Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 30, 1919, Page 12, Image 12
12 OFFICIAL BOARD REORGANIZED AT GRACECHURCH E. B. Mitchell and J. R. Stoey Resign After Many Years of Active Service After records of service of un precedented length in Harrisburg church circles, E. B. Mitchell and J. R. Stoey have been retired, at their request, from the board of trustees of Grace Methodist Church. Mr. Mitchell has been a member of the body for forty-six years and Mr. Stoey for thirty-eight. At a meet ing Tuesday evening, Charles H. Klnter and Edwin S. Herman were elected as their successors. Both Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Stoey were members of the board of trus tees before the church enjoyed the position it now possesses. They liave been among the most active in advancing the interests of Methodist churches which have been instituted by Grace Church and which regard It as a mother church. Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Stoey, in advancing reasons tor their refusal to stand for re flection, explained that advancing age made it impossible for them to Attend to the duties incident to the office as they should be. Other members of the board of ♦rustees, all re-elected at the Tues day meeting, are: E. Z. Wallower, A. D. Bacon, Harry C. Ross, W. S. Snyder, John P. Melick, J. Harvey Patton and W. P. Starkey. The board of stewards was reor ganized last evening, following the fourth quarterly conference meet ing. S. V. Larkln and C. M. Mc- Js'aughton were elected new mem bers of the board. Eighteen mem bers were re-elected. They are: S. D. Sansom, C. W. Burtnett, J. H. S'ebourn, M. A. Shetter, J. S. Sible, S. G. Stauffer, Edwin O. Shaffner, "William R. Denehey Wiltiard S. Young, Frederick E. Downea, E. Fred Rowe, George L. Reed, E. E. Eawton, E. Bruce Taylor, J. Horace McFarland, J. W. Ellenberger, John C. Herman and Ehrman B. Mitchell. These two boards, together with the Sunday school superintendent, the president of the Epworth Eeague and the presidents of several "women's societies of the church, make up the official board. MltS. FRED DOHMtI.ASKH DIES Mrs. Fred Dornblaser, 418 Spruce street, aged 30 years, died shortly after 8 o'clock this morning, at the Harrisburg hospital. Mrs. Dornblaser had been under treatment at the hos pital for double pneumonia since last Suhdav, but her condition was too critica'l when she was brought to the hospital for the physicians to save her life. ALIENS SEEK PASSPORTS By Associated Press New York, Jan. 30. More than. 3,000 Italian and Greek workingmen, the majority of whom told customs officials they wished to return to their native lands to assist in the support of relatives whose breadwin ners were killed or disabled in the war, have been seeking passports to sail Saturday on the Giuseppi Verdi, for Naples and Genoa. No Need to Be Thin, Scrawny or Sallow If you are thin and want to be plump: if you have wrinkles in your face that you are not proud of; if the skin is sallow or subject to pimples or blackheads, take Mi-o-na stomach tablets for two weeks and notice the change. The majority of the thin people are thin because the stomach does not perform its duties properly. It Is not secreting sufficient of the natural digestive Juices and in con sequence does not extract from the food enough nutritive matter to nourish every part of the body. Mi-o-na stomach tablets are in tended to build up the stomach so that it will act properly and extract from the food the elements necessary to form flesh. If you are thin try two weeks treat ment of Mi-o-na stomach tablets they are small, easily swallowed and are sold on the guarantee of money back if they do not overcome chronic indigestion, acute or chronic, stop stomach disturbance, belching, heart burn, sour stomach, and any after dinner distress. For sale by H. C. Kennedy and all leading druggists. Lose Your Fat, Keep tour Health Superfluous flesh is not healthy, neither is 11 healthy to diet or ex ercise too niiKvh- for its removal. The simplest method known for reducing the overfatttfody two, three or four pounds a Week is the Marmola Method, triei and endorsed by thous ands. Marifflola Prescription Tablets containing *xact doses of the fa mous prescription, are sold by drug gists at 75 cents for a large case or if you prelcr you can obtain them by sending direct to the Marmola Company. 864 Woodward Ave., De troit. Mich. They are harmless and leave no wrinkles or flabbiness. They are popular because effective and convenient. USE ORRINE DRINK HABIT GOES Don't wait for the drink habit to get too strong a hold upon your hus band, son, 'oh father. for it can be broken up quickly if Orrine Is given him. You have nothing to risk and everything to gain, as Orrine is sold under a guarantee to refund the pur chase price if you get no benefit. Orrine Ntr. •1, secret treatment; Orrine No. . 