Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 21, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Trotzky Flees From City.After
Defeat Comes to His
By Associated Press
London, Jan. '2l.—A notable suc
cess has been won against the Bol"-
■heviki by Esthonian troops' operat
ing to the northeast of Lake Peipus,
according to an Esthonian official
statement received by wireless at
Stockholm to-day and- transmitted
here. They have taken the town of
Narve on the Reval-Petrograd rail
way liny, together with a large num
ber of prisoners. Finnish troops co
operated with the Esthonians.
The statement says; A quantity of
booty fell into the hands of the vic
torious troops, including guns, pro
visions and armored trains. . The
Net earnings now in excess of
30% on outstanding stock
Now selling below its par value of $5
Lilted and actively traded '
in on New York Curb.
Complet- circular HT free on
request . ,
Ai embers N. Y. Stock Exchange
67 Exchange Place, N. Y. City
... i ■inTneeaananaaaaa——
Will Slop ihaf Cough
I II I j
IHE wax-wrapped J
■ • scaled package • 1.
■ Wittl WRIGUYS upon ■
•. is a guarantee of
quality. I
' he largest chewing-sum. 1
' factQrtcs ! n the - world, -. '
'.. the largest selling gam in '
■ - the world:' that - Is .what , r '
WRIGLEYS means. '/;' *' |J|
JL 1.. The Flavor Lasts! I
prisoners Included division' add reg
imental .staffs.
Leon Trotzky, .the Bolshevik war
minister, it Is stated,' was . present
in Narva during the fighting and fled
after the Bolshevik defeat.
[Continued from Firss Page.]
risburg for the event at any previous
.* WhilO tho vanguard of the visit
ing delegations arrived in Harris
burg yesterday, the real body of
such organizations regvhed the rail
road stations early this morning.
All morning these delegations arriv
ed and it was .not until shortly be
fore tho *tln\o for the formation of
the big inaugural pogeant that the
axpccted delegations had arrived in
full. •
Many Special Trains '
Special trains streamed Into the
Union station of the Pennsylvania
railroad In imposing force. Tracks
were crowded throughout the early
morning and sufficient trackage,
could not be foupd to accommodate
some of the earlier trains when they
arrived. Several trains are report
ed to have been held up in the, rail
road yaPds- here for more than an,
hour and pcacjlcally all of the trains
steamed into the station behind
their scheduled time.
The big Babcock- delegation from
i Pittsburgh was one of the earliest
to arrive in Harrisburg. After par-,
taking of their\breakfUst, the dele
gation with Its several bands, start
ed to traverse .the principal Harris
burg streets' to show what , the
Smoky City cgn produce.
Emerging from • their downy
couches In Center cpunty early, this
morping. the. State College cadets
and their military.band of 85 pieces,
attracted considerable attention as
they rolled up . Ha,rrlsburg ptfeiets.
with measured tread and beat.
Parasols made up of the national
colors, high silk Hats and stmllhr
paraplienalia were pbservable every
where throughout the 'day in con
siderable quantity. • •
The units begdn arriving yester
-1 day afternoon, rolled in by thous-.
! sands, the Philadelphia delegation
j being the first on the' scene, clad in
j high silk hats, black Prince AJbcrts
' and spats. . They were so jolly and
, benign that half the , population
I w.erp friendly with them before they
j lined up at 1.1 o'clock this morning
| at their pla'ces In the line,
The parade was of such huge pro
portions that Chief Marshal, E: V.'
Babcock„ mayor of Pittsburgh, arid
his aids were hustling practically
from day-break ,in order that it
i might starf, as scheduled before 1
i o'clock. While, the inauguration cer
. enionies were" concluding the chief
marshal gave orders to."dresb up"
I and' at the moment word rams of
I Governor Sproul's conclusion,.' sharp
I orders rang out to every unit' to. get
| in its place.
