Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 30, 1919, Page 14, Image 14

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Official Peace Report
T\V( > official communications on yesterday's pcarc proceedings
were Issued. The llrst says:
•The President of the United States, the premiers -.nil foreign
ministers of the allied and associated governments and the Japanese
representatives held two meetings on Junnary 29. The morning
sitting was devoted fib hearing reports of delegates, who made gen
eral statements on the Polish situation and Polish claims. In the
afternoon the CxeCllo-Slovak delegates gave their views on the
question of the industrial basin in Silesia, situated between Bohemia
and Poland."
The other communique says:
"Since Monday last Mr. Barnes (British minister without port
folio) lius been conferring with prominent Britisli trade unionists
and representatives of India ami the dominions on the draft of a
scheme for the international regulation of conditions of employ
ment. The scheme has been closely examined, and the experience
of all present at the conference has been freely placed at Mr. Barnes'
disposal. Many valuuble suggestions liavc been made and it is felt
tliat full light lias been given to the views of organized British trade
"The conference concluded at noon January 29, and the draft
scheme agreed upon will be submitted to the International Com
mission on laibor Regulation, which was appointed on Saturday
last at the Peace Conference."
[Continued from First Page.]
aeter of this administration, with a
view to protecting the interests of
tho nation and the population.
Later in the day Premier Hughes,
of Australia, who is the exponent
of the extreme view for outright an
nexation of the colonies, conferred
with Colonel House in a further
effort to secure a middle round. In
tho meantime the various British
dominion deleates held a meeting
and conferred with Premier Lloyd
George for the purpose of deter
mining their course.
The result of this meeting was not
made known, but the sentiment in
conference circles is strongly hope
ful that an agreement will be
reached which will preserve the
American plan of a mandate, with
out hampering the power in admin
istering a colony.
The council of the great powers
gave the entire day to Poland, hear
ing the Polish delegates, Dmowski
Letters testamentary on the Estate!
of Charles A. lvunkel, late of Harris
burg city, l>auphin Couty, Pennsylva
nia. deceased, having been granted to
the undersigned executors, all persons
indebted to said Estute are requested !
to make immediate payment, and I
those having claims will present them I
for settlement, to
Or to Executors.
Harrisburg, Pa.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Al- .
legheny County. Pa.; Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, ex red,
Francis Shunk Brown. Attorney I
General, vs. Pittsburgh Life & Trust I
Company, Number 684, Julv Term, !
NOTICE is hereby given that I
Commissioner, Statutory Liquidator, '
lias filed his first and final account j
in the above matter, providing distri- |
tuition of 72>£ per cent, to general
creditors, including policyholders who |
• iid not assent to reinsurance with the ,
.Metropolitan Life, said distribution !
being in conformity with the order
or Court made and entered July 26. !
1917. Copies of the account as filed'
lpay now be seen at the office of the
Insurance Department, Harrisburg,
Pa., and at the office of Thomas B.
Donaldson. Special Deputy Insurance
Commissioner, No. 1 Madison Avenue
tlloom 902.7), New York City.
Said account will be presented for
confirmation at 10 o'clock A. M, Feb
ruary 21, 1919, except to such mat
ters wherein exceptions may have
been filed.
Proclamation in Divorce
In the Court of Common Pleas of j
Dauphin County. Pa. No. 291, j
June Term, 1918. Verna Attressa |
•Snyder vs. Charles Eston Snyder. !
To Charles Eston Snyder, Respondent: [
YOU are hereby notified that a j
hearing will be had in the above- !
stated case at the Court House, in !
the City of Harrisburg, Pa., on the ;
Sii day of February, A. D 1919, at 10
o'clock A. M., at whicli time and I
place you can appear and he heard i
if you think proper.
Attorney for Libellant. !
January 23. 1919.
NOTICE'is hereby given that appli
cation has been made to The Public j
Service Commission of the Common- I
wealth of Pennsylvania, under the [
provisions of the Public Service Com- j
pany Uw. by the City of Harrisburg •
and the Dauphin Consolidated Water j
Supply Company for a certificate of :
public convenience evidencing the
Commission's requisite approval of I
the sale by the said Water Company
to and the acquisition by the said City
of that part of its plant, rights anil .
franchises situate in the Fourteenth ,
Ward of the City of Harrisburg and
to permit the operation of the said
plant to furnish water to the public !
by the said City of Harrisburg.
