Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 29, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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use of Suicide a Mystery to
ither, Wealthy Real Estate
Dealer of Tampa, Fla.
, By Associate J Press
'a in pa, Fla.. Jan. 29. —George H.
•kwood. wealthy real estate deal
>f Tampa, upon receiving the first
ra of the death of his daughter,
ele, whose body was found Sun
on the Palisades of tho Hudson
;r. said he had heard from his
ghter only occasionally since she
after returning from France and
w no reason why she should have
►on t Your Little Pet
Needs a Candy Cascaret
Look at the kiddie's tongue! Then hurry! Give ,
Cascarets to work the nasty bile, souring food and
constipation poison from the little liver and bowels.
Children love "Candy" Cascarets. Harmless!
Never gripe! Never disappoint! Cost 10 cents a box.
MOTHERS! When your child is irritable, feverish, when the
ie tongue is coated, breath tainted, give harmless Cascarets to thor
ghly cleanse the stomach, liver and bowels —then don't worry!
!! directions for children's dosage at all ages on each 10 cent box.
"Everybody Is Going to THE GLOBE"
Gigantic Clothing Sale
SIOO,OOO Stock Sacrificed
Due to the Fire in Our Basement
Which Occurred onJNew Year's Morn
* 4
Soldiers and Sailors—
THE GLOBE'S great sale is a blessing to you men who
are now being discharged from the Army and Navy.
You can purchase your "cit"' clothes at such remarkably
low prices that your pay will go a long ways at THE GLOBE.
S2O Suits Are $12.50 S2O Overcoats $12.50
$25 Suits Are $15.00 $25 Overcoats $15.00
S3O Suits Are $20.00 $35 Overcoats $20.00
$35 &S4O Swts $25.00 $45 Overcoats $30.00
$45 Suits Are $30.00 S6O Overcoats $40.00
Condition of the Sale-
No Goods Charged—No Goods Exchanged No Goods Sent
C. O. D.—None Sent on Approval—No money refunded—Every
Sale Final—FßEE Alterations on Suits and Overcoats Only.
We Cheerfully Cash all R. R. Pay Checks
taken her own life as the author'.-
went to New York early in Novem
ties of Bergen county, N. J., believe.
Miss Packwood was 28 years old
and until ten years ago lived in Tam
pa. Going to New York to study
music, she enlisted as a Red Cross
nurse when the United States en
tered the war, and was sent to
France about a year ago. She return
ed to this country, accodring to hvr
father, about the time the armistice
was signed.
Members of the family say they
had heard that she wa sengaged to
be married to an army officer, who
was kilted in action, but they could
not recall hi sname. *
Mr. Packwood later- disclosed that
his daughter came to Tampa for a
short visit in November, but he said
she did not tell him she was mar
ried. After she returned to New
York, he said, she ceased writing an'
later some of he rpersonal effects
were received by express. Mrr. Pack
wood said he then wrote to the Red
Cross headquarters In New York
for information and was Informed
that his daughter, who had secretly
married a Major Fenlon, a year ago,
had been mustered out of service.
Body Identified
Hiiglewood, N. J„ Jan. 29.—Tho
body of a young woman found Sun
day on the Palisades was identified
yesterday as that of the daughter of
George H. Packwood, of Tampa,
Fla., widow of a'major in the Ameri
can army who died of influenza 'n
France last October, according to
an announcement here by Thomas
J. Huckin, prosecutor of Bergen
Mr. Huckin, who declared an
autopsy performed to-day establish
ed the fact that the girl was killed
by chloroform self-administered, as
serted she apparently had married
without the knowledge of her par
ents or friends. News of the death
of her husband, whose name is not
known to the Authorities, made her
Identity of the body. Mr. Huckin
stated, was established by Mrs.
Bradford Ellsworth, of New York,
and other ffrfends of the young wom
an, whose names he did not make
He said that she had frequently
been seen walking along the Pali
sades and intimated that, in view
of her confessed intention of suicide,
had evidently been selecting the spot
where she should In secret end her
life. The body was found on a shal
low ledge, several weeks after tho
girl had swathed her head in band
ages soaked with chloroform.
Mr. Huckin said he had notified
the girl's father, a wealthy resident
jof Tampa, but had received no
Shoe Industry in
"Healthy Shape," Says
Association Head
By Associated Press
Now York, Jan. 29.—The shoe in
dustry was described as being 'in
healthy shape" by J. Frank McEl
waln, of Boston, president of the Na
tional Boot and Shoe Manufacturers'
Association, who addressed members
of the Wholesale Shoe League last
night at the dinner which followed
their annual meeting.
"So far as the wholesaler is con
cerned," he said, "the supply of
I shoes is not excessive. The retailer is
not overstocked and his condition
might be termed normal.
"There is no probability of the
lowering of prices for the next six
months. The danger is that the
; prices may go higher."
Demand Punishment
For Crimes Against
Women in the War
By Associated Press
Now York. Jan. 29.—Joining with
the women of France ift a protest
against toleration of violation of
womanhood in war." the National
: American YVornan Suffrage Associa
tion adopted resolutions demanding
i that "definite punishment for crimes
against women-and girls be provided
; for by the peace congress."