The lively inspiring atmosphere
of Army and Navy , had every man.
j woman and. child gingered up and
the Harrisburg, police, as they
swung into view," the very first unit,'
partook of this saifle flavor. The
homo guardians were a sort of in
troduction to tha .next unit whlcfi
was heralded long hefore it arriv
ed, the old Eighth Regiment Infant
ry Band, whose strains woke Har
rlsburg many and off b.efpre wr
was declared. The familiar ' ilgure
of Lieutenant *D. M. Clark, pried
shput after 'shout'from h'ls myriad
friends, 'some- of. whom- tried to fol
low the hlstorio'band and Its mar
tial leader. * ' . •
Dlrecftly. behind these- celebrities
came the Qhief of Staff. Lieutenant-
Colonel Lewis. E. Beltler, acpompan
led by Captain Frtincis H.' Hoy,
whose* horsemanship got plenty of
admiration and applause, and Major
General Willis J. Hillings; J. Ben
jamin Dimmick and William E. EH'
lj s. . *.■".,
Very properly the "first* division
was made iip entirely of military
units and the multitude, hungry for
a sight at real warriors, prepared to
shout its head oft, when loomed up
the brilliantly uh'iforAied .staff of the
.Pennsylvania Reserve'' Militia, with
Brigadier -General Charles T. Cres
well, acting as marshal. .•' On bis
staff were: MaJ. Jgmels Starr, MuJ.
George- H. Smith, MaJ.. Charles H_
Smith, Maj. W. Fred Reynolds, MaJ.
.'William P. Clarke, "MaJ. .George K.
Waljace, *Maj. Edward. A. * Weiss,
Ist Lieut. Clifford Pemberton, • Jr.,
Ist Lieut. George Farnum. ."
• Marine's Get- Ovation. ,
On the hoels 'of these worthies,
came, the - -bright, flash of a.uniform
rendered, Immortal for Its dash in'
iblood-sodden. fields of EranCe —the
United Stales Marinas.' ,'Eand' o'
Liberty, t they got. an ovation.The
,gal!a,nt 'brass band had all it could
do -to keep' from being,, plucked
apart, and tho swarthy 'cheeks of
the Marines and Jackles 'lighted up
in bro/id grins'at Harrisburg's.recdpk
tion. -There were two companies,
from Phlfadelphla, both under. Lieut.
Commander Harry p,- Patrick;. 1
The appearance of thp • splendid
Pennsylvania Reserve' Militia was
the signal for a great outburst,, for
the flpe soldierly swing of Trhpp'C,
Tyrone, upder Captain EdgdV Mc.
K)nney, set a fast pace." 'Cfbse on
•the heels of Jlris smart cg'valrjf troop
,oame the ' provisional reglm'erit' In
fantry,' under Colonel John.^lv-Groff,
Lancaster! Lieutenant ColoneLChas.
J. Hendler, Philadelphia,, with a
staff, including Captain Harvey "E.
Shorts, Captain Thomas S'.LThom
as, quartermaster; Captain ' *]George
ID. C. Dapner, commissary Captain
Thomas X.' Kernaghan,* I. S.-.:A, P.;
Captain Henry- C. StoneCchatol'ain.
The. State's '
The first : batalllon tho
military .band of the
meiitj. Wilkes-liarre;
F. Pokorney, chief its
units, of Pennsylvania's
First Battalion ; Major Frank M.
Hepsy, Philadelphia; Company D;
Philadelphia, Claptain Robert B. Mc.
Girr;Compapy. C, Philadelphia, Cap
tain- Russ.ell Gray; Company G,
Chester, Captain Henry, S. Brous;
Company H,'Media', Captain Joint li.
Second Battalion Major' John
Caolbaugh, Allentown;; pompany I,
r j?v t • '♦"% ''"% t mf iir '■^JBbl^sMl^HlW
Norrlstown, Captalir'Charles T. Lar
zelere; Company 18, Allentown, Cap
tain Shirley B. Cunningham; Com
pany D, Scranton, Captain Arthur
R. Fobte; Company I, Harrisburg,
Captain Paul W. F. Harm.
Third Battalion—Major Thomas
F. Welchard, Pittsburgh; Compariy
A, Pittsburgh, Captain, Benjamin K.
Alward> Company C, Pittsburgh;
Captain Gilbert C. Cloonan; Com
pany I, Greensburg, Captain Clayton
C. Holland; ompany M. Warren,
Captain Josept T. Danforth.
Sanitary Detachment— Major H.
Melvin Allen.
