Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 15, 1919, Page 8, Image 8
8 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH k NEWSPAPER FOR TSM HOUR Founds* Ml Published evening:, except Sunday by THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Telegraph nnlldlng. Federal Square E. J. STACKPOLB President and Editor-in-Chief F. R. oISiBK, Wti.nntaa At onager GUS. M. STKINMETZ, ilanaging Editor A. K. MICIIEN'EU. Circulation Manager Executive Board I. P. McCULLOUGH. BOYD M. OGKLSBY, F. R. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEWMETZ. Member of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication or all news dispatches credited to it of not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. . . , , All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Member American m Newspaper Pub- Ushers'^ Avenue Building! —— Chfcago! VIL nß ' Entered at the Post Office In Harris burg. Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a week: by mail. 18.00 A year In advance. Thoughts shut up, tcant air, and spoil like bales unopened to the sun. —Young. ■ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 191# I ' PROVIDE WORK FOR ALL PHILADELPHIA is arranging an important program of public work that has been deferred during the war. Like all other municipalities the metropolis is arranging to make available all pub lic funds set aside for undertakings that will provide employment for returning soldiers and all others who may become idle through can cellation of war contracts. Harrisburg is no slacker in any respect and we are proud to observe a disposition among "the municipal officials and heads of departments to so shape their programs that there will be no delay with the com ing of Spring in going ahead with the various enterprises that are under consideration. But the burden must not be left entirely to municijJal corporations. Every private concern and individ ual should at this time consider well how large the activities of the year may be with respect to new work and the enlargement of old enter prises. No more patriotic or con structive policy can be adopted than that which has to do with the pro fitable employment of our people in every line of endeavor. A prosper ous community depends upon a busy community. Naturally, there will be some hesi tation on account of the high level of prices for material and the wage scale, but in any readjustment we must consider the new conditions and proceed with due regard for the higher levels which are inevitable in the costs of manufacture and con sumption. So far as possible it may be as sumed the various heads of depart ments in our municipal organiza tions will outline the year's activi ties at once so that orders for need ed materials can be placed and thus avoid delay with the opening of spring. Four-liandiness will mean greater activity later in the year. Since President Wilson never asks advice of his alleged counselors at Washington when he was on this side of the ocean, it is not probable that he will waste much time considering their views when they arrive on the other side. The summoning of all sorts of alleged 'experts "for advice and consultation" in Paris is one of the humorous incidents of the great European tour. THE MAYOR'S MESSAGE MANY points of interest are covered in Mayor Kelster'B comprehensive message to Council, but several stand out above the othersyas of extreme importance and deserving of immediate atten tion on the part of his fellow com missioners. One has to do with hous ing and the other with the erection of a joint city hall and courthouse. . As to the need for such a housing survey as the Mayor recommends, there can be no argument. Hun dreds of houses rented at high fig ures in Harrlsburg are unfit for human habitation. This was clearly proved by the Telegraph's investiga tion last summer. Children died as a direct result of this criminal neg lect on the part of landlords and older people were made sick. There has been no attempt whatsoever to remedy conditions. This newspaper has stood almost alone in Its tight for better housing conditions. It jselcomes Mayor Keister to the ranks of those who believe that every mdb, woman and child in the city is en titled to plenty of fresh air and sunshine and home surroundings that are clean and healthful. It must be evident to any thinking person that good citizenship cannot thrive in filth or in homes that might be acceptable as pig-pens, but which are unfit for human habitation. Add to the conditions that exist here a ' great of houses, which WEDNESDAY EVENING HAHIUB3BUIIG TELEGRAPH JANUARY IS, 1919. j carries with it inability of people |to get away from undesirable dwellings even when they have- the money, and you have a state of af fairs that is intolerable. Either, as the Mayor suggests, we must compel owners to make their houses livable or the buildings must be closed. There is just now in this country