Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 21, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Conferenc at Capitol to Settle
Controversy Over the
r Serenity of the inaugural morning
at the Capitol was broken by reports
of ill feeling engendered by commit
tee chairmanships and patronage. One
•f the points of contest appeared to
be the chairmanship of the ways and
jneans committee There were also
Reports that William S. Leib, resident
glerk of the HoSse, would not be
named for the place again.
A conference of men Interested in
straightening ou tthe tangle was
Scheduled to be . held during the pa
Resolutions providing for state
recognition for the men who served
on selective service boards in Penn
sylvania is to be proposed in the Sen
While the inaugural crowds were
gathering the gubernatorial parties
assembled at the executive depart
ment. Governpr Brumbaugh, who ar
rived early, gathered hi* officials
about him and the Sproul party met
in the bgi reception room. There did
not appear to be much cordiality. The
retiring Governor refused to make
any statements and kept close td'his
own friends.
The Governor's statement last
nighth that he could not be hired to
write a history evoked considerable
comment from state officials. They
refused to make statements for pub
lication and some might have burned
wires if they had authorized use of
their words.
Dr. C. E. Creitz to Speak
at Big Reformed Rally
The Rev, Dr. C. E. Creitz. pastor of
St. Paul's Reformed Church, Read
ing, will address a mass meeting to
be held in the Salem Reformed
Church, Third and Chestnut streets,
Thursday evening, discussing the
claims of the National Service Com
mission and of the French and Bel
gian churches for relief work. Dr.
Creitz is a speaker of great force and
The meeting is a part of the pre
liminary program for a War Emerg
ency campaign to be held during the
week of February 2 to 9. The ob
jective of the campaign is to raise a
fund of SIIO,OOO to meet emergencies
created by the war. The Rev. Alfred
N. Sayres. pastor of the Second Re
formed Church, will be the "director
for Dauphin county.
WlllinitWown, Pa., Jan. 21—When
a load of empty mine cars on which
ho was riding, crashed into a train
of loaded cars at the Tower City
mines, Harry Fetterhoff, of this
place, was thrown between the cars
and suffered a fractured leg.
I.}kens. Pa., Jan. 21. lnfluenza
is approaching epidemic form again
in Lykens and nearby towns. Dur
ing the past week, about 100 new
cases have been reported from Lyk
ens and Williamstown. Extensive
precautions are being taken and if
conditions do not improve, it is said
an emergency hospital will be es
I'nlon Deposit, Pa., Jan. 21.—Mrs.
Lizzie Hawk, aged 02 years, wife of
William. Hawk, died on Friday after
noon at 1 o'clock at her home in Han
over street after a short illness with
Influenza. She is survived by her
husband, four brothers and two sis
ters. Funeral services were held this
morning at 9.30 o'clock in the Han
overdale cemetery.
Liverpool, Pa., Jan. 21. —There is
Ho coal on the coal yards of the
Liverpool coal dealers at this time.
Many families are without coal and
have to resort to burning wood.
Anheville, N. C., Jan. 21.—Thomas
as Settle, former Republican member
of Congress for the Fifth North
Carolina district, died here last night
from pneumonia. Mr. Settle was 53
years old.
Brldgeton, N. J., Jan. 21.—Ten
year-old Rufus Green was placed on
trial in the county court yesterday
for manslaughter. It is charged that
he shot and killed his playmate,
Ephraim Pierce, on November 23 last.
Scranten, Pa.. Jan. 21.—Five-cent
beer, ale and porter passed away
here yesterday. The hotelmen decid
ed that under the new prices five-cent
drinks are out of the question. Ten
cents is to be the price.
f Distinction
In Glasses
Glasses are a part of a person's personality. If
properly suited they lend distinction —if not they in
jure the appearance.
Our service provides glasses that* not only cor
rect the vision, and fit, but add to the appearance.
Get good glasses from
A L£ V TYPES N O F (STohLHinkenb &ch
WOMEN AND CHIL-" No. 22 N. <4TH. ST.
1 RICES. "Where Glasses Are Made Right."
■' 1 !
