Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 29, 1919, Page 15, Image 15
YOU CAM FIND TIE POSITION YOU OUGHT TO iAYE THROUGH A CLASSIEIEI AH SDeatbs kl KIK John Floyd Laurie, on January 28. 1819, died at the llar lisburg Hospital after a brief ill luneral on Friday afternoon, Janu hi v SI at 2 o'clock, from the resi dence ol bis stater, 2 12 Nortli street. The relatives and friends are in vited to attend without further no tice. _ 414H1S On January 26, 1919, John J. Harris, aged 16 years. Funeral on fhursday afternoon, at 1:60 o'clock, front his late residence, 12" Columbia Road, Knoia. Lite i datives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. In terment Kasl llarrisburg fenietei) LOST AM) IQD.XD LOST Sunday morning, on State, ird or North streets, black silk bag. th Kosarv, small purse, Please re rh to 629 Brtggs street. 1/jST saturaay, on Green "D'eet, iween Reily and Emerald, ther pocketbook, containing key d money. Reward if returned to rrisburg Telegraph. IN STKCCTIOXS NDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg yrthand, Typewriting. ok Keeping. Penuiansn.p.Aritnmcti^ . DAV AND NIGHT SCHOOL, OPEN L. YEAH. Knter au> time. lieu • Dial 4016. rpp fcX'Ki.l. i. BUSINESS COLLEGE. M u rket St. C lias. It. Berkley. lIFI.r \V ANT I'D— XIAI .E LINOTYPE OPERATORS WANTED We have positions for four linotype operators and several good doormen. AT PLY HARRY A. FRY. Telegrapft Composing Room. FFIGE MEN WANTED—Who are in- to take up training lor lin taift accounting positionspaymk, 5.00 or more per month. oiveage, cation and pltone numbei for in •iew. Box W. <228. care ot lele- Ph- r - AIMER Foreman for local p. who can mix paint Yearly em inent at good salary. ireleren lired. Address Box U b.'4J. vans fclegraph. J WANTED V briglit boy. over 16 years of age. to learn printing trade. Apply HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH COMPOSING ROOM. SEVERAL SALESMEN for door-to-door proposition. Newspaper experience desir able. Address M. 6641, Cure of Telegraph. \\TED—Men wishing positions men. Hrakemen. IReciric Molui , Colored Train Porters. 1 ennsj.l a. Ohio and New York roads. No irience ne essary. slou-SUO per th. Quick promotion $-06-8206 month positions. Name Portion ted. Inter Railway Dept. till. In apullß, lnd. __t VILWAY MAIL CLKKIC examina- j coming soon. Men 16 to 46 P'" for it and other government ms" under our expert, former >rnment Examiner. '1 iiousands of a"ul women. 16 to 60. needed In instruction Period ahead- _ \\ rite a-, for free booklet Ml. lat >li Civil Service School, ltochesler. \NTEQ • Discharged soldier of qess abilitv desires clerical posi has had considerable experience erical work: Address B. 7"*3, - are ■legraph. ANTED Ho>. 11 to 16 years old. go to continuation school, tall North Fifth street. (UNTED Boy, IS years old, to "in milk room. Call 1866 North 1 street. ' ANTED Young man for gro " Experience not necessary, but character essential. Address 0., care of Telegraph. TWO YOUNG MEN Iver 21. to train for first lass selling positions now .pen. No previous experience iccessai v. Confidential OX P, 7122, care of Telegraph. UNG MEN l6 and over, are >lo for Government Railway Mail 892 month, lor free par irs regarding examinations, , Raymond Terry (former Civil ce Examiner), 46" Columbian ing. Washington. iNTED Young man in a com ial business. Apply 0. W„ care iegraph. IK l.l WA N T 1.1)—-I BM AI K WANTED. A ONCE, L young girl, about 16 years age. to wrap packages in woman's garment d-part icnt. Permanent position and ood place for a diligent ,-prker. Apply IAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORE. N'T ED —Experienced young- wo to work in grocery story* Ttef e required, call at 416 Calder 1, after 7 P. M.- NTED, AT ONCE Chamber- Apply Hotel Dauphin. 309 et street. \SO Liberty Street FW Sale story house. S rooms and bath. 20x95 ft. with side yard and t. rear drive alley. Front and porches. Cemented cellar with and cold water. Gas light, hace heat. Price $2,400 UUer Brothers & Co. Real Estate rnpf Surety Honda I l.orust and Coun -*ir *ts Lheri lllik. Real Estate Heard WEDNESDAY EVENING, , II i; Ll* WAX run—l-'KMA Ll*: I I TO THE GIRL OR YVOMAN DESIRING PERMANENT AND REGULAR EMPLOY MENT. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY We are needing Sewing I Machine Operators, and can J assure regular work; tlte high I einctency of our machines, and our yvorkroome being pleasant and cneerlul, opera tors can earn good wages, in experienced operators are i paid while learning. A bonus is paid to all operators every pay day. i j 13LOUGH MANUFACTURING CO., Reily and Fulton Streets.. EXPERIENCED CANVASSERS— THE ATLANTIC REFIN ING CO. NEEDS SEV ERAL GOOD CANVASS ERS FOR WORK IN THE CITY AND SUBURBS. APPLY AT OFFICE, 2207 N. SEVENTH ST., BETWEEN 2:30 AND 4 P. M. I WANTED Girl for general office work. Address j ' C., 7022, Care of Telegraph. i 2 I WANTED A white girl for gen | eral housework. Family ot three. No W'ashing or ironing. Apply 2432 Nui.u Second street mornings, or Bell plione I 4187. I WANTED Women in shirt iron- I ing department. Apply Ellis Laundry | Service, 4520 Fulton street. WANTED Saleslady for Saturdays only. I Apply C. M. SIGLER. INC., 30 North Second Street. j WANTED A housekeeper. Woman I without children preferred. Address i E. Harrison (.colored), 319 West New j ion avenue, York, l'a. WANTED Girl ih book and stationery store. Apply C. W., care of Telegraph. GOVERNMENT CLERK EXAMINA TIONS. HA RRISBURG -MARCH 1 Hundreds women clerks needed. 81.000-1,200. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring government positions write for free particuars R. E. Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), 436 Columbian Building, Washington. YOUNG WOMEN WANTED TO learn shoemaking. Learners are well paid and earn good wages when pro dcietiL Ilarrisburg Shoe Jlanufactur ] ing Co.. 1402 Vernon street. SALESMEN' WANTED GOOD SALESMEN For first-class line. Lubricating Oils, House Paints ! and Paint Specialties. You can make ! Soil to SlOu per week. The Buckeye Oil & Paint Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. SIT CATIONS WA N TED—MALK WANTED Y'ouns" colored man, j agej 19, desires any kind of employ ment. Address 1512 Hunter street, o. jcall 15051t Bell phone. WANTED Colored man wants •common labor —inside job. Inquire I 921 South Second street, Steelton, l'a. WANTED Position, by young man of executive abilitl, experienced in salesmanship, adjustments, col lecting: and stock record work. Ad dress Box C, 6581, care of Telegraph. YOUNG COLORED MAN Age 27 years, wishes position as chaiufetii ; has had seven > ears' experience driv ing, and has worked in garage for three years. Address Ambrose Gel h-tts, 6ut> Klmira street, Willlamaport, WANTED Position as stationary engineer. Have lot of experience of all kind engines and boilers. Cau do repairing and take care of plant. Also have had care of pumping sta tions and electric plant for the Aetna Explosive Company for the last three years, with a goo'd recommendation, which closed don. Am able to start work at once. Call phone 40it7J. or No. 521 South Fourteenth street, City. SITUATION S WANTED—FemaIe WANTED General housework, in private family, by neat colored wo man. Inquire 654 Cumberland street. WANTED Woman wishes small bundle washing to do at home. Apply 1207 Atlas avenue. WANTED Young, single woman wishes place as housekeeper for a young widower. Address Box S. 7012, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR KENT ItjH KENT - Furnished suite of rooms for gentlemen. Private ba' h and all conveniences. Apply 800 North Second street, or call 801 l phono 2059. FOR RENT Two furbished rooms, centrally located. Call Bell phone 1231. FOR RENT One furnished room on third floor. Suitable for one or two gentlemen. Well heated, i'se of bath. Call at 1100 North Sixth streetj FOR RENT SI9 Third street, pleasant front room; heat, electric light and use of bath: gentlemen only. FOR RENT Two rooms for light housekeeping. Eight and heat fur nished. 1617 Chestnut street. FOR RENT —s Two moderately furnished rooms, for light housekeep ing. .No children. References re quired. Call Bell phone 1805 R. — TWO ROOMS For light house keeping; all conveniences, steam heat, hot and cold water; use of bath. Call Bell phone 4684 M, or call 1614 Wallace street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 12.50 per week and up; warm rooms, running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments. No. 143 South Third. FOR RENT One large bedroom, for gentlemen only. Rent reason able. Apply 276 Briggs street. SINGER OR KNSCITE IUJOMS . i Electric lights, steam heat. hath, both telephones. References. Inquire Bell i phone 624. | ROOMS WANTED WANTED Furnished room, elec trie lights, running hot and cold water. Prefer in vicinity of Front or . Pine street. Address Box T, 7166, caree J of Telegraph. j WANTED—Two to five rooms, fur ' nished for housekeeping, in best lo cation. Address Box G. 7021, care of ! Telegraph. j GENTLEMAN DESIRES ROOM Permanently located, near Second and Walnut streets. Every convenience. ! State terms. Address ' L., 6693, care j of Telegraph. 