A public hearing upon thic applies- i
tion will be held in the rooms of j
the Commission at Harrisburg on the I
13th day of February. 19X9, at 9:30 ;
o'clock A. M., when and where all !
persons in interest may appear and '•
be heard, if they so desire.
City Solicitor, Harrisburg, Pa I
Solicitor Dauphin Consolidated Water I
Supply Company, Harrisburg. Pa. i
In the Court of Common Pleas of!
Dauphin County Commonwealth ;
Docket. 1909 No. 840.
VANIA, ex rel, M. Hampton Todd, i
Attorney General, vs. AMERICAN !
THE Auditor appointed by the ;
above Court to audit, settle and ad- \
just the third account of Frank H. !
Caven, Receiver of said American!
Trust Company, and to report to the
said Court distribution of tlie balance ;
in the hands of said Receiver, .viil ;
meet those interested fqr the purposes
of his appointment on Saturday, the i
15th day of February, 1919, at 10:30 i
o'clock A. M„ at the office of Fell & I
Spalding, Attorneys for said Receiver, j
No. 618 North American Building.
Philadelphia, when and where all
parties interested are required to
make and prove their claims, or be
debarred from coming in upon said
Harrisburg. Pa., January 27, 1919. j
SEALED BIDS will be received by I
the undersigned at Room 13. Court j
House, Harrisburg, Pa., until 101
o'clock A. M., Friday. February 7,
1919, for the books, blanks, bill heads,
letter heads, envelopes, orders of
court, and sundry receipt forms re
quired by the Recorder of Deeds,
Register of Wills. Prothonotary,
Sheriff. Inspector of Weights and
Measures, Superintendent of Schools,
County Controller and County Com
missioners for the ensuing year. De
tailed list of requirements and blanks
for bidding can be had from the
County Commissioners. Samples and
quality of books, forms, etc., can be
seen at the offices of the above named
All bids must be accompanied bv
certified checks, or cash, in a sum
equal to at least 1.0 per cent, of the
bid price, and will be opened in ttie
County Commissioners' Office at 11
o'clock A. M. of the same day and
The right is reserved to reject any
or ill bids.
City Controller.
and Pilitz, and the Czecho-Slovak
delegates, Kramarz nnd Benes.
1 While this bore on the instructions
to the commission about to start
. | for Poland, yet the main desire of
ijthe council was to hear the Poles
and Czecho-Slavs concerning the
warfare now going on between them
I along the. Milesian frontier. This
I clash between the military forces of
i the two countries is regarded as con
trary to the recent warning given
,b.v the council against the occupa
j tion of territory by force.
The hearings yesterday and the
[departure of 'the commission for
| Poland are expected to put .an end
i to this internal conflict between two
j powers which are represented at the
j conference.
Await Word Front Russia
: As yet the peace conference has
I received no formal reply from the
I ltusgian Soviet government regard
! ing the invitation sent to all the
j Russian governments to meet con
! ference representatives at the
j Princes Islands, but the Russian
' committee fn Paris will probably
j make a formal response in a few
| days on bennlf of the various other
I Russian governments.
May Not Sit With Reds
This committee now is consider
ing the proposals but the prospects
| seem to be that it will decline to I
i sit in conference with any repre- 1
j sentatives of the Bolsheviki. The ex-,
I pected declination, however, will be'
| couched in courteous language andl
will embody a lengthy explanation!
[of the committee's reasons for de-!
| clining.
Tsrliaikov.sk,v on tlie Way
J Members of the Russian commit-;
I tee their unqualified support. Presi- ;
dent Tschaikovsky, of the govern-1
ment of North Russia, who sailed Tor!
| Archangel January 1, is expected to
| reach Paris within a* few days to j
confer with the committee.
