14 I YOU CAN HNB HE POSITION YOU OUGHT 10 HAYE HIOUGI A CLASSIFIED Al • IN MEMORIAM IN memory of our dear one, Mrs. Charles Orth, who lef| us two years ago, January 23, 1917. Relentless death among us came, And bitter grief Imparts; It takes the loved ones from our i homes, . But never from our hearts. . Her granddaughter, MAGGIE FETROW CURRAN. 'January 25, 1919.. CARD OF THANKS "" CARD OF THANKS . The Shiremanstown W. C. T. L. de sires to return thanks to all who par ticipated In making the Clam Soup Supper a decided success, lo all wno • contributed, ro those who assisted and to the public for their splendid patronage. LOST .AND FOUND FOUND On November 15, in tin mountains near Rockville, a gold ring with fraternity markings. Owner may secure sume at Telegraph Office by proving property and paying for tnis advertisement. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION In Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting, English, i^OOKKeeping, Peiiiimiisiiip. AriUiiiietlc, etc. DAY AND NIGH 1 SCHOOL OPEN ALL -YEAR. Enter any time. Bell BUSINESS COLLEGE. LI Market St. Chas. R. Bcckley. HELP WANTED —MALE WANTED AT $2,000 TO $6,000 A YEAR Accountants, Bookkeepers, Ledger Clerks, Cashiers, General Office Employes. Capable applicants uro wanted to lake up training at once, without in preference witn tueir tor important positions with the large American industries, railroads bust, peas corporations and the U. a. ut eminent. Big salaries, now are he'ng oifercd to men and women trained in HIGHER ACCOUNTING. Our organization, the largest . and best equipped of its kind, has been cailed upon to train men and women fo CoVt CC an^ e Generai n Accountants.to nXuu'teV&ra! lii com ea ndE xces s Profit Taxes. Auditors v ' Cost Accountants junibr Accountants > , Senior Accountants Certified Public Accountants We make available to you the di rect personal guidance of the largest .-inff of legal and business experts, Eluding Certified Public Account ants aid members of the American Restitute of Accountants, ever organ ized for training men and women. A KNpWjLJ2DGE OF BOOKKEEPING ]S UNNECESSARY We train you from the ground up. Hundred* of men whom we have help ed to bi&ger paying positions report salary increases from 100 to 400 per cent, more than they formerly earn .(l In writing for particulars state MgO' present occupation, and, if pos .jble. vour telephone number. All communications strictly confidential. i • Address * , H„ 6585, Care of Telegraph. ~ \ AUTOMOBILE PAINTERS WANTED AT ONCE. APPLY KEYSTONE MOTOR CAR CO.. 67 SOUTH CAMERON ST. YOUNG MEN l6 and over, are eligible for Government Railway Mail Clerks. $92 month. For free par ticulars regarding examinations, write Raymond Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), 167 Columbian Building, Washington. WANTED, SALESMEN Unlimit ed opportunity for live men in our employ. Limited supply. Heavy de-. mand. Quick sales. Exclusive terri tory. Write us. Charlton Nursery Company. Rochester. N. Y. .VANTED Men wishing positions Firemen. Brukemen. Electric Motor ir.cn. Colored Train Porters. Pennsyl vania. Ohio and New York roads. No experience necessary. SIOO-sloo per month. Quick promotion S2OO-S3OO per month positions. Name position wanted. Inter Railway Dept. 174). In dianapolis. Ind. YOUNG MEN l6 and over, are eligible for government Railway Mail Clerks. $92 month. Examinations soon. For free particulars, write J. C. Leonard (former Civil Service Ex aminer), 426 Kenois Building, Wash ington. . WANTED Grocery salesman for Cumberland Valley trade. Must have experience and reference. Address Box 40, care of Telegraph. WANTED Tire salesman. Must have experience and reference. Ad dress Box H, 6960, care Hurrisburg • (Telegraph. MAN —, Over 25 years, wanted to* work for Grand Union Tea Co. Refer ences required. Apply 208 North Sec ond street. GROCERY CLISRK WANTED—Ex perienced. Permanent position. Good wages to right party. Address L. 7016, cars of Telegraph. WANTED. BARBER Steady man. Call, or address, 36 North Court street, City. WANTED A good boy for store work. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second street. BUTCHER AND MEAT CUTTER WANTED No other. Apply 175 North Front street, Steelton, Cut- Rate Meat Market. FOR SALE SHOE REPAIR SHOP Fully equipped with machinery and motor power, including fix tures, tools, and at', ck. Good lo i cation. Price 9700 1 Miller Brothers & Co. Real Estate ' * > iiMiriyn e Burety Uumiu i 'fkieoet and Court Streets YMeiWr _ EXCHANGED. i GEO. P. HLGOi'SON, "OS LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE - us ORPHKUM THEATER E , BOTH PHONES * CANNEL COAL $8 85 J. B. MONTGOMERY Jus* Phone. j\ ■! FOR eALE " "I Magazines for Nc 1 Llnotypei. A rare bargain for a plant with a No, 1 machine. Address THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPAQ y, Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR SALE —One 800-ft. Arco steam boiler, ÜBed two years Price $l5O. Call Bell phone 28.1. FOR SALE 2 gasoline pumps, nails and surplus hardware. Apply F. C. Lewln. 26 North Third street. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS MEN, WOMEN Raise Belgian Hares for us. We pay you |7 pair and expressage. Free_ illustrated in struction booklet. Unitod Food & I Fur Association. Dept. C-329, West | Forty-eighth street. New York. WANTED —Stable accommodations ! for two horses und two wagons. Ex i elusive use of hay loft. Electric light: 1 ed. Running water. Advise location and state rental. Address: p, o. Box 307, Harrlsburg, Pa. HIGHEST PRICES For ladles' and men s cast off clothing and shoes. Write to Welntraub, 636 Herr street Dial 5171. WANTED Second-hand motors. Small a lie preferred. Apply i FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP. Cranberry Ft. near Secondf HarrDburg. Pa. i — ! I HIGHEST CASH PRICES P*ID fori Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at- 1 tentlon. e , w "hnn 4*f 30S Br °" d Street. Dial phone 4828. | HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all 1 kinds of Junls. Get our Prices before selling. Call Bell phone 938, or. drop us a postal and our wagon will call. Kaystono Metal Co., Broad and Currant streets. i JANUARY 25, 1919: WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICIANS Will find opportunity In ttie sale ot profitable News Agency thriving suburban town. lnfiuenze has deprived the town of its only electrician. No Elec trical Supply siturd in town. Start a business here. The Newspaper Agency will get you acQualnted with the people. BOX R. 7474. Care of Telegraph. 1. COHEN & COMPANY. York and ! ASh v venues- Highest prices paid for; rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and ' metal und old machines. Send postal or (all 3221 W Be " - a "d Dial 6225. HIGHEST PRICKS 1A1D for all kin it, of empty barrels and lunk. Call Bell phone 4275. B Abranis & Son. (.94-832 North Seventh street. MA." FMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and I sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 5847. or drop a pos- I tal to Max Smoltz. 1016 Market street. | Will call, or country. Muucy to lxian ', ' MONEY \ If yol are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money in compliance with me laws of the State. 1 EMPLOYES' LOAN 1 SOCIETY, | ROOM 206 BKRONSR BLDG., THIRD AND MARKET Si KELTS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. i • WE LEND MONEY la compliance I with Act of June 17, 1915, to individu -1 als in need of. ready cash; small loans ; a specialty, business-confidential, pay- I merits to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 182 Walnut Street. Mtpslcal VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUITARS, j BANJOS, Band and Orchestra lnsiru ! meats promipiy uu< "urefully repair | eu. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and : carefully repaired by an expert our/. ! OYLER S. it south Fourth street, 1 IF your Talking Machine needs re i pairs, just call 801 l Phone 3242 J. An | expert will be at your service at once. 1 Or bring machine lo 1213 North Third I afreet. j j HORSES *AXD CARRIAGES I HORSE, CART AND HARNESS FOR ! SALE Cheap to quick buyer. Apply J 1617 Elm street. . F'OR SALE One gray horse, har ; ness and two heavy topped spring ' wagons; all for S6U. inquire J. C. I Hernial), IS North Market Square. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i NO ICE THIS YEAR By acting promptly you may ac [ quire for only one tnousand dollars, I a license without royalty to buy, us ! semble and sell under my exclusive 1 patents, an electrical device that re \ places ice, proven colder, cleaner and i cheaper—-fully automatic uid selt -1 regulating. Parts to assemble can be i purchased in any quantity and can j bo readily assembled anywhere with little labor and no machinery, Quick j turn ,over, tremendous profits. Every i home! farm and store a prospect. This is the coming business. Now is the time to get Into it. Don't wait. Fred W. Wolf, 327 N. Wells street, Chicago, 111. FOR SALS Country Produce, Fish and Oyster Business. Good lo ation. Good-paying, cash trade. Re tiring from business, will sell cheap 10 quick buyer. Address Box K, 7122, tare of Telegraph. SEND name and address for free copy of liolbrook Arizona Tribune; read about the coming oil boom and land of opportunities. Address Thomas, Globe, Arizona. - MINES 4O Claims; near Railroad. Das Cabezas celebrated, rich Uold Ridge. Value caches Millions; large amount, good record, famous for years, Gold, Silver in large propor tions. H. P., Box 418, Willcox, Ariz. AN old-established and growing business in Harrisburg, which is net ting the owners over SIOO a week. Satisfactory personal and Bank refer ences. $12,000 reqquired. Address C, 7017, care of Telegraph. ELEVEN COPPER MINING CLAIMS —Locution Jerome District; farming and grazing laliU in Northern Ari- SH na. J. Hill, llox 819, Prescott, Ariz. I'OK SALE Fruit, confectionery and cigar store. Reasonable price. Roasting cotlee and peanut machine. Good scale .. Inquire at 514 Market street. BUSINESS PERSONALS PAPERIIANGING DONE REASON ABLE Paper furnished if required. Address M., t>sß9, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE OR KENT Large building, 401 South Cameron street. Lot, 370x60. Immediate possession. Braddock, Attorney. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates, Jobbing. First-clas3 work. H. W. llnmmer. 1423 Liberty street. City. Bell 1120. 1 UPHOLSTEF.ING Of the best i iilnu Work guaruntoed. We call an t i deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone I 482 C. ' FURNITURE CRATED And i china packed for shipping. Also re paying. J- A. Bishop. li ; 3e Logan at. I RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz; double edge, 36c | doz; razors. 26c. Gorgas Drug Store. DIAMONDS bought for cash— p. u. I Caplan Co., 206 Market street. i QUININE — Look out for that grippe ! feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE : PHOSPHO-QlilMN W will stave It off 111 taken In time. Uroia Drug Store. : 119 Mm kei street. HAULING AND MOVING I "FOR HIRE Two-ton auto truck l Apply 1108 South Ninth street. Bell phone 245611. AUTO HAULING Anything, any where, furniture moving. E. s. Oa man, 717 South Nineteenth street. Belj IB9IW. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for turnlture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. j. E. Grubber's Truck Service, Irvin Aungst. manager, ilershey. Pa. Bell phons 15R6. BETTER SITUATIONS WANTI This column lias two objects: First, to tieip incu nail women wl now employed to secure better positions; second, to put employers In touch with uu class of workers. WANTED Clerical position by young, married man. skilled In figures HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING Anything:, where, furniture moving, Call 1591VV. • LOCAL AND LONG-DISTA HAULING —Furniture moving. Pre service. Ernest Corbin, 656 Ci street. Both phones. Bell 3636J 3683. HICKS —Local and long-dlst halding. "134 iteily. Both phones AUTO HAULING—LocaI or distance. Furniture and piano mo a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, Capital street. Both phones. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE—Loca long distance. F. J. Martur. Bell Steelton. AUTO IAULINQ —Local and distance. Furniture moving a dally. tates reasonable. Pr< service. Call Bell 623 J. I LOCAL AND LONG - DISTA HAULING Prompt service. A I Motor Express, 917 Capital S' j 801 l phone 1636 J. GENERAL HAULING AND 1 EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby t with auto trucks. Only exporli i and caret'ul drivers. Call Bell or Dial 2265. j ALL KINDS OF HAUL AND MOVING DONE ? j CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKER BELL PHONE 623 W. ' DIAL PHONE 3618. | i __ ! * IVllliKlfi TO DINE ALVA HOTEL "AND RESTAUR ! THE HOME OF SATISFACTI I STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—: j cooking served to Businessmen Ladies In separate diningrooms. Storage STORAGE —419 Broad street, h bold goods, merchandise. Pi • rooms at reasonable rates. Also Inu of all kinds. D. Cooper / , Both phones. STORAGE —In brick building, 408 Market. Household goods In private rooms. Reasonable rate ' G. Diener. 408 Market street. STORAGE' Private rooms • household goods In tireproof house, 13 per month and up. 1 I storage rates in uon-nreproof i house, llurrisburg Storage Co., ! 446 suutn Second street. j i UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. F..CKLER, FUNERAL Dli -TOR, 1312 Derry _iu j BELL 1956. DIAL 2 RUDOLPH K. SPICER," Funeral Director and' Embalr 511 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2 CEMKTKK* LOTS FOR SA I PROSPECT HILL Beautifully situated on Market : east of Twenty-sixth, and oi | nortd and east faces the new 1 i way. The prices of lots are mot ' Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. - ' Cleaners aiid Dyers IT PAXS to nave Clothe# CI | Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at th 1 place In town. Call and d Goodman's, 13u6ft North Sixth, i Phones. AUTOMOUILKS WHITE TRUCKS The duty Truck with Doub Reduction Gear Drive. % TO 5-TON CAPACITY. CONOVER MOTOR CO., IN< 1331-44 Howard Street. liurrisburg. CASE, WHITE AND MITCH t AUTOMOBILES. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE i 110 STRAWBERRY ST. New live and seven-jiasseng cars lor business or pleasu at all hours. BELL 2360. DIAL 491 FOR SALE 1917 Reo, 5-paaenger. 191S Dodge, 6-piissenger. 1912 Stanley Steamer. BIBLE'S UAItAGE. 301 Cumberland Street. FOR SALE One Ford Rot in excellent condition; luliy equ electric startet; demountable r new tires and rims; cnclosei shock absorbers. Reasonable to buyer. Address Driscoll Auto C South Cameron street. WM. FENN GARAGE 301-0 Muench street- T.lmousln funeral. partl and balls; c drivrs; open day and night. 4564. ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRI r„ Vf 3 d body; 1.000 lbs. capac ban in. Inquire of Fhllad Quirk Lunch. OLD AUTO- Wanted; used, wrecktd or oidt In any condition. Sea me befoi riilelng elsewhere. Chelsea Wrecking. A. Schiffman. 22. 2 North streeL Bell <,. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP < All sorts of auto top and c work -loue by experts; also work. Reasonable rates. 72-78 Cameron Street. FOR SALE Ford Taxi - overhauled. New Taxi, 3350.00. reasons for selling. C. L. Mel P. R. ft. Depot. York. Pa. FOR SALE At a sacrlflct Dodge Touring Cur, In fine con No dealers. Call Bell phone 4 SUNSHINE GARAGE - Aut pairing by expert. Road ji specialty. Charge reasonable. Phones. Sunshine Garage. .7 Cameron street. FOR SALE Buick Roadst Shane. Bargain for some on Sehßtman. 22-4-36 North Can FOR SALE 1912 Cadillac ster in exceptionally good con Can be seen at 230 Emerald after 6 I'. M. A bargain. Additional Classified i on Opposite Pago I and general mathematics. A 11 Box K, 6957, care of Jelcgi aph,