Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 21, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
JSICAL COMEDY VAUDEVILLE HIT ry Good Eddie" Featured ' at Majestic First Part of the Week Tery Good Eddie" the popular ical comedy transformed into ludeville offering and presented te Majestic Theater the first part he week, winning the favor of large crowds last night, le Two Ladellos, a duo of com acrobats opened the bill with usual tumbling feats. They were >wed by Louise Nace, a singing edian with a baritone-soprano e. If it had not been for the that she was outranked in num by the musical comedy com f Miss Nace would have car oft the honors. She has a very 1 voice, which with personality good songs and patter, always SQ. he musical comedy, "Very Good ie," with members of the same presenting it at the Orpheum re, pleased the audience not so h because of/the musical beau as because of the very good ing chorus. Although deficient oice they made up for it in hand e appearance. Carney Christie ed the part of Eddie. Georgina, wife was played by Jean Thomas; :y Darling by George Poultney, Elsie Darling by Vallie Belasco j tin. AN* CO-OPERATIVE BUYING ayncsboro. Pa. Jan. 21.—At a ting of the Washington and icy Towpships Dairy Association, ;h was largely attended, it was ded to purchase cattle feed in oad lots, which will make it so each individual farmer will be to secure the food much cheaper, will also encourage the produc of milk in the winter months as as summer, for the very best will be given the stock. TOMACH UPSET? >e's Diapepsin at once ends sourness, gas, acidity, indigestion Tien meals upset you and you h gas, acids and undigested food. ;n you have lumps of indigestion or any distress in stomach you get relief insantly—No waiting! s soon as you eat a tablet of e's Diapepsin, all the indigestion i stops. Gases, acidity, heart l, flatulence and dyspepsia van- Pape's Diapepsin tablets cost ' little at drug stores. Quick and Harmless heumatism Remedy at Has Driven AU Agony from Hnndrctls of Despairing Sufferers. e fair to yourself, you sufferer i rheumatism, no matter what L Get from your druggist a pack of Rheuma, the guaranteed pre ition. Use the entire bottle, and ou don't think it has given you k and sure relief, say so, and you have your money back, n't that a fair offer? Can you see deceit about It? What chance dc take? Absolutely none. ien get a bottle of Rheuma today, a reputable physician's prescrip , altogether different from reme usually prescribed free from nar rsi and perfectly harmless, heuma acts on the kidneys and s to force the uric acid from the lien Joints and other lodging es. It pleases you in a day; ii es you hopeful and happy in a k. It has released from bondage imatic sufferers who thought ling would give relief. It should s much for you—it seldom fails, nedy's drug store will supply you guarantee money back if not sat irrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cored ocal applications as they cannot h the diseased portion of the There is only one way to cure irrhal Deafness, and that is by a titutional remedy. HALL'S CA -IRH MEDICINE acts through Blood on the Mucous Surfaces he System. Catarrhal Deafness aused by an inflamed condition he mucous lining of the Eusta n Tube. When this tube is in led you have a rumbling sound nperfect hearing, and when it is ely closed. Deafness Is the re- Unless the inflammation can educed and this tube restored to lormal condition, hearing may be royed forever. Many cases of tness are caused by Catarrh, :h is an inflamed condition of Mucous Surfaces. sE HUNDRED DOLLARS for case of Catarrhal Deafness that lot be cured by HALL'S CA RH MEDICINE. 1 druggists 75c. Circulars free. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio IEN RHEUMATIC ~ PAINS JIT HARD : get out that bottle of Sloan's Liniment and "knock it galley-west" sn't say "It will be all right to ■ow." Rheumatic twinges won't ve themselves. It takes the ter-lrritant of Slpan's Liniment ring quick relief. Effective, too, nearly every external ache and that man's heir to. it it on and let it penetrate with -nbbliig. Clean, sure, economical 8 tried, it becomes a lifelong id. Your druggist has it. Get day. SOc flflc 51.20 ttoan's Liniment ( K.ills Pain TUESDAY EVENING, FAREWELL TO DR. BRUMBAUGH Attaches of State Government Say Goodby to Governor at His Offices attaches of the Governor Martin night. It was an ernor's private oilice was oanaed with palms and I ferns and decorated with tlags and [he shook hands with scores of people. During the evening Mrs. Brum baugh also said farewell to the wives and families of state officials at the department The Governor remained at his of fice until a late hour, shaking hands with the officials and attaches and chatting wit"h a number of personal friends among the legislators and visitors. Virtually all of the state officials called on htm, the Public Service Commissioners in a body. Dr. and Mrs. Brumbaugh spent the night at the Pcnn-Harris and this afternoon start for Pinehurst, N. C. William H. Ball, the private secretary for the last three years, goes to Philadelphia, where he will engage in the read estate business. Will Meet Tomorrow —The State Board of Agriculture and various other agricultural bodies will begin their formal sessions tomorrow. The State Commission of Agricul ture will meet late today. New Secretary Busy—Prof. Fred erick Rasmussen, the new secretary of .agriculture, spent yesterday and today going over the details of the department. He will probably