Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 18, 1919, Page 15, Image 15
Iditional Classified Ads on Opposite Pagt AUTOMOBILES Convert your car Into a ■ LASS ENCLOSED SEDAN at a small expense. ANCHOR TOPS for either 3RD. OAKLAND. OVERLAND. BUICK OR DODGE CARS olves the winter driving problem at oucee Let us tell you h ° w ,„ lU t l J® he expense compared to the .si comfort anil protection ou get from these tops. MACS GARAGE, INC., 117-19-21 S. Third St. > it Dial 777 2413. \SHINB GARAUJD t> ; - expert Ro *4,t w itv Charge reasonable. Botn t" 7 'Sunshine Garage. 27 North ?roti streoC rc SALE Dort Roadster, fully oed with self-starter, electric P Jew tires. Car in first-class tion Inquire Real Estate Office, ,uth Third street. YSTONE AUTO TOP CO. ions of auto top and cushion done by experts; also repair Reasonable rates. 72-1 8 South sron Street. FOR SALE Reo. C-passenger. Dodge. 6-pasaenger. siBLE'S GARAGE. 301 Cumberland Street. WM PJ7NN GARAGE Muench streot. elretul ■at purti- balls. carer ui ra; open day and uighte 801 l t —— E NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK— red body; 1.000 lbs. capacity; a [in. Inquire o£ Philadelphia t Lunch. ; FOR SALE ITEMS b Ford Koudster, with new cylin black crank shaft and pistons; new rear end; all in good cundi u late Ford Touring car; all good and a lot of extras; in perfect ("commercial panel body, for > Ford Ton Truck. b 12-cylinder Pathfinder Touring new cord tires, e Interstate Touring. b Chalmers Touring, in good condition. C. L. CONOVER. 1334-44 Howard Street- OLD AUTO ed- used, wrecked or o.dtlmera, y condition. Be. me before eac ig elsewhere. Chelsea Auto ■ting. A. Schiflman. 22, 24, 26. I Cameron street, Bell 5853. USED F.ORDS —FORDS —FORDS 1917-1918 MODELS URING CARS 1300 TO 1500 ADSTERS 1275 TO |450 >ANS *SOO TO S6OO LIVERY *376 TO *450 JPE * SOO SO ROADSTER AND TOURING DIES AT BARGAIN PRICES. E SPECIAL SPEEDSTER TH DISC WHEELS, SCHUTTE DY—A REAL SPORT CAR. ESE CARS HAVE BEEN ERHAULED AND REPAINTED D ARE SPLENDID VALUES. IVENIENT TERMS CAN BE RANGED. MAC'S GARAGE. INC.. 117 S. THIRD ST. 777 BELL. 2413 DIAL. 0 OP.D DELIVERY CARS FOR IRE. ALSO 2(4-TON FORD RUCKS BY THE DAY OR RIP. WITH OR WITHOUT RIVER. MACS GARAGE, INC.. 117 S. THIRD ST. r.l BELL, 2413 DIAL t SALE 1913 Model Little Roadster. Good condition, p. x 293. Mechanicsburg, Pa. ,L DEMONSTRATOR, 1918 9. A genuine bargain, and guar. 1 for one year. Camp Hill Gar tay Deardorft. Proprietor. NTED All klnde of used auto i\ < nay highest cash pricex nk. H. Esterbro-v. 9J2 North street. Dial 4990. t SALE Buick Roadster, A 1 Bargain for some one. a. nan. £2-24-26 North Cameron. SATURDAY EVENING. MOTOKC YCLKS AND BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER, WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1607 NORTft THIRD BT. Garages, Accessories and Repairs AUTO TIRE BARGAINS 30x348 814.73 31x4 22.68 32X3(8 17.28 32X4 23.00 / 34x4 26.00 W 35x4 (8 27.50 35x5 15.00 32x3 12.56 DAYTON CYCLE CO., 912 North Third Street. FOR RENT Private garages, rear 1272 Miller street, one block from Thirteenth and Slate streets. Five oollars per month. Inquire of Wil liam E. Orr, 101 South .■> uiit street. Bel phone 445 M. SPECIAL ON AUTO CHAIN'S 28X3 *3.65 50x3 63.76 30X3(8 *3.85 32X3(4 *4.15 31x4 *4.40 32X4 *4.60 33X4 *4.60 34x4 *4.80 1 DAY TON CYCLE CO.. 912 North -..eel. WELDING AUTO AND MACHINE PA R1 5 Frames straiguiuiied and welded. Heavy Cast Iron Our specialty. Expert Welders. Wont Guaranteed. CAPITAL CITY WELDING CO, 1638 Logan St. . BELL 4396.1. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 Bosch nlgli tension. Elshinann, Dixey, spilldort, Mea. Hemy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A. scbiftoian, 22-24-26' North Cameron Street. Hell 3623. AUTO RADIATORS of all klnda re paired by specialists. Also lendera lamps, etc. Best service in town. Mar risbuig Auto KuuiaLur Works, 605 North Thiro street. | LEGAL NOTICES j The Estate of Helnrlcht Arndt. LETTERS OP' ADMINISTRATION on the Estate of Helnrlcht Arndt. late of the Borough of Steelton, Couty of Dauphin, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the Harrlsburg Trust Company of Har risburg. Pennsylrania, to whom all persons indebted to said Estate are tequested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. HARRISBUItG TRUST COMPANY. Administrator. KEAD & NEAD, Attorneys. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters Testamentary having been Issued to the undersigned upon the Estate of Sarah L Auxer, late of the City of llarrisbllrg, Dauphin County, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims or demands against the said Estate to make known the same, and all persons in debted to said decedent to make pay ment without delay to ALONZA G. LEHMAN. 918 Green Street, NOTICE letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Benedetto Sal vadorl. late of Harrisburg. Dauphin County. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in said city, all persons indebted, to said Estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY. Administrator. 222 Market Street. NOTICE - Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Harry C. Bauhi. late of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County, Pa„ deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment, to MARGARET J. BAUM, Administratrix, 28 North Seventeenth Street. Harrisburg, Pa. The Estate of A. V. E. Daecke, de ceased. LETTERS OF -ADMINISTRATION on the Estate of A. V. E. Daecke. late of the City of Harrlsburg. County of Dauphin, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the Harrisburg Trust Company, of Har risburg. Pennsylvania, to whom all persons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY, Administrator. NEAD & NEAD, Attorneys. NOTICE letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Keslah A. R. laiutsbaugh, late of Harrisburg. Dau phin County. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned re siding in Penbrook, Pa., all persons Indebted to said-Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement, to W. B. LAUTSBAUGH, Or Administrator. X. P. BOWMAN. Attorney. NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation lias been made to the Court of Common' Pleas of Duuphin County by .The Christ Home, a corporation of the itrst class, incorporated by the Court of Common Pleas of DAuphin County, for an amendment to its charter, the proposed amendment providing that the name of the corporation shall be changed from "THE CHRIST HOME" to "THE METHODIST HOME FOR CHILDREN." The proposed amendment will be presented to the said Court for final action February 3. 1919. OLMSTED. SNYDER & MILLER. Solicitors ! NOTICE Letters of Admtnistra ! tlon on the Estate of Edward E I Selfert, late of Susquehanna Town- I ship. Dauphin County. Pa., deceased having beep granted to the under ! signed, residing at No. 2X2 Kelker i Street. Harrisbarg. Pa.. all persons i indebted to said Estate are requested !to make immediate payment, and : those having claims will present them I tor settlement to ALFRED A. SEIFERT, , Or, Administrator. ! I. P. BOWMAN*. Attorney. NOTICE ~ ' THE annual meeting of the stock : holders of the Metropolitan Hotel 'company of Harrisburg. Pa., for the ; election of directors and for general business, will be held at the Metro -1 poiitan Hotel, said city, on Tuesday I January 28, 1919, at 2 o'clock P. M I* W. KAY. President. NOTICE TO PROPERTY ' OWNERS IN THE FIFTH, SIXTH AND TWELFTH WARDS OF THE CITY OF HARRISBURG. THE owners of unregistered proper ties in the Fifth, Sixth and Twelfth Wards of the City of Harrisburg, In accordance with the terms of a cer tain part of the Act of Assembly, ap proved 27th June, 1913; Pamphlet igtws of 1913, page 588, and Ordinance No. 11. File of City Council, Session of 1918-1919. are hereby notified to furnish within thirty days from the 13th day of January. 