Wedding Solemnized
at Home of Bride
A quiet wedding was held on Sun
day afternoon at the home of Mr. and
Mrs Joseph Elberti, North Union
street, at 1.30 o"clock. When their
daughter. Miss Mary J. Elberti, was
united in marriage to Sergeant Thor
wald Jorgensen, of Detroit, Michigan,
who was formerly located at the Avi
ation Depot, but recently was lran.<-
ferred to Detroit. The Rev. T. C. Mc-
Carrell, pastor of the Presbyterian
Church, performed the ceremony. The
ring ceremony was used. The bride
was attired in pink crepe de chine.
She is a graduate of the Middletown
High School, cldss of 1913, and was
employed as bookkeeper at Burns
Company, Harrisburg. They will
leave shortly for Detroit, Michigan,
where they will make their home.
Levere H. Hess, who is a member
of the 108 th Field Artillery, New
York, and who spent the past several
davs in town as the guest of her sis
ter, Mrs Shannon McCord, Lawerence
street, returned to his post on Sun
dav afternoon He was in the battle
of Chateau Thierry, and was wound
Russell Fornwalt, who was sta
tioned at Battle Creek, Mich, has been
mustered out of service and returned
to town.
John Henry. Jr., who was in service
stationed at Camp Dix, N. J., for the
past several weeks, has been muster
ed out and returned to his home in
Royal ton.
Christian Conrad, who has been em
ployed in the service of the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company for the
past forty years will be retired by
the company, January 31.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rodfong and
daughter, Mary Rodfong, of Bethle
hem. are spending sometime in town
as the guests of the former's mother,
Mrs. Ella Rodfong, North Union
Mr. and Mrs. David Rohrer, of Mar
ket and Catherine streets, received a
letter from their son. Churles Rohrer,
who is overseas, stating in his letter
that he and his brother. William
Rohrer, would soon be home. His
brother, William Rohrer, died on his
way overseas.
Howard Weirich, of Brown street,
received a letter front -his brother,
James Weirich, who is at present
nearing Germany, that he and his
brother, Arthur Weirich. was about
four miles from each other. His
brother, however, has been returned
to the United States and mustered
out of service. When the letter was i
read he was present.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith, of Royal- '
ton, entertained the following per
sons at their home on Sunday after
noon: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Snyder, !
Mrs. H. W. Snyder. Miss Ruth Folty, i
and Kay Porr, of Hummelstown;
Mrs. Mabie Rhan and daughters, Miss
Blanche Rhan, and Arlem Baker, of
Peck Garver, of Emaus street, has
received two German helmets from
his brother, Sergeant C. F. Garver,
from overseas.
The Boy Scouts, of town, took part
in the inaugural parade at Harris
burg to-day and were in charge of I
Scoutmaster C. L. Hoover.
Evangelistic services were started
in the Royalton United Brethren
Church, last evening, by the Rev. C.
H. Belddel.
H. E. Derrick, who had been con
fined to his home on Lawerence and
Wilson streets, for the past five
weeks, is able to be out again
Some person entered the yard of
Edward Wise, in Pike street, Sunday
morning and stole one of his large
hens which Mr. Wise nrized very
An automobile coming down Union
street struck a team at the corner of
Union and spring streets, throwing
the driver of the team to the side
walk. He was not injured.
H. B. McNeai, of Pittsburgh, is the
guest of his mother, Mrs. Martin Mc-
Neai, North Union street.
The District Visitation Association,
of the Middle District, of Daughters
of Liberty, met with Middletown
Council, No. 6, Sons and Daughters of
Liberty, in their lodgeroom in the
Redman's Hall last evening after the
business had been transacted. A mu- I
sical hour was spent. Refreshments :
were served.
The local High School basketball
team will play the Steelton High
School team at the latter place on
Friday evening.
The Misses Catherine Boger, Mirian
Boger and brother, Charles Boger,
who were the guests of their aunt,
Mrs. Margaret Newton, Water street,
for the past week, returned to their
home at Philadelphia.
