Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 29, 1919, Page 7, Image 7
" When a Girl " Br ANN USLE A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife "Hello, Mrs. Harrison, glad I lught you in," said .Anthony Nor :ys' de#p, kind voice as I listlessly >ok down the roceiver. "I'm glad, too —oh, so gladf' I splied struggling with a silly imp in my throat. I had been down in the depths of tterness over Jim's desertion of e for the engagement he called ialf business, half social." And ow the sound of a friendly voice >ming out of the dark void my orld had seemed actually set my sart to thumping at a great rate, didn't guess that before our con ization was finished Mr. Norreys' j ■ry friendliness was going to bring >me to me my utter friendliness, ut it did. "Well. I'm glad you're glad," mckled Mr. Norreys. "It's so dis jointing to call up a friend with 1 the enthusiasm in life and get listless, 'Yes, it's me. Oh, is it >u? Awright. Whatch awant?' ' At his good natured imitation of lr national telephone manners I ughed. "I know you don't want anything, r. Norreys. Generally, when you oss the path of Harrisons, it's to ve, not to take. And right now ui're cheering up a little blue lady, lose husband Is detained on busi ss and who hasn't been trained having her boy desert her—even r his work." I hadn't meant to defend either m or myself. But as I spoke it ipped into my mind that maybe r. Norreys knew Jim had plans r the evening that didn't include e and was phoning because he tied me. I couldn't have that, y husband's employer even ough he happened to be so splen d a man as Anthony Norreys ustnot be permitted to pity Jim's fe. At once—and very graciously and avely—Anthony Norreys set my Ind at rest on that score. "There are a lot of things to fin i up at our shop. I'm sending e of the force over to Canada to lp establish the Dominion office. , >ur husband wants to get things t of the way before —that." I wondered if what he had in nded to say was 'before Doris est goes.' I wondered if he knew at Jim had an engagement "half siness, half social." But he went with no air of self-consciousness manner of stepping cautiously, t he betray something. "Well, Mrs. Harrison there's ler business in the wind. Do you j tlize that you and I have —mat-1 s to discuss?" I r'ATTLE TALKS BY BE A TRICE FAIRFAX Sometimes I wonder if too much sn't been said about constancy. I Constancy to the person one has | Kmised to marry, for instance, is rarded not only as a virtue but really inseparable from decency d honor. "Breach of promise ts" are seriously considered in the jrts and jilting is pointed to as abomination. Changing one's mind—or one's irt —after one has promised to irry and to love forever is held be simply one of the things that t't be done. This idea is so general, and so my sharply vigilant eyes are con ntly on the lookout for viola ns of the good old rule of con ncy, that I suspect a good many ider - hearted, self - distrustful tng creatures are frightened into irriages that if they felt perfect free they would unregretfully ape from. My own belief is that constancy a virtue has had too much ent asis. And I feel a most genuine npathy with the entirely frank tng writer of such a letter .on s subject as recently came to me. 'I am nineteen," the letter reads, id am engaged to a man three irs my senior. I have known him my life and I think I really did e hint at one time, but I know w that I do not love him. I have ."er let him see this change, t>e tse I have been afraid of break : his heart, as I'm sure he loves very much. I take no interest atever in his letters or anything >ut him. I never even think of a when he is not with me. 'Now, Miss Fairfax, I think I uld be doing him a great wrong re I to marry him with this feel in my heart. Still I have not : nerve to tell him. I would be grateful to you if you could ad b me what to do." \*ow this is as far, doubtless, as eteen has the courage to go. A False Position 'his young girl has the sincerity 1 clear-sightedness to perceive t she is in a false position. She i the sense to know that she is ided in a fatally wrong direction rrong for herself and for her er. All she lacks is the "nerve," she says, to act on her knowl ;e. Are you always successful on baking day? Are your cakes light and spongy and your biscuits white and flaky? If not, let us help you with HJMFORDfg THE WHOLESOME IJjSP lAKING POWDER WEDNESDAY EVENING My heart skipped a beat. "We have—matters to discuss?" I . asked. "Well, I should say so! That night you and Betty Bryce were here to dinner, we planned a little fund for hungry and pocketless soldier boys. They still have to eat even if they . don't have to fight—and you and I were going to establish a little re serve fund at your canteen. Have you forgotten?" "No—but I thought you had—" I began. "You didn't think I'd forgotten! Please don't tell mo that you think I'm one of those wobbly-minded persons who don't remember on Monday what they planned the Sat urday before?" I wondered as I replied if An thony Norreys had noticed the qua ver in my voice when I answered the phone and was giving me time J to collect myself. "No, I merely thought the change in the affairs of the world —had changed your plans." "I have been perfecting them a bit, Mrs. Harrison. And now I'm ready to submit to you. I'd rather not go into them over the phone. And since you have a free evening, why not dine with me? Ask your chum to come along and give a so cial air to our business arrange ments. Bring any one you like." A little chill went over me at that new arrangement of those familiar words. After all was Anthony Nor reys trying to make up to me for Jim? "Ask any one I like?" I repeated a little vaguely. "Yes. Chaperon stuff." Mr. Norreys laughed generously that nice chuckle of his which seemed to assure ine that no wom an would ever need a chaperon when she was with him —but that he'd see she always had one just the same. friend to come with us, and we'll "You ask your chum—your best all dine together in state. Does that suit you? Shall I call for you in an hour? That ought to give you time to reach the other girl." "Yes. Come in an hour, please." I agreed and hung up the receiver, I after jabbing it into space three or four times before I could manage to connect it with the hook* Mr. Norreys had told me to in vite my "chum" to join us at din ner, I had agreed: and there wasn't a woman I could count on—there wasn't a soul I could ask. I had bluffed for a second be cause I was shamed and humiliated at the thought of confessing that I hadn't a single woman friend. | I had bluffed. But could I make good I (To Bo Continued.) It is quite easy, of course, to see what she is afraid of. She is afraid of what people will say. They will call her fickle or cruel. And it will hurt. And being only nineteen, she won't be entirely safe that people aren't right. And she is afraid of family pres sure. Families are pretty formidable things "when they're all agreed upon some one point that a single unruly member dissents from. They have a way of making it extremely un pleasant for the unruly member. And the publicity of a broken en gagement, especially an engage ment with a good, steady young man who had been a lover since childhood, is something that most families would be pretty certain to oppose. And finally she is afraid, as she says, of "breaking his heart." Of course she is reluctant to cause the pain that a complete rup ture with her faithful sweetheart is certain to bring him. It isn't easy by any means to watch an in nocent person suffer and to know one is solely responsible. This is no doubt the hardest part of all. But while admitting the reality of the difficulties that are in her way, I Y ant to encourage this young girl In what Is beyond any doubt her duty to herself and to her sweetheart. To marry a man whom she not only doesn't love but is wholly in different to would be, as she puts it, a great wrong. Nothing justi fies marriage but love. And this does not sound like a case where there is any chance of a tardy love developing. So what is there for her to do but be sincere and courageous and tell her lover the truth? Her family will readjust itself. What friends and neighbors may have to say is really beside the point. And the lover himself, how ever profoundly disappointed he may be, won't die of a brjkcn heart. The hearts of normal, wholesome, steady going young men aren't nearly as brittle as that. Ultimate recovery is pretty certain. I wish that all lovers would rea lize how simple the matter really Is. There's only one reason that Justi fies two people in marrying, namely, Bringing Up Father - Copyright, 1918, International News Service - By Mc w <OUUt-MAie W ,o ah: AN ANSWER 1 ' K "EW ' /&~~ tWH WELL - HERE | | I WHAT DQEA-TU.A II UIuJEJU DEVER WANTED TO t>EE ME , AT L-A"bT -KT d OLJ V t HE '° WAMT ASAIN -50T I'VE WRITTEN HER / I E V f£ '' T **** " \//Sk I P "W'• T <ET THE LETTER l! QM THE ENVELOPE &*■■■ 1 A LETTER, AbK\N'HER TQ I f O OPEN IT- C — —— ~ J"h*" • hffaß mJI L RETURN IIS THREE IMCM mi ■ ME that they love each other so much! that they cannot be happy apart. The Only Reason For Marriage Don't marry a man bcause you have known him all your life or be cause your family thinks well of hint or because he has been kind to you, or because you think he is in love with you. Don't marry to be, accommodating. Marry because you've learned what love is and be causo you have substantial reason for believing that the man you're In love with is worthy of love. It'b the matter of all others that your own heart and your own con science must decide. But because you must decide it alone; you must on ■ that account be all the more careful not to decide it hastily. If you mustn't marry just to be polite or obedient, you must also certainly not marry from wilfulness or per versity. Don't elope at seventeen with the youth who made love to you so charmingly last week, even though he seems to you at present the di vinest creature on earth. Wait and consider. Be very careful not only that you love, but that you leve wisely. think constancy will take care of itself. If you make up your mind not to become engaged to a man because he wants you to so much, or be cause other people want you to, you are not likely to find yourself in that condition of agonized uncertainty where anxious onlookers wilV threat en you with the club of constancy. But if you have made the mis take which so mnny women make— of drifting into listless compact of love with a man they are half indif ferent to, merely because at the moment there's no other man in sight—have the courage to repair your mistake before it is too late. Constancy to a man you don't love is a meaningless virtue. Acknowledge your mistake, ac cept all the blame for it and reserve the treasure of your heart for the man whom you will some day really love. Hard Task to Pick Jury in Collins Murder Trial Gettysburg, Jan. 29. —An effort! was made to-day to bring the Bush- | man murder trial to a sudden close! when George J. Benner, counsel for Clarence Collins, discovered that the name of J. W. Asper appeared on the list of "jurymen drawn for this court and that William J. Asper came to court and responded to the call because he had seen the name similar to his in the list. He had never been summoned. Because he had been summoned by the sheriff, J. H. Asper was also there. As a result of this mixup in the names the attorney asked that the case be continued to the next term of court. The court overruled the objection, as it was the belief that J. H. Asper was the man intended but he was not accepted to serve. The entire panel of jurors has been exhausted and only three have been selected out of the forty-eight. Fifteen tales men were summoned and from this list four more were secured. Court adjourned to allow the sheriff time to secure thirty more talesmen, and an effort vill be made to secure the remaining five jurymen from this list. Daily Dot Puzzle 20 * 22 15 to" 12 ; • 24--=^= 58# 17 V'* 25 O • 3o • 15 16 55 • • a. -" a " 6 * ' Sl 5 ' 4X *' *3r~ ~= 5 *54 49* *35 46 • ls . 33 4 7 *3t> 36 • - :;M„ 'i 44. V * 4i ~ Draw from one to two and so on to the end. 11 HARRISBtTRG TELEGRAPH THE HEART BREAKER A REAL AMERICAN LOVE STORY By VIRGINIA TEIUIUNK VAN DE WATER CHAPTER XXXIII (Copyright 1919, Star Company.) Arthur Bruce and tionora Brent walked on in silence for some min utes after the girl's mute gesture of affirmation. Her thoughts were too confused for speech. She tried to Calm them sufficiently to remind herself that Arthur could not really love her. Yet, if not, why had he spoken just now with so much feeling? Why. even at this minute, was he holding her arm in such a tight grasp that it was actually painful? His next speech would enlighten her. "Honora," he said at last, "you must know whom 1 love, and you must know if she cares the least little bit for me, if there is any hope for me. Is there?" His head was bent close to hers and he asked his question eagerly. She could not speak yet, so she nod ded again. The man stopped in the middle of the road and, dropping her arm, grasped her by the shoulders. "Do you mean that, Honora?" ho demanded. "In spite of her having refused me once, do you mean that Milly is learning to love me now— that there is a chance for me? Why, what's the matter?" "Nothing—oh. nothing!" Honora assured him, "only you gripped my sho u lders harder than you knew; "that's why" trying to laugh— that I gasped. Excuse me, and go on with what you were saying." She had recovered her equanim ity, but a sudden revulsion of feel ing left her w^ak. -A Hard Question Suppose we sit here for a min ute."' she suggested, sinking down upon a great stone at the side of the road. ■*" right!" Arthur took his seat beside her. "You must know, don't you," he hurried on, "that some time ago I told Milly that I loved her " ;;yes." Honora murmured. Well, she gave rhe to understand that she could not reflirn my affec tion, but that she was fond of •me as a friend. Since then I have seen other men take advantage of her absolute faith in all mankind. She Is so young and so beautiful that she needs someone to guard her tenderly. She likes to have a good time, nr >d her enjoyment is as inno- DAILY HINT ON FASHIONS A SIMPLE BUT BECOMING DRESS FOR MOTHER'S GIRL 2376—A1l wash fabrics, cashmere, serge, checked and plaid material, corduroy, velvet and silk are suitable for this model. White lawn with edging of embroidery, gingham, with collar and cuffs of embroidery, or brown velvet, with tiny frills of satin, could be used. The skirt portion is closed under the center plait.- The sleeve may be in wrist or elbow length. The Pattern is cut in 4 sizes: 4, 6, 8 and 10 years. Size 8 requires 3% yards of 44-inch material. A pattern of this Illustration mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents in silver or stamps. Telegraph Pattern Department For the 10 cents inclosed please send pattern to the following ad dress: Size Pattern No Name Address City and State cent as that of a kid of three years of age. And when I see a cad like Chandler" frowning darkly "when I see a cad like that paying her attention and susjecting her to gossip and comment, 1 feel as if I could strangle him. I want the right to do it." I do not think," Honora ven tured, not raising her eyes to his, that Mllly will except any more attentions from Tom Chandler. She knows now that lie drinks." 1 es, and of course that is enough to disgust her with him. 1 was so sorry for her the other night when he ran his car into the ditch. 1 knew how she must loathe him— yet she tried so valiantly to stand up for him. It was then that hope came to me again, for she seemed to turn to me as if she depended upon me. 'I went home and thought the matter all out. I must protect her. I could not do this unless she loved me. \et—my business is in such a condition—what can I do?" Honora did not answer im mediately, but sat still for several minutes, her thoughts working quickly. She reflected on the fact that Ar thur had made no reference by word or look to her part in the | events of the night of the automo bile accident. Things that lay closer to his heart had driven them out of his thoughts for the time. She realized thijt the time had come when Mildred must accept or refuse this man. A Vital Question But first there was one thins that Honora must know for her own peace of mind. Arthur," she pleaded, "have you forgiven me for lying to you that night?" He looked puzzled, then remem bered. "Don't call it a lie, Honora. I know you had some good reason for behaving as you did." Her heart sunk as she saw how little difference the matter meant to him now that Mildred was the topic they were discussing. I don't care to know," he assured her. "All that mutters now is thai you have told me—and I know you are not deceiving me—that Mill/ cares a little for me, that there :s hope for me." "But I cannot say anything defi nite, of course!" she interrupted. "But you did just now!" he re minded her. "At least, when I asked if there was any hope for me you nodded." "I know I did." she admitted con fusedly. "But perhaps I should not have done so —for I really can not know just how Milly feels. Only I am sure that she likes you very, I Holsum Bread After many years of regular quality, dispite the fact that many breads have been put on the market in Harrisburg, HOLSUM BREAD has gained in popularity. • It is a foregone conclusion that people who compare one bread with another will decide in favor of HOLSUM BREAD. Its - uniform texture throughout the entire loaf and down to the last crumb is the result of knowing how to make good bread. Therefore, HOLSUM BREAD always satisfies the tastes of old and young—any time, anywhere. It is not wise to ex periment with bread for your family; it surely isn't wise to change while HOLSUM BREAD lives up to it's reputation for quality. Sold At All Grocers Not delivered by wagon to houses direct from the bakery. Schmidt's Bakery 13th and Walnut Streets very much. And when you spoke it seemed as if a girl—as if a girl—" She stopped, her face scarlet. She held her breath in agony lest she had betrayed to this man what she must hide at all costs. But Arthur Bruce only sntlled. "I understand," he said, "that you fear to say anything plainly übout Wil ly's feelings lest it would seem like a breach of contldence, or an act of disloyalty to her. Well, dear, I will not ask you another thing ex cept to beg you to tell me once more that a girl who loved a man would be willing to wait for him even if his business was in the condition in which Dad's and mine is." "I know she would be willing to wait—if she loved the man," Uonora said gravely. Then she shivered. "The sun is getting low," she remarked. "Don't you think we would best hurry to town?" (To Ho Continued.) Advice to the Lovelorn ASKS FOR A "FAIR CHANCE" Dear Miss Fairfax: I have been going about for eight months with a young man three years my senior and think a great deal of him. He.has bought me a number of things and has acted very kindly. We have met each other's families and mine think a great deal of him. lie recently proposed to me and I refused him because I had promised to marry a friend who went overseas last -April. When my new friend was as tonished at my refusal, I told him of my promise, and he said that I ought to at least give him a fair chance and choose be tween them when my lirst friend returned. I am at a loss to answer this request. I know I could learn to love him, as he is an ideal man. HEARTBROKEN. I am afraid your earlier friend, • has lost your heart during his ab sence, but since you promised to marry him, you are bound by con sideration and fairness either to keep your promise or to break it defin itely. It may flatter a girl's vanity i to feel that she is keeping two men . waiting for a year while she arrives at a decision, but in this case you have no right to conduct such an experiment. LINING THE NEST Dear Miss Fairfax: In con templating marriage, A says that the man should furnish the home'. B says that if the man j is of the working class and j hasn't much money, both should j help, 'although it is customary j for the girl's parents to furnish the home. Who is right? Do you think it advisable to' ' r JANUARY 29, 1919. f marry at the present time on a salary of $l2O a month. S. B. It is a custom of ancient origin j for the bride to bring her own linen to her new home. That is part of her dowry. But custom doesn't re gulnte the actual furnishings of the home. Often a great part of these ure supplied in the form of wedding presents by the parents of either the bride and the groom, if they wish to and can afford it. But this is not obligatory. Common sense would certainly take B's view of the matter, if the man is of the working class. It is quite possible for two persons to live comfortably on $l2O a month, My Family Are All Fine—Thanks to Father John's Medicine Pure Food Tonic Has Helped This Mother Over Many a Crisis * • ■■■ mB **i. Kj^BSßv t j "Father John's Medicine certainly helped my children when they had whooping cough all at one time. I had pneumonia and after I took it I improved greatly. My husband at one time was all run down and a ter rible cold and cough so I got Father John's Medicine. Everybody thinks I j have a nice family. I have six children —but this picture does not include Imy youngest boy." (Signed) Mrs. Henry Callan, 938 30th St., Milwaukee, j Wis. After any illness Father John's Medicine builds up the body because jit is all pure wholesome nourishment and free from opium, morphine, j chloroform or other poisonous drugs or alcohol. Father John's Medicine i has had sixty years' success for colds and throat troubles, coughs and sore ' throats, and as a tonic and body builder. though this necessitates very careful expenditure. Small Powers to Have Two Delegates on the Reparation Mission By Associated Press Paris, Jan. 29.—Belgium, Greece, Poland, Serbia and Rumania will have two members each on the Peace Conference Commission to deal with the questions of reparation. This was announced yesterday by repre sentatives of the smaller powers. The members of the great powers in this commission have already been named. 7