Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 18, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 EVANGELISTIC SERVICES IN CHURCHES MEETING WITH SUCCESS; DR. EMPRINGER HERE BUSY WEEK FOR GRACE METHODIST pr. Bagnell Preaching Series of Interesting Sermons on Timely Subjects Grace Methodist Episcopal fhurch, State street near Third, was the scene of two most unusual and Interesting sermons on January sth and 12th by Dr. Robert Bagnell. Dr. Bagnell is preaching a series of ser mons on four great subjects, and his discussions of the first two have created a great deal of interest, and have helped clear up many a point in doubt. This Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock, he will preach a ser mon on the topic, "If a.man neglects his chance of salvation here, will he get another chance?"* This topic will be presented in a straightforward, logical manner, that will appeal to all. and it is anticipated that this sermon will be heard by the largest audience since the series were be gun. In the morning, at 10.30 o'clock. Dr. Bagnell will preach a sermon on the topic, "The Gravest Charge Against the Church." This will be Dr. Bagnell's second sermon as pre paratory to the Centenary move ment. as it effects Grace Church. The Sunday school will meet at 12.10 and the Teen-Age department will be under the control of its new ly elected officers for the first time. These officers were elected at a most successful social, held Thurs day evening, at 7.30 o'clock in the social room of Grace Church, and are as follows: President. Harriet S. Stoner; vice president, Charles 11. Crist: secretary, Mary Emma Fish- i or: absentee secretary, Emily E. i Sites; treasurer, A. Daniel Bacon, Jr.; assistant secretary, Marion A. Harfwick: social secretary, Florence B. Burtnett. The Epworth League will hold a meeting of special interest at 6.30 o'clock, in the lecture room of Grace Church, with Miss Marion Town send, fourth vice president, speak ing on the topic, "Making Democ racy Safe for the World." Evangelistic Services at Park Street Church The revival services which have fbeen successfully held in Park Street United Evangelical Church for the past two weeks will be con tinued for at least another week. The Rev. W. E. Potteiger, pastor of the Penbrook United Evangelical Church, will assist the pastor this week preaching every evening but Saturday. The Rev. Mr. Potteiger has had considerable success as pas tor-evangelist. At 9:30 to-morrow a combined Sunday school and congregational service will be held in the church auditorium when Bishop Swengel will teach the lesson of the "Pass over" to the senior and intermediate departments of the school. This will be the only service of the morning, lasting until about 11 o'clock. A fif teen-minute song service, conducted by Chorister A. M. Blake, will open this morning service. At 7.30 the pastor will have for his subject. 'The Divine Forewarn ing," based on Ex. 12:12-13. Unique Services at Riverside Methodist Are Well Attended The special "Win-my-Chum" ser vices in Riverside M. E. Church each night this week were well at tended and very inspiring. The special music helped to make each ; service attractive. Different leaders had charge of song service and op ening exercises at each service. The con<®!uding service of the series will be held at 6.30 on Sunday evening at the regular Epworth League De votional service. Each night next week there will be held special evangelistic services at 7.30 with special song service every evening. These services will be conducted by the pastor, the Rev. Rev. C. F. Berkheimer. SPECIAL SERVICE The Rev. George E. Guille of the Moody Bible Institute will conclude his bible study and evangelistic ser vices at Derry Street U. B. Church, Sunday, January 19, with the fol lowing services: Sermons at 10.30 A. M. and 7.30 A. M. and at 2.00 P. M. will speak to men only in the men's assembly room of the church. ■ i ———— "THE CHI'RCH WITH THE CHIMES." ~ "jyT EMBERS of the Legislature and employes of the state who are compelled to spend the week-end in our city are sincerely welcomed to worship with us. All seats free, also comfortable. We take pride in our beautiful church and are glad to have visitors freely use this house of God. Our church is centrally located, just opposite the Penna. R. R. Passenger Station. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH S. W. Herman, D. D. Pastor "MOWS DOORS ARE OPEN EVERY DAY." St. Stephen's Church REV. ROLLIN A. SAWYER, Rector. Sunday, January 19th. 11 A. M.—Dr. Emplngham, national superintendent of the JSpiscopal Church Temperance Society, -will preach on "The Temperance Movement" J* SATURDAY EVENING. BIG TEMPERENCE RALLY TO BE HELD NEXT WEEK Eminent Minister Will Ad dress Meeting Tomorrow Evening; Many Endeavor ers Expected Arrangements are about complet ed for a rousing Christian Endeavor mass meeting to be held in the Opera House, Carlisle, to-morrow evening at 7.30 o'clock. The Rev. Dr. Francis E. Clark, of Boston, founder of the C. E. movement, wilt be the principal speaker. Many so cieties of the Cumberland valley are expected to send delegates. Dr. Clark will also address a mass meet ing at Shippensburg at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Cumberland valley and a rah! rah! rah! Here's the president, ah! ah! ah! What's his name? What's his name? Dr. Clark! Dr. Ojark! Dr. Clark! Hurrah—Hooray! A special invitation is extending to the societies of Dauphin county and Harrisburg to send a large dele gation to Carlisle to-morrow, and hear Dr. Clark speak. Endeavor societies will study the topic "Our Relation to God. I. Re penting." at the vsvrious churches on Sunday evening. Christian Endeavor week will be observed by the societies of the Harrisburg C. E. Union. February 2-9. Arrangements are being made for six big contesting rallies,, as fol lows: Central district, city; Hill district, city; up-town district. New Cumberland; Steelton, and Pen brook. Special programs will be rendered and live wire speakers will be secured. Dr. William T. Ellis, a well-known author and traveller, has been sent by the New York "Herald" to make an independent study of social, po litical and religious conditions in the near East, including, of course, Bible lands. Dr. Ellis's reports will be cabled to this country. At the Harris Street Keystone League of Christian Endeavor to morrow evening, C. B. Fisher will conduct the service. State Secretary H. B. Macrocy, Pittsburgh, and Field Secretary Gates, of Illinois, are making an BAPTISTS HOLD ANNUAL MEETING Officers of First Church of Harrisburg Elected at Business Meeting The annual business meeting of the First Baptist Church, the Rev. "William J. Lockhart, pastor, was held this week. The following were elected Deacons for the ensuing year: Joseph L. Leonard, H. E. Ben nett, Reuben Simmers, O. F. Smith, Charles H. Linde. Herbert B. Alex ander, William C. Sourber. The fol lowing were elected Trustees for the coming year: George N. Spencer, Howard V. Winchell, Ray S. Shoe maker, William F. Jones, Philip J. Arnold, Eber Gano Butler and Anna E. Dewhirst; the last two being elected financial secretary and treas ' urer respectively. Orville F. Smith was elected church clerk. The Ad visory Board composed of the offi cers, deacons and trustees of the church organized by electing Ray S. Shoemaker president and Charles H. Linde secretary. All reports showed the church to be actively engaged in the work of the Lord, helping every good cause. Contributions to missionary work were nearly double that of the pre vious year. The year closing showed a very substantial balance on hand in the current expense account of the church. The First Baptist Church has abandoned all indirect methods of "raising money" to pay expenses or give to missions and de pends solely upon the gifts of those who love to give, this Scriptural method has reflected its value in increase in mow received. mmr j^F DR. F. E. CLARK Itinerary trip, including mass meet ings to be held in many of the prin ciple cities and towus of the state during February and March. The Interdenominational Toung People's Commission met in New York City recently to consider prob lems connected with their work and plan prayer-meeting topics and pro grams. A series of topics were prepared for 1920 by a committee on which the Epworth League and Baptist Young People's Union were represented. These bodies will fol low the topic outlined. Officers for the year 1919 are as follows: Presi dent, Dr. F. O. Erb. of Philadelphia: secretary, the Rev.