Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 29, 1919, Image 1

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    ongress Asked to End Government Control of Wire Lines at End of Present Year; Moon to Protest
• dl)( £ter-3rt&cpcn&cttl. l
Lxxxvill— No. 24 16 PAGES oif iiccTat* h arrulfurg 8s * HARRISBURG, PA.. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 29, 1919. "ViSSKKft ' I SSSKS2SBiiSS M,m HOME EDITION
dmils lie Would Be Kept :
Busy Investigating Nasty
F Rumors
ot Sure Magnelli Will Be
Given Hearing on Floor
of Council
riarrisburg's police force will not
thoroughly investigated that it
ay he either given a clean bill-of
aracter or he reorganized and in
mpetent and alleged morally deli
mit • members of the force re
Mayor Daniel L. Keister has no
lie for such an investigation. To
y. he stands pat 011 his decision to
augurate no investigation of
urges of woefully gross miscon
ct "unless specillc charges are
ilgeil against members of the j
Evils, cpiite apparent to most ob- ]
rving citizens, and concerning 1
lieli particularly odious reports are I
circulation, are not to receive the-j
tention of the Mayor of Harris- j
rg. Specillc charges must be |
Aged before he will stir himself,
the impression that lie created to-
Xo Time For Frolics
His attention was called to some:
the more disreputable rumors, j
mors that are decidedly odious to
self-respecting persons, but they j
not form a sufficient basis on 1
klch he will make an investlga
>n. "If I were to make investiga
ins on such charges, I would have
ne to do nothing else," he de
One .particular cuse, said incom-:
tible with tlie actions of a man
pposed to be a guardian of pub
■ safety, was called to the at- 1
ition of the Mayor. He was told ]
one member of the detective
rce regularly operating two auto
abiles, with their stands in Market
•eet and frequently engaged by
rsons of loose character, and
ending much of his time, inelud
? hours during which he is sup
sed to be 011 duty, at this "stand."
it the.charge is too indefinite for
e Mayor to take any action.
He was asked whether lie
<i any information concernliUP^ffe" 1
itler, but he declared that he never
d. He added, however, "That he j
ends more time than is required I
him in the perforpiance of his I
All "Work Overtime"
Queried as to whether his remark
>uld not lead one to believe that
had heard of the situation and
to whom the "he" concerning
10m he spoke referred, the Mayor
Id that he was referring to no par
:ular member of the detective
•ce, and that each member spends
ich extra time in the perform
ee of his duties.
It is quite fitting and proper for
e detective to conduct an auto
ibile business, Mayor Keister be
ves. He avoided comment as to 1
o charges that have been made
ncerning the detective's "bus line."
The Mayor admits of hearing of
well authenticated blackmailing
isode in which a member of the
tective force was implicated, but
ys that no investigation was made
cause the incident did not occur
his administration and because
e charges were ugain too indeli
The Mayor appears to be some
lat displeased, with the turn that
e Magnelli-Scninehl episode has
ten. "Why doesn't he make his
arges to me," the Mayor demand
tills morning. .
Patrolman Magnelli, discharged
feral days ago because he had ac
>ted a reward of thirty cents for
urning a horse more than a year
o, has made sweeping charges of
sconduct against members of the
■ce and threatens to bring them
fore Council. Mayor Keister de
ned to comment 011 the probabil
of Council giving the discharged
uubers of the force a hearing, de
ring that is entirely a matter of
uncil's. But he appeared to be
ve that Magnelli should bring the
arges before hm as the chief exe
tive of the city.
Schniclil Denies Charge
Edward E. Schmehl, the other
(charged patrolman to-day said he
ew nothing of a charge made by
Mexican whom lie wa alleged to
ve searched". Schmehl says lie
ver saw the prisoner. He made
3 following affidavit:
"Officer Schmehl not guilty in
■xican case.
"I know absolutely nothing about
s Mexican's case of which I am
fused in the Patriot.
"The testimony against me is posi
ely false, and my name or person
s noconnection whatever with the
(Signed "Edward E. Schmehl."
"Sworn and subscribed to this 29th
y of January, 1919.
(Signed) John S. Harris,
"Notary Public."
Ty Commission Expires Feb. 19,
Condon, Jan. 29.—A German wire
is message received here says:
ly January ,18 the whole of Ger
iny's western army had been trans
rted to iemobilizalion centers, and
10 about 600,000 of the total of
0,000 of the eastern army.
r or HnrrUhurg nnd vicinity! Fair
to-night and Thursday; colder
to-night, with lowest tempera
ture about 28 degrees.
