Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 28, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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Founded 1831
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year In advance.
Thought is the soul o£ act.—
are falling much more
I—' rapidly than wages," says a
financial observer In a New
York Journal of commerce. There
Is nothing surprising in that. The
trend is natural. Reductions In
wages will not be so much In the
nature of scale cutting as in reduc
tion of overtime and Sunday work.
In other words, there will not be so
much unemployment or actual re
duction of pay per hour as there will
be reductions of the number of work
ing hours now that the rush of war
orders is at an end.
Nor is it surprising that manu
facturers are shading the prices they
quoted last fall, when it looked as
though the war might run at. least
another year, with ever-increasing
costs of production that would nec
essarily have followed the decrease
of man-power and reductions in
stocks of raw materials. These
speculative factors in price-fixing
have disappeared and the reductions
now being quoted are confined large
ly to removal of increases that would
have been necessary to legitimate
profits had the war continued.
Naturally, these do not affect
wages, so we have the encouraging
condition of price-cutting without
serious disturbance of the labor
market. How far this can go Is
problematical, but at present the
Indications Are that the fall of prices
will be much greater than any pos
sible reduction in wages. Indeed,
there is no lilselihood that either
prices or wages will ever get back
to pre-war levels and the probabil
ity Is that labor will come out of the
war with the balance strongly on its
side, which will be a good thing for
the country in general.
Trotzky has been captured almost
as often as Von Hindenburg has died.
THE city of Syracuse is all "het
up" over the proposal of the
Council of Women's Clubs that
girls working in public places be uni
formed and that typists and stenog
raphers be required to wear less
transparent waists.
The women's clubs declare that
the working girjs should be desig
nated by suits cut along simple
lines, stenographers, they say, wear
waists cut too low and skirts too
short, and that silk stockings are ab
solutely unnecessary for typists.
They suggest that employers dis
miss young women who appear at
work hi silk hose. •
May be there Is some ground for
the complaint, but where is the mere
male employer courageous enough
to attempt the reform. Imagine the
"boss" glaring at Imogene, as she
powders her nose and tucks up
her back hair preparatory to tack
ling the morning mail, saying: "Im
ogene, I have observed with growing
displeasure the way in which you
are* conserving dress materials by
the shortening of your costume at
either end, and unless you can find
an old collar to hang around the top
and a ruffle to tack on below, I fear
much that we shall have to part
company. • And now, may I ask If
you are wearing silk stockings this'
morning? If so, please go to the
rest room and change 'em for cot
What do you suppose would hap
pen after an outburst of that kind?
Results would differ, of course, with
the temper of the individual fair
one, but this much Is certain, that
by the end of the day the "old man"
would be batting out his own letters
painfully with one finger or writing
them longhand with a fountain pen.
( No, dear ladies, permit us to apeak
as one with some experience, and to
venture the prediction that no male
employer is going to trifle that way
with the dress, or undress, of his
employes. There Is a point past
which. If he Is wise, and in most
cases he is, he will not go, and he
will labor alone in pained silence,
content to let neck and skirt hem
approach each other until the, one
fades into the other, so lone as the
letters continue to flow through the
little mills in a steady stream with
no more than 'the'usual number of
errors and the dove of peace rests
upon the rack where the stenograph
ers hang their gorgeous bonnets.
Anyway, what has a club woman
got to do with a stenographer's
wearing apparel? If the typist
chooses peekaboo waists and short
skirts it is because the club women
have worn them first. If she wears
silk hose and puts it on display it is
because she sees it first on some club
woman, and concludes that she has
a perfectly good excuse to go and do
likewise. Indeed, if we may take
the freedom to say so, the stenog
rapher often has the better excuse
of the two.
