Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 27, 1919, Image 1

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    President Visits Devastated Regions of France; Awed i tele of Ruin and Desolation
oq i A T>AfTTC Dally Except Sunday. Entered as Second Class
111 AO. £3 1H- I /VVJIIO Matter at the Post Office at Harrlsburg
iooo MEN TO
ivisions Suggested as
•ica's Contribution to
my of Occupation
iSTS ARMY OF 500,000
nt Wilson to Dctcr
ic Strength of Men
soldiers Needed For
verhead" Duty to
By Associated Ft ess
iiKton, Jan. 27. General
:hief of staff, informed the
nilitary committee to-day
ipping arrangements had
de by •which three hundred
1 men might be transported
onthly and that all of the
i Expeditionary Force
! returned home and de
-1 within six months,
are still about 785,000 men
in the United States and
be demobilized within a
•om to-day, except those re
or "over head" duty, Gcn
ch added. Up to noon last
, he said 104,000 men had
from overseas,
tany Americans will be hqld
n the Army of Occupation
determined by President.
General March stated, but
riericans already have been
xl for return home than
v proposed by Marshal
Ie indicated that ten divi
tl been suggested as Arner
ilribution to the Army of
sing demobilization plans
• with the committee, Gen
irch said retention of an
i standing army of 500,000
[lon't ever expect to re
jw 500.000 men —if we can
ho said,
gc sufficient to transport
ncn monthly will be avail
explained, through ships al
r the Atlies combined with
passenger tonnage, and the
ons are virtually com
about 1,800,000 Americans
seas, the chief of staff said,
ling capacity of 000,000
shall make it possible to
nd demobilize all within six
'sliing Urged to Speed
3 President agrees to leave
iions, or whatever number,
•my of occupation," he said,
make it in less time. From
ining. General Pershing was
d to return men as fast as
was available."
ng of the 785,000 men still
at home. General March
• single man will be out of
ithin one month from to
pt those retained for over
I Senators said they had
many complaints because
which had seen long serv
seas apparently were to be
sent home.
>olioy, General March said,
tly in accordance with niili
is to hold experienced men
rmy of occupation, adding:
II keep men who will not
xcite the Germans—or who
able to run over them if
om Narva Before
It Was Captured
n, an. 27.—A dispatch to
hange Telegraph from Co
i quoting adkices received
1 .are to the effect that Leon
the Bolshevik minister of
marine, succeeded In es
•om Narva before that town
tured, but that a regiment
ed Guard and a number of
rs were made prisoner.
irrow Escape When
:omobile Turns Turtle
'oltz, a son of J. Ezra Foltz,
narrowly escaped serious
l Saturday while driving an
ile on the road to Ooleborok.
liine skidded from the road
ihed through a fence, one
■ails jamming through the
Id. missing P'oltz by inches
i leaned to one side. The
rturned in the field and
crawled from beneath the
the engine was still run
'oltz escaped with a few
ns and bruises.
rrlnburgr nnd vlclnltyi Fair
ght and Tuesday | not
i change In temperature,
■t to-night about 35 de
astern Pennsylvania! Fair
ght nnd Tuesdayi moder
temperiiturei freak nt
wer portion of the main
will rise slightly or re
nenrly stationary to-night
fnll slowly Tuesdayi the
r portion will begin to fnll
y thin afternoon or to-
I. All brunches will fnll.
ige of nbout 5.0 feet I* lo
rd for Hnrrlahnrg Tuesday
Women Directing D. A. R. Conference
President General Pennu. State Regent Regent Hostess Chapter
Wide Range in Quotations Is i
Found in Local Gro
cery Stores
Mild Weather and Coming of j
Spring Has Effect on
Butter and eggs in the Harrisburg j
markets, already started on the|
downward path, to-day are selling!
at considerably lower figures than !
they were ten days ago. But the 1
decline has not been nearly so rapid 1
in this territory as it has been in)
others. |
One dealer, who aims to sell hisj
goods at figures below those of his!
competitors, reports a <'~op of BP- |
proximately thirteen per cent, in the
prices of both the best grade of j
creamery butter and fresh eggs
within the past ten days. Other j
dealers report radical drops in prices
although the figures have not had)
such a downward tendency as they
have in the first instance.