•'or Eastern I'ennsylvnnlnt Fnlr
to-night nnd Thursday) colder
to-night! fresh and strong
northwest winds.
I'be Susquehanna river and nil Its
branches will continue to fall
slowly. A stage of about <1.2
feet Is Indicated for Harrlsburg
Thursday morning.
Fate of Germany's
Colonies Still Is
Holding Board
League ot Nations
Not Lost Sight j
of at Table
Paris, Jan. *9. —The Supreme
Council of the Peace Conference
had before it for consideration
on assembling this morning the
Polish question and the
tions to be given the Allied mis-j
sion to Poland recently author-j
ized and about to leave on its east- |
ward journey. The program called:
for the appearance of Polish and [
Czecho-Slovak representatives before j
the council to present their views.
The future of the colonics taken j
from Germany lias become one of j
the most interesting immediate j
phases of the problems under con- j
sideration by the Supreme Council
ot \he Peace Conference. Hearings
now arc being given by the Supreme
Council to members of the confer-;
ence and to colonial experts.
Differ With Wilson
The hearings have progressed to
the stage where the existence of
views greatly at variance with thosp
set forth in President Wilson's four
teen points have been disclosed.
This development has determined
the American delegates to urgo the
01 ,tle American plan at the
outTTTrtf order to keep the rival
claimants within the bounds of fair
This plan looks to international
control of the colonies, backward
nationalities and tribes by individual
powers or by agents to be known as
"mandatories" of the league of na
tions. These agents are to derive
all their powers from the league and
to act entirely on the lines of policy
dictated by that body.
The distribution of these guardian
ships is to be made by the league of
nations; so its successful applica
tion is wholly dependent upon the
consummation of the league.
!•,'car Great Kxpensc
One argument against the league's j
control of the colonies advanced byj
the British colonial officials was that
the "mandatories" might feel them
selves saddled faith citormous finan
cial responsibilities in an effort to
develop their wards, and yet be sub
ject to criticism if they failed to
bring them forward.
President Wilson himself answer
ed this argument by saying the
American plan contemplated that the
mandatory power would he liable
only for administrative expenses;
other expenditures would be made
only when authorized by the league,
unless the colony was able to finance
itself out of Its own resources.
Yanks May Pilot Turks
While tile plan has not progressed
to a point where' any attempt has
been made to assign particular na
tions to these guatdiansliips, the
matter has been the subject of spe
cial consideration. In tlie ease of
America, It has been suggested tlia'J
owing to its large influence in Tur-I
key through the numerous graduates|
of Robert College and because of the
conviction among the Turks of the;
disinterestedness of America, if It
is called upon to assume such charge i
might naturally first take upon itself
the guardianship not only of Turkey,
in Kurope, but also a considerable
portion of Turkey's former prov
inces. including Armenia.
Apportiofi Tasks to Nations
The delegates of the South and
Central American nations to th
Peace Conference decided at a meet
ing held to-day to create a commis
sion to safeguard the interests of all
these nations before the conference
with delegates especially assigned to
look after various subjects.
Thus Brazil will voice the feeling
of the Central and South American
nations as regards the league of na
tions; Cuba will pay especial at
tention to international labor legis
lation from the same standpoint,
while Uruguay will especially •inter
est itself in the subject of the in
[Continucd on Page 14.]
Wilson Offers Sharp's
Post in France to Another
Than Vance C. McCormick
Paris, Jan. 29. —The appointment
of a new ambassador to France to
succeed William Graves Sharp is
still undecided. President Wilson
lias offered the post to a man who
has not yet signified whether he will
accept it. This man, it may be said,
is not Vance C. McCormick, who re
cently resigned the chairmanship of
the Democratic National Committee.
Ambassador Sharp, who had been
on a visit to the United States, sailed
Tor France on the transport Uevia
than on January 24. Washington ad
vices previous to his sailing carried
reports that Mr. Sharp's resignation
had been placed In the hands of the
President and that Mr. McCormick
was understood to be under consider
ation for appointment as the ambas
sador's successor.