3, .the voluntary treat ment Costs only *I.OO a box. Ask us for booklet G. A. Oorgas, 16 N. Third street. (POLDS Head or chest— are best treated ' NEW PRICES—3Oc, 60c. $1.20 Bretz Bros. Hardware Stand 209-211 CHESTNUT ST. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Full line of hardware, aluminumware, cutlery, paints, oils,' glass, farm implements, tools, gasoline and Auto Oils. Will be known hereafter as the CHESTNUT STREET HARDWARE AND MOTOR TRUCK SUPPLY CO. J. E. DARE, Proprietor THURSDAY EVENING HEALING THE HURTS OF DISABLE MEN More Than 200,000 Are Under Treat ment Here and Overseas-Provision Made for Compension and Insurance President Wilson, in a letter to the Federal Board for Vocational Educa tion, has called attention to the fact that the government stands squarely hack of its disabled fighting men. His letter follows: This nation has no more solemn ob ligation than healing the hurts of our wounded and restoring our disabled men to civil life and opportunity. The government recognizes this, and the fulfillment of the obligation is going forward ftllly and generously. The medical divisions of the war and navy departments are rendering all uid that skill and science make pos sible; the Federal Board for Voca tional Education Is commanded by luw to develop and adapt the remain ing capabilities of each man so that he may again take his place in the ranks of our great civilian army. The. co-operation and interest of our citi i-zens is essential to this program of duty, justice, and humanity. It is not a charity. It is merely the payment of a draft of honor which the United btates of America accepted when it selected these men, and took them in their health and strength to fight the battles of the nation. They have ™ u Sht the good fight; they have kept the faith, and they have won. Now vve keep faith with them, and every citizen is indorsee on the general obligation. ..Under authority and direction of the Congress, complete arrangements for rehabilitation of our disabled men have been made by the Federal Board for Vocational Education. According to estimates made since the announcement of the total Amer ican overseas casualties, there are more than 200,000 disabled men un der treatment in the hospitals in this country and overseas. Of this num, ber more than one-fourth have been disabled by disease. Contrary to the general idea of the casualty list, onlv a very small percentage of the total have suffered disabilities which re sulted in the amputation of limbs. It is not merely the men who have lost arms or legs that the government is offering to retrain and restore to self-supporting activity, but the Fed eral Board offers its aid to every man, regardless pf his disability, who is entitled to. government com pensation. The board realizes that the many thousands of men who are suffering from the effects of shell shock, gassing, shrapnel, and gun shot wounds which weaken their sys tems, tuberculosis, bronchitis, heart and nervous diseases, all may be un able to re-enter their former occupa tions. To all these men, as to those with more evident handicaps, the Federal Board is extending opportun ity. Within the next few months sev eral thousand disabled men will bo training under jurisdiction of the federal board and at the expense of the government. Those who had been actually placed in training were tak ing courses in a wide range of trades and professions, including twenty seven different occupations, industrial schools, colleges, offices and shops throughout the country are being utilized so that most qf the men are being trained close to their own homes. Thirty-one per cent, of the to tal now in training are taking com mercial courses, 17 per cent, are learning the various phases of agri culture, farm management, poultry raising, dairying, etc. Others are studying law, medicine, bahking and some are being trained in engineer ing, telegraphy, tailoring, window trimming and designing, accounting, store management, machine shop practice, meat inspection and traffic management. Every soldier or sailor enlisted, in ducted. or drafted into the military or naval service of the United States who is suffering from disability not due to his own willful misconduct may be entitled to compensation un der the war insurance act. It is his duty to present his claim for such compensation in order that it may be passed upon by the