Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 18, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
OW REST CHOICE IX iRRISBtTRG I LI) IXC SELECTED FOR ACTO That the bg Overland-Harrisburg •vice Station building at Twent Ki and Derry Street is the only al building for holding an auto • in this city is beginning to be lyt appreciated by the automobile ilers. Three hundred feet long by a hun sd feet wide means thirty thou id square feet of space for show • purposes. This is by far the gest amount of space ever secured the Motor Dealers Association. ELIMINATE WASTE One of the largest developers of waste in any business is the Delivery Problem. Time, energy, labor,' all enter 1 into the question. ( Big business to-day is eliminating every article that means waste in their business and employing means that 1 | will give them the result they want. I International Motor Trucks are numbered among the , first means of remedying waste. They are economical and serviceable and reduce labor to a minimum. Those are the fundamental principles on which efficient delivery prob- | lems are conducted. Let us tell you about the International I NON-SKID CHAINS FOR SALE. J CRISPEN MOTOR CAR COMPANY j Salesroom, Bell Service Station M 103 Market. • 3504 29 N. Cameron. £ (HANDLER SIX Mw^) ii m . r^*ijvjßßflßnfe^K6gs?iMMHHßssiߣsfc^::^^^ Leads All Sixes Now As Always > / . - i - CHANDLER is back now to the prices good for 1919 just as it has held good for at which thousands bought this five years past, great car because it offered such excep- Fifty thousand owners know what a tional value. good car the Chandler is. They know, At $1795 Chandler leads all other high- better than we can tell, the marvels of grade sixes, ajl other cars of every type, its motor —its smooth-flowing, quiet just as distinctly as it has always led them, power; its instant flexibility; its.endur- A really fine car closely priced. That is ance. They know the sturdy strength Chandler policy. And that policy holds of the whole Chandler chassis. The Handsome Chandler Coupe, now only $2395 The whole motor car market offers no ing tastes. Enclosed, it offers snug pro more beautiful coupe than this four- tection against the cold or rain or snow, passenger convertible Chandler, and no On pleasant days, with the windows low other on a really fine chassis at such a ered away, it is open to the sunshine and moderate price. soft air. Most graceful in the lines of its design, For those wishing larger seating capac handsomely finished, richly cushioned ity the Chandler seven-passenger four and upholstered, the Chandler Coupe door Sedan provides the same quality as appeals keenly to persons of discriminat- the coupe. , , Come CHoose Your CHandler Now SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES Seven-Passenger Touring Car, SI79S Four-Passenger Roadster, Si 795 Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, SI 875 Convertible Sedan, 52495 Convertible Coupe, 52395 Limousine, S3O9S All prices f. o. t. Cleveland" Bell • ANDREW REDMOND Dial 2133 Distributor 3711 Third and Reily Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO Open Territory for I.ive Agents. Make Inqttries at Once. SATURDAY EVENING. AUTOMOBILE NEWS TIMELY LOCAL FEATURES OF INTEREST TO AUTOISTS BY ALFRED P. DAVIES, AUTO EDITOR. It means that every, dealer will have the amount of space he requires without crowding and that every one will have an equal opportunity to make their booth as attractive as the party next to him. And the Harrisburg Automobile Show of 1919 is promised to be the largest and best Auto Show ever held in Central ennsylvania. Nine teen nineteen is the banner year of the, automobile buiness. Rising out of one of the hardest times ever experienced in the history of the world, the Great "World War, L'SE they want and the Automobile cars una iruc-Ks. "ine puuiic wants equaled {or all Jciuas ol passenger .nere is sure to be a demand un to be given the chance to cnoose the miiow ,ia sure to be more popular than every before. The eixorts of the Motor Dealere Association to secure the presence of the famous Ace, Eddie Rinken bacher, to give exhibition flights here during 'show week is highly commendable. Every effort to get this famous liyor here will be ex erted by this association and should they succeed it means big things in stgre for Harrrlsbugers. FOFR BOYS SEEM TO HAVE BEEN DOING SOME JOY RIDING* In the arrest last week of four boys who have been creating con siderable worry to automobile owners, the police hope to clear up a situation that had grown to alarm ing proportions. According to their own confessions these boys have stolen at least twenty-one automo biles from the streets of Harrisburg. simply for joy-riding. While all the automobiles werp found and returned to their owners, never-the-less these same boys are guilty in the eyes of the law of stealing personal property valued at thousands of dollars. The question Is whether they will be punished severely enough that they will re member that other peoples automo biles are not for Joy-riding purposes and can not be picked up at will, used, and then left stranded by the roadside while the owner is franti cally hunting it high and low and the police departments spending good money in trying to locate it. The tender ages of these boys may possibely help them out of a very serious situation but it is hoped that what ever the punishment