Machine Gun Detachment—Major
■Harry P. Verqoe; Machine Gun De
tachment, West Chester, First Lieu
tenant Harry T. Leat; Machine Gun
Detachment, Lancaster, First lieu
tenant Charles E. Brunner; Machine
Gun Detachment, Erie, First Lieu
tenant William H. Forster; Machine
•Gun Detachment, Bellefonte, X-'irst
Lieutenant Wilbur E. Saxion.
Motor Transport Train Captain
Richard C. Batley.
The latter unit attracted a great
deal of attention, located as it Is
I at the Harrisburg arsenal, and made
up mqstly of harrisburg bovs. It
will be of great service in the Mt.
Gretna encampments.
Does Harrisburg and Pennsylvania
have a wholesome love for the
State Police? Well," you would say
so, had you heard the shouts of
approval as this model troop emerg
ed round the turn, a whol squadron,
under the lead of Acting Superinten
dent, Captain George F. Lumb, the
other officers being Deputy Superin
tendent, Captain Leon S. Pitcher;
Troop A, Captain Paul Stout; Troop
B. Captain Herbert Smith; Troop C,
Captain Wilson H. Price; Troop D,
Captain William E. Clark.
Cadets in Line.
One of the most attractive units
which swung into view, lust after
the Williamstown Band led off the
Cumberland county unit with the
Home Defense Police, and the Penn
sylvania State College Band, with
its battalion of cadets. Its inspir
ing notes echoed clearly to the Sus
quehanna ' and had a contest been
pulled off it is safe to say this
college band would have won tne
blue ribbon.
Hardly less thrilling was r ha dap
per battalibn of cadets from the
Pennsylvania Military Academy,
which had plenty of music, with the
Liberty Band in front and the Cal
houiyßand behind. The first division
closed iR> with our own Harrisburg
Academy cadets who evoked tumults
of applause all along the line.
The second division had a'.l kinds
of entertaining features, political
clubs, constituting the bulk of the
marchers. If was headed by Our
Rand, which zinged the circumam
bient with lively music just ahead
of Marshal Wesley S. McDowell,
whose aids were: Charles C. Wor
rilow, Joseph Messick, John C. Mil
ler, C. S. 8011, H. M. Bingaman,
A. H. Bailey, John E. Baker, Joseph
Claeter, James Detweiler, Robert A.
Enders, W. H. Earnest, Samuel Fish
man. John A. Herman, George J.
Hutton, Dr. F. B. Kann, George
Knmmerer, S. S. Lewis, Alonto Leh
man, Harry W. Miller, E. B. Mitch
ell, Simon Michlowitz, William Nell,
Gcoige Prichard, Robert Rosenberg,
Andrew Redmond, H. A.- Segelbaum,
C*aptain H. M. Stine, W. S. Seibert,
R.- Rcss Seaman, Benjamin Ftrouse,
Preston Seidel, Dr. G. G. Snyder,
William Schraedly, Robert Striek
er, Daniel Teats, William C. Tyson,
F\ B„ Wiekersham, Oscar "Wicker
shapi, C.' H. Stuers, Nathan Grots,
l'hilndclphlu Artillery.
Heavy artillery was in order when
the Philadelphia phalanxes opened
the throttle, with the First Regi
ment Veteran Band, leading. This
company of splendid musicians gave
Harrisburg some real music, and tho
Union Republican Club knew some
thing when It brought these veterans
to help make the inauguration at
tractive. Close up came Marshal
David H. Lane, and his assistant,
Wiillamm S. Vare. This avalanche
marched'in sections with many a
jolly good band, the Sherry, Burn
'ett, Municipal, Commonwealth and
db not forget. that the latter was
right ahead of the William C. Sproul
Republican Club of Chester. There
was reason for this rhyme, for this
unit wanted a tip-top musical or
ganisation, tho . Chester club being
something out of the ordinary.
Prominent in this unit was the il
lustrious Jim Dougherty, of Cheater,
who had for his guest Jack Demp
sey, coming 'world champion heavy
weight boxer.' They who recognized
Dempsey were greatly elated at tho
opportunity. The rest of the sec
'ond .division was made up as fol
■ Allied* Republican Clubs of Dela
ware County
Gaskins Band
' Harrisburg Republican Club.