Bureau of War Risk Insurance. He can pro cure full information by applying to the war risk insurance officer at the camp or cantonment, from whom he may get Bureau of War ltisk Insur ance Form 526, which he must fill out in order to prove his eligibility for such compensation. If it is not possible to get in con tact with this war risk insurance of ficer, the soldier or sailor should call upon or write the Bureau of War Bisk Insurance at Washington. D. C„ stating his case; or he should call | on or write the district officer of the Federal Board for Vocational Educa tion in which he is located. If the soldier or sailor is suffering from a disability, he is also eligible for help by the Federal Board for Vocational Education in securing em ployment, which help will be given him in co-operation with the employ ment service of the Department of Dabor. If he is eligible for compen sation under the War Risk Insurance act, he is also entitled to training and placement by the Federal Board for Vocational Education, provided he is not able to follow his old occupa tion successfully without training or needs to be trained for some new and suitable occupation for which training is feasible. The Federal Board for Vocational Education will bear the entire cost of the man's training. It, will pay for his tuition; it will furnish him with books and other necessary supplies,' and it will pay all other expenses that may arise in connection with his training. During the time he is fol- I lowing a course of instruction with the Federal Board he will, if a sin gle man without dependents or a man required by his course of instruc tion to live apart from his depend ents, le paid by the government at least $65 per month. He may be paid more. If, for example, he received more than $65 per month as pay for his last month of active service, he will receive this same pay during his entire course of training. Further more, if his disability is such that his monthly compensation under the War Risk Insurance act is greater than $65, he will, of course, continue to receive this sum, whatever it may ! be, during his entire course. | A married man and his wife will receive $75 per month from the gov- I eminent, provided they live together while he is taking a course of in struction. If his course Is such that he must live apart from his wife, the government will pay him $65 per month and his wife S3O per month. The larger his family the larger the amount paid by the government for its support, whether living together or separately while ho is being edu cated. The same allowance and allotment will be paid to dependents as was paid to them while the man was in the active service. If he is married, his wife will receive S3O a month. If he has a wife and child they will receive S4O. a.month, and $lO will be paid for each additional child up to three. It he has-a mother dependent upon him she will receive the same amount she receivd' while he was in the service. In the case of a commissioned of ficer undergoing training the support paid by the government will always l equal the pay for the last month of ictive service, an amount always In excess of the minimum guarantee of $65 per month. He will be expected to maintain his dependents out of the amount paid him while undergoing training. When the disabled soldier has com pleted his course of training he will receive the compensation prescribed by the War Risk Insurance act so long as his disability continues. That there is danger of confusing compensation with insurance pay ments Is shown in the cases of some discharged men to whom compensa tion had been granted for Injuries re ceived In line of duty and who have discontinued pay#neqts of their insur ance premiums. In sqme instances they have discontinued such premium payments owing to a mistaken belief that the sums they are receiving monthly from the government were insurance payments. Only in those cases where the dis ability from which the man is suf fering is total and permanent does the discontinuance of insurance pay ments by the disabled man who is receiving compensation involve no risk and cause no harm. This is be cause in cases of total and perma nent disability tlere is a right to re cover government insurance pay ments as well as compensation, which made further premium pay ments unnecessary as soon as the disability was in fact total and per manent. . , . Any man who is receiving what he believes to be insurance payments should carefully verify that the pay ments he is so receiving are in fact insurance payments, and should not cease making insurance paymonts until he has definitely determined