Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 29, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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Most of Eastern Army Has
Been Transferred, Says
l.ondon. Jan. 29.—A German wire
less message received here says: 'By
January IS the whole of Germany's
western army had been transported
to demobilization centers, and also
about half a million of the total of
600,000 of the eastern army.
"An order has been issued for the
arrest of Kai\ Radek. the Bolshevist
agitator, who is alleged to be still in
hiding in Berlin.
•'The former Chancellor, Dr. Georg
Michaelis. has resigned the presidency
Stettin soldires' and workers' group
of Pomerania as a protest against the
forcibly halfmasting flags in memory
of Dr. I-iebknecht.
"P.rflipp Sckeidemann, Socialist
leader, who was elected both in Ber
lin and Cassel, has decided to repre
sent Cassel. Thus his Berlin seat
falls to Minister of the Interior Ernst.
"The coal scarcity has become so
serious that the cutting off of the
electric current supplied to various
industries throughout Greater Berlin
is contemplated, except in the case
of the food and public services."
French Ship Arrives in
Port at France Ablaze
Bv Associated Press
Havre, Jan. 29. —The French
steamer Conde. from Savannah, De
cember 13. loaded with cotton, ar
rived in the roadstead yesterday on
lire. The vessel is lying six miles off
the port and the fire is said to be
raging fiercely. The sea is rough and
tugs and lifeboats have put out to
take off the crew.
You'll Not Buy
An Oil Stove With
Wicks or Similar
when you see
The Cast Iron Burner
of the
Detroit Vapor 03
I fei
■'"if 'V|
w *
Have you ever used an oil j
•tove with WICKS OR AS
BESTOS RINGS? If you have
ever owned an OIL STOVE,
Y'OU HAVE. And you have
had your TROUBLES with
them, too, haven't you?
Just Think What—
means to you! And the best
of it all is that the Detroit is
just like a gas stove in looks
and in operation. No -need to
wait any length of time to boil
or cook —the Detroit gives a
heat as intense as a gas stove.
If you don't have 'St
~ gas where you
live, you cannot afford to be
without a Detroit Vapor Stove.
"Known For Tone"
Second to none in elegance
of tone and soundness of con
struction. Large size cabinet
model, as pictured. In any fin
A 10-Day Free Trial
in Y'our Own Home
Furniture Company
Distributors for the
Vapor Stove
Many Pennsylvanians Among
List of Those Given
By Associated Press
Washington, Jan. 29.—The War
Department makes public another i
list of Pennsylvania Soldiers and sail- j
ors hold prisoner by Germany who
have been released.
I.ieutenant Charles V estlng.
Philadelphia, and the following en- |
listed men of the army have been j
released and returned to England. |
Ralph Creger, Pottstown.
The* following enlisted men ha\ e :
been released from German ptison
camps and returned to France.
Joseph Rogers. Maitland; Robert
E. Trainer, Allentown; Vels Velidi.
Old Forge: William A. Johnston,
West View; Theron E. Johnson,
Wilkes-Barre; Thomas Reifsnyder,
Pottsville; Francis P. O'Neil. Phila
delphia. . , i
The following enlisted men or tne
army have ben vleased from Ger
| man prison camps and have passed
through Berne en route to trance:
Arthur Adams. Cheathaven; Nelson
Bover. Trevorton; Harold E. Bucn
ter, Greentown: Andrew G. Petrusky,
Patton; Glen A. I.ightner. Carlisle;
Joseph Thyona. Philadelphia; M il-|
liara Ladshaw, Arnold.
The following enlisted men of the
army have been released and artned
in Scotland: Miles E. "N an
Sickle, Berwick: I-eo Ickes, Boswell,
and Frank E. Yoder. llooversville.
Police Search For Men
Who Shot Highspire Man;
SSOO Reward Is Offered
Details of local and state police
today are endeavoring to trace the
two colored men who last evening
entered the wholesale liquor store
of R. W. Lerch, of Highspire. and
shot Lerch after endeavoring to hold
up and rob him. The shooting and
attempted robbery occured about i
o'clock last evening.
As Lerch was preparing to close
his store for the day and was count
ing his money, two heavily-built
colored men, about five feet six
inches in height, entered the store
and ordered a quart of whisky. As
Lerch again started to count his I
money while the two men were j
arguing as to who should pay for,
the liquor, they leveled revolvers and
ordered him to throw up his hands. |
When Lerch refused, one of them,
shot, the bullet striking Lerch in j
the neck. Quickly grasping a heavy
hammer lying nearby on a counter,
Lerch hurled it at the negroes and
struck one of them in the face. Both
wheeled about and hastily made
their exit.