British labor Pleased
Tlie Britisli labor delegates in
Paris, who to-day completed a plan
| for an international labor bureau to
j be laid before the peace conference
and forwarded it to London for con
| sideration by the employers are
j greatly pleased at the speed with;
| which they were able to complete!
; the draft. The consultation between'
j the iaborites concerning tlie plan
j lasted only two and one-half days, at
| the end of which they had reached
; a complete agreement.
Throuhout the discussions the em
ployers in England were kept ad
vised of the proceedings. Arrange
ments ha,d been made to continue
the consultations betwee ntlie labor
ites and the employers after the plan
is presented to the conference.
Tlie Matter of Indemnities
Tlie peace conference has settled
j one important point with regard to
J the indemnity question, the Paris
I correspondent of the London Even
j ing Standara says he has reasons for
j reporting. The conference, he de
j clares, has eliminated any intention
: of calling on Germany and her as
j sociates to pay tlie Allied countries
! the cost of the war, or to impose
| heavy indemnities on the enemy
Treaties in Danger
In a la e edition, the London
I Daily Mail prints a report from Its
I correspondent In Paris to the effect
j thai Great Britain's decision re
| gurding the treaties with Japan rel
j ativc to tlie islands In the Northern
! Pacific and with the Arabs regard -
i ing Syria and the understanding
with France as to the future status
of ilie Kamerun involves the admls
[ sion that they must be arbitrarily
j modified, if not torn up.
"The Japanese delegates are an
• gry and alarmed and declare their
[ unalterable determination to claim
• the islands, as promised," the cor-
I respondent says, and adds: ' These
! islands are really the crux of the
I whole situation."
"The Australians," the correspon
dent continues, "believe President
Wilson's firm stand In this matter
is due to his fear that Japanese oc
cupation of the islands would im
pair his prestige in the United States
and that he fears to meet a hostile
congress in March if he agrees to
the absolute retention of the islands
by Japan.
"Italian delegates frankly avow
their claims to Fiume and insist that
the promise of part of the .Dalma
tian coast stipulated in the pact of
London must be made good. They
declare that President Wilson's atti
tude regarding Fiume derectly con
tradicts his declaration of the rights
of peoples outlined in his 'fourteen
points.' "
NOTICE is hereby given that an ap
plication will be made to the Gover
nor of Pennsylvania, February 24,
191!t, under the Act of Assembly en
titled "An Act to provide for the in
corporation and regulation of certain
corporations," approved April 21), 1874.
and fhe supplements thereto, for the
charter of an intended corporation, to
be called the National Supply 4: Ma
chine Co., the character and object of
which is the buying, selling trading
and dealing in all kinds of metal and
wood and their products including ma
chinery and equipment and for these
purposes to have possess and enjoy all
the rights benefits and privileges of
said Act of Assembly and the supple
ments thereto.
NOTICE is hereby given that an ap
plication will be made to th? Gover
nor of Pennsylvania, February 24,
1919, under the Act of Assembly en
titled "An Act to provide for the in
corporation and regulation of certain
corporations." approved April 29. 1874,
and the supplements thereto, for the
charter of an intended corporation, to
he called the Solotone Manufacturing
Company, the character and object of
which is the manufacture of phone
graphs and accessories, musical in
struments and furniture, from metal
or wood or both or any other sub
stances, and for these purposes to
have, possess and enjoy all the rights,
benefits, and privileges of said Act of
Assembly and the supplement* >.here-
| l " FOX & (ijTKR,
At Ninety, Tells President Wilson tie Was
His Grandfather's Sunday School Pupil
fl •- ' wiimiii jjj
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1999 ■HUfI 9
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1991 9899 t
WWEKM * 1 wfcjf/s '
This photograph shows President Wilson shaking hands with Thom
as Watson, a native of Carlisle, En gland, now ninety years old. Wheft
tho President visited Carlisle, the childhood home of his mother, he inet
Mr. Watson, who told him that he attended tho Sunday school class con
ducted by the President's grandfather.
Makes Another Demand For
Withdrawal of Troops in
Eastern Country
Associated Press
Washington, Jan. 30.. Another
demand for immediate withdrawal
of American troops from Russia wus
made in tlie Senate to-day by Sen
ator Johnson, of California, in an ad
dress vigorously criticising the
Russian course of the United States
and allies.