that the payments he is receiving are government insurance payments rather than compensation payments. The Red Cross is undertaking to see that every discharged soldier or sailor coming to its attention is fully Informed as-to his rights to compen-. sation and insurance, and gives as sistance in making application for it. When the arrangements for training have been made, the Red Cross is prepared to see that the family re ceives supplementary assistance or service which may be needed in ad dition to the provision made by the government. Since, under the law, the taking of vocational training is entirely optional with the man, and his own will and ambition must first be enlisted in order to insure success, the influence of the famHy may be a vital factor. Whether a man receives compensa tion for disability or not, whether he receives re-education or not, the board is ready to help him get a good job. If he is entitled to compensa tion and goes into training, when his training is finished the board will undertake to find him a place in his new vocation. Want Bids For Laying Mains in Riverside Advertisements asking for bids for laying water pipes in the Fourteenth ward, probably will be published next week Commissioner S. F. Hass ler, superintendent of the city water department, said to-day. At council sessions this week Dr. Hassler was authorized to purchase 58 lengths of 6-inch pipe and some special cast ings. While this will not be of a suf ficient quantity for the long line to be placed in Riverside, more pipe will be purchased in time for use he said. As soon as the new mains are in place, tire plugs will be attached so that the entire district will have adequate protection. Some of the plugs now located in the ward, can not be used by the city and must be replaced. Government to Abandon 14 of 16 Army Camps By Associated Press Washington, Jan. 30.—Abandon ment of fourteen of sixteen of the Na tional Guard camps and purchase by the Government of the sites of all Na tional Army cantonments was urged to-day by Secretary Baker and As sistant Secretary Crowell before the House Military Committfe. Camp Kearney, California, and Camp SeVier, South Carolina, would be the two Guard camps acquired by the Government, with the others re turning to landowners at the expira tion of present leases. IIOTEI. MAN A SUICIDE: By Associated Press Elaston, Pa., Jan. 30. George H. Vincent, proprietor of the Hotel Karl don, this city, kifled himself in his room at tire hotel to-day by shooting himself in the head. He was 63 years I old, and had been in ill health for a long time. He was formerly vice president of the Pennsylvania State Hotel Men's Association. W 1.. GORGAS IMPROVES The condition of W. U Gorgas, cashier of the Harris'firg National Bank, who resides at 904 North Third street, was reported at the hospital this morning to be slightly improved. He was admitted a short time ago suffering from complications of dis eases. f Sunday's Choir Leader Returns From War j| m i >-; fPHP BP' ™ ' J HOMER. "RODEHEAVSIEj Homer Rodehaver, of trombone fame, former choir leader for Billy Sunday, the noted evangelist, photo graphed upon his arrival In New York I from Franco, Mr, Rodehaver return led aboard the transport Rolgle, He ! had been In Franco for several I months touring the American camps, ) singing and playing his famous slide trombone for the Yankee, fighters. H> BBI9BURG TELEGRXFHI PLAY OF SOUTH THRILLS MANY "In Old Kentucky" Is a Drama of Life in Mountains and Blue Grass Life in the Kentucky mountains and then in the bluegrass of the valleys below—hints of whisky stills concealed in caves, a feud and horse racing—all are combined to furnish thrills in the drama, "In Old Ken tucky," presented at the Orpheum last night and to-day. The play is presented in four acts and eight scenes, portraying the ad ventures of Prank Layson, a son of Old Kentucky; Madge Brlerly, a flower of the mountains, living alone far above the bluegrass; Horace Holton, the "willun" of the story, and Barbara Holton, his daughter, who is anxious to marry Frank. Then there are Colonel Sandusky Doolittle, speculator and horseman; and Aleatha Layson, the Colonel's sweetheart; and Joe Lorey, a moun taineer In love with Madge. Holton causes most of the sus pense in the play—first by trying to start trouble between Layson and Lorey, then by his efforts to get Lorey out of the way. Later it de velops that he was the man who killed Lorey's and Madge's fathers, and Joe settles accounts as a climax in the last act. Layson wins Madge; the Colonel, Miss Aleatha, and the happy ending to the whole tale is brought about. Madge's