Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 17, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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Casualties Listed; 22(v Arc j
Wounded Severely; 52
Killed in Action
\\ iikhinKion. Jan. 16.—One hundred i
are mentioned in the lists
today as dead from wounds. A !
of 567 names are included oi
regular lists. The summary "is: j
in action
from Disease p;
severely •■yrfl. ISO !
•*<>) .^Tr..\ 53
of Wounds ...A 100 1
from ■Accident tmi Other
causes \ j; j
■ T. ll m. 567 I
Che m (>cuns> lvaniun mentioned i
JJSPJf BK 11.1.1:21 t\ U'IIIV,
gg|jS| Moure. Mew 11 loom lleld.
ggHljgj Blaine. Keav Falls.
HhKI "-"Wica .1. Heed. Kmpoi\nn.
ggKjal llitll OF IMS Eg IS.
Wrwfr Ar t Tido DedinuinenHs. Langr
■ lot
John J. l*ahida, Edwalsville.
Daniel Petrdla, Greenlurg.
Wat, B.divnl
Alfred AVhilte- Zorb. Biler.
WOCMIKk MA lilt LI. \ .
Francesco Coleti. Fairchnee.
Anthon.v Lowstisr. CurtiSJile.
■IB] Jul 1.. Owens, Rfe.
Vinc-nxo Simpolh. Philrdlyhia.
H| Albert Snikert. Se-anionf
Clifford 11. Fmstetd, I'erkaie.
Roy A. Johnson. Leijhton.
Harold \V. Jones. E:port.
BH Privates.
Flnrenee Chandler. Wlnbee.
William H. Brringer. Heaver
■H Oorji' (1. Oosln. Philadelphia.
William A. TTopp. Pittsburgh.
Richard J. Toben. Kingston.
11 nuiiileii (Degree I ndrteroilne\> (
Previous!} Reported AM suing in >-
Fred A. Ferrier, Conshohoeken.
BB John Patrick Flynn. Philadelphia.
B| Edward William Klein, Pottsvllle.
Henry Klein. Philadelphia.
HflllH i"'nnk Pmrglere. Philadelphia.
Harrv T!hler. Pittsburgh.
William E. A'anuken. Bethlehem.
MlHslng In Action.
BE Private*.
Vntiion Pe Pasqualc, Philadelphia.
HBj^Hfltrfurued to ltiify. Previously Report
■jHagJc ed hlKHlnn In Action.
fIBHB Privates.
■U T.uig Afello. Philadelphia.
Glen J. Heal, AVnltersburg.
Jonah F. Clark. Cloverton.
BHH Edwin,M Donahoe. Philadelphia.
SHM! Stan'ey C. Dreibelbls. Philadelphia.
Bm&o Evan s. Evans. Scranton.
Ejjfc-I Herman A. Farber. Philadelphia.
HhhH|| Wl|liam D. Punch. Philadelphia.
Sg?V 111 EI) OK IVtVOI NDt
Sffi® Captain.
torT-l Albert F. MaeDonald, Woodlawn.
ajjb' Corpornls.
Sig&S George A. Harrington, Phlladel-
I Thomas McElwee, Ifonaca.
P&pß Marshall Henry Sutton. Fhiladcl
ri'e 1 At pnnrr.
DA.. I Lewis Himes. Mercersburg.
ififfift." Private*.
SBMEI Spencer H. Pauer. Philadelphia.
gagM Stephen W. Susko. Rrishin.
Vincenzo Cassano, Erie.
George H. Evans. Lawsonham.
ifiglfl Luman P. Harmon. Picture Rocks.
f James T Hepworth. Philadelphia.
George D. Koch, Philadelphia.
i.-SiJ"'l 'o>v. rence Meacham, Port Alle
Thomas J. Mullarkey. Pittsburgh.
Fro-n Accident and Other Cnuscs
Ifgji " l.lctitcnnnt.
ess, B James K. Moore head. Pittsburgh.
S r wot \nnn sf.VEHKIA.
[' ' 1 Lieutenant.
rl Herbert E. Williams. Philadelphia.
?-B Clyde E. Coble. Igincaster.
~'_ i AVngonrr.
...B .1 cvvr t\ . Aletrger. Ilnrrlnhurg.
r-D y Privates,
f Laughlin U Durkin. Pittsburgh.
George A. Kontogiannis, Pittsburgh !
, . I Tom I). Bladas, Monaca.
bfu'Tß Arthur AV. Brozell. Girard.
Ci-oJ .lessr Dnrou, Ifnrrisliurg.
p| I Angelo Dipasquale. Johnstown.
