Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 20, 1919, Image 1

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    Congress of Paris Makes Progress on Formation of a League of Nations to Insure Peaee of World
3ljc JSlar-Inbepcnbent.
.XXXVIII— No. 17 14 PAGES D "M x e c r ep a t t ?K d Kkt HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 20, 1919. *>"& SBKg& tPSSStSRvST" s ™cS? S
Noulens, France's
Envoy, Addresses
17 unctions Would
Be Confined to
Yankee Probe
By Associated Press
Paris, Jan. 20.—The Supreme
Council adjourned its session at
11.45 o'clock to give President
Wilson an opportunity to attend
the luncheon given by the French
Paris, Jan. 20. —The situation in
ussia was taken up by the supreme
juncil of the Peace Conference at
s session to-day. Joseph Noulens,
le French ambassador to Russia,
as present at the meeting and ad
ressed it on the Russian question.
This announcement was made in
I e official statement given out re
u-ding the proceedings of the po
The text of the official communi-
IC follows:
"The President of the United
ates of America, and the prime
inisters and foreign ministers of
ie allied governments assisted by
iron Makino and the Japanese
nbassador in Paris, met at the
uai d'Orsav this morning between
>.30 and 12 o'clock. M. Noulons,
e French ambassador to Russia,
ho returned a few days ago from
rchangel, addressed the meeting
id gave particulars of the situation
"The next meeting will take place
i Tuesday at 10.30 o'clock in the
orning to hear the remarks of M.
avenius, the Danish minister to
>trograd, who left the Russian
pital very recently."
The project of establishing an un
ilcial American "embassy" in Ger
any is under consideration by the
nerican delegation to the peace
Task of Yankee Probers
The proposed mission would, of
urse, have no relations with the
irnian authorities nor be acered
■d to any German government. Its
notions would be confined to gath
ing direct and reliable information
conditions and events in Berlin
d the provinces without which, it
pointed out, any satisfactory dis
ssion of German problems is dif
With Vittoric Orlando, the Italian
emier, the only absentee, the su
eme council of the Peace Confer
ee reassembled at 10.30 o'clock
s morning. Premier Orlando had
rived here from Rome, however,
d was expected to attend the
jncil's session later in the day.
Japan's Minister There
Arthur J. Balfour, the British for
n secretary, was accompanied to
s meeting by Lord Robert Cecil,
0 was especially in charge of the
)ject of a league of nations, on
half of Great Britain. Baron Xo
aki Makino, chief of the Japan
-1 mission, attended the council for
i first time representing Japan,
jether with Baron Matsui, the
ibassndor to France.
Lord Robert Cecil remained at the
•eign office, where the meeting
s held, for only a few moments
1 did not enter the council cham
•, where, the session to-day was
executive one. It is understood
it an official communique will be
iied at the close of the meeting,
which it was expected that the
:hange of information between
i governments on the situation in
ssia, forecast in one of last week's
nmuniques, would take pface.
Ten Members nt Hoard
The council as it met to-day com
sed ten members —two from each
the five great powers—President
lson and Secretary of State Lan
g representing the United States.
i three additional members from !
h power did not attend, as full !
etings of the membership of ,
inty-five are assembled only when
jects of especial importance are |
ler consideration by the council, j
or Hnrrlnburg nnit vicinity) Fair
to-night nnd Tuesday; not mucli
change In temperature; lowest
to-night about freezing,
or Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair
to-night nnd Tuesday; warmer
i north portion to-night; gentle,
variable winds.
he Sunqaehanna river and nil Its
lirnncbe* will remain nenrly
stationary, except the middle
nnd lower portions of the West
Branch, which will rise slightly.
A stage of about 4.8 feet Is Indi
cated for Hnrrlnburg Tuesday
General Conditions
be storm that was central over
North Carolina, Saturday morn
ing, has moved olf seaward, fol
lowed by an nrea of high pres
sure from the Southwest, which
rovers the eastern part of the
country, with Its center over
the Middle Atlnntlc states.
Pressure Is low over the west
ern hslf of the country, with
center of a disturbance over
Burden on Taxpayers Would Drop to Almost Half If
Proposed Valuation of $60,000,000 Is Fixed by the
County Commissioners; 600,000,000 Tons of
Anthracite Coal Is Estimated to Be Under
Mountains at Upper End of County
County officials believe that the valuation of coal 'lands will
be fixed at more than $30,000,000, and may be considered of suffi
cient extent to warrant an assessment of $60,000,000, according
to opinions expressed to-day. An extensive survey of the coal
fields has been made during the last few weeks, and from pre
liminary reports it is bcleved only 40,00,000 or 50.000.000 tons of
coal have been removed from beds in this county, while the
United States Geological survey estimates the amount of coal in
the Dauphin district at 600,000.000 tons.