much talk as to how we are to pre vent the Bolsheviki from gaining a foothold here. Bolshevikism is the child of discontent, and discontent is the result of unemployment, of op pression and of bad living condi tions generally. The tumble-down home is a seed bed for discontent. Oive a man a decent living and a proper place in which to live and Bolshevikism will be his last thought. What are we going to do to re move this menace in Harrisburg? As to th'e joint city hall and court house—Council and the County Commissioners have the whole city back of them in that project. A new and adequate building would cost little more in the long run than the scattered offices of city and county do now and the city is in a mood to make its own public offices corre spond in dignity and appearance to those of the state. The city and county bonding capacity is such as to permit of the expenditure without thought of running too close to the wind financially, and it Is to be hoped that the Mayor's message will be the final spur that will get the project into rapid motion. One after another the leading props of the Wilson administration are re moved by resignation or otherwise. It begin, to look as though the absent President will And his official home deserted when he returns from his European tour. Those who have been "watchefully waiting" to be sum moned to the other side are probably growing impatient of delay and this may account for some of the resigna tions. LONG AND SHORT OF IT DOWN in Delaware Senator Long has retired as president of the Senate to give place to Sen ator Short. Senator Long, it appears, had the short term and Senator Short is to have the long term. This, so far as we can see, is the long and tho short of it. MR. BEIDLEMAX'S GIFT SENATOR Beidleman has earned the everlasting gratitude of three of the most worthy char itable institutions of the city by dis tributing among them $1,600, the amount of salary due him as a mem ber of the State Senate for the term which will expire on his assuming the office of Lieutenant-Governor next Tuesday. Under the law this compensation had been regularly appropriated and could not have been set aside for any other than the personal use of Senator Beidleman. lie felt, how ever, that he would prefer to divert this money to the Children's Indus trial Home, the Nursery Home and Sylvan Orphans' Home on the eve of beginning his duties as .the sec ond officer of the Commonwealth. Senator Beidleman has always manifested an interest in the three institutions he has thus generously remembered at a time when they needed help most and there will be general approval of his public-spir ited philanthropy. GETTING UNDER WAY THERE is universal approval in city and co.unty of the proposi tion to lose no time in the erection of a joint building which will house the city and county offi cials and provide adequately for the conduct of the public business. Of course, it is important to de termine early the matter of location and there is strong sentiment in favor of a site on the proposed civic center which is developing through the co-operation of the city and the State. It is believed that the sale of the present site of the Court House and jail would be good business and a step forward in the improvement of the city. The County Commissioners are giving full consideration to the sub ject and while they have reached no conclusion they are certain to take some definite action in the near future. CITY AND STATE A3 Lieutenant-Governor-c 1c c t the present Senator from this district may be expected next Tuesday to say something worth while regarding the pleasant rela tions subsisting between city and State. His long iservice on Capitol Hill has given him unusual oppor tunities for cemeting the good feel ing which prevails between Harris burg and the official life of the Colhmonwealth and he is in position to pledge the co-operation which will continue in the making of a de lightful scat of government not only insofar as this may include the pub lic grounds, but also as it may con template the environment of the Capitol. Senator Beidleman is deeply in terested with other State officials in working out the comprehensive plan of treatment for the Capitol Park area and through him those who represent the State in public posi tion may be assured of the friendly Interest of the city and its people in all that pertains to the welfare of the Commonwealth and those in official life on Capitol Hill. In the near future the Chamber of Commerce will give a reception in honor of the folate officials and mem bers of the Senate and House and the opportunity will thus be given for further cementing the-pleasant ties which bind together the Com monwealth and this municipality. "pottttc* Ik By the Ex- Committeeman j Publication of the table of the offi cial vote of 1918 for congressional honors In the Seventeenth, or "Shoe string" district, as compiled by the