Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 21, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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flarrisburg Boy Among Those
Released From Camp
By Associated Press
Washington, Jan. 20.—The War
"Department has made public a list
of Pennsylvania prisoners who have
been released from German prison
camps and who have arrived in al
lied or neutral countries.
Four officers who have returned
to France afte being released In
clude Lieutenant Frank K. Miller,
Among enlisted men released from
Camp Dulmen, Germany, and re
ported as arriving In Hull, England,
is Howard M. Early, Sherman.
Go Through Berne
The following have been released
und have passed through Berne,
James Mullern. Butler; Francis P.
O'Xetl. Philadelphia; Robert S. Con
nor, West Philadelphia; Frank Ka
sonski. Old Forge; Michael Shaner,
Summit Hill; Charles E. Behm,
Oley; Charles W. Wheeler, Lineoln
Released from Rastatt
The following has been released
from German prison Camp Rastatt
and returned to France:
Joseph S. Stunsky, Erie; Charles
H. Eckert, Wilkes-Barre: Mike
Shaner, Summit Hill: Aaron Leis
ter, Philadelphia; William Mazonis,
Pittston; Pasquale Cerra, Duquesne;
Edward Crilley, Frostburg; Henry
Crtsman, Easton; George Goodman,
Hostetter: Michael Grynko, Pitts
burgh; Clarence C. Epler, Reading;
Howard S. McOluan, Pittsburgh;
Paul Vadluga, Pittsburgh; Stanley
E. Vlnskowski, Delancey; Frank E.
Kelly, Carlisle; Nathan Croasmun,
Yalief; Charles F. Wagner, Ramey;
Thomas J. While, Munson: John
Xeilson, Anita; Charles H. Sanders,
Cassandra; Harry T. Doerr, Phila
delphia: Albino Cianciullo. Phila
delphia; Marke De Stefano. Turtle 1
\ "A teaspoonful of Dr. CaldwelFs Syrup Pep- M
\ sin each night at bedtime has done me a M
" _ \ v-'orld of good, as lam 62 years old and was *<-
\ getting badly constipated. I had previously f
\ taken a lot of salts and fills without real ■
I relief." (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell writ- ■
1 ten by Mr. A-Forester, Princess Anne, Md.)] ■
Constipation is one of the penalties of
age that should never be neglected —Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin is a combination of simple
laxative herbs with pepsin that relieves consti
pation in an easy, natural manner, without grip
ing or 6train, and is as positive in its effect as it
is mild and gentle in its action.
Syrup Pepsin
The Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere 1
50 cts. ( SISM ) SI.OO
jMfc Absolutely No Pain 7""*
*7 latest hatmt ayytV-
Vy S s^sr.rst'~:^g
■„| t lit 0*1 opaa daUy 8J
, r - - ja\V <*. ' ■;! Maaday, Wtd.
r X *"1 atard*y, tui
(W • Hik)
HASEISBURQ, PA* if k- ■ u<
Play Safe-
Stick to
Because the quality is as good as ever it
was. They will please and satisfy you
7c—-worth it
Creek; Frank W. Hoyt. Philadel
phia; John A. Beaver, 2032 Fulton
street, Harrlsburg, and John A. Bo
wen, Elizabeth.
New Concessions
in Armistice Terms
Germans Announce
London, Jan. 21.—1n addition to
securing au extension of the time
limit until June for the delivery of
agricultural machinery to the En
tente Allies, says a German govern
ment wireless message, the German
armistice commission In its pour
parlers with the Entente represen
tatives at Treves last week for a
renewal of the armistice, obtained
other concessions.- Those Included
the stipulation that the quantity of
suck machinery to be delivered was
to be left undetermined for the
It Is declared that had the En
tente persisted In Its original de
mands, the German agricultural In
dustry would have been faced with
ruin and that this concession re
lieves Germany of the greatest
Says Vail Wants to
Unload the Q. T. & T.
Upon Government
By Associated Press
Washington. Jan. 21. Senator
Sherman, of Illinois, Republican, de
clared in the Senate yesterda that
Theodore X. Vail, personal adviser
on wire control to Postmaster Gen
eral Burleson, favors government
ownership of telegraph and tele
phone lines in order that the prop
erty of the American Telegraph and
Telephone Company, of which slr.
Vail is president, can be "unloaded"
on the government.
