Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 23, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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Drops Rapidly, Starts Vrille
| and Crashes; Almost .
Instantly Killed
Princeton, N. J., Jan. 23.—The
first detailed account of how Cap
-tain Hobart A. H. Baker, former
Princeton athlete, met his death in
France 45 minutes after his release
from service, has just been received
in a letter from Lieutenant Edward
C. Olds, who was adjutant on the
staff of the second army air service
to which Captain Baker belonged.
Captain Baker was killed near 'J'oul
on December 31.
Lieutenant Olds wrote that after
being; released Baker decided to
take a final short trip in hi 3 spad.
'".'There was a ship in his linngar be
longing to one of his officers, the
engine of which had gone bad a few
days ago," the letter said. "It had
,been repaired and Captain Baker de
cided to use his last trip to test out
the repaired machine. Both his offi
cer and mechanics strongly urged
him not to do so but ho insisted. He
.was up only 150 metres when the
engine failed. He dropped rapidly
and, if he had continued straight
ahead, would have landed in some
Lot of Women's Extra Fine Dress
Shoes: high top, Cuban heel; value
$5.00, $2.98
Lot of Women's Vici Kid Dress
Shoes; military heel; value $6.00,
A lot of Mrs. Endwell Dress Shoes;
made by the Endicott Johnson and
Co. Values up to $6.00 $3.85
Lot of Men's W. L. Douglas But
ton Shoes; value $7.00, $4.75
Lot of Men's Vici Kid Shoes; all
sizes. Values up to $6.50, . . .$3.98
Lot of Children's 2 buckle Arctics,
at 91-49
Ladies' Coats, Suits and Dresses
f# Coats 1) CA
Values to $40.00 g JB •
Suits | QC
Values to S4O En # **
I \l\\\ l \() ilianoe. You can pick m '
\ Yyl A .'rom All Wool Serges, |M |jt
r>-\ aSCpA Poplins, Broadcloths, W
i \ LJUW —-n\ ukl Velours. This suit ,
\ /A I\ i \\ \ ,ou can wcar n " this
\ \ I \i \ vintcr and all Ulis
\ nmdng spring. At
/inl I Dresses ADA
I' Silk Taffeta, Pop- ———
| I lins, Serges and Sat" ffk
/ || ins, values to $22.50
I Suits Skirts
I - —I Beautiful Serges and Of All Wool Poplins,
y -rf Poplins—Best Styles and Best Styles, Colors and
/ \ {/ Colors. Value to S2O, Sizes. Regular Price $7.98,
$9.95 $4.49
First Floor Specials
$1.75 Messaline and Taffeta in most
all shades, 36 inches wide, U? 1 O Q
per yard tj) A tOO
35c Outings in blue, pink O All*
and white, per yard mhl /<2C
P etyat L d !gh,PCTCa ": 2Vkc
45c Cretonne, 36 inches wide, in a large
variety of patterns, per Q O
yard JjC
35c Dress Gingham, beau-Q 4 #/
tiful fancy plaids, per yard /<2C
40c Bates' Ginghams, 36 inches O 1
wide, per yard O i C
A lot of Misses' Scarf values up
to $2. Your QA
choice UvC
45c Snow White Pillow Cases, Of|
sizes 45x36 ui/C
A lot Children's Knit Mit- "| 1
tens; value 25c 1 1 C
35c Fancy Crepe, per yd.
27c Muslin, 36 inches wide, per
30c Lawn Cloth, chamois finish,
per yard.
SI.OO Mohawk Sheetings, size 10x4, 79£
per yard. •
$2.25 Snow White Sheets, size 81x90,
Heavy Turkish Towels, 50c value, 29^
small trees and wires. However, he
did what so many good aviators do
Just once too often —he tried to get
back into the Held, nosed down to
gain headway, started into a vlrllle
and crashed, being almost instantly
"He was buried near Major Luf
berry. In the little American ceme
tery of United States evacuation
hospital No. 1 aA Utenll-La-Tour,
Just north of Toul."
Archbishop Cerretti
Pays Tribute to Wilson
Baltimore, Jan. 23.—1n an ad
dress. not only eulogistic of Cardi
nal Gibbons, but which also paid a
tribute to President Wilson, Arch
bishop Bonaventure Cerretti. Papal
Under Secretary of State, yesterday
presented to the cardinal the con
gratulations of Pope Benedict on
the golden jubilap of his episcopate.