services as a Jockey for Queen Bess and her winning of the race for Frank, the owner of the horse, adds still an other thrill to the play. Lester Mitchell appears as Lay son; Dorothy Laßue, as Madge; Eugene Laßue, the-Colonel; Marga ret Spooner, Miss Aleatha; Jessica Hay, Barbara; Fred Monley, as Hol ton; Frank Seay, Joe Lorey, and Manzie Campbell as "Old Neb," a family servant, Who, with a number of other colored helpers around Layson's plantation, furnish plenty of comedy by presenting some fine songs and dances during the second act. MAX KOBERTSON. LOCAL FAMILY NAME LINKED IN MYSTERY [Continued from First Pafte.] lived at the Union Club, for she told me so. "I remember that all the time he was visiting her, although he was a physician he was not practicing medicine. There is no doubt in my mind that the major mentioned is Major Fahnestock. I have not heard from or seen Miss Packwood since she moved from here. I did not even have her address." Other Stories Confirm Iter's Mrs. Cazeaux's story coincides with the known statements and actions of Miss Packwood before she committed suicide. She told Mrs. Bradford Ells worth, a Lieutenant In the Red Cross Motor Corps, that "her husband" had died in France in Octotber of pneu monia and the he was a major, but she did not mention his name. It is a matter of official record that Major Fahnestock died In Paris ,in October. Hugh Cameron, superintendent of the apartment house at 25 East 48th street, where Miss Packwood lived, told that he handed her the telegram announcing some one's death. This he said was during the llrst part of October., The name of "Major Fenton," men tioned in dispatches from Tampa, Fla., was first obtained from Miss Adelaide E. Bayliss of 11 Last 66th street, Captain of the Red Cross Mo tor Corps. She had written to George 11. Packwood in answer to a request from him for information concerning his daughter. He said that lie had not heard from her for a long time. Miss Bayliss at her home yester day declared she had never stated, as quoted in the Florida dispatches, that she knew Miss Packwood's hus band was a major. "All that I knew was very little." Miss Bayliss said. "I had heard very vaguely that Miss Packwood had married a man named Fenton. I did not know who or what he was. In fact the information was very vague. 1 don't even remember where it came from, I "believe it was just a bit of gossip that I heard around the rooms of the motor corps. I do not know whether he was a soldier, marine or a civilian.'" Not Mentioned In Ills Will Whether Miss Packwood was mar ried here or abroad remains a mys tery. There is no hint from any quarter that she had been married to Clarence Fahnestock. On January 20 his will was admitted t.o probate in Carmel, Putnam county, N. Y., by Sur rogate Bennett Southard. There was no mention of a wife. His estate, valued at $5,000,000, was left to Mrs. Helen Campbell, a married sister, William Fahnestock, a brother, and the children of Gibson Fahnestock, another brother The War Department in Washing ton could find no trace of any Major Fenton yesterday who had died abroad or here. There wore several Major Fentons In the army, but all were reported alive. Colonel Sorley, Commander of Camp Merritt, which has been named as the cainp from which Major Fenton sailed, suid posi tively that no major by that name had ever been a casual there. It was understood that the Major Fenton supposed to be the woman's husband had been back and forth from France several times. If this was true und he went to Camp Merritt, there would be a record of his name In the per sonnel office Added interest was given last, night to Miss Packwood's statement that she had been married secretly, for the reason that Major Helen Bastedo, head of the Motor Corps of America, said Miss Packwood once had been a member of her organization and had requested a leave of absence to get married. Miss Packwood, according to Major Bastedo, joined the organ ization at its formation. She resigned at the time that Mrs. Bradford Ells worth did, both Joining the American Red Cross. Mnjor Was Hunker'* San Major Fahnestock's father was Harris Fahnestock, vice-president of the First National Bank of New York City. He was born In New Y'ork forty-five years ago and was at Har vard for two years before entering the College of Physicians and Sur geons, from which lie was graduated In 1900. He was on the house staff of the Presbyterian Hospital and later specialized in ear diseases. He married Miss Marguerite Saw yer, daughter of Arthur W. Sawyer, of Boston. They were divorced, ajid Mrs. Fahnestock married James Nor man Hill, Jr., In