14 I YOU CAN HNB HE POSITION YOU OUGHT 10 HAYE HIOUGI A CLASSIFIED Al • IN MEMORIAM IN memory of our dear one, Mrs. Charles Orth, who lef| us two years ago, January 23, 1917. Relentless death among us came, And bitter grief Imparts; It takes the loved ones from our i homes, . But never from our hearts. . Her granddaughter, MAGGIE FETROW CURRAN. 'January 25, 1919.. CARD OF THANKS "" CARD OF THANKS . The Shiremanstown W. C. T. L. de sires to return thanks to all who par ticipated In making the Clam Soup Supper a decided success, lo all wno • contributed, ro those who assisted and to the public for their splendid patronage. LOST .AND FOUND FOUND On November 15, in tin mountains near Rockville, a gold ring with fraternity markings. Owner may secure sume at Telegraph Office by proving property and paying for tnis advertisement. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION In Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting, English, i^OOKKeeping, Peiiiimiisiiip. AriUiiiietlc, etc. DAY AND NIGH 1 SCHOOL OPEN ALL -YEAR. Enter any time. Bell BUSINESS COLLEGE. LI Market St. Chas. R. Bcckley. HELP WANTED —MALE WANTED AT $2,000 TO $6,000 A YEAR Accountants, Bookkeepers, Ledger Clerks, Cashiers, General Office Employes. Capable applicants uro wanted to lake up training at once, without in preference witn tueir tor important positions with the large American industries, railroads bust, peas corporations and the U. a. ut eminent. Big salaries, now are he'ng oifercd to men and women trained in HIGHER ACCOUNTING. Our organization, the largest . and best equipped of its kind, has been cailed upon to train men and women fo CoVt CC an^ e Generai n Accountants.to nXuu'teV&ra! lii com ea ndE xces s Profit Taxes. Auditors v ' Cost Accountants junibr Accountants > , Senior Accountants Certified Public Accountants We make available to you the di rect personal guidance of the largest .-inff of legal and business experts, Eluding Certified Public Account ants aid members of the American Restitute of Accountants, ever organ ized for training men and women. A KNpWjLJ2DGE OF BOOKKEEPING ]S UNNECESSARY We train you from the ground up. Hundred* of men whom we have help ed to bi&ger paying positions report salary increases from 100 to 400 per cent, more than they formerly earn .(l In writing for particulars state MgO' present occupation, and, if pos .jble. vour telephone number. All communications strictly confidential. i • Address * , H„ 6585, Care of Telegraph. ~ \ AUTOMOBILE PAINTERS WANTED AT ONCE. APPLY KEYSTONE MOTOR CAR CO.. 67 SOUTH CAMERON ST. YOUNG MEN l6 and over, are eligible for Government Railway Mail Clerks. $92 month. For free par ticulars regarding examinations, write Raymond Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), 167 Columbian Building, Washington. WANTED, SALESMEN Unlimit ed opportunity for live men in our employ. Limited supply. Heavy de-. mand. Quick sales. Exclusive terri tory. Write us. Charlton Nursery Company. Rochester. N. Y. .VANTED Men wishing positions Firemen. Brukemen. Electric Motor ir.cn. Colored Train Porters. Pennsyl vania. Ohio and New York roads. No experience necessary. SIOO-sloo per month. Quick promotion S2OO-S3OO per month positions. Name position wanted. Inter Railway Dept. 174). In dianapolis. Ind. YOUNG MEN l6 and over, are eligible for government Railway Mail Clerks. $92 month. Examinations soon. For free particulars, write J. C. Leonard (former Civil Service Ex aminer), 426 Kenois Building, Wash ington. . WANTED Grocery salesman for Cumberland Valley trade. Must have experience and reference. Address Box 40, care of Telegraph. WANTED Tire salesman. Must have experience and reference. Ad dress Box H, 6960, care Hurrisburg • (Telegraph. MAN —, Over 25 years, wanted to* work for Grand Union Tea Co. Refer ences required. Apply 208 North Sec ond street. GROCERY CLISRK WANTED—Ex perienced. Permanent position. Good wages to right party. Address L. 7016, cars of Telegraph. WANTED. BARBER Steady man. Call, or address, 36 North Court street, City. WANTED A good boy for store work. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second street. BUTCHER AND MEAT CUTTER WANTED No other. Apply 175 North Front street, Steelton, Cut- Rate Meat Market. FOR SALE SHOE REPAIR SHOP Fully equipped with machinery and motor power, including fix tures, tools, and at', ck. Good lo i cation. Price 9700 1 Miller Brothers & Co. Real Estate ' * > iiMiriyn e Burety Uumiu i 'fkieoet and Court Streets YMeiWr<H6(. Real Estate Board SATURDAY EVENING. HKLF HA.VIt,U —.HAIJi LINOTYPE OPERATORS WANTED We have positions for four linotype operators and several good tloormen. / APPLY HARRY A. FRY. Telegraph Composing Room. SEVERAL SALESMEN for door-to-door proposition. Newspaper experience desir able. Address M., 6541. Care of Telegraph. HUNDREDS U. S. Government Pert manent Positions now open to men, 16 or over; women, 18 or over. S9O to 1125 month. Many in your home sec tion. Short hours. Common educa tion sufficient. List positions free. Write Immediately. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 413-L, Rochester. N'. Y. 150 WEEKLY and more easily earn ed taking orders for our guaranteed trees, shrubs and roses, full or part time. Knight tfc Bostwick, Newark, New York. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK, examina tion coming soon. Men 16 to 40 pre pare for it and other government "exams" under our expert, former Government Examiner. Thousands of men and women, 16 to 60, needed in Reconstruction Period ahead. Write to-day for free booklet "MO." Pat terson Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y! THREE TO TEN DOLLARS DAY for part or full time workers. Com mence at once. Guaranty Nursery Co., Rochester, N. Y. MEN Age 17 to 05. Experience unnecessary. Travel, make secret in vestigations, reports. Salaries; ex penses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 603, St. Louis. IIELI* WANTED —FEMALE TO THE GIRL OR WOMAN DESIRING PERMANENT AND REGULAR EMPLOY MENT, HERE 13 YOUR OPPORTUNITY We are needing Sewing Machine Operators, and can assure regular work; the high efficiency of our machines, and our workrooms being pleasant and cheerful, opera tors can earn good wages, In experienced operators are paid while learning. A bonus is paid to all operators every pay day. BLOUGII MANUFACTURING CO., Reily and Fulton Streets. LONG-DISTANCE OPERATORS WANTED Apply to CHIEF OPERATOR, CUMBERLAND VALLEY TELE PHONE CO., 227 Walnut Street. EXPERIENCED CANVASSERS— The Atlantic Refining Co. needs several good canvassers for work in the city and suburbs. Apply at office, 2207 North Seventh street, between 2 and 11 o'clock A. M., and 5 and 0 o'clock P. M. GIRLS WANTED FOR MARKING AND SORTING. CITY STAR LAUNDRY, SIXTH AND HERR STS. GOVERNMENT CLERK EXAMINA TIONS, HARRISBUUG MARCH 1 Hundreds women clerks needed. SI,OOO-1,200. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring government positions write for free particuars K. E. Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), 41)6 Columbian Building, Washington. WANTED 5 bright, capable Ladles for 1919, to travel, demon strate and sell dealers. $25,00 to $50.00 per week. R. R. fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dqpt. 720, Omaha. Neb. , WANTED Girl for general house work in family of two. Apply Mrs. S. E. Schriver. 1428 Regina. Bell 1489. WANTED Waitress. at 1102 North Third street. Good wages to right party. • WANTED An assistant matron at the Home for Friendless Children, Reading. Pa. Address Hannah M. Cotterel, 313 North Fifth street, llead ing. Pa- WANTED —Girl for general house work. 16 to $8 per week, according to ability. Apply 2133 Green street. Bell phone 4059. WANTED Young girl to learn to polish jewelry. Must be honest and well recommended. L. Kamsky, 26 North Third street. . WANTED Maid for general housework. Good home and good wages. Call at 3003 North Front street. Take Riverside oar and get off at. Academy. Phone Bell 1371 M. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Harrlsburg. December 7. 13.000 women clerks needed. Salary, fi.ioo. Experience unnecessary. Women de siring government positions write for free particulars. Raymond Tarry (former Civil Service Examiner). 467 Columbian Building. Washington. YOUNu WOMEN WANTED To learn shoemaklng. Learners are well paid and earn good wages when pro ficient. Harrlsburg Shoe Manufactur -1 tng Co.. 1402 Vernon street. HELP WANTED —FEMALE WANTED Girl for clerical work and typist. State experience and sal ary expected. Address P. O. Box 193, Harrlsourg, Pa. WOMEN TO SEW Goods sent pre paid to your door; plain sewing; steady work; no canvassing. Send re ply envelope for prices paid. Univer sal C0.,-Desk 3, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Middle-aged woman for general housework—one that can cook. Wages, $6.00 per week. Call at once, 1709 Carnation street. WANTED Clerk for office work. Must be able, to operate typewriter. Address Box H, 6961, care of Har risburg WANTED Girl, or woman, for general housework. Must know how to cook. No washing. Apply 1829 North Second street'. • HELP WANTED— Male and Female WANTED Driver foreman; also girl clerk. Apply office of Harrisburg Transfer Company, 230 South Second street. SALESMEN WANTED • THE SUNSTRAND ADDING MA CHINE CO. is ready to open territory In this city and