- Win. Ralph ■Hall, Philadelphia. Mr 3. W. E. Rickert and Mrs. E. L. Yogel will have charge of the K. L. C. E. service at Park Street United Evangelical Church on Sun day evening. ' The Christian Endeavor topic for next Sunday evening at Market Square will be "Prayer." This meet ing is one of a series of Bible studies now being conducted by Miss Xone maker, a graduate of Moody Bible Institute. Stewart Taylor will lead o'scer. again issues warning igainst the devotions and John Henry will conduct the singing. NOTED LECTURER TO TALK HERE Dr. Enipringham to Speak at Three City Episcopal Churches Those who attend St. Stephen's Church at Jl A. M.; St. Andrews at 4 P. 51., or St. Paul's at 7.30 P. M. tomorrow will have the privilege of hearing Dr. Enipringham, the noted temperance lecturer, it was an nounced to-day. Dr. Enipringham came into na t.onal prominence nine years ago bo cause of his action when president of the Ministers' Association of Syra cuse, N. Y., in appointing a com mittee to investigate the commer cialized vice in that city. Largely as a result of liis work, the segregated district of Syracuse was abolished Sopie years later, when at the height of his popularity as the rec tor of the large and influential St. Paul s—the "Cathedral" of Central New York—he resigned that po sition of prominence to become the New i ork superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League, this action challenging wide attention because of the financial sacrifice involved. Since his election to the high honor of National Superintendent of the Episcopal Church Temperance Society, Dr. Empringham has made frequent visits to places of historic importance in Europe and Asia. The conversational simplicity of his scientific lectures makes them t.ie delight of all who hear this gift ed reformer. Name S. S. Officers at Augsburg Lutheran The following officers were elected and installed to serve during the coming year at the Augsburg Luth eran Sunday School: r- F'rst department—superintendent, D.H. Rineard; first assistant, super intendent, L. Ross Yaple; second as sistant, Superintendent, J. F. Hoff man; secretary, Roy S. Culler; as- 1 sistant Secretary, Harold Dolde pianist. Mrs. E. A. Wallower, assist ant pianist, Margaret M. Murray. Second department— superinten dent, E. S. Manbeck; first assistant superintendent, M. F. Mitchell; sec ond assistant superintendent, E T Snyder; secretry, O. H. Lingle; as sistant secretary. Oscar Hoffman; pianist. Myrtle Ebner; assistant pi anist, Reba Shue. Third department: General sup erintendent, Chalmer C. Groff; as. sistant general superintendent, J. R. Ewing; treasurer, E. S. Manbeck; general secretary, Robert K. Cook; assistant general secretary, Paul J. Hoover and Frank D. Warren; pian ist, Pearle M. Geisinger, assistant pianist, Rachel Longsdorf; librarian, Harry Swovelin; assistant librarians, J. B. Shumaker and Marion E. Man becH. Kindergarten—Ruth M. Ulsh; as sistant superintendents, Aline W. Bateman and Mrs. A. M. Stamets; Secretary, Mrs. J. M. Arbegast; as sistant Secretary, Anna L. Seitz; pi anist, Mary C. Garland. Home Department—Mrs. C. Kee ley. Cradle Roll —Mrs. J. C. Lusk, Jr. EVANGELICAL SERVICES There Is a deep interest the re vival sendees at the Fourth Street Church of God. There were four teen conversions during the past week. Dr. W. N. Yates will speak Sunday morning on "Sure Founda tion" and In the evening on "The Tested Building." Mr. Fulton, of the Bethesdn Mission, will address the meeting for men at 2.30, and Mrs. Fulton will sing at the meeting for womn at the same hour. Monday night will be boys' night; Tuesday night will be inaugural night; Wed nesday night will be girls' night; Thursday night will.be toilers' nisht; Friday night will be unlucky night. BULRHISBTJRG 6fiSst TKTFGHaPH LUTHERANS WILL HOLD MEETING Plans For Great Service Feb ruary 2 Arc Rapidly Being Matured The plans for the great Victory and Merger Celebration of the Lutherans of Harrisburg and vicin ity, are rapidly being matured by the Joint committee representing the Lutheran Ministerial Association of Harrisburg and the Lutheran Bro therhood Central of Harrisburg and vicinity. This mass meeting, which pro mises to surpass any meeting of its kind ever before held by the Lu therans of this vicinity, will be held in Chestnut Street Auditorium on Sunday evening, February 2, 1919. at 7. 