So the Syracuse ladles may as well
make up their minds that their hus
bands are not going to wreck their
working forces by trifling with so
serious a feminine problem as dress,
but if they are really in earnest
about the reform let them first set
the example by uniforming them
DB STOKES, speaking at the
Chamber of Commerce lunch
eon yesterday, referred to Har
risburg's so-called "sanitary hos
pital" as a "pesthouse" and a "dis
graceful shack," and nobody in Hat -
rlsburg took offense. The definition
might be criticised for its mildness;
certainly the doctor did not exag
gerate. The "shack" is more than a
disgrace; it is a crime. It is doubt
ful if any court in the land would
force a patient to accept treatment
there. The name "sanitary hos
pital" is a misnomer. It should be
"insanitary hospital."
Dr. Stokes ottered the people of
the city who are interested In the
building of a model, modern hospital
for contagious disease patients much
good advice and many suggestions
gleaned from the inspection and
study of similar Institutions the
country over. And he warned them
to keep its management free from
politics. It indeed would be disas
trous to mix politics with the con
duct of such a hospital as is pro
posed. But we need not fear that
here. This city has for the most
part divorced its public improve
ments and public service institutions
from political control. Or, if there
has been politics In their conduct It
has been of a kind that has not op
erated to the disadvantage of the
That we need a contagious disease
hospital goes without saying. But
in planning for its erection those
who have the movement in charge
should think well of the location. It
should be so placed as to be within
easy reach of the heart of the city
and, the building of a large general
hospital in conjunction therewith or
nearby should be considered.
The day is past when a contagious
disease hospital is feared by per
sons residing nearby. The old idea
that germs float about in the air
near such places has been disproved
and it is now known that there is
no danger to the public from such
places, especially where every safe
guard is thrown about the institu
tion to prevent contagion. There will
be no objection on that score, but,
nevertheless, the matter of site will
be one of the big problems that will
have to be solved.
THE socalled "Labor and So
cialist congress" at Berne
Switzerland, is disturbed be
cause America Is not represented in
its sessions and takes the United
States to task for not granting pass
ports to those desiring to attend
The answer is that the only Ameri
cans desiring to attend the "con
gress" were undesirables. it was
suggested that Samuel Gompers
would be entirely acceptable to the
United States administration, but
Gompers very emphatically replied
that he wanted no part in this gath
ering and the Berne "congress"
didn't want him because he 4a nqt
a Socialist.
These are good signs. They indi
cate that the leadership of Ameri
can labor is not being swept off its
feet by the panacea of radical So
cialism. Gompers appears to be
keeping his feet pretty firmly on the
ground and if his doctrines are a
bit revolutionary, it must be remem
bered that we are living in a revolu
tionary period. Just as American
valor and American sacrifice have
set America upon a high pedestal
before the world, so must American
labor lead European labor into
more peaceful and productive fields.
New days are dawning in America
for the common people, but radical
Socialism and social advancement
by means of "labor parties" are hav
ing no part In bringing them about.
Gompers and his fellows know this
and are guiding themselves accdrd
THE Dry Federation lets it be
known that it intends to con
fine its efforts to the abolition
of the liquor traffic. Well meaning
but mistaken zealots would have
steered it into other channels and to
ward the rocks of discord and dis
sension. The Federation has a big
work before it In the enactment of
legislation for the enforcement of
the qew national amendment. It was
organized purrfly as an anti-liquor
association. It has no other purpose
than the stamping out of the booze
traffic. It has no other mission and
can have no other, as its name Im
One reform at a time la quite
enough. Nothing Would please the
rum element more than to see pro
hibition societies shunted off on sid
ings or prohibition advocates leaving
oft their hunt for bear to pursue rab
bits and chipmunks.
f > tiut44|Coa)ua>
By the Kx- Oommittecmi
The contest of selection of a res
ident clerk of the-House to succeed
William S. Lelb, of Schuylkill, who
has held the place the last half doz
en sessions and which has stirred
up men in politics in the jtate, clos
ed last night when Milton K. Burg
ner, of Chambersburg, was unani
mously selected.