Would Drop Tax Rate
The total county assessmnt, ac
cording to triennial returns, is more
than $92,000,000, and because of the
big increase over last year the Com
missioners expected that the tax rate
could probably be lowered to four
mills again. It was five mills during
1918. With the possibility of at
least an additional $30,000,000 worth
of property, or more, which can be
taxed, the mill rate could be dropped
to three or even two and one-half
mills, it is believed.
The valuation of the coal lands
at present is about $500,000, not in
cluding buildings and other equip
ment owned by the mining compa-j
ries. T. Ellsworth Davies, of Scran- '
Bituminous and Coke Will
Drop, but Anthracite Is
Still Regulated
i e
While bituminous coai and coke
[will drop in price within the.near
f future as a result of the Govern
j mept's withdrawal of price and zone
| regulations, dealers here expect no
i reduction in the price of anthracite.
■ Government regulations remain in
| force, as far as anthracite is con
j cerned, and likely will until April 1,
iat least. The amount of coal is not
jso large, it is thought, that local
| dealers will cut their prices to dis
: pose of their stocks.
Vp to Dealers
The only prospect of reduced an-
J thracite prices is the usual 50 cents
j per ton reduction made April 1, ac
; cording to Ross A. Hickok, county
| fuel administrator. He said in addi
) tion that bituminous coal prices
| eventually will increase.
| There is a maximum price fixed
jby the Government on prepared
| household sizes. Dealers are at lib
i erty to cut. although operators can
not sell except at regulation prices.
It has been reported among con
sumers that the mild weather has
so stocked the dealers' yards that
unless there is a cold snap which will
use up much of the coal now in the
city, the dealers will have to reduce
their prices. This idea is scouted by
local dealers, who point out that they
still must pay the Government-regu
lated prices. They say there is not
so much coal that they are appre
hensive lest they are swamped with
an unmarketable surpus.
Mr. Hickok says there are about
10,000 tons of coal in the dealers'
: yards, which probably is the largest
: amount since prewar days. Several
I of the dealers are filled to capacity
i and all the dealers supplied over the
Pennsylvania lines have full supplies.
I The only size of fwhich there is a
| scarcity is nut coal. There is no
: doubt that there is coal enough for
all should the coldest weather set in.
Gets Life Sentence on the
Ground That He Is Habitual
Criminal; Slew Woman
By Associated Press
Yew York, Jan. 20.—Having been
convicted of five felonies, including
perjury in giving a false name dur
ing the trial recently of Miss Eliza
beth Baksa, of Freemansburg, Pi..,
for the murder of Mr 3. Helen Hamel,
a crime of which Miss Baksa was
acquitted, Leo Sittenberg, alias
James F. Regan, alias James Burns,
29 years old, was sentenced here to
day to life imprisonment as a habit
ual criminal.
SI'ES FOR 81,500-
Suit has been brought against
George H. Haverstick, Penbrook, by
Annie and O. M. Neumeyer, her hus-
I band, also of Penbrook, asking $l,-
i 500 damages, for injuries it is alleged
j Mrs. Neumeyer suffered October 22,
i when autos which Haverstick and
■ Mr. Neumeyer were driving, collld
! Ed at Twenty-eighth street und Hof
j fur's Lane, Susquehanna township.
!*er York, Jan. 20.—The United
States cruiser Pueblo arrived to-day
from Brest with 2,445 troops.
i ton, the expert engineer secured by
the County Commissioners to make a
I report of the value of the coal lands
j in this county, expects to submit his
I complete report not later than
| March 1.
Statement Xot Ready
I He conferred with the Commis
sioners a short time to-day but the
! officials said they are not prepared
to make any public statement yet
I about the work, other than that they
i have been assured Mr. Davies ia
| employing the best mining engineers
j of the coal regions to aid him in his
work here. He is also making a sim
j ilar survey in Lebanon county. He
J presented extensive maps of the coal
district covering miles of territory
I in the upper end of the county.
Hears That Hatred and Dis
cord Still Howl After
End of the War
By Associated Press
Paris, Jan. 20. —President Wilson
was the guest of the French Senate
at a luncheon to-day. He was greet
ed by Antonin Dubost, the president,
who made an eulogistic address in
which he said the Senate welcomed
the President and his ideas.