com mence to outline new work and to speed up activities very promptly. Captain Godcliarlos iloine —Cap- tain Frederic A. Godcharles, deputy secretary of the commonwealth, who is on leave for army service, is here foi the inaugural. He is the holder of the very fortunate position of small arms instructor on the staff of General Leonard Wood. Ex-Members Visit—Ex-Represen tatives Rininger and Thompson, Blair: Siggins. Warren, and Kitts and Buvee, Erie, were legislative visitors. Considering Rates. The Public Service Commission is giving consid eration to the recently-advanced tele phone rates, it was stated at the of fice of the Commission to-day, but no decision has been reached as to what action will be taken. No pro test has been filed against the new rates the Commission and it is considering them upon its own ini tiative. Doxen Decisions. —The State Com pensation Board to-day announced decisions in a dozen cases. A new hearing was ordered in Hart vs. State Insurance Fund. Williamsport. The Latest Version. Governor Brumbaugh last night said that he coud not be paid to write a history of Pennsylvania and that all the War Board ever intended him to do was to compile records of Pennsylvania sol diers. When the Governor an nounced the creation of the War Service Board he said that he had been chosen director and that he would "write the story of what Penn sylvania did in the war." Murderer Receives Life Sentence For Each of Two Crimes By Associated Press | Jersey City, N. J., "Jan. 21. Charles Evans, of Springfield, Ills., 18 years old and a deserter from the Navy, who recently confessed to two murders, was sentenced here yester day to life imprisonment for each crime, the two sentences to run con currently. Evans killed a man who resisted him during a robbery, and later killed a policeman who tried to arrest him. He received the court's sentence with a smile, and remarked that he would be a "model prisoner.". Railroad Men Get Pay Checks With No Banks to Cash Them By Associated Press Altoona, Jan. 21.—The paying of 16,000 Pennsylvania Railroad em ployes for the first half of January started yesterday in Altoona without any arrangements having been made for the cashing of checks by the local banks which are standing pat . on their decision not to advance the money. In consequence the employes . must depend on merchants and ho telkeepers for the favor of having the checks exchanged for money and are likely to be seriously inconveni enced for the time being. Royalists Revolt in Portugal, Is Report London. Jan. 21. —A Royalist rev olution has broken out in Portugal, according to a wireless dispatch form London. Palva Conceiro has placed himself at the head of a Royalist revolt at Oporto, Braga and Viseus and has proclaimed former King Manuel king of Portugal. Gov ernment troops are on their way to suppress the conspiracy. The wire less dispatch adds that former Kink Manuel has sent a telegram to the Portuguese government reproving the attempt in his behalf. Falls While Kissing the Blarney Stone London, Jan. 21.—Peter McGulre, some time of San Francisco, now of the United States Navy, Imperiled his neck for the right to tell his admir ing friends at home "I've kissed the Blarney Stone." RESTORES OUSTED OFFICER Washington, D. C., Jan. 20.—The War Department last night an nounced the reappointment of Cap tain Sam Bucklew, a National Army infantry pfficer dismissed from the army, after trial by court-martial, on charges Involving the account ing for certain construction funds intrusted to him while he was on duty at Camp Funston, Kan. LIBERATE TURKEYS Lykcns, Pa., Jan. 21.—Seven wild turkeys were received from the state game commission to-day and placed □n the state game preserve west of town. During recdht months, quite a number of turkeys, pheasants and a number of deer have been released j on the new preserve "The Live Store This Is a Great Day in The old "Always Reliable" Keystone State U * S Ar e Off t° 'Largest' Inaugurating "Overcoat Week" —at the "Live Store" and you can score a .Victory over high prices if you come HERE —We are offering our entire stock of "Overcoats" at reduced prices at much lower prices than you have ever paid for such high-grade fabrics and excellent styles as you will find HERE in Hart Schaffner & Marx Kuppenheimer and Society Brand Clothes This "Live Store" will attract many out of town buyers dur ing the next few days, for "Overcoat" values such as you will see HERE are away above the ordinary; these Overcoats will cost considerably more a year from now, and you will "do well" to choose your "1920" Overcoat at our exceptionally low prices. Every Overcoat In Our Entire Stock Is Reduced AUS2O OVERCOATS. . . $14.75 Alls4o OVERCOATS. . . $31.75 AU$25 OVERCOATS. . . $19.75 AU$45 OVERCOATS. . . $34.75 Alls3o OVERCOATS. . . $23.75 AUSSO OVERCOATS .. . $3&75 All $35 OVERCOATS. . . $27.75 All $55 OVERCOATS. . . $42J5 Alls3B OVERCOATS. , . $29 75 AUS6O OVERCOATS. . . $46.75 1 / ... „ The reason we can offer these garments at such tempting prices is because we bought them before the wholesale market had reached "top notch" prices Overcoats you buy HERE have been carefully selected for our own regular stock and you are taking no chances when you come to Doutrichs for your wearing apparel. Try This Dependable Doutrich Service That Everybody Is Talking About • ' >\ • .• > 304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. * HXRXUBBURG TELEGRAPH IDoutrlchSl JANUARY 21, 1919. f . 304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. 11