Wide Range in Prices
To-day's selling prices for cream
ery butter range from 65 to 72 cents,
whereas on January 17 it was rang
ing between 75 and 77 cents. The
drop in the price of eggs has been j
similar. To-day they are selling at \
from 65 to 70 cents and ten days)
[Continued on Page 11.]
Governor's Mother
Rapidly Improving
Mrs. William H. Sproul, mother of
the Governor, who was taken ill on
inauguration day, has almost com
pletely recovered. She has been
able to take a drive along the River
side Road.
Mrs. William C. Sproul. the wife
of the Governor, contrary to an im
pression which seems to have been
prevalent in Harrisburg. did not go
to lier home in Chester over Sunday.
Mrs. Sproul said this morning that
she expected to spend all of her
time in Harrisburg, whose people
she had found most delightful and
the city charmingly located.
Dr. Stokes Says It Is "Dis
graceful Shack;" Arouses
Audience to Action
Speaking at a joint luncheon to
day of the Harrisburg Chamber of
Commerce. Rotary Club, Civic Club,
Kiwanis Club and city and county of
ficials at the Penn-Harris hotel. Dr.
John H. Stokes, of the Mayor Clinic,
Rochester. Minn., auspiciously open
ed the campaign for a new. model
contagious disease hospital for Har
risburg and vicinity.
Dr. Stokes struck a popular nolo
when he said that it is little less than
a crime to send patients to "the
[Continued on Page J;L]
Special Election Called
to Fill Seats Vacated by |
Sproul and Beidleman
Lieutenant. Governor Edward E.
Beidleman has.called a special elec
tion for choosing of senators in
Dauphin and Delaware counties on
February 25 to fill vacancies caused
by the election of Governor Sproul
and himself. At the same time Rad
nor township, Delaware county, will
vote on a loan.
Frank A. Smith seems likely to
succeed the lieutenant-governor in
this county and ex-Speaker Richard
J. Baldwin to take the Sproul seat.
The special election in Harrisburg
will have to wait until enabling leg
islation is passed. It is now in the
Senate and one of the provisions is
thirty days' notice. City Council
cannot act until the Legislature
passes the bill.
By Associated Press
Washington, Jan. 27.—Revo
cation of President Wison's power
to return railroads under Govern
ment control to their private
owners any time within twenty
one months after peace is de
declared was proposed in a bill
introduced to-day by Senator
Cummins, of lowa, a Republican
member of the Senate Interstate
Commerce Committee, which is
studying railroad legislation. It
was referred to the committtee.
Dauphin's Aviator Expected
to Reach Here Early
Walter D. Shaffer, Dauphin avia
tor, with the French flying corps
during the greater part of the war. Is
expected home to-morrow evening.
He will arrive in the port of New
York City on the steamer Lorraine,
whose time of arrival is quoted as
early to-morrow morning by the
shipping news.
Shaffer enlisted with the French
flying corps shortly after the decla
ration of war and saw considerable
service with the unit until his flght
ing was ended when he was shot
down in battle.
Before he was taken by the Ger
mans, Adjutant Shaffer brought down
two airplanes and a balloon fell to
his prowess. When the unit entered
into an engagement with the Ger
mans over their own lines, Shaffer's
machine was hit and he was taken
prisoner. He was liberated some
weeks ago following the signing of
the armistice.
Wearing his Croix de Guerre with
its two palm leaves, Adjutant Shaf
fer will receive a great reception
when he arrives in Dauphin borough.
Final arrangements are being per
fected by the townspeople to give
l him a welcome.
Much Game Placed to Build
Up One-Time Famous
Hunting Grounds
Forty-five fine deer, bought by
the State Game Commission from a
North Carolina man who had pur
chased them in Michigan for his pri
vate preserve, have just been liber
ated in the Lykens game preserve.