return judges at Lewistown, affords an Interesting commentary on the way the voters of the eight counties of the district regarded the war by Democratic National Chairman 1 ance C. McCormick, his newspapers and his partisans and the horde of federal officeholders against Con gressman Ben Focht. In 1916 Con gressman Focht in a campaign mark ed by straight fighting on both sides won over George A. Harris, the Ful ton county cog of the Democratic machine, by 1,255. In 1918 Congress man Focht was assailed by McCor mick with all the poison gas that could be assembled and opposed by Senator Scott S. Leiby, the personal hand picked candidate of McCor mick, to show the president that if the national chairman could not muster up a candidate for congress in his "home" district he could elect one in the district "across the Sus quehanna. The result was that Focht won by 5,414. This, too, in face of the fact that Leiby in addition to having the McCormick nomination was also the candidate of the Pro hibitlohists. In spite of the stren uous efforts of McCormick and hts crew Focht carried every county ex cept Fulton and only lost that by twenty votes. Foclit's total vote was 16,762 and Leiby's 11,348. Another interesting fact in con nection with McCormick's fight against Focht Is that everyone of the eight counties in the Seventeenth elected a Republican legislator, even Fulton choosing an out and out Republican for the first time in years and the Democratic seat •in Juniata being lost. In the whole Seventeenth district the only sur viving Democratic legislator is Leiby, who was elected by an accident in 1916. —The Pittsburgh Gazette-Times is very complimentary to Harry 8. Mc- Devitt, the new private secretary, in an article on the man who will be in charge of the Governor's office. The big Pittsburgh newspaper says: "Harry 8. McDeVitt, of Philadelphia, who will officially assume his duties January 21 as secretary to Gov. Wil liam C. Sprout, has gone through a course oftratning in the last 14 years which gives him unusual qualifica tions for the position. As a news paper reporter, state economy effi ciency expert and lawyer, coupled with a wide acquaintance through out the state and topped off with the fact that he is possessed of a quiet courtesy which does not slop over, Mr. McDevitt will be of invaluable service to the Incoming executive." —The progress of the strike of Scranton municipal employees of certain departments has been watched with interest all over the state and it is possible that such oc currences may find reflection in bills for compulsory municipal wage arbi tration in the legislature. The ex perience of Pittsburgh is remem bered by quite a few people. —The visit of Prof. Frederick Rasmussen, the new secretary of agriculture, is being watched with interest by the Grangers and many persons connected with farming und politics. The new secretary, while a Republican, is said to regard the placing of the department upon an efficient basis as of infinitely more importance to the people of Penn sylvania than anything else. The changes that will be made in the personnel of the department will be made gradually, some of them prob ably not for months as the new sec retary will work out his plans and not interfere with the operation of the department for the sake of cut ting down some tall "weeds." —Considerable comment has been evoked by the interest being shown by Reading city officials in proposed third class city legislation. Reading had 96,071 population in 1910 and it is generally believed that the next census will show it well over 100 - 000 Jtr.d therefore in a class with Scranton and Pittsburgh, Eriq. Wilkes-Barre, Johnstown ana Har.- burg, the third class cities which have shown the largest growth, and Bethlehem, the newest and most energetic of the now cities, have not been heard from regarding their legislative plans. —Says the Philadelphia North America of to-day. "That Governor Brumbaugh has a little surprise in store for those who are expecting to see him fired from the 10.000-a-year post as his torian recently handed out to him by the war board, composed of the Gov ernor. Lieutenant Governor.McClain, Adjutant General Beary, State Treas urer Kephart and Auditor General Snyder, is the statement made by some of the Governor's friends. ' "According to rumors from Harris burg the Governor was made war historian with the understanding that he would not appoint any Judges dur ing the remaining days of his term. Soon after the announcement was made concerning the war board's ac tion. the Governor appointed former Assemblyman Snyder Judge of West moreland county, a little later nam ing First Deputy Attorney General Keller as judge of the Superior Court, to succed Judge John W. Kephart. elected a judge of the Su preme Court. , , . , "Some of the Governor s friends intimate that there are two reasons why he will not be tired. The first is that he never has