D. S. Medal Awarded
to Lewistown Officer
Lewistown, Pa., Jan. 21.—Brigadier
General Frank McCoy, of this place,
secretary of the general staff and
subsequently commander of the Six
ty-third Infantry Brigade, is one of
the twenty-two officers to receive a
Distinguished Service Medal. Frank
McCoy is a graduate of West Point,
class of 1897. He distinguished him
self in one of the battles of the Span
ish-American War.
Blatn, Pa., Jan. 21.—John W. Fen
ton, of Toboyne township, who has
oharge of the state game preserve in
the western end of the county, shot
and killed a large wildcat on Satur
, day. It weighed twenty-five pounds.
Cumberland Valley News
Jury Finds Death of Man Who
Slept on Tracks Was
I Waynesboro. Pa., Jan. 21.—Coro
jner John M. Kinter, Chambersburg,
I came to Waynesboro yesterday
morning and held an inquest over
the body of John Rowe, Rouzervllle,
who was run down and killed by a
Chambersburg, Greencastle and
Waynesboro trolley car, near Rouz
erville, Saturday night. After hear
ing the evidence of witnesses, the
jury returned a verdict that the
death was accidental and the trolley
trainmen in no way to blame.
Rowe is alleged to have laid down
on the track and fell into a stupor.
Two boys tried to arouse him but
could not. While they went for help
the car that left Rouzerville at 6.45
for this city ran over him, cutting
off his right leg, fracturing his skull
and mangling his body almost be
yond recognition.
Name Executive Committee
on Erection of Memorial
Chambersburg, Pa., Jan. 21.
Further organization of the commit
tee on the erection of a X. M. C. A.
building as a memorial to local sol
diers who fought in the world war
lias been effected with the announce
ment of the appointment of an exec
utive committee by Chairman Wil
liam Alexander. Besides Mr. Alex
ander, the treasurer, T. B. Kennedy,
and the secretary, Stuart L. Brown,
there are these four members on th6|
committee: W. H. Fisher, H. G.
Wolf, D. Edward Long and A. Nevin
Pomeroy. The committee decided
that subscriptions to the fund of
$200,000 which is to be raised
should cover a period of two and
one-half years, payments being made
on the first of April and the first of
October of each year.
Chambersburg, Pa. Jan. 21. —The
providing of hot lunches for pupils
attending the rural schools and the
formation of girls' clubs in the agri
cultural communities of the county
were discussed at a meeting held in
the courthouse here and attended by
representatives of the different dis
tricts of Franklin county. The dis
cussion was led by Miss Bess McAl
lister, of the home economics depart
ment of State College, who has been
assigned to take charge of home eco
nomics work in Franklin and Adams
counties. Plans were laid for the
work of the coming year at the
Waynesboro, Pa., Jan. 21.—Mrs.
Emma E. Royer, widow of Dr. John
A. Royer, and the last member of
the Bonebrake family, a lifelong res
ident of this community until ei£
months ago, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Harry D. Williar, Ca
tonsvllle, Baltimore, Saturday eve
ning. She was 80 years of age, and
had been an invalid for the past fif
teen years.
Chambersburg, Pa., Jan. 21. —
J. Edward Omwake, of the firm of
Diehl, Omwake and Diehl, local coal
and grain dealers, has been elected
treasurer of the Children's Aid Soci
ety of Franklin county, to succeed
W. H. Speer, who resigned because
of ill healh.
Chambersburg, Pa., Jan. 21. —
Lorraine Henderson is in the local
hospital suffering from severe lacera
tions about the face and bead and
Helen Patterson is confined to her
home by a badly sprained 4tnee as
the result of an auto accident which
occurred when the steering gear
Liverpool, Pa., Jan. 21. The
teachers local institute for Liver
pool borough and. Liverpool town
ship, New Buffalo and Watts town
ship will hold Its annual sessions
Saturday, February 1, in the Liver
pool High school.
Mt. Wolf, Pa., Jan. 21.—Arrange
t ments are. on foot for the presen
i tation of "The Marriage of the Mid
gets" by the two lower grade schools
! under the direction of a dramatic
| bureau, of Kansas City.