"Theodore X. Vail Is an assistant
to Mr. Burleson and is interested in
unloading the American Telegraph
and Telephone Company on the gov
ernment, and Mr. Burleson knows
it," Senator Sherman said. "Mr. Vail
is a Bolshevist in disguise. He be
lieves in government ownership of
telegraph and telephone lines be
cause that is the best method of un
loading the American Telephone and
Shaffer's Last
| It was the same with the wood
that-the prisoners gathered to make
their little fires and cook their few
potatoes, turnips, etc., The Boche
1 compelled each one to give up a
certain portion, and true to his char
, acter of making all the useless suf-
I fering possible, he would pick out
i | the wood that was most dry. Many
f a time liavo 1 saw a miserable
, hungry poilu trying with all the
5 firo-making art he possessed to
make a fire burn with nothing but
. green wood. Thus, by the time the
. fire got going right It was dark, and
the guard' for fear of airplanes,
l came around and stamped it out.
And there you are! Some life, eh!
t Golly, how glad I was that I was a
sergeant, and how sorry I was for
those 111-treated soldiers. Some of
them had no shoes. Other had no
socks, and many there were like me
who had no overcoat, and since
morning roll call generally lasted
some three hours, one missed It.
For a substitute 1 used my one and
only blanket. It helped some, any
way, but not enough, so I chopped
a piece off and made a belly-band.
That helped wonderfully in the heat
line, but it helped also in the breed
ing lino, and when I discovered
some S.OOO families more or less, of
Boche "cooties" therein, I promptly
abandoned it. And you can take it
from me those Boche "cooties" don't
go In for race suicide, either. Yes,
I feel quite sure I did more lighting
back of the German lines than I
ever did on the French front, but
although th% latter is the more dat
gerous I prefer it to the former—
Ono can't lick an army that multi
plies itself six times over night. Xo,
by golly! It's a bigger Job than the
Kaiser tackled and that was' consid
erable, as he happens to know now.
Time continued to fly, with me
getting nowhere, but chafe as I
would I had to wait for the bread,
for by the best luck in the world,
three days were required to get
back through the lines. Every day
I gained a few more bugs, and grew
more Impatient to be off. Probably
five days had passed when I finally
I got a loaf of bread. It only cost
about 52.00, but what was money
to leaving that eternal diet of cof
fee and soup to say nothing of scald
ing the whole Boche army (of coo
ties), I was carrying in a hot gath.
Rumors of Peace.
Rumors were growing thicker as
| to piece negotiations and the Eng
lishmen growing less enthusiastic
about escape all the time advising
waiting a few days more to see how
things would turn out. Being an
American, this patience idea didn't
appeal at all. I had the grub and
1 wanted to be on my way. Why
wait for peace? Thunderation! Let's
go meet it. But still they held off.
I was not so strong on going It alone
because what I did not know about
trench warfare would fill one very
large book. Come to think of it,
; the two Englishmen knew as little
as I did, so it was well that we did
not make the try together, for in
crawling back through the lines, a
thorough knowledge of trench war
fare was necessary.
Organize for Escape.
Being stationed miles back the
lines and only flying over the trench
es at high altitudes, naturally, we
knew nothing about the way an In
fantryman fights. Blissfully ignor
ant, though I was, however, I was
! going to have a try. It only re
maind. then to wait for the properly
wet night. Xext day I found out that
four Frenchmen in the same bar
racks with me had been planning an
escape for weeks. There were four
of them and they had both maps
and wire cutters as well, as a com
plete knowledge of trench warfare.
The party was set two days later
on a Sunday night. Bet I lost no
| time in butting in on this wire cut
' ting picnic. Having my allowance
; of bread and being pretty well liked
they let me in on the ground floor,
1 and gave all particulars. Their plan
| was both daring and safe as was
! possible. Yon see. there were four
1 guards, each guard having a side
; for his beat. It was quite a long
j beat at that, too. One side of the
■ enclosure run right against a main
road, much used by the Boche ar
! , It was on this side the attempt
| was to be made just as darkness
; was falling. This time was chosen
because the two bright electric lights
on that side would not be lit, and
also the guard would be so busy
opening and shutting the gate to let
the returning working parties in
that he would never notice our go
ing. The plan sounded good, so
good, in fact, that another French
man had got wind of it and wanted
to go along. Bo we were six, and I.
I for one waited very impatiently for
| the Sunday services to commence.
