, and to make sure that no person would nptice me I crawled a little further under the protecting brush. Then to make things more cheerful a German band began to play nearby. One would think this should have made me thankful, but it didn't. The music was so almighty doleful. Perhaps they were thinking of the happy end ing—for the Allies—and were prac ticing upon the music. As an audi ence of one, however, I was not en joying it, and was glad when dark ness began to fall. I lost no time in scrambling out of the brushpile and making for the road. It was a very big forest, and when I dove into it, I had directions fixed pretty thoroughly in m ymind, [ust the same, it took me an awful that the medical profession looks for its medicines, serums, etc. The ingredients of Famo had never before been used in the treatment of the scalp. But they were well known to medical science. Nourishes the Hair They stop disease and nour ish the hair in a wonderful way. When Famo is used the seborrhea germ dies. The dandruff disappears. The hair and scalp are healthy and clean. The hair flourishes as it never did before and new hair is encouraged and stim ulated. There is a new lustre and sheen to the hair—the nat ural color is intensified. Grayness is Retarded Famo retards grayness. This is because it makes your scalp healthy. long time to get, out of that forest, and then when I did get out I was completely lost. A pretty pass in deed, and I had neither map nor compass. The north star wus no help because it was cloudy. However, I needed no instruments to tell in which direction the front was, for the guns were banging away with all the ardor and noise of un ambitious girl practicing a mu sic lesson. So I began marching in that direction, trying my best to keep myself headed for Montcornet. Once 1 reached that big city I was sure I could find myself, for many important roads branched out from there, and one of them I was going to take. OfT the Highway Getting {here though was not an easy matter, for I ran into many obstacles. I dared not stick to the road so early in the night—it was only 8 p. m.—for fear of meeting some Huns, or worse yet, one of their trucks with the headlights full on. I might get by the former in the darness but the latter would surely find me out for 1 was still wearing my blue uniform. And then there were the small villages. I ran into quite a few of them, and each one required going around to pass, for walking directly through was out of the question. It was too dangerous, and my newly-gained liberty was too sweet to take any great chances with. Thus I stumbled on through the night, resting when I was too weary to walk any more, and then after a short rest, up and on again, for I wanted to retrace my steps to Mont cornet if possible that night. That I had several narrow .escapes that night goes without saying, for so anxious was I to find out where I was and if I were headed right that I took long chances climbing sign posts along the road. Once I was half way up the pole when 1 saw several Boche coming up a side road, for this was a crossroad. With a speed that threatened to get me seen I throw myself flat on some plowed ground near the roadside, and lay there hardly breathing, waiting for them to pass. Luck was with me, for they kept on going and I was soon back on the road and up the' pole. The names thereon didn't tell me much, for they were as strange as they were unpronounceable, but since I was close to another village and a detour was necessary, I picked out a small road going my way and marched boldly down it. This man euver nearly got me in 'Dutch' again for I promptly ran into a farmhouse which jutted onto the road. While t was deciding whether to take a chance and trusting to the darkness to hide me, walk past, a man came walking down the road behind me. I lost no time in making a decision then, but promptly jumped into an orchard nearby. It was a Boche, too, but he kept on walking, and soon I was back on the road again making tracks past that farm house. I got past all Tight, but nearly walk ed into a man coming down a side lane with a lantern. Many Detours Necessary He was only some thirty feet away when I saw him and you can bet I put on increased speed immediately. Farmhouses seemed to be pretty thick in that neighborhood for I ran into another one immediately. This one required a detour because not only was it ablaze with light, but men were in the yard near the road, and what was worse, there was a dog about. He made himself known quite loudly and I thanked liim for it, for I could well imagine the yowl he would put up if he found me lurking about. So I went around back and found myself in a sugar beet patch. X was hungry by that time and pretty well fed up on black bread. I<>esh vegetables sounded good, even if they were raw. Turnips in their natural state