Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 21, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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■ Rescue Teams Working in
* Relay to Reach the
Entombed Men
| Conncllsville. Pa., Jan. 21. Two
v miners, acting: as rescuers, are dead,
and four others, trapped behind
' walls of fallen slate, coal and debris,
kre believed to have perished as a
result of deadly gas fumes in the
Mount Braddock mine, near here.
The gas fumes, supposed to have
formed when the ground under a
burning slate dump collapsed into
"•the mine, were discovered early yes
terday. Six miners entered on an in
spection tour, and when they did not
reappear in an hour, a rescue team
■went in. Two of the men were
found unconscious while the other
four had been entrapped behind the
Two rescuers, in a mine car, went
in late yesterday, instructing those
on the outside to pull the car to the
surface in twenty minutes. When the
oar was brought out, the two rescu
ers were found lying on the floor
Rescue teams from all sections of
this region are working in relays in
an effort to reach the entombed men.
but all hopes of bringing them out
alive have been abandoned, as the
gas fumes are in all parts of the
mine. The victims of the accident
reside in this vicinity.
llrcommrnda Dully I r of Magnesia
To Overcome Trouble. Canned
, by Fermenting Food und
Acid Indigestion.
Gas and wind in the stomach ac
companied by that full, bloated feel
ing after eating are almost certain
evidence of the presence of exces
sive hydrochloric acid in the stom
ach, creating so-called "acid indiges
- Acid stomachs are dangerous be
cause too much acid irritates the
delicate lining of the stcqpach, often
leading to gastritis occompanied by
serious stomach ulcers. Food fer
ments and sours, creating the dis
tressing gas which distends the stom
ach and hampers tlie normal func
tions of the vital internal organs,
often affecting the heart.
It is the worst folly to neglect
such a serious condition or to treat
with ordinary digestive aids which
have no neutralizing effect on the
stomach acids. Instead get from anv
druggist a few ounces of Bisurateii
lyjagnesia and take a teaspoonful in
t, quarter glass of water right after
gting. This will drive the gas, wind
nd bloat right out of the body,
sweeten the stomach, neutralize the
excess acid and prevent its formation
■and there is no sourness or pain
Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or
tablet form never liquid or milk)
is harmless to the stomach, inexpen
sive to take and the best form of
magnesia for stomach purposes. It
Is used by thousands of people who
enjoy their meais with no more fear
of indigestion. G. A. Gorgas, Ken
Quickest Pain Killer on Earth
Mustarine Stops All Pain in Half the Time It Takes Other
Remedies—Oftentimes in Five Minutes. Subdues
/ Inflammation and Reduces Swelling
Don't be downhearted! Never mind Mustarine relieves backache, head-
I; you have tried plasters and lini- ache, toothache, earache and neu
uients and other things, that don't ralgia in five minutes—in an hour all
start to banish the pain and agony misery will disappear,
tfcii day after to-morrow.
-If you want to kill pain, get rid of Sore throat goes over night—lum
aches—draw out inflammation and bako agony in an hour. Chest colds,
make all swellings disappear with "tiff neck, neuritis, pleurisy, rheuma
mazing speed get a box of MUS- tic pains and swellings all yield
TARIXE right away. promptly and are speedily ended. Be
Begey discovered Mustar- sure you ftet Mustarine always
•Inc. He made it of good, honest true comes "> yellow box.
j ellow mustard—added other pain
liestroving Ingredients—took out the
blister and astonished the medical I M
profession by giving to the world all I BH
preparation ten times better tiian lu II W| 111 : J |W I hsb
Grandmother's good old-fashioned IU
but dirty and blistering mustard I
iW iiy**
toil TII
I A Standard Medicine I
I of Recognized Value I
I and a medicine having a value; I
- f one that people have learned to know and ap- I
* f prove. Today the renown of Beecham'a Pills I
r I has traveled to the very end 3of the earth. I
j, I People know that it is folly to suffer the ills I
• I resultant from disordered digestive organs. I
I They realize and understand the futility of I
I having to diet so that the stomach may be kept 1
I in order. They appreciate the discomfort and 1
1 dangers arising from sluggish action of the kid-
I neys, liver and bowels. But they do not worry
' 1 and become rundown, sallow and seedy.