Haverford Flashes She Is Near With
2,096 Soldiers From Fighting Zones
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Jan. 29.—Bringing home 2,090 troops from France,
the liner Haverford to-day flashed by radio that she will pass in the
Delaware Capes about o'clock this evening and reach her dock
about 8 o'clock to-morrow morning. She sailed from Brest on Jan
uary 15 with sixty officers and 1,830 men of the Sixty-fifth Regiment,
• 'oast Artillery, and a large contingent of colored casuals. In addi
tion. she has on board thirty-seven sick and wounded soldiers.
The returning soldiers will parade from the dock to the Broad
Street Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad, willere will board
watting trains for Camp Dlx. There they will be mustered out of
These are thb first troops who fought in France to he landed at
this port and elaborate preparations have been made by the peace
jubilee committee to give them a hearty welcome.
Sentence From Wilson Speech Disquiets German
Circles; Press Says Nation That Started War
Is Not Desired in Future Community of
Powers; 'Lovely Beginning of League'
By Associated Press
Berlin, Jan. 29.—President Wil
son's speech of Saturday last be
fore the Peace Congress contains the
following sentence, as transmitted
to Berlin and here retranslated from
the German:
"The Fnited States would have a
feeling that It could not take part
in guaranteeing these European ad
justments unless this guaranty in
cluded the iMTnuinent surveillance
of the world peace liy the associated
nations of the world,"
This sentence, together with the
reported decision of the supreme
council at Tuesday's session that the
German colonies must not be given
back to Germany, has disquieted
some German circles. The Boursen
Zeitung for instance, says:
"If President Wilson is correctly
reported he .confesses openly that
lie; too, like Premiers Clentenceau
und Lloyd George, does not desire
Germany in the future community
of nations as an equal among equals
but as a nation watched by over
seers. * * * The President
cannot wonder if people in Ger
many gradually begin to form the
opinion that the hopes they placed
in him arc to be disappointed."
The Socialist newspaper Vor
waerts, in commenting on the re
port regarding - the division of the
German colonies among the allied
nations, says:
"The League of Nations is mak
ing a lovely beginning! The decision
And He Has the Nerve to Complain
of the western powers to take ,the
German colonies for themselves is
born of a spirit diametrically oppos
ed to that proclaimed by President
Wilson, it appears more and mare
as if it were the intention of Hie
western imperialists to leave to Mr.
Wilson the merely musical and de
clamatory roles of the jlerformanee
and to reserve to themselves the
business end of the show. * * *
We Germans would prefer an lion
et policy of stand and deliver to a
policy of imperial aggrandizement
adorned with ethical and oratori
cal phrases. But since America has
not yet agreed to the pact we shall
later see whether Amerioa can do
anything except make speeches."
The oiibuhtl the passage in
President WllSoivf speech of Satur
day, alluded to in the foregoing, as
transmitted from Paris Saturday
night, heads as follows: ■
"It (the Fulled Suites) would feel
that It couhl not tukc part in guar
anteeing those European settlements
unless the guarantee involved the
continuous superintendence of the
peace of the world by the associated
nations of the world."
Shenandoah, Pa., Jan. 29. The
United Mine Workers of America
are starting co-operative stores
throughout the region. Commenc
ing to-day they open a wholesale
and retail store here and will short
ly have a store in every town in the
• region.
Fund For New Courthouse Is
Proposed by County Con
troller Cough
Suggestion Made That Return
ed Soldiers Could Be
Profitably Employed
Submitting the 1919 budget for:
the County Controller Henry W.J
I Gough estimated that with the in- j
crease in the assessment of prop-,
; erty, it may be possible to reduce]'
the ax rae from 5 to 4 mills audi
provide enough revenue for the or
dinary expenses during the year.
The county commissioners recelv- ]
ied the budget and the estimate of]
available revenue at a 4-mill rate,
j but will not act upon it until later.
Controller Gough ulso suggested i
in his statement to the board that!
] should any balance remain on hand ]
] at the end of eaclt year it would bej
well to use it to establish a l'und |
for a new courthouse, and pending]
the preparation of plans and other I
| details the money in the fund could j
j lie invested in bonds, or otherwise,!
I and the interest added to the umountj
I also.
Mr. Gougli's statement folows: j
"Pursuant to your request, i have!
! prepared and herewith preesnt an j
I appropriation bill for the ensuing!
! fiscal year, based on a valuation of]
: 392,656,918 with a tax rate fixed at i
i 4 mills. From an. Inspection of thei
same, you will find that after takingi
I care of the fixed charges and ordi-1
[Continued on Page 14.]