London In August, 1912. James N. Hill is a son of the James J. Hill, once president of the Northern Pacific Railroad. The major was well known as a big game hunter, and after his di vorce lived at the Union Club. He made many trips to Africa and Alas ka on hunting expeditions. He was at one time an officer In the 7th Regiment. When war threat ened ho was one of the pioneer mem bers at Plattaburg When ho decided to go to war, despite his surgical training, he preferred to Join the fighting forces. He received a com mission as major, and was assigned to the 801 st Infantry, with which unit he went oversoas News of his death was cabled here from France about October 9. It was briefly stated he had died -of pneu monia contracted at the front. He was burled with military honors. MBXIOAN DIIfiA IN IIONPITAI, Ellen Hernandez, a Mexican, aged 88, died at the hospital at 8,20 o'olook last night, due to a complication of diseases. A Laugh-Creating Scene in "The Very Idea," Conn ng to the Orpheum Monday *■ ■ r y ■ ■ "The Very Idea," said to he the best farce seen in New York in years, and which ran at the Astor Theater for one entire season, is corainß to the Orpheum Monday night. William Le Baron's charming .and insinuating comedy will be presented here with an exceptional strong cast "of metro politan players. The charm of the uluy consists of the fact, although it treats of a delicate subject, all the characters, situations and dialog are so wholesome and the whole idea so crisp and novel, that it all effects a harm less evening of amusement with an underlying current of good taste and common sense. oamuse]^;MENTS^ MAJESTIC High Class Vaudeville New bill to day "The Century ltevuc," spec tacular singing and dancing act; the Flying Heelers; Holmes and Hollts ton in the comedy skit, "Miss Kid der;" huwry and Prince, variety en tertainers; Mel>ermott.'and Hcagaey in a singing and piano offering. Also the sixth episodp of "The Euro of the Circus." ORPHHUM To-night—"ln Old Kentucky." To-morrow night, and Saturday, mati n. and night—"Seven Days' Heave. Monday, nignt only, February 3. —"Ihe : Very Idea." Tuesday night and Wednesday, mati nee and night, February 15 "Oh, Lady! Lady!" COLONIAL To-day—Bert Lytell in "The Spender. Friduy and Saturday—Constance Tal madge in "Who Cares?." Mojiday and Tuesday Tom Moore in "Go West, Young Man." REGENT To-day Dorothy Dalton in "Quick sands," and a Sennett comedy, "The Pullman Bride." To-morrow and Saturday Charles Ray in ' String Beans," and "Fatty" (Roscoe) Arbuckle in "The Sheriff." VICTORIA To-dav, onlj—Billie Rhodes in "The Girl of My Dreams," and "The Hand of Vengeance." To-morrow and Saturday —Houdini, in the sixth chapter of "The Master Mystery," and Tom Mix in "Treat 'Em Rough." All next week —"Mickey. The history of the American stage does not record a more enduring suc cess than that achieved "In Old by "In Old Kentucky," Kentucky" which is playing at the Orpheum to-night. This famous American play, (fresh from its new triumphs at the big Boston Thea ter, where it played a most successful spring engagement in the historic playhouse in which it achieved its first New England success more than a do cade ago, is now on its annual tour of the country. Boston proclaimed, the play just as frCsh, as bright and as new and just as well palyed as when it made its first appearance in the city. The big production built for the Boston en gagement will be used by the com pany on tour this season. "Oh, Lady! Lady!" Now. what kind of a title for a play. What kind of a play would be "Oli, l.ndj ! Lady!" likely to be wan dering around with such a title? What does tl mean, anyhow, and if so, why? We won't have to wait any longer than Tuesday and Wednesday to find out. for the piece with the exclama tory title will be seen at the Orpheum Theater on those occasions. Previous successes leads one to be lieve that "Oh. Lady! owes its name to the fact that Its Princess Theater predecessor. "Oh, Boy!" was considerable of a success, and F. Ray Comstock, after' "Very Good, Eddie" A Scene From the Sensational Drama, "7 Days' Leave" at the Orpheum Tomorrow W* ■-*♦ ... The war haze that distinguishes the spiritual atmosphere of London life to-day in contrast to its indulgent spirit before the big "thing" hap £ened that is transforming the earth, is captured gripplngly in "Seven Days' eaye, the big spectacular military comedy-drama, which comes to the Orpheum to-morrow night and Saturday matinee and night. This is the production that has been attracting continuously crowded audiences to the Lyceum Theater, London, and also id the Park Theater, New York, whore it enjoyed a run of six months. Its vogue continues to receipts that exceed th?"t ? 