I They take the most splendid curative and
■ I corrective tonic the world has ever known—
I "The Largest H 111 C* Medicine
i / t* rILLO
I to insure that perfect health which comes from
a sound digestion. Beecham'a Pills are the
most wholesome and harmless of laxatives, for
| they are compounded solely from the purest
1 drugs of vegetable matter and are absolutely 1
| * 1 free from minerals. Be guided by the judi- 1
% cious public opinion and experience, which 1
\ for years has declared that Beecham'a Pills I
1 Are the Best /
At AB Draggittf, Dincii*nt *f tpmmM wmlus
10c, 25c. jg(•somonoittmrytM
Proposition to Have It Placed
in Capitol Park Extension
From Philadelphian
Representative Leopold C. Glass, of
Philadelphia announced last night
that he had prepared a bill to ap
propriate SIOO,OO for a memorial to
Theodore Roosevelt to be located in
Capitol Park.
"The bill will be presented as soon
as possible," said he. "The idea is to
have the memorial and location left
to the Board of Public Grounds and
Buildings and a Commission to be
Resolutions calling upon the Unit
ed States Government to give all
soldiers, sailors and marines three
months' pay allowance after they are
discharged from the service were in
troduced at the brief session of the
House last night by Mr. Brady, Phila
delphia. The resolutions are directed
to be sent to Pennsylvania senators
and congressmen. They were laid
over for printing.
Representative Victor A. Barnhart,
Butler, who could not attend the
opening session, was sworn in by
Judge S. J. M. McCarrell. of the Dau
phin county courts. and then the
Saturday Night Club. of Chester,
through Representative W. C. Alex
ander, Delaware, presented a largo
bouquet of roses to Representative
W. W. Ramsey.
Speaker Spangler named Represen
tatives McCaig. Allegheny, and Sin
clair, Payette, as trustees of the Sol
diers' Home at Krie.
leaves of absence were asked for
a dozen members, among them Repre
sentative Ira K. Ulsh, Dauphin.
By Associated Prut
Washington. Frank S. Snyder,
head of the Food Administration's
meat division, said to-day that de
spite a hog surplus, he would not
recommend abandonment of the price
agreement policy when the hog cim
committee meets January 2S to con
sider the price for February.
Washington. Two transports, the
Conia and the Susquehanna, and the
cruiser Frederick, are on their way
home from France with more than
6.000 troops. Casual companies
aboard include one from Pennsylva
Toronto. President McCaffery, of
the Toronto Baseball Club, Interna
tional League, announced to-day that
George (Mooney) Gibson, veteran big
league catcher, would manage the
Leafs for the 1919 season.
Madrid. The monarchist move
ment in Portugal, headed by Paiva
Conceiro, lias been successful in
Northern Portugal, and a government
has been formed at Oporto, according
to a report received by the Spanish
government from the governor of the
province of Pontevedra, in North
western Spain.
New York. The cargo carrier
Absecon is due at New York Febru
ary 3 with about twenty casuals, and
the Easterner at the same port Feb
ruary 4, with five casuals.
Two Members Resign to Be
come State's Highest Offi
cers; Paintings Unveiled
Retirement of Governor William
C. Sproul as a State Senator after
more than a quarter of century of
service to become the chief execu
tive of Pennsylvania, and of Sena
tor Edward K. Beidleman to assume
the duties of lieutenant governor
made last night's brief session of
the state senate unique in history.
Never before have two members of
the upper branch of the Legislature
been so honored by a state slectlon
and their colleagues gave them an
affectionate farewell.
Before the senators resigned the
two panels painted for the senate by
Miss Violet Oakley were unveiled
with r'eqinrks by Lieutenant Gov
ernor McClain and then Miss Oak
ley briefly explained the themes. The
senate chamber was crowded and
great interest was shown in the core
• Then the new Governor, whose
family were presented, presented his
resignation and made a short ad
dress. He was so heartily applaud
ed that he laughingly remarked
that the senators seemed glad to see
their "father" go. The Delaware
senator held the record for con
tinuous service.
Mr. Beidleman then resigned
with some brief remarks and was
given generous applause.
Lieutenant Governor McClain, a
warm personal friend of both, made
some felicitious remarks which were
applauded by senators and visitors
The senate adopted the Brady
resolution from the house relative
to soldiers' pay.
Governor Sprout's Speech
I Governor-elect S'proul, in present-,
J ing his resignation, said:
I "Mr. President, lam forced to the J
i reluctant conclusion that my leaving
this body meets with popular ap
proval. [Laughter and applause].
