.ennsylvania to Move With Certainty For Ratine,? ? MB! HARRISBURG iffipli TELEGRAPH M OFAC-3NFTCPCNFTRNT. Ir YYYVin Vn 10 I_l UAPI7Q Dally Except Sunday. Entered as Secona Class ■l-AAAV lil AO. IV 1-i .tVYCjI-O Matter at the Post Office at Harrisburg ■PEDESTRIAN IS ■ CHIEF WORRY OF I TRAFFIC POLICE ■Vehicles Now Obey Signals of gl Cornermen as General Hi ANY BISK THEIR LIVES Bsumbcr of Accidents Could B Be Cut Down by Use of m a Little Care HA GUIDE FOR ■ PEDESTRIANS B Don't run across streets through heavy traffic. The busiest man I know wastes at least thirty H minutes a day; why risk your life to save live minutes crossing the H street? HI Cross streets at crossings only. H Watch for the policeman's sig- RB nal. lie is always willing to help sou. jß| Never attempt to cross a street with a bundle or umbrella over S'our head, or reading a news- B paper. Either hides oncoming vehicles from your view. Never jump off a moving car. H Wait for it to stop and then look out for traffic. IB Stand still if vou get caught in a traffic jam. It may save your B life. Br Children suffer the heaviest toll B of deaths because they are the B most, reckless. B —Front Felice Chief Wetzel's gggf warnings. A number of near accidents to at busy street intcrsee- Hon.< yesterday caused J. Edward chief of police, to issue a warning to liarrisburgers to heed to the "jay lines" and of traffic officers before they streets. gjM ' 'hief Wetzel added that traffic Hirers are stationed at street cor- to aid pedestrians and direct movements, as well as motor- He warned against crossing the diagonally at intersections, treading bclwen traffic at points intersections. The carelessness of the great o: visitors in the capital city caused the police no end trouble and apprehension. It was out to-day that by watch- B; traffic policemen and when they a street to traffic, taking ad- of the moment to cross it danger of being run down, could avoid numerous wßßcidents. It is the man, woman and afoot who gives the traffic po- B'c trouble now, it was said, the s of automobiles and Avagons been educated to the needs; B~ the city. . I i'hief Wetzel said that it is dif-' :^B- ;i 't to educate the people to watch' for their own safety on the lared that in Cleve- • Ohio, there is an ordinance that it punishable by a fine for person to cross the thorough- H rcs except at regular intersections lB d between "jay lines." Such an c here, lie said, would tend reduce the number of accidents. B>roul Appointments H Are Quickly Confirmed Mti." celerity with which the Sen- I- yesterday afternoon confirmed the of appointments sent to |H ' r r Spi ul was .ii marked H that with regard to nominations dur- B)i the past four years. H|William i, Shaffer, of Media, as At ■ ' >• W of H of the com wealth; Lewis S. Sadler, of Car-I as State Highway Commission |M i'rof. Frederic Kasmussen. of College, as Secretary of Agri- Lieutenant Colonel Edward Philadelphia. as Conimis- : nt suits are anticipated. After the shooting, Hoke bound up his neck with a handkerchief and walked four miles to camp. The Cure-All BREMEN HELD BY WORKINGMEN WHO DISARMSOLDIERS General Strike at Renisclicide as Protest Against Lieb knecht's Killing By Associated Press Amsterdam. Jan. 22.—The city of; Bremen virtually is in the hands of! the workingmen, according to a dis-! patch to the Berlin Itokal Anzeigerl from the German seaport. The workingmen have occupied the bar- j racks, the town hall, the telephone 1 office and the banks ancl have posted machine guns in the market place j and in public buildings. The soldiers in the barracks were disarmed by the workers. A general strike has been pro- j claimed at Remscheide as a protest | against the killing of Dr. Karl Lieb knecht and Rosa Luxemburg, a Bre men dispatch states. The factories hav.e been closed and traffic stopped. = : | ONLY THE ALMANAC SLOW TO RECOGNIZE SPRING IS HERE; Birds Bask Pleasantly in Wildwood Park Trees Which Are !i Budding. Besid the Quickening Pussywillows The signs are all here, and all ex-| cept the almanac are proclaiming that it is spring, and that winter's flinty old backbone is broken. Buds are shooting, robins are trilling their' notes at Wildwood park, the grass is verdantly green, and the majestic old swan at Wildwood has wander ed down from the farm at the end of the lake, and sought food and rec reation in that part of the water where the ice has been thawed by the warm sunlight. Grant V. Forrer, superintendent' of parks, who is outdoors most of the time, pointed out a multitude of harbingers of early spring this morning. "Nature seems to take care of her own," he said, sniffing the warm air like a professional weather fore caster. "And all the natural precau tions she usually takes to feed her birds during cold weather, are lack ing. just as though there is to be no more severe weather." i HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 22, 1919. GEORGE T.OLIVER, | FORMER SENATOR, DIES AT HOME Pittsburgh Publisher and Poli tician Succumbs to Linger ing Illness RKtsburgli, Pa., Jan. 22.—Former | United States Senator George T. Oli- ! | ver died at his home here to-day ; after a lingering illness. Senator Oliver was of Scotch an- j cestry, although his parents Henry | ; W. and Margaret Brown Oliver, were ' i natives of Ireland. They came from ; Dungannon. County Tyrone. Ireland,! in 1842, settling in Allegheny, where ; the father engaged in harness and [ i saddle making. January 26. 