Mr. Burgner has been active in
Franklin county politics for years
and stands tpell in the Cumberland
valley. He is superintendent of the
Chambersburg. Gas Company. He
was at once sworn in.
The Rev. William D. Feldman.
pastor, of the Union Lutheran
Church, of York, was selected by
Speaker Spangler, as chaplain of
the House, to succeed the Rev. S. G.
Zerfass, of Ephrata. Mr. Feldman
recently lost his son, Private Wil
liam J. Feldman, in the battle of
Chateau .Thierry.
Thomas 11. Garvin was re-elected
'chief clerk, a placi he has held
since the session of 1901, which is
going back some. Ira Dale Meals
was reappointed assistant resident
clerk and Frank D. Bowman super
intendent of the store room.
T he filling of the places was the
big thing last night. The Senate
filled 83 and the House 94.
Considerable interest was abus
ed by the appearance in the Sen
ate of a bill reorganizing the State
Department of Agriculture, and giv
ing the State Board of Agriculture
certain powers. It came from Sen
ator H. W. Schantz, Lehigh, and is
supposed to be the bill favored by
the State Board members. It is said
not to be in accord with the ideas
of a centralized department which
are held by Governor Sproul.
—Judging from appearances the
high point of liquor legislation is
going to be around return of liquor
licenses to licensees in event that
prohibition comes effective in less
than a year.
—Gifford Pinchot is said to be
harbering a boom to run for United
States Senator two years hence.
—A bill providing for two addi
tional commonpleas Judges in Alle
gheny county was Introduced by
Dietrich, Allegheny, chairman
of the House Judiciary General
Committee. The bill provides that
the Judges should be elected at the
_ count s' °r municipal election,
the Governor having authority to
make appointments in the mean
•—A series of three bills regulat
ing return judges in congressional
and other elections was introduced
in the House last night by Mr. Fin
ney, of Crawford. One bill ' fixes
places of meeting, another one ar
ranges for county commissioners to
appoint Judges and the third fixes
the Tuesday after the official com
putation of the vote for the time of
meeting. The pay is fixed at JlO
per day.
—Honorably discharged soldiers,
sailors ana marines are to be given
"a substantial preference" in ap
pointments and promotions in all
departments and upon public works
of the state whenever they have
"the adequate capacity" under the
provisions of a bill Introduced in the
House by Mr. Stadtlander, Alle
gheny. The bill carries a penalty
of from *lOO to *5OO fine or 30 days
in prison or both.
—The proposition to repeal the
nonpartisan judicial law
which is now pending in a Senate
committee, is commencing to at
tract much attention from many
people. There is opposition to such
a move and yet many thinking men,
those familiar with politfcg, favor it
The Philadelphia Press in urging
that the act be repealed or changed
says: "It is not only unsatisfactory
but dangerous. The direct primary
law is a different matter. No good
reason has yet been shown why that
should be repealed. It is true that
it has not proved revolutionary
either for good or evil. Noting the
men who have been nominated and
elected under the direct primary
system no one can say that the same
men would not have been nominated
and elected under the convention
system. An unpopular and very un
desirable candidate was sometimes
foisted on the party by the -conven
tion system but that cannot well be
done under the direct primary."
—Discussing the constitutional
convention movement the Philadel
phia Bulletin says: "At the time
of the convention which submitted
the present constitution to the peo
ple, the population of Pennsylvania
numbered less than four millions to
day it is estimated to be nearly nine
millions, or more than that of all
Canada or of Ireland and Scotland
together, and none of it has known
the year when It was not larger than
it was before. It is larger than
that of the United States when Madi
son was President, it will be at
least half a million larger before
Senator Sproul will leave the gu
bernatorial office. In Philadelphia
there has been an enormous growth
of population in the era covered by
the. present constitution. At the
time of the convention it was not
more than about seven hundred
thousand: to-day it Is probably not
less than one million eight hundred
thousand—a commonwealth In itself
rather than a municipality in the
old sense of that term. This Greater
Philadelphia has been paralleled in
kind by the Greater Piltsburgh, and
both these cities are now more popu
lous than all the state was when
Senator Penrose was in his swaddling
clothes. Everywhere in the state
villages have grown into towns and
towns into cities, and Scranton,
Wilkes-Barre, Reading. Bethlehem,
Harrisburg, Lancaster, York, Al
toona and- Erie have developed into
notable examples of urban growth
What a transformation, too, has spe
cially come about in the town of the
[Governor since he first saw it as a
boy—the quiet little Chester, of per
haps ten or eleven thousand Inhabi
tants. with the enterprising John
Roach s shipyard as its chief object
of attention from outsiders!"
