Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 24, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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    ans to Establish
Oil Stations in All
American Ports
Washington, Jan. 24.—Plans for i
e establishment of oil stations in i
American ports, to facilitate the <
store Upens Saturday at 8.30 A. M. and Closes at 9.00 P. M.
Tomorrow-Saturday-Last Day of the Greatest of AH Clean Sweep Sales j
97Qirls C°at B s£.B9 IfT EUTC Lot of 328 Girls Dr6sses $1 00 1
Assortment o"model."d MttrUiA"rfand size's! Regardless of Former Selling Price, Saturday ... ▼ 1 Eg
from which you can make splendid selection and save gU aft "" I hams and'cha* s^ es ®nd patterrjs in ging- ' i " r
a lot of money. ||| Mil hi H 9 l"w pick on Saturday at Mi
... I K AI'FM AX'S—Second F!v Jr. ' Bfti UtML
Last Day of Clean Sweep Sale of Coats I To-morrow, Saturday, Crowds Will Pack the Store Fori
big lots to choose from oar Cj 1 OO • I C. 1 I
I Women's and Misses' | Women's and Misses' | (ff!\ UIUvO Vl UIUvO h/lvVlVl
if COATS COATS $1 0 I'jjfw. High Class Men's Furnishings at Our Unheard of Sale Prices i
111 setu?;.t,e"?rk:Zs r ; I III I Ik' This sale has stirred the entire town! If you don't if
Ili S ZZfTITSI*, ,r| *" d ° j § I supply your furnishing needs now you will' miss your 1
/sk -in:..la, greatest chance. The entire stock is on sale on Kauf-1
' Clean Sweep 5.1., | , . , | Illan'S Fl'rSt Flool\ I
Women's and Misses' | Women's and Misses' | Shirts! Collars! Neckwear!^Underwear! Hosiery! I
COATS $ll COATS SIC Sides & Sides Stock Fine Kid Gloves—s Lots 1
; \ Here is a lot of cheviot; in |# Broadcloth, kersey, melton, I| I /WU lOT 1 IOT 2 ! IDT 1 IHT A IHT C IS
wt??N reindeer ' taupe ' burund y' ■■- Pompom and velour; in black, ||J MENS KID GLOV*:s- MEN S FINEST KID MEN s GLOVES MESS ai'TO GAUNT- MEN S yJIUTF Kin 1
>_c navy, dark brown; some lined I navy, dark brown, taupe, bur- , Lined ami unlhied: tut- l otKs All kinds, all _ <M)l(>r _ n „ RIzCR LET MITTS sides & GLOVES for full dres" (M
H 1 rH=~E~r ' Wt. "Bmm mzzxs'wczz? 8
J | s,s,sr-- 1 ,\ I $1.50 $2.50 75c $2.00 $1.50 |
Women's and Misses' I Women's and Misses' I a! /IC, ~ b
mA TS $1 n A sni Sides & Sides Stock of Men's Shirts In Five Lots 1
In /I Pure Silk Shirts, Madras Shirts, Percale Shirts, Fiber Silk Shirts 1
f Kersey, broadclpth, melton, 111 Broadcloth,, cut bolivia, it Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 W
pompom, velour. All sizes for | duvetyne, velour, pompom, I Men's Madras and Per-" Men's Seott Madras and Men's Silk Stripe and Men's Tulj Silk and Fl- Men's Silk Shirts made K?l
misses and women- in black lcersev* in black navv Hark I - Mu calc Shirts, Soft Cuffs— Percale Shirts, a big va- Madras Shirts, excellent bor Silk Shirts, white .. „ ||lj
misses anu women, in DIHCK, Kersey, in OiacK, navy, dark I b?ry Some With attached S:>ft rlrty to select from; all variety of patterns; all slks, pongee silks; all °, r hPav * tub , B,,ks; all
navy, reindeer, burgundy, plum, taupe, brown, taupe, reindeer, bnrgundv and I Col i?r s ' s,,os - * izc *- slltcs - 8 * hi
dark brown and rose taupe. Lined -plum. All sizes • for misses and /OA l sts Sides Abides Price, sides* dgi* ' ~.85 to w/"' tsj
throughout plush, fur .r s..t dhrs. womuu. |, Kau(nla „. s $ KuutauVs f KaufmuV, $ 9.95 Kaufman's J Q.ftf Kaufman's SAOS 1
- Sale Price.. A ' Sale Price. A Sale Price. M Sale Price. t/ Sale Price..
EXTRA SPECIAL! WOMEN'S AND .MISSES' m (hi Sale in Kaufman's Men's Furnishing Department, First Floor. j
SERGE and SATIN DRESSES $9.95 \ 1 =1
Il\J l j , models in plain and trimmed styles, in the leading I ifi \ SldeS and SldeS StOCk All remaining lots fulfil TAffaC!C2
I!/ shades and in all sizes. These dresses are worth a great deal more, - jfl \ /"I/ Hif f -t* WW * MJm. CAiJ Itj
H but win be in the last two days of the Clean Sweep Sale at this "I OQC \ (Jt S FlfM? HoSterV of Sides & Sides Sides & Sides Full Dress Shirts Soft M
attrucueprU., Bo our, y whi.o Motion is host. I Z. 95 ) Fiber Silk & i
~ = Bel- L
■ Price TBc to $l.OO. Price fajamas, CIC.
That Big Sale of Men's Clothing Saturday A B,g cUK Black Ol- Reiacei N "" PL Si .50 I
4 Big Lots of Men's Suits /Yljt J.C half price V<>nol.C6 ®
_ _ * . - >i4Pl\ Kaufman'* Men'* Furnlablng Dept.