1919, to the City "Engineer, at this office, descriptions of their respective properties, upon blanks to be furnished by the "City and at the same time to present their conveyances to be stamped by the said engi neer without charge as evidence of the registry thereof. Any person or persons neglecting or refusing to comply with the provisions of this section for a period of thirty days after public notice of the require ments thereof shall be liable to a pen alty of five dollars, to' be recovered with costs of suit, in the name and for theXuse of the City, as penalties /for the violation of City ordinances are recoverable." Blanks may be ob tained at. the office of the City Engi neer. Room 316 Commonwealth Trust Company Building, 222 Market Street. Harrisburg. Pa. M. B. COWDEN. City Engineer. I MAfig£rs By Associated Press N'evr York, Jan. 18. Halls and all casqs of industrials and special stocks suffered additional Impairment during to-iiay*s session, professional pres sure again proving etTectlve. I>e ln aeveral Instances, notably X nited States Steel, forced prices to lowest levels In manv months. Weak ness was most marked In oils, motors, tobaccos and equipments at gross re actions of two to six points. Moder ate rallies on short covering were soon cancelled, the list falling back agai nlater. The closing was heavy. Sales approximated 30U.0D0 shares. Bonds were steady on small offer ings. NKW YORK STOCKS Chagdler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar (Too Late For CUlsrl Heat ion) LOST -e Dog, male. Black and tan hound. Answers to the name of Ring. Reward if returned to It. D. Pratt. No. 26 North Third. ITllkKt TO DINE ALVA HOTEL. AND RESTAURANT THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT— Home cooking served to Businessmen and Ladies in separate dinlngrooms. storage STORAGE —419 Broad street, house bold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable ratea. Also haul* ing of all klnda. D. Cooper 4k Cow Beth phones. STORAGE! —In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable ratea P G. Diener, 408 Market street. STORAGE - Private rooms for household goods In llreproof ware house. II per month ana up. Lowsr storage rates In non-hreproof ware house. Harrlsburg Storage Co., 437- 445 south Second street. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL 8. FACKLER. FUNERAL. DIRECTOR 1313 Derry St. BF.IX 1916. DIAL 3113. RUDOLPH K. SPICKR. Funeral Director and fcfenbalmer. til North Second Street. BELL 2tf. DIAL 314 A CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY— Beautifully situated on Market street east or Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east fags the natv park way.- The prices of lota are modsrata filler iiroa. A Co.. Agenta Clcamra and Dyers IT PAVS to hava Clothes Cleaned. Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at lha best place ln town. Call and deliver Goodtnan'a Hue it North Sixth. Both Phones. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS and pleas ure cars for sale. Ford ton trucka Auto-Car 2-ton trucks and oaa 7- passenger Haynes Touring Car. All cheap to quick buyers. Ir.ternatloual Har\ester Co. Truck DepaniueuU No Cl.* \ " street. AUTO .MOBILES YOU CAN BUY A REBUILT TRUCK ON CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS 1(8 and 2-ton Garfords, chassis only or equipped with express or dump bodies. lU- I *-' 1 * "d 2(8-ton Bethlehems. with or without bodies. Light delivery wagons, in cluding Buicks. Overlands and Vims. • THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO.. Open Evenings, 212-214 North Second St. Both Phones. OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT SPECIAL OFFERS THIS WEEK 5-PASSENGER BIG FOUR OVERLAND TOURING Ke tlnished and thoroughly over hauled, equipped with cord tires. 1916 FORD TOURlNG^—Me chanically fine rhape, paint and tires like new. WILLYS-KNIGHT 6-PAB - TOURING Refln lshed wine color with black wheels. Excellent tires. Looks and runs like new. LATE MODEL CHANDLER COUPE SUvertown Cord tires. revarnished. Prac tically a brand new car at less than dealer's cost. 1917 MAXWELL 5-PAS SENGER TOURING, in very good condition. Will sell at an attractive price. THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO- Open Evenings, 212-214 North Second St. Both Phones. EXPERT FACTORY REPAIRING— Packard, Pierce-Arrow, Overland. Hudson and Chandler. Only high grade work solicited. Model cars and trucks built to order. Camp Hill Garage, Ray Deardorff, Proprlator. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. Naw five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 2360. DIAL 4914. FOR SALE Ford Taxi just overhauled. New Taxi, 6350.00 v Good reasons for selling. C. I* McKenzie, P. R. R. Depot, York. Pa. MAXWELL COUPE 1916 Model. Fine running order. New tires. Best offer takes it. A. W. Troutinan, Mll lersburg. Pa. To J. ROBBIN BENNETT: YOU are hereby notified that on the 15th day of January, A. D. 1919, upon petition of a Committee appointed by the President of the Dauphin County Bar Association, the Court of Com mon Pleas of eald County granted a rule on you to show cause why you should not be disbarred from the practice of the law in the several Courts of Dauphin County because of misbehavior In your office of attorney, the specific acta of misbehavior being fullv set forth in said petition now on file In the office of the Prothono tary of said Court. Baid rule was made returnable the 24th day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1919. on or before which date you are required to file an answer and upon your failure to do so, action will be taken against you In default of the same. f W. W, CALDWELL ' ' Sheriff. sxiuuißtmo lISBII teeegrxph ket Square, Harrlsburg; $36 Chestnut street, Phlladlephin; $4 Pine street. New York—furnish the following quotations: Open. Close. Allis Chalmers 32% 31%- Amer Beet Sugar 69 69 American Can .. 47 46% Am Car and Foundry Co 89% 89% Amer Smelting 71% 71 American Sugar 113 74 11374 Anaconda 5874 68 Atchison 92 92 Baltiiliore and Ohio .... 48 48 Bethlehem Steel (B) ... 57 74 66% California Petroleum .... 2344 23 |Canadian Pacific 156% 156% Central Leather 5874 167 Chesapeake and Ohio .... 65 65 74 Chi. Mil and St Paul 4974 49 Chicago, R I and Pacific 24 2374 j Chlno Con Copper 33 74 3 s7a| Corn Products a... 48 4774 Crucible Steel 64% 5574 Distilling Securities .... 61% 61% Erie 16% 16% General Motors 12 474 122 Goodrich, B. F 6074 6974 Great Northern Ore subs 86 74 $6 Hide and Leather 16 15% Inspiration Copper 44 74 43% International Paper .... 33% 82% Kennecott 32 74 82 74 Lackawanna Steel 64 74 64 74 Lehigh Valley 64% 64% Maxwell Motors 27% 27 74 Merc Mar Ctfs 25 24% Merc Mar Ctfs pfd 103 102% Mex Petroleum 24 74 24 74 Miami Copper 24 74 $4 74 New York Central 73 72% NY. N H and H 3074 3074 New York. Ont akd West 19% 19% Northern Pacific 91% 9174 Pennsylvania Rialroad . 4474 44% Railway Steel Spring .. 72 72 Ray Con COpper 2074 20'4 Reading 79% 79% Republic Iron and Steel . 72% 71% Southern Pacific 9974 9874 Southern Ry 27% 27% Studcbaker 4974 49 Union Pacific 127% 127 U S I Alcohol 99 74 1 0.1 U S Rubber 76% 7474 U S Steel 90% 90 Utah Copper 7174 "174 Virginia-Carolina Chem . 52 5274 AVestlnghouse Mfg 4174 4174 Willys-Overland . 24 74 24% Western Maryland .. .. 10% 10% NEW YORK CU RB STOCK* Following quotations furnished by Howard A. Riley and Company, 212 North Third street, Ilarrisburg, Pa.; Ijind Title Building, Phha., Pa.; 20 Broad afreet. New York City: INDUSTRIALS Last Sa'.e. Aetna 6 7s W right 3% Am Marconi 4% U S Ship 5 ! United Motors 3614 INDEPENDENT OILS Last Sale. Barnett 5-16 Cosden 774 Federal 274 Inter Pet 21 Met Pet 2! 5-J6 Glenrock 3% Island 7 Midwest 123 MINING Last Sale. Atlanta 4'S Big Ledge '* Cal and Jerome 74 Goldfield Con 23 Rescue .. 7 Tonoptii J'An 3 Tonopah Ex 2 5-16 White Caps 16 Boston and Montana 49 Caledonia 2.) Cash Boy 8 Con Arizona 1 74 Hecla .. Jumbo Ex 14 Ray Hercules j." 2% Tonopah Bel .. LOCAL MARKETS Prices of produce In local markets include; Chickens (dressed), $1.45- $1.75; celery, 10c; cabbage, 6-10 c; sweet potatoes. 30c; turnips. y lsc; ap ple. 20c: lettuce, 8c; parsley, lc; on ions, 10c; dried apples. 15c; butter, 70c; eggs, 70c; sauerkraut, 12c; pump kins, 15-20 c; squash, 15-20e; chickens • live), 32c; carrots, sc; honey, 40c; salsify, sc; walnuts, 30c. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia) Jan. 18. Wheat No. 1. soti, leu, 2.20; No. 2. red. $2.24; No. 8. soft. red. $2.24. Corn —The market is steady; No. 2, yellow, as tu grade and location, $1.55® 1.60. Oats The market is steady; Xo. 2, white. 7907974 c; No. 3, white. 7 7 74 ®7Bc. Butter The market is steady; western, creamery, extras, firsts, 65c; nearby prints, fancy, 69® 71c. Eggs Market firm; Pennsylvania ana other uoHi-ny firsts, true cases. $19.00® 20.00 per case; do., current re ceipts, free cases. $18.50 per ease, western, extra firsts, true cases, $19.00 6 30.00 per case; do., firsts, free cases $18.90 per case; fancy, selected, packed. 69® 71c per dozen. Cheese The market is lower; New lork and Wisconsin, full iiillk. 37 @ 38c. Bran The market is steady; soft winter, per ton, $40.60©47.00; spring, per ton. $44.00©46.00. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered. 8.45 c; extra fine granulat ed. 7.25 c. „ , . Live Poultry Market steady; fowls, 27©Joc; spring chickens, 26© 28c; fowls, not leghorns, 32® 36c; while leghorns, 34037 c, young, sottmealed roosters, 20®21c; old roosters, 20©21 c; bpring chickens. Out leghorn.-,, 3UW32C, white leghorns, 29®30c; broil ing chickens, 36®2sc; roasting cmckeus. 3U©3sc; ducks, Peking, spring, 35038 c; do., old, 30035 c; In dian. Runners, 32®34c; spring ducks. Long island. 34®360; turkeys, 34©3bc; geese, nearby. 32036 c; western, 320 86c. * Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys, spring, choice to fancy, 44 0 lac; do., western, choice to fancy, 43©44 c, turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good. S3 ©42 c; turkeys, common, 30©36 c; old. turkeys, 33 0 41c; fowls, fresh killed fowls, choice, 35036 c; do., smaller sizes. 27 031 c; old roosters. 27c; broiling chickens, western, 42® 44c; roasting chickens. 31 ©37 c; ducks. 40042 c; western ducks, 38040 c; geese, 24©30 C; dressed Pekln ducks, 34© s4c; old ducks. 3O 0 320; Indian Run ners. 27 037 74c; spring ducks. Long Island. 30 040 c, Potatoes The market is steady; New Jersey, No. I. Buc©sr.ou per basket; do„ No. 2, &v©<>ou yr basket; do.. 100-lb. bags. No. 1, $2.60© S.OO extra quality; do.. No. 3. $1,600 2 2o; Pennsylvania. 100 tbs.. No. T $2.5002.75; do., per 100 lbs., fancy, z-ssoJ.ru; New Jersey, No, 1, lou n>s., $2.1602.60; do„ NO. 2. 100 Ibs„ $12501.76; western, per 100 Ib„ $2.20 ®*2 35; N'e w York State, per 100 lt> $2 3002.40; Maine, per 100 lbs., $1.60© 1 90: Delaware uuu Maryland, per luu bag. 90c®$1.10; Michigan, per 10} lb ß.. sl.ss© 1.70; Florida, per barrel. $2.40® 2.0; riorWa. ... bushel, hamper. 75056 c; per 150-ib. bags $1.5003.00; North Carolina, p sr barrel, $1.60©4.00: South Carolina, per bhrrel, $1.60®4.00; Norfolk, per bar rel. $3.25; Eastern Shore, per barrel. $2.0003.75; fancy, Macungle, No. U Pt' - /as"*' lo * ou ~ 2. per barrel. $1.2501.10. Flour—The market Is dull; winter Straight. 110.26010.40 per barrel: Kan sas $10:60010.75 oer barrel; do., short, patent. $10.90011.20 per barrel; spring short, patent 310.60010A10 per barrel; spring, pstont $10.35@i0,50; spring, first clear. $9.60010.00 per b *Hay Thejnarket Is firm; timothy. No. 1. large find small balst s3i.oo® $2 00 par ton; No. 2, small bales. $25.00 080 00 per ton: No. 8. $35.00026.00 per tsn; eample. $12.60018.00 per ton; no grade. $7.60011.60 per ton. Clover Light mixed, $29.00® $0.00; No. 1. $27.00021.00; No. 3, $25.00 ® Tallow The market Is firm; prime city, ,In tierces. 11c; prime xDaciai. loose, 12*; prime country. ! 1074 c dark. 90974 c; edible in tierces, 14 74016 c. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS i By Associated Press Philadelphia, Jan. 18.—Stocks clos- Baldwin Locomotive 69 General Asphalt &2% General Asphalt, Pfd. 86 1-ake Superior Corporation.... 17U Lehigh Valley Mis Lehigh Navigation 72 Pennsylvania Railroad 447s Philadelphia Electric 25 Philadelphia Company SO Philadelphia Company, Pfd. .. 30 Philadelphia Rapid Transit ... . 