1 REFINED LADY Wants room between Market and State streets, on ; Front or Third streets. State terms. Address N., 6592. care of Telegraph. ' WANTED * —• Man and wife want 1 two or three clean housekeeping 1 rooms —furnished preferred—or house ! somewhere —now or mention when I vacant, if possible. Responsible ref erences given. State price, location, i details first letter.. Address Box D, (587. care ot Telegraph. HOME WANTED WANTED Good home. with prominent family, fr bright, healthy boy four years old. Can be adopted. Mother Is dead. Address 11., 6594, care of Telegraph. BOARD AND ROOMS WANTED Room and board, in j uptown district, by young woman I employed. Prefer in vicinity of Sixth | and Maclay streets. Reference if do- ■ 1 sired. Address Box YV, 7231, care of' ; Telegraph. APARTMENTS WANTED ! FURNISHED APARTMENT WANT- ( . ED i am desirous of locating a. fur ; nished apartment of about 3 rooms with bath for light housekeeping tor ! myself and wife; must be centrally lo- ] ' cated, excellent references can be fur- : j nished. Write fully, giving location, ; rent. etc. Address Box K, 7112, care ] of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE I'OR SALE i ' I 1 WOULD YOU LIKE A NEW HOUSE i BUILT ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN PLANS? ' Small down payments. Balance : same as rent. i 1 can arrange to build a limited j number of nouses at these terms. Your opportunity to get a home. CaU Bell 2669W anu make appoint , inent to see ine. EDWARD W. EVANS, 2510 Derry Street. !. , j IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN. Camp St.. No. 648 3-story brick, 8 rooms and bath, all improvements. 1 i Can be bought same as rent. i S. Eighteenth St., No. 353—3-story i brick. 9 rooms and baui. steam heat, l electric lights, a modern home. Right I price to quick buyer. j N. Twelfth St.. No. 68 3-story 9 rooms aqd bath, all improve- . ! ments, a very good location. Right: price to quick buyer. Same as rent, j I New Cumberland Corner Fourth ' i and Geary Double frame; 8 rooms ' and bath on each side; all luipruve ' ments; newly painted; can be bought , I with a small amount of money; bal ance same as rent. I Steelton —S. Second St., No. 318H— j 3-story frame. 7 rooms, electric 'lights' and water. Good location. Same as rent. D. A. SANDERLIN, ROOM 1. SECURITY' TRUST BLDG., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. TO FORD OWNERS: We ofTer 636 Emerald street. in a maimer by ' which you may obtain a fine corner ; property in EXCHANGE for a FORD. FOR SALE 602 N. Seventeenth St. Fine 3- story brick and stucco dwelling, $7,800. . , ! 2116-18 X. Fourth St. (with extra ground)— Reasonable. . 2264 X. Fifth St. —3-story brick, in . fine shape. Price right. ! 1630 N. Sixth Storeroom and apart ment building. Investment. ; "3"9 N. Sixth Handsome corner residence. Right price. ■3219-21 N. Sixth—ssoo down, balance $25.00 monthly. . i 1186-94 Bailey St. Brick row. S3OO down, $25.60 monthly. . 635 Camp St. SSOO down. Balance monthly. Isieation fine. ST Disbrow St. --story brick. ' rear driveway. Bargain. , 235 Hamilton St.—Who gets this j \IX ° I 2306 Jefferson St.—Price la ridicu ! lnusly low. . . , .. . I 630 Muench St. 3-story brick that * • will bear inspection. I 1634 Park St. Rental income. $32. Price, $3,100. Garage. 623-25 Ross St. 2-story bricks in line neighborhood. I 125 Royal Terrace Another fine : 1128 S Wallm'e C St'. A S-atory brick at 22 H \Voodbin* BSt"—One 8 St"—One of the finest homes in West l£nd. t\*A claim there is NO LXCLSE for AMBITIOUS TENANT paying rent as he goes through life, ana of fc? expert advice at your request. Our much-talked-of SPRING PRl\ E is on. POSSESSION by April 1 Is our slogan. BAOKENSTOSS BROS., Rusi Building Member llarrisburg Real Estate Board tr.no REDUCTION IN PRICE—Now is your time to buy No. 1309 Berry- I ill Street 9 rooms and bath—ottier IninrovemeTlts lot. 40x100 drive iHley on rear. Bell Realty Co., Berg uer 'Building. TOR SARE NO. TB4S Chestnut street —'brick house all modern improvements, including steam heat. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. J-;0 WIRE PURCHASE a brick house with ' rooms and bath—other improvements in good condition. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. roR S\EE ctucco dwelling in Cloverly Heights f—well finished hardwood floors most modern improvements lot, 60x100. with garage on rear. Bell Realty to- Bergner Building. VACANT FEBRUARY Ist For sale at a reasonable price single brick house all improvements lot 38x136 No. 310" Fourth street. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SAEE No. 1832 Sixth street consider the location and remember that the price is right. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses In every part of the city and suburbs. Appj, 1 x. P. Doranfc, 1225 North Sixth Street taARFUSBUKG s?Ss!fe TELEGRAPH If- ■ V i „ • ■ - ' . I I ... " THE MAX WHO WANTS TO SELL REAL ESTATE • • should realize that a good many sales * ].-■ of property are being made right now ', thq end of tlie "moving sea' • " j . —by men who ADVERTISE. The people who have money —some have more money than ever before. J hey are able to buy real estate; —and a good many are looking for the right ojipo:- tunitics for investments. ' AD\ !v --i t TISE. |• • ' .. ' , : ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE < i SOUTH NINETEENTH STREET,! NOS. 9(14-906-908 At a big bargain ! Good investment. Lehmnn & Klinse man. 8 North Market Square. - 'J FOR SALE 2',4-story frame cot- I tage at West Fairview. along trolley) line and on Stale Road; 8 rooms and; attic. Small amount down, balance j as rent. Will take Ford Car in trade. | or Liberty Bonds. Possession soon, i C. Tl. Colder, 1722 Green street. Bell! 560 J. j FOR SALE 327 Fetter street: 3-I story 9-room house. All modern im-j provements. Inquire 249 Maclayj street, or call Bell phone 890 W. SEVEN-ROOM BUNGALOW All | improvements, lot. 50x17"., on Chest-J nut street. Camp Hill. Terms to suit' buyer. J. S. Hemp. Dial 5646. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE —All improvements; In front porch; i bav window; ni'-e yard to drive alley i SIOO down, balance as rent. Liberty | Bends accepted. . C. 11. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell 660J i VACANT. POSSESSION AT ONCE 2-story brick, alt improve ments. 6 rooms, front and rear porches; side entrance; nice yard to drive alley. Newly painted and papered. Cheap and easy terms. C. H. COf.DER 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. FOR SALE —On easy terms. 2010 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Posses- : sion on April 1. Apply A. P. Doranz ( 1225 North Sixth. | Real Estate l or Sale or Exchange ' WANTED—TO RENT We are having a number of appli cations at this time for furnished I houses, apartments and rooms. What' do you have to offer? Address Mil- ' let- Brothers & Company. Locust aud i Court streets. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Newly-Improved, 9- room house. steam heat, electric) lights aud gas, finished floors and nil' conveniences. Possession February ;t.| Inquire 17' North Thirteenth street. REAL ESTATE—For*SaIe or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES— At Fifth and (Jut-tin Streets; possession of some 1 of the houses on thirty days' notice Fred C. Miller, 31 North Second. Bali phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED —- ! WANTED. TO RENT A house in suburbs or country, half acre or more 1 land; shade and good water. Perma nent. Answer to K., 7024, care of Tel *- graph. ; 1 HAVE many clients seeking in | vestment property in the city. Tele phone me, or, better still, call on me. :\\ bat have you to offer?. A. W. Swengel, 2121 North Second street. i WANTED Seven-room house or ! bungalow in suburbs. All convcni | ences. (.'all Bell 196211 in office hours. WANTED. TO PURCHASE A ; home on Allison Hill, north of Mar | ket street. Address la, 7230, care of | Telegraph. • 1 HAVE PARTIES seeking homes on Sylvan Terrace. Evergreen and i North Eighteenth. What have you to , offer? A. W. Swengel, 2131 North , Second. ' WANTED, TO RENT Small bakery. Need ho equipment except oven. Address Box U, 7229, care of Telegraph. READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY. WHAT lIAVK YOU TO OFFER? BELL AND DIAL PHONES. ! CHAS. ADDER, 1002 N. THIRD ST. REAL ESTATE WANTED We have some ready purchasers for Improved Real F.state. Let us know I what you have to offer. ■LINCOLN REALTY ' CO. 1129 North Seventh' Street. Offices ami storerooms Eor Rent FOR RENT BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM, For meetings, conventions; . Banquets, Dances and partld*. Use of piano free. KltOfteti attached. y 11. C. OLASTLR, Jeweler, 3u2 Market Street. * *\ '• ' '• > . FOR RENT The improved store-' room'at 24 North Third street—near ily opposite "Penn-Harris Hotel. Also offices In the.same building. Apply The William B. Sehleisner Stores. 28- 30-32 N,orth Third street. • MARKET ST. STORE ' FOR RENT Beautiful Daylight Store. 604 Market Street. CIIAS. ADLER, - 1002 North Third Street: FOR RENT Storeroom, with shelving and counter. Ideal location' ! for grocery store. John Kichman. 