I never have been able, in my long
experience, to strike such a respon
sive chord, either in the Senate or
in the audience before. But, really,
Mr. President, I cannot think of any,
other reason whic-h would have made i
me willingly lay down my duties as:
a Senator of Pennsylvania except the
charge to take up a more serious ob
ligation even than this is, and, filled
as I am with gratitude and expec
tancy as to what is before me, I
leave this body with the sincerest
"I have been a member of the
Senate of Pennsylvania ever since I
was old enough to be a member, and
I cannot think of anything else in
my life which fills me with more
pride than to be able to say that I
am retiring after having participated
in thirteen sessions of the General
Assembly counting this as one,
twelve of them regular sessions and
one special—and I cannot think of
anything that brings me greater
gratitude than if I can retire now
with your good-will and affection.
And here to-night, in the presence of
my fellow-Senators and those who
are near to me—the mayor of the
government of my home city and all
of those who have come here to see
the Senate start and to pay their re
spects to my splendid colleague also
in this body who is with me and who
has been with me through the cam
paign and who goes with me, into a
higher office —I want to say that I
consider membership in the Senate
of Pennsylvania as one of the great
est honors that a man may have.
And I want to say that I hope that
the members here, and the people of
the state also, will realize how great
Pennsylvania is and what member
ship in this body stands for. It is
rather strange, as the writers say,
that two members of the Senate
should be picked this year for the
high state offices. There is nothing
strange about it, because there has
always been a great deal of good
material here. If a discerning public
had only looked here more closely
they could always have found ma
terial in the Senate of Pennsylvania
to fill these offices or any other of
fices that the nation has. [Applause.]
"I want also to express my appre
ciation of the long years of courtesy
that I received here, and when I
come to think of it that even the
venerable Senators who will now be
left have served here ten years less
than my patient constituency has
borne with me, and I have some
thanks to return at least to those
who have borne with me here. There
is no Senator here who was then in
this body and only three of the of
ficers and employes of the Senate
who were here in the Session of 1897
are here to-day. I cannot leave
without mentioning the fact that
Herman P. Miller, the Senate libra
rian, was efficient and painstaking
and cared for us then as he does
to-day, and that this most efficient
young man, among all the men
whom I know [referring to W.
Harry Baker], who is now the sec
retary of the Senate, was then, as
now, an indispenslble feature of this
organization. Another one is our
dear old friend Toney—Anthony
Frenie —who has gone through many
a close situation with us.
"In conclusion, I want to say that
to-morrow I will have some matters
which I want to make plain to the
Senate in ail seriousness, and to
night I want to tell you that I shall
never forget the fact that I have
been a Senator so long, and I shall
never forget how much pleased I
have been to have been a member of
this body. J shall never forget,
either, how important a Senator is
in the government of the State of
Pennsylvania. I hope to have the
same regard, as evidenced by co-op
eration and kindliness, in the new
burdens and cares which I am un
dertaking, as I have always had in
the Senate. I am going in to this
great office seriously, and I know
thoso here whe know mo best will
realize that I have the interests and
the rights of every man in Penn
sylvania—and every * woman and
child, too, whether they be great
or Bmall —at heart, in what I shall
try to do. And I certainly want the
affectionate co-operation of the Sen
ate of Pennsylvania."
C. J. C. Clarke, federal representa
tive on vocational work, will address
the Men's Forum of the Pine Street
Presbyterian Church, Thursday even
ing. at 8 o'"clock, on the work o£ the
government for the rehabilitation of
wounded soldiers.
Preliminary Conference to Be
Held in Grace Church
Complete details of the program
for the ratification which
will be held in Harrisburg all day
Wednesday under the auspices of
the Dry Federation of Pennsylvania
were made public here yesterday by
its state superintendent. Dr. John
Royal Harris, of Pittsburgh.
Dr. Harris stated that notwith
standing the fact that the required
36 states have ratified the national
prohibition amendment, the work
will not cease in Pennsylvania until
Its Legislature has acted, and that
the convention will be proceeded
with just the same.
There will 6e a preliminary con
ference of the leaders of the affili
ating agencies in the Grace Metho
dist Episcopal Church tonight. The
convention will be held in the Chest
nut Street Auditorium all day Wed
nesday. Following is the complete
9.30 a. m.—Prayer and song. Rev.