To March in 15 Minutes.
Tou can Imagine our feelings
when early Sunday morning orders
come to be ready to march in 10
minutes. That meant that the
whole camp was moving farther
back, owing to the successes of the
Allies. However, the success of the
Allies did not help us any. It busted
up the whole darn party and it was
so carefully planned. We did not
march in 10 minutes, though, be
cause there was too much to do.
The Boche commander even held
things up for awhile, so that he
eould distribute a store house full of
needful things to the prisoners. 'This
was an eye-opener to me, as judging
from the looks of the captives they
had been given nothing whatever.
And to think that all that stuff had
lain there while prisoners suffered
and died. There were stockings,
shirts, towels, handkerchiefs, basins,
spoons, blankets and even shoes, not
leather, of course, but shoes, never
the less, and many there were who
had none. Those basins were just
the thing for soup and while they
lay securely packed in the ware
house we had hunted old, filthy cans
to eat out of.
Boche Humor.
The Boche commander, having no
means of transportation for these
things and not wishing to leave it
for the Allies, called for a grand
scramble. That, he felt sure, would
be amusing. It was in a pathetic
way .for the mob of prisoners, need,
lng so many of these articles, cer
tainly put up a wild scrap for them.
Here could be seen two who had
grabbed the same pair of socks, and
in their endeavors to pull it from
each other's hands were finding out
its stretching and wearing qualities.
There could be seen another pair
Just as excitedly tugging at a basin.
Once I saw four prisoners get hold
of the same shirt at the same time.
Even I could not help laughing at
that, for po two of the prisoners
were of the same nationality. One
was a black Turco from far-ofT Af
rica, anoth , a black-eyed Italian;
of the other two, one was English
and the other French. They were
all mad .they were all cussing and
they were doing it at once.
Talk about the babble of tongues.
The Tower of Babel had nothing on
this. But never had I seen men
more united in thought, for they
were truly allies. Xo four nations
ever strove for the same object as
their four representatives strove for
that shirt. What finally happened
to it, I don't know, for a friend
came along just then and gave me
one of the four basins he had gar-
I nered from tho combat. 4 fear,
though that the story of the shirt
did not have a happy ending. Just
the same, I was betting on the
lioaded Down.
It was not long before we were
on the march and according lo ru
mor, a fifteen- mile march aehad of
t us. Judging from the way some of
j those Frenchmen were loaded down
I I could not see how they were doing
ito make it. It's a cinch they needed
ino guards for with all that junk
jon their backs escape was out of
the question. A big wooden box
half as tall as they were besides
blankets, several sacks filled to
j bulging also, nnd a water bottle.
; Where they got these wooden boxes
j will always remain a mystery to me.
for there was no wood in camp and
! little that could be fashioned Into
! a box outside; yet two days after, a
| prisoner arrived, he had his wooden
box' with all his valuables .locked
therein, meaning eatables. A French
Lieutenant, who was in chrage of
returning prisoners at Cambriil once
told me that a Frenchman will keep
all he finds, whether it be a tin can,
wooden shoe or a carrot. Certainly
| the latter. It's sure a fact. A
turtle has nothing on him, for he
corries his whole house with hint,
too —kitchen, dining room and bed-
I room. Loaded down this way he
I went on the march, and many being
in an unhealthy condition soon fell
by the wayside from exhaustion. It
was a pitiful sight, indeed, and
even more so, when the Boclie guard
came along and prodded the unfor
tunate to his feet with his rifle. And
said all-in captive lighten his pack.
He did not. He would not even cut
loose his wooden shoes. In fact, I
had no pity for some of them, for
they seemed as weak in the head
as in the legs. Why carry a lot of
unnecessary junk when one is not
strong enough to carry' it - .'
Traveling Light.
As for myself, I was traveling
light, using one blanket as an over
coat and the other tied snugly over
my back. I also had a small sack
in whiclil had the loaf of bread,
which I had been at so much pains
and expense to get for that night's
getaway. I had not given up the
idea as yet, not by a long shot. For
I was traveling light on purpose. If
an opportunity presented itself I
sure was going to grab it, for I
had a general idea of the lay of the
land, thereabouts and in which di
rection the lines were and what was
more important I had a loaf of black
bread, supposed to last me three
days. So I waited the chance.
Meanwhile we passedi through the j
city of Mom-Cornet. Every thing
was confusion here, for the Boche
were getting out, and following
their usual custom, taking every
thing portable with them. Not even
the coal scuttle esc. ">ed, and as for
bed and table linen, you can well
believe, none of that was overlooked
for the Boche was sadly in need of
that, as his hospitals had been us
ing paper bandages for a long time.
We certainly had covered most of
that 15 miles before I decided my
opportunity had arrived. Right
ahead of us the road passed through
a dense forest. HOre, by golly, was
a heaven-sent chance.
(Here the Shaffer narrative ends,
the last letters from France being
delayed. The story will be continu
ed as quickly as the new letters ar
Tell Emperor Charles
He Must End Reign
of Terror, or Get Out
By Associated Press
Parts, Jan. 21.—The Austrian gov
ernment has informed former Em
peror Charles, who is reported to be
ill, that unless the monarchist move
ments at home and abroad cease,
his presence in the Austrian capital
will not be tolerated, according to a
Vienna dispatch received here. It is
generally known in Vienna that the
Emperor was forced to abdicate but
that he reserves his personal rights
to the throne.
Three Members of
British Ministry
Go to Peerage
By Associated P.ress
London, Jan. 21.—Announcement
was made to-day that three members
of the new ministry, in accordance
with the announcement made at the
time the ministry was formed, have
been elevated to the peerage. The
new peers are R. E. Prothero, Secre
tary of Agriculture; Andrew Weir,
Minister of Munitions, and S. P.
Slnha, Under Secretary for India.
New York Legislature
May Vote Dry Next Week
Albany, N. Y., Jan. 21.—Ratification
by the New York Legislature of the
Federal prohibition amendment may
be expected next week, in the opinion
of legislative leaders. While there
will be considerable opposition to the
adoption of the Thompson-McNab
ratification resolution, it is predicted
that the campaign of the wets will
not be sufficiently strong to prevent
New York from lining up with the
states that have already made na
tional prohibition a certainty.
Some Exceptions to
New Telephone Rates
By Associated Press
Washington, Jan. 21.— New toll
and long distance telephone rates
approved by Postmaster General
Burleson became effective at mid
night last night, except in those
states where temporary restraining
orders against the companies have
been issued by the courts. This an
nouncement was made last night by
W. H. Lamar, solicitor of the Post
Office Department, and a member of
the Federal Wire Control Committee.
Washington, Jan. 21.—Senate and
Houso conferees on water power de
velopment legislation reached a
deadlock on the question of govern
ment licensing o,f water power pro
jects and adjourned Indefinitely,
Penrose Attacks Hoover Dur
ing Debate on the
By Associated Press
Washington, Jan. 21.—Although
debate on tho administration bill
appropriating $100,000,000 for food
| relief in Europe and in the near
East, prevented a tlnal vote on the
measure in the Senate yesterday,
passage of the bill is conceded. Dem
ocratic lenders are hopeful that pas
"sage of the measure would be ac
complished before adjournment to
Attack on the bill and the ad
ministration of the relief by
Herbert C. Hoover was led bp Sen
ators Penrose, Pennsylvania, and
Sherman, of Illinois, both Repub
licans, while Senators Martin, of
Virginia, the Democratic lender,
Lewis, of Illinois, the Democatic
whip, were the principal speakers
in support of it.
Penrose Attacks Hoover
Senator Penrose said Mr. Hoover
"had insulted every Republican
citizen" by advising the American
people to support tho Democratic
party in the last congressional cam
paign nnd that he would offer an
amendment to the bill requiring that
the fund be administered by a com
mission named by the President
"with the advice and consent of the
The Pennsylvania Senator offered
an amendment requiring that the re
lief fund be used to purchase sup
plies in the United States. Senafor
Martin criticised this proposal "as
a profiteering stipulation on a chari
table fund" and Mr. Penrose finally
modified it to read that wheat to be
given free to the people of Europe
should be purchased in this country
as far as possible. The amendment
then was adopted. .
Another amendment offered by
Senator Asliurst, of Arizona, Demo
crat, would give every soldier, sail
or and marine a bonus of sis months'
pay and his uniform upon discharge,
but its consideration was deferred.
Senator Lewis urged passage of
the bill as necessary to sustain
President Wilson in his work ab tlie k
Peace Conference.
Washington, Jan. 21. —Wooden
shivs will continue to be offered for
charter free of trade control, but
subject to rate regulation, the ship
ping board announced. Vessels
available for service now are of 3,-
500 tons deadweight capacity, and
are controlled by the operations di
vision of the fleet corporation.
Dives, Porneroy & Stewart
Serviceable Footwear For
Soldiers and Sailors Re
turning to Civil Life
A great many Yanks are rcturningto civilian life weekly
and they seek footwear equally as serviceable as that worn
during the days of service. Many have cured themselves
of pedal ailments. Their experience has taught them to wear
footwear that fits properly and our experience has taught
us long ago to sell only such shoes. As never before we are
prepared to serve those returning from cantonments and
overseas. Quality, value and service are developed to a max
imum degree in the shoes sold in our shoe sections.
Teco Pancake Flour
"Add water and bake."
Hot cakes in a minute!
All you want of them. Light, crisp, fluffy, tender, golden
See this appetizing demonstration in the grocery section.
A cake paddle with every two packages at 15£
Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
500 Pair Women's $6.50
to SB.OO Shoes Specially
Priced at $4.45
"T5 The Market Street Shoe
ITISection enters in the Jan
m W B —l uar y Clearance Sale a not
/" H able group of women's
. . jj high shoes, in black, grey,
P \ brown and tan, including
J?/) Louis, Cuban and military
heels formerly $6.50 to
SB.OO. Special $4.45
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart,
Market Street.
JANUARY 21, 1919. /
Exclusive of Corrcclions, but
145 Yanks Arc Men
tioned Today
Washington, Jan. 21.—Exclusive of
corrections, tho two casualty lists of
to-day contain but 145 names. The
summary is:
Wounded severely 63
Killed in action 27
Died from wounds 13
Died from accident nnd other
causes 6
Dleil of disease 26
Missing in action 10
Total 145
Pennsylvanians mentioned are:
John J. Owens, Philadelphia.
Fred Cole, Fatrchance.
Frank Graziano, Melveesport.
Robert S. Grosch, Lltitz.
Lawrence W. Smith, Saxton.
Darwin Wood, White Haven.
Joseph S. Gorgol, Scranton.
William ,T. Plowers, Pittsburgh.
Joseph Whinnio, Piteo.
Andrew Auwerter, Columbia.
Miles H. Carey, Philadelphia.
Ralph Wolfe. Pittsburgh.
Thomas J. Chase, Kingston.
Henry B. Crawford, R. F. D. 1, Fair
mont City. •
Claud M. Ilaynes, R. F. D. 1, Cler
William Henry Beswlclc, East Mc-
Keesport. .
Jesse Clark. Hyane.
August A. Rebel. Pittsburgh.
Theodore F. Rietzinger, Philadel
John M. Cumming. Philadelphia.
Earl B. Cummins, Pittsburgh.
John Emil Anderson, Monessen.
Peter Morzarch, Duquesne.
Lue Rose, Sharpsville.
Charles M. Stopp. Pittsburgh.
William J. Wright, Pittsburgh.
German Elections
Show Trend Toward
Republican Government
I.niuton, Jan. 21.—"Tho course of
the elections throughout tho German
state," says a German government
wireless dispatch received here "has
clearly proved that tho development
of a republican form of government
interests tho whole German nation.
Participation in tho elections was
strong everywhere, nnd in the sharp
est contradiction to tho indifference
which vast classes, especially among
the Bourgeoisie, have shown on the
occasion of former elections. Es
pecially remarkable was the strong
percentage of women among the
masses of voters and tho persever
ance of both male and female vot
ers to record their votes, despite ad
verse weather conditions.
"Only from tho lthineland, the
mining district of Ilamborn, Cassel
nnd a few small places have there
been disturbances due to the violence
of Spartaca hands. Everywhere else
the day has been quiet both in the
provinces nnd in the large towns.
"The party administration of tho
Independent Socialists has now ap
pealed to the workers to suspend
■ their strike and return to work."
Pennsylvania Men
Win D. S. 0. Medals
Washington. Jan. 21.—Twenty-sev
en American officers, all bearing the
rank of colonel or higher and includ
ing Brigadier General William W.
Atterbury, of Philadelphia, have been
awarded the Distinguished Service
Medal upon recommendation of Gen
eral Pershing.
General Atterbury was sent to
France early in the war to get the
railroads into shape to start trans
portation facilities and to build over
seas a system that would parallel the
excellence of the Pennsylvania rail
road at home.
His experience and his administra
tion have been one succession of tri
umphs, according to those who served
under him and those who have wit
nessed the facilities that the United
States had in Frnace.
General William Weigel Is a New
Jersey man and commanded one of
the infantry brigades of the Twenty
eighth Division, the famous Iron Di
vision, comprised of Pennsylvania
National Guardsmen.
General Malin Craig is also a Penn
sylvnnian and was appointed to the
Military Academy from this state.
General Robert C. Davis is another
Keystone Stater and was sent to West
Point by appointment.
Washington. Jan. 21.—The senate
bill to make tlie Grand Canyon a na
tional park was passed yesterday by
the house and sent to conference.
In the area set aside are 996
square miles of public land, now
parts of two national forests and a
game refuge.
The proposal has been before con
gress for thirty-three years.
Dainty Lace Curtains ant
Fine Draperies First of
the New Spring Goods
The Curtain and Drapery Sec
tion announces the arrival of new I {L L L ||L.
spring goods in anticipation of p i) 1 H fill \\njjV
early requests for such things. : (. _ls i)\ A
Quaker lace curtains in ecru, gI j J pi |
white and ivory, small over de- yltiiT-H CZI
signs with narrow lace, trimmed j i
edge. Pair ... $2.50 to $5.00 ■qfjfe^^
Fine square mesh net cur
tains in ivory or ecru. Pair, I II
$4.50 to $7.00 " r -
New Draperies For Spring
New voiles in figured center, small dots, fine stripes and figurt
some plain, hemmed edge, others with hemstitched hem. Yard,
50e to 6
New madras in gold and blue and brown and green, 36 inches wid
Yard SI.
Plain white and ecru scrim and marquisette, flat hemmed edge wi
fancy border. Yard 39c to 5
Many new patterns in fancy all over nets, white, ivory and ecr
plain or trimmed edge. Yard 500 to sl.
Cretonne in many patterns and colorings for draperies, pillows, b
coverings and upholstery purposes 500 and sl.
Tapestry for upholstering purposes, chairs, couches and pillow
Yard $1.75 to sl.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor.
Items of Housewifely In
terest in the Basement
Square market baskets hand made, of best grade of willo
strong handles,
Genuine rattan strollers, adjustable and stationary bacl
in natural, gray and white enamel,
$13.50, $15.00, $17.50, $18.50 to $25.C
Sherbet glasses, floral cutting, good clear glass. Sped;
dozen, S3.C
Water Pitchers, floral cutting. Special .......... sl.<
Water tumblers to match. Special, dozen S3.C
Flower baskets, clear glass, pressed floral design,
19£, 45£, and 98
Ash Cans and Sifters
D&lvanlzed ash cans, two side handles and cover, well made, <
paclty IV4 bushel $2
Ash sifter with long wood handle. Special 4
11.98 cedar wash tub with drop handles; medium size
Regular 25c cups and saucers, gold decorated . . 1
Baby Plates with wire to fasten on table I
Dinner Sets
4 2-ptece dinner sets, floral design $0
Japanese cliina salt and pepper shakers, large assortment, ca
Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
Want Americans
to Decide Border
Lines of Central Stal
Paris, Jan. 21.—A dispatch
ceived by tho Havas Agency fi
Graz, Austria, snys that the pli
potentiaries of tho governments
German Austria, Carlnthia
Juko, Slavla, at a meeting held
discuss the settlement of the
Hon of boundaries, decided, Inj
dor to prevent a resumption of 1
tilities, that an American invest]
tion commission should study
situation and conduct inquiries al
the borders of tho various atj
Negotiations begun on Janu
14 to sccuro a cessation of hos
ties on the Carlnthian front, I
resulted in a renewal of tho ari
Foch to Withdraw
British and Yanks
Away From Belgi
Brussels. Jan. 21. ln ordei
facilitate the revictualling and re<
structlon of Belgium, which
been hampered by the railways
ing used exclusively for military t
poses. Marshal Foch, at the req
of the Belgian government, has
cided to withdraw tho British
American forces now in Belgium
employ them elsewhere.
The food minister has left
Paris to make arrangements for :
titer measures to relieve the food
Official Bosch Servi
Bosch Equipped Fords i
Better Fords
Arthur P. Myei
Magnetos & Speedomei
2nd Floor, 109 Market i
Harrisburg, Pa.