Military activities in Russia were
denounced by Senator Johnson as
"wicked and useless" and a "crimin
al policy of intervention" which had
helped hold the Bolsheviki in power,
while starving the Russian people.
Declaring again that. America has
no policy in Russia, Senator John
son added:
"We have engaged in a miserable
misadventure, stultifying our profes
sions (of friendship for the Rus
sians) and setting at naught our
promises * * * suffer tlie odium and
infamy of undeclared warfare."
Senator Johnson spoke in jachalf
of his resolution proposing that the
Senate declare itself in favor of re
calling the American expeditionary
force in Russia. He also criticised
Krylenko Is Held
Captive in Russia
Hwski*r KimcNiro,
Ensign Krylenko. fbrmer com
mander of the Bolshevik army, has
been captured by General. Krasnoff,
commander of the anti-Bolshevik
forces, according to a dispatch from
Copenhagen. Reports say that
Krylenko was captured while try
ing to get ihsi,de Krasnoff's camp on
a spying mission.
Royal Theater at Weimar Seat of New German Government to
Be Formed Following Election of Members of National Assembly
i jji- "i w>J. . i ia >w^y 1
!■>Xr., V *£'< ■■&* ~ ""f'T
s •-™r- | § IS: •
*>. f* ■ -' ~• , - . t ' ... u . ... -J "... '
delay in the peace negotiations anil I
declared anew for an American
policy to bring home all American
troops from foreign soil at the ear
liest possible moment, warmly op
posing their use to maintain stabil
ity of or peace in European coun
Differs Willi Lodge
.Senator Johnson said he would
not subscribe to the sentiment re
cently expressed by Senator Lodge
in favor of the use of American
troops to aid in setting up and main-1
taining independent countries :nl
"I would not shed the blood of |
American boys in the internal dis-i
turbunces of Esthonia, Livonia, etc.," '
lie said. "I will not concede that it'
is the duty of the republic to main
lain order in a Jugo-Slav or Czecho.
Slav state."
Discussing the league of nations,
Senator Johnson saui:
"If the President can return *
* * with a league of nations!
which does not relinquish • our sov
ereignty and which in realty will be
a preventive of future wars, I shall
welcome most gladly and eiAliii
stastically this great accomplish
Wilson's Altruism
The Senator suggested that the
European nations, some by secret
treaties which would be enforced
wet-e likely to thwart the altruistic
purposes expressed by President
Wilson in his fourteen principles.
The first point, for open diplomacy
he declared, had-been largely ignor
ed, while ihe second point, regard
ing freedom of the seas, '"has been
lost for a considerable period now
in historical mystery and' rests in
oblivion with the unreali2ed dreams
of the Akound of Swat."
The third, fourth and fifth points
of the President on removal' of
economic barriers, reduction of
armaments and impartial adjust
ment of colonial claims, he said,
apparently ligve been submerged ®n
weightier questions and no longer
agitate the overburdened minds of
Secret Treaties in the Wirv
Regarding territorial adjustments
Senator Johnson said: "The difficulty
of the President in interpreting hi's
peace points • • • j B tli.at long
ago England, France and Italy
reached their conclusions and the
President is up against the con
tracts, signed, sealed and delivered,
and in the pockets of the allies"
If the President could cause these
secret treaties to be disregarded and
compel the altruistic peace of which
he has so often spoken," said Sen
ator Johnson, "it would be the great
est achievement of any statesman of
any time."