may be it will learn these boys the lesson of their sweet young lives. - Automobile Accessories That - Fill the Bill You Can Get That Kind at P. H. Keboch 111 Market Street SuccfHßor to Front-Market Motor Supply Co., Retail Dept. HARRISBURG (ASA* TELEGRAPH! TRUCKS AND TRACTORS TO BE ON EXHIBITION AT AUTO SHOW It has been decided by the Motor Dealers Association to permit Trucks and Tractors to be on ex hibition at the Auto Show to be held here March 15 to 22. For some time there was considerable controversy between some ot the dealers as to whether these two motor vehicles would bo permitted at the show. Due to the fact that a large num ber of dealers liandlo either a truck or tractor, it was finally decided to alot a certain amount of space aside from that to be occupied by passen ger cars, for the exhibition of trucks and tractors, making practically a i separate show for these products. This is sure to attract a larger attendance that might not come to see just the passenger cars. Many business men and farmers are in terested in trucks and tractors and will attend wher they know that they will not havo to hunt around all over tho building for the pro position they are most interested in. Membership in the Motor Club of H*i risburg is sure to lie boosted considerably *thtr coming season by the large number of people who have had their mind changed in re gards to what a motor club really Is and what It means to a cummu nlty Quite a few people hnve been under the impression that a Motor Club was a social affair of some sort and never took interest enough in the matter to investigate. As a matter of fact, a few of tho things . . the Motor Club of Harris burg will show tho skeptics just what advantages this club is to them. For instance you would still | bo paying ten cents toll across the bridges here if it wasn't for tho Motor Club. You would still be, running through the mud on the river road north of the city if it was'nt for' the Motor Club. Many cases of illegal arrest and petty graft has been eliminated by tho Motor Club. They also erected toad signs throughout tho surrounding country. They offer a standing re ward for the arrest of the thief who steals the automobile of a member. Many other things are to be added to the credit of the club, and the one big thing necessary to make this club a real benefit to this com munity Is a large membership. MOTORIST LOOKING FOR WARD TO BILL I'ItOVIDIN'G LIGHTS O WAGONS The present legislature Is ex pected to pass a bill that will com pel all wagons to show some kind of a light when travelling on the public highways at night. This has 'been a perplexing problem in the past few years due to the large in- i , crease In motor vehicles and the . decrease in wagons. Many a ser- j ious accident has been caused be- j cause some one was travelling with- ' out a light. I Every owner of an automobile In Harrisburg knows the danger that lurks along the river drive above the city where machines travelling in both directions make it practically Impossible to see a wagon until you are almost lnti it and then nine times out of ten it is to late to avert running into It. Especially is this notlcable on Saturday even ings when farmers are going home from market. If these people would only realize what a light on their wagon would mean in the way of protection they would be sure to see that a bill of some kind was made to compell every one to display a light. The Motor Dealers Association is now 100 per cent of all the dealers In the city. This organization is conducted by the dealers to further the automobile business and to give better service to their patrons. Working in conjunction with the Motor Club of Harrisburg, big im provements in motoring conditions are expected the coming season. BRENNER MOTOR CO. EXPECT BIG SEASON IN SALE OF CARS The Brenner Motor Company, local distributors ot Kissel and Briscoe Cars are looking forward to a very prosperous season in the sale of cars, according to C. C. High, general manager of this com pany. E. C. Greib and H. B. Wall of tho W. Clark Greib Co., of Phila delphia, Eastern distributors of these cars were visitors here this week arranging for shipments for the coming season. Both gentlemen say that more cars will be sold this year than any other year In the history of motor cars. Mr. Grlcb speaking of the Kissel Car said that there would be very little change in the lines of the car this year and that the present price would be guaranteed until June and that the prospects on prices after that date were very much in the dark although if present prospects for materials didn't change any there would be an increase instead of a decrease. CHELSA AUTO WRECKING SELLING USED CAR PARTS During the past year the Chelsa Auto Wrecking Establishment has broken all records in the sale of used car partß. The demand created for these parts has been for two reasons; the scarcity of standard parts and the traffic conditions in getting them shipped from the fac tory. ..The firm bujys used cars and dis mantels the parts, sorting out the parts that will give further service and junking all other parts. This is a branch of the automobile busi ness that has grown to large pro portions and is one of the steps in the great conservative moves if this country during war times. There are or rather was thousands of dol lars worth of parts each year that was thrown on the Junk pile that would