Two Sessions Will Be Held 011
Friday; Arrangements
Are Complete
MeclianK'sburg, Jan. 21, —Plans
are completed for the sub-local In
stitute for the teachers of North
Middleton township which will be
held in the Watts' schoolhouse on
Friday, January 24. One session will
commence in the morning at 9
o'clock and the other at 1.30 in the
afternoon. The committee in charge
includes F. M. Weary, Miss Dorothy
Hosfleld and Miss Mary Durnin.
The program for the two sessions
Morning DevotiAaal exercise;
recitation; topic, "The Best Modern
Methods in Teaching Spelling," A. P.
Wolf; music by the school; recita
tion; topic, "Seat Work in the Rural
Schools, Miss Esther Weast; music;
recitation; topic, "The Teaching of
language and Grammar in the Rural
School," Miss Mary Durnin; topic, l
"The Mathematical Need of the
Farm Boy," P. M. Weary.
Afternoon—Music by the school;
recitation; topic, "The Teaching of
Primary Geography;" music; topic,
"Helps in the Rural School," Miss
Dorothy Hostleld; music; recitation;
address by County Superintendent J.
Kelso Green; address, A. D. Bier
Blain, Pa., Jan. 21.—Mrs. Sallie
Miller, formerly of Mount Pleasant,
died at her home near New Bloom
field last night. The body will be
brought here for burial in the Union
cemetery. Funeral services will be
conducted in the Zion's Lutheran
Church at Blain to-morrow morning
at 10.30 o'clock by the Rev. John Wes
ley Weeber, of New Bloomfield.
Marietta, Pa., Jan. 21.—George S.
Gorner, 74 years old, who served two
enlistments during the Civil War,
died last night from a complication
of diseases. He was one of the guards
of Jeff Davis.
Washington, Jan. 21. Without
discussion or a record vote the Sen
ate yesterday indefinitely postponed
consideration of a resolution intro
duced more than a year ago by Sena
tor Khafroth, of Colorado, proposing
popular election of the President and
Suburban Notes
Miss Christine Heidig has resign
ed as teacher of the third and fourth
grades of the Halifax public schools
to accept a government position at
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Engle, of
Harrlsburg, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ryan Bressler. i
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wengle, of
Harrlsburg, spent Sunday visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Luther Loudermilch, of Harrls
burg. was the guest over Sunday of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Lou
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Heisler,
of MUlersburg, spent Sunday nt the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
B. F. Heisler.
Private Alfred Clemson was home
from Camp Meade. Md., over Sun
day visiting his father, John Clem
Mrs. George W. Livingston and
son, Donald, spent the weekend with
friends and relatives at Harrisburg.
Miss Sadie Leas, of York, was a
recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Arnold.
S. C. Melhorn, Philadelphia, spent
several days of last week at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Levi Melhorn.
J. G. Kunkel and John King were
recent visitors to Washington, D. C.
Miss Nellie Yinger, of Baltimore,
was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs.
Simon Spangler.
Miss Anna McGready and Miss
Mame Keiholtz attended a dance
given at the Elks home, at York.
Oscar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Brenneman, is confined to bed,
suffering from influenza.
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Aumiller, of
Mlddletown, spent Sunday with the
latter's father, S. L. Reisinger.
J. Calvin Upp, of Harrlsburg, was
a weekend guest at the home of his
sister. Miss Margaret Upp.
Mrs. Helen Wasser, of Manheim,
Lancaster, spent the weekend with
her mother, Mrs. Emma Weller.
Miss Marguerite McCall and Lil
lian Maloney, of Columbia, spent
Sunday with Miss McCall's sister,
Mrs. C. A. Elliot.
W. W. Holman was a recent visi
tor in Huntingdon.
N. H. Miller, of Harrisburg, spent
the weekend with his family.
Myles Hackenherg, of Camp Dix,
received his discharge from service
and has returned home.
Albert Miller, of MUlersburg, is
visiting here with relatives.