1848.! while the parents were visiting in ' Dungannon, George Tener Oliver j was born. While he was still an infant, his ! parents returned to Allegheny, where ; his early life was lived. His educa- t tion was secured in the common i schools. Pleasant Hill academy, Westj Middletown, and Bethany college, West Virginia graduating from the latter institution in 1868 For years I he was a trustee of this college and j [Continued on Page 6.] I Buds are shooting on the pussy ' willows and there is a small flock ;of robins around Wildwood Park. I The Kentucky cardinal,* which usu | ally is far away toward the sunny south during January, is here, he .said, and the song sparrows that ! usually disappear before the icy | blasts of the month, are singing m j the trees at Wildwood. On the lilac bushes buds have progrtssed con-! I siderably, while there are large! j patches of unusually birght green | J grass in the parks. . As proof of his contention that! nature takes care of her own, and: expects no more severe weather, he! said the grove of thorn apple trees! near the park, which during last j year's severe cold weather, wfrc j (loaded down with thorn apples fori the sustenance of the bird* ure al most empty, and likewise the shrubs) which during hard winters growj j berries for the nutrition of biros, i 'are quite fruitless tills year. REVISION OF I AGRICULTURAL DEPT. URGED [Hundreds of Delegates Here • For Dozen Big Farm Conventions 1 lie mighty wheel of agriculture ;in Pennsylvania began to properly buzz early to-day when all the vari ious activities were in full swing. The | most important feature of the open ing at Chestnut Street Hall was a I new bill read by J. Aldus Hcrr, of .Lancaster, completely revising the [system of the Department of Agri culture. This wil be submitted to the Legislature shortly and Governor ISproul is much interested in it. The j Governor was scheduled to open pro ! ceedings, but a mass of business pre sented him from reaching the meet i ing until noon. To-day marked the full swing of the State Farm Products Show at the Emerson-Brantingliam building ( and the meetings of the State Board i of Agriculture. State Horticultural Association, State Breeders and Dairymen's Association, State Veter inary Medical Association and the State Poultry Association. Prizes For Tobacco One of the surprises at the Farm Products Show was the splendid re- j suits marked up for Clinton county,] which is topnotch in growing the Hanava seed leaf tobacco, while Lan caster held her prestige in growing [Continued on Page IS.] Bill Permitting Special Election to Transfer i Bridge Fund Introduced When the bill introduced in the Senate this afternoon by Senator Eyre, at the request of Lieutenant Governor Beidleman, passes finally, Harrisburg councilmcn will have the' uuthority to call a special election so I that voters can approve the loan of $300,000 for the city's part of the cost of the new bridge at State street, instead of for the erection of a struc ture at Walnut street. The bill, prepared by City Solicitor John E. Fox, was referred to the] municipal affairs committee, it pro-1 vides that cities of the third class may hold elections to get the per- j mission of voters to transfer money a'ready borrowed for a certain pur pose, or about to lie borrowed, for some other use, provided the original i plans for the expenditure of the' funds is found to be impracticable or unwise. Provision ir, made authorizing cit> council to call a special election. ONLY EVENING ASSOCIATED PRESS RINGLE COPIES tIfMUC CIUTIAU NEWSPAPER IN HAniIISBUItG TWO CENTS flUlflb till 11UN NO ARMISTICE WITH RUM IN PENNSYLVANIA Suprce Confidence in Action of Keystone Legislature Ex pressed at Conference | GOV. SPROUL MAY SPEAK Noted Lecturers Tell of Prog ress Made in Nation by Prohibition | Supreme confidence In Pennsyl vania's ratification of the national j prohibition amendment is the key note of the state convention of the I Dry Federation of Pennsylvania, now : being held In the Chestnut Street Au j ditorium. Leudcrs in the organiza- I tion are elated over the great vlc- I tory of the temperance forces and i they are high in praise of Pennsyl j vania's new Governor, William C. ! Sproul. for his activities in their be- I half. ' A preliminary conference and fel ! lowship dinner was held at the Grace , Methodist Church last night. This [mornins at 9.30 o'clock the first ses • ston of the convention proper was ; held in the Chestnut Street Auditor [ ium, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waring, of i Washington. leading in a song serv | ice. Dr. W. M. Woodfin, of Pitts ! burgh, recently returned from over j seas, delivered a stirring address, in ' which he expressed the Joy of the j "dry" forces in their recent victories. | "We signed an armistice with the | Huns, but we won't sign any with ! the Hums." he declared. "The latest ! news on ratification is a hope, a wish, • a prophecy that the state which is j the cradle of liberty, the state which i perhaps has left mo>e men to sleep in j the sacred soil of France than any other, is going to ratify the amend i ment." A