Captain George F. Lumb, of the
State Police, and local police werp
at once notified. State Police
searched the Locust Grove camp
later in the evening, but no colored
men answering the descriptions of
Lerch's assailants were located.
Lerch has offered a reward 0"T SSOO
for the apprehension of the would
be robbers.
This is the second shooting that
has occurred at Highspirt within a
week. Last Sunday night a Mex
ican was shot through the breast
following an argument with a group
of colored men.
Dr. King's New Discovery Used
since Grant was Presidtnt
Get a bottle today
It did it for your grandma, for
your father. For fifty years this
| well-known cough and cold remedy
has kept an ever-growing army of
| friends, youpg and old.
| For half a century druggists
everywhere have sold it. Put a bot
tle in your medicine cabinet. You
I may need it in a nurry. Sold by drug
gists everywhere.
j *
Bowels Acting Properly?
They ought to, for constipation
makes the body retain waste mat
■ ters and impurities that undermine
; the health and play havoc with the
' entire system. Dr. King's New Life
i Pills are reliable and mild in action,
i All druggists.
■ _ If you are not strong or well
W "you owe it to yourself to make
* the (ollowinc test; see how long
you can work or how far you can
walk without becoming tired.
Next take two five grain tablet*
s times per day for two weeks.
Then test your strength again
r 1 * and see how much you have
1 . gained. Many people have made
5. " • > 'his test and have been aston
tie ished at their increased strength.
. aw . endurance and energy. Nuxated
•'* Iron is guaranteed to give satis
faction or money refunded. At
all good druggists.
Quickly Ended by a Pleasant, Germ-
Killing Antiseptic
The little Hyomel inhaler is made
of hard rubber and can easily be
carried in pocket or purse. It will
last a lifetime.
Into this inhaler you pour a few
drops of magical Hyomel.
This is absorbed by the antiseptic
gauze within and now you are ready
to breathe it in over the germ-in
fested membrane where tt will
speedily begin its work of banishing
catarrhal germs. Hyomel is made
of Australian eucalyptol combined
with other antiseptics and is very
pleasant to breathe.
It is guaranteed to banish catarrh,
bronchitis, sore throat, croup,
roughs and colds or money back.
It often cleans out a stuffed-'up head
in two minutes.
Sold by H. C. Kennedy and drug
gists everywhere.
Complete outfit, including inhaler
and one bottle of Hyomel, costs but
little, while extra bottles. If after
ward needed, may be oblui.ici fiom
[any druggist.
Post Office Committee of the!
House Reports Favorably
on Measure
nasihiiiKton, Jan. 29. —Government
control of telephone anil telegraph
properties would end next December
31 under a resolution ordered favor
ably reported yesterday by the House
Post Office Committee by a vote fo
ten to eight. Chairman Moon an
nounced that he would present the
measure in the House to-day and
ask for a rvle to give it right of way.
The resolution made no mention of
cable properties and that phase of
the situation was not discussed at the
meeting of the committee. Members
later expressed varying opinions as
to the effect of the legislation on
Federal control of those properties
which was assumed by Presidential '
proclamation last .November under j
the authority given in the original |
wire control resolution passed by
Congress last July 16.
Chairman Moon said dhe new legis- i
lation would not affect the original
law in so far as it applied to cable ,
properties, control of which would
have to be relinquished with the is
suing of a proclamation by the Presi
dent announcing the signing of the
treaty of peace and its ratification.
On the final vote as announced by
the committee, three Democrats joined
with seven Republicans to end the
period of control on December 31, and
seven Democrats and one Prohibi
tionist opposed it, as they desired ex
tension for a longer period. The
vote follows:
Republicans Steenerson, Minne
sota: Madden, Ulnois:' Griest, Penn
sylvania; Copley, Illinois: Paige,
Massachusetts; Woodyard. West Vir
ginia; Ramseyer, lowa —7.
Democrats—Bell, of Georgia: Hol
land, Virginia; Black, Texas—3.
Demoarats—Moon. Tennessee; Ster
ling, Pennsylvania: Oliver, New
York; Rouse, Kentucky; Blacltmon,
Alabama; Beakes, Michigan, and
Ayers. Kansas—7.