are hot bad The persistent use of alcohol on the hair dries the scalp and hastens grayness. Famo stops falling hair and where there has been a tend ency to waviness Famo helps to make the hair more wavy. Every member of the family should U6e Famo regularly. Even where seborrhea has not made its appearance, Famo should be used to make sure that it is kept per manently away. Famo is sgld at all toiltet goods counters —applications may be had at the better barber shops. It comes in two sizes a small size at 35 cents and an extra large bottle at SI.OO. Saborrhaa it thm madicat nama for a morbidly incxoammd How from thm Mtuictoug glands of tha scalp. Thm amborrhma etcration forma in acalma or flak a a and it commonly known at dandruff. Mfd. by the Famo Co., Detroit. CROIIII KELLER, C. M. FORNEY, HARRISBimG TELEGrotPH I eating, and thinking that's what they were .1 was soon busy with knife, teeth and appetite. I soon discovered my mistake, however, but it was a vegetable, so why worry. If I had fenown then how regularly the Boche would feed me with that vegetable later I would not have been so keen on eating it then. But I was bliss fully ignorant of the future and con-1 tinued munching away. A little fur-1 ther on I ran into a turnip patch. 1 his was the real thing, and not only did I eat some, but filled my sack as well. It wash't a big patch so I nearly ruined it. v The River As I had. walked far enough out J n ° w began making my detour of the town, and promptly bumped into a railroad and a river! The railroad was a simple matter but the river was not, for it was too wide to Jump and too deep to wade, and I had rto desire to swim, as I was nearly rrozen then, for summer uniform and B. v. D.'s are not a comfortable combination in October, and that's all I had. It looked as if 1 was up against it. Not only wal the river worry,ng me, but what was the name or the town I was walking around? For Montcornet was the only town •which had botl\ a river and railroad so close together. Was I there or ♦>? ." -^ n y wa y. I had to get across that river, so I walked along the bank looking for a small tree to swing across on. Luck was still with me, for I found a log fallen across the stream which made a fine bridge. Being on the othenside then, I did a lot ot aimless wandering, soon los ing myself so competely that I sat ? n ? IJ " Btened to And a main road. I did not have to listen long, for a Boche motor truck makes more noise than any other thing in the world, not excepting a yowling baby. Its the way they are constructed, as they have no rubber for tires, the wheels be ng of solid metal. You can imagine the racket they would make going over a rough cobblestonS road. On to Montcornet In tliig Wftif I soon found a big rnfht a .f'K" which set me in the right direction for Montcornet. As it was then near midnight traffic and men were pretty scarce on the road," so feeling fairly safe 1 set out down the middle of the road, keeping a sharp lookout ahead just the same. That s why 1 was so surprised when a human shape hove itself out of a hole alongside the road. I thought itw as an animal at first, and when it spoke I was sure of it, for it was f in unlforn - Thankful I was then that I had usdd a blanket an overcoat and changed my jaunty blue cap for my soft leather to I"n°r e 'f In . this outflt " was hard to tell just what 1 was In the dark Hn^ re ?i y > the Eoche wanted some thing, for he started out with the word, Kamerad," and that's the °t y^'urd 1 got Even bad I under stood the language I doubt if I would ' Car ? niUch more - 1 wa in too big of a hurry. No I did not run' That would have given my identity away entirely, but I did put on the the r n W h ,ki " g speed - Se ine which, n h? o stopped speaking respect able German and switched to the cussing end. I was leaving hint be hind rapidly, although his lurid ex plosions followed me quite a ways Expecting a Bullet ' • I fully expected a bullet to follow also and was all set to break some records for speed and distance when the fireworks began. None came however, except the verbal ones, and they were growing dim with dis tance. I didn't wish the Boche any bad luck, but I hoped he would shake himself. The words he wis using were quite long enough any! way His question, I imagine, was fluite innocent enough, probably a ° r .. What time was it- and to i t" r a ra P id, y disappear ing back for an answer must have seemed very strange indeed. No I did not blame him for cussing, 'but I sure hoped he wouldn't shoot After this close call I not only kent a lookout aheaf}, but watched the roadside also. I reached Montcornet wh£h a i wi . thout further mishap, which does not mean I hunted up the best hotel and asked for a room and a bath, much as I needed the latter Oh, no, nothing like that! I was ° l ns for a nice - tb'ck brushpile or some nice thick bushes. For fn W mrnd S ? 