Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 23, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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High Praise For Governor
Sproul and the Harris
burg Telegraph
Despite the fact that the ratifica
tion of the national prohibition
amendment by the Pennsylvania
Legislature seems assured, the work
of the dry federation will go on.
Legislation to enforce prohibition
will be enacted through the efforts
of the temperance forces. This at
titude was defined by officials of
the federation at last night's meet
ing, the closing session of the con
vention, held in the Chestnut Street
The convention session opened at
7.30 with a concert by the Com
monwealth Band of Harrisburg, fol
lowed by the reports of the nomi
nations and resolutions committees.
Hurry, Mother! Remove pois
ons from little stomach,
liver, bowels.
Give "California Syrup of Figs"
at once if bilious
or constipated.
Look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, It is a sure sign that your
little one's stomach, liver and bowels
need a gentle, thorough cleansing at
When peevish, cross, listless, pale,
doesn't sleep doesn't eat or act natu
rally, or is feverish, stomach Bour,
breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore
throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a
teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," and in a few hours all the
foul, constipated waste, undigested j
food and sour bile gently moves out
of its little bowels without griping,
and you have a well and playfyl
child again.
You needn't coax sick children, to
take this harmless "fruit laxative;"
they love its delicious taste, and it
always makes them feel splendid.
Ask your druggist for a bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs," which
has directions for babies, children of
all ages and for grown-ups plainly
on the bottle. Beware of counter
feits sold here. To be sure you
get the genuine, ask to see that it
is made by "California Fig Syrup
Company." Refuse any other kind
with contempt.
"Now I Can Walk," Says Mrs.
Southcott of Medina
"Here is another letter that makes
me happy," says Peterson, of Buffalo.
"One that I would rather have a
thousand dollars."
"Money Irji't everything in this
world. There is many a big hearted,
rich man who would give all he has
on earth to be able to produce a-rem
edy with such mightly healing power
as Peterson's Ointment, to sell at all
druggists for 35 cents a box."
Read this letter, written February
11. IVIS, by Mrs. Albert Southcott.
uL Medina, N. Y. It seems like a
"racle, but it is true, every word of
I know it because I get similar
letters almost every day.
Is it any wonder I am happy!
Peterson Ointment Co., Inc., Buffalo.
N. Y. .
Dear Sirs—
"l was an untold sufferer from an
old running sore and ulcers. I had
tried most everything without any
relief from pain. A friend told me
of your wonderful ointment and the
first box took away the pain that
had not left me before in years, and
after using just nine dollars worth
of the salve I am cured. The ulcer
was inches by 6% inches, is all
healed and I can walk. Never, never
will I be without Peterson's again.
"You may use this to recommend
your ointment If you wish. I cannot
say enough to praise It." Yours truly,
Mrs. Albert Southcott, Medina. N. Y.
;; A Stubborn Cough ;;
Loosens Right Up
——— 11
' * This home-made remedy le a wonder ''
'' for quick mults. Easily and. ' ►
cheaply made. J •
Here is a home-made syrup which
millions of people have found to be
the most dependable means of breaking
up stubborn coughs. It is cheap and
simple, but very prompt in action. Un
der its healing, soothing influence,
chest soreness goes, phlegm loosens,
breathing becomes easier, tickling in
throat stops and vou get a good night's
restful sleep. The usual throat and
chest colds aro conquered by it in 24
hours or less. Nothing better for
bronchitis, hoarseness, croup, whoop
ing cough, bronchial asthma or winter
To make this splendid cough syrup,
pour 2'A ounces of Pincx into a pint
bottle and fill the bottle with plain
granulated sugar syrup and shake
thoroughly. If you prefer use clari
fied molasses, honey, or corn syrup,
instead of sugar syrup. Kithor way,
you get a full pint—a family supply—
of much better cough avrup than you
eonld buy ready-made for three times
the money. Keeps perfectly and chil
dren, love its pleasant taste.
Pinex is a special and highly con
centrated compound of genuine Nor
way pine extract, known the world
over for its prompt healing effect upon
the membranes.
To avoid disappointment ask your
druggist for "2% ounces of Pinex"
with full directions, and don't accept
anything else. Guaranteed to give ab
solute satisfaction of money promptly
refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne,
Judge W. E. Porter, of New Castle,
was unanimously elected as presi
dent. Other officers elected includ
ed: Vice-presidents, Mrs. Ella M.
George. Beaver Falls; B. E. P.
Prugh, Harrisburg; the Rev. H. H.
Negley, Pittsburgh, and the Rev.
Rufus W. Miller, Philadelphia; sec
retary, S. E. Gill, Pittsburgh; treas
urer, Frank H. RobinsoA, Pitts
burgh; directors. George Rankin,
Wilkinsburg; John E. Gill, Franklin;
J. Denny O'Neil, McKeesport; Dr.
Charles Scanlon, Pittsburgh; Lex N.