vicinity. A representative will be appointed, with guaranteed territory, who,will work on a commission basis. Machines will be furnished on con signment, but the agency will be given only to a responsible man with the best possible character refer ences, showing an entirely clear record. Experience irt high grade specialties preferable, but not essen tial. You need not apply unless you are prepared to give your entire atten tion to the Sunstrand, and are able to finance yourself until sales are made. If you comply with the above re quirements, telephone our District Superintendent. Mr. J. Hanson Kerr, at the Penn-llarris UlotSl, Thursday evening,, between 7:30 and 9:30 P. M., or Friday, from 10 A. M. to noon and 1 to 3 P. M. STOCK SALESMEN Financial house has opening for five SI,OOO per month stock salesmen to follow up live leads which cost us from $lO to sls apiece in small towns. Strong selling issue. Have active en dorsement of many prominent men. 25 to 30 leads when salesman starts —more continually. Excellent refer ences required. Address Sales Man ager, 2952 Chicago avenue, Chicago, 111. ———— WANTED Salesman with ability, capable of earning $50.00 per week or better, to sell u complete line of Nursery Stock. Our goods produce food a i i are in great demand. Exclu sive territory. Experience unneces sary. C. W. Stuart & Co., Dept. B, Newark, New York. SIDE-LINE • Free Sample Win ning sales talk. Easy seller all lines. Commission, SB-$25 paid promptly. Galusha, Dept. G. Des Moines, lowa. SIDE-LINE Top-Notch Specialty. .Responsible house. Pays Commis sions promptly. Write to-day? Samples and sales talk free. No de lays. Erickson Company, Des Moines, lowa. SIDE-LINE SPECIALTY Aver age commission 10 to 30 dollars. Pocket samples and. sales talk free. Responsible house. Write to-day. Simplicity Co., Des Moines, lowa. WANTED One live, hustling salesman in each locality to handle our lino of sales and order books, demand. Liberal commission. The Wirth Sales Book Co., Dept.-21, Chicago. SALESMEN To travel on com mission and sell to merchants. Cloth ing, skirts, hosiery, ladies' and chil dren's dresses, shirts, etc. Samuels Mfg. Co., 601 Broadway, New York. AGENTS WANTED TAILORING AGENTS—Men's madg to-order Suite. Snappiest, best ma terials. Prices lower than others. Hustlers earn big money. Spring line sent free. Leeds Woolen Mills, Chi cago. , AGENTS, EITHER SEX—For Com plete History World Ivan $2.00 book, 50 per cent, commission. Agents mak ing s2l a day. "Life of Koosevelt" same prices, same terms. Send 20c for both outfits. F. B. Dlckerson Co., De troit, Mich. WHY, are Highest Government Of ficials ordering our WAR BOOK, with special exclusive feature? 72 sales in one day. Wake up Get the news. Also Roosevelt book. H. L. Baldwin Co.. Rockefeller Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. AUTHENTIC LIFE OF THEODORE ROOSEVELT —By William Draper Lewis, Colonel Roosevelt's intimate political associate and friend. Intro duction by ex-President Taft. Fully illustrated. Low price. Enormous demand. Unprecedented opportunity. Liberal terms. OUTFIT FREE. Uni versal House, Philadelphia. LIFE OF ROOSEVELT lntrodu ction by ex-President Taft. HISTORY WORLD WAR. introduction by Gen eral March. Only two reliable, au thentic books. Biggest .terms. OUT FITS FREE. Historical Book Co., Chicago. MEN AND WOMEN Make big 'money selling up-to-date Photo Me dallions, National and Military Spec ialties. Free catalog. Samples. Quick sales. Big profits. .No experi ence. Cruver Co., Jackson and Camp bell, Chicago. $20.00 DAILY distributing pri'se peace pictures. "Liberty and Peace." "True Sons of Freedom;" "Human Lib erty Bell," "Foch," "Pershing," Honor Roll. Enormous demand. Samples free. Also portrait catalog. Con solidated Portrait Co.. 1034 W. Adams street, Chicago. AGENTS 15x19 gold-framed Pa triotic and Peace pictures. 12c—sell 35c. Great War History, Just out. Convex Portraits, frames, pillow-tops. All big moneymakers. Catalog and Patriotic sample FREE. People's Portrait. Station D, Chicago. t LARGE MANUFACTURER wants representatives to sell shirts, under wear, hosiery, dresses, direct to homefe. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, 603 Broad way, New York City. ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL BOOK IL LUSTRATED World War History Pictorlst. These books having enorm ous sales. Our agents doing b"iggest business. Get with livest house. Best terms. Outfits free. R. L. Phillips Publishing Co., Chicago. 111.; Phila delphia. Pa.: Atlanta. Ga.: Waco, Tex.; Denver. Col.: Butte. Mont. Ad dress nearest office. 