0 er " ,ea * r ' ca l attraction for the period in the history of A splendid company and full scenic equipment are promised for the pro duction here. JANUARY 30, 1919. " and "Nobody Home," lias come to the conclusion that slangy titles make the box oftlce man smile. The New York Princess Theater is a small place. Standing against the back drop, an ordinary size chorus girl can almost shake hands with a man in the back row of the orchestra This makt's for intimacy. The stage is too small to admit of a large chorus, so the has to secure a specially pretty small one. Take ten or twelve good-looking youhg ictors, a group or so of winsome, willowy winners, in very fashionable gowns, and a score of Jerome Kern's famous melodies, and a plot by fiuy Bolton and P. G. Wodehouse, and you have the recipe for the success of a Princess Theater musical comedy production. Of course, you don't get quite so much intimacy i in the theaters throughout the country, but by tne time the attraction arrives in this city its New York reputation is sure to hypnotize you quite satisfactory. There are a nice lot of young peo ple in "Oh. Lady! Lady!" including: Doris Predo, Plarry Pnuli, Jleth Frank lin, "Billy" Gaston. Flora Crosby, Eu gene McGregor, Helen Frnncls, Clide Crawford and Sidney Stone. The sixth episode of "The Dure of the Circus" is showing at the Ma jestic the remaining three At tlie days of this week! Majestic The new vaudeville Mil, which opened this after noon, consists of a line-up of popular attractions. "The Century Revue" is the title of the feature act, and is a spectacular singing and dancing of fering presented by six clever people. Surrounding this act are: The Flying Heelers, in some sensational aerial work: Holmes and Holliston, present ing their breezy flirtation skit, en titled, "Miss Kidder;" Lowrv and Prince, in a happy combination of comedy, singing and dancing, and Mc- Dermott end He.agney, a team of clever male performers, in a lively singing and piano offering. Beginning Monday, February .10, Pearl White, the popular serial queen, will be seen in another thrilling serial, "The Lightning Raider." To-day is the last showing of Bert Lytell, in his lntest success, "Th"e Spender." Bert Lytell, in the At the hero role, shows himself to Colonial be a real actor, and dainty Mary Anderson is delightful as a maid. Aside from a'very touch ing and excellent story, the supports ing cast is excellent. Friday and Sat urday, Constance Talmadge will be seen in her latest success, "Who Cares?" To-morrow nnd Saturday "Fatty" (Roscoe) Arhuckle. in "The Sheriff," and Charles F-- "String At the Beans." two dellleous cora- Itrgent edics, will be at the Regent Theater. These ex uberant favorites appear In bright, new pictures, tilled to the brim with laughter and good nature. For in stance, there is Mr. Ray taking the part of 'Toby Watkins," a poet. The poet likes his business, but people don't like him. He becomes a solicitor on a country newspaper, and through sheer luck uncovers a graft scheme nnd finally falls in love with the most beautiful' girl in town, the daughter of the mayor. "Fatty" is shown in bis funny, new release, "The Sheriff." The genial comedian will be seen in a new character, that of a Wild Wilst- ern hero In a regular "mcllcr drami mer," full of gun play. Monday the engagement oj the mov ing picture stupenduous, "Sporting Life," will bo opened! In It are thrill ing scenes of the English Derby, prize fighters and sports galore. Blllio Rhodes, aptly called the "screen's daintiest star," will be seen at the, Victoria Theater to- At the day only. Miss Rhodes will Victoria win her way into the hearts of local movie funs, it is safely predicted, in. this appealing love story, characterized by a brightness and a winsome spirit that is irresist ible. To-morrbw and Saturday. Houdlnl is duo in the sixth thrilling episode of "The Master Mystery," with some new and startling adventures, adding even a greater touch of wlerdness to the grtppipg serial. Tom Mix. the cy clonic whirlwind and daring actor, who lias gained a huge army of ad mirers here by his intrepid acting in dashing pictures of adventure, is to be seen In "Treat 'Em Hough." SHAFFER IS JUST PLAINJANKEE BOY [Continued from First I'ago.] An ace was leading us, and he be gan to do some queer acrobatics. I thought he was signalling that Boche were übout us, but I could not see any Boche. A heavy white cloud was below me and I was some eight thousand feet in the air. 