2638 Main street. Penbrook, Pa. Bell ' phone 4726 J. 1 FARMS FOR SALE STOCK AND FARM | 70-acre farm, 65 acres clear. Extra ■ good buildings; 12-acre apple orchard; peach orchard: running stream near! | buildings; good truck land. Situated (near Strlnestown, York County, 9 1 miles from York. Pa.; 14 miles from I Harrisbtirg. Pa. Address Geo. West j liafor, Manchester. York County, Pa. i CASSELL 7'ARM One mile north! I of Progress, lias been reduced several [Thousand Dollars. It must be sold. I Make an offer. Will consider an ex change on city or I'enbrooit property.) 11. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth' (street. * 42-A.—Plenty fruit, $1,790 J75-A. : —15 in timber. $2,000. Call 107 Chestnut Street. ' SMALL FARM FOR SALE Local- j !ed within one car fare limit. Apply ■ A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. ! ; FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS I FOR SALE. CHEAP 650-foptj Steam Boiler, in first-class condition.) D'nll at First Floor, No. 2020 North j Fifth street. j FOR SALE One double-heater. [Used two months, inquire 1736 Logan' I street. ! FOR SALE English "and Belgian) j Hares. Inquire 701 Race street. BELGIAN HARES FOR SALE Young and breeding stock. Must be ' sold next 10 days. 2052 Swatara j ) street. I FOR SALE Pool Table, in good ' condition. New cloth, cues, balls, ! ; rack. Size. 4xß. W. 11. Ilefflt y, Dun-' cannon, Pa. , .! i FOR SALE - Mission table and 1 ! rocker. Suitable for house or office. | Inquiro Third Floor. 414 North Third I street. j FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One I 15-11.-P. Frick Portable Boiler and l Engine, on wheels. Fine condition.! ) Must have portable outfit of 25 or 20-j | H.-P. Address Samuel Wittenmyer,j j llarrisburg, Pa. • | BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The Store across from Y. W. C. A. 1 offers you the Biggest and Best Bar- ' ' gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over ' coats, Mackinaw Coats, Underwear, llats. Caps and Shoes. We are fam ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth Street. J MORRIS SAYS save money buying) 'n-w and second-hand* furniture here. { .High prices paid for furniture. Morris) ' Scliinortz, 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. ( ! TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ! ) CASH' ALL -MAKES - - RENTED | EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSOX, 1 "05 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE r> R PI IEI • M TH EATER, BOTH PIIONES. i FOR SALE Magazine for No. 1 Linotypes. A rare bargain for a plant with I a No. 1 machine.- Address •I THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING •j COMPANY. llarrisburg. Pa. 1 FOR SALE —One 800-ft. Arco steam ! ' boiler, used two years Price slsu. '(Call Bell phone 2871. CANNED COAL $8 85 i , J. B. MONTGOMERY Just Phone. \Y ANTED —.MI SCEI.LAN ISO US I WANTED Stable accommodations) | for two horses and two wagons. Ex- j | elusive use of hay loft. Electric light- ! ed. Running water. Advise location mid state rental. Address: I*. u. | Box 307, • llarrisburg. Pa. ! HIGHEST PRICES For ladies i ; and men's east olt elotliing and shoes. ! ' I Write to Weintraub, 636 Herr street, j Dial 5177. ■ L COHEN & COMPANY. York ami ■ ' ASh avenuefe. ITigliest prices paid for , lags, paper, irqn, barrels, rubber and metal and old machines. SMHd postal or eail 32" 1-W Bell and Dial 6225. \ wanted Second-hand motors. Small sizes preferned. Apply FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP. Cranberry St.. near Second. ; llarrisburg. Pa. MAX SMEf.TZ Second-band furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call, ' Bell 1281 or Dial 5847. or drop a pos ts! to Max Smelfz, 1016 Market street. Will. call, c.ity.or country. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for nil kinds of eiiifity barrels and hink. C*|t Bell phone 4275. B Abrams & Bun ?4-R32 North Seventh street. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for ■ Second-hand Furniture. Prompt nt ■ tentlon.' Newmaj k i ("own, 308 Broad > Street. Dial phojie 4326. . HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALU kinds of Junk. Get onr prices befoiV selling. ' Call Bell phone 936, or drop , us a postal and.our wagon will call.; Keystone Iron & Metal Co., Broad and Currant streets. * - Honey to I-oan I WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Acs of June 17. 