Eli White, who died of pneumonia
at Conemaugh, was burled from the
home of his father, Charles White.
William Warlow, of Altoona, spent
a few days with his sister, Mrs. Al
len Row.
Albert Becker, of Philadelphia, was
a guest at the home of his aunt, Mrs.
J. A. Bottomley.
Mrs. John Evans, of Frackville, is
visiting relatives here.
Mrs. William Nunemaker and
daughter, of Harrisburg, returned
home after vlsittng for a week with
her aunt, Miss Sophia Temple.
Mrs. William Bollinger is visiting
her sister, Mrs. C. A. Pike, at Wash
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Noll, of New
port, were recent visitors at the home
of D. A. Lahr.
Mrs. Mary Allen Is visiting rela
tives In Lancaster.
Mrs. Margaret Brown, of Tyrone,
visited Miss Nan Hough the past
Mrs. Amelia Howe and daughter.
Miss Carrie Howe, of New Buffalo,
are vlsfting George Howe and fam
Miss Edna Spangler is visiting in
Philadelphia. • "
Dealers Plan to Open Show in
Overland Service Sta
tion March 15
Harrisburg's ninth annual automo
bile show will be the biggest and
best ever held by Harrisburg Motor
Dealers' Association, according to the
plans of the committee on arrange
ments, which already are taking
definite shape. The show will be held
in the Overland service station at
Twenty-Sixth and Derry streets dur
ing the week of March 15 to 22. The
forty-four members of the dealers'
association will reserve floor apace
in the huge building, so that every
thing in any way connected with the
motor industry will be on exhibition.
The sudden cessation of the war last
November altered the entire situation
of the automobile Industry for the
coming year. Production at that time
had fallen to a minimum, and had the
war continued Very few passenger
cars would have been made this sea
son. The close of the war abrogated
stringent priority orders and produc
tion restrictions. The automobile
healers were pessimistic over the
i chances of holding the usual auto
mobile show, but with the advent of
i 1 en stepped into the breach
ana made arrangements to give Har
£ii I! 1 ®. a sl,ow which would properly
thi. 6 ra . effect of peace upon
the automobile industry.
k.® M >' tou is manager, and is
h's Plans well. Contracts for
LJfiiai-® a ?. d . decorating the huge I
building will be let in the near fu-1
s* . A ""angemenis als will be
made to have one of the best orches- !
' n the. city furnish music. The
show will be open from 10 until 101
o clock every day.
■ Th ® decorative scheme of the build
ing will be elaborate. Mr. Myton is
to havo the interior of the'
exhibition room finished in white to
insure good lighting in the building.
There is 30,000 feet of floor space in
the room, unmarred by angles or
posts. Special lighting arrangements
will be made.
4et* at Every Kind.
..The automobile show starts the
1919 automobile season. There will
be automobiles of every description
°n hand. One feature will be the
elaborate display of commercial cars.
Including trucks and delivery cars.
r rH c hs of all sizes, large and small,
will be on exhibition for the investi
gation of business men who desire to
motorize their delivery systems, or
modernize their present motor ap
The service station will contain one
of the most interesting passenger car
body displays during the week that
has ever been gotten together, in
Harrisburg. A number of expensive
passenger cars already have been se
lected by various dealers, and there
will be some tine examples of cus
tom bodies and rich coach work, as
well as the regular Btock bodies.
An interesting feature of the show
will be the large number of tractors
and trailers to be displayed. The lo
cal dealers have been pushing this
branch of their business with great
energy during the year, and expect
to interyt hundreds in the efficient
farm and commercial machinery they
will display.
The accessory department will be
one of the moat elaborate and most
interesting. Every modern detail of
equipment and incidental connected
with successful motoring, will bo dis
played for the edification of motor
The dealers do not anticipate any
trouble drawing crowds to the serv
ice station, in spite of its distance
from the center of the city. The
street car service will bo arranged
to take care of ail crowds, and
everything possible will bo done for
the convenience of visitors.
The committee from the Dealers'
Association is composed of the fol
lowing: George G. McFarland, L. H
Hagerling, T. B. Wildermuth, C. H.