Wanted Warning
Mr* McAdoo should have given us
some warning. One has an uncom
fortable feeling that hnlf of the
United States government has re
signed.—From ' the Charlestown
News and Courier.
They All Like Him Anyway
An optimist is usually popular and
quite often his facts are wrong
From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
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General Wood and New Army
(Prom the Philadelphia Inquirer)
General Leonard Wood worthily
wears the rare jewel of consistency.
He insists that it is quite as impor
tant to come to a sensible decision
regarding the future defense of this
country as it was before the war. He
made an address before the Kansas
Legislature the other day and the
applause and enthusiasm which
greeted his talk proved that the idea
of preparedness is growing In the
West. That section of the country
was a long while in becoming
aroused, but once it gained its stride
xt gave a good account of itself.
General Wood says that the only
plan worth considering is universal
military training. This does not
mean a large standing army; on the
contrary, it means just the reverse.
This authority upon this most im
portant subject puts it in these
'To keep the smallest number of
men in uniform as a standing army,
but to have the largest number thor
oughly trained to be ready when the
country calls is the plan. The pre
diction that there will be no war is
as old as time, but war is like a pes
tilence. It comes unawares and the
most democratic method for a na
tion like ours it to be prepared. You
cannot massage away by fine rhe
toric the passions of nations whose
methods and morals are entirely
different from our own."
General Wood's plan is to train
young men for six months. The 10th
Division, he asserts, was brought to
perfection in four months. Inci
dentally, the idea of combining in
dustrial and military training js
being tried at Camp Funston. But
the main thing is not to forget, in
our hour of victory, that we were
unprepared when we were forced to
go into the war, and that it is al
ways possible for such a condition
to occur in the future. When we
consider what has happened in the
world in the last few years we are
more willing than ever to admit that
anything is possible.
Talk of preparedness, after a war,
may sound futile and unnecessary,
but General Wood knows what he is
talking about, and he deserves
credit for sticking to the subject
with such bull-dog tenacity.
[From the Philadelphia Press.]
Governor Sproul has acted
promptly in the matter of Postmas
ter Generad Burleson's * increased
telephono charges. The Public Serv
ice Commission, rightly construed
this Federal "action as an invasion
of its authority and the reserved
right of the state to handle all such
matters that lie wholly within its
boundaries. Governor Sproul ap
proves the commission's stand and
the whole power of the state will
be used in legal resistance of Fed
eral interference with a purely state
prerogative. '
We may get cheaper telephone
rates as a result but the Question of
authority is the really vital issue in
the case. The war is over, at least
President Wilson has said so. Are
the war powers which Congress so
freely bestowed upon the President
to continue to be operative in peace?
If they can, then it is clear that a
silent revolution has taken place in
our form of government.
It is time to And out Just where
the states stand and what measures
of self-determination is left to them
The issue raised by shrdulshrdlu
under the Wilson Administration,
eral Burleson's order resisted by
Governor Sproul will bring the ques
tion before the United States Su
preme Court at the suit of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania. The is
sue is one of paramount importance
to each one of the forty-eight states
of the Union.
The United States Steel Corpora
tion employs nearly 400*,000 people.
The total trade union member
ship in Canada numbers over 200,-
The English Government plans to
build 800,000 cottages for workmen.