Turning to rfussla again. Senator
Johnson said the principle of self
determination had "fallen by the
wayside." He recalled questions pre
sented to the association nations last
March by the Soviet government and
refusal of the American government
or the Allies to give an answer. The
United States government, lie assert
ed, induced New York Socialists and
anarchists to send messages to Een- '
ine and Trotzk.v. •
After citing President Wilson's,
addresses and other documents re
garding Russia, he added:
Calls Policy Vacillating
"Weak and vacillating and stupid I
has been our policy with Russia. We I
solemnly promised we would not in
tervene and then, prating of our love
for the Russian people, we did inter-'
jtene. Prating übout guarding stores J
at Archangel, we advanced 103 miles j
from that pbrt, burned little Russian i
towns and upset little Soviet gov- !
ernments. 11l the name of protecting :
military supplies . * * we shot l
down Russian peasants and our boys
are shot down by-them • • •
"If it had not been for this- crim
inal policy of intervention Dcnine
and Trotsky would have fallen long
ago, and the Bolsheviki would have
been at an end. There is a heavy
reckoning some day for those re
sponsible for this wicked and use
less course in Russia.
Tlie State Department's statement
that Americans are in Russia to
protect military stores* the senator
said, "was to fool the people Into
believing American bayonets were
necessary to protect Archangel
stores from the Germans" and that
the. suggestion is "the veriest kind
of pretense."
Disclaiming sympathy with Bol
shevism or belief that it is likely
to find root in America, Senator
Johnson said he Expected "the ser
vile pait of the press" would apply
the term bolshevik to him.
''During the war," lie said, "it
became fashionable to call 'ajl the
disagreed with any governmental
policy pro-German. Now x x x
any man who will not accept the
wrongful edict of entrenched power
| is by that token a Bolshevik."
j Before Senator Johnson delivered
| his address, the Senate Foreign Be-
J lations Committee met but took no
| action on his resolution calling fdr
! official announcement to American
i purposes in Russia, nor on that of
! Senator Knox, of Pennsylvania, Re
; publican, proposing [postponement
j at the paece conference of the queß
| tions of a league of nations and
| freedom of the seas.
run, VIM.;.. HI \ ptioni'Cß
By tssocutcJ Press
I Philadelphia, Jan. 110. VV heal
No. 1, sou. led. *- -u. .w. 2. an. ♦. - I
No. 3. suit rod. 93.34.
Corn The market is lirm; No. 2,
1 yellow, us io grade and localiou,
! 91.3801.46.
1 Oats The -market is lower;
No. 3, white, 67H068c; No. 3, White,
670 67 He.
i Bran The market Is steady; soft
: winter, per ton, 940.6U041.UU; spring.
'I pi I- 101 l 44.0"''11 46.00.
Butter Thee market is steady;
western, creamery, extras, lirsls, 4ie;
[ nearby prints, fancy, 15@63c.
ltcliued ©ugurs - IIUIKCI steady,
powdered. fc.4uc; extra line grunuluc
! |ed ",25c.
i Cheese The market is lower;
■'New York una Wisconsin, fun milk,
l 35037 c; do., No. 2. 33@34Hc.
i Kggs .Murkel lower; Pennsylva
, nia und other nearby lirsts, free
i eases. 917.90 per case, do., current
1 i receipts, free cases, 917.40 per
' tiiil:. I. cMli-l 11. eXIIU 111 sis. Ilee i-U.-ui,
I 917.40017.70 per case; do., firsts, free
cases, 917.10 per case; fancy, selected,
packed, 60068 c per dozen.
l.ive Poultry Market firmer;
fowls, 32034 c; spring chickens, 30®
. 32e; lowls, not leghorns,32'a 36c; wlii.u
leghorns. „4® 31 e. young. Oolnheuled
roosters. 32033 c; old roosters, 21® 22c;
I staggy. young roosters, 26028 c;
' bPI 1.10 chicKells. not leglioi us, oUig-eCc,
'(white leghorns, 2@3oc; broil-
Ming chickens, funcy, 36®38c; roasting
I | cluck en.- 30®30c, ducks, Peking,
[spring, 3S@4oe; do., old, 30@35c; In
i dian Runners, 36037 c; spring ducks,
* Bong tsiund, 34®31C; turkeys, 34®3tiy,
| geese, nearby. 32®36e; western, 32®
Dressed Poultry —■ Firm; turkeys,
spring, choice to fancy. 44 4ou;
do., western, choice to fancy, 43©44 c,
turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good. 38
©42 c; turkeys, common. 30©35e; old.
turkeys, 3S®4Bc; fowls, fresh
killed fowls, chaice, 34® 34 lac; do.,
smaller sizes, 28@30c; old roosters,
27c. orouing clilcKens, western, 42©
44c; roasting chickens, 35@36e; ducks,
40©42 c; western ducks, 38©4U0; geese.