"Mr. President: My colleagues and
myself thank you for having been
so good as to accept our invitation
and to give us some, hours of your
time which we know' to be devoted
to the high meditations and the im
portant negotiations upon which the
fate of the peoples depends. From
your first steps on the land of France
and since your entry into Paris the
French people has spontaneously
given their hearts to you and they
perceived at once in your frank
smile and in your so loyal and open
physiognomy, that you, too, were
spontaneously giving yourself to
Reminders of the Past
"You are to-day in an old palace
of France and it is among these
grand reminders of past times that
with thoughts rejuvenated by re
publican ardor, yet with patriotism,
the French Senate shapes a history
which already counts tiften centur
ies. We welcome here, Mr. Presi
dent, you and your ideas. Nowhere
could your splendid ambition to sub
stitute for the periodically broken
equilibrium of material forces the
definite award of moral forces elicit
more enthusiasm than in France,
and nowhere more than in the Sen
ate since the statute of international
peace has been first of all and f„r
a long time prepared by some of its
most eminent members.
Agree With President
"Our national problem consists,
therefore, in combining our Euro
pean past and our actual material
security with the conditions of the
new order for which you have given
so noble a formula because this new
order will ever have to lean on some
[Continued on Page 12,]
Governor Suggests Men
to Plan Celebration
The Governor's office to-day issued
the following statement:
"When Governor Brumbaugh
called upon the Assembly to proceed
now to form plans to obesrve in Phil
adelphia the 150 th anniversary of
the Declaration of Independence he
had the hearty concurrence of J. M.
Beck, a loyal Pennsylvanian and a
patriotic leader of American thought.
If he and such distinguished rep
resentatives at foreign courts as WiU
liam Potter, Charlemagne Tower and
other high-minded citizens were
placed upon a committee with power
on behalf of the Commonwealth the
issue would be wholly creditable."'
Wilson Cables Tumulty
on Roosevelt Meetings
By Associated Press
\\ nshlngton, Jan. 2U.—President
Wilson has cabled to Secretary Tum
ulty his approval of the proposal to
hold Roosevelt memorial meetings
throughout the country on February
9, -Imultaneously with the Joint me
morial services In Congresa,
Look Out! Somebody May Upset the Wagon
Hundred Thousand Dollars
Needed For Completion
of the Big Hotel
The Harrisburg Hotel Company
to-day began a systematic campaign
to sell the remaining $lOO,OOO worth
of stock on the books of the firm.
The officers are confident that the
people of the city are awake to the
fact that this is an invesement of the
first water and it is anticipated that
there will be very little difficulty in
selling the stock.
There is but one cass of stock and
shares are sold at $5O each. Pay
ments may be made in four equal
monthly amounts. Applications for
the stock are being received by War
wick M. Ogelsby, secretary, at the
Commonwealth Trust Company. A
coupon for recording subscriptions
is published in to-day's newspaper.
In a prospectus published on an
other page of the Harrisburg Tele
graph to-day, these salient facts are
"The Penn-Harris Hotel Is com
pleted and is Harrisburg's last word
of evidence as to its progress and en
terprise. It has been made possible
by the determinaion of the flancial
and business interests of fthe city to
redeem its hotel reputation, and cre
ate a factor which will contribute
immensely and directly to the wel
fare, prosperity and comfort of every
citizen. It therefore deserves reeog
[Continued 011 Page 12.]
Entire Force of Police
Will Guard City During
Inauguration Ceremonies
There will be no parking allowed
along the entire route of the inaugu
ration parade after 11.45 to-morrow
morning, and until the parade has
disbanded, it was announced by
Captain Joseph C. Thompson, In
charge of arrangements to-day.
There will be no parking allowed in
side streets south of North street,
and all vehicular traffic must keep
out of Market Square.
At the inaugural ball to-morrow
night, the same stringent traffic reg
ulations will prevail. Parking will
not be allowed in Chestnut street be
tween Second and Fourth, and all
vehicles must enter Chestnut street
from Second.
The entire day force will co-oper
ate with the night force to-night
and to-morrow night to insure or
der. To-morrow the night force will
bo out to aid the day force handle
the huge crowd. A score of detec
tives under Detective Harry White,
will co-operate with the police.
A warning against the pickpock
ets and sneak thieves which will
float Into the city with the Influx of
the crowds, was Issued by Captain
Thompson to-day. Special precatr
tions to avoid theft are necessary,
he warned.