, I Lemuel Farber. Greensboro,
feii ■ Raymond Felty, X>>banon.
?i • B Solomon Herring. Philadelphia.
George R. Hewitt, Portage.
Ejgftgfl l.eon J. Hanover.
E Coiporuls.
Frank Joseph Brennen, Phltadel- 1
D'yl- Mrchnnie.
August Burger. Philadelphia. j
from At mind* Received in tr
31b tlon. Previously Reported Wound-!
UB ed Severely.
SHMfB Private.
HBH. John J. Walsh, Pittsburgh.
in Aetinn, I'rrvionsly Report-
Hp eil Missing In Action.
I c adore Landay. AVashington.
Hgfl Charlep Bertram Merritt, Alercer.
K?.-i Private*.
Wr -:t Carmine Dellaniprette. Jeanette. 1
HW Peter Demko. Dunmore.
BB Francis J. Elaek. Volant.
b alter W . Lower, kip Forrest St., j
Hfl AViUiani L Nunan. Manoa.
KB Solomon . a picker. Pottsvllle.
of W minds, I*rcvtoiiHly Reported
Missing In Action.
Ft stik Fagan. Lancaster.
KV Private*.
*Ka£-B Join J. Doyle. Scranton.
t'ltt.d G. Gochnour. South Fork. ;
minced severely. Previously Re-
V ported Allsnlng In Action.
;-*■ Aifler Dancrak. Munston.
v ;Hn oitlded Slightly In Artlnn, Previ
ously .Mlsklng in Action.
1". SL Corpornl*. j,
■ Pafrick E. Burke. North Braddoek. '
B Hanilton H. McCleery. Philadel- i
minted in Aetinn I Degree Fade-I
.B terulned 1. Previously Reported |
Vlissng in Action.
H§BB Frank J Eeblsh. Parsons.
B Gtto A Fordyee. Waynesburg.
Samtfl Gabralovich. Pottsvllle. i
ajiy'-gb'B Girmtn Herb. Philadelphia.
:c'-.•■■•'B iieorß- 11. Kolmel. Philadelphia.
*IB 1 sails Ixingobardo. Philadelphia.
James Linn McGinty. Philadelphia.
James W. McNamee, Phoenixvllle.
B Louis J. Miller. Pittsburgh.
,jit- 'B George. F. Neidlg. AA'lHiainsport.
' . B Joseph Ricfski. Nantieoke.
'• • .-.B George Schwing. Philadelphia. I
■ Pernart L. Sedylmeyer. Johnstown.)
B Clemen Smith. Johnstown.
Jacob iiyder. Philadelphia.
■B John A AVorkman. Pittsburgh.
0 Duty, Previously Report- j
_ : ed Allssing In Action.
"J Corporal.
Benjamil F. Perry. Pittston.
B William Dankel. Albertus.
5;. %■_ Allen Is Schoffstall, Gratz.
Reported AA'ounded Se-
Harry R. totter. Pine.
s>": I)asi io President!
I Voiul"n. Ja. 17.- -At the Ameri-|
||gßcfti Society tginer last night In ,
of JohnAV. Davis, the Ameri- |
an anihassade. AVinston Spencer
secrtary for war. tleliv- 1
y, B'' red !l ? P eech >f eulogy and pro- [
y X'B pos ' a ,OCRt H President Wilson.
The other rteakers were the
Henrj Stoner. Vice Ad
■nhral Ross!yt\AV'omyss. first seal
SV Gordon j lewarl. attorney
Walter Long. first I
Hlor'l of ijo admirity. anil Lieuten-
<.enqpii Johnjfettevens Cowans,)'
the Bitish arm) council.