0t n far oft ' With th,s idpa Th™ am ♦ CKan anot ber detour. There did not seem to be any brush piles, and the only thing resembling a bushy hiding place were apple SET t BCe !? Cd t0 be QUite plen " tiful, and tired out with hunting f°r a hiding place I had a|- d ® c ' d f d to climb into one of their thick tops and trust to luck and my guasdjan angel that a . Boche walking under would not look up But remembering the eagle eye of my guards during tha tdrive fields ?°J?h throl J gh the moonlighted fields I changed my mind and con tinued the hunt. A mile and half an hour later I felt sure i had found it. dump of forest had been chopped down and all the brush left lay. It sure looked good. Just let' me wriggle in there and even a fer ret would never find me! it was good. It was too good, for when I came close to investigate I made out a platform in the center, with a searchlight mounted on it. No I did not want to spend the coming day there. It was too close to my enemies and I did not want to catch anv more bugs, I had more than I cared to carry right then. So I walked around one end of it and nearly stepped on a camouflaged anti-air craft gun—not the gun, the cam ouflage. The Camouflage ' The surprise was so great that I stood stock still looking at it for several minutes, and then curiosity getting the better of • prudence I walked up and touched the camou flage—probably to see if the paint was dry. It looked very strange up close like that, for the gun was sur rounded by circle of camouflage thirty feet in diameter, the camou flage being composed of big white blue, red and black splashes of paint. As for the gun there wasn't any Merely a hole where it should have been. My curiosity being nearly sat isfied—at least the paint was dry It suddenly occurred to me that a gun generally has a crew. What thev were doing that night will ever re main a mystery to me. Everything was as still as the grave, not even a guard about At least I saw none, but believe'me after my brain began its normal' functions again little Walter lost no more time in that vicinity. The Lord fnay look after fools, but not for ever, and its a cinsh if I had pressed my investigations much further I would surely have stepped in a camouflaged hole. So I took me away from that highly decorated box, and believe me, I did It both silently and swiftly. Twas well there - was another small forest several Tiundred yards away for I was very, very tired and sleepy Just the same, with the lesson of what the other forest had contained In my mind, I did' not come blunder ing up to this one so directly, but stood off and gave it the once over quite thoroughly. This one, however, seemed to be In its natural state, but still suspicious of its being tampered with .for war purposes, I walked part way around it. It was all It seemed though, and soon I had crawled un der a lot of thick bushes and fell asleep. Little Ice Is Cut in the Up-State Towns Williamsport, Jan. 30.—Little ice has thus far been harvested in the up-state towns, according to reports here. Some of the dealers in this region have a surplus of ice from last year, which would help in the event of a continued mild winter. ponnld Hill and Kobert Rogers, of this place, have harvested about one hundred tons of ice from six to ten inches in thickness from Lycom ing creek. * Other dealers who get their sup ply from Lycoming creek are wait ing for colder weather to produce ice about -eight inches thick before they begin cutting, that thickness being necessary before they can use horse and plow with safety. • Two years ago it was February 22 before an ice crop was assured; and the February before that also produced a good crop. Winters in which the ice crop has been a real failure have been rare— -1889 was one and 1895 was another. During the recent cold snap Dan ville and other towns cut nine-inch ice. Captain E. S. Chase, who was down from Eagles Mere, said that ice nine to ten inches thick and of the very finest quality is being cut from the lake. Lefts Lose 25 Seats in Parliament Election Christiana, Jan. 30.—The party of the Lefts, headed by the Premier, Gunnar Knudsen, lost 25 seats in parliament in the election recently held. Instead of 80 seats which it controlled during the last session of the Strothing, the party now controls 55 seats. Opposition is divided be tween the Rights which have in creased their membership from 2 4 to 53 and the Socialists who have 18 seats instead of 19 as in the previous parliament. The Knudsen party, or still is the strongest division in the Storthing but now has con siderable less than a majority of its 126 members. It is expected that this will involve the reconstruction of the cabinet. The most conspicuous event in tYie election was the defeat of the speak er of the parliament, J. L. Mowinc kel, of Bergen, who was regarded as politically one of the strongest men in the House and one of the most staunch supporters of the cabinet. Natives of West Africa Hoarding Much Silver London, Jan. 30.