The deer were brought from North
Carolina under-the direction of Field
Superintendent Fred W. Kelly, who
says that they stood the trip well
and that the animals are tine ones.
The state game authorities recent
ly placed a number of wild turkeys
in this upper Dauphin preserve,
which contains 3,200 acres and is
nine miles in circumference, being
located in the wooded region of the
Dykens valley, formerly one of the
greatest hunting places in the state.
Numerous ring-necked pheasants
have been placed in this preserve
and further stocking will be under
taken. It is the preserve nearest to
the state capital and the greatest
interest is being taken in it.
These deer are among the best we
could buy and it is up to the sports
men to help us to protect them,"
said Dr. Joseph Kalbfus, secretary
of the State Game Commission. "The
North Carolina man had to sell them
because the natives were killing
them off. I wa.it to ask our Dauphin
county sportsmen whether they will
not aid us in protecting the deer and
small game and prevent dogs from
running them and get after any il
leal hunters. I think they are inter
ested and that we can count upon
their assistance. There is a chance
to make a great preserve in that
Many Social Functions Are
Planned For Guests of
Local Chapter
(Reports to Show War Work
Accomplished by Pa
triotic Order
Delegates lo the Pennsylvania
j State Conference, Daughters of the
I American Revolution, are arriving
| in the city with their spinning wheel
; and distaff insignia and by this eve
jning practically two hundred will
have registered. All business ses
sions will be held in convention hall
of the Penn- Harris, whioh is heatf
i quarters for the conference. Mrs.
! Anthony Wayne Cook, the state re
j gent, will preside and there will be
| prominent speakers, both men and
1 women, at all sessions.
The state D. A. R. lias done much
war work and the reports to be
presented will be complete, for
these local Daughters have pur
chased liberally of Liberty Bonds,
furnished complete several ambu
lances for France, and given kitchen
trailers and diet kitchens to the
camps at home. They have entered
actively into Red Cross and enter-
I gency aid work, financing their own
i gifts to these organizations and done
much efficient service along Amer
icanization lines One of the most
important enjoyable parts of the
program will be the reports of chap
ter regents, giving a resume of their
own special "doings." The social
events of the week are for the con
ference, visiting daughters and
guests. Members of Harrisburg
do not have the guest privilege for
these functions at the Executive
Mansion, Mrs. William Bailey's and
at the See House.
The complete program for the
conference will be found on page 4.
Secretaries of Eastern Penn
sylvania Meet to Take Up
Plans For Year
Boys' work secretaries of Eastern
Pennsylvania are in conference in
the assembly room of the Central
Y. M. C. A. to-day. Approximately
twenty-five men are in attendance.
The conference opened at 9.30
o'clock this morning. A number of
important topics were discussed,
among them being a Bible class
campaign for the spring of 1919;
how to hold boys in Bible study.
Exchange of Ideas on father and
son week; a good boys' work pro
gram for a "one secretary" associa
tion; and a suitable series of games
for older boys' socials. H. J. Schmidt,
Harrisburg, state boys' work secre
tary of the Y. M. C. A., gave a re
port of the sessions of a conference
for boys' work secretaries held in
Chicago last December.
Dr. J. George Becht, secretary of
the State Board of Education, who
has recently returned from France,
gave an interesting talk on his ex
periences and Impressions, at a
luncheon of the secretaries held at
A. JL Dinsmore, boys' work secre
tary of the local "Y," is president of
the gathering.
Brussels. Jan. 27. —President Wil
son Intends to accept the invitation
of King Albert to visit Brussels, it
Is said in well Informed circles, but
has not yet fixed the date for his
trip because of the press of business
in Paris.
Reds Force Back Yanks and Russ
By Associated Press
London, Jan. 27. —Allied forces on- the front south of Archangel,
mainly American and Russian troops, have evacuated the town of
Shenkursk under Bolshevik pressure and withdrawn to a shorter
line north of the town, according to an official statement front the
British War Oflice to-day on operations in northern Russia. The
Americans and Russians had withdrawn to Shenkursk to avoid being
outfbinked by the Bolsheviki, who attacked them on January 22-23
after a bombardment of three days.