Singer Band
West End Republican Club of Har
Pittsburgh Municipal Band
■ The Babcock Club of Pittsburgh
Marine Band
Second Section
York City Band
County Republican Club
Elizabethvllle Band
West Chester. Pioneer Club
Chester County Republican March
ing Club.
Municipal Band
Lackawanna County Republican
Elmore Band
Paul W. Houck Republican Club of
Schuylkill County
Ringgold Band
Sproul Legion of Berks County
Cadet Band
Northwestern Republican League of
Berks County
Perseverance Band
William C. Sproul Republican Lea
gue of Dauphin County
First Cornet Band
Union Republican Club of Steelton
Cole Band
First Division Philadelphia Home
Defense Lieague, Joseph L.
Bailey, Commanding
Company C, Captain Samuel B. Hart
Company D, Captain Charles Hol
Company E, Captain Sumner Steven
Company F, Captain John A. Foley
Company G, Captain Amos M. Scott
Harrisburg Firemen..
The third division sure looked like
home with Col. Henry C. Demmlng
honorary marshal and Commission
er E. Z. Gross, marshal, escorting
the husky firemen whose alert ears
seemed half cocked as though any
moment they might be called out on
general alarm. The prominent men
allied with these home guard:
First Assistant Marshal, John C.
Second Assistant Marshal, Marion
Aids W. J. Eisenhour, James
Brady, E. S. King, John Williamson
Emanuel Bowman, Elmer Hiney Si
mon Goodyear, A. H. Kreidler,
William L. Jauss, Truman Peoples,
George W. * Mcllhenny, William R.
Wenrich, Samuel Beatty, Earl E.
After them the city of York made
a brilliant showing with their fire
departn\ent and Baldwin Band, and
smart, indeed, was the Chester fire
fighting, brigade, known as the
Samuel W. Vauclain. The whole
division was given up to fire com
panies which included the following,
our home laddies making a magnif
icent appearance getting a perfect
furore of appause from start to fin
Civilian Associate Company
Police and Firemen U. S. Ordnance
Department, Delaware City, Del.
Capt. H. A. Douglass, Commanding.
Fire Detail U. S. Ordnance Depart
ment, Marsh Run, Pa.
Lieut. Ashe, Commanding
Harrisburg lire Department
New Cumberland Band
Friendship Company
Millersburg Band
Hope Company
Wiconisco Band
Citizen Company
Berrysburg Band,
Washington Company
Mount Vernon Company
Goldsbofo Band
Paxton Company
Acme Band
<sood Will Fire Company
Cornet Band
Mt. Pleasant Company
Susquehanna Company
Liberty Band
Reilly Hose Company
Shamrock Company
Allison Company
Camp Curtain Company
Steelton Band
Royal Company
Dashing here and there, keeping
the huge parade in order was a com.
i petent stnff of general aids made
jup of Col. Frederick M. Ott, Col.
You look like a new person since
cleared your skin
It is peculiar how skin affections
produce a sense of desperation and
despondency. The unfortunate ones
are ready to do anything to obtain re
lief —even cover up the abrasions with
cosmetics, in the hope that they will
gradually disappear.
Cease tampering with your skin. To
regain skin health, that trouble must
receive proper treatment. Resinol
Ointment and Resinol Soap for years
have brought heartfelt relief to such
sufferers. File upon file of testimonials
beir evidence of this fact Give this
ointment and soap a fair trial. You
will not regret it ,
Sold at all druggists.
E. W. Eyer, Maj. Hugh L. Curtln,
Maj. John F. Culp, Cap. William
McCreath, Cap. Henry M. Stine, Cap.
Frederick A. Godcharles, Lieut. Ed
gar S. Gardner, Lieut. Alton H. Lick,
Lieut. David McConnell, Serg. David
McConnell, Walter Greevey, Thomas
D. Beidelman, Col. Franklin Black
stone, Col. Jerry M. Leaman, Maj.
J. Warner Hutchins, Maj. Arthur E.
Brown, Cap. William L. Hicks, Cap.
George J. Jack, Lieut. Jesse L. Len
ker, Lient. George S. Hart, Lieut.
Samuel E. Fitting, Arthur H. Hull,
A. Carson Stamm, Joseph 11. Lang
and William H. Johnson.