2G©3< 1 c; dressed Pekin ducks. 38®
40c; old ducks, 30@32c; Indian Itun
ners, 36 ©37 c; spring ducks, Dong
Island. /.i©4oc.
Potatoes The market is lower;
New Jersey, No. 1, 80(&S90c
ner basket; do., No. 2, 00©ouc oef
basket; do.. lOU-Ib. bugs. No. 1, 82.60©
3.00 extra quality; do.. No. 2. 81.So©
2 25; Pennsylvania. No. t 100 lbs.
81.80@2.2W; do., p'er 100 lbs., fancy,
82 35© U -*G, Nc jciscy. *\o. t, i Ut ,
lbs. 82.>- r ><U'do.. No. 2. 100 lbs.
81 25® 1."5; western, per 100 lbs.. 82.00
(o 2.10; New York state, per 100 lbs..
81.15® 1.00; Maine, per 100 lbs., |1.50©
1.90, btidftuitl auul laiiu, Ou, xoo
bag. UOC©Bl.lb; Michigan. per loj
i lbs.. 81-56 ©1.70; Florida, per barrel
! 82.60®'-'- 1 ' 0 ! Florida, per bushel
! hamper, 75@85c; Florida, per 160-lti*
' bags, 81-50©3.00; North Caioltua, our
! barrel. 81-60©4-00; Carolina. per
1 barrel. 81.50©4.00; Norfolk, por p,,..
re ). 83.25; Eastern Shore. D or
.barrel. fS.Oft® 2.75; fancy, Macungie,
\ii a. Uc* i#ui ttl, f o.lu, uo, w..
I .1.2&©1.60.
Flour—The market Is weak; winter
straight, westpril. 810.25© lo.&u per
i barrel; do., nearby, 89.50®10.00 per
barrel; Kansas straight, 810.75©10.6S
I per barrel; do., short, patent, 810,60
I ©10.90 per .barrel; spring, short, pat
ients, 810-' s ® 10 - tiu her barrel; spring
i patent, Xu.tio per barrel;
firsts, clear. 89.-0©O.Jo per barrel.
Hay The, nmrsel is arm, uuiolhy
No. 1, large and small bules. {3I.UUO
32.00 per ton; No. 2, small bales, {20.00
0 30.00 per ton; No. 3. {2s.OUo3ti.uu Dor
ton; sample. {12.50013.00 per lou; uo
grude. {7.50011.50 per ton.
Clover Light mixed, $29,000
30.00; No. t. $27.00028.00; No. 2, $25 00
Tallow The market is weak
prime, city, in tierces. 9010 c; prime
special, loose, 10c; prime country,
8 Vic; dark, 707 lie; edible in tierces,
12 % 013 c.
CHICAGO no till! OF Tit ADM
By Associated Press
Chicago, Jan. 30.—Board of Trade
Corn —May, 1.20>4; July, 1.17.
Oats—May, 57 T 4: July, 55%.
Pork—January, 44.00:
I-ard—January, 22.97: May, 23.30.
Ribs—January, 22.22; May, 21.35.
Statue by Rodin, Stolen by Hun Invaders,
Found by French Soldiers Seeking Mines
. .I**.. ' 1
Germany will not liave to pay for one stolen work of art. It is i
statue by Rodin which French soldiers are seen here removing fron
a hole they dug while trying to locate mines planted by the Huns un
tier the roadways as they retreated. The statue was unearthed near
Douai. This, the French consider, is convincing evidence of the sys
teinalic despoiling and looting of art treasures by German officers.
Federal Administration Went!
Out of Existence
Philadelphia, jan. SO.t-Price ten
denotes continue toward lower levels'
in all food products. While there i
was no phenomenal drop in the re-j
tail price of butter and eggs yes- |
terday, nevertheless Iho shading;
which has marked the market for
the past ten days continued.