—The hoarding habits of the natives in West Africa is causing much difficulty among in terests trading in that country. As soon as a supply of silver is let loose it disappears. Paper mone? has been introduced in one pound, ten shilling and two shilling notes but the native is not keen for these and much prefers silver. Now the ex periment is being tried of issuing one shilling notes which will be legal tender and if the native takes to them, the problem will be largely solved. In the meantime the West Afri can Currency Board is buying as much silver as possible and shipping it by every steamer to West Africa. CROSS, FEVERISH CHILD IS dILOUS OR CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! See if tongue is * coated, breath hot or stomach sour. "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stomach, liver, bowels. Every mother realizes, afte giving her children "California Syrup of .Figs," that .this is their ideal laxa tive, because they love its pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bowels without griping. When cross, irritable, feverish, or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother!.lf coasted, give a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile nnd undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. When its little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stom achache. diarrhoea. indigestion, colic —remember, a good "inside cleansing" should always be the (irat treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "Califor nia Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful to-day saves a sick child to-morrow. Ask your druggist for a bott'.o of "California Eyrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups printed on the bottle. Be ware of counterfeits sold here, so don't be fooled. Qet the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Com pany." Dyspeptics Can Eat What They Like If they take two or three 81-nesla tablets immediately after eating. No matter how badly you may sufTer from Indigestion, dyspepsia, gas, flatu lence or acidity —no matter how many medicines you may' have tried .without success—don't give up hope. who once suffered as you now sufTer—who have tried every thing without obtaining relief—now enjoy perfect health and can eat most anything without the slightest pain or discomfort. You can do the same If you will go to-day to Geo. A. Gorgas or any other good drug gist and get a 50c package of B(- neala Tablets. Take two or three after each meal or whenever pain is felt and if you aren't delighted with the results you can have your 60c back for the asking. Don't wait; dop't delay. Get 81-aesla to-day and forget you ever had a stomach. • Better Cattle on County Farms, Is Agent's Aim Efforts are now being made un der the auspices of the Dauphin County Farm Bureau to increase the grade of cattle kept on Dauphin county farms. County Agent H. G. Nlesley is now endeavoring to secure the namfes of all southern Da'uphin county farmers with the view to having as many of them co-opeate in a series of cow tests. The plan as explained by County- Agent Niesley is to have approxi mately twenty-five of the farmers to co-operate and employ an expert who will test the cows of each and give them advise as to their care, that they may keep most economi cally. Making Scientific Expedition to Mexico Mexico City, Jan. 30.—A com - | blned commercial and scientific expedition is enroute to Mexico I from Denmark, according to advices received by the Department of For- SOUTTER'S 25 CENT DEPARTTHENT STORE fcuy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, but Because Qualities Are Better THE Sale of the Season Is Our Big INVENTORY SALE Which Starts at 8.30 O'clock Sharp Tomorrov, Friday Morning The one big event in our busy store has proved to be our regular Inventory Sale. Selling merchandise of quality at prices lower than elsewhere is always our aim, but dur ing this big sale we are going to sell exceptional merchandise at prices that even rutdo any that we have previously offered. You must take advantage of early buying in order to get a selec tion from our full stock. * > • Jewelry Dept. 10c spectacle, cases 5c each 25c hand bags 11c cacli 25c- elastic belts 5c each 25c gold top pins, three on a card, 7c 10c beauty pins, 12 in a card 5c 25c pin cushions 11c 25c small sized belts 8c Notion Dept. Hooks and eyes 1c card Snap fasteners 3c card Children's hose supporteYs 7c card Pearl buttons 3c enrd 5c hair nets with elastic 3 for 5c Basting cotton 2 spools for 5c Cap hair nets 2 for 25c Slip on veils t 10c Lace Dept Oriental laces, value 25c 10c Filet lace and insertion, value 8c 2c Filet laces, value 10c 5c Shadow flouncing cream, value 25c 15c Cluny insertion, value 10c 5c 4-inch Val. laces and insertion, 10c values.,,.sc Ladies' and Children's Ribbed Underwear 50c value ladies" vests and pants 25c 50c value children's vests, odd sizes 25c 59c value 12-year unbleached union suits, . ,39c SI.OO and $1.25 value children's union suits, 8-10- 12-14 year stzes 89c Men's Furnishings Dept. 69c to 85c boys' fleece-lined and ribbed shirts and drawers ...,25c $1.25 men's heavy ribbed work shirts, 14 to 17 size 08c 39c men's dress suspenders with leather ends, 25c $1.25 boys' fleeced lined and ribbed union suits, sizes 4 to 17 years .. 