26 Reading 79 Storage Battery 63 Union Traction 38 United) Gas Improvement 72% United States Steel 96 hi York Railways • 7% York Itullways, Pfd "17a CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, Jan. 18. (U. S. Bureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts, 7,000; market steady to strong at yesterday's average. Bulk of sales. $17.60© 17.86: butchers, $17.60© 1 i.90; light, $16.85® 17.66; packing, $16.60® 17.65; tlirowouts. $16.00® 16.50; pigs, good to choice. $14.00® 15.00. Cattle Receipts, 2,000; compared with a week ago. choice steers and best butcher she stock steady; com mon and medium grades. 25c to 40c lower; canners, 16c to 25c lower; calves. $1.50 lower; stoclcers and feeders strong to 26c higher. Sheep Receipts, 1,000; compared with a week ago, fat lambs mostly 25c lower; feeders and sheep steady; choice yearlings 25c higher. CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, Jan. 18.—Board of Trade closing: „ , , „... Corn —February, 1.227 a; May, 1.-8%. Oats-—February, 67%; May, 68)4. Pork—January, 46.25; May, 40.42. ].ard—January, 23.60; May. -3.60. Ribs —January. 24.75; May. --.30. EVERY CENT TO GO TO CHARITY [Continued on Pago 15.] ties. In other years it has been nec essary to take from the gross re ceipts certain necessary expenses for decorations, rentals and other things, but this year these expenses have been underwritten by charitably-in clined men and women and firms of the city, so that every, dollar re ceived from the sale of tickets will go to charity. ... , That 1,200 or 1,300 tickets will be sold for the ball Is now evident. With the war over Ilarrisburg is of, the opinion that it is entitled to a little relaxation. The -first event at which relaxation will be possible on a large scale will be the Charity Ball—and inasmuch as it is to bo a masquerade, interest in the ball is double that usually manifested in such affairs. Dancing will begin at 9 o'clock at the ball. Two orchestras will play alternately until 2.30. Shortly after 11 o'clock unmasking will occur. The committee on arrangements is plan- I nTng a very theatric accompaniment to the unmasking, but what it is has not been revealed. The tickets for the ball itself, which are $5, per person, do not in clude supper, which Is to be served by the hotel, and for which reserva tions should be made direct with the hotel management. The hotel will turn over to the masqueraders the entire lounge, din ing room and banquet hall. Conse quently there will be oceans of room not only for the dancers, but non i dancers who wish to watch those on 1 the floor. Invitations to the affair will be issued within a very . few days. Charity the past have been feature events of the city's social season. Last year, for numerous rea sons, the ball was omitted. It is now revived; and from all indica tions the 1919 affair will bo the most successful staged. USE OF PRISON LABOR IS URGED [Continued on Pago 15.] Markley, 446 • South Thirteenth street, charged with unlawfully tap ping a gas main and using an un metered supply of gas. Rollln Anderson, charged with felonious entry, was given 15 months to two years in the penitentiary; William Johnson, larceny of a ham, four months; Mason Fitting, lar ceny of wire, convicted; Preston Reynolds, larceny of SBO from Charles Johnson, convicted; Nat Keldstern. larceny as bailee, convict ed, motion for new trial filed; Fran sleo Rodrlgues, carrying concealed deadly weapons, three months; Thomas Wllltams, larceny, bicycle, Huntingdon rlfornpatory; John D. Washington, felonious assault, con victed. Carl Peterson' and Paul Monroe, charged with breaking Into an ex press ear at the foot of Third street on Christmas eve are on trial In courtroom No. 1 to-day. John Dean and Charles Spencer, charged with holding up William Reed, taking $7 and a pair of shoes from htm, were tried in courtroom No. 2. The Jury went out about noon. Upon motion of counsel for John Denchak, a Wllllamstowh saloon dealer charged with a violation of the influenza quarantine order, the case will be listed for argument. His attorney alleges it is not an indic table offense, but one for disposition before