France and Great Britain Oppose Restoration in Order
to Prevent Establishment of Submarine Bases in
Colonial Possessions; Claims of the Bel
gians; Uchida Speaks For Japan
By Associated Press
I'orls, Jan. 27.—The Supreme Coun
cil of the Peace Conference met at
10.30 o'clock this morning. There
was a full attendance of the mem
bers. A number of technical ad
visers on colonial matters, including
three Americans, accompanied the
various delegations as they entered
the Foreign Office for the day's ses
One of the questions which the
Supreme Council was expected to
take up to-day was the ultimate fate
of the German colonies. France and
Great Britain, it is declared, are
agreed that under no consideration
shall the colonies revert to Germany.
One reason for such a decision is that
it would render it Impossible for Ger
many to establish submarine bases in
Iter colonial possessions. The Amer
ican attitude is as yet unrevealed.
Claims of Belgium
A prominent official declared to
the Associated Press to-day that
should the Franco-British viewpoint
prevail the German kamerun would
be taken over by the French; In ae
oordanee with an agreement reached
by Great Britain and France. Bel
gium lavs claim to that part of the
Congo which site conquered by force
of arms, the Belgian troops having
captured Tabora and the territory
lying beyond the western slopes of
Lake Victoria Nyanza. The Belgians
also desire a strip of territory along
the left bank of the Congo, the delim
ination, of course, to be settled amic
ably with Portugal, territorial com
pensation being given the letter,
t chldn Speaks For .Inpnn
The Japanese delegation will, in
its attitude on questions coming be-
But One in Thousand With
Such Hair, Tenafly Medi
cal Examiner Savs
Tonally. X. Y„ Jan. 27—Although
expressing the belief that the richly
clad young woman whose body was
found yesterday between two boul
ders on a ledge of the Palisades near
here had committed suicide, Dr.
W* E. Ogden, local medical exam
iner, said he might' postpone the
autopsy for several days, hoping
that identification meanwhile would
lead to the solution of the mystery
of her death. He expressed the be
lief she had committed suicide:
The woman, according to Dr. Og
den, was about 22 years old. Her
hair was unusual in color, being "a
shade between a light brown and
auburn, with a glint of red in it."
Only one woman in a thousand, he
said, would have such tresses. She
wore a fur coat, a round fuzzy felt
hat, a blue serge tailored suit, cash
mere stockings with black and
brown stripes, and silk underwear.
To reach the ledge where the
body was found, Dr. Ogden said, the
woman would have had to lower
herself by clinging to brush that
gave a precarious handhold.
The body was concealed by two
huge boulders. There were no signs
of violence on the body and little
evidence to support a theory of sui
cide can be found.
The face was swathed in bandages
over which apparently had been
poured the contents of a chloro
form bottle, found near by. The
young woman appeared to have
been dead for three or four weeks.
The body was frozen.
There was nothing on the cloth
ing to give any clue as to the young
woman's identity. Even the name
of the druggist from whom the
chloroform was purchased, had been
erased from the label on the bottle.
C'liamliershurg, Jan. 27. —George
A. Woods, East Lincoln Way, who
has been seriously ill with pneumo
nia at his home for the pust ton
days, was reported this morning to
be somewhat improved. For several
days if was feared he would not live,
hut physician advanced hope for
his recovery to-day. He is at the
head of T. B. Woods' Sons Power
Transmnssln Plant, and Is presi
dent of the Kationu! Bank of Cham-]
fore the Peace Congress, be inspired
by sentiments expressed by Viscount
Uchida, the Japanese Foreign Mlnis
kr, on the opening of the Diet at
Tokio, Japan's senior delegate, Baron
Makino, said to the Associated Press
to-day. The Japanese will, first of
all, contribute in every way possible
to the conclusion of a just and per
manent peace and neither expect nor
desire any territorial expansion in
China, or Siberia, he said.