' m T~T~
First Large Building
Permgit of Year Issued
TJie first large building permit for |.
this year was issued today to Metz- i
ger and Fisher, contractors from j
Philadelphia, for the construction j
of a large one-story brick and con- |
crete building for the Atlantic Re-'
fining Company, to be located at
2207 North Seventh street. The
structure will cost 412,000 and will
be used for oflices. It will be 54x24
; feet.
A permit was also issued to J. A.
j McKelvy, contractor for Dr. H. F.
Gross, to erect an addition to the
J property at 1501 North Second
| street, at a cost of 42,500.
Butter and Potatoes
Are Falling in Price
By Associated Press
Chicago, Jan. 29. —Victims of the
high cost of living found further
satisfaction to-day in the trend of
I produce prices. Butter at wholesale
i dropped fhrec to four cents since
j yesterday and potatoes declined five
]to ten cents a bushel. Cheese and
1 eggs showed no material change. |
FOR 1919 i
Only One Dealer Fails to Ask Court\
For Renewals Despite Prohibition; 1
Brewers Refuse to Give Up j
Applications have been filed for.
liquor licenses for 1919 for all retail,
wholesale, bottling and brewing
places whi?li held licenses last year,
with but two exceptions; one because
tile license was revoked for failure
to comply with liquor traffic laws
and the other probably because, the
holder does not intend to continue
the sale of intoxicants after March 1.
This action on the part of the
liquor interests in Harrisburg and
Dauphin county catne as a surprise
to many, as it was believed a number
of applications would not be pre
sented again because of the "dry"
order effective July 1.
License Day February 19
The day for granting applications
is February 19, the last day for
tiling is to-day ,and the last day to
Recent Act Permits AH Men ■
to Qualify For Special
Hegistrars will sit in each of tins
polling places in tlie city on Febru
ary 5 for :i special enrollment of
voters for the election February 23
when a successor will be elected to
Lieutenant Governor Edward E.
Beidleman to represent Dauphin
county in the State Senate.
All voters who were registered
last fall anfl who have not changed
their residence since that time will
not be required to- -enroll again in
order to vote. Voters, however, who
have moved to other districts, or who
did not register last fall must enroll
in order to ballot February 25.
A special act passed la 1312,
directs the special registration in
cities of the third class preceding
any special election. The county
commissioners made arrangements
to-day to carry out the provisions
of the act and on February 5, the
third Wednesday preceding the spe
cial election as provided in the law,
all city polling places will be open
and the registrars will add to their
lists the names of voters not already
enrolled in their respective districts.
Official notices were received at
the office of Sheriff W. W Cald
well to-day directing him to issue a
proclamation calling the special elec
tion next month.
Hun Coal Miners Are
Urged to Work So That
Presses Can Print Money
By Associated Press
Berlin, Jan. 29—The Vorwrwaerts
publishes an appeal to the striking
coal miners from the workmen's
council in the government printing
offices; The appeal says:
"Coal miners! Comrades! Fur
nish us with fuel —its shorting is
preventing tlie production of puper
money in the government printing
office. If the resultant shuuting off
of the city's gas supply goes on,
wages for the workingmen and
money for the support of unem
ployed cannot be paid out. There
fore, furnish us with coal."
Child Run Down by
Autoist Who Flees, Dies
Katie Schmidt, seven years old,
who was struck by an automobile in
the Herr street supbway last Sat-1
urday, died yesterday at the home
of her parents, 1232 flerr street. The
driver who ran down the child
speded up his machine and made his
escape. Funeral services will be lield
to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.
Two of the three men who at
tempted to hold up and rob
It. W. Kerch, wholesale liquor
dealer of Htglisplre, and who shot
him through the neck when he
refused to throw up his hands,
are believed to have been taken
in a Wholesale roundup of ne
• groes at the Locust Grove camp,
in which seventeen were taken,
by two members of the fetute
Police ut New Cumberland to
Three men lust evening left a
trolley cur in Hlghspire, went to
u barber shop und inquired the
direction of Kerch's store. These
men are believed to have been
the ones who did the shooting, '
and of the seventeen men tuken j
in this morning's round two of ]
them have been identified as be- ;
longing to the trio. Search .is ,
still being made for the third I
man. und every negro Hi rough- 1
out tlie territory unswering the |
general description is being i
■ present remonstrances is Febru
ary 15. ,
•me petition was tiled by an uppli-]
cant who was refused a license last;
year. In one or two other instances!
the licenses were transferred during,
the year, but the present holders are]
applying for renewals.