Mitchell, Punxsutawney; Mrs. J. O.
Miller, Pittsburgh, and J. W. Kin
near, Pittsburgh.
High praise for Governor Sproul's
stand on the side of the "dry"
forces was contained in the resolu
tions adopted by the convention. The
resolutions also pledged the organi
zation's support of woman's suff
Resolutions Adopted
The resolutions follow:
"This is a time for universal re
joicing by all who have had a part
in the passing of the amendment to
the constitution of our country that
makes it a saloonless nation. We
express our profound thanks to God
for his guiding Providence that has
made this ossible and, to all or
ganizations that have aided in this
heroic undertaking.
"Resolver, first that we approve
of the work accomplished during
the past year by our state superin
tendent, Dr. John Royal Harris, by
our executive committee, by our
finance committee; that we express
our heartiest appreciation of our lo
cal-committee in their generous hos
pitality in making provisions for our
comfort during this convention, and
for the good will and co-operation
of all affiliated agencies.
"Resolved, first, that we approve
press our high appreciation of the
unqualified stand taken by Gover
nor William C. Sproul favoring the
ratifying of the national prohibition
amendment and we call the mem
bers of the Legislature to follow his
wise leadership in this critical hour,
and at an early date enact such
state laws as will make effective
the complete banishment of the sa
loon from Pennsylvania.
"Resolved, third, that we appre
ciate and approve our Governor's
expression on the question of wo
man's rights and pledge our support
for the same.
"Resolved, fourth, that the ex
cellent work done by the public
press in giving publicity to the ac
tivities of the dry federation receive
our heartiest approval.
"Resolved, fifth, that the interest
manifested in other countries to rid
themselves of the curse of alcoholic
beverage be gratefully recognized
and encouraged.
"Resolved, sixth, that the chair
man of this convention appoint a
committee of which Dr. John Royal
Harris shall be chairman to prepare
and publish a history of our federa
tion movement.
"Resolved, seventh, that the pres
ent executive committee be continu
ed with the addition of two mem
bers, R. E. Johnston and John A.
McSparron, and if conditions arise
requiring action to make Pennsyl
vania a bone dry state, that said
committee be empowered to act."
Leads Demonstration
The Rev. S. Harvey Klaer, pastor
of Covenant Presbyterian Church,
led in a demonstration by Dauphin
county Bible classes. Members of
the Legislature sitting in the audi
ence were called to the platform and
A feature of the evening's meeting
was an address by John W. Vicker
man, Bellevue, sponsor of the Ratifi
cation measure in the House. He
expressed his confidence in the pass
ing of the bill. In fact, the whole
convention yesterday and last eve
ning radiated confidence in Pennsyl
vaia's ratification.*
Because of the illness of his
mother, Governor Sproul could not
be present at the meeting. A mes
sage of regret was read from him.
Congressman Simeon D. Fess, oft
Ohio, scheduled to speak, wired his j
inability to come because of a sore j
throat. Mrs. Mary Harris Armor, j
widely known as the "Georgia Cy-1
clone," a temperance lecturer oft
'more than ordinary ability, delivered'
the closing address of the conven-1
tion. "The biggest fight is ahead." I
she said. "Work to see that the law
is obeyed." ,
A feature of yesterday afternoon's
session of the convention was an ad
dress by Clinton N. Howard, chair
man of the campaign committee of
the National Dry Federation, in
which he placed the Harrisburg Tele
graph and the Philadelphia North
American on the roll of honor as the
only two newspapers in the United
States w-ho stood for prohibition all
the time and said it could be done.
Mr. Howard is a Harrisburg boy. He
was born here, but now resides at
Rochester, N. T. He came all the
way from Des Moines, lowa, to de
liver his address here. He dealt with
the ratification of the National Pro
hibition Amendment. He said in
Standing Alone
The devil said it eonld not be
done: the word of the fearful,
unbelieving and altominnlde In
the house of the Lord said it
could not be done; the New
York World nnd Times, the Cin
cinnati Enquirer. the Chicago
Tribune, mid the New Orleans
Picayune said it could not lie
done. The Harrisburg Tele- |
graph and the Philadelphia
North American said it could be
done. Thank God, we had a
witness among the press!
"In one year and eight months
after the first state ratified, it was
done! The recording angel called
the roll and forty-two states an
swered 'Dry.' Pennsylvania, the
Gibraltar of the trade, will ratify;
New York, the Vampire State, will
ratify; the late Rhode Island will
ratify; and New Jersey—Oh, my!
Oh, my! Oh, you Sweet Potato stato!
Oh, you Mosquito State! New Jersey
has never ratified any of the eighteen
amendments to the Constitution! Not
one! She may not this one, but let
her stew in her own juice until Jan
uary 16, 1920. One more year of
disgrace, and Uncle Sam will hang
her out to dry.