While declining to discuss with the
press any questions likely to come
before the Congress, Baron Makino
W ill.'jig lo Mil Russia
"Our Minister of Foreign Affairs
may be regarded as having expressed
the views of the peace delegates In
outlining the broad policies of Ja
pan. He disposed of any question as
to Japan's relations witli Russia by
declaring that she neither intends or
desires tj interfere in Russian af
fairs. but is willing, if solicited, to
aid Russia in restoring order.
Asked as to' the disposition of
Tslng-Tao, Baron Makino again re
ferred to the Foreign Minister's ad
dress, saying:
China lo Get Tslng-Tno
"Viscount Uchida left no room for
doubt as to where Japan stands when
lie said that If at the Peace Congress
Japan was ven the right freely to
dispose of Tsing-Tao she will* hand It
back to China under the terms of the
notes exchanged between China and
Japan' in May, 1915."
"The belief is expressed in French
official circles that the preliminaries
for peace will be finished and ready
for submission to the French cham
ber between March 15 and March
31," says the Paris edition of the
London Daily Mail.
Changes From War to Peace
Basis Taken Ep in
The first conference of Pennsyl
vania lodges of the International
Association of Machinists is being
held in the Grand Army hall to-day.
Among the important matters being
discussed are the matter of unem
ployment, government ownership of
railroads and telegraph and tele
phone systems, the formation of a
State Labor party, discussion on the
stand of advocating a permanent
National War Labor Board and dis
cussion of the American Federation
of Labor reconstruction program.
Delegates are present from each
of the 118 lodges in the state, the
prominent labor officials are also in
attendance. The delegates repre
sent approximately 40,000 machine
shop employes of railroad compan
ies, steel corporations and other
shops of the state.
The purpose of the meeting as
outlined this morning is to effect a
state federation of machinists.
At this morning's meeting J. B.
Gent, of Pittsburgh, was elected as
chairman and David Williams, Al
lentown, as secretary of the con
vention. It is probable that perma
nent officers will be elected this af
ternoon of this evening.
To Elect Officers
Among the speakers at this morn
ing's session were F. 1*". Unger, rep
resenting the State Department of
Labor and Industry and James H.
Maurcr, president of the Btate
Federation of Labor. U. T. Nichol
son and other members of the exe
cutive board of the national asso
ciation made brief addresses. It is
probable the sessions will continue
until to-morrow evening.
At the opening session this morn
ing a telegram was sent to Basil
Manley and William Howard Taft,
joint chairmen of the National War
Labor Board, in regard to the Beth
lehem Steel Company case. "Thou
sands of men are being laid oft and
the back pay due these men will
really alleviate the suffering caused
by unemployment If paid at once,"
says the telegram.
"We believe not only the company
but the government is on trial in
the failure of these men to receive
the wages promised them under
award. Something must be done
ot once to restore confidence of these
men in the government they have
so patiently and willingly trusted."
President Unable to Put His
Feelings Over Desolation
and Ruins into Words
By Associated Press ,
Paris, Jan. 27.—President Wilsoni
yesterday made liis lirst trip to the I
bnttlefront and devastated regions,:
visiting Chateau Thierry and Rheims. I
At the close of a tour that took him
through a dozen razed villages, end
ing in the ruints of the historic
cathedral at Rheims, he said:
"No one can put into words the
impressions I have received amongst
scenes of desolation and ruin."
That was Mr. Wilson's only ex-1
pression of liis feelings after a trip!
that every Frenchman lias been hop-'
ling he would make, this trip takes
part in deciding what is to be ex
acted from Germany for devastation
of Northern France.
Luncli at Clmtcuu Thierry
Accompanied by Mrs. Wilson, Ad
miral Grayson and a very small
party, Mr. Wilson left the Murat resi
dence early in the day and motored
to Chateau Thierry, where lunch was
eaten. The party then proceeded by
■ motor to Rheims, passing through
many ruined villages and along the
old lighting lines. After reaching
Rheims the Presidential party board
ed a special train and returned to
, Paris. Tins last part of the motor
; trip was made in a snowstorm.