300 PER CENT. PROFIT Agents clearing hundreds weekly, ff ew Washing Compound. Wonderful seller. BIK repeater. Nature's mightiest Cleanser. Send for proof. Free sample. Mitchell. BL-1314, East Sixty-first "Street, Chicago. 'NEW, Wonderful History World War just off press. Beautiful color ed Illustrations. Oversell other books. Patriotic Premium. DROP EVERY THING One Inexperienced agent's profit. 8 hours, $154.00. Biggest com missions. Credit. I-atest, complete Illustrated Roosevelt Book. Outfits Free. 25c postage. Hertel Co. Pub lishers. Chlcero. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH IF YOU KEEP BOARDERS, and expect to earn a good income from the undertaking, you must KEEP ALL THE BOARDERS YOU CAN AC COMMODATE. It's a~ classified ad vertising matter, rather readily solved. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE SALESMAN, of productive type, twelve years' experience In wholesale and retail lines, is desirous of connecting with a reliable Concern in Harrisburg, on or about April 1. Address BOX H, 7020, Care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as stationary engineer. Have lot of experience of all kind engines and boilers. Can do repairing and take aare of plant. Also have liad care of pumpihg sta tions and electric plant for the Aetna Explosive Company for the last three years, with a good recommendation, which closed down. Am able to start work at once. Call phone 4037 J. or No. 521 South Fourteenth street, City. WANTED Position, by flyst-class watchmaker, in or near Harrisburg. References. Address Box M, 7019, care of Telegraph. , WANTED Position as truck driver, by young man; can furnish references. Address James Lentz, Elizabethvllle, Pa. SITUATION S WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Young woman '-visile: position as housekeeper for a widower without 'children. Address M., 6586, care of Telegraph. f WANTED Y'oung, single woman wishes place as housekeeper for a young widower. Address Box S, 7019, core of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR. RENT TWO ROOMS For light house keeping; all conveniences, steam heat, hot und cold water; use of bath. Call Bell phone 4684A1, or call 1614 Reily street. „ UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Single or communicating; kitchenettes. Stoves furnished free. Strictly private. Laundry, phone and bathroom privileges. Inquire 429 Broad street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, $2.50 per week and up; warm robins, running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments, No. 143 South Third. FOR RENT One large bedroom, for gentlemen only. Rent reason able. Apply 276 Briggs street. SINGLE OR ENSCITE i.GUMq Electric lights, steam heat, bath, both telephones. References. Inquire Bell phone 624. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Alan and wife want two or three clean housekeeping rooms —furnished preferred—or house .somewhere —now or mention when vacant, if possible. Responsible ref erences given. State price, location, details firs* letter. Address, Box D, 6587, care of Telegraph. WANTED' — Two or three first' floor rooms, with use of bath preferred, by professional man, located between Walnut and State, Third and Front. Call Bell phone 401. WANTED Two unfurnished rooms, centrally located; can give necessary reference. Address 'l'., #684, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT One furnished apart ment. Heat, gas and use of bath. Inquire 327 South Front street. FOR RENT One two-room, fur nished apartment, complete for light housekeeping. Adults only. Kent, |3O. Inquire 424 South Seventeenth street. Bell phone 2985 ft, APARTMENTS WANTED FURNISHED APARTMENT WANT ED 1 am desirous of locating a iUr nislied upartment of about 2 rooms with bath for light housekeeping tor myself and wife; must be centrally lo cated, excellent references can'be fur nished. Write fully, giving location, rent, etc. Address Bo* K. 7112, care of Telegraph. WANTED A furnished apartment of about three rooms and bath, for myself and wife, for about 870.00 a month. References. Write fully, giving location, rent, number of rooms, etc. Address BOX B. 6955. Care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN. Camp St., No. 648 3-story brick 8 rooms and bath, all improvements! Can be bought Ame as rent. S. Eighteenth St., No. 353—8-story brick, 9 rooms and bath, steam heat electric lights, a modern home. Right price to quick buyer! N. Twelfth St., No. 68 3-story 9 rooms and bath, all improve ments, a very good location. Right price to quick buyer. Same as rent. New Cumberland Corner Fourth and Geary Double frame; 8 rooms and bath on each side; all improve ments; newly painted; can be bought with a small amount of money; bal ance same as rent. Steelton S. Second St., No. 31814 S-story frame, 7 rooms, electric lights and water. Good location. Same as rent. D. A. SANDERLIN, ROOM <l. SECURITY TRUST BLDG 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL S6T3. c REAL ESTATE FPU SALE FOR SALE 821 Sixth street, 3-story brick. 