Barnes and H. J. Williams.
After the War
Readjustment Facts
TOURING the first nine weeks after the armistice was
signed The Autocar Company, of Ardmore, Pa.,
received repeat orders for Autocar Motor Trucks from
three hundred and fifty-six different concerns.
These business houses realize that increasing their
transportation facilities is one of the main essentials in
getting back to a peace basis.
The confidence in the Autocar that leads to these
repeat orders is based on the efficiency that Autocars
have proved in actual use—and on the after-sale service
rendered by local Autocar branches and dealers.
The Autocar Company
Ardmore, Pa. Established 1897
Personal and Social Items
of Towns on West Shore
Mrs. J. M. Tritt, of Washington
Heights, visited her sister, Mrs. Wil
liam Souillard, of Steelton.
' Herman Bishop, of Moore's Mills,
was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs.
| David Eshleman, of Washington
Miss Mildred Smith, of Harris
burg, spent Friday with her sister,
Mrs. I. W. Rishel, of Washington
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Peffer and
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Rishel, of Wash
ington Heights, motored to Carlisle
where they were the guests of Mr.!
and Mrs. J. A. Tritt.
Mrs. Arthur jsn>e rti . of Massilon, i
0., was the guest of Mrs. D. S. Eshle
man, of Washington Heights.
Miss Margaret Jenkins, of Worm
leysburg, spent Friday with Miss
Mary Rishel, of Washington Heights.
Miss Ellie Gottwalt, of York, is
visiting Mrs. C. P. Chapman, of New
William Fleisher, of Philadelphia,
spent several days with friends in
New Cumberland.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wolfe, Mr.
and Mrs. L. R. Zerbe and son. Keith,
of Shiremanstown, visited Mr. and
Mrs. George Wolfe, of Mechanics
burg, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barlup,
daughters, Sara, Violet and Mary;
sons, Russell, Charles and Earle Bar
lup, of Emlgpville, spent several days
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Brinton and Mrs. Amos Brown, of
Shiremanstown. .
Mr. Joseph Kingsbor
ougli and tiieir grandson, Roy Short,
of Mechanicsburg, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Kingsborough
and family, of Shiremanstown.
Miss Myra M. B. Comfort, of Bal
timore, visited her grandmother,
Mrs. Elizabeth Comfort, of Shire
manstown, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cornman.
of Shiremanstown, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Reed Kilmore, of
Kollertown, and Mr. and Mrs. John
Fisher, of Winding Hill.
Mrs. John R. Nebinger and daugh
ters, Hulda and Rena, of Shiremans
town, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Spahr, of Harrisburg.
New Cumberland, Pa., Jan. 21.
To-morrow evening the Alan's Bible
class of the Church of God, accom
panid by their teacher, the Rev. C.
H. Helghes, will go to Harrisburg to
attend the Dry Federation meeting in
Chestnut street hall.
Methodist Union to Hold
Annnal Banquet For 500
At a largely attended meeting of
the board of managers of the
Methodist Union held last evening at
the office of the president, Warren
Van Dyke, it was decided to hold the
second annual banquet in the Ma
sonic Temple, Third and State
streets on Monday evening, Febru
ary 3. The union embraces hte
seven Metfiodist Churches in Har
risburg, Marysville, West Fairview,
Enola, Summerdale, Camp Hill, New
Cumberland, Riverside and Steel
ton. The number of tickets is lim
ited to 500, and each church was
apportioned the number that can be
allowed, based on the number taken
by each one last year. A number
of prominent speakers will be in at
tendance, The list will be made
known as soon as arrangements are
completed. Committees were ap
pointed to take charge of the
various activities.
JANUARY 21, 1919. '
Coasting Victim Is
Dead Alter Nine Days
Lewistown, Pa., Jan. 21.—Hurt
while coasting on a hill at Reeds
vllle, Quay Bubb, aged 17 years, was
thought to bo on the road to recov
ery after his injuries nine days ago,
until yesterday, when he collapsed
in a street of that town. Ho jras
taken to his home, where he died a
few minutes afterward.
Wnshlngtnn, Jan. 21. ■ — The Senate
bill to make the Grand Canyon a na
tional park was passed yesterday by
(he House and sent to conference. In
the area set aside are 996 square
miles of public land, now parts of two
national forests and a game refuge.
The proposal has been beforo Con
grees for thirty-three years.
Geneva, Jan. 21.— A sudden and
violent epidemic of smallpox has
broken out at Dresden, according to
a telegram from Constance. Official
reports show 125 cases of the disease,
which is said to have come from
northern Bohemia, where smallpox
has been raging for several weeks.
Try Musterole. See How
Quickly It Relieves
You justrubMusterole in briskly, and
usually the pain is gone—a delicious,
soothing comfort comes to take its place.
Musterole is a clean, white ointment,
made oil of mustard. Use it instead
of mustard plaster. Will not blister.
Many doctors and nurses use Muster
ole and recommend it to their patients.
They will gladly tell you what relief
it gives from sore throat, bronchitis,
i croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia,
: congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum
bago, pains and aches of the back or
joints, sprains, 6ore muscles, bruises,
chilblains; frosted feet, colds of the
chest. Always dependable.
30 and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50.
No organs of the human body are an
important to health and long life an the
kidneys. When they alow up and com
mence to lag in their duties, look out!
Danger is in sight.
Find out what the trouble is—with
out delay. "Whenever you feel nervous,
weak, dizzy, suffer from sleeplessness,
or have pains in the back, wake up at
once. Your kidneys need help. These are
signs to warn you that your kidneys
are not performing their functions
properly. They are only half doing
their work and are allowing impurities
to accumulate and be converted into
uric acid and other poisons, which
are causing yon distress and will de
stroy you unless they are driven from
your system.
Day and Night School
Harrisburg's Greatest Commercial School
fa Try Making Your Own E
Cough Remady
kj Tea can save a boat ft, ami ten C
ut a better remedy tbaa ttee reedy- 9
[b made kind. Kaetly dene. {(
If you combined the curative proper
ties of every known "reedy-made"
cough remedy, you probably could not
get as much real curative power as
there is in this simple home-made
cough syrup, which is easily prepared
in a few minutes.
Get from any druggist 234 ounces
of J P i n n X lu po S r .- , . t lnto * pint bottle
and 1111 the bottle with syrup, using
e l plain granulated sugar syrup,
ciarineu molasses, honey, or eom
syrup, as desired. The result Ss a
full pint of really better cough syrup
than you could buy ready-mado for
three times the money. Taste* pleas
ant and never spoils.
This Pinex and Syrup preparation
gets right at the cause of a cough and
gives almost immediate relief, ft loos
ens the phlegm, stops the nasty throat
tickle and heals the sore, irritated
membranes so gently and easily that
it la really astonishing.
A day's use will uMally overcome
, the ordinary cough and for bronchitis,
croup, whooping cough and bronchial
asthma, there is nothing better.
Pinex is a most valuable eoawn
trated compound of genuine Norway
pine extract, and baa been used for
generations to break up severe coughs.
To avoid disappointment, aak your
dniggist for "2Uj ounces of Pinex"
with full directions, and don't accent
anything else. Guaranteed tw give ab
solute satisfaction or monev promptly
refunded. The Pinex Co, Ft. Wayne,
✓ ' \
KNOW the truth about
your weights. Use
Henry Gilbert & Son
200 S. 2nd St, Harrisburg.
Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Lapnlea at once. They are an old
tried preparation need all orer the
world for centuriea. They contain only
old-fashioned, soothing oils combined
with strength-tiring and system-cleans
ing herbs, well known and used by phy
sicians in their daily practice. GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capanles are im
ported direct from the laboratories in
Holland. Tbey are conrenient to take,
and will either giro prompt relief or
your money will be refunded. Ask for
them at any drug store, but be sure
to get the original imported GOLD
MEDAL brand. Accept no substitutes.
In aealed packages. Three sizes. M