"Tho sovereign pontiff has sent
me to express his love and admira
tion for that great American whose
name Is written with letters of gold
in the hearts of the American peo
ple," said Archbishop Cerretti to
Cardinal Gibbdhs.
"But in honoring you, your emi
nence, the Holy Father honors the
wliolo Americun church, honors
America. For In your eminence is
represented all that is great and
noble in American religious and
civil life."
Dauphin, Pa., Jan. 23.—Bishop W.
Stanford, of Harrisburg, will preach
in the Evangelical Church to-mor-|
row evening.
Lot of Children's Shoes; sizes 5 to
6*4, at $1.29
Lot of Ladies' $7.00 Shoes .in
brown, gray and ivory tops; sizes Z l / 2
to 4*4, at $2.48
Lot of Men's Dress Shoes, without
tips, worth double, $2.98
Lot of Misses' Gun Metal Shoes;
sizes 11*4 to 2, at $1.98
Lot Children's Cloth top Shoes;
sizes 9 to 2, at $1.49
Lot of Boys' English style Shoes;
sizes 2*4 to 5*4, at $2.25
Special From Philadelphia to
Pittsburgh Is Derailed
Near Altoona
Altoona, Jan. 23.—Pennsylvania
railroad officials are to-day making
an investigation as to who Is respon
sible for the wreck of the special
train at Mineral Point, on the Pitts
burgh division. Just west of here, late
yesterday afternoon. The train was
wrecked by a broken rail. Just how
long tho rail had been there with
out being reported is being looked
Three men were Injured, one per
haps seriously. The train was con
veying Superintendent R. T. Morrow,
of the Pittsburgh division, and a
party of officials from Philadelphia
to Pittsburgh.
The locomotive went over a flf
teen-foot embankment.
Engineer J. Phillips, of Pittsburgh,
suffered severe injuries and was
taken to a Johnstown hospital. Tho
fireman and Assistant Passenger
Trainmaster Almond, Pittsburgh,
were also hurt.
| One of three special coaches occu
pied by the officials went partly ovei
jfewLook at These Wonderful Bargains
Child™,', nno -srr QQ
Ladies' $2.25 C ? ala '' i" MUO House |.y O Boys-
White Kid Veiour, Cord- r m Gloves, Dresses I Hose
Gloves uroyandmis, M' "| Q value up to ' A All Sizes
97c ed cloth, iyc $4.00...° . 15c f
Boys' Fleece Ribbed Union
Suits, sizes up to $1.29
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Shirts
and Drawers, value Q
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Union
Suits; value 1 £+ Q
$2.00 P 1 .UO
Children's Heavy fleece lined
shirts and drawers; gQ
sizes up to 14, $1 value OOC
■Boys' Ribbed Union Suits;
value SI.OO, all C O
sizes OOC
Give Majority Faction 160 Seats and Minority 23; Kurt
Eisner, Bavarian Premier, Fails to Win at Polls;
Christian People's Party Captures Eighty Places
By Associated Press
Basic, Switzerland, Jan. 23.—Re
ports from all the twenty-seven elec
toral districts in Germany, return
ing the full number of 421 members
of the national assembly, show the
Majority• Socialists having a plural
ity in tho assembly, with 164 votes.
I The next highest number of mem
bers was returned by the Christian
peoples' party, tho former Centrists,
who will have 88 members. The dis
tribution of the members by parties
the embankment, but they escaped
with minor bruises.
The United States Slvil Service
Commission announces that tho or
dnance department of the army is in
urgent need of an unlimited num
ber of cost accountants and clerks
qualified in accounting for service in
the establishments throughout the
rcountry. The income /tux unit of
I - 428-30 Market St.
How we can sell staple and desirable merchandise below
manufacturer's cost. The items advertised on this sheet
are only a mere fraction of the hundreds of others even
more tempting, you will note here in this.
10 Cakes P. & G. Naptha Hundreds of Other
Items to Numerous to
Mention, Priced
With Every $2.00 Purchase Very Low
Lot of Ladies' Heavy Sweat
ers, blue, brown and garnet,
values up to QQ
SB.OO Po*t/0
Lot of Misses' Sweaters, all
colors and styles, d*o QQ
values up to $6..