The magnificent pageant was re
viewed by Governor Sproul and
Lieutenant-Governor Beidelman
from the grand stand at Third and
State streets and by the chief mar
shal and staff from hte stand at
Market Square.
Three Children Burn
to Death; Mother Is
Absent at the Time
Lewistown, Pa., Jan. 21. —In afire
to-day in the home of Herbert Hurl
at Yeagertown, Hurl's three children
were burned to death. Mrs. Hurl
was visiting here at the time. It
was said the mother, upon leaving
for Lewistown, locked the children
in the house until she should return.
It is supposed the fire was caused
by the children playing with
Washington, Jan. 21.—The Twenty
seventh, Thirtieth and Thirty-seventh
Divisions, including all attached or
ganizations, have been instructed to
prepare for embarkation home, the
War Department announced to-day.
MORE LAND with the
> 1 " +*' ■ *
__ With the Moline-Universal—thd Being: close coupled to the Imple*
original two-wheel tractor— One Man tnent, the Moline-Universal Tractor
. 7 can farm more land than was eveg backs as readily as it goes forward,
before possible, because— and turns in a 16-foot cirde. It
*' TOHSKL— One Man has power at his com-' Steers so easily that a boy or -woman
igfefr - inand equal to six horses, capable o£ pan handle it as well as a man,
. ~ J doi . n * the work °5 ni " e h s rses - dno With thd Moline-Universal bod
IB "Harrowilt ft *MM? e re <of Ml tte require.
{~F*Z versal from the seat of the imple- ° n *• ?**** " far *
_ V/wSk ment to which it is attached, where Plowing _ with two-bottonat fhd
he must sit in order to do good work. Moline-Universal Tractor docs as
One Man can start in the spring much work in one day as the ordi-
I® and go from one operation to an- nary three-plow tractor, due to tha
other—plowing, harrowing, planting higher speed at which it operates, BJ4
cultivating, sowing, harvesting grain miles an hour. It has the power to
v or corn, spreading manure, filling the run at this high speed because all of
£1 dee dirt A silo, cutting wood, etc, doing all its weight is traction weight—all 0 f
<*■'> -s.\ /"VN farm work from one year's end to it is converted to pull,
independently of horses or The ||ght 6? ffid MdEnC
hjAy/y'/(1 ji > >_Jtan Vc .* a Universal Tractor, 3380 pounds, and
. A I '.L 11 !,"" 13 ?, operations ard Jtß high dearance-greateV than that
possible with the Moline-Un.versal of average cultivator-maka it
td9SKsrJs[ •ITdJ*?s ccase " ss e t "counted on two wheels. adapted £or cultivating. It
JjSSr , -JBH X J*• kind of tractor ****"
*. IE ?
sbuf/iVflMrf dl .? IW^ *sl imple- t j OQ >n( j w hile your horses
B ulllV < l ' ln P ) ment the rear wheels. One man con- d th cultivating and Jar
ft, ~ 57T~71 trols the entire outfit from the seat *
S/t^s < J of the implement There has been 8 "
jOKßaamSitX r ' good reason in the past for putting a Mechanically, tnS MoTinl-TTmvef
fjMWEd . k- I seat on for it is from Sal is the most modern tractor built
this point that the work must be containing more refine merits and iro- j
observed and that adjustments must provements than any other factor cm ,
Tenth and Market Sts-—January 21st to 24th.
Buy a Mollne Tractor now—Get An Early Start.
: iao3-jaop street —,***dNe
JANUARY 21, 1919.
Computed on Air Line Dis
tance and Station-to-
Station Basis
Tho new toll telephone rates pre
sent a number of striking changes,
and it is rather hard to decldo
whether they are cheaper or more
expensive than the rates which be
came obsolete at midnight last.
They aro figured 011 "air-line" dis
tance, and computed on a station
to-station basis. Where a person asks
for a certain person, pcrson-to-per
son rate, about one-fourth more than
the station-to-station rate prevails.
It is commonly conceded that in
the end, for the same amount of
service formerly furnished, higher
rates will prevail.
On the other hand, toll calls made
at night, between 8.30 o'clock and
midnight, about one-half and be
tween midnight and 4.30 a. m., about
one-fourth of the day station-to
station rates will prevail. Charges
on toll calls over long distances will
be smaller proportionately than
1 those made on suburban calls.