Dealers late yesterday afternoon!
intimated that an effort will be made
to hold the market, but admitted
that it would probably -prove futile
as the conditions all indicate a fall
ing tendency. Vegetables yesterday
began to show the effect of the de- i
dine in 1 lie butter, egg and poultry
lines. Although there wefe no sharp!
breaks, many of the retail stores
were offering special inducements to j
housewives. , j
Poultry shipments are reported to
be falling off. This is due to the farm
ers holding up liens and pullets for!
the spring lay. Prime fowl was in!
the market selling at fair prices, j
Increasing shipments of fruit were i
reported. Much of the supply camel
from the west. California fruits, it ■
is said, are increasing in quantity,]
while southern shipments are heav
ier. Tropical fruils are arriving and
with, them conies the assurance thai
within the immediate future they
will be materially increased. Dealers
report a growing demand with prices
averaging fair.
Market factors agree that the eon
j ditions arc favoring the consumers
j and are disposed to accept the slt
j uation as the best to be expected fol
j lowing the ending of the war with
I tendencies toward lower prices rap
| idly developing.
To-day the Federal Food Admin
j istration practically goes out of ex
| istence so fur as Pennsylvania is
| concerned. There has been little for
| it to do since the signing of the arm
; istice except withdraw the restric
i lions put into effect as food conser-
I vation measures. They have all been
withdrawal and as one of the officials
I said last night it now remains for
I llie Food Administration to sing its
swan song. This is being composed
as rapidly as possible, and will be
given to the public within a few
t'HIt.UiO ( t'lTl.t;
By Associated Press
Chicago, Jan. 30. (U. S. Bureau
of Markets). Hogs Receipts,
50,000; market steady; better grades
with weight favored. Bulk of sales,
{*17.35017.65; butchers, $17.60017.75;
light, $16.50017.50; packing. $16,500
17.40; throwouts, $15.750! 6.50; pigs,
good to choice, $12.50015.50.
Cattle Receipts, 9,000; quiet and
steady on all classes. Beef cattle,
good, choice and prime, $15.85 0 20.09;
common and medium, $9.50015.85;
butcher stock, cows and heifers, $6.65
0 14.00; canners and cutters, $5,600
6.65; suckers and feeders, good, choice
and fancy, $10.50014.25; inferior,
common and medium, $7.75 010.50.
Veal calves, good and choice, $14,250
14.75. ,
Sheep Receipts, 18,000; market
steady to 25c lower. Fat lambs weak
ening most. Lambs, choice and prime,
$16.50016.75: medium nnd good, $15.25
016.50; culls, $12.00014.25; owes,
choice and prime, $10.75011.00; me
dium and good, $9.50010.75; culls,
This Is Your Chance /Jf) M D
to Own Your Oyvn -*-*
On Small Payment in CASH and Balance on EASY TERMS
Nos. 538, 540 and 543 South Seventeenth Street—eight rooms and bath.
Nos. 3217 and 3221 Derry Street—bricks; eight rooms and bath.
Nos. 527, 529, 531, 535, 537 and 533 South Sixteenth Street —two-story
bricks; six rooms and bath.
Nos. 539, 541, 543 South Fifteenth Street—two-story bricks; six rooms
and bath.
These homes have porches and all modern improvements, paved streets,
near car line, and will be sold in payments that will meet your income.
JANUARY '6O, 1919,
I Marble and Granite Men
Open State Convention
| The eleventh annual convention of
I the Itetail Marble anil Granite Deal-
I crs' Association of Pennsylvania was
j opened tills morning- in the Penn-
Harris Hotel with an executive ses
j sion. Reports of various officers and
j committees were included in the
work of the morning session. Wil-
I llam M. Hargest, Deputy Attorney
j General, delivered an address of wel-
I come. The response w<is made by
! Edward A. Carroll, of 'Philadelphia.
| This afternoon's session was opened
i Willi a discussion on "What Is the
i Cost of Selling Work To-day?" by
I Geerge Kisembrown, of Heading,
j "The Retailer as the Manufacturer
l Sees Him—Where He Failed in His
I Duty to Himself," was discussed by
H. P. Hinman, of Barre, Vermont.
S. Hollister Jackson. Barre, Vermont,
spoke on "Are the Present High Costs
! of Granite-anil Marble Justifiable?"
i and Edward Marnock, Quincy, Mass.,
talked on "The Opportunity the Re
tailer Has to Put His Business on a
Par With Other Successful Mer
j This evening a dinner will be held
iat the Penn-Harris. Stanley Sullivan,
I of Philadelphia, will be toastmaster.