30 o'clock, and provision will be made for an overflow meeting in Zion Lutheran Church. The two speakers for the occasion will be Rev. F. 11. Knubel, president of the United Lutheran Church, who will speak on The Future of the United Lutheran Church, and Rev., J. A. W. Haas, President of Muhlen burg College, who will deliver a patriotic address. The Lutherans of this vicinity are fortunate iu having the opportunity to hear, at one meeting, two of tho foremost Lutherans of America, both of whom are exceptionally strong speakers. All of the Lutheran Churches in Harrisburg and the immediate vicin ity will be closed on the evening of this meeting. DR. HAWES WILL SPEAK ON PRAYER Market Square Presbyterian Pastor to Deliver Second Sermon of Scries The second sermon in the series which Dr. George E. Hawes is Ilawes is preaching to the morning congregations at Market Square Presbyterian Church will be deliv ered tomorrow morning. Last sab bath he discussed the doctrines of Providence as it can be seen in the recent war. To-morrow his theme is "Prayer, and Its Answers." The evening subject is equally timely. The deathblow having been given" to John Barleycorn it is time that the people who have been con tending against his supremacy should come together to rejoice. This week is one of the greatest weeks in the history of America. Enough states have voted to write prohibition in the Federal Constitu tion. Certainly this "satan" will be "bound for a season." "I would like to invite all workers who have la bored long to bring about this day. I would like to see present ail the women and little children of Harris burg, who are going to enter a brighter future. I would like to have every enslaved man who is at liber ty, with us. • 1 would like to see every legislator who jnay be in the city in our audience. These are great days," sgys Dr. Ilawes. The Rev. Mr. Rogers, the assist ant pastor, is engaged in a most laudable work trying to bring to gether the young people of the con gregation in a strong working peo ples' society. Music in the Churches DERRY STREET U. B. Nlorning Prelude.- "Adagio" (from "Fifth Sonata;') Guilmant; anthem, "Fear Not se, O Max Spicker; offertory. Melody, Reinberger; postlude, "Allegro Apas sionata," Guilmant. Evening —■ Prelude, \ ision, Rheinberger: alto and soprano solo, "He Shall Feed His Flock," Han del, Miss Monn and Mrs. Gensler; offertory, "Intermezzo," Delibes; postlude, "Postlude," Batiste. Bethlehem Lutheran. Morning— Prelude, "In Memoriam, Nevin; quartet, "Bread of the Shepard; offertory, "Berceuse," Faulkes; postlude, Merkel. Even ing—prelude, "MeditaUon," Harker; quartet, "O Jesuf# ThSu art stand ing" Shepard; tenor solo, "My Soul is Athirst for God" (The Holy City), John P. Gibson; offertory, "Salut d'Amonr," Elgar; fantasie, Polleri. Mrs. W'm. K. Bumbaugh, director; j. Stewart Black, organist. Salem Reformed. Morning— "Epithalamium," Matthews; an them, "The Lord is Exalted,". West; soprano solo. "The Lord is My Light and My Salvation," Allitson. Mrs. C. W. Myers; praeludium, ,(B Flat Major). Bach. tion," Sturges; duet, "X Waited for the Lord," Mendelssohn, Mrs. Wm. llelsley, Mrs. Myers. Messiah Lutheran. Morning— Prelude, "Favorite Hymns," Select ed; offertory, "lAst Hope." Gott schalk; postlude, "Allegretto Mo. derato," Tours. Evening—Prelude, (a) "Adagio in C sharp minor," Beethoven; (b) "Nocturne in E flat," Chopin; offertory, "Ave Maria," Verdi; anthem, "Behold, the Days Come," Woodward; post lude, "Grand Chorus," Dubois. Pino Street Presbyterian. Morn ing—Prelude, "Fountain P.everrie," anthem. "O Lord God of Hosts," Harvey B. Gaul; offertory, "Andante Cantabile," Rea; anthem, "Fear Not, O Israel," Spiker; post lude, "Praeludium in C minor," J. S. Bach. Evening—Prelude, "Noc turne," Maitland; solo, "My Own Dear Land," Frank Hall, by Mrs. Cox; offertory, "Short Pastoral in A," Merkel; anthem, "Rock of Ages," Buck; postlude, "Grand Chorus In D major," Guilmant. Salem Reformed. Morning— Prelude, "Adoration," Turner; an them, "The Splendor of the Glory I><Mrd," Woodward; anthem, "Praise Ye