S. W. Herman, D. D., of Harrisburg
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Waring,
of Washington, D. C. "Today's Rat
ification News," Rev. W. M. Wood
fin, of Pittsburgh. Superintendent's
report. Treasurer's report. Busi
ness session and announcement of
committees. Addresses by Mrs. Flor
ence D. Richard, president Ohio W.
C. T. U., and Congressman M. Clyde
Kelley, of Braddodk.
1.30 p. m.—Singing lead by the
! Warings. Expressions on "Pennsyl
vania, Too," "The Legislature,"
"Getting Together," "What Next?"
and "The Saloonless Era," by Hon.
J. W. Vickerman, of Bellevue; John
A. McSparran, of I<"urniss; Mrs. J. O.
Miller, of Pittsburgh; Mrs. Ella M.
George, of Beaver Falls; Dr. B. E.
P. Pugh. of Harrisburg; W. G. Lan
des, of Philadelphia and others. Ad
dress "The Dawn of a New Day,"
by Hon. Clinton N. Howard. Roches
ter, N. T. Church hour—discussion
led by Rev. Dr. Bagnell, Harrisburg
and participated in by the Revs. J.
W. Graves, R. E. Johnson and W.
Scott Nevin, of Philadelphia, the
Rev. E. R. Worrell, of Harrisburg
and others. Prayer by Rev. Harvey
Klaer, of Harrisburg. •
7.30 p. m.—Concert by Common
wealth Band, of Harrisburg. Dem
onstration of Dauphin County Bible
Classes led by O. P. Beckley. Pray
er by Bishop James H. Darlington.
Addresses by Congressman Simeon
D. Fess, of Ohio and Mrs. Mary Har
ris Armor, of George, national lec
turer for the W. C. T. U. Report
of the resolutions committee. Gov.
William C. Sproul will appear at his
own convenience during the evening,
if his official duties will permit
The Public Affairs Committee of
the Chamber of Commerce, of which
Davied E. Tracy is chairman, will
meet to-morrow afternoon at 4
Harrisburg Soldier Is
Released From Hun Camp
HT jr Jm S H|
fin; JmM. JJigiaF ,'"
The name of John A. Beaver, 2032
Fulton street, i included among the
soldiers released from Hun prison
camps, in a Washington dispatch.
Beaver served in Company M, of the
One Hundred and Ninth Infantry. He
was reported missing in action in
early August. He was later report
ed as in the German prison camp,
His mother is Mrs. Ella Beaver,
2032 Fulton street.
Vigorous Men
and Women Are
in Demand
It your ambition bus left you, your
happiness baa none forever unless
you take advantage of U. C. Ken
nedy o uiuguipcent oftor to refund
your money on the (lrat boa pur
chased If, Wendells Ambition Bills
do not put your entire system in
fine condition and give you tbe
energy and vigor you have lost.
tie ambitious, be strong, be vigor
ous. tiring tbe ruddy glow of health
to your etieeks and the right spar
kle that denotes perfect uiaunood
and womanhood to your eyes.
Wendell's Ambition {Mils, the great
nerve tonic, are spienum tor that
tired feeling, nervous troubles, pour
blood, Uciuiuclicr, neuralgia, restless
ness, trembling, nervous prostration,
menial depression, loss of appetite,
and kidney or liver complaints; you
Lake them with this unuerstaiidiug,
lu two days, you will feel better.
In a week you will iccl line, and
after taking one bo* ycu will have
your old-time conndence and ambi
tion or the druggist will refund the
price of the box.
Be dure and get a GO cent bo* to
day and get out of the rut. Remem
ber H. C. Kennedy and dealers every
where are authorised to guarantee
Will Probably Be Presented
in the House by Mr. Vieker
nian on Wednesday
From nil 'ndioations the resolu
tion for the Keystone State to ratify
the prohibition amendment wil vibe
submitted to the House of Represen
tatives on Wednesday as soon us the
committees are announced. A copy
of the official certification of the
amendment from Washington lias
been prepared by Secretary of the
Commonwealth Cyrus E. Woods for
the legislature, and the resolution
is being drafted. As soon as present
ed the resolution will go to the law
and order committee. Early action,
probably within a week, is forecast
as Governor-elect William C. Sproul
is favorable to the state going on
record for the amendment.