' As an example of ho intricacy of
the government schedule, a station
to-station call from Ilarrisburg to
Carlisle is now fifteen cents, instead
of twenty cents, as formerly. On the
other hand, the rate to Dillsburg
is now fifteen cents, rather than ten
cents, as it was before the new rates
went into effect. The rate to New
York is 31.05. rather than $1.25, anu
to Washington 70 cents rather than
90 cents.
On tho whole, the rates are cheap
er for station-to-station calls, but
with the old system, it was possible
to call a certain person to the tele
phone, Instead of holding conversa
tion with whom answered.
A list of chnnges as effective un
der the now ruling follows:
Harrisburg to—•
Old New
rates rates
Carlisle .20 .15
Dillsburg .10 .15
Duncannon .15 ,10
Ellzabethtown .... .20 .15
Manchester .20 .15
Mechanlcsburg ... .05 .10
Marysville .01 .05
Baltimore, Md. .. . .60 .50
Buffalo, N. Y 1.75 1.35
Chicago, HI 4.75 3.80
Ellzabcthvllle .20 .15
New York 1.23 1.05
Washington .90 .70
Reading, Pa., Jan. 21. —Fire this
morning completely destroyed the
Temple Malleable Iron and Steel
Company's plant at Temple, this
county, with a loss of SIOO,OOO. The
hlaze started, it is believed, by a
spark from the engine of a freight
| Don't Catch Cold
and allow it to run into Pneumonia. At tho first
sniffle, sneeze, tote throat or headache take tome
tablet* to bleak op yoof cold in a faw hours. No
dangerous Calomel end no bed head effects as ,
when quiaineis taken alone. ALL DBUGOISTS
__fieo. A. Gorges' 3 Stores. Harmbnrg, Pa,
AH want to try <**^3
dries up corns so they ' 1
lift out
Good news spreads rapidly and :
druggists here aro kept busy dis- '
pensing .freezone, the ether discovery
of a Cincinnati man t which is en"'
to loosen any corn so it lifts •
with the lingers. ;
Ask at any pharmacy for a quarter
ounce of freezone. which will cost
very '.ittle. but is said to be sufficient
to rid one's feet of every hard or
soft corn or callus.
You apply Just a few drops ot the
tender, aching corn and instantly the
soreness is relieved, and soon the
corn is so shriveled that it lifts out
without pain. It is a sticky Bub
stance which dries when applied and
never inflames or even Irritates the
adjoining tissue.
This discovery will prevent thou
sands of deaths annually from lock
jaw and infection heretofore result
ing from the suicidal habit of cut
ting corns.
First —Don't Delay. Second—Don't
If you suffer from backache; head-
I aches or dizzy spells; if you rest
poorly and are languid In the morn
ing; if the kidney secretions are ir
regular and unnatural in appearance,
do not delay. In such coses the kid
neys often need help.
Doan's Kidney Pills are especially
prepared for kidney trouble. They
are recommended by thousands. Can
Ilarrlsburg residents desire more
convincing proof of their effective
ness than the statement of a Harris
burg citizen who has used them and
willingly testifies to their worth?
Mrs. Robert Marzolf, 315 Hummel
St., says: "X was troubled by my
back, which was weak and ached.
My kidneys acted lrreguarly, too.
Another of the family had used
Doan's Kidney Pills with good re
sults and I took them. X can cer
tainly recommend them not only for
what they did for me but because of
the good they did others in the fam
ily as well."
Price 600, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy J—
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Marzolf had. Foster- Mil
burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Thousands of families brew it at
home and keep well.
Sick headache, nervousness, sallow
skin and drowsiness are nearly aN
ways caused by constipation and can
easily be conquered by the use of
Dr. Carter's K. and B. Tea.
Brew it at home the same as you
would the regular mealtime tea add
drink a cupful just before you go tb
bed. 7
A small package will last a long
time and any druggist will tell you
that he has been sailing It for years
and that many people swear by it.
Drink it-for inactive liver and clog
ged up bowels. You'l like it.
Being purely vegetable and gdntli
In action, It is fine for children ud
nearly all of them like it.