the. Father," Gounod; postlude, "Festal March," Kroeger. Evening —Prelude, "Meditation," Kinder; anthem, "God Shall Wipe Away All Tears," Fields; Anthem, "Make a Joyful Noise," Vance; postlude, March, Mailly. Chorister, Mrs. Geo. A. Hutman; organist, Mrs. Nelle Clark. Market Square Presbyterian. Morning—Prelude, "Lgende Sym phonique," Bonnet; anthem, "Seek Ye the Lord," Bridge; offertory, "Canzona," Bonnet; postlude, "Alle luia," Rockwell. Evening—Pre lude, Prelude in G Major, "Gavottee et Musette," Bach; anthem. "Abide With Me," Dunatan; offertory, "Me ditation," Callaerts; postlude, "Marche Modern e," Lemare, Church Directory CHURCH OF GOD I Maclay Street—The Rev. Dr. ItVll liam S. Houck. 11, the Rev. O. J. Farling will preach; 7.30, the Rev. John Royal Harris, of Pittsburgh, will preach; Sunday school, 9.45. Fourth Street—The Rev. Dr. Wil liam N. Yates. 10.30, "A Sure Foun dation;" 7.30, Tested Build ing; 2.30, Mr. and Mrs. Fulton will assist in evangelistic services; Sun day school, 1.40. Highspire—The Rev. Jay C. Forn crook. ,10.30, "Full Consecration;" 1.45. Nagle Street—The Rev. Elmer E. Kaufltman. 10.30, "The Borrowed Ax;" 7.30, "A General Invitation;" Sunday school, 1.30. Green Street—The Rev. H. S. Her shey. 10.30. "Christ Our Guide;" ~30, "Seeking Jesus;" Sunday school, 2. Progress—The Rev. J. M. Wag goner. 10.30, "Aggressive Christian Work;". Sunday school, 9.30. Linglestown—The Rev. J. M. Wag goner. 7; Sunday school, 9.30. Piec.sant View—The Rev. George W. Harper. Sunday school, 9.45: 10.45, "Indifference to the Truth;" evangelistic services, 7.30. BAPTIST Second—The Rev. Albert Josiah Greene. 10*30, "The Cry of the Af flicted Saint;" 7.30, "The Supreme Choice and Its Recompense;" Sun day school, 12. St. Paul's—The Rev. E. Luther Cunningham. 10.30, "The Gate of Iron," by the Rev. Dr. W. A. Ray, of Memphis. Tenn.; 7.30, "The Gates of Pearl," pastor; Sunday school, 19.30. Tabernacle —The Rev. Millard Os more Peirce. 11, "The One Requi site;" 7.30, "Dark! Yes Dark! But Still Trusting;" Sunday school, 9.45. Market Street Baptist—The Rev. W. S. Dunlop. 10.30, "The Qualifi cations of a Christian;" 7.30, "Re sponding to God;" Sunday school, 11.30. First—The Rev. William J. Lock hart. 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 11.45. Bible pictures of men who made the supreme sacrifice. UNITED BRETHREN Sixth —The Rev. J. Owen Jones. 10.30, "A Man of God:" 7.30, "The Cutting Power of the Gospel;" Sun day school, 1.45. Otterbein—Tlie Rev. Dr. S. Edwin Rupp. 10.30. "Knowledge of God;" 7.30, "A Day of Decision;" Sunday school, 2. Derry Street —The Rev. J. A. Ly ter. George E. Guille, of Moody Bible Institute, will preach at 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 2. At 2 o'clock Sunday Dr. Guille will speak to men only in the men's assembly room of church. First—The Rev. W. E. Daugherty. 10.30, "Man's Obligation to Man;" 7.30, "Vicarious Suffering;" Sunday school, 1.45. State—The Rev. H. F. Rhoad. 10.45, "Ambassadors of God;" 7.30, "God's Invitation to Man;" Sunday school, 9.30. REFORMED Second—The Rev. Alfred Nevin Sayres, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "The Task of Foreign Missions," and at 7.30, "The Source of Freedom's Authority." Sunday school at 1.45. Salem—The Rev. Ellis N..Kremer, pastor, will preach at 11. The Rev. Clayton A. Rauck will preach at 7.30. Sunday school at 9.45. PRESBYTERIAN Immanuel—The Rev. H. Everett Hallman, pastor. slorning worship, 10. Sunday school, 11.15. Evening worship, 7.30. Westminster—The Rev. H. Everett Hallman, moderator. Church ser vices, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Tho Rev. Henry W. Miller, Baltimore, Md., will preach. Sunday school at 1.45. C. E. at 6.30. Olivet—Communion service in the morning and preaching at 7.30, by the Rev. R. H. Layton, of Hershey. Covenant The Rev. Harvey Klaer, pastor, will preach at 10.30. Sermon by the Rev. John* Royal Harris, of Pittsburgh, and at 7.30 by the pastor, "The Possible Impos sibilities of Faith." Sunday scjiool at 2 o'clock. Bethany—The Rev. John M. War den. "A Man With a Desire to See Jesus." Sunday school at 9. Capital—The Rev. B. M. Ward, pastor, will preach at 10.45, "Nehe miah the Patriot." 