the magistrate who first hears the charge. AMERICAN FORCES IN ZONE OF WAR [Continued on Page 15.] military leaders. No report has been received indicating the number of divisions to be supplied by the United States, but General March was positive that it wohld be far less than the thirty divisions given In unofficial reports as the probable American military contribution. Focli Will Be Careful The American force for the oc cupied zone was fixed by interna tional agreement at the time the armistice was signed. General March said Marshal Foch undoubtedly would refuse to permit a reduction of his total strength to a point which would be inadequate to handle any possible disturbance. Demobilization of all army units In the United States has been order ed General March announced, ex cept the regular army -regiments needed for camp guard purposes and various detachments necessary to continue the demobilization process. The total now listed for demobiliza tion 1b 1,177,000. 1,000 to I-osve Camps Dally Troops actually returned from Franca.for demobilization now hum- WANTED TO RENT House in Central Location. Improvements. Give particu lars in first letter. Address, BOX X 10101 Care si Telegraph. "WELCOME" HOME SERVICES PLANNED AT STEVENS CHURCH A very important gathering- is scheduled for tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock, in the Stevens Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, Thir teenth and Vernon Streets. The Epworth League will entertain all soldiers, sailors, marines and their home service Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker will address the men on a very timely theme. This Sunday evening sermon-lectures t<- and sailors will be given choral ae compllment by Sergeant Humphrey J. Roberts. Mr. Roberts t tenor Is to sing at the early meet ing and also at the reception which is to follow the address. All who have heard hint sing will want to hear hint Sunday night. To the welcome-home service and the re ception which is to follow all men who took part in the -war, whether they served in this country or abroad, have been invited and urged to attend. All soldiers, sailors. ber 104,000. This gives a grand total ordered discharged of 1,1:81,000, of which 768,626 men and 51,53 of ficers have been discharged to date. The rate of discharge again is near- Ing the maximum capacity of one thousund men per camp per day, after an interruption by the holi days. Agreement Made on New Armistice Terms Paris, Jan. 18. The Havas Agency announces the signature of the new clauses of the armistice as they stood concerning the surrender of German submarines ready for sea and the destruction of the sub marines In the course of construc tion which the allied commissioners discovered in German ports in De cember. The clause placing the Ger man merchant fleet at the disposal of the allies also was signed. CAPTAIX GIBSON, P. S. A.. DIES New Vork. Jan. 18.—Cuptain Fran cis Marion Gibson, V. 8. A., retired, formerly of the Seventh Cavalry un der Custer, died at his home here last night, lie was born in Philadel phia 71 years ago. lie will be buried in the Arlington National Cemetery at Washington. MEMBER FEDERAL RE SERVE SYSTEM STATE CAPITAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 4 " 108 NORTH SECOND STREET Report of Condition Twenty-first Annual Statement DECEMBER 31, 1918 ASSETS . LIABILITIES i Loans on bonds and Dues on instalment stock $677,629.99 mortgages $3,834,539.24 Dues on credit principal Loans on Association's loans 224,390.87 stock 4,831.00 Profits apportioned .... 136,550.93 Liberty bonds t........ 100,000.00 Real estate 10,90Q.00 ' $1,038,571.79; Real estate contracts... 89,794.47 Dues on interest reduc- Office building • 43,000.00 tion loans 493,586.91 Cash on hand and in Full paid stock 2,609,900.00 banks 97,141.10 1918 state tax on full Interest accrued 4,448.94 paid stock*. 