1017 Green street, 3-story brick. 917 Green street, 3-slory frame. 33 S. Summit street, 2-story frame. 1929 Green Street, 3-story brick. 410 F'orster street, 3-story brick. 270 North street, 3-story brick. 932 North Second street, frame. 268 North street, 3-story' brick. 209 Calder street, 3-story brick. 2015 Seventh street, 8-story frame. 619 Boas street, 2-story briclt. 417 Maclay street, 3-story brick. M. A. FOBfeHT. 272 North Street. WOULD YOU LIKE A'NEW HOUSE BUILT ACCORDING TO YOUR . OWN PLANS? Small down payments. Balance same as rent. 1 can arrange to build a limited number of houses at these terms. Your opportunity to get a home. Call Bell 2669W and make appoint ment to see me. ' EDWARD W. EVANS. 2510 Dcrry Street. VACANT. POSSESSION AT ONCE 2-story brick, all' Improve ments, GSrooms, front and rear porches: side entrance; nice vard to drive alley. Newly painted and papered. Cheap \anjl easy terms. C. TI. CORDER 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. 229 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND Principally oak. Close to railroad. Price, $lO per acre. Address P. O. Box 343, Penbrook. FOR SALE. —; 3-story brick dwell ing located on Susquehanna street, 8 rooms, bath, nil modern improvements. Price $2,350.00. Brlnton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. ' ~ FOR SALE 1933 Whitehall street, 3-st.ory brick 614-16-18 Emerald street. 3-story BRICK "' H. M. BIRD. Union Trust Building. BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash-or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses Jn every part of the city and suburbs. Apply 4. p. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth Street. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE —All improvements; in city; front porch* buy window; nice yard to drive alley' SIUO down, balance as rent. Liberty Bonds accepted. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell 660J 747 DUNKLE STREET Three story frame, porchea Price, SI,BOO Small payment down. Easy terms! Apply D. A. Caley, .07 Ivunkel Bids Bell 589. 421 KELKER Three-story brick corner property, $2,600. D. A. Caley! 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. 8-ACRE place netv Steelton. with neW bungalow on. Close to trolley line. and creek water. Fine I truck ai# 7 poultry farm. Cheap, if | gold at once. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. FOR SXLE On easy terms, 8010 to 201S Susquehanna street. Possea i slon on April 1. Apply A. P. Deraas. 1225 North Sixth. Real Estate For Sale or Exchange WANTED —TO RENT We are having a number of appli cation* at this time for furmsnej i nouses, apartments and rooms. What do you nave to otter? Auures* .Mil iar Brothers a Company, Cucut uj Court mrofitii REAL ESTATE —For Sale or Rem HOUSES AND GARAGES— At Fifth anu Curtin streets; possession of some of the nouses on thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller. 31 Norm Second. Bell plioue 307 J. , REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT A 5-room house, in Oberlin, at Spring avenue. Apply to John si. Majitt, 134 Adams street, Steelton, Pa. FOR RENT Furnished house. Im mediate possession. Eight rooms, bath and pantry. J.. 11. Bolton, 23u* Hotter street, City. ._ MODERN SUBURBAN HOME at Camp Hill for rent; 2'4-story. 8 rool £a and bath, oak doors, open dreplace full-sue screens, shades, storin sashes; all conveniences; furnished or unfurnlhedf by April 1 or sooner. Au drcss Box E, 694b. care of Telegraph, REAL ESTATE WANTED READY CASH FOW CITY PROPERTY. WHAT HAVE YOU iO OFFER 2 BELL AND DIAL PHONEsT CHAS. ADLER, 1002 N. THIRD ST. COUPLE Would maintain home owned by , ° refinement and congenial disposition, who appre cltes care and interest. Room and table In exchange for rent. Stalo lo cation. Address Box b,6958, care of Telegraph -1 HAVE many, applicants for homes in northern end of city What have you to "• 2131 North Second. J HEAL ESTATE AY ANTED j REAL ESTAib. WANTED WNs.have* some ready purchasers for' Improved Keai Estate. Let us know I what you have to offer. LINCOLN REALTY CO 1129 North Seventh Stree't. Offices und Storerooms For Rent - : FOR RENT The improved store room at 'IK North Third street—near- 1 ly opposite Penn-Hairia Hotel. Ainu' offices in the same building. Appiy 1 The William B. tichleisner biurea. i 30-3*2 North Third street. I . MARKET ST. STORE FOR KENT Beautiful Dayugnt store. 