7.30, "A Legacy [of Power." Sunday school at 12.15. Division Street Chapel—The Rev. H. H. Baldwin, pastor, will preach at 7.45, "Choosing a Leader." Pine Street —The Rev. Sey mour Mudge, pastor; the Rev. J. S. Armentrout, assistant pastor. 10.30, morning service, "Camouflaged Christians." 7.30, evening service, "The Guilt of Gossip." 1.40 church Sunday school. ' I, ETHER AN St. Matthew's —The Rev. E. E. Snyder, pastor. 11, Holy Communion will be observed. 7.30, "Heaven." Sunday school at 9.45. Shiloh, Riverside —The Rev. E. E. Snyder. Sunday school at 2. Memorial —The Rev. L. C. Manges, will preach at 10.30, "A Code of Christian , Duties," and at 7.30, "The Mistake of a Great Woman and the Consequences." Sunday school at 2. Bethlehem —The Rev. J. Bradley Markward, pastor, will preach at 10.30. Holy Communion. 7.30, "Done In Remembrance." Sunday school at 11.45 p. m. Calvary—The Rev. Edward H. Paar, pastor, will preach at 11. "Christ's First Miracle," and at 7.30, "Mordecai and Esther." Sunday school at 10. Trinity, Camp Hill —The Hev. Dr. E. D. Welgle, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "The Devout Resolution," and at 7.30, "The Christian's Life In Christ." Sunday school at 9.30. Zion —The Rev. S. Winfleld Her man, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "A Better Life in a Better World," and at 7.30, "The Need of Men of Convictions." Sunday school at 1.45. Messiah —The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, pastor. 10.30, Holy Com munion. 7.30, Holy Communion, and sermon. Sunday school at 2. The pastor will be assisted by the Rev. Dr. M. Coover, of Gettysburg. Trinity—The Rev. R. L. Meisen helder, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "The God of the Amen," and at 7.30, "A So-Called Lesser Sin." Sunday school at 2. Redeemer —The Rev. M. E. Shafer, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "How God Answers Prayer." 7.30, "Ameri ca's Opportunity." Christ —The Rev, Thomas Reisch, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "A Safe Deposit," and at' 7.30, "The Wriggle Of the Serpent's Tail." Sunday school at 2. A. M. E. Bethel—The Rev. IT. H. Cooper, pastor. Specinl evangelistic services. Mrs. A. V, Jones Winston will preach at 10.30, "The Way," and at 7.30, "God's Judgment oh the World." Wesley Union —The Rev. Stephen A. McNeill, pastor, will preach at 10.45, "Victory Inspired By Hope,'" and at 7.45, "Life's Sunset in Glory." Sunduy school at 1. Harris Street—The Rev. A. G. Flexer, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "The Great Refusal," and at 7.30, "Naaman." Sunday school at 9.30. UNITED EVANGELICAL Mission—The Rev. E. Pottieger, pastor. The Rev. W. S. Harris will preach at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. nt. Penbrook Preaching services morning and evening by the pastor W. E. Pottieger. Enola—The Rev. IT. M. Buck, pastor, will preach at 10.45, "Chris tian Love," and at 7.30, "A Message From Malachi —God's Promise of Blessing on the Good." Sunday school at 9.30. Park Street—Tho Rev. A. E. Han gen, pastor. Combined Sunday school and congregational service at 9.30. Bishop Swengel will teach tho Sun day school lesson of tho day to the senior and intermediate departments assembled in the church auditorium, 7.30, "The Divine Forewarning." EPISCOPAL St. Andrew's—The Rev. Henry A. Post, rector. 8, Holy Communion; 11, morning prayer. and sermon by the rector; 4, evening prayer and sermon by the Rev. Dr. James Ent pringham, of New York City, na tional superintendent of the Church Temperance Society. This service will be in place of the usual service at 7.30 p. m. St. Augustine's—The Rev. Wil loughby M. Parchment, rector. Mat ins, sermon and Holy Communion at 11; church school *t 12.30; evensong and sermon at 8. St. Paul's—The Rev. Floyd Apple ton, rector. Men's communion at 8. 11 a. m., "The Educational Prob lem." At 8 p. m. the Rev. James Empringham of the Church Tem perance Society. Sunday school at 2.30 p. m. St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer, rector- —8 a. m., Holy Com munion; 10, Sunday school; 11, morning prayer and sermon by Dr. Empringham. of New York, on Church Temperance Work." j 7.30, evening prayer and address. j Fifth Street—The Rev. Edwin A. i Pyles. 