98c 59c nun's half wool hose, in gray and black, 45c 98c" men's derby ribbed shirts and drawers, all sizes 85c 39c men's blsfek hose with split soles, sizes 9 hi to 11 >/& 25c pair SI.OO boys' ribbed union suits, sizes 4 to 6 years only 09c $1.98 men's heavy ribbed union suits in ecru col ors sizes 36 to 46 $1.59 35c men's double grip garters 29c *■ Household Goods 35c and 43c berry .bowls 29c 50c Japanese cake baskets 25c 43c fancy china ......25c 29c fancy china 19c 29c and- 39c glass vases 25c 25c cups and saucers, choice of 4 styles 19c 75c large bedroom pitchers 290 39c bread slicers 25c 69c and 75c mayonnaise sets 50c -25c 10-oz. goblets 12J4c China tea strainer, sets 25c 50c cedar oil polish, qt. size 39c 25c platters 15c 10c bread and butter plates 5c New Models in Spring Millinery Friday morning we will show some attractive new models in trimmed and un trimmed hats for early spring wear; styles that are suitable for immediate wear; in all the leading colors, 1.98, 2.25, 2.48, 2.98, 3.48, 3.88, 4.48 Also new showings- of the latest trimmings flowers, fruits, quills, etc., at lower than elsewhere prices. • . SOUTTER'S I 2SH) 25 Cent Department Store JJ Every Day Is Bargain Day ■ 215 Market St Opp. Court House JANUARY 30, 1919. eign Relations. It is headed by Carlos Vntt, a Copenhagen million aire. Extensive studies will be made Digests Meal When Stomach Won't Eat without fear of indigestion, gas or acidity. No dyspepsia or any stomach distress, t Millions know the magic of ' sia, indigestion and stomach ' When your meal don't di gest, but turns into gases and you e#n have instant Don't stay a dyspeptic! Costs so little at drug stores, fltinjaai UPSET-? Papers Diapepsin Dry Goods Dept. 36-in. bleached muslin, 19c value 12c 36-in. unbleached muslin, 19c value 12c #7-ln. flannelette, 22c value 12c 27-ln. apron gingham, 19c- value 12c 27-in. apron gingham, 25c value 19c 36-in. colored novelty voile, 50c value 25c 36-in. light and dark percales, 35c values... ,26c 27-incli. fancy striped voiles, 290 value, yd...19c 27-.in. plain white striped voiles, 29c value, 19c yd. 36-in. plain white crepe, 42c value 29c 36-in. white novelty voile, 59c value 39c 45-inch plain white tennis suiting, 69c value, 39c yd. 36-in. plain rose, and garnet poplin, SI.OO value, 79c yd. 26-in. colors poplin, 69c value 50c jd. 27-inch Canton flannel, bleached and unbleach ed, 33c value 25c 36-in. plain colors repp, 50c value 25cyd. 27-in. colored stripe outing flannel, 33c value 25c Cotton twill toweling, 15c value 10c yd. Cotton towling, 22c value 16c yd. 39c all-linen toweling 25c yd. 25c value turkish towels 19c 59c khaki color turkish towels -18 c SI.OO khaki extra heavy turkish towels, 75c each 150 value honey combed towels 10c Remnants of 39c curtain scrim and marquisette, 20c yd. Remnants of 19c and 25c curtain scrim and marquisette 10d yd. Miscellaneous Articles Calendars with the picture of General Pershing and Marshal Foch, SI.OO value 25c Ladies' initial handkerchief, 10c value ~sc Ladies' crepe handkerchiefs, 19c value 11c Ladies' colored handkerchiefs, 10c value 5c Lot of children's hose, 29c value, size 6 and 6%, 19c $6.00 ladies' velour and Lyons silk velvet hats, $1.98 $2.50 and $3.50 ladies' velvet hats 08c SI.OO children's trimmed hats ..98c 50c children's trimmed -hats. 25c 50e soiled collars and sets 9c 29c soiled collars and sets ...5o 2DC soiled collars and sets 3c 39c 4-in. satin ribbon, very good value, 25c yd. Fancy plaid ribbon, 50c value 39c yd. 50c sleepers 15c 35c corset covers .' 15c Art Needle Work Dept. 69c cretonne covered tie racks 49c 17c and 19c novelty braid 9c Lot of 2 for 5c embroidery cotton lc pkg. 25c- stamped linen centerpieces 12 $1.25 and $1.50 ladies' batiste gowns 98c 39c stamped made-up corset .covers 25c 25c stamped pin cushions 12M>c 50c infants' embroidered bibs 25c 25c- luce pin cushion covers 15c Ready-to-Wear Dept. 59c'value children's knit sets 25c 25e value children's knit caps life Ladles' sateen skirts 33c 50c value children's flannelette shirts 23c 75c knit shawls : 43c 50c knit shawls 23c 50c black spats 21c into Mexico's relics of the stone age. "What the expedition's commercial plans are has not been made public.