In the city every one of the 12 j
wholesale and 56 retail dealers up-'
plied for licenses for bars in hotels I
or for saloons. In the county dis-j
tricts Chester S. Boyer, holding a
license at Shell's Tavern, East Han
over township, lias not applied and
it is believed in official circles he|
will not apply this year.
Andrew Hoffman, who conducted
a bar in the West End Hotel, Wicon-1
[Continued on I'agc 14.]
JANUARY 16,1920
Edicl Signed at Slate Depart
ment at 11.20 O'clock Today
by the Acting Secretary
Bv Associated Press
Washington, Jun. 29.—Ratification
of the prohibition amendment to the
federal constitution was proclaimed
formally to-day )jy Frank L. l'olk,
Acting Secretary of State. The
proclamation is dated to-day, but
legal authorities of the department
say ratification was accomplished
when the thirty-sixth state acted fa
vorably on January 16, and that un
der the terms of the amendment it
[Continued on Page 14,]
q) £
4* ton—Favorat j
Hr immediate investigation of the Michigan Newberry- ▼
a• * r
4 Ford *|
Senate Contingent Expenses Committee on a s( g>
*l* vote.
C Ij
<3fa * T"
4 # Harrisburg. The Dauphin county court to-day on w
1 petition of Attorney General Schaffer issued a prclimin- T
4 u ary injunction restraining the Bell ' <■>
"* of Pennsylvania, from charging the increased telephone X
< * rates ordered by the Federal authorities. The-hearing Wt
' * was fixed for next Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
4> f.'4
i *
* 4*
4* X
4 Washington—John Skelton Williams, of Virginia *
€D K I
T was nominated to-day by President Wilson for another * .
term as comptroller of the currency. * '
n g
** ' Washington. Another demand for i - j j
4 drawal of American troops from Russia wo- made in the • f
X a
-mate to-day by Senator Johnson, of Cali&or * *
A* * *
X rously criticising the Russian course of the United j I
* States and the Allies. * *
€ # Berlin—Sharp winter weather and an unusually large i ■
* * number of stay-at-homes may have been responsible f „ a
c the small vote in the Prussian elections on Sunday- as * •
€ W If ■
€ # compared with the balloting for the national assembly , 4 -
* * eight day 6 ago. Lack of polling places forced thousand# *
4 of voters to stand in line for hours and thus- combined i
Li} t ' '
X with a letting up of enthusiasm, resulted in a defection * r
$ among the Bourgeois voters, who apparently were satis- • ►
At 'f ||
* fied to leave the field to both v :ngs of the Social Demo- , ,
IT' *
|4 cratic party.
t ::
X. ; _s : ►
4# l.lu.vd \\. look, \fw Holland, and Mary I), (aot-brnour. 'Adam* * *
. t a oant>'; William T. Ilrltmryrr and Hlaola Whopi-. Harrlahursi AMI- Mo
llam Bcrrj and Allrola Ultra*. UnUoi*.
'Both Sides Agree Speeches
Shall Be Barred on Mon
day "Evening
Final Passage Is Scheduled
For Tuesday Morning
of Next Week
"There will be no speeches in the
House during consideration of the
resolution to ratify the prohibition
amendment," said Chairman B. F.
Bungard, of the House Haw and
Order committee to-day. "This is by
agreement of people on both sides."
The resolution will be on second
reading Monday night and final pas
sage the next morning.
The joint resolution ratifying the
prohibition amendment wds passed
on first reading in the House of
Representatives soon after the open
ing of the session to-day and made
a special order on second reading on
Monday night at 9.30 and on third
reading and final passage on Tuesday
at 10.30 a. m.
Speaker Spangier announced the
appointment of A. Earl Kauffman,
of Hanover, a newspaper man, to be
Speaker's clerk.
Provision whereby legal proceed
ings. including action in equity
brought against any state officer i'.i
his official capacity or in relation to
his duties, shall not abate by death
or retirement from office, is contain
ed in a bill read in the House by Mr.
Dawson. Lackawanna. Courts ara
I authorized to continue stlch actions
j upon petition filed within a year.
Philadelphia. Jan. 39. Mayor
Thomas 15. Smith, of Philadelphia,
to-day. flatly and unequivocally de
nied from the witness stand that |he
ever conspired with any person to
violate the law prohibiting office
holders from interfering in politics.
Mr. Smith is on trial charged with
that offense and also with misde
meanor in office, and his defensa
opened to-day, he being the first