10.30, "God's Ownership Ac-: knowledged;" 7.30, "The Sin We Are ; Afraid to Mention;" Sunday school, j 2 o'clock. .Ridge Avenue—Tho Rev. H. R. i Bender. Morning, "The Witness of the Spirit;" evening, "The Kingdom of God Is Within You;" Sunday school, 10. Camp Curtin Memorial—The Rev. John H. Mortimer. 10.30, "The Ephesian Church and Ours;" 7.30, "Self-Realization and Self-Disposi tion;" Sunday school. 2. Riverside —The Rev. C. F. Berk heimer. 10.30, "The Call of the World;" Sunday school, 2. "Win- My-Chum" service at 6.30. St. Paul's—The Rev. William Moses. 10.30 and 7.30. Sunday school, 1.4 5. West Fairview —The Rev. C. F. Berkheimer. 7.30; Sunday school, 1.30. Camp Hill —The Rev. Joseph E. Brenneman. 11 and 7.30; Sunday school, 9.45. Dauphin—The Rev. George F. Hess. 7.30, "Achieving Greatness Through Christ," John 14:12; Sun day school 2. Epworth—The Rev. J. D. W. Dea vor. 11, "A Life Service For Christ;" 7.30, "Man's Greatest Sin;" Sunday school, 10. MISCELLANEOUS Gospel Hall—lo.3o, "Breaking of Bread;" 2.30, Sunday school; 7.30, Evangelist S. C. Keller, of Camp Hill, will begin a series of special meetings, speaking from a large chart, "The Feasts of Jehovah," continuing every night during com ing Week except Saturday at 7.45. Church of the Brethren—The Rev. William K. Conner. 11, "Be Not Conformed to This World;" 7.30, "The Prince Satan;" Sunday school, 9.45. The Christian and Missionary Al liance —The Rev. W. H. Worrell. Sunday school, 9.30; 10.30, "Paul's Letter to the Ephesians;" 7.30, evan gelistic service, "Thou Art Weighed in the Balance and Found Wanting." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ—"Life," morning at 11 and evening at 7.30; Sunday school, 11; testimonial meet ing Wednesday at 8; free reading room, Kunkel building, 11.30 to 5 daily. REFORMED MENNONITES Kinnard's hall —The Rev. Jacob S. Lehman. 10.30, ■ confirmation of a bishop. On Sunday there will be special services in the Baughman Memor ial Methodist Church at New Cum berland. Young men of Dickinson College sent out under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. will have charge of the services at 10.30 A. M., 2.30 P. M. and at the evangelistic ser vices at 7.30 P. M. A mass meeting will be held at 2.30 to which all the congregations of the town will be invited. ZIOX LUTHERAN Morning Postlude, "Prayer," Ay kan; baritone solo, "It Is Enough," Mendelssohn, Robert Smith; offci torv in E Minor, Chopin; anthem, "The God pf 'Abraham Praise," Buck; Festal Postlude in A, Boslet. Evening Prelude, "Chanson eglire," W.ilstenholme; soprano and tenor duet, "Come Unto Me;" offer to. y. Interlude In E Flat, Guilmant: Gospel Hymn, by request, Mr. snantz; Festal Fostlude in F, Le r.esere. Mrs. E. J. Decevee, chor ister; William Prctz, organist. MISSIONARY MEETING The monthly meeting of the Wom an's Missionary Society of the First Baptist Church will be held Mon day evening at 7.45 in the home of Mrs. E. C. Schaflstall, 2415 North Sixth street. Mrs. Charles H. Llnde, chairman of the program committee, has prepared an interesting program fcr the evening. Mrs. Mary C. Thompson, formerly of D Land, Florida, will tell of some methods In vogue in Southern Baptist so cieties, , JANUARY 18, 1919. GOVERNOR WILL SPEAK AT "Y" Slate Executive to Address Men For Last Time Before Leaving Chair mBKf nKvjpF | GOV. MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH Governor Martin G. Brumbaugh, the State's executive will address the men of Harrisburg at a mass meet ing to be held in Falinestock Hall to-morrow afternoon. Ills address will be his last public appearance before leaving the gubernatorial chair. It will be "A Farewell Mes sage to the Men of Harrisburg." From all present indications, the hall will be crowded with men who are anxious to hear this parting word from the Go\trnoi'. A special musical* program has been prepared. This will include selections by Mrs. Robert B. Reeves, contralto; Miss Margaretta Kennedv, 'cellist, and Miss Ruth S. Kraybill, organist. The meeting will be pre ceded by an organ recital to open at 3.15 o'clock. Bishop Weekley to Be in Charge of Evangelistic Services at Highspire U. B. Beginning with Monday evening at 7:4 - 5, January 20, special evan gelistic services will bo held for a period of ten days in charge of Bishop "Weekley, at Highspire United Brethren Church. Bishop Weekley Is a fine evangelist. His preaching is practical, pointed and thoroughly evangelical. Ho lias a wide range of experience in evangel ism and church work in general, having been a pastor for many years and also home missionary secretary of the United Brethren Church, as well as bishop for a period of six teen years. He is now head of the commission of evangelism in the United Brethren Church and is also employed by the preachers aid board to help secure funds to pen sion retired ministers. P//^^ Vm?. / PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH j j Third and Pine Streets | If Sunday, January 19, 1919 Wjl | | •$ Preacher, REV. L. S. MUIIGE, D. D.. Pastor HI 10:30 A.M. "Camouflaged Christians" 7:30 P. M. li| "The Guilt of Gossip." & | An Ancient lCxnmplc—A Modern Application % ; ji: Not what you licar. but what you re- S -J 'it S incinbci'. helps you in dally life. What |l here yoti hear you will remember . All Members and Friends Are invited t % Come Tomorrow to Bethleliem Lutheran Church Green and Cumberland Streets, ~ Rev. J. Bradley Markward, D. D., Pastor. 10.30 a. ni.—The Iloly Communion will be Celebrated. * 7.30 p. m. —The Holy Communion and address, "Done In R membranee." 1.43 p. m. —Sunday School. Farewell Message to the Men of Harrisburg by Governor Martin G. Brumbaugh This will be the Governor's last public address as Govern* of Pennsylvania Auspices Central Y. M. C. A., Fahnestock Hall Locust and Second Streets Sunday, January 19th, 3.30 P. M. SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAM—Mrs. Rol>crt B. Reeves, Contralt Miss Mnrgorctta Kennedy, Cello; Miss Ruth S. KraybilJ, Organ, Organ Recital at 3.15 P. M. ALL MEN INVITED ADMISSION FRE ACTIVITIES OF ZION LUTHER 4 Many Events on Program I NVeck at "Church With Hie Chimes" The Rev. Dr. Herman will pre at both services in Zion Luthe < hurch tomorrow. The morn \ 1 7, ne " iu 1,0 "A Better Life i Better World," and will touch u the groat reform movements ideals which are gripping tho wo their origin in and their nccese "J ' 1 }>y tliose dominated Christianity. At tho evening vico tho theme will o "The Neod Men and Women of Convictions. At ttie Sunday School hour offering will he for the. boneflt of Armenian Relief Fund. It is ho that tho most liberal response last year will be repeated. The nior catechism class is growing, Invites those who desiro to bo tor informed in regard to Bibl teachings to attend at 6.30 o'ch Tho Literary Circle of Zion meet at the homo of Miss Bro 5\ ormleysburg, on Monday even The women of Zion will conduct f mission study classes this year. r I will bo led by Mrs. J. E. Whec Mrs. Chester Buck an. 4 lira S. V Held Herman, Miss Ida Evans, Mrs. S. Ort Bowman. Two of classes will meet at afternoon h( and two at evening hours, thus fording opportunity for all to tend. The mid-week service v/il conducted by the pastor. On Thursday evening the mei Zion Brotherhood will offer an ceptional program, having as g and speaker Captain Crowe, of moyne, who will give an acooun his experiences at tho fronl France. The Young Peoples' ] sionary Society will meet with 1 I hler,- 213;. North Second street, Saturday evening. To Observe Baptism at Camp Hill Presbyter At the Camp Hill Presbyte Church, the Rev. Raymond Ketchledge, pastor, the Saernm of Baptism and the Lord's Suj will bo observed at the morning vice, beginning at eleven o'cl The congregation will also obs< "Homo Day" and the uastor preach on the theme "Home It ences." At tlie evening service, held 7.30, the pastor will deliver a niou on John Calvin. Tho sen will be illustrated by about 50 ore.l slides, depicting various sci in the life history of this great former. I Old-Fashioned Quarterly Meeting at Harris A. M. The revival services at lis church will conclude tomorrow i an old time quarterly meeting. Rev, E. H. Corry, will be in chs j and will preach at 10.30 a. m. 7.4 5 p. ni. The two weeks' ser have added much to the spiri condition of the church. Several cepted Jesus as their pardoning viour. Tho Rev. 11. L. Briscoe, tor and Marshall Ficklin, supe tendent of the Sunday School, tend a cordial invitation to the i I lie to attend Sunday school at 1 and Christian Endeavor at 6.30.