IJeliige 1 Mrs. Ella M. George, who presided ' at the morning session, inutroduccd Hex X. Mitchell, of Punxsuta wney, former member of the Legislature, who took her place as the chairman, i "The prohibition movement is not ; merely a storm, but it is a deluge," ; declared Mr. Mitchell. "We are fo ! day where Noah was when he sent | out a dove to look for dry land. A dry nation, however, amounts to nothing unless it has behind it a sen timent that backs the dry nation. You will meet conditions you never dreamed of when Pennsylvania goes dry. But we are going to overcome j them and we are going to make the world dry." In the report of Dr. John Royal | Harris, superintendent of the Federa- I tion, he commended the various com i mittees for their excellent service and ; expressed appreciation of the work | of Governor William C. Sprout. "We i feel that the Legislature will take | pride in following his lead in the i ratification and in his patriotic pro i gram." j Commenting upon Pennsylvania's ! lagging behind in the ratification, he ' said: "Any fair-minded person must admit it would not be right to let j the ratification measure go through , before Sprout's administration began, because of his large part in pushing i it. It# is no discredit to us." Welcome Antfl-Snloon Leaguers , Among the recommendations made | in the report of the superintendent j were that the convention approve the work of Governor Sproul and express confidence and dependance upon his work in behalf of the ratification of the amendment by Pennsylvania; that the thanks of the gathering be ex tendde to the state press; that the woman's suffrage movement be given [Continued on Page 6.] Frank A. Smith Is Appendicitis Victim Frank A. Smith, who in all likeli | hood will succeed Edward E. Beidle ! man as Senator from Dauphin coun- I ty, is ill with appendicitis in a Chi j cago hospital, according to a number jof telegrams received from Chicago last night. He was making a business trip to the west with Carl K. Deen, who notified friends in this city of Mr. Smith's illness. The last tele gram was received at 10 o'clock last night, saying "Frank i s some better. Doctor says appendicitis. Will ad vise later." It is inferred that no operation took place and that he is out of danger, as until 2 o'clock this afternoon nothing further had been heard from Mr. Deen. Family of Three Sick in Hospital With Fin I The family of George Ilelmar, of Heckton, is in the Harrlsburg Hos pital with influenza. Helmar is em ployed as a laborer on the Pennsyl vania Railroad. His wife and j daughter Irene are with him at the | hospital. • | Charles F. Way, 129 Evergreen l street, a salesman for the Palm Olive soap manufacturers, is In a critical condition with influenza at the hos pital. He was admitted last night. Tax on Theater Tickets to Remain at 10 Per Cent Washington. Jan. 22.—Taxes on i amusement admissions will not be i increased by the war revenue bili. j The conferees agreed to-day to re- I scind their previous decision to in | crease the rate from ten to twenty ( per cent. , NO REDUCTION IN RATES ON FREIGHT. SAYS IIINEB Washington. Jan. 22. Director j General Mines auid to-duy that pres ■ ent indications pointed to a reduc tion of freight traffic this year, and i consequently he did not expect any) great reduction In the general level of rates during the year. WET BARRISTER FEELS FOR WILSON New York, Jan. 22. Before the New York Assembly Judiciary commitee, Lemuel E. Twigg. rep resenting hotel interests, urgued for an hour to-day against the national prohibition amendment. He said the country never would be dry until patent medicines are brought under ban. "Some of these patent medi cines contain as much as 955 per cent, of ulcohol," he said, "and I must feel for President Wilson, for when King George of Eng land visits Amtrlca. and the President raises his glass to toast the distinguished visitor, Mr. Wilson must choose as to the contents of that glass between water from the marshes of the Potomac or some alcoholic'bone liniment." The committee re ported favorably on the proposed amendment. FIRST STEPS ARE TAKEN TODAY TO MAKESTATEDRY Resolution Presented in House by Vickcrinan After Woods Notifies Body First steps for Pennsylvania to ratify the prohibition amendment were taken in the Legislature to day. Secretary of the Commonwealth Cyrus E. Woods formally presented the* federal amendment as certified by the Vice-President and the Speaker of the House at Washing ton. Immediately after Mr. Woods had presented the document in the House Mr. Vic-kcrman. Allegheny, offered a resolution to ratify it. This will be sent to committee later in the day. Dozens of Bills Members of the House to-day be gan presenting legislation for the session of 1919 and dozens of bills were sent to Speaker Spangler, who announced that he would refer Uimu [Continued on Pw 13.] T ' cr. ' J X X I ':. ' < ii- X J a! ' : ' W;. ■ De- *F £ •" Cit- *? T ssr, r - 'ratio. 1.. sT* X V *l* 4 T * UT : ■ ;4 py mailt 'X i* ..-st < N M. * 4 'A *ja 's * * x ? atic;->. , ♦ T T 4 X t e; i, •.-.. X x # *s* .H C X X . i '! ILY ' T V "y of are £ • •vhich X * * • ur. 1 | ft 'f T > *f* ," 4 ne. ♦■ # X T * i ' * re- t f ' 0 , * ma i ;*§• 4* V* *! CON: lOUS gj 4 # ctarj u '• he rc- h . T ft I^U t of th their iT -era ■