Eleven iron and copper mines are
now in operation on the Isle of
Toronto painters have voted for a
closed shop in all departments of
the trade. \
Health insurance for wage-work-,
ers is now being considered by nine
States. ,
Many of the waiters employed in
I Chicago hotels earn as high as |2OO
'a month. . ,
"Inborn Gentlemen, All of Them"
(N. A. Review's Wetkly)
WE HAVE all been very proud
of the war record of our splen
did fellows over there. At
Belleou Woods; at Chateau Thierry;
In the dashing sweep by which the
St. Mlhiel saliept was wrested from
the Huns after they had held it with
a grip of steel for four years; in the
dogged, terrible weeks of deadly
combat in the Argonne—a second
Battle of the Wilderness —our men
added laurels to American arms as
fine as any in our history. We have
been very proud of all this here at
home. We have been proud of the
tributes paid to the gallantry of our
men and officers by all the Allied
commanders—by Marshal Foch, by
General Haig, and, in his modest,
straightforward, soldierly narrative,
by. our own Pershing.
They all tell the same story. It is
a very old story. It has been told
over and over again. If is the same
story which has been writ large
across the pages of history whenever
( the deeds of American soldiers have
been recorded. But it never stales
in the telling. It thrills American
hearts at its every repetition, and
never has it thrilled them more than
in this, the latest telling.
But the splendid record of our sol
diers does not end with their dash
ing, daredevil record on the field of
battle. They have won other tributes
than those from military command
ers—tributes calculated to stir us all
as profoundly as any that have been
won by their conduct in the smoke
and uproar and fiery hell at the
front. One of the latest of these
comes from the Marquise de Noailles
in a letter to a friend in New York.
She writes:
Bring a smile on somebody's face!
That seems, to be the motto of all
Americans over here. Sugar plums,
chocolate, gasoline, tires, delicious
white bread, all luxuries now un
known are given to the French by
your people. One of the things that
touches me most is the love of the
Americans for little children. In aM
villages you can see little tots
shrieking out in laughter while a
huge boy in khaki romps about for
their own particular amusement.
And then Madame de Noailles
gives us this picture:
A month ago; the middle of the
Champs Elysees; wet dav; mud all
over; motors running about wildly;
Issuing from a refugees committee
and aghast at th© idea of crossing
the a\ enue a poor shrivelled granny
a big burly United States boy who
takes up granny, lifts her In his arms
as if she were a baby, and off she
trots with a hundred 'Mercl bien
Surely a very pretty picture, and
(From Philadelphia Bulletin.)
The new incumbent of the execu
tive office enters it at a time when
a man of his experience, sobriety
of judgment and close familiarity
with the affairs of Pennsylvania is
more than ordinarily needed there.
No one is more alive to the difficul
ties and problems which may arise
in this state as a consequence of un
rest and agitation over the after
math of war, and his attitude on
such questions of social and eco
nomic order, while broad, liberal
and progressive, is also steadfast in
its adherence to tested American
principles of stability and popular
Governor Sproul understands and
appreciates the extraordinary part
which Pennsylvania, with its vari
ety of physical and material power,
has played in helping the nation to
win the war, and especially the tre
mendous aid which she has render
ed the Federal Government in its
revenue from taxation, and so far
as the influence of his policy as to
the relation of Pennsylvania to the
Union is concerned, he will counsel
that Americans should give more
attention to the reconstruction of
their own affairs than to the recon
struction of the affairs of the world.
0 wild woods and rivers and untrod
. sweeps of sod,
1 exult that I know you,
I have felt you and worshipped you.
I cannot be robbed of the memory
Of horse and plain,
Of bird and flower,
Nor the song of the illimitable west
L - •—Hamlin Garland.
we would venture the suggestion that
if the deeds of our men in France
are to be immortalized on canvas by
the Detailles and de Neyvilles of the
War with the Hun, the record
would hardly be complete were this
episode omitted.