Four-minute talks will be given on
►> <t> ❖♦❖❖❖♦•> •> •> ❖ ♦ *♦** > *♦❖♦ ❖•> ♦ ❖ •:• > ❖❖❖<•❖ •> •> ❖ ♦❖ ♦ * >:* <♦ •
1 100 Head of U. S. Mules 101
I D. B. Kieffer & Co's.
f Public Sale
I of
t 50 Head of Acclimated Horses
100 Head of U. S. Army Mules
* on Tuesday,. Feb. 4, 1919, at 11 o'clock, a
Middletown, Pa.
£ We will sell 100 head of U. S. Army Mules consigned to .i
£ to sell for the high -dollar. These mules being sold on a'
•> count of the war being over, and have no further use f<
%, them. The# are a lot of extra good big mules ranging i
t age from 4 to 8 years old and weighting from 18 to 22 hui
dred pounds to the pair. Mostly all closely mated team
and quite a few good single mules with the size shape ar
bone all over, and all good colored ones. This is strictly
* first class lot of mules being examined by government exper
I as for soundness and diseases and have been found to t
% strictly all right, and are the real kind of shaped mules
* stand the wear and tear. These mules will be sold under oi
v guarantee to be strictly straight, sound and right. Also
% good sucking mules, 6 months old. 50 head of acclimat<
* horses of all kind consisting of the good big finished drafter
•> Farm Chunks, Single Line Leaders, All Purpose, Carriaf
* and Driving Horses. Also a lot of high dollar horses of z
£ kinds. These horses raftge in age from 4 to 10 years old.
£ Sale to commence at 11 o'clock A. M., when condition w
be made by
D. B. Kieffer & Co.
**• <e •> *%• *•> * *> v* * * *** •> •> * <• •> *
the monument industry. The scss:
will continue to-morrow.
Officers are:
George W. Colwell, president. Pi
burgh; J. M." Gessler, vice-presid
Philadelphia; H. A. Mason, secret
Erie; George E. Detweller, treasu
Phoenixvllle; executive committee
M. Koontz, Greensburg; A. H. Li
enbill, Middletown, and P. K. <
laghrr, IMiiladelphia; conven
committee. Stanley Sullivan, ch
man. Philadelphia; A. H. Lueken
Middletown. and George Klsenbrc
Reading; sergeant-at-arms, O.
Wilkinson, Edenaburg; entertalnn
committee, A. H. Luekenbill, Sta:
Sullivan and John Eisenbrown.
ambassarAr ki,kti hi:::
Henry P. Fletcher, United St
Ambassador to Mexico, pa
through Harrisburg this morninf
his way to Washington. He i
brother of former Sheriff J. It
E'leether, of this city.
I want mei
to introduce fro
house to house a hig
grade line of pe
fumes, cosmetics, fla
oring extracts, spice
toilet soap, etc. Steac
work. Big profits. I s
experience necessar
Cake of soap and fi
particulars mailed fn
to any address. Laca
sian Co., Dept. 22
St. Louis, Mo.
!} i Desirable Property
For Sale or Rent
1 Two large modern
buildings. Both two
100x85 and 100x50
The largest building
contains 17,000 sq. ft.
] of space while the
smaller building covers
i lU.OOO sq. ft.
This is an exceptional
opportunity for an
ideal factory location.
You have plenty of
space, excellent light
ing and prompt ship-
I j ping facilities. Located
j only one block from
I I I railroad center,
i I ] Or will rent all or part
of building.
Call or Write
7tl> and Camp Sin.
llarrlsburg, Pa. Hell ttXS
niibac.ft STAMI