Leaders Agee
on Chairmanships
in Legislature
j Philadelphia. Jan. 17.—Republl- '
can leaders tvho are meeting with |
k 1 II I— —IIII— ■ I.S.WI■■ ■*l 111 W I I
I "The Live Store" Skirt Sale EtldS Saturday" "Always Reliable", |l
Buy Your "1920 Overcoat" I
f Tomorrow we begin something new—Another Doutrich i
y Surprise. We are always ready with the "trump card" when the time comes to use
it —We made up our schedule early in the season that the last week of January, 1919, this "Live
Store" would have one of the best clothing weeks of the year, and when you read this news re-
IWe know you will not need to This is Your advantage anyway 1
be urged to spend your money. Any Overcoat you take it, and all you need do to fully con
this "Live Store" has in stock today will make you a vince. .yourself How-Great-the-Savings Are," is to come
good "1920" Overcoat at a great saving. When you Here tomorrow or any day during the next week. 1
<<i i •. C j i I . .. I You 11 not be lonely—You can expect to see a great AWMM ML \
look it over a year from now and see how substantial *u: "i • c.. l. i i* l j - —-J-rJ-aSi \
... . * , . .„ many people at this Live Store" who are looking ahead, \
a quality you bought at so moderate a price you will anxious to "buy" and willing to "save" on the kind of /jWfffif V
realize what an advantage you have had to buy at re" clothes we have—These are the best Overcoat values ft'/ jl j/fjfe® J
duced prices such High Grade "Overcoats" as you have seen for the money. J? a-jk |l! ; M
, Hart Schaffner & Marx /In fl I
| Kuppenheimer & 1 aft ftl* j
j Society Brand Clothes I
i You hear a great deed these days of things . Stores, just like men have different ratings i
that well as things that are "NOT" what you ex- among the community-at-large as well as the buying public, and
pected they would be from the publicity given—Some stores think it clever *r t n
o "fool the people," but that store pays for it in the end. It's a "big" thing lf you talk to an y° n e you know how generous everybody is with their praise
b sell merchandise by representing it HONESTLY and by TRUTHFUL for this Dependable Store, where everything you purchase has a guarantee
advertising. It's no particular art to unload a lot of undesirable merchan- c f complete satisfaction. This store has the confidence of the people—You
di;e on the public, trying to make the customers pay for somebody s MIS- ai i j*.* • . if . * •
TAKES and bad judgment. The merchant who practices such methods U " der ALL cond,hOT > or circumstances get square-dealing at this Live
usually hurts the standing of His store There are no disappointments Store and we cheerfully refund money or exchange goods without ques-
Her*. We sell dependable merchandise at all times. tion. The merchandise WE sell will warrant ANY guarantee.
| Tomorrow— All Overcoats Reduced Tomorrow 1
All s 2o' oo "Overcoats" . . 5 14' 75 All s 4o' oo "Overcoats" . . $ 31' 75 3
| All $ 25 00 "Overcoats" . . $19 75 All *4s°° "Overcoats" . . $ 34 75
I ' 75 All s so' oo "Overcoats" . . $ 38' 75 !
| AH $ 35 00 "Overcoats" . . $27 75 All $55' 00 "Overcoats" . . $42' 75 |
1 All s 3B* oo "Overcoats" . . $29 75 All s(j0 00 "Overcoats" . . $46' 75 ' I
S W Boys' Overcoats j
1 li ||||| All 56.50 Boys' Overcoats $4.95 All SIO.OO Boys' Overcoats $7.95 I
lilflili All $7.50 Boys' Overcoats $5.95 All $12.00 Boys' Overcoats $8.95
I All $8.50 6075* Overcoats $6.95 All $15.00 Boys' Overcoats <j}l Q75 B
I 304 Market Street 304 Market Street I
Speaker Robert S. Spangler and
President pro tern Clarence J.
Buckman, here to make up the
membership of the House and Sen-
I ijte standing committees luwe
1 asreed on additional chairmanships.
Senator E. H. A'are, Philadelphia,
; will again head the Senate munici
i pal affairs committee. Senator E.
—— -"*** * '
E. Jones, Susquehanna, 'Will ba
chairman of the agriculture commit
tee, succeeding Senator 11. W.
Scliantz, Lehigh. Senator Miles It.
Xason, Eric, was selected as chair
man of the committee on game and
sheries. lie succeeds Senator W. C.
McConnell, Northumberland.
In the House, W. J. McCaig, Alle-
gheny, was definitely decided upon
as chairmun of the House appro
priations committee. Senator A. P.
Daix, Philadelphia, will head the
Senate appropriations committee
unless an eleventh hour change is
made. Other House chairmen will
be M. M. Hollingsworth. Chester
county, agriculture, and S. J. Gans,
Philadelphia, health and sanitation.
The law and order committees of
the two houses have not been defin
itely agreed upon. The "wets" and
"drys" have each presented a list
for the House committee. It was
said that Governor-elect Sproul will'
be consulted before tho House law
JANUARY 17; 1919.
and order committee is finally
selected. The "drys" it is said, have
put forth Representative Vlcker
man, Allegheny, as chairman of the
committee. Legislative leaders pri
dteted that Representative Williams,
Tioga, also a "dry," may be selected
for the place.
Halifax, N. S.. Jan. I".—The Am
erican steamer Susquehanna, which
sailed from New York January 10
for Genoa, put in here last night
with her steering gear disabled. The
damage is not serious and ttyo
steamer will resume her voyage Cut
soon as repairs are made.