Captain Thompson will lead a
platoon of twelve city policemen In
,the parade
I E. R. Deniain, of the local
j Weather Bureau, to-day forecast
1 that the weather for to-morrow's
inaugural exercises will be fair.
"There will be little change in
temperature, the lowest degree
reached being somewhere around
; freezing," he said.
For Eastern Pennsylvania the
weather will be fair to-night and
to-morrow. In the northern por
-1 tion the temperature will be
1 warmer to-night with gentle vari
able winds.
Imperial President Must Be .13
and a Citizen For
Ten Years
By Associated Press
London, Jan. 20.—Details of the
proposed new constitution for Ger
many drawn up recently at a con
ference of widely-known authori
ties on constitutional law, includ
; ing Hugo Preuss, state secretary of
the interior in the Ebert govern
ment, are given in an official wire
less dispatch sent out from Berlin
I and picked up here.
It states that the empire is to
consist of its former component
states: besides any territories which,
by virtue of the right of self-deter
mination, desire to be received into
the empire.
The dispatch declares that the
people have the right, regardless of
former frontiers, to erect new Ger
man free slates within the empire,
providing any such state has a popu
lation of two, million. If the peo
ple of a border country wish to join
the German empire the assent of the
German people shall be required
Must Have Majority of All
The imperial president, who is to
be elected by the people, must be
3 5 years of age and must have been
a citizen of Germany for ten years
before his election. We will be
elected by an absolute majority of
all the votes of the empire.
The president will represent the
empire, but declarations of war or
conclusions of peace rest with the
Reichstag. Treaties with foreign
states require the assent of tjie
Reichstag. As soon as u league of
•nations whose object is the exclu
sion of secret treuties has been
formed, all treaties with the league
shall require the assent of the
To Serve Seven Years
The imperial president's tenure
of office will be for seven years and
his re-election "will be permissible.
The imperial government will be
composed of a chancellor and minis
ters who will be chosen by the
president of the Reichstag. The
government must have the confi
dence of the House of Deputies and
shall be responsible to the Reich
France Wrecked With Dia
bolical Ingenuity, Says
Slate Educator
Dr. J. George Beclit, executive
secretary of the State Board of Edu
cation, returned last night from a
trip to France and England. He left
America November 30 on an edu
cational mission accompanied by
Congressman Edgar R. Kicss. Dr.
Becht spent sometime visiting the
battle areas from Amiens to St. Mi
hiel and conferred with educational
authorities in France and England
on questions relating to after-war
education. •
Dr. Becht met a number of Army
men from Harrisburg. Lleutneant-
Colonel Jackson at Tours has had
a signally successful career and his
efficient administration of the Labor
Bureau has won for him the high
est commendation of the command
ing officer. Colonel Jackson was on
December 30 made chief of the de
partment of economics and business
valuation with regard to damage
done by the enemy. This is an im
portant emergency work which the
colonel hopes to complete in a very
short time and then return. Cap
tain Worden and Lieutenant Hoke
are in charge of a supply battalion
near Chuumont which is general
headquarters for the American
Army. He had the pleasure of din
ing with these officers at their bil
let. Lieutenant Van Buskirk, of
Pottstown, nephew of Private Secre
tary Ball, is also connected with this
battalion. While at Tours he acci
dentally met Lieutenant Souders,
who was a member of the Tele
graph force.
At the base hospital in Paris,
where Dr. Becht called to inquire
concerning Captain Stackpole, he
was advised that the captain had
sailed for the states. On inquiring
concerning him a sergeant expressed
the opinion that Captain Stackpole
was a "crackerjack officer" and
[Continued on Page 7]
Substitute Teachers Give
Up Posts at Tech High
to Returning Soldjers
Resigning their positions as teach
ers which they accepted when two
of the members of the Technical
High school faculty were called into
army service, Mrs. Emily McC. Bald
win and Mrs. Florence R. Belt, in
structors in English, algebra and
Latin, will be replaced by Professors
Denton M. Albright and Joseph Les
wlng. The former returned to-day
and resumed his duties and the lat
ter is expected In the city soon.
School board officials said they
anticipate little difficulty in placing
teachers as fast as they are muster
ed out of service and return to the
city. Some of the instructors are in
the navy or overseas, and are not
expected home for months. A few
others may return in the near future
but these can beplaced It jtras said,
Thousands Arriving in City For the
Exercises Which Will Make Sproul
Governor of the Commonwealth
Thousands of people are arriving
in Harrlsburg to-day to attend
inaugural ceremonies here to-mor-,
row. With fair weather promised!
for the day, the largest crowd in 5
the history of Pennsylvania inaugu- j
rals is expected to be in attendance |
at the event.