'Shaffer boy,' I said to myself, 'they'll be talking about you in Dau phin, Pa., if you can't bust those balloons. All of a suddent I thought I could see a Boche bal loon. The ace leading us was palnf ed red and white. Then I got onto him. He was signalling that there was a whole lino of Boche balloons, moored to the earth but some dis- I tance up in the air, and all with but . teries. | As the air cleared X began to shoot. It was a beautiful morn ing. I could see through my glass the Germans in the balloons observ ing us. Each balloon had a big black cross on it. Three times I shot at one, then my gun jammed. 1 was up against it. They were all shooting at me and I could not shoot at them. Then I took another gun I had and got it going. Just then a sharp pain hit my right leg." Sister Esther glanced inquiringly ut-Friend Leg, gave it a sisterly pat and the talk went on: • "Another bullet cut off my rud der and I found myself wabbling through the air and bumping right into one of the Boche balloons. I looked for a place to land, but it was all one big shell hole below. Good night, 1 said, here's where Walt. Shaffer gets his. I remem bered the last thing the commander told me was lhat if I was downed I should either smash or burn my machine. So, as I did not want to be burned up, I threw her on one side, and put her on the bum for ever, and presently was on earth again, with all my clothes. "Who are you, French or Amer ican?" asked the Boche officer who reached me first. He spoke good French and I was able to tell him. While he spoke another guy took off my fur shoes. They wanted to take my fur flying suit, but 1 kept it. The Germans seemed awed as they gathered round and stared at me." "What do you think of the Ger mans?" asked the Telegraph men as the Shaffer boys hurried down to the state printing plant to see their father. "Just animals," said Walter. "They treat you like a dog until you over come them and then they lick your hand like a dog.' MAJESTIC Century Revue With an abundance of songs and dances COMING MONDAY Bobby heath And His Singing Girls WINTERDALE DANCES in North Market Square HALL'S ORCHESTRA Coloreil. OF COLUMBUS, OHIO, will play ami sing for iluneinK Fri day and Saturday evenings, Janu ary 31 null February 1. Admission BOc and 75c. j ORPHEUM 2 DAYS TOMORROW JAN73I SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY TREMENDOUS TRIUMPH AND MOST SENSATIONAL SUCCESS IN A DECADE A ROMANTIC TALE OF LOVE AND VALOR FULL OF SUSPENSE AND EXCITEMENT THE SORT OF A PLAY THAT MAKES YOUR BLOOE TINGLE NOSrSS. | Not a Picture NOTABLE CAST MASSIVE PRODUCTIOf> DDIf CC Matinee, 25fS 75fS SI.OO llVivEiu Nights, to $1.50. Monday Evening Only, February 3 Buckley By Wm Sullivan Leßaroi T/hiWITWi p—. THE FUNNIEST SHOW IN YEARS A SCREAM FROM START TO FINISH A REAL COMEDY TREAT PRlCES—Orchestra, $1.50 and $1.00; Balcony, 75c and 50c Gallery 25c SEATS TOMORROW MILLIONAIRE COW KING MI ST GO TO PKNITENTA Chicago. James Dorsey, "Millionaire Cow King" of K< county, llinois, must spend ei years in the Federal prison Leavenworth, Kan., and pay a of $3,000, according to a judgm of the U. S. Circuit Court of . peals. Judges Baker, Mack and Evj after hearing arguments, der DoDrsey's appeal without lea\ the bench. . Dorsey was convicted in Fedi Judge Landis' court and was t tenced. Ho was accused of hav flooded the country with tuborci cows, using the mails to defrauc advertising that they aro hlgh-gr. blue-blooded Holsteins. Evidence showed lie not only r chased tubercular cows through the state, but obtained them ft the Union Stock Yards, slilpp them to his 500-acre farm in K county, where they were clipj their horns and hoofs polished ; then sold as blue blood at fa 200.000. HiS PrOfUS ' n ° ne year W ORPHEIM Coming! Two Nighh Beginning Tties., Fob. i. —Matinee Wed. The ' one substantial music comedy success of the season, c rect from a solid year's run the Princess Theater, New Yo —the homo of polite music comedy lilts and unusual ehor beauty. F. RAY CQMSTOCK and WI LIAM ELLIOTT present the flf New York Princess Theater m sical comedy success, Youthful Daintiness and- Fret Girls in Attractive Raiment Company of 50 smart Prince Players; 10 song hits; spec! orchestra. Seat sale starts 10 a. m. Sa urday. Prices—Nights, $2.00, $1.5 SI.OO, 75c and 50c. Matin Wednesday, entire lower floe $1.00; balcony, 75c, 60c and 2E COLONIAI THURSDAY Bert Lytell THE SPENDER FIU., SAT. Constance Talmadg WHO CARES How a Rlrl'n love WIN Mince re a though Mhe dirint know it. REGENT THEATEI TODAY DOROTHY DALTON IN "QUICKSANDS" AND "Fatty" (Roscoe) Arbuckle "THE SHERIFF" TOMORROW SATURDAY CHARLES RAY IN "STRING BEANS" "Fatty" (Roscoe) Arbucklt AND IN "THE SHERIFF"