"Hush, New Jersey, don't you •
You'll be weaned and spanked
bone dry."
"Eighty, million people have voted
to ratify. It is the final Judgment
of the American peopje— fixed, irrev
ocable and eternal. Everybody ac
cepts it but the liquor trade. That
old skeleton still makes some mo
tions like the tail of a dead serpent,
but It is only the convulsions of the
abnormal abdominal protuberance
that is moving its limbs. Prohibition
has perforated its heart.
"We will make it good and cart-y
it around the world."
Miss Helen S. Lelbb, executive seel
retary of the Home Service Section
Harrisburg Chapter of the American
Red Cross, has resigned her office,
to take effect February 1. Miss Mar-
garet Rlngland has been appointed '
as her successor.
Plans for the coming year's work
were outlined by Miss Rlngland.
Five assistants wll be retained for
the important Red Cross activities in
connection with the care of return
ing fighters.
The Sale Starts 1 Store Opens at 8.311
To-morrow ft Closes at
Friday at 8.30 A. M. g, 5 .M. on Friday
Tomorrow Morning At 8.30 O'clock When The Store Op ens We Start
The Most Remarkable Sale The Men Of This Community Have Ever Attended
Kaufman's Sale & Sides & Sides Stock
Sides & Sides Stock of
Men's Linen Collars
E. & W. Collars
All Sizes—All Styles
Sides & Sides Price 35c
Each. Kaufman's Price
6 for SI.OO
Ide & Redman Collars
All Sizes—All Styles
Sides & Sides Price 25c
Each. Kaufman's Price
6 for 75c
Sides & Sides Stock of
99 Full Dress Vests
White Pique, White, Gray
and Black Silk.
Regular and Stout Sizes.
All at Exactly Yi Price.
All Sides & Sides $4.00
v"L D " 55 ... $2.00
All Sides & Sides $5.00
Full Dress (i* O E? f\
Vests tPZ.OU
All Sides & Sides $6.00
v"L Dress $3.00
All Sides & Sides SB.OO
Vests!". 83 . $4.00
On Sale in Kaufman's
Men's Clothing Dept.
Sides and Sides
Flannel Shirts
One lot of 26 Men's
Flannel Shirts, assorted
colors; not all sizes. Sides
& Sides Price $2.85.
Kaufman's f A
Price $1 *45
Sides and Sides
Garters aod Handkerchiefs
300 pairs Men's 35c Gar
ters, all colors. f
Sale Price 1 / C
160 pairs Men's 50c Gar
ters, double grip; Oft
all colors dLt\j Q,
350 Men's 40c Linen
Handkerchiefs. O
Sale price MVJC
Just 11 Sides & Sides
$6.00 and $7.00
Heavy Rope
Stitched Sweaters
[ $3.75
Japanette Lounging
Just 23 in the lot -
Sides & Sides Price,
Kaufman's Price,
$1.50 1
Will Soon Talk Across
the Atlantic By Wireless
London, Jan. 23.—"8y the time
the peace treaty is signed we shall
be talking across the Atlantic by
wireless," says Godfrey Isaacs, man
Of Men's Furnishings At Far Less Than Sides and Sides Prices
he stock consists of the choicest patterns in the finest merchandise of its kind. Sides & Sides carried a complete
assortment of the class of haberdashery that every man likes and now that we have the stock and will start our sale
of it to-morrow morning, it is up to you to be here bright and early and supply yourself with something fine in fur
mshings. We purchased the stock last week and have removed it to our store and arranged the lines for easy selection.
I he sale will be held on the first floor of our store.
Do We Have To Urde You To Come?
Sides and Sides Stock of Men's Shirts In Five Lots
Pure Silk Shirts, Madras Shirts, Percale Shirts, Fibre Silk Shirts
All Go Into Kaufman's Sale at Irresistible Prices—Starting Friday
Lot 1 Lot 2 I ; Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
sfHits r, C -° arS - t0 S fr 2 m o ; . , a " S,ZCS - ° f P atterns: 311 sizes " & ee silks ! a siz - good patterns. ■
r&sftsr * rsssasr
Kaufman's j .25 Kaufman ' s $1!.95! Kaufman ' s s <^.9s! Kaufn,an ' s so.9sj KaHfman ' s s A .95
ae I EBBS Sale I ESm Sale /;BWF Sak Sale O.— —I
Price A Price A i Price... - Jarf Price... Price...
I I . • ,1
On Sale in Kaufman's Men's Furnishing Department, First Floor
Sides & Sides
Stock of Men's
Over 2,000 New 4-in-Hand Ties
Divided Into Three Big Lots
LOT NO. 1 rk pa"
Sides & Sides < C _ 3 for
up to esc . .VlCroo
Neckwear x
LOT NO. 2 —g
Sides & Sides |T C 3 for
rLtr - DDCsi.so
Sides & Sides >'*•■•■ Qg| _ 3 for
Up tO $2.00 i'Hee /J**#' 5()
Kaofman'i Men's Furnishing Dept.