Lot of Children's Sweaters,
all colors, value AQ
$2.00 J/OC
Men's $2 Heavy Gray Sweat
ers withheavy roll 1 1 A
collar . W l*it/
Majority Socialists. 164; Christian
People's party, 88; Democrats, 77;
German National party, 34; Minor
ity Socialists, 24; German People's
party, 23; Guelfs, 4; Bavarian Peas
ants' League, 4; Wurtcmburg Bour
geois party, 2; Peasants and Work
men's Democratic League, 1. Total,
Premier Ebert and Philipp
Scheldemann have gono to Weimar
to superintend the making over of
the Court theater there in which the
national assembly is to meet.
the burenu of internal revenue is
also in need of a number of travel
ing auditors and resident auditors
for service in the department head
quarters at Washington and in the
field. Persons qualified and interest
ed in these examinations can se
cure further information in regard
to same by calling at the office of
the secretary, board of civil service
examiners, Post Office building,
Harrisburg, Pa.
Ladies' 25c Hosiery "I 1 _
in all colors X X
Ladies' 75c Silk Hosiery in
black, white and A Q
tan 4oC
Ladies' $1.50 Silk QA
Hosiery O 4/C
Ladies' 35c Hose in 1 Q
black and white X J7 C
JANUARY 23, 1919.
Completing Parts of Cannon
Rejected Under Terms
of Armistice
By Associated ' Press
Coblctiz. Jan. 23. The Krupp
plant at Essen began working for
the United States government Tues
day. The task undertaken by the
Krupps consists of making parts for
seventy-two incomplete cannon, re
jected by the American authorities
as part of tho war material offered
by the Germans under the terms of
the armistice.
The German commission which
has been in Berlin considering the
question of the heavy guns turned
down by tho American authorities
has arrived at Coblenz and reported
that eighty cannon have been ship
ped to the headquarters of the
American army of occupation to
repluco big guns whtel} failod to
meet requirements. With the de
livery of the parts for the seventy
two cannon and the arrival of these
eighty cannon, the delivery of heavy
artillery to the Americana will have
CJean-Up Sale in Men's Department
Men's Heavy Ribbed Shirts and
Drawers; value $1.25 89£
A lot Men's Flannel Shirts. Made
in blue, gray and army khaki; value
$2.50 $1.48
98c Blue Chambray Work Shirts
with collars attached 59^
Men's 35c Garters 19^
Canvas Gloves 9£
Men's Heavy Jersey Shirts in blue
and tan $1.98
Men's $2.00 Dress Shirts . .$1.19
A large assortment to select from.
Muleskin Work Gloves 59^
Men's $5 Corduroy Pants, all sizes,
Men's and Boys'
Suits & Overcoats
Mens'Suits A.90
Men's Suits that were sold w_ ft "5" J
*t sls and $lB, r*4>-T \
Men's Suits /{ .90 /
Men's Suits, made on the L"T r w-^r
best styles of the season; a ■■hi ■ I \ \/jf V
large assortment to select from. I I I
Men'so'coats "j 0.90
Men's Overcoats that were JL '' 117/ \ 1"
formerly priced up to $22.50, \ 111 \ i 1
Men's o'coats '// , I )
Lot of Men's Overcoats, val- ( f f /fi (T\ i
ucs to $15.00, f ' / ""/ I \1 1 1
Boys' Suits "3 .85 111
Boys* Snlts, an excellent
school suit; values to $5,
Lot of Men's Work Men's 51.50 Jersey
('ants, values 21 OQ Sweaters, in QQ_
up to $3.00... gray only OUC
Lot of Men's Dress „ _
Shirts, values 7Q_ , Bo > s 4 1 " 0 Heavy Cor
up to $1.50 lifC luroy 94C J
Boys' Overcoats, mode pants
with side pockets and Boys' Corduroy Suits,
belt in baek; dJO QA rnlues to $8.50; tfj/l QC 1 " )
sizes 12 to 18.. til sizes to 18, d'TtllO
A "lot of Waists, d* 1 OQ
value $2, J) X
A lot of Voile Waists, trim
med neatly with lace; QQ
value $1.50 OJ/C
A lot of Silk Striped and
Crepe de Chine Waists; values
up to $4. QQ
Choice aP^i.OI/
A lot of Silk Striped Messa
line, Taffeta and Crepe de Chine
Waists; values up d*o QC
, to $5. Special at
The best styles and colors are
in this lot.
been completed, the American allot
ment calling for one hundred and
fifty-two heavy guns.
Snydertown Hotel
Will Close Doors
After Fifty Years
Snnbury, Pa., Jan. 23.—After be
ing licensed for more than fifty
years, the Snydertown hotel. Wil
liam H. Foulkrod, proprietor, will
close its doors at the end of this
Belmnr Hotel, Sunbury, to-day
suspended Its bur and will bo turn
ed into upartnients by C. C. See
bold, Its owner.
President Judge Cummings, of the
Northumberland county courts, suid
to-day that no fractional liquor li
censes will be issued. I.lcenseß must
be for at the full year rate of
3200 for borough and SIOO for town
ship. Under law this is required, he
Ge ting Too Fai?
Try This—Reduce
People who don't grow too fat are
the fortunate exception. But It you
find the fat accumulating or already
cumbersome, you will be wise to fol
low this suggestion, which is endors
ed by thousands of people who know.
I Ask your druggist (or If you pre-
J fer write to the Marmola Co., 864
j Woodward Ave., Uetrolt, Mich.) for a
large case of Marmola Prescription
Tablets. VDc s the price the world
over. By doing this you will be safe
from harmful drugs and bo able to
reduce two. three or fyur pounds a
week without dieting or exercise.
50c Suspenders in heavy or light
weight 37^
Men's Handkerchiefs, in red, blue,
khaki and white 7Q
Men's Heavy Ribbed Union. Suits;
value $2.75 $1.98
Men's 50c Canvas Gloves with
leather palms 29£
A lot of Men's Extra Heavy Sweat
ers; values up to $6 !$2.89
In all colors and sizes.
A lot of Men's Dress Pants in the
most desirable patterns, values up to
$4.00 $2.4S
j Third Floor Specials
I ' A lot of Blue Enameled Pans, OA
1 value 75c, Oi/C
■ Table and Tea Spoons, 1 A
i 6 for AJ7C
A lot of 10c Glassware, your A
choice Ov
All 15c and 20c Dishes, A
each C
I A lot of good Clothes 1 A
Baskets, value 50d 1 t/C
35c Cups and Saucers; gilt OO
trimmed OC
A lot of Berry Sets; 75c OA
value, per set C
i A lot of Heavy Knit and Sa-OA
| teen Petticoats, 51.50 value ... Oi/C
I Lot of heavy cotton filled dQ OA
Comforts, value $5.00
Lot of extra fine quality AO
Comforts, values up to SB.. *PTT**/0
Lot of white Flannelette d* 1 AQ
Gowns, values to $2.00 ... 000
Lot of Flannelette Kimonos, values to
$2.00; big variety of colors $1.39
Lot of 50c Percale Petticoats ... .28£
Fleece lined Dressing Sacques ..
i SI.OO White and Blue Enameled Coffee
Pots, 2 and 3 qt. sizes 59^
SI.OO and $1.25 Brooms (*9£
Lot of Dolls, value up to 50c 19^
Floor Linoleum— a ij}£? t e ß> • sq. yd.,
Lot of fancy Kimonos, $1.50 val 69£
explained, and asserted that the
court Is without power to permit a
reduction In the price of a liquor li
cense even had it so desired.
Lewlstown, p a .. Jan. 2 3.—Edward
Speaks, residing near here, has'
raised ono of the largest hogs ever*
dressed in this section. It weighed
525 pounds.
It's Easy—lf You Know Dr
Edwards' Olive Tablets
The secret of keeping young is to feel
young—to do this you must watch your
liver and bowels—there'snoneedof hav
ing a sallow complexion dark rings
under your eyes—pimples—a bilious
look in your face—dull eyes with n
j sparkle. Your doctorwill tell you Ri
per cent of all sickness comes from i**
| active bowels and liver.
Dr. Edwards, a well-known physlctwj
! In Ohio, perfected a vegetable eo*
pound mixed with olive oil to act ot#
i the liver and bowels, which he gave to
| his patients for years.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel, are gentle in their
I action yet always effective. They bring
about that exuberance of spirit, that
natural buoyancy which should be en
joyed by everyone, by toning up the li"#v
and clearing the system of irspuTVfr,-^
You will know Dr. Edwardrf /V- -a
I Tablets by their olive color, jruJ
J 25c per box. All druggists.