give practically as good ser •vice as a new part. Sorting them out and using them again is.not only a conservative idea but one that means the saving of thousands of dollars to the owners of automo biles. J. ■ W. Turner of the Maxwell- Chalmers Philadelphia office was a visitor yeßterday at the Miller Auto Co. arrainglng for 1919 shipments of Maxwell Automobiles. This car is ofle of the popular cars in this vicinity and the Miller Auto Com pany is arrainging for almost double their last years output. KEYSTONE MOTOR CAR CO. UNLOADING DODGE CARS The Keystone Motor Car Com pany has been unloading three car load of Dodge Brothers Automobiles this last week. They consisted of the regular passenger cars and the new business car. This new busi ness car is built on the same line as the passenger car and has either panel or screen sides and is adapt able to all kinds of commercial use. Charles R. Barner the manager of the Keystone Motor Car Co,.was in Philadelphia this week arraing lng for deliveries of Chalmers Cars for the coming Auto Show. Several Chalmers Coupes and Sedans have been driven from the Philadelphia distributing point In the past week. Several more are on the way and Mr. Barner is ih a position to make immediate deliveries on them. H. W. Hidell, a well known local automobile man is now in the em ploy of Andrew Redmond selling Vim Trucks and Chandler Cars. NEW CHANDLER SPORT MODEL ATTRACTING ATTEN-.. TION The new electric blue Chandler Sport Model has arrived In Harris burg and has been the cause of con siderable comment on the part of auto enthuasists. This is built low with wire wheels and a four pas senger capacity. It is a very tractivo car and one in which the riding qualities and speed are ap parent. . , . , Mr. Redmond the local distri butor Is arraigning for the delivery of several of these cars having al ready sold a number of them. He is also expecting several carloads of the regular Chandler models which will be here most- any time. He expects to have one of every model represented at tho show. MACS GARAGE SECURES SERVICES "OF FOHD EXI ERT . Mac's Garage I ncor P ora .L od^^ h 5 big establishment on South Third Street that has boen adding one Im provement after another in order to do expert repairing on lord cars now make the announcement that they have secured the services of Pritchard. Superintendent of Service for the Ford Motor Car Company, of Detroit, with head quarters in Philadelphia. Mr. Pritchard Is an expert J"epalr man and efficiency expert. He has organised repair shops ih several states and has done more for Ford renairlng than most any other man. In coming to Mac's Garage he takes charge of ail repair .work and with the modern up-to-the- minute equip ment h?s disposal is sure to make establlshment one of the fore most shop, in the au.t a reputation It haa practically clinched. Monday evening, the employees of Mac's Garage are going to cele hrate It was wlspered around on the Q. T. that there will be eats r^r n her Tt'T ti n be h hem 1 1^ a'secret and when asked If it might be at the Penn-Harrls, 'mthn' was the word. W'YLLIS-OVKRLAND SI".DAN'S FOR PENN-II ARRIS TAXI CO. The Perm-Harris Hotel Taxi-cab yi % Ton Speedwagon K.11.U Touring Cars i " Complete in every detail, the Reo line of trucks and touring cars offers to the prospective purchaser more real value than any other medium-priced car on I, ..... t ......... the market today. f Five and seven passenger, four and six cylinder u Ymi Can Dn t cars ~~ REO QUALITY ~ affords the business MUU \,ull U\J . man j us t w hat he wants for real comfort and It With * economy. The three-quarter ton truck is adaptable | to all kinds of hauling and is a real all-year round Q REO" T economical truck that does the work. t * I The 128-inch wheel-base model F chassis is par i~ *4 ticularly adaptable for ambulances and hearses. In other words, see the Reo line before deciding. HARRISBURG AUTO CO. CLEVELAND Fourth and Kelker Sts. HURLBURT AND TRACTORS FIRESTONE TRUCK TIRES DUPLEX TRUCKS j l There is business l||||| better your facilities, the bigger and broader your business growth—a Bethlehem Truck will widen H||||| your delivery possibilities. ! ||||||| Bethlehem Trucks maintain "on time" deliveries. ill|||| They have the improvements which simplify con- |||||fl trol and maintenance. ' f|J||B Bethlehem Trucks have the strength of frame to carry ||||||| the overload —plus of power to overcome any obstacle of j||||J| weight, grade or bad road. j|||||| Bethlehem Internal Gear Drive Motor Trucks keep on the job as long as there is a delivery need, without let-up lllllU or let-down. |||||H They are the improved trucks—Gray & Davis Electric Starting and Lighting—Drive Shaft Steady Bearing—- |l||| Reinforcement where strength is needed. They are the trucks to haul your goods without hin- ||||| drance —"Dependable Delivery." Examine a Bethlehem V and know why. ||j|||| 1} Ton Chassis 1 2J Ton Chassis 3} Ton Chassis $1965 $2365 $3465 H F. O. B. Allentown, Pa. ||||||| The Overland-Harrisburg Co., f 211-214 North Second Street ||||| JANUARY 18, 1919. Company have recently closed with the Overland-Ilarrlsburg Company for tho purchase of two Wyllis-Over land Sedans to be used in the re gular taxi service at the hotel. These cars are being driven from the fao tory at Toledo by the regular drlvem of the Taxl-Cab CoAipany and will bo In service for the Inauguration Day celebration. 11