' —————— r
Sides & Sides Stock Fine Kid Gloves -- 5 Lots
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
GLOVES— Lined and un- FINEST KID GLOVES— GLOVES gray color GAUNTLET MITTS. GLOVES for full dress,
p"p.J assorted colors. Sides All kinds, all colors. Sides all sizes. Sides & Sides Sides & Sales Price, $3.50 Sides & Sides Prices $2 50
& Sides prices, $2.50 and $3. & Sides prices, $3.50 to $5. ' price $1.50. and $4.50. and $3.00.
Kaufman s Sale Price, Kaufman's Sale Price, Kaufman's Sale Price, Kaufman's Sale Price, Kaufman's Sale Price
1 $1.50 $2.50 75c $2.00 $1.50
Sides & Sides Men's Pajamas
19 Suits of Pajamas a n r
Sides & Sides Price $2.25. \ I / H
Kaufman's Sale Price t
9 Suits of Pajamas nP -
Sides & Sides Price $4.85. n X Hi
Kaufman's Sale Price -*P *
7 Silk Suits of Pajamas
Sides & Sides Price, $5.85. $ 0 QC!
Kaufman's Sale Price . t
15 Faultless Night Robes
Sides &
Kaufman's Sale Price *P
aging director of the Marconi Wire- !
leas Telegraph Compuny, in an in
terview. "One day in the not far
distent future," he addi, 7 "I think
we shall walk about with wireless
telephones attached to our bodies
and we shall be able, standing say
In Picndily Circus, to call up a
friend who is flying somewhere.
Sides & Sides Stock of
119 Men's Union l 229 Men's Shirts
Suits and Drawers
Wool ribbed; Sides j Ribbed and natural;
& Sides prices, $3.50 to j medium weight; in all
$5-00. I sizes; Sides & Sides
2 A e* I prices, $1.65 to $2.40.
• ! Kir""
400 Men's Shirts 363 Men>s Ath | etic
and Drawer. Underwear
Good weight bal
briggan; in all sizes; Shirts and drawers;
Sides & Sides prices, all sizes; Sides & Sides
up to $1.50. prices, 65c and 75c.
Kanfman'* PT Kanfmaa'a A
I On Sale In Kaufman's Mrn'a l'nrnl.htng Dept.
Full Dress Shirts
266 Sides & Sides Full
Dress Shirts—Soft
- and Stiff Bosoms
Sides & Sides Prices
$2.50 $3 & $4
Or we may have an Invitation by
wireless (telephony from a friend
• flying in France to Join him at din
ner In the evening."
William Jennings Bryan speaks in
. Chestnut Street Auditorium next
week, Tuesday night, Jan. 28.—Adv.
,< JANUARY 23, 1919.
Uses Airplanes Against
the Rebels in Mexico
Mexico City, Jan. 23. General
Candido Aguilar, chief of military
operations in the gulf regions, Is
using airplanes with success in his
Sides and Sides Stock
Of Men's Fine Hosiery
Over 1800 Pairs in the Sale
125 Pairs Wool Hose aa
Assorted Colors. *P I •Gvr
Sides & Sides Kaufman's
I'riee 51.(15 to $2.00. fL n ' e I Mt
Price lA [j
159 Pairs Silk Hose $1 1 Q
Assorted Colors. t I • **
Side* * Sides Knutman'a
Price $1.75 to $2.50. p",* e ™
More Than 800 Pairs
Fiber Silk & Silk Lisle Hose p* p*
Black and Colors. All Sizes. 1^
J f
Price 75c to SI.OO. Price
More Than 700 Pairs Black
Cotton Hose J g%
• Sides A Sides ?„ n ,e ,mnn '" L|lL
Price 35*.
Kaufman's Men's Furnishing Dept.
Sides & Sides Men's Knit
and Silk Mufflers
68 Mufflers. Sides 49 Mufflers. Sides
& Sides Price up to & Sides Price up to
$2.65. Kaufman's Sale 65c. Kaufman's Sale
Price, Price,
SI.OO 39c
Sides & Sides Stock of
Men's Belts
Lot 1, Over 300 up to Lot 2, Over 100 up
95c Belts. Kaufman's to 65c Belts. Kauf-
Sale Price, man's Sale Price,
I 49c 1 29c .
campaign against the rebels, es
pecially in the state of "Vera Crui
Not only are the aviators doing val
uable recolnnaolsance work, bu
one recently droped bombs on i
party of bandits who believed them
selves safely ensconced on the to]
of a mountain near Orizaba,