Special trains started to arrive in J
the city to-day with their crowds of j
persons arriving for the inaugura- j
tion. City hotels, boarding houses j
and the Y. M. O. A. are crowded to |
capacity. Many persons have been I
compelled to seek headquarters in ]
suburban towns.
The big event of the day naturally
will bo the inauguration of Governor-1
elect William C. Sproul and Lieutcn-J
ant Governor-elect E. E. Beidleman. |
The former will take place on the |
grandstand at Third and State streets;
promptly at noon nnd that of thej
latter in the Senate Chamber shortly j
before noon. Justice J. Hay Brown
will administer the oath of office to !
Governor-elect Sproul.
The oath of office to Lieutenant
Governor-elect Beidleman will be ad
ministered by Judge S. J. M. McCar
rell, of the Dauphin county courts,
an old preceptor of the incoming
lieutenant governor. When he start
ed the study of law, it was in the
offices of Judge McCarrell that Sen
ator Beidleman made his first ac
quaintance with Blackstone and the
works of other famous law-givers.
To Deliver Addresses
At the conclusion of the admin
istration of the oaths of office, both
Governor Sproul and Lleutenant-
Governor-elect Beidleman will de-1
QHrMr&'Wr &• Ir . 4* I & W
4 *fr
± # 1 Washington—President Wilsoa has cabled Secretary ji
* * Tumulty his approval of the proposal to hold Roosevelt T
< mem bruary *
L u 9, simultaneously with the joiat memorial services in X
Congress. V
t &
° 4*
L ■'
<r 4
A to noon wis not under control, destroyed the city hall at * k
▼ Corry, Pa. Help was asked frepi the Jamestown and h y
1 Warren, Pa., fire department*. X
4 >
4 —Practically all army >
C | p
X commanders of the American expeditionary forces, to- "j, >
V gether with the heads of the staff departments, have been ifl B
awarded distinguished service medals by General Pershing a t
*f* or conspicuous service. Tha War Department to-day i f
4* c eitations ef trwe*ty-seve
burg—Governor Brumbaugh will leave the city
! A
"J* „
Tl'e Vare contingent
a 1 y ea * r
* * pated by at my officials, who in asking congress for appro*,*
p '* *
ei |
, h- ' • s 'fi ;• ant. -
® * gin tie July. [* *
Y Washington—Director General Hines said to-day j* *
* *
* * there was no foundation for reports that the railroad ad- a
min was given consideration to "any increase [
y pie- * '"mi of rates." '
4 A
4 vgf are i „ 9
i eports here, by which the Amercian army of occupation * *
§• will b,e taken home byway of the Rhine to Rotterdam ►
oi • Gertnan port for embarkation. \ t
4# vj
!$ ::
ejm Francif* I*, Mct*ovem, Tyrone, nnd May L. Evaaii Bayoane, * *
JL W. J.I C'barlea A. lllvely, steel ton, nnd Kmnut Heaoh. HarrlsbHrgi * L
Jamea T. Turner* York, nnd Mary JL. Johnson, M anklnaton, D. C-
Route of Big
1 lie parade will -start to form
promptly at 11.30 o'clock, aB fol
lows: First division. In South
Front street, right resting in Mar
ket street: Second division. North
Front street, right resting in Mar
ket street: Third division, in
Chestnut street, rifc'nt resting in
Front steret, with the line extend
ing up Second street to the west
side of Market Square.
Promptly at noon the proces
sion will move off at Front and
Market streets to Fourth street,
to Walnut street, to Third street,
to Woodbine street, to Second
street, to Chestnut street, where
the parade will be dismissed.
liver their inaugural addresses. At
the completion of his address, Lieu
tenant-Governor Heldleman will
1 proceed from the Senate Chamber to
the grandstand, where he will join
the gubernatorial party.
At this evening's session of the
Senate, which convenes together
with the House of Representatives
at 9 o'clock, the Governor-elect and
Lieutenant-Governor-elect will re
sign their scats as state senators, an
| event without precedent in Penn
| sylvania history.
j Governor-elect Sproul spent last
■ night at Carlisle and arrived in this
I city to-day, proceeding to the Kxe
j cutive Mansion where he will giv e
a dinner this evening to some rela-
I [Continued on Pago 12.]