"Such inborn gentlemen," con
tinues the Marquise, "all of them,
Is what they are. Remembering their
mothers and sisters, they respect all
women; help the mothers, fight with
the fathers, and will always extend
a loyal hand to the children .May
they long remain with us.'
From all parts of France have
come, tributes like this. TJiey have
fallen as thick as the flowers show
ered on our passing regiments by the
hands of Women, little children, and
all the weaker, more helpless ones
left In war's brutal wake. "Inborn
gentlemen, all of them!" Surely that
is the cap sheaf of all the laurels
our splendid fellows have won! Men
thqy proved themselves in every or
deal that tried men's souls. And
gentle they iproved themselves in
all their contact with those towards
whom courteous respect and helping
kindliness are rights no real man
ever yet has failed to honor.
They have defined the much
abused word "gentleman" in
deeds, not words. They have illumi
nated that old shop-worn definition
with moving pictures which have
made it blaze with a new and a liv
ing light. And the picture of that
frail, flustered, little old "granny"
carried like a child by one of our
khaki clad huskies across that ave
nue of mud and dlzzly skidding autos
is not the least heart-stirring of the
exhibits, by a good deal.
Of a certainty, every , American
man that is a man—every 100-per
cent American man—will tingle
with pride to his finger tips when he
reads of deeds like these as much as
he will when he reads of the dare
devil fighting fury of the same men
when they hurled themselves aguinst
the Unspeakable Beast who wrought
all the wreck and ruin. His eyes,
that blaze with pride in the warrior,
may be mistily dim with the same
emotion that is in the <}herry, light
hearted, bright-faced Bayard in
khaki carrying the burdens of the
weak and helpless, romping with
laughing children, sharing his food
and scanty luxuries with the hungry
and heartsick victims of foul wrong.
No posing. No sentimentalizing. All
of it just in the routine of the day's
work —merely the instinctive, mat
ter-of-course routine of the gentle
man. That's all!
We thank you, Madame de No
ailles. Of course, we always knew it
of our soldiers, but it is good to hear
it from you, and very gracious in
you to say it.
The vote of the faculty of Colum
bia college in. favor of supplement
ing the old-style examination by
psychological tests such as have
been used in the army-is interesting,
but raises several questions. Ad
mission to college is one stage in a
long educational process—is it to
have unique treatment? Is the col
lege ruthlessly to insist that the stu
dent who has matriculated by pass
ing the tests prescribed shall learn
his lesions and demonstrate the fact
Iby passing examinations of the old
fashioned sort? If the laboratory
test is good enough for freshmen it
should serve for a sophqmore and
so on up the scale.
Those who through misfortune
have had to read many doctorial dis
sertations may perhaps feel that
there is something in the theory, and
that no "Ph. D." should be granted
till the candidate had passed the
psychological tests for intelligence
as distinguished from knowledge. It
will be well, however, to keep some
of the old-fashioned universities, be
cause there is reason to suspect that
not a few distinguished but peculiar
men would have had difficulty in
passing the tests. Extraordinary
qualities are not infrequently asso
ciated'with odd defects. As Mark
Twain observed, also, a wise man
among fools cuts no better figure
than a fool among wise men.—
Springfield Republican.
The Necessary Horse
,*'Do you think the motor will en
tirely supersede the horse?"
"I hope not," rplled Farmer
C<yntosscl. "There must be some
market fur hay. I depend on what
I make on hay to buy gasoline."—
Washington Star. '
I came upon the name an hour ago
Of Silas Drew, Just half way down
/ the list
Of "Soldiers Killed In Action." Well
I know
That he'll be missed.
He was so commonplace and prone
to thrive
On little-village life, it doesn't
He could be dead that way. He
used to drive
Peck's order team.
And even now his eyes look into
The order book poised deftly on
his palm:
"W>ell, what's today. Our grapes
are extra fine?
I thank you ma'am."
The little church will miss his
freckled face
Beside the shrill soprano's; and
the queer
Abrupt explosions of his cautious
Still haunt my ear.
And now he is dead in France,, like
some old knight
Who fought with paynims in the
long ago
For his fair lady. And it seemed
To have it so.
Ah, dear Democracy, how many
And strong and wise who left a
shining: name
In storied verse have gone into the
For your true fame!
But yet to me there lies some special
Of finer grace in this: that Silas
Drew •
Should clamber down from his old
order team
To die for You.
Ralph Mortimer Jones, In the
Souths Companion.
(Thomas L. Masson in the Outlook)
Some people think that ignorance
'•.rrJr v n cumulation of facts.
But that hypothesis reveals a lack
of imagination. Ignorance, anv
more than knowledge, is not con
cerned with facts. It is . concerned
i I ®r ßely wlth feeling, and feel
!ntelligence. Pr U °* ° f ° ne ' B Keneral
The Germans had plenty of facts
at their disposal, but they were
ignorant. Their feeling was not in
telligently distributed over certain
areas of their national conscious
This is true, more or less, of all
of us. When we art truly ignorant,
it is a cgse of arrested development
in certain directions. A man who
has not brought up a family may
ha\'e at his call all the statistics
about families. But he is truly igno
rant in the sense of not being de
veloped in the feelings that intimate
contact with one's family produce.
To have knowledge of a particular
thing is simply to come in con
tact with it in such a manner that
one's feeling has been aroused about
We acquire knowledge largely by
contemplation and meditation. But
the thing we are learning about
must Impose itself upon us in such
a way that we are forced to under-i
stand it through our feelings and
not our .-inds.
There is Nothing harder to over
come than ignorance. It must be
beaten to a standstill. We have done
this to the Germans. We must
now conclq.de our moral contract by
bringing them into contact with the
right things.
(From Pennsylvania Farmer.)
In the organization of the Penn
sylvania Legislature, Mr. M. M.j
Hollingsworth, of Chester county,
was made chairman of the ,House
committee of agriculture. Latest
reports indicate that E. E. Jones,
of Susquehanna county, will
head the agricultural • mmittee In
the Senate. Both tfttse men are
experienced legislator* and both
are farmers. The selection .of these
men, together with the appointment
of Secretary of Agriculture who
aims to serve agriculture father
than a political party or faction,
makes a promising setting for some
constructive farm k^islation.
Walking in tTie *latnes
Let your heart, therefo>, t>, jrerl
- with the Lord our God, to walk'
in his statutes and to keep his com
mandments, as at this day—l Kings,
vUL 1, , (
|Etottiitg CMpd
Until it wan announced that t
State Gome Commission anthoritl
proposed to stock the state's gai
preserve in the Likens valley pre
ably very few people knew that t
Commonwealth owned land in Da
phin county, much less a game pi
*rve. As a matter of fact, t
state has a One forest reserve, pt
tions of which will soon be reren
producing In the WUligms townsl
region. It amounts to 6..&Q0 aei
and is known as the Haldeman i
serve, named in honor of a not
Harrisburg man who owned land
that district when the coal rrrir.
were opened and who was interest
in forestry. The State game pi
serve takes up about S.tbO acres
that land and Is surrounded by
wire with frequent notices.
consider it one of the nicely local
preserve and well adapted for w
life," said Dr. Joseph Kalbfua s<
retary of the State Game Comm
slon. "We have placed forty-f
deer and numerous turkeys a
small game in its woods and h
to make upper Dauphin hunti
what it used to be. If the spor
men and farmers and people up tl
way will help us we will soon ma
the reserve worth while. The mi
thing is to prevent illegal huntl
and to keep dogs away." It is <
pected that In the course of a f
years there will be deer hunting
Dauphin county after a lapse
years and that the elusive wild ti
key, who has been shewing a tei
eney to go toward the Maryland 11
will again give sport to our 0'
hunters within easy automot
• • •
Harrisburg people and many fo
connected with the Legislature v
be interested to read thiß about
former senator from the Lawren
Beaver district, -which comes fn
the 80th division headuarters ©v
seas: "Lieut. Col. 'Joe' Thomps
former Pitt football star and eoa
has been appointed athletic direc
for the entire Second Army,
came over with the One Hundi
and Tenth Infantry, a former Pel
sylvania National Guard Regime
and rendered such good service
the front lines that he was mi
lieutenant colonel of the regime
The athletic soldier now ts at •
head of a sport system for the m
than 100,000 men composing
Second Army. The appointment gi
general satisfaction and it ts felt t
a more competent man could not
selected. The Yanks always are k<
for a man in such a position who 1
actually brayed the same dang
with them. This Lieut. Col. Thon
son did. Captain Ewlng RafTerty,
Pittsburgh, the former Prince
athletic star, has been named
theatrical director of the Twen
'eighth Division."
*• * .
Captain Lyle E. Van Vleck,
Pittsburgh, formerly an officer of
Eighteenth Regiment. Natio
Guard, now an officer of the C
Hundred and Eleventh Infantry,
just been promoted to the Person
Division of the American Expe
tionary Forces at Chaumont and
on his way to take up his new dut
It is probable that this new w
would carry an advancement In ri
for Captain Van Vleck were it
for the recent order halting all p
motions. In Pittsburgh Captain I
Vleck made his home with fort
United States District Jtorney
Lowry Humes. Before going to
Border 'two years ago he was st
superintendent of highways of E
• * •
Pennsylvania's warfare on cro
which was launched by the St
Game Commission to rid farmers
nuisances and wild life, especii
insect destroying birds of the m
ace of the destroyer of nests t
young birds, has been having tv
serious results for the blackcoa
denizens of the waste places acco
ing to reports coming here.
Game Commission recently issue
circular to game protectors i
sportsmen urging that they ti
steps to protect the game bii
particularly those useful to farm
and for feeding of quail, which h
proved valuable in ridding fields
potato bugs and especially for cle
ing out crows. Greatl numbers
crows have been reported froir
dozen counties and the state auth
ities suggested the use of corn d
tored with strychnine, but placed
that domestic animals would
get it. The open winter, howe l
has caused a number of farrc
and sportsmen to determine ui
more active measures and insteac
scattering around the poiso
grain, they have organised shot i
parties and raided the roosts of
crows, shooting them down by
score. The crows have habits
congregating and in some sectl
of the state hundreds of them h
been observed within a small ar<
• *
The record of the State High
Department in the shows <
125 men in the army and it is I
slble that this number may be
creased when the struggle is ofl
ally over. In a number of dlstr
men entered the service for si
periods. Chief Engineer Will
D. Uhlcr rose to the rank of 1
tenant colonel, while W. R. M
the auditor, became a lieutenan
the navy. c. E. Myers becam
major, while the following were <
talns£ H. A. Douglas, F. E.
ter, J. S. Ritehcy, and F. C. Dorw
these being lieutenants: James
gef, J. G. English, Joseph F. Sny
James C. Fitzpatrick, Ha
Thompson and Paul P. Porter.
—rMajor R. A. Keitly, of the ai
has been named as pathologist
the Gelslnger hospital at Danvl
Robert S. Judge, in charge of
department of justice activitiei
Pittsburgh district, has resigned
will likely go back to Westj Vlrgl
A Helpful Hint
If you have a song to sing d
wait until next spring. Slxtq
If you know a funny thing don't
the point take wing. s Tell it i
If you have a Job of iporty d
mule and lop and shirk; G<
If you always do this way, sing
Joke and work each day, 'twil
fun. . s
—Tennyson J,. Dat
The Wherewithal
Knlcker —A big university will
ply a psychology test for new i
Bocker —But father will still
subject to the Bradstreet test.
Good Until July Ist
Congressmen from wet rej
C6.u .-©ngratulate themselves tha
District 3c no longer tea miles sat