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 1= 1 !!========______ S
slo£s sl4£§ SIB2S v rIA SIDES & SIDES I I
The smartest suits that have been shown this season—and all, of them are reduced in , s /jKLI A •-% IVI IWfFllV'.Sl I IPC H)
this great Saturday Sale regardless of their real value. There are-all sizes, all styles, all iIGCKWCEr iflljil Kjl
the materials that are correct and serviceable. Lot No. 1 Sides & Sides Neckwear ;Q C 3 for E - &W. Collars, "Redman" & "Ide" Collars, |P
3*j* w ft J(X up to 65c. Price tjOC $l.OO * Sides & Sides Price, Sides & Sides Price,
Olg JLOtS Ol Uvercoats Lot No. 2 Sides & Sides Neckwear; rj Pj 3 for Each. Each.
/A up to $1.25. Kaufman's Sale Price OOC $1.50 Kaufman's Sale Price, Kaufman's Sale Price,
. jj U P tO $2.00. Kaufman's Sale Price 89 C Hsiao 6 f or $1 00 g f or 7C C i
9-95 12£| 14.95 1g.95 J4 fi ,y | b tor *i.uv b tor 75c |
deduced' tp l these* sui tow pT. c s o ?o'r"r' q ;L'i, b s e a Great Blanket Sale Continues Saturday I
fmj T%* i n/r fn I Wool, Cotton, and Woolnap Blankets at Great Reductions. Supply Now for Next Winter: You Save is
I nrPP MM t0 I .fiTQ fhr Vlort Q r/info I Ba£ 12c Pairs of Cotton Flcecc 40 Pairs Wliltc Wool Finish S8 Pair Plaid Woolen Blank- QJ
VI IrlCfl O A Ufliv J fln 1H Blankets: Gray, size 66x80 Ins. Blankets; size 64x76 Inches; etsj pink, blue, tan, black and v. Si
* i 1 _ - I ffiyy extra good value, ffb O /I /?* plnk and blue (t* O f\ C Kn-V, s>e 66x80 Inches;
.. Lot 2, Lot,! / K ' prl " 5~.., ur .53.95 zr Fr T~°° l $5 m 4B • B
55?" 83.95 .Tr.rr.. si.s $2.95 95 yTjifT I
, Fair Sale price, * * a very good wool blanket with riij
Boys' Suits, o'coats, Pants, Blouses, Etc. I
, _ l*fi ' ' Pttlr ———— 21 Pair Gray Woolen Blank-
Saturday Values That Need Quick Attention : BLESSES I
„ Boys' Suits . Boys' Suit. $4.95 98C
lkyg 1 010 Overtjoats wif li leggings Boys' Corduroy Suits, 7to 17 years. Bovs' Norfolk suit- ito 1.7 v<um- • Ktl
and hat to match; made of (4 Qg made of drab shade cord; aff QC good'quality cheviot;'made £ ne 1 . ——— o)l
CivT L'S " lu '" v .v heaver cloth. .. • punts cut Mil—ti-cnch model wOsSfO U ltli new trench •twit, ... wO.C/O Uliltc' Wool Blankets I'lnld Wool Fleeced Cotton Cretonne Covered Comfort- Si
" ~~~ — —— , —: slightly pofled and mussed from Blankets Size 66x80, extra nMcs a limited quantity to /\ O 1 • Er r t
„„!^T Z Toques - a Boys' Corduroy Pants, 6to QQ- Boys' Odd Blousei, 4 Q_ imb! 19.16 !nd now' ffood value and A Q sell in this OQA f\ bale 111 Kaufman
~— ' ,ia,s stronfely mnd J madras: tnpelcss. 49C
I $4.45, s4.9ii. tsßlsr:." 1 -.: r,r: _ 53.49 Bargain B .e men t J
~ ' ' 1 : - ' •. <
••". k v V „ 4
,.• % / i '
refueling of vessels of the American
merchant marine, are under consid
eration by the Shipping Board.
JohnA. Donald, acting chairman of
the board, declares that the lower
cost of fuel oil delivered on a ship
as compared with coal, would serve
to give American shipping an en
during economic advantage in com
peting with British and other for
eign owqed ships, and help to ofTset
"higher wages and construction costs
prevailing in the United States.
Ilueiinx Aires, Jan. 24.—rAs a result
of the strike of marine workers, the
packing houses have withdrawn
from the cattle market.' Prices for
beef are falling.
New York Legislature
To Ratify Dry Bill
Albany, N. Y., Jan. 24.—After a de
t m
no ■■■■
bate lastfhg nearly five hours, which
was preceded by a Republican caucus •
In whlcW lt was made a party meas
ure,- a !s>goltitlon to ratify the fed
eral prohibition amendment was
adopted* by. the assembly of the New
York'ii'glslature late yesterday. The
vote vJas 81 to 66. Eleven Republi
cans declined to be bound by the
caucus action and Joined with the
Democratic and Socialist minorities
in voting against adoption.
Action 6n the resolution probably
will be titken by the Senate early
next week.
The eleven Republicans who voted
negatively were- those who enrller in
the day Had Joined with the minori
ties in an unsuccessful attempt to
pass a bill to carry out Governor
Smith's recommendation for a refer
Berwick, Pa., Jan. 24.—When
Lawrence Boyd left Berwick forty
years ago for Seattle, his motliei i
expressed the hope that she would
live to see him return. Her wish hat
been fulfilled, although she had to
live to be 86 years of age to see \iim.
He is her on his first visit since li