\ isits Scene of American Vnlor
The lirst fighting ground was
reached as the party neared Bellcau
Wood,* immortalized in the history
of the war by the gallant fighting of
American marines. The motor cars
| turned off the roads and crawled
perilously through back lanes to
bring the President, close tdt the
place where the fighting took place.
The farmers were plowing the sheli
<* X
4 * ' >3
Washington—A resolution directing the president to X
* * return telegraph, telephone and cable systems to private |I
ownership wihtin- four to six months, regardless of the X
* J status of peace negotiations at that time, is to be the 4*
.reply of the House Committee on Postoffices.an Post X
, roads to the Burleson bill for continued government con
-4s trol of these facilities. X
5 • * ,|
Paris—Upon the adjournment of the Supreme Coun- X
cil at 12.15 o'clock to-day President Wilson went at X
Tj once to the Hotel de Crillon, the American headquarter? ,X
4 where he had a conference with Colonel E. M. House. X
L London—Canadian troops are about to leave Ger- X
T. many. Bonn, which has been their headquarters, will be X
t 4*
Y taken oyer by other British army contingents. The home X
<L of Beethoven is still standing at Bonn, a dispatch from X
T Rent'i t said. X
▼ Washington—An agreement on the administration (X
eg* bill appropriating $100,000,000 for. European famine relief, -X
X was reached to-day by the Senate and House conferees
| after a brief session. 'X
X New York—The death of Rear Admiral Chadwick, U. X
X S. N., retired, at Newport, R. 1., last night was announced X
X here to-day. by the Century Association, which received X
X a telephone message to that effect from Newport . X
X Paris—Portuguese royalists are completely in control X
jft /f thfc pro dnees of Minho and Tras Os Montes, according
2to a wireless dispatch from Madrid to,the Journal des X
4* Debatr, Advices to the same newspaper 6ay that it is X
reported the republican troops which were defeated by X
4* the monarchists at Coimbra are about to go over to the X
4* T
jgi cause of the monarchy. y
*3* It Uarvrr, Maynfaboro. and Ada 11. Wylr, Maat dltai T
fjn Hanard It. bwnrti, Cnrllalr. and Mary H. Hlpftcnaterl. ( aftbrr- T
5 Innd county 9 Rlrhnrd K. Kali and Flora M. Kmery. Went Palrrltnt ftja
*3® William |. Teal, Chicago, and Hrralre T. .Smith, Harrlahar*.
t I'. t"! 1 1 t'.T. t"lt Tit't I
jA A I .
cratered fields as the President stood
beside the {craves of one hundred or
more American boys who gave their
lives at that point and looked across
the strategic valley to Belleau Wood,
a mangled mass of tree trunks and
underbrush, but now a national
monument to the marines, after
whom tho French government have
named the place.
Colonel Edward M. Watson, who
commanded an artillery battalion In
the tight and was later chief-of-slaif
of the 77th division in the Argonno
fighting, stood beside President Wil
son and Brigadier General William
W. Harts, and told the story of the
Then Mr. Wilosn drove up the hill
over which the American troops
smashed the creek Prussian divi
sions mustered there to crush the
"greenhorns" and where the ad
vance on Paris was made. This was
near Chateau Theirry .Mrr. Wilson
saw the ruins of bridges over which
the Americans thrust back the
enemy line and the shell-marked
houses Which survived the battles.
Mayor Greets Wilson
Tlie mayor of Chateau Thierry
greeted Mr. Wilson, who responded
quite informally. He then drove on
towards Rheims, passing along the
ol dbattle line between long lanes
of barbed wire entanglements now
rusting away in the first winter of
peace; between long muddy trenches
reaching over the hills and down
into hollows as far as the eye ctUhl
see, and pas} the wrecks of dugouts,
ammunition dumps, aviation sheds,
[Continued on Page 7.}