9,915.00 Contingent fund 32,681.05 $4,184,654.75 $4,184,654.75 ■4, We have audited the books and accounts of the State Capital Savings and Loan Association and hereby certify that the above is a true exhibit and, in our opinion, correctly sets forth the financial condition of the Association as of December 31st, 1918. New York, BAKER, VAWTER & WOLF, January 13, 1919. Certified Public Accountants. THE YEAR'S BUSINESS: Receipts, $2,229,370-47. Loans, .$1,023,353.09.. Lib erty Bonds purchased, $50,000.00. Withdrawals, $844,761.71. Stock Matured, $110,884.00. Interest and Dividends paid, $184,627.37. Assets Increased, $250,230.12. Stock sold, 25,111 Shares, 245 Families to secure Homes. 6 per cent. Dividend Paid. Contingent Fund Increased, $3,869.07. . OUR BUSINESS IS: The making of Loans on Real Estate security, repayable in Moderate Monthly instalments. The receiving of Savings, by means of Monthly Payments on Stock, of 50c and upward; withdrawable on 30 days' notice with interest at 4 per cent, to 6 per cent, according to time. i The receiving if Investment Money, as Full Paid Stock, in Multiples of SIOO, upon which yearly dividends of 5 per cent, free of State Tax, are paid semi-annually and which is withdrawable on 30 days' notice. 1 Our Office is open daily from 9 to 5 and on Saturday night. If you are interested in any feature of our business we will be glad to have you call or write for further information. • PENNSYLVANIA'S LARGEST ' SAVINGS AND LOAN'ASSOCIATION JANUARY 18, 1919. marines and their friends will be served with lunch and a special musical program following the audi torium meeting, at 7.30 o'clock. Men In and out of uniform will be given a royal reception at this lime by the young people of the church and congregation. This Is to be the first of many other similar gatherings. Dr. Smucker is to be the master-of coremonics at the welcome-homo doings tomorrow night. The v Centenary and Enlistment Campaign which is now on in Stevens Memorial Chur.ch and has been for some time is growing in 'interest. Tomorrow morning, at 11.15 o'clock the minister will speak on "The Stewardship of Souls." The aim of the meeting will be to show the Christian's reseponslbility for soul-winning with special emphasis upon prayer as the decisive iucioi. A mnnucl of prayer for unity wll von out In connection with 1 service. SENATE RATES ON EXCESS WAR PROFITS AGREED ON By Associated Press Washington, Jan.(lß. —Senate rates for taxing war excess proilts of cor porations in 1920 and thereafter, es timated to raise about f 1,600,000,000 annually, were agreed to to-day by conferees on the war revenue bill. A decision on the 1919 rates was defer red. Senate conferee agree to exten sion of the 80 per cent, war profits 'levy in 1920, appliable only to war contracts which still may remain. Moose Minstrels, Orpltctmi Tlie atre, night of January 28, 1019, adv ngiBBER STAMnfI JII SEALSASTEMCII.3 |#V 1 w MFG.SYHM. STENCIL WORKS ■ |T J 130 LOCUST ST. HBGLPA. U SALESMEN'S ATTENTION Any salesman owning Bulck, Cadillac, Hudson or Overland car. ■ can represent manufacturer of Se dan Tops and Enclosures for im mediate delivery. This presents a wonderful field and opportunity for a high grade man. Standard Auto Top and Body Co. 1338 RACE STREET PHILADELPHIA. PA. NOTICE H. B. ULRICH Blacksmith—Forger Formerly of 145 S. Cameron St. WILL MOVE TO 227 South Cameron St. ISLAND OIL Special letter just issued containing valuable and lat est Information on this issue. Detailed reports furnished on any security. HS2U&SBARPXTXQ, 212 N. Third St., Harrisburg DIRECT PRIVATE WTHKS NEW YORK HARRISBURG Second Edition Text Book of Wall Street Notv ready for free distribution. t ■/ "JP Financial I Independence placing savings and profits flj in investments that can be trusted under #ll condi tions. While we are pre pared to serve by fiering I all types of investments, ■ we are inviting particular I attention to the type de ■ scribed in ourcircular M-43, ■ copy of which we shall be glad to send to any investor I A.B.Leach&Co.Jnc. Q Investment Securities ff 115 S. 41 li St., Philadelphia ■ New York, Chicago, Boston Baltimore, Buffalo, I.KE A. I.AUBENSTEIN Representative M 2208 N. 3rd St., Harrlsbnrg Phone 4776-R 15