504 Murket Street. CHAS. ADLEIt, 1002 Nortn Tin id street. FARMS I FARM FOR SALE Large Farm, on Carlisle Pike, in fine condition. Also several other large Farms, Five to eight miles from Har risburg. Now .is the time to buy a good Farm. Some 011 very good terms. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. FOR SALE Farm, containing fifty acres, located two miles south of White Hill, (2 mile from Shangler's Mill, improved by 2 tj-story frame dwelling, frame bank barn, summer kitchen, butcher house, other out buildings. Water supply, spring, and running Water, young apple orchard, 300 trees, fine bearing condi tion; grape vineyard. Possession can 1 be had April 1, 1919. Price, $3,900. j Brtnton-Packcr Co., Second and Wal | nut streets. I 3-A.—s6so —s2oo down, balance to ! suit. I 11-A.—s7so cash. • | 42-A.—sl,Boo cash. 75-A—s2,ooo cash. j 40-A.—sl.Boo—s7oo-S9OO down, bal -1 ance to suit. 80-A.—53,700 —5500 down, balance to suit. Call DURAND. 107 Chestnut. SMALL FARM FOR SALE Locat ed within one car fare limit. Apply ; A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE L. C. Smith Type! j writer, visible writing, like new. Call | 914 May street. I FIBER BROOMS Outwear 5 corn ! brooms. Guaranteed one year. Agents ; wanted. Sample, $1.25, postpaid, Key i stone Fiber Broom Co., 618 Duquesne Way 37, Pittsburgh. Pa. FOR SALE Reed baby coach, in good condition. reasonable. 618 South Thirteenth street. 240-EGG Prairie State Incubator, practically new. Cost $32.50. -Will sell for S2O. Address L., 694 9, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. FOR SALE Prairie State Incuba tor, 158 machine; also room heater. In very good condition. Inquire A. W. Hertzler, Camp Hill. FOR SALE —Upright piano, Kohler and Campbell, in Al condition; also parlor suit, green Pullman plush, all mahogany, good as new. Bell 1749J or 709 Benton street City FOR SALE —■ I yh, piano In good condition. In aire 344 South (thirteenth street. BARGAINS! B. -RGAINSI The Store across from Y. vv.' O. A. offers you the Biggest and Best Bar gains in Mens and Boys' Suits, Over coats, Mackinaw Coats, Underwear Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fam ous tor Low Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth Street. FOR SALE 2O-horse-power, up right, high-pressure tubular boiler Halifax Rubber Co., Halifax, p a . FOR SALE One hand-power freight elevator one laundry dry room, one 24-plate Static X-Ray ma chine, refrigerator, 28x49x66. Ap. ly No. 1700 North Second street. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmor'z. 1030 Market. Beli 3971 R. TYPEWRITERS. BOUGHT FOK! ca Vh ABU MAKES UK\Ttl> _ EXCHANGED. i GEO. P. HLGOi'SON, "OS LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE - us ORPHKUM THEATER E , BOTH PHONES * CANNEL COAL $8 85 J. B. MONTGOMERY Jus* Phone. j\ ■! FOR eALE " "I Magazines for Nc 1 Llnotypei. A rare bargain for a plant with a No, 1 machine. Address THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPAQ y, Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR SALE —One 800-ft. Arco steam boiler, ÜBed two years Price $l5O. Call Bell phone 28.1. FOR SALE 2 gasoline pumps, nails and surplus hardware. Apply F. C. Lewln. 26 North Third street. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS MEN, WOMEN Raise Belgian Hares for us. We pay you |7 pair and expressage. Free_ illustrated in struction booklet. Unitod Food & I Fur Association. Dept. C-329, West | Forty-eighth street. New York. WANTED —Stable accommodations ! for two horses und two wagons. Ex i elusive use of hay loft. Electric light: 1 ed. Running water. Advise location and state rental. Address: p, o. Box 307, Harrlsburg, Pa. HIGHEST PRICES For ladles' and men s cast off clothing and shoes. Write to Welntraub, 636 Herr street Dial 5171. WANTED Second-hand motors. Small a lie preferred. Apply i FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP. Cranberry Ft. near Secondf HarrDburg. Pa. i — ! I HIGHEST CASH PRICES P*ID fori Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at- 1 tentlon. e , w "hnn 4*f 30S Br °" d Street. Dial phone 4828. | HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all 1 kinds of Junls. Get our Prices before selling. Call Bell phone 938, or. drop us a postal and our wagon will call. Kaystono Metal Co., Broad and Currant streets. i JANUARY 25, 1919: WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICIANS Will find opportunity In ttie sale ot profitable News Agency thriving suburban town. lnfiuenze has deprived the town of its only electrician. No Elec trical Supply siturd in town. Start a business here. The Newspaper Agency will get you acQualnted with the people. BOX R. 7474. Care of Telegraph. 