Pottstille, Pa., Jan 29. Frank
Leonard, a young war worker at
the Atlas Nitrate Products Company
factory at Mt. Carbon, yesterday
was awarded $10,6-10 damages for
burns received at an aqid vat two
years ago.
New Director of Defense and ]
Welfare Work Will As
sume Duties at Once
Governor Frank
assume charge of j
1 ' le s ' ate Defense I
Commission and I
lorganize its work .
tjfjjjSjSitJiijlol other matters
Ft -jg.jj outlined yesterday
Mr. McClain left Harrisburg last !
night after announcing that he in-1
tended to get to work at onee. '
"There are a number of things I
1 which the commission confided to'
me and which from my experience |
I think can work out advantageous-1
ly," said he. "We intend to revise |
the general program and will reduce
expenses wherever possible. I have j
already made a number of cuts and •
thiggs will move along very smooth- j
Mr. McClnin said that it was his!
idea to take up with federal .officials |
at once the relation of the employ
ment agencies to the government.
The state is paying a good bit of]
money and wants to run its otvn es- j
Ex-Governor Here—Ex-Governor
Frank B. Willis, of Ohio, was at the \
Capitol to-day, visiting departments.!
He called on the Governor. The 1
Ohioan was enthusiastic abojtt the j
meeting last night.
Xaumnii Qualifies —Spencer G. |
Xauman, who will be in charge of|
the Superior Court decisions, has]
; qualified. He will have his office'
i here.
! State Hoard Meets—The State
; Beard of Education is holding its
; January meeting to-day. Reports
j from Dr. J. George Beeht, the secre-1
' tary, regarding his observations in |
i Europe, are to he made.
(Jotn-i to Pittsburgh—Governor]
j William C. Sproul, Lieutenant Gov-1
j ernor Edward E. Beidleman and |
| \V. Harry Baker have accepted the ;
| invitation of Syria Temple. Ancient I
: Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic
| Shrine, Pittsburgh, to be the guests I
i of the temple at the big ceremonial;
| of the Shriners to he held on Thurs
i day, February 27. The invitation was
| extended by illustrious Potentate
I Joseph X. Mackrell, of Syria Tem
ple. A committee of Shriners. head
ed by Walter J. Christy, will escort j
the guests from Harrisburg to Pitts- ]
burgh, where the reception commit- j
tee for their visit of which Poten
tate Mackrell has appointed H. D.
Williams, president of the Carnegie
Steel Company, as chairman, will
meet them and look after their com
fort until such time as they leave ]
Pittsburgh for their return journey!
east. Governor Sproul is a member i
of Lulu Temple. Philadelphia, while
Lieutenant Governor Beidleman and
Mr. Baker are among those who
"crossed the hot sands" in Zembo
Temple, Harrisburg. This is the first
time that the Governor and Lieuten- j
ant Governor of Pennsylvania have ]
been Shriners. Syria Temple is evi
dently going to "show them some-j
thing" aifd the guests have not ask- !
ed for any quarter. This will be |
Governor Sproul's second appearance '
in Pittsburgh in February, as he is J
the principal speaker at the Cham- :
ber of Commerce banquet in the Wil- I
11am Penn Hotel on February 8.
Some unusual features have been
arranged for his visit to the Shriners '
Mosque and the regular Washing- |
ton's birthday date has been set al-1
most a wek forward as he receives
the degree of doctor of laws at the I
University of Pennsylvania on that!
Rasnttisscn at Work—Secretary of 1
Agriculture Rasmussen has gotten l
down to work in his department and |
has .completed a survey of the
tivities of the various bureaus. "It j
will take some time to study out all
of the work and until then we are
going right ahead with the usual ;
work. Froth time to time things will
develop," said he to-day. "I have
found very cordial support and 1
think we are going to have a depart
ment that will be valuable to our!
Mr. Ball Here—William H. Ball,
secretary to Dr. Brumbaugh, was!
at the Capitol to-day. He is now |
secretary of the Phi'adelphia Real
Estate Board.
British Officer Who Will
Wed Princess Patricia
mm jtL 9
- Mb •
WggUT* jfigm
fcamwaiminaiiin iMMHnt:<*ws*ii' win <—> mi
This Is the first photograph receiv
ed In this country of Commander
Alexander Ramsey, whose engage
ment to Princess Patricia of Con
naught. daughter of the former gov
ernor general of Canada and cousin
of King George, was announced re
cently. He served with the British
forces In the Dardanelles campaign
and was awarded the Distinguished
Service Order.
"The Live Store" • "Always Reliable"
Better Clot^^
You can only buy the "better" kinds of
clothing in the stores that are particular about their
standards This "Live Store" has from the very beginning en
deavored to sell merchandise that would warrant giving a guar- ,
antee of satisfaction to the wearer and that's why we make a
strong plea for known quality clothing, such as
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Kuppenheimer &
Society Brand Clothes
There's another thing that's especially
important, the service you get Doutrichs firmly be
lieve in making its patrons feel that they are a part and a parcel of
the organization. We never fool our customers, it doesn't pay—
some stores think it does, but it's poor policy to "slip it over."
We take no chances of loosing your goodwill and friendship.
We are trying harder every day to make this the store you and
your friends want us to.
Try This Dependable Doutrich Service
That Everybody Is Talking About
304 Market St.. Harrisburg, Pa.
JANUARY 29, 1919.