The fact that no committees had
been named and that there was a
hitch over, the chairmanship of the
House law and order committee
prevented the resolution from being
presented last night. John W.
Vickerman, of Bellevue, in charge of
the matter, had a talk with the new
Governor and immediately prepared
| for action.
While some are insisting that
William C. Wagner, Allegheny, will
be named as chairman of the law
and order committee It is said that
Mr. Vickersham has the inside track
and that the majority of the mem
bers will be "dry." Five Philadel
phians are aaid to be on the slate.
Representative James A. Walker,
of Philadelphia, a member of the
State Commission to codify the
banking laws, has the bills to carry
out the recommendations prepared
and will introduce them on Wednes
day when the committees are an
nounced. It is said that the bills
provide for a big reorganization of
the department and the placing of
the commissioner on a salary par
with heads of other departments.
The department will be made self
sustaining nnd an adequate number
of examiners provided.
Tho chances are that ths Legisla
ture will be inundated with bills on
Wednesday as the Legis'ative Refer
ence Bureau has been sending them
out in bales to members who had
asked expert aid in drafting them.
Eva Cole, arrested in North Seventh
street last night on the charge of
slashing Tom Green with a razor,
was given a hearing in police court
to-day. She declared she slashed him
in self defense, after he made a
drunken attack upon her.
Store Closes Regularly
On Saturdays at Six
BELIj 1D01—3356 UNITED
Annual Pre-Inventory Sale
Begins To-morrow
Continues Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Pre-Inventory Clearance of
All Winter Millinery, $2.00
These hats are in velvets and including the genuine
Mattawan velours. Surprising values in this clean-up of
remaining winter hats.
BOWMAN'S— Third Floor.
Art Linen Special
Filet dining room sets consisting of one 45-inch cen
ter ; six, doilies, and 1 52-inch scarf. Special,
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
Whoever Wears Corsets, Read!
For her we tell of corsets that are rhe perfection of corsetry,
an offering in this Pre-inventory Sale.
A grouping together of weli-hnown brands of corset in
models of coutil and brocade materials. La Vida, Bon Ton,
La Bona —a good assortment of sizes, at $2.95.
Bandeau brassieres in a variety of styles in broken sizes—
good values; '
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
Curtains and Draperies
at Pre-Inven ory Prices
Your own house-cleaning 'time will soon be here.
Anticipate your requirements by selecting now from
these curtain and drapery specials.
White and Ecru heavy scrim curtains—2yards long,
heavily embroidered corners and hemstitched; $2.00
pair. _ _ i
White and Ecru scrim curtains—2]/ 2 yards long, hetp
stitched with narrow lace trimmings; SI.OO, pair.
Very heavy medium and dark cretonne; 36 inches wide
—good colors; 49f yard.
Heavy worsted couch covers; very good colorings, full
. sizes; $2.85 each.
BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor.
Leninc Has Gained Recent
Military Success in West,
Paris, Jan. 21. —Authentic infor
mation received hero concerning re
cent developments in Russia indi
cates that the strength and pres
tige of the Bolshevik government at
homo has weakened somewhat in
the last few months although Pre
mier Lenine and his associates have
succeeded in strengthening their ar
mies and gaining considerable mili
tary success in western Russia.
The prospect of foreign inter
vention, however, it is said, has
brought to the Bolsheviki support
from certain elements which dislike
It is believed here that no revolt
by the unarmed masses of northern
and northwestern Russia will have
much chance of success while the
Bolsheviki maintain control of their
Aids llun Withdrawal
The withdrawal of the Germans
is aided by the military progress of
the Bolsheviki in the west, where
they are concentrating their great
est efforts. This concentration in
the west has resulted in some ser
ious reverses on other fronts, not
ably the recapture of Perm by Si
berian troops and the defeat of the
Bolsheviki at Archangel and on the
south and eastern'fronts.