1915, to individu ■ als in need of ready cash: small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay '■ments to suit borrower's convenience, i positively lowest rates in city. I PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street, , v , ■ ■ - "fr thill Money to l.oan j | MONET j If too are pressed for ready i cash to meet any emergency. ! call to see us. We lend money j In compliance with the laws of tho State. EMPLOYES' I/)AN SOCIETY. ' BOOM 206 BERGNER BLDG., I | THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. j I LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE j j • I " : M uslcal VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS ! BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promtply atid carefully repair- j | ed. OVLER'S. II South Fourth street. | TALKING MACHINES promptly ami : carefully repaired by an expert only, j OYLKR'S..}4 South Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs. Just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An I expert will be at your service at once. Or bring machine to 1213 North Third i street. " BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LIBERTY BONDS WANTED I A substantial business linn in Har ! risburg, desires to borrow Liberty 1 ! Bonds or Money, preferably Liberty I Bonds, in any denomination, Ft per | cent, interest will be allowed, pay ments to be made monthly. Best of l security will be advanced. Bonds to | be held any length of time and return iable any lime on short notice. Abso lutely confidential. For further par ticulars. address Box L, 7230, cure of i Telegraph. i FOR SALE Country Produce, j Flsli and Oyster Business. Good lo j cation. Good-paying, cash trade. Re tiring| from business, will sell cheap to quick buyer. Address Box IC, 7122, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Fruit, confectionery and cigar store. Reasonable price. Boasting coffee and peuuut machine. Good scales. Inquire ut 514 Market j street. BUSINESS PERSONALS ! FURNITURE, CARPETS. STOVES— i Bought and sold. S. Gold. 1014 Mar- I ket. Bell 40S5J. | I INVENTORS FINANCED—Patents, j Automobiles,. .Motorcycles Bought.' j SoUl, Exchanged. Cash or commission. I Simon llorst, Linglcstown. Pa. I , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER i Estimates. Jobbing. First-class \ work. H. W. Hummer, 1423 Liberty street. City. Bell 4420. I UPHOLSTERING Of the best \ kind. Work guaranteed. We call und deliver. 305 Broad street. Dial phone 1 IS2O. FURNITURE C RATED And I china' packed for shipping. Also re ' pairing. J. A. Bisltop. 1736 Logan St. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED j Single edge, 25c duz; double edge, 35c jdoz; razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. ' DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. ; Caplan Co., 206 Market street. ' QNIXINK —Look put for that grippe i feeling, likely lo' catch you this changeable weather. Ol'R LAXATIVE j PHOS PIIO-Q FIN IN JO will stave it off |if taken in time. Gross Drug Store. 110 Market street, HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING Anything, any where. furniture moving. E. S. Os inaii. >l7 South Nineteenth street. Bell 150 HV. FOR HIRE Two-ton auto truck. Apply lies Soutii Ninth street. Bell [phone 8455 R. ! HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped I for furniture, freight ami piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. .1. |E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irwin i Aun-st, manager, llershey. Pa. Bell | phoi >• 15U6. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE I II A U LI N G Furniture moving. ; Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 656 | ('alder street. Both phones. Bell : 3636.1. Dial 3653. HICKS —-Local and long-distance hauling. 424 Reily. Both phones. i Al'l'd HAULING —Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. "Jl7 ' Capital street. Both phones. Al'TO TRCcJx SERVICE—'LocaI and long F. J. Marter. Bell i 39-.L Steelton. AUTO HAULING l.ocal and long distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Rate' „ , r l ca ®Tr able ' Prompt service C.flil 8011, uioJ. ! LOCAL AND LONG - DISTANCE HAULING Prompt service. A & B. Motor Express. 917 Capital Street. Bell -phone 1635 J. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced ' and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320, or Dial 2265. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKBfj S'K BELT. PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. M'OUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home cooking' served to Businessmen und Ladles in separate dinlngrooms. Storage —-e—_ STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods. merchandise. Private ! rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all klhdfc. D. Cooper & Co Both phones. STORAGE—In brick building, rear l< 408 Market. Household goods in clean, nrivate rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diener.- 408 Market .street. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware- I house. 33 Per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-ilreproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL a FACKLEU. .!' ' FUNERAL DIRECTOR. I 1312 Derry St. BELL 1958. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICBR. I F'Jnbrnl Director and Embalmer. I • 611 North Second Street. BELL 262. ' DIAL 2146. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. TYie prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Broa. & Co., Agents, i i JANUARY 29, 1919. \ Cleaners and Dyers i IT BAYS to nave Clothes Cleaned I Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at th best i place In town. Call and deliver I Goodman's. 136648 North SixtE Both : { Phones. * ; ———— j * AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT Saxon Four Roadster, late model, equipped with electric lights and starter. Mechan ically good. Paint and all tires good. 1914 Ford Touring* with new top. All tires good. Car in very fair mechanical condi tion. Overland Big Four Tour | ing. five-passenger. Fine shape mechanically, repaint ed. upholstery excellent. Equipment includes Silver town Cord tires. 5-passenger Willys-Knight, reflnished. The Knight motor is the only type of motor that j improves wit'll continued use. This one is exceptionally quiet. 1918 Chandler Coupe, re finished and equipped with cord tires. • Convenient time payments may be arranged. I , j THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO.. I Open .Evenings, 212-214 North Second St. P.oth Phones.; 'j ~ I YOU CAN BUY' A REBUILT TRUCK | ON CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS ] ' 1M and *> 2-ton Garfords, chassis only or equipped with ] express or dump bodies. 1 '4-1H -2 44 and 2',8-ton Bethlehems, with or without .! bodies. Light delivery wagons, in ,' eluding Buieks, Overlands and Y'ims. TIIE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO.. Open Evenings. , ; 212-214 North Second St. Both Phones. ' FOR SALE 1915. 6-ryllnder. 40-H.-P., 7- pasecnger Hudson Touring Car. .lust been overhauled, including one extra tire mounted on extra rim; Conti ental Motor. 1917, 6-eylinder, 5-passen ger Saxon Touring Car. Just overhauled j n our shop. Fine shape. Will demqnstrate. Terms can be arranged on either car. HUDSON SALES AGENCY, 1137 Mulberry Street. Dial Phone 6961. Bell Phone 139 ft LOOKING FOR A GOOD CAR AT A REASONABLE PRICE? We have a 1916 CadillAc, in cx- j eellent condition, that we want to j dispose of at once. If you are at all interested, see this Big Bar gain now. ANDREW REDMOND. Third and Reily Streets, i Bell 2133. Dial 4610. FOR SALE 1917 Reo. 5-passenger. ' 1918 Dodge. 5-passenget, 1912 Stanley Steamer. SIRLE'S OARAGE, SO! Cumberland Street. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 2360. DIAL 4914. 1917 FORD CARS Touring. 1385.00. I llarley-Davison Twin, with sidecar. $250.00. Get acquainted with me. Save money on any used machine wanted. Simon llorst, Linglestown, Pa. _-• ; I FOR SALE Overland Touring' Car, $350. One-ton Huick, 81.100. In-; quire Über Bros., 37 North Cameron' street. fOR BALE Buick Roadster, A 1 I shape. Bargain for some one. A. Schiffman. 22-44-26 North Cameron. ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK— Covered body; l.uoo lbs. capacity; a bargain. inquire of Philadelphia . Uulck Lunch. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto lop and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rules. 72-78 South Cameron Street. WM. PENX GARAGE * 301-6 Muenc h street. Limousines for * funeral parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell ' 4564. OLD AUTO. Wanted; used, wrecked or oidtlniers In any condition Sea me before sac j rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto ! 'A i co.ing. A. Schiffman, 2ji, 24, 26 | Nur'.h Cameron street. Bell 5633. j SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re | pairing b.' expert. Road Jobs a \ specialty. Charge reasonable. Both ; Phones. Sunshine Garage. 27 North j Cameron street. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS and pleas ure cars for sale. Ford ton trucks, JfAuto-Car 2-ton trucks and one 7- passenger liaynes Touring Car. All : cheap to quick buyers. International I Harvester Co. Truck Department, No. I 619 Walnut street. WANTED All kinot ot used auto : tires. vv e "ay highest cash prices, iNo Junk. H. Esterhro"'', 812 North Third street. Dial 4990. BETTER SITUATIONS WANTED Tills column lias two objects: First, to help men and women who are now employed to secure better second, to put employers In direct touch with un ambitious class of workers. WANTED Clerical position by YOUNG MAN Student at law. de. young, married man. skilled In figures *l r * to (five half of his time to useful _. , ~ enterprise or occupation, ('an you use and general mathematics. Address j,lm2 Addrey* Box G. 7X23, cars of Box H. 6957, cara of Telegraph. Telegraph, ... j *y 1 Garages, Accessories and Suppllea , j "3,500-MILE GUARANTEED TIREJT* 30x3 @ *12.00 30x3 H & *15.00 32x3 *4 <S> *17.50 31x4 @ *19.25 33x4 lit *21.50 34x4 & *£3.00 "THE ABOVE TIRES ARE UNUSUAE VALUES." WE ARE MAKING THE TRICE "ADVERTISE" THE TIRES AND WE HAVE LOTS OF OTHER TIRE BARGAINS EQUALLY AS GOOD—"LOOK US OVER." KEYSTONE SALES CO., 108 MARKET ST. 0 FOR RENT Gnrnge on Sassafras I avenue at *3.50 per month. Apply I 201 Herr street. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 8 Bosch '.ligli tension. Elshmann. Dixey. i Spiitdorf. Mea, Remy and different I makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A. j Schiffman. 22-24-26 North Cameron I i Street- Bell 3623. WELDING. AUTO AND MACHINE! PARTS Frames Straightened and xvelded. Heavy Cast Iron Our Specialty. Expert Welders. Work Guaranteed, i CAPITAL CITY WELDING CO. 1538 Logan St. BELL 4396J AUTO TIRE BARGAINS 30x3ft *14.72 31x4 22.68 - 32X3% 17.28 32x4 23.00 34x4 26.00 85X414 27.60 35x5 15.00 32x3 12.56 DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 912 North Third Street. — A AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re- i paired by specialists. Also fenders. I | lamps, etc. Best service in town. Har ! risburg Auto Radiator Works, 805' | Xortlt Third street. • MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN KXXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED; DORY SHAKER WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. —. , LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE THE following Ordinance was read In | : place in the City Council at Its meot ! ing held Tuesday Morning, January ! 28. 1919, and is published as directed i by Article 5, Section 3, Clause. 10, ofi I the Act of Assembly approved Juno AN ORDINANCE Authorizing EJm Street from Six teenth to Juniper Streets, to be stricken from tho city official plan, and abandoned as a highway of the SECTION 1. Be Jt ordained by the Council of the City of Harrisburg, and .it is hereby ordained by authority of rthe same, That Elm Street, from Six teenth to Juniper Streets, be and tho same is hereby authorized to be stricken from the cjity official plan, and abandoned as a highway of the Cit.v" of ITairlsburg. SECTION 2. That the City Engineer make the necessary notations on the i oily official plan to carry this ordi i nance into effect. ; SECTION 3. That all ordinances or ' parts of ordinances in conflict here ' with lie and the same Is hereby re * pealed. R. ROSS SEAMAN. Clerk to City Council. Office of the City Clerk, Harrisburg, Pa., January 29. 1919. j NOTTCE Tetters of Administra tion on the Estate of Frank Merlins, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, : Ha., deceased, having been granted to | the undersigned residing at 1414 Re- Si na street. Harrisburg, Pa., all per sons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. CAMILLK MERLIN A. Or Administratrix..* HARVEY E. KNUPP. Attorney, No. 3 Russ Building. Harrisburg, Ha. j NOTTCE Letters Testamentary on 1 the Egtate of Thomas A. Woods, late of Harrisburg. Dauphin County,' Pa , 1 deceased, having been granted to the : undersigned, all persons indebted to : said Estate are requested to make im- J mediate payment, and those having ! claims will present them for settle ment. V ROBERT W. WOOD, Executor, 1 919 North Sixth Street. I Or Harrisburg, Pa, ; HARVEY E. KNUPP. Attorney. No. 3 Ttuss Building, Harrisburg, Pa. I NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART NERSHIP NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership lately existing between the undersigned trading and doing business as tho Sleelton Baking Com pany. lias this day been dissolved by mutunl consent and Iliat all moneys due said firm, shall be paid to Zdravka Mladenovlc, who lias also assumed to pav all debts of said firm. VOYA YOVANOVICH. ZDRAVKO MLADENOVIC. FOR SALE The Board of School Directors of the School District of Harrisburg, Pa., offers for sale the plot of ground In ttie Twelfth • bounded by Third. Harris. Susquehanna and Bovd Streets, fronting 210 feet on Third Street and having a depth of 162 feet. Proposals for the purchase should be adddreused to the undersigned and will be received until 3 o'clock P. M., of Friday. February 7. 1919. By order, of the Board. D. D. JIAMMELBAUGH. Secretary. 121-123 Chestnut Street. 15 /J. !