1. COHEN & COMPANY. York and ! ASh v venues- Highest prices paid for; rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and ' metal und old machines. Send postal or (all 3221 W Be " - a "d Dial 6225. HIGHEST PRICKS 1A1D for all kin it, of empty barrels and lunk. Call Bell phone 4275. B Abranis & Son. (.94-832 North Seventh street. MA." FMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and I sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 5847. or drop a pos- I tal to Max Smoltz. 1016 Market street. | Will call, or country. Muucy to lxian ', ' MONEY \ If yol are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money in compliance with me laws of the State. 1 EMPLOYES' LOAN 1 SOCIETY, | ROOM 206 BKRONSR BLDG., THIRD AND MARKET Si KELTS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. i • WE LEND MONEY la compliance I with Act of June 17, 1915, to individu -1 als in need of. ready cash; small loans ; a specialty, business-confidential, pay- I merits to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 182 Walnut Street. Mtpslcal VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUITARS, j BANJOS, Band and Orchestra lnsiru ! meats promipiy uu< "urefully repair | eu. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and : carefully repaired by an expert our/. ! OYLER S. it south Fourth street, 1 IF your Talking Machine needs re i pairs, just call 801 l Phone 3242 J. An | expert will be at your service at once. 1 Or bring machine lo 1213 North Third I afreet. j j HORSES *AXD CARRIAGES I HORSE, CART AND HARNESS FOR ! SALE Cheap to quick buyer. Apply J 1617 Elm street. . F'OR SALE One gray horse, har ; ness and two heavy topped spring ' wagons; all for S6U. inquire J. C. I Hernial), IS North Market Square. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i NO ICE THIS YEAR By acting promptly you may ac [ quire for only one tnousand dollars, I a license without royalty to buy, us ! semble and sell under my exclusive 1 patents, an electrical device that re \ places ice, proven colder, cleaner and i cheaper—-fully automatic uid selt -1 regulating. Parts to assemble can be i purchased in any quantity and can j bo readily assembled anywhere with little labor and no machinery, Quick j turn ,over, tremendous profits. Every i home! farm and store a prospect. This is the coming business. Now is the time to get Into it. Don't wait. Fred W. Wolf, 327 N. Wells street, Chicago, 111. FOR SALS Country Produce, Fish and Oyster Business. Good lo ation. Good-paying, cash trade. Re tiring from business, will sell cheap 10 quick buyer. Address Box K, 7122, tare of Telegraph. SEND name and address for free copy of liolbrook Arizona Tribune; read about the coming oil boom and land of opportunities. Address Thomas, Globe, Arizona. - MINES 4O Claims; near Railroad. Das Cabezas celebrated, rich Uold Ridge. Value caches Millions; large amount, good record, famous for years, Gold, Silver in large propor tions. H. P., Box 418, Willcox, Ariz. AN old-established and growing business in Harrisburg, which is net ting the owners over SIOO a week. Satisfactory personal and Bank refer ences. $12,000 reqquired. Address C, 7017, care of Telegraph. ELEVEN COPPER MINING CLAIMS —Locution Jerome District; farming and grazing laliU in Northern Ari- SH na. J. Hill, llox 819, Prescott, Ariz. I'OK SALE Fruit, confectionery and cigar store. Reasonable price. Roasting cotlee and peanut machine. Good scale .. Inquire at 514 Market street. BUSINESS PERSONALS PAPERIIANGING DONE REASON ABLE Paper furnished if required. Address M., t>sß9, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE OR KENT Large building, 401 South Cameron street. Lot, 370x60. Immediate possession. Braddock, Attorney. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates, Jobbing. First-clas3 work. H. W. llnmmer. 1423 Liberty street. City. Bell 1120. 1 UPHOLSTEF.ING Of the best i iilnu Work guaruntoed. We call an t i deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone I 482 C. ' FURNITURE CRATED And i china packed for shipping. Also re paying. J- A. Bishop. li ; 3e Logan at. I RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz; double edge, 36c | doz; razors. 26c. Gorgas Drug Store. DIAMONDS bought for cash— p. u. I Caplan Co., 206 Market street. i QUININE — Look out for that grippe ! feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE : PHOSPHO-QlilMN W will stave It off 111 taken In time. Uroia Drug Store. : 119 Mm kei street. HAULING AND MOVING I "FOR HIRE Two-ton auto truck l Apply 1108 South Ninth street. Bell phone 245611. AUTO HAULING Anything, any where, furniture moving. E. s. Oa man, 717 South Nineteenth street. Belj IB9IW. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for turnlture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. j. E. Grubber's Truck Service, Irvin Aungst. manager, ilershey. Pa. Bell phons 15R6. BETTER SITUATIONS WANTI This column lias two objects: First, to tieip incu nail women wl now employed to secure better positions; second, to put employers In touch with uu class of workers. WANTED Clerical position by young, married man. skilled In figures HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING Anything:, where, furniture moving, Call 1591VV. • LOCAL AND LONG-DISTA HAULING —Furniture moving. Pre service. Ernest Corbin, 656 Ci street. Both phones. Bell 3636J 3683. HICKS —Local and long-dlst halding. "134 iteily. Both phones AUTO HAULING—LocaI or distance. Furniture and piano mo a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, Capital street. Both phones. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE—Loca long distance. F. J. Martur. Bell Steelton. AUTO IAULINQ —Local and distance. Furniture moving a dally. tates reasonable. Pr< service. Call Bell 623 J. I LOCAL AND LONG - DISTA HAULING Prompt service. A I Motor Express, 917 Capital S' j 801 l phone 1636 J. GENERAL HAULING AND 1 EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby t with auto trucks. Only exporli i and caret'ul drivers. Call Bell or Dial 2265. j ALL KINDS OF HAUL AND MOVING DONE ? j CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKER BELL PHONE 623 W. ' DIAL PHONE 3618. | i __ ! * IVllliKlfi TO DINE ALVA HOTEL "AND RESTAUR ! THE HOME OF SATISFACTI I STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—: j cooking served to Businessmen Ladies In separate diningrooms. Storage STORAGE —419 Broad street, h bold goods, merchandise. Pi • rooms at reasonable rates. Also Inu of all kinds. D. Cooper / , Both phones. STORAGE —In brick building, 408 Market. Household goods In private rooms. Reasonable rate ' G. Diener. 408 Market street. STORAGE' Private rooms • household goods In tireproof house, 13 per month and up. 1 I storage rates in uon-nreproof i house, llurrisburg Storage Co., ! 446 suutn Second street. j i UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. F..CKLER, FUNERAL Dli -TOR, 1312 Derry _iu j BELL 1956. DIAL 2 RUDOLPH K. SPICER," Funeral Director and' Embalr 511 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2 CEMKTKK* LOTS FOR SA I PROSPECT HILL Beautifully situated on Market : east of Twenty-sixth, and oi | nortd and east faces the new 1 i way. The prices of lots are mot ' Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. - ' Cleaners aiid Dyers IT PAXS to nave Clothe# CI | Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at th 1 place In town. Call and d Goodman's, 13u6ft North Sixth, i Phones. AUTOMOUILKS WHITE TRUCKS The duty Truck with Doub Reduction Gear Drive. % TO 5-TON CAPACITY. CONOVER MOTOR CO., IN< 1331-44 Howard Street. liurrisburg. CASE, WHITE AND MITCH t AUTOMOBILES. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE i 110 STRAWBERRY ST. New live and seven-jiasseng cars lor business or pleasu at all hours. BELL 2360. DIAL 491 FOR SALE 1917 Reo, 5-paaenger. 191S Dodge, 6-piissenger. 1912 Stanley Steamer. BIBLE'S UAItAGE. 301 Cumberland Street. FOR SALE One Ford Rot in excellent condition; luliy equ electric startet; demountable r new tires and rims; cnclosei shock absorbers. Reasonable to buyer. Address Driscoll Auto C South Cameron street. WM. FENN GARAGE 301-0 Muench street- T.lmousln funeral. partl and balls; c drivrs; open day and night. 4564. ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRI r„ Vf 3 d body; 1.000 lbs. capac ban in. Inquire of Fhllad Quirk Lunch. OLD AUTO- Wanted; used, wrecktd or oidt In any condition. Sea me befoi riilelng elsewhere. Chelsea Wrecking. A. Schiffman. 22. 2 North streeL Bell <,. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP < All sorts of auto top and c work -loue by experts; also work. Reasonable rates. 72-78 Cameron Street. FOR SALE Ford Taxi - overhauled. New Taxi, 3350.00. reasons for selling. C. L. Mel P. R. ft. Depot. York. Pa. FOR SALE At a sacrlflct Dodge Touring Cur, In fine con No dealers. Call Bell phone 4 SUNSHINE GARAGE - Aut pairing by expert. Road ji specialty. Charge reasonable. Phones. Sunshine Garage. .7 Cameron street. FOR SALE Buick Roadst Shane. Bargain for some on Sehßtman. 22-4-36 North Can FOR SALE 1912 Cadillac ster in exceptionally good con Can be seen at 230 Emerald after 6 I'. M. A bargain. Additional Classified i on Opposite Pago I and general mathematics. A 11 Box K, 6957, care of Jelcgi aph,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers