Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 24, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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    • v ' ' , ' ' %
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Democratic Politician? Arc on
Their Toes For Prepared
ness at Nation'? Capitol
Washington.—Washington just
ean't help talking and gossiping
politically'. It's part of the day's
day here. Right now, even with
the peace conference dn over in
Paris, the political speculation Is un
usually interesting because of the
approaching meeting of the Demo
„*ratlc national committee here Jan
uary 23.
Whatever they may think about
national preparedness, the politi
cians are on their toes for political
V'eparedness. AnS the G. O. P.
having had their preliminary meet
ing in Chicago some weeks ago to
put "feelers" out for 1920, the Dem
ocrats must follow suit. The resig
nation of Vance McCormick as na
tional chairman gavem. good oppor
tunity to call a powwow. And so
while almost every one knows who
his successor will be. Homer Cum
mlngs, of Connecticut, yet all the
big leaders and little leaders and
peewees, politically speaking, are to
gather and mill it all over. "It" Is
Sn.v Wilson Is Out of It
One of the most peculiar, phases
of the situation here from the Dem
ocratic standpoint is the conclusion
drawn by the politicians from. Col
onel Roosevelt's death. At once,
everyone began to say: "Well, that
ends any chance of President Wil
son running for a third term." Just
why It should have anything to do
with Mr. Wilson's Intentions one
way or other, is difficult to lt
probably won't. Rut ■politicians say
it-will. The psychology of the situ
ation would Vie wrong for Mr. Wil
son, they believe, unless Colonel
Roosevelt were his opponent. Any
how when you mention the presi
dential situation they generally in
ject something like this: "With M r -
Wiißon out of it now, as he Is. It
will be thus and so." Mr. Wilson
isn't famed for taking others into
his confidence. He didn't consult
others in naming the peace envoys
even. So a good many months of
winter and summer and then winter
will doubtless pass before anyone
fan say authoritatively what Mr.
Wilson intends to do. But the dis
position is to regard him now as
not'a candidate again.
William Gibbs McAdoo, the Presi
dent's son-in-law, and former secre
tary of the treasury and director
general of railroads, is the most po
tential possibility right now. Of
course, Mr. McAdoo hasn't an
nounced and won't. No candidate
is going to invite such unpleasant
attention as the early bird candidate
always gets so far ahead of time.
Hut they rather take it as a matter
Df course here that he will be in the
running. And McAdoo 'doesn't dis
abuse this impression. In fact, var
ious things indicate his ambitions
pointedly. . For example, on leav
ing his Work here, McAdoo gave a
dinner to u group of i*en more than
ordinarily influential politically.
There were speeches and speeches
as those things go. And Mr. Mc-
Adoo was not only nominated but
elected before it was all over. All
this didn't make the retiring secre
tary of the treasury at all angry,
among "those present" do say. So
with Wilson out of It, if he is, Every
one right now calculates from the
Democratic side It will be McAdoo
against the field. Of course, twelve
months may upset everything—
that's just the talk now.
One thing is certain: McAdoo
won't shy from It. Secretary Baker
would be the favorite of the parlor
Socialist, extreme reform fringe. He
speaks their language more than
McAdoo does. But Baker has sort
of faded lately-. In fact that is one
of the most floteworthy incidents of
quiet Washington right now. Chief
of Staff March is the "he man" type,
so much was heard of early in the
war. Whether for good or bad, few
question who is running the big
show in the War Department now.
Others may fool around with the
side shows but General March oc
cupies the main ring. He runs It.
And as General March has grown
Baker lias faded.
Righr now the anti-administration
Democrats appear to flirt around
Speaker Chnnip Clark. This ip the
Hearst-Reed group. Right now
Clark doesn't look one, two, three
is a successful candidate, but such
i. combination might be able to get
ii block of one-third the delegates
and have something to say about
Who it would be. They won't other
wise. The party machinery, be It
mid, ip firmly in the hands of the
idministration and the President. .
Some mention Herbert Hoover.
The Sehator from Missouri is not
me of these: The only trouble with
[his is that.H° over la a Republican
3r is supposed to be. He was accred
tqd as a Republican when named
is food administrator. If Mr. Hooyer
were nominated for the presidqjicy,
t's a cinch the G. O. P. would do
t, not the Democrats, for he trains
nore with the Republicans. The
tepublicans might trot out some
loover talk to see how it caught on.
iut it won't come from the Demo
crats. The setting isn't right. Th/e
Democratic feelers right now are
lehind the McAdoo boom.
Mention of Hoover though is like
hnt of General Pershing. Hoovey
lasn't voted. People here who
iroudly claim to know Pershing
■feal well say he hasn't either but
hat he is a Republican if anything.
Politicians of any brarid don't put
>ut feelers or boost at this stage of
he game men whose politics are so
loubtful. They take them when it
s popular to do so and climb
iboard to win, not because they
vant to.
'ut Vigor and Ambition
into Run-Down, Tired
Out People
>? you feel tired out, out of sorts,
>*>spondent, mentally or physically
and lack the desire to ac
louipllsh things, get a uU-ceni box
if Wendell's Ambition Pills at H. C.
Cennedy's today and take the tlrst
lie step toward feeling better right
if you drink too much, smoke too
nuch, or are nervous because of
iverwork of any kind, Wendell's
Imbltion Pills will make you feel
letter In three days or money back
rom H. C. Kennedy on the first box
For all affections of the nervous
ysusm constipation, loss of
ite, lack of confidence, trembling,
:ldney or liver complaints, sleep
sasneAi, exhausted vitality or we'ak
ess of any kind get a box of Wen
ell's Ambition Pills today on the i
Plan. £ |
War Garden Commission
Wants Sermons Preached
on Subject, Feb. 2
Washington, Jan. 24.—Forty thous
and ministers covering every denom
ination. in the United States have
been requested by the National War
Garden Commission to aid In the
campaign for Victory Gardens. The
commission suggests that on Sunday,
February 2, the message of the Im
portance of home food production
should be carried to the congrega
The National War Garden Com
mission is sending to the forty thous
and ministers, data en ho pie food
production and garden books. The
United Society of Christian Endeav
orers from Its headquarters In Bos
ton, has joined in the campaign, and
the Rev. Francis E. Clark, has sent
out a call to thousands of members
of that orfcanlzatlbn with the com
mission's data. The letter from the
commission to the ministers says In
"To co-operate with the plans
worked out by the United States
Food Administration for helping to
the post-war food problems,
this' commission's efforts for In
creased food production and* home
conservation will be continued dur
ing 1919. ' ,
"This commission bespeaks your
helpful co-operation In conveying to
your-people the message of food
needs. To give this message Inten
sive force. It Is suggested that these
be emphasized the same day
throughout the country. May we ask
that you bring the matter before
Asthma Sufferers
A Hew Home Our* That Anyone Can Caff
Without DUoomfort or Loan
of Time.
We hire • New Method that cores Asth
ma, and w want yon to try It at onr
expense. No matter whether yonr caae la of
k>ua atandlng or recent development, whether
it la present aa occasional or chronic Asth
ma, yon abonld send for a free trial of our
method. No matter In what climate you
live, no matter what your age or occupa
tion, it yon are troubled with asthma, our
method should relieve you promptly.
We especially want to send it to tbosa
apparently hopeless ctsea, where all forma
of lobsters, douchea, opium preparations,
femes, "patent smokes, etc., have fatted.
Wo want to allow everyone at our own ex
penae, that this now method la designed to
end all difficult breathing, all whsexlng, and
all thosa terrible paroxysms at one* and
for all time.
. This free offer la too Important to neg
lect a single day. Write now and then be
gin the method at once. Send no money,
imply mall coupon below. Do It Today.
Niagara and Hudson fits., Buffalo, N. X.
Send free trial of your method ta:
$1.25 Set . . . 98c
50c Set .... 39c
Face Powders
Marinello Face Powder 45c
Palmolive Face Powder 39c
Garden Allah Face Powder ...59c
Elmo Face Powder 19c, 39c
L-Ame La May Face Powder 39c
Marvis Face Powder 39c
Lady Mary Face Powder 39c
High Jinks Face Powder 79c
Melba Face Powder 43c
Melhaline Face Powder 23c
Pompeian Face Powder .43c
Boomerang Face Powder i79c
Velaska Surette Face Powder . ..39c
Mary Garden Face Powder ...79c
Mary Garden Talcum 45c
Johnson's Red Cross Talcum ..15c
Colgate's Cashmere Talcum ... 10c
Djer-Kiss Talcum 33c
Hudout Talcum (tin) 19c
Lady Mary Talcum 28c
Love-Me Talcum 21c
Babcock's Butterfly Talcum .. 21c
Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum.. .15c
Garden Allah Talcum ..... f9c, 39c
Jess Talcum (tin) 13c
Pebeco Tooth Paste 34c
Kolynos Tooth Paste 19c
Pepsodent Tooth Paste 39c
Hudnut Tooth Paste 19c
Senreco Tooth Paste 23c
Lilly Tooth Paste 19c
Pyrodenta. Tooth Paste •.. .24c
Graves' Tooth Paste 17c
Euthymol Tooth Paste 17c
Forhan's Tooth Paste 20c, 30c
Lyon's Tooth Powder 17c
Graves' Tooth Powder 17c
Euthymol Tooth Powder 17c
Colgate's Tooth Powder 15c
Pyrrocide Tooth Powder 79c
Listerine Tdbth Powder ......19c
Catyx Tooth Powder 19c
your eongregatlon on February 2,
1919, And that you suggest that
copies ( ;of our books on -Home Gar
dening and Hqmo Canning and Dry
ing may be had free of charge, upon,
application to this /commission."
Reports of the National War Gar
den Commission show that, organisa
tion work is going on In nearly
every town In the United /States.
Thousands* of posters are now being
distributed through the agricultural
agents of the United States Railroad
Administration and other agencies In
the various towns and cities.
Another Block of
Certificates Issued
Washington, Jan. 24—The fifth bi
weekly Issue of certificates of In
debtedness In anticipation of the next
Liberty loan, announced last night
by the Treasury, is for a minimum of
$600,000,000. The last block of cer
tificates was oversubscribed by a
2 i t
! Have You an - • 1
T / 7 4*
! Extra " Bedroom"— I
•> You can have one—and very easily, too. * 2
2 ♦
2 Your livingroom can be turned into a bed- *
* . room at any time you may find it convenient or *
•> necessary to have an extra bed provided you *
* I
£ Pullman Bed Davenports are designed so that
* the davenport does not show that it contains a Z
Z bed inside. , $
* £
J Many different styles to select from. Come in
♦ and inspect them to-day. %
| $65 and Up t
North Market Square %
r* • 1
Toilet Creams
Hudnut's Mary Cold Cream .-. 39c
Elmo Greaseless Cream ..23c, 43c
Mavis Cold Cream 43c
Pond's Vanishing Cream 32c
Pond's Cold Cream 32c
Wood's Cold Cream (8-oz tin) 45c
De Meridor Cream 33c
Sanitol Cold Cream .' 23c
Sanitol Face Cream 23c
Pompeian Night Cream 30c
[Pompeian Day Cream 39c
Sempre Giovine 39c
Othene (Double Stcenth) 69c
Toilet Waters
Hudnut's Lilly Valley 79c
Hudnut's Gardenia ....' 79c
Pinaud's Lilac . A 73c
Lady Mary >.51.23
Mary Garden (7H-oz) $4.79
Mary Garden (5-oz tin) 3.39
|Lilas De Rigaud $3.19
[Djer-Kiss Veg ~... $1.19
Hubigant Ideal $0.79
Hubigant .Coeur de Jennette, $6.69
4711 Violet 79c
Liquid Lotions
Oriental Cream $1.09
Dempridor Liquid Powder .... 34c
Orchard White 28c
Hind's Honey and Almond Cream,
Frostilla .19c
Jergen's Almond Lotion 28c
Elmo Cucumber Cream 39c
Toilet Soaps
3—Cashmere Bouquet Soap ... 25c
3-—Jergen's Violet Glycerine ..25c
3—Colgate's AU-Roitnd 25c
3—Castile ....' 25c
2—Jersey Cream ~ 25c
2—-Harifina ' ' 25c
2—Colgate's Big Bath [.25 c
2—Colgate's Elder Flower .... 25c
bare $lOl,OOO. The' Minneapolis, Chi
cago, St. Louts, Philadelphia arid New
York districts overgubscrlbed, but
all others failed to meet their quotas.
Influenza Fatal to
Son of L V. Harkness,
Late Oil Millionaire
New York, Jan.*24—Harry S. Hark
nesg, only son of the late Lamon V,
Harkness, Standard OH millionaire,
died of the Spanish influenza at his
111 only a few days. Mr. Harkness
home here last night. He had been
was greatly interested in sports and
was the owner of the Sheepshead
Bay speedway where he promoted
automobile racing. He was a pioneer
aviator and had made many flights.
He Is survived by his widow.
Chicago, Jan. 24.—Butter dropped
Clipped From the Journal of Commerce
• • ,
Published in Philadelphia, tDecember 21st, 1918.
H. C. Kennedy, One of the I.urgent l'ntent i
Medielne nnd Sundry IlouNeH in the
United States, Deiiiriibly I.united ut 110-
112-11-1 North Washington •Avenue,
Sernnton, I'll.—Denier* in All SWindnrd
I'rt-piirn tlons—Every Artlt'le Sold at
Cut-Hate l'rlccs anil Cheaper Than Else
where—lleniuiniible I.IVIIIK I'roHt," Mot
to—Highly Successful. ' f
"Kennedy sells it. Cheaper" appears to
be the slogan of Scrantonians. Upon care
ful Investigation it was found to be ex
actly as the slogan Indicatos.
"Kennedy's." generally considered one
of the largest patent medicine und sundry
houses in the United States, is located at
110-112-114 North Washington avenue,
Scranton. t'a. A full und comprehensive
line of proprietary medicines, face pow
ders, toilet creams, dental powders and
creams, toilet soaps, rubber goods, candy,
cigars, razors, toilet sets, In fact, any and
everything in the"lino of patent medicines
and sundries is always on hand.
The establishment is commodious in
every particular and agreeably arranged.
The outstanding feature of "Kennedy's"
is the absolute fact that they will sell any
article or preparation cheaper than any
one else. Their motto now is und over
has been, "quick sales of small profits,"
and the Scranton public has net been
long In taking advantage of this extra
ordinary opportunity.
Don Abilo
n & Up
New Bachelor J.... /
'.ose O Cuba j
wi FOR
>unsellor * WAX
■* T artaP r m Q H
Steven OdC
Gen. Hartranft ....
All Other Cigars
6 for 35c
five cents a pound yesterday, whole
sale. This makes a total fall of fifi
teen Eents a pound In less than two
week Wholesale trade in butter
Ira 443 MARKET ST. —At the Subway — Open Evenings—443 MARKET ST.
% As a special favor to our many friends employed on the railroads we will gladly cash all pay
checks. You will not be obliged to buy anything* We are only too glad to cash them for you, Tor IgHq
atronage you are giving us continually.
Our Great Unloading Sale Is the Most ]||
I Wonderful Bargain Event in the City Hi
. Oar stocks are considerably heavier than they ought to be for this time of the year and in order to UNLOAD aHPTr
quickly we have slashed prices right and left without regard to profit or cost and present to you real MONEY
SAVING VALUES, the like of which have never before been seen.
There are thousands of bargains on all sides throughout our store, but because of limited space we quote Kgfl
but a few items to give some idea of the great saving. Bro?
Men's $2.00 Sweaters at 98£ Men's Heavy Ribbed Wool Shirts or Drawers, raSi
Men's $2.50 Sweaters at $1.48 worth SLSO at 98<* §P&
Men's $5.00 Sweaters at $2.39 Le f ther Palm Gloves at ..29tf |£g
Mens $7.50 Sweaters $3.66 Muleskin Cloves at Egg
D , 0 , . C 1 __ . Qf% , Canvas Work Gloves at 9 A
yS W * Blue Chambray Work Shirts at 89c 4 K||
Boys' $7.00 Dark Gray Sweaters $2.66 $2 .00 Sweet-Orr Work Shirts at .. $1 4 s ISS
Men's Fleece lined Union Suits, worth $3, at.. $1.48 Men > g $2 . 50 Trousers at 81*48 HH
Men's Fleece lined Shirts or Drawers, worth $1.50, Men's $3.00 Trousers at \1 $1.98
Men's Heavy Ribbed Union Suits, worth $3.50 JJ en [ 8 J?"®? J rOUSers at $2.98
at v $1.98 Men s $5.00 Trousers at $3.48 fgR
105 Men's Heavy Ribbed Shirts or Drawers, worth Mens $6.00 Trousers at $3.98 ISO
flgja $2.00, at . : , Men 's $7.00 Trousers at $4.98 HQI
SSg Men's Heavy Ribbed Wool Union Suits, worth Every pair of Trousers guaranteed if they rip we Raß
(9g $3.00, at $1'.98 give you a new pair. Ijg^j|
M All Men's Work and Dress Shoes at Ridiculously Low Prices f||
The preparations and sundry articles
distributed by "Kennedy's" are of stand
ard manufacture, or In other words, the
sunie identical ones as offered elsewhere.
Only at Kennedy's these same prepara
tions can be obtained at a largo saving,
due to the enormqus purchasing power of
this large concern and their irrevocable
motto to sell at living profits
The home office of "Kennedy's" is 10-.
cated ut Harrisburg, Pa., while branch
stores are being operated ut Wilkes-
Barre and Carbondale.
In the publicity onmpaign which the
Journal of Commerce is conducting in
Scranton, it has been forcibly noticed that
"Kennedys'" represents one of the city's
greatest commercial assets. Since this
paper has for a long time been noted for
recogrilzit\g conspicuous business abil
ity wherever same is prominently display
ed, it Is only appropriate to mention the
superior management of "Kennedy's" as
one Instance, where sheet- force of merit,
knowledge and ambition has won a recog
nized victory.
Judging from the multitude of buyers
who dally surge the aisles of "Kennedy's"
it was well assumed that the people of
Scranton appreciate the concern's superior
and admirable efforts.
The city of Scranton has every reason
to point with pardonable pride towards
an establishment of such meritorious char
acter, nnd on one whose influence in the
community is of evident great benefit and
Helen's Assorted
White House Coffee, 37c
3 lbs for SLOS
was described as not merely demor
alized, but paralyzed. Demand, both
foreign and domestic, was almost at ;
the zero point.
Standard Patents
1.20 Sal Hepatica 75c
*l.OO Swamp Root .73c
$l.OO Nujol (20-oz.) 79c
$1.30 Varnesis 79c
$l.OO Vinol '.79 c
$l.OO Listerine 71c
$l.OO Manola 79c
$1.25 Mayr's Stomach Remedy 77c
$1 .50 Pertussin .. 98c
$l.OO Angier's Emulsion 83c
$1.50 Russell's Emulsion 98c
$l.OO Quaker Herbs 79c
$l.OO Park Davis Mineral Oil .. 55c
$1.50 Fellows' Syrup Hypo ...$1.05
$l.OO Glyco Thyjnoline 81c
$1.25 D. D. D. Eczema Remedy 81c
25c Atwood's Bitters 19c
60c California Syrup of Figs ... 39c
$l.OO Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin .73c
For Coughs and Colds
$l.OO Mile's Nervine 79c
60c Pinex 39c
30c Piso's Remedy 19c
60c Syrup Pine Tar and Cod Liver.
• 45c
25c Syrup WJJiite Pine 23c
50c Drake Croup Remedy 37c
Shiloh's Cough Syrup 39c
60c Foley's Cough Syrup 39c
$1.25 Cod Liver Extract 98c
60c Musterole 39c
60c Mustarine 39c
60c Armstrong's Croup Ointment 39
75c Forkla 58c
25c Sassafola 17c
50c Page's Asthmatic Pastiles .. 37c
60c Schiffman's Asthmador ... .H3c
30c Groves' Laxative Bromo Qui
nine 19c
30c Hill's Cascara Bromide Qui
. nine 19c
Alhnny, Jan. 24.—Soda wate and
all forms of soft drthks, including
vlchy, "pop," ginger ale, sursaparllla.
root beer and even spring water, ari
to be taxed by the state. So an
nounced Henry M. Sage, chairman ol
, the Senate finance committee.
$5.00 Gillette Razors .. $3.98 3
$l.OO Ever-Ready Razors I
$l.OO Gem Razors |
Shaving f*fj
7 Gem Eladies , 39c 9
6 Ever-Ready Blades 27c I
Williams' Shaving Powder, Stick or I
Cream 28c I
Colgate's Shaving Powder, Stick or 1
Cream 30c
Colgate. Shaving Stick 10c 9|
After-Shaving Powder 23c 9
Ben Hazel After-Shaving Lotion 59c H
Massage Cream 34c and 45c R
Pinaud's Lilac j, 73c
Pills and Tablets
100—5-grain Cascara 40c H
100—5-grain Aspirin 89c I
100—5-grain Asafetida 53c H
100 Calomel Tablets 19c H
100 Bell-Ans - 4-5 c 9
100 Alophen 63c 9
60 Doan's Kidney Pills . 43c I
$l.OO Dewitt's Kidney Pills ...34c H
$l.OO Bliss Native Herbs 69c 9
$l.OO Nux and Iron -.89 c 9
25c Miles' Pain Pills - .-..21 c 9
25c Olive Tablets 17c 9
•25c Beecham's Pills ... ........ 17c I
Baby Foods
$3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk.. .$2.79 B
$3.75 Borden's Malted Milk ..$2.79
$3.75 Eskay's Food $2.?9
A x / 2 lbs. Nestle's Food $2.49
5 lbs Denno Food ..$1.89
$1.25 Imperil Granium .89c
No Mail Orders