Prohibitionist Randall, Califor
Will Keep Sick Soldiers
Until Well Enough
to Take Old Jobs
By Associated Press
Washington, Jan. 29.—Surgeon
General Ireland .announced yester
day that it was tho War Depart
ment's policy to retain wounded and
sick soldiers at military hospitals
only long enough to restore their
health to a degree which would per
mit them to return to their former
occupations. It was not the purpose
to treat the men indefinitely, he said,
and thus expose them to "hospital
The Surgeon General at the same
time made public the conditions un
der which soldiers would be dis
charged fiom treatment. Men to be
retained under military control In
clude those suffering from acute dis
eases, or unhealed legions, from
communicable disease, frot\i disabil
ities which can be corrected within
the term cf enlistment of the jatient,
and those "suffering from chronic 1
or permanent disabilities which are
susceptible for improvement or to fit
them for the industrial opportunities
of the training course provided by
the federal board for vocational
Soldiers who have been blinded or
their eyesight much impaired will,
under the regulations, be retained
until they are aoie to care for them
Yanks Told Not to Buy
Food From the Germans;
Huns Complain of Cost
C'oblenz, Jan. 29.—A nerf order has
been issued by headquarters, prohib
iting American mess officers from
buying any food from Germans, ex
cept cabbage and a few other vege
tables. This is to meet any conten
j tion which may,be Skde by the Uer-
I mans as to food supplies,
j A few Germans continue to request
food from the Americans, some of
them claiming that the latter buy ar
ticles in stores and from farmers at
. prices too high for the Germans to
i pay.
Rumanian Peasants Revolt
and Fight Regular Troops
By Associated Pros*
Vienna, Jan. 29. —A peasant revo
lution has broken out over the
length and breadth of Kumania, ac
cording to dispatches from Buda
pest. A simultantous rising occur
i red in the villages at a tixed hour
on Saturday, when well armed home
; coming soldiers, heading the insur
gents, forced their way into the var
ious towns, resulting in sanguinary
encounters with the regular troops.
In Bucharest, the dispatches sa\\
there was fighting all day long Sun
day, the regulars employing machine
gun fire. Many were killed or
wounded. Social revolutionists join
ed in the movement.
PottsvlUe, Pa., Jan. 29.—Because
of summer-like weather in January
and the extraordinary high prices of
anthracite, steam sizes or coal are
rapidly accumulating in Schuylklil
county, and the demand for domes
tic sizes shows marked diminution.
Large quantities of coal are being
stored at the Landingville storage
yards and at Abrams.
Scrantott, Pa., Jan. 29.—Franklin
B. Long, of New York, formerly or
Lebanon, Pa., vied 'suit In Federal
court here Tuesday against Mrs.!
Howard Shirk, of Lebanon, asking
$250,000 damages. He claims his
reputation has sugered through sus
picions directed toward him by the
woman following the death of her
husband two years ago.
Lawtoa, Okla., Jan. 29.—Lieute
nant Robert B. Baker, in a de Havl
land 12-cylinder plane, declared yes
terday he broke all previous records
in a flight fiom Fort Bill to Okla
homa City, last Saturday, when he
made the #0 miles in 20 minutes
flat, or at a speed of 270 miles an
hour. It had previously been an
nounced that his flying time was 23
11. E. Force, traveling salesman for
the W incroft Stove Company, left
jesterday on a month's trip to the
,V ui e vi!) Wl of U '° s,a,p
Who*nL? C i! lern anJ M. Moss,
turned 0!. t . h< ", past w * pk ln ">" ro
where tuJ y to Delaware City
tnent wirk are emp,oyed on govern
-o f LßeAdi^ iniams an< l'Charles Wayne,
and Mm \£ re M th ofMr
for mv.mi j ' Myers, I'me street.
automobile. llmki " K the trip b - v
building eMo'ted'® lln . vin K a one-story
ground i ■ on " le vacant plot of
and I airni? 1 " K l,is home in Ann
use for a stn < re Stree,s ; whic, > b<> wlll
placo of
were he?<i for I>a "iel Kohr
home near ?,.? rdaj ' 1 af f® r noon at the
o'clock and """"i'elatown, at 1.30
Mennonlt oi. o clock, in the Shope
The Kev Harrv r near >splre.
"" """"
Oscar Raseho S re r " as pi the
street, ff m Adelia
there.' ner and moved
at T t\\e s hl.dne e of tU M Rra> x. nsr Uand met
from a bushier " . retur ned home
phia. ou s'nesa trip to Pliiladel
street butcher*' lm" 16 or, l> Union
O. Swartz butei! . pu rchased the M.
nielstown. tc,l er business at Uum
gratmifar' achool 1 was > °h*em"? " 8 of the
M team".
will leave *
were irivpn u *f or
home of Mr anYu Party at the
Adelia street. R?r PvV' A MeGlll
- the
Union JJ're l et. Y ° Un '* fc &£
- At tl,e mc eting of Middletown
350 Remnants of Colored and
Black Dress Goods For Thursday
1 hursday is well known as Remnant Day when the choicest weaves of the
season are sold at substantial reductions. As the short lengths accumu
late from the most active weaves and patterns the desirabilitv of the stvles
is sell evident.
The remnants vary from 1J4 to 7yard lengths and include these choice
Remnants of Dress Goods
2\j yards plaid skirting:. $11,225 value. Thursday only 80.85
o yards navy serge. $6.25 value. Thursday only, 84.75
5 yards navy serge. $4.45 value. Thursday onlv ..... 8:1.15
4 yards,grey mixed suitng. $7.00 value. Thursday only .81.45
■> yards Copen eJrsey cloth. $13.50 value. 'Thursday only, *.....89.75
4 yards navy JeJrsey cloth. SIB.OO value. Thursday only, 815,50
2>* yards serge. SS.IS value. Thursday only 85.95
.• yards green batiste. SSXIO value. Thursday onlv, 83.45
4 yards green serge. SIO.OO value. Thursdav only, 87 95
2% yards green plaid. $4.88 value. Thursday" only, isshs
Remnants of Black Dress Goods
2U yards K ntma. Value $6.75. Thursday only 85.40
3 yards Value $9.00. Thursday onlv, 87 "0
4% yards Santoy. Value $9.25. Thursday only * $7^95
5 yards serge. Value $4.45. Thursday only 53.45
5 yards serga Value $7.50. Thursdav only 85 00
3 yards silk poplin. Value $7.50. Thursdav only *85*45
5 yards serge, value $6.25. Thursday onlv 84*95
3ls yards serge. Value $8.75. Thursday only !s! l 5
3 yards poplin. Value $7.50. Thursday only, 85!55
4 yards serge. . Value SIO.OO. Thursday only, 87.90
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Street Aisle.
The Finest Percale Shirts
We know that this shirt is so well thought of that its
value has been appraised a third more. But the price here
is $1.50 —and always has been.
This advance spring shipment includes plain and novelty
striped percale shirts, sizes to 18, stiff and soft cuffs,
Percale shirts; sizes 14 to 17, with laundered or soft cuffs,
Percale shirts with soft cuffs; sizes 14 to 17, .. 74£
$1.65 and 51.85 grey, khaki and blue flannel top shirts,
$2.25 heavy grey wool mixed top shirts, $1.69
"Signal" shirts with two separate collars, $1.75
Black satine "Signal" shirts, collar attached, . .. $1.65
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store.
Trim Lines a Feature of
W omen'sNewSpringßoots
Deep toned tans, dark greys and fine black kids are
among the style leaders for spring in women's fashionable
boots for street wear. The long pointed vamps give them
distinctive smart lines. The quality of these new boots is
exceptional and the prices moderate.
Dark tan calf high cut lace boots, long forepart last with long
wing tips, oak leather welted soles with Hi-inch military heels,
Fine black kid skin boots, 9-inch pattern, imitation tip, long
pointed toes with light weight oak leather welted soles and high
French heels . $0.50
L I I : F" Dark grey kidskin boots, Bta -inch
T ™ I pattern, made on a medium pointed
i 1 TvA I toe ,ast > P laln vamp, welted soles with
f 7 BkX. | II high Louis heels with plate under top
r J Dark grey calf skin military high
C 1 • | cut boots, long vamp with imitation
\6? \ • jHr a L wing tip, white welted soles and mill-
IkJ :mm r\ r • tary heeis, ss.oo
yM •|F\y J ** i Black kid skin lace boots, 8-inch
, J tb; \J V* V pattern, long plain toe vamp oak
1 / /X, W \ leather welted soles with 1 7-8-inch
fA, SJ \vt V leather Louis heels $6.00
I fiL—Soft black kid skin button
shoes, with black cloth tops,
LVi Jli \ made on a good fitting
straight last, oak leather
X. < i . j soles, Goodyear welted and
Hi-inch Cuban heels, $6.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor, Kear.
London, Jan. 29.—The Stand
ard, ln an editorial to-day. says
IX is understood that agreements
have been reached on the main
points of the disposition of Ger
rnany's colonies, as follows:
Giving of German Southwest
Africa, to the South African Union
and German East Africa to Great
Britain as mandator of the
League of Nations, some parts
being annexed to the Belgian
Congo; the Kameroons will' be
chiefly French; Togoland French
and British, and the Pacific
Islands either will be divided be
tween Japan. Australia and New
Zealand or administered by Great
Britain for the League of Na
Council, No. 130, O. of I. A., on Mon
day evening, David Rlien was elected
as councilor. At this meeting it was
also discussed about the lodge pur
chasing a home.
S. H. Boob, who has been manager
of the Cumberland Valley Telephone
Company in town for several years,
has resigned his position and receiv
ed a similar position with the Bell
Telephone Company at lfarrisburg
and will move his household goods
there in the near future. He will re
sume his new position on February 1.
Hngcrstown, Md„ Jan. 29.—Mar
riage licenses were issued here to
tiie following Pennsylvanians: Ern
est L. Cordeli, Marion, Marie E.
Murphy. Ohambersbur'g: Jerry M.
Str'oh, Middletown, Carrie V. Barn
hart, Palmyra; Oscar David Prior.
Edna P. Mumma, Mowersviile; By
ron M. Mertz, Northumberland,
Laura May Daily, Sunbury; Jacob
it. Myers. -Mason and Dixon, Louise
G. Maisack, Uagerstown; Clair
George Westhaven and Edna Mc-
Cartney, Mechanicsburg.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Ten Thousand Persons Meet
Lewistown Boy at Bail
road Station
Lewistown, Jan. 29.—Lieutenant
"Mike"' Mateer, hero of llill number
204, at Chateau* Thierry, •is home
again. When lie appears on the
streets he -is cheered and congratu
lated by passersby.
Yesterday ho arrived at his home
and a crowd of 10,000 persons met
him at the train and escorted him
over the principal streets, with two
bands playing, and the entire citv
fire department, hundreds of school
children and thousands of citizens
in the line of parade. District At
torney L. J. Durbin presided over
the exercises at the court house, and
Prof. W. A. Hutchinson, city super
intendent of schools, was the orator.
The returned soldier arrived at
Hoboken, N. J., last Friday, went
to Camp Dix, from where lie came
to his homo on a ten-day furlough.
He was severely gassed in the
Cha'teau-Thierry drive. While at
the head of his unit a part of Com
pany M, 112 th Infantry, 28th Divi
sion, he led the attack which re
suited in tiie capture of Hill 20'.
With him came Sherman It. Bore
man, of neu Lewistown, whose little
finger was shot off during the fight
at Verdun, by a bullet from a ma
chine gunner, and Lieutenant Janies
Reed, of Reedsville, also an oversees
Dainty Embroidery For Wee
Misses' Frocks and Underwear
Fingers that have been busy knitting for the boys I|^Hl
in the service cannot remain idle now that the war (fH 1
is over, apd much activity is shown in home sewing. i Hi
The fashioning of garments for the little ones espe- 1
daily calls for the daintiest of embroideries and JTLvb A
these fine new goods so delicately embellished and
of such cobwebby texture lend themselves perfectly JE?
to such work.
Baby Sets /
The cunningest Baby Sets matching insertion
and edgings in three widths patterns of rare 4U
beauty and fineness, yard 25£ to 49£ fr
Xew Swiss Flouncing, 27 inches, yard 50£ to $2.25
Fine insertion with neat ruffling attached to goods for children's under
wear, yard 39£ to 50£
Beautiful new patterns in dainty
Swiss embroideries, including insertions,
edgings and headings.
Corset coverings with beading, yd.,
Dainty camisole embroidery with cas
ing at top and bottom, yd SI.OO
The convenience of selecting the new
white dress goods and embroideries at
the same counters will be greatly ap
preciated by women.
The New Cretonnes
For Spring Are
First showing of these de
lightful textiles distinguish
ed by their bright patterns
and gay colors. These cre
tonnes duplicate the pat
terns of many expensive im
ported goods and feature
wonderful effects in rich
reds, browns, and mixtures
with blues, tans and browns
—Many are gay and spring
like in their light colorings
and motifs.