Representatives of the varidus
Russian governments, with the ex
ception of the Bolsheviki, are now
at Paris or on 1 their way here to
advocate their claims before the
peace conference, but thus far no
Russian government has been rec
Conference Problems
There are three main proposals
before the conference regarding the
Russian policy. The first advocates
vigorous intervention and the over
throw of the Bolsheviki. , The sec
ond advocates by every other means
than the dispatch of troops assist
ance to the elements in Russia
fighting for democracy and order
against the Bolsheviki, with the ob
ject of contributing to the restora
tion of normal conditions in the
peritjdugpnl regions, of Russia and
to emu'rnge the populations of the
ctmtijßff/oglons still under Bolshevik
donnnftUon to an effort to obtain
The third involves the cessation
of opposition to the Bolshevik gov
ernment, the withdrawal of the as
sociated and allied troops and an
attempt to reach a working ar
rangement to assist Russia out of
her troubles, though the formal rec
ognition of the Bolsheviki is not
Under the third propoal, the as
sociated powers would attempt to
supply Russia with food and other
JANUARY 21, 1919.
urgent necessaries and assist In the
reorganization of transportation, in
dustry and commerce, provided '.he
Itolshevllti would guarantee to dis
continue their attacks on their
neighbors, refrain from molesting
allied sympathizers und ceuso ter
Advice to the Lovelorn
I am 22 years old and about to get
married. Everything is all right
with me save my passion for gambling.
I have tried to stop, but find it im
possible. It is bringing me lots of
trouble. I try to keep away, but
something in me makes me play.
You must be your own best friend
in a matter of this sort. No one else
can really help you. If you truly
love the girl you are to marry and if
you desire seriously enough to give
up your bad habit, you can surely
do sot It is half-wishes tHbt do not
bring fruit.
From Piles
Bend For Free Trial Treatment,
No matter how long or bow bad—go t<
Four druggist today and get a 80 cent
box of Pyramid Pile Treatmont. II
The Pyramid Smile From a Single Trial,
: will give relief, and a single box ofter
cures. A trial package mailed free In plait
wrapper If you send us coupon below.
682 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich.
Kindly send me a Free sample of
Pyramid Pile Treatment, In plain wrapper.
Street ...
Cltr State
Pneumonia |S
Pint call a physician. Jb*&L
Immediately commence flk
the "emergency" treat
NEW PRICES —3oc, 60c, $1.20
A Boot Silk Stocking, 65c
Lisle top, lisle foot; black, white and colors. A good qual
ity stocking greatly reduced, the value of which will be ap
preciated by women who know hosiery quality.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Women's Shoes
Women's field mouse kid laced boots, with perforated
tip, French heels. Special, #9.00.
Womcn"s grey kid laced boots, French heels. Special,
Women's grey kid laced boots with cloth tops, French
heels; $7.00.
Women's tan calf laced boots with military heels,
$6.00 to SIO.OO
BOWMAN'S —Main Floor.
A Great Clearance of Men's
High Grade Neckwear
Nothing to be carried over into coming season. Every
one of our better grade ties to be sold at greatly reduced
price. Come in and inspect these ties. If you recog
nize any of the patterns and know what they sold for
during the holiday season, you will readily see they are
exceptional values at 790.
\ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. - ,
Ladies' White Cotton
Ribbed Union Suits
Fleece Lined $1.19
Regular and extra sizes. A well tailor-made, perfect
fitting garment. Greatly reduced in price.
Children's under vest of unbleached cotton, fleece
lined, medium weight; sizes 2-10. Greatly reduced,
• 35< each, or 3 for SI.OO.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Mlitroln, U 1., Jan. 21; Three c
tJio four army planes which recentl
flew from San Diego, Cat., to Hazel
hurst Field here, left yesterday fo
Washington for the first stage o
their return trip.
If He Drinks
Give Him TESCUM ,
POWDERS Secretly
Any mother, wife or sister ca
stop the Drink Habit. If she want
to do so. Thousands of women ar
happy today because they gave thel
husbands, sons or brothers "Tesctii
Powders." The powders arc taste
less and harmless and can be give
In either liquid or solid food.
You take no risk as Tescum Pow
ders are sold under a steel-boun
money-refund guarantee by J. Ne
son Clark and other druggists.
End that distressing sick headach
that keeps you feeling miserable wit
a laxative tea that won't fail.
!is what you need. Splendid for live
and bowels, (or uiset stomach, ba
] breath am constipation. Same ol
• r emedv in the same old box.
31 i@
Owing to the recent changes in th
building, some of my patrons hav
had trouble in locating my office.
Kindly bear in mind that I am a
20 North Third Street, Second Flooi
Front —over Schleisner's Store.
0 A. SI. nntll 13 HI.
1.30 until 5 P. M.
I <3l© €3l© SHE
Store Closes Regularly
On Saturdays at Six