Fine quality at, yd.,
Medium weight cretonnes In
light grounds, all new floral
patterns, colorings of pink, blue
and mixtures; yard 50c
Dainty patterns in fine voile
for half-sash and sill-length
curtains; stripes, cheeks and
small designs; 36 Inches wide;
yard 65c
Plain and fancy bordered
scrim and marquisette, flat
hemstitched hem; yard,
39c and 50c
Table covers for the dining
room in tapestry effect; floral
allover patterns; hemmed edge;
two yards square; each...56.00
Red and green mixed covers,
two yards square, with fringe;
each $5.00
Plain red covers, 1H yards
square, fringed edge $3.00
Couch covers in the medium
weight, stripes or allover pat
terns $2.00 to $-1.50
Tapestry for upholstery pur
poses, yard $2.00 to $1.50
Scotch madras in many new
patterns, some with dainty col
ored figures; rose, blue or gold;
yard 50c
45-inch madras, in cream
only; yard 75c
Third floor.
JANUARY 29, 1919.
Scheidemann Leads in
the German Elections With
Democrats in Second Place
Amsterdam, Jan. 29. —The work of
counting the vote cast in the Prus
sian elections is still incomplete, but
partial returns slioiy that the Major
ity Socialist vote was cut down in the
larger towns, according to advices
from Berlin.
The Independent Socialists made
gains, probably a result of propa
ganda carried on after the shooting of
Dr. Karl I.iebkneelit and Itosa Lux
■emborg. It is believed that the So
cial Democratic party, led by l'iiilipp
Scheidemann. will be the strongest
in the Prussian Parliament. The next
party in strength .wilt ho the Demo
crats, with the Christian People's
party, formerly the Centrists, ranking
Crosby aftd Bliss
Quit War Board;
Work is Complete
By Associated Press
Paris. Jan. 29. —Oscar T. Crosby,
president of the Inter-AUied Council
for War Purchases and Finance, and
General Taskar 11. Bliss, of the
Council, have resigned, their resig
nations to take effect February 1,
the original functions of the council
having been substantially fulillled.
The council is composed of dele
gates from the principal associated
governments. For more than a year
it lias supervised and compared the
requisitions of the European Allies
for supplies and finance from the
United States.
Spring Embroideries in the White Goods Section
New Spring Models in
Women's Slip-on Sweaters
More and more style is being built into the garments that
used to be simply called sweaters. The new sweater:
are fascinating in their beauty and stylish lines.
The advance guard of these highly-prized garments
• for sports and general wear outdoors shows the finest
wool zephyrs in plain and basket weaves, purled waist,
sailor and shawl collars $4.95 and $5.95 I
Zephyr wool sleeveless slip-on sweaters in plain anc
basket weaves, purled waist, $2.92
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store.
Spring Hats That Are Pre
eminently Suited to Youth
in Line, Material & Coloi
The most becoming hat ever evolved for women an<
misses. Satins and Georgette Crepe are charmingly fash
ioned into the most fetching shapes stunning little tur
bans unusual new shapes that fairly radiate youth ii
their pfquant lines and their fruit and flower trimmings.
Mushrooms, too that nestle well down over the head -
smart tricornes and "off-the-facc" effects large hats o
the transparent type in black lace and maline with self o
satin crowns.
Then there are the
new hats in all straw /C' ■
or touched, with lus- /
trous visca or sipper / JjiS > r—
just to emphasize the J yfy/ j y\\
joyous fact that Spring T A !
is coming. I j V\L.
Ribbon Hats ostrich VII©.
hats a wonderful variety \fj! k A
of new styles for immedi- Xfli **""i
ate wear at M liw* V k "''"T" - 7
$5.00, $6.50, $7.50, jvvA -
$8.50 to $20.00 /
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, \—
Second Floor, Front.
Club Playmate to Death
With Empty Beer Botl
Chicago, Jan. 29.—Three t<
year-old boys who boasted of th
liking for whisky, beer and cigari
confessed to the pollco last nii
that they hud killed AVadisla, AVii
kis, ten years old. The boys kil
their victim by clubbing Mm o'
the head wth an empty beer bot
while he wi s asleep in a be I. 1
Wideikis boy's parents had git
him $9 to pay a gas bill and 1
three child slayers admitted tl
plann'ed to rob him.
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