accepted the post and never intends to; that the place was tendered to him without solicitation. The second reason is alleged to bo the fact that Governor Brumbaugh has made plans that would make It impossible for him to be the war board's historian, even if he wanted the job. It is understood that the Governor intends entering the national service in connection with a work similar to that which took him to Porto Rico at the close of the Spanish-American war. "Governor Brumbaugh reorgan ized the schools of the island. Just what the post the Governor has in mind is not stated, but friends of the Governor soy that he has all ar rangements made for entering the nationl service in connection with an Important school commission that will be engaged in reorganization work-" —Friends of A. Mitchell' Palmer, Allen Property Custodian, at Stroucfs burg yesterday, according: to dis patches, were all smiles over the news of the possible appointment of Mr. Palmer to succeed Attorney Gen eral Gregory. There is a difference of opinion as to whether the Demo cratic state leader would accept the offer if tendered by President Wilson. Mr. Palmer's paper, the Times-Dem ocrat, said: "Just how Mr. Palmer feels re- MOVIE OF A SOLDIER BACK INTO CIVILIAN CLOWES ByBRIGGS •tfse IT (UWCOIAJCIOUSLY SALUTES "GBSH! 1 ■p.DM'T TZ ~ \ STRAW<3£ To BE V AW OFFICER) MSAiu To SALUTg! (RSoUmW WA LKJ WSA(IINS REGULAR ive <3OT tue HAGIT CLOTHES A6AINJ " /A6AW UMCOWSCICUSLY ~~~ " Th£R6 1 <So AGAIW.' ( N\eTS AW OFFICER „ SALUTES OFF-iCEft) CAM YOU BEAT 1T ? " S uT Rcmemocrs "A HA! WOT To -SALUTE) oorrior tin nkw_york tjubun* inc. garding the Attorney Generalship is not known locally. It is confidently believed here, however, that hts am bition now is to be relieved of his connection with the government as soon as he can consistently do do. Certainly a $12,000 a year Cabinet place would offer no special Incen tives. His acceptance of the post were it offered to him would be in line with his past record of sacrific ing self to the interests of the na tion. In no single instance has this spirit of seli'-sacrifice on his part been so manifest as in his labors throughout the war as Alien Prop erty Custodian." The Trooper's Lament Dear old Bill, your bit is done! Alas! You too must go! Slany's the mile you've carried me In battle's ebb and flow. How gay you pranced, proud head on high, To music on parade; How fleet you raced but yester eve The foe's rear guard to raid. You swam the river through the hell Of lead from hidden guns. By George! How bravely up the bank You rushed the fleeing Huns. Not once you flinched though screaming shells Burst on the very ground O'er which, full speed, the flanking host You, charged with mighty bound. Blighters! They've got you in the leg— Smmaghed 'flat, old chap, no hope— Ne'er again o'er dusty pike You'll take me at a lope. What's that? You'd like to 'say good-bye? Want me to lift your face? With all my heart. Here! Look this way! You've earned a last embrace. God knows I hate to leave you. Bill, I hoped you'd see it through. I'll mourn you when the bugles blow. Adieu, brave heart, adieu! John B. Foster'. Palestine Danger Point (Herbert Adams Gibbons in the Century Magazine) When the British army entered Damascus, v the French fleet sailed into Beirut Harbor. If Asiatlq Turkey, is to be apportioned to the victors,*, whatever modus vb'endi may be arranged foj the time being, it is certain that Palestine must fall eventually under the protector ate of the power that controls Syria or the power that controls Egypt. Which power will get Palestine? Doctor Weizmann has already given the answer of the Internation alist Zionist Commission in his memorable speech at Jerusalem in April. He stated categorically that "Zionists do not believe in the in ternationalization of Palestine or in any form of dual or multiple poli tical control over Palestine, whose integrity must be protected by one jußt and fairly responsible guar dian." The "one Just and fairly responsible guardian," in Doctor Welzmann's opinion, was already there: for, when speaking these words, he turned to Gen. Sir Ed mund Allenby. The grand rabbi of France stated a few months ago that there are only, a hundred thousand Zionists in the world outside of An\prica, that , most of the Zionists in France are of Russian or Rumanian origin, and that Jews of French birth, if inter ested at all in Zionism, were inter ested only out of sympathy with tnose who wanted to go to Palestine Jo escape persecution. Zionism is not a pious desideratum on our part. What French Jews are interested in Is liberty and equality in this coun try for all religions." But as a Frenchman and not as a Jew, the grand rabbi and all other prominent French Jews are exceedingly anxious that Zionism be not used* to deprive France of her traditional past and her legitimate future place in the Near East. And French Jews fear that Zion ism may thus revvive anti-Semitism in France. French Catholics and French imperialists are determined that Palestine shall not be British. French Socialists, sensing future trouble, have repeatedly declared for territorial and political disinter estedness of both nations in Pales tine. Liebknecht an the War "The Future Belongs to the People"—by. Karl Liebknec-ht (Speeches Since the Beginning of the War). New York: The McMillan Co., $1.25 TREASON runs in the Llebk necht family. During the Fran co-Prussian war, in the year of the birth of his son, Karl, the fath er, Wilhelm Liebknecht, refused to vote for Germany's war budget, and was arrested for high treason. Thirty live years later Karl voted for the war budget, but attacked the war policy. of his country so fiercely that he was sentenced to thirty months' penal servitude. Two of his speeches are notable. One criticised Uermany's system of education as perverted to propaganda for militarism and cap italism. The other condemned Ger many's manner of starting and car rying on the war as "monstrous," oven when tested by the standard of war. No allied spokesman has been more severe on these heads than this member of the Reichstag and Prus sian Assembly, who was more loyal to his socialism than to liis country. In truth, Liebknecht was a citizen of the world rather than of Germany, and stands for many truths demon strated in the war and accepted by every enemy of Germany. But his loyalty to socilism is like that of other Socialists—it is loyalty to his personal conception of socialism. Wherever Socialists gather there is socialism, for hardly any two Social- Getting Rack to Their Jobs the Indianapolis News) The vast and trying problems of industrial reconstruction involved in the transition from a war to a peace basis have wrinkled the brows of our foremost political and schol astic authorities, but not the fair forehead of Miss Elizabeth Marbury, prominent New York business wom an and war-relief worker. She had heard something about the difflcul ,ties of getting several million men back to their old jobs, the "dilution of labor," the "economic wage" versus the real wage, etc., but such matters she parses over with a gay wave of the hand. Talking to a soldier audience recently she said: "Somebody told me some of the boys coming back were worrying about the girls having their Jobs and won dered what to do to get them back. That's easy. Marry 'em, boys; marry "em!" There are, of course, some objec tions to the scheme. Not a few soldiers already have wives. Daws and morality would prevent their taking another, n 0 matter how de sirable the Job in prospect. Here and there, too, may be a woman stubbornly* prefers a job to a hus band. A more serious and discour aging objection arises from the probability that wholesale marry ing off of working girls to soldiers would lead into gainful employment countless thousands of other women who had not formerly worked. Eventually the number of feminine Job holders might become greater than the supply of available hus bands. But Miss Marbury's scheme has merits. It will work if the right soldier and the right Jobholder meet in the right way. LABOR NOTES About December 15 Uncle Sam will open his first hotel in Wash ington, D. C., for women employes in war work, according to an an nouncement by the United States Housing Corporation. It is stated that 1,800 woman will be accommo dated. Private insurance companies, prof iting on the misfortunes of the workers, will be prohlbted from ! selling liability insurance in Utah, if a law demanded by the State Fed eration of Dabor at its recent con vention is adopted at the coming session of the Legislature. Every worker in Pennsylvania loses an average of six dayß a year because of sickness. At this rate the lois to the shipyards would be 600,- 000 days annually, or times enough to build 4,000 big ships. The loss to the coal mines would be 2,142,000 working days, in which time 4,500,- 000 tons could be mined. In Pennsylvania alone there is a loss of 8,400.000 working days each year and a wage loss of $16,500,000 due entirely to preventable illness of workers. , ists agree for long. Thus, although likely to be half as many sorts of Liebknecht belonged to that group of Socialists -who are justified in their socialism by the result of the war, ho invented the so-called Spartacus brand of socialism mentioned in the cables in the months following peace. The Spartacans hold that the Bol shevik! are the real friends of the proletariat and enemies of militar- I ism, and that Russia and Germany [should join forces against Anglo- Saxon capitalism. But the Spartacans ; speedily split, in the manner of So . cialists. One Spartacan faction wish ed to participate in the German elec tions for the National Assembly, with intent either to mold Its character or to smash it. But just after New Year's Rosa Luxembourg, second only to Liebknecht in the position above described of hostility to Ger many's war policy, opposed Lieb knecht regarding the assembling of the new G/erman assembly, yet to be held. Rosa declared that its meeting must be prevented at all costs, and her view prevailed over Llebkneclit's, 6 3 to 23. It is difficult to keep track of the Socialist splits, and cannot be done without understanding of the Liebknecht doctrine, as set out in his speeches. N. Y. World Raps Kitchin (From the Fourth Estate) Chairman Kitchin of the House ways and means committee, the same Kitchin that fathered the sec ond-class postal zone law amend ment to the war revenue bill, is a Democrat, but here is what tlie New York World says editorially, of Kitchin, under the head, "Into the Ditch with Kitchin": "There is nothing improbable in the report that Chairman Kitchin angrily threatens to hold up the new tax bill indefinitely unless the Sen ate agrees to the restoration of the zone system for newspaper and magazine postage. This exatious and burdensome device was Imposed upon press and people in the first place by Mr. Kitchin not so much for revenue as for revenge, am} the further exhibition of intolerance now promised is natural and logical. "Postal rates upon intelligence increasing rapidly with the distance from offices of publication, thus dis couraging if not destroying a na tional press, are in keeping with the parochial ideas of taxation which have governed the House under Mr. Kltchin'B leadership. In his personal, political and sectional prejudices too readily accepted by his associ ates, he and the Democratic party may find the reasons why the new Congress is to be Republican in both branches. "Obstructing the enactment of the new revenue bill to nurse a grudge against a press which has been too outspoken to please him will inflict hardship upon every element of the population. Mr. Kitchin's revenges, therefore, are no longer specific, and it is possible that in tills fact his colleagues will find reason at last to repudiate a leadership at once bigoted and destructive. "A defeated party can hardly af ford to make the people regret that they did not impose more drastic punishment upon it. Democrats may live down the memory of their Kitchlns iri time, but they will not shorten the period of disfavor by following them into the last ditches of obstinacy." "ROOSEVELT" As a brilliant meteor, thou dld'st flash across life's sky, "In Happy Hunting Grounds," Oh Chief! thy spirit now doth lie. Daring gentle leader; sweet be thy dreams amid its sward Thou of the winsome smile, and ever ready sword. This w/ay—just once, upon life's stage we play our part; Some dwell amid scenes obscure, thou dld'st choose the busy mart. Farewell! O beloved American, knight errant of a noble race, Aching hearts do mourn the passing of thy kindly radiant face. By Percy Vinton Rltter, (btarrlsburg, Pa, i The Spinster Problem English women and girls appear repressed to an American, They lack the ebullient and outspoken frankness of the Yankee girl. But once in a while one of them speaks her feelings freely and such a one was the little munitions worker at Ipswich. Of her escort, an Ameri can sailor, she asked: "Do you think many of the Am ericans and Canadians will stay over here?" He thought they would not and said so. "Wo English girls wish that they would," she said and there was something rather plaintive in the way she spoke. "You sec, even be fore the war, there were so many more women than men in England and-now there must bo threo women to every man. "We're just like other girls every where: we want to marry and to have homes of our own. So many of us never will, though. And not to marry menns that nearly all of us will have to work for our living. We've worked gladly these last four years because we were doing It to help In the war, but It will be hard er when peace comes. We will have to compete with the men then and two-thirds of us will face tho unend ing future of work In shops or offices or factories. "We thought perhaps some of your men and come of the Canadians would stay over here. We knew the Australians would not; they would not think of living anywhere else than back here they came from. And X guess it's the same way with the Americans." She spoke the tragedy of the Eng lish girl, the brave hearted girl, who for more than four years unfalter ingly has worked, on the farms, driven trucks ana motor busses, made guns and shells and gasses, acted as policewoman, hotel clerk and call girl, nursed the sick and wounded and even built canton ments in France. It is a tragedy for her, but she will bear it with the same high courage she bore the other countless sacrifices the war has demanded of her. Chevrons Show Service (From the St. Paul Dispatch) "You can't tell the playens with out a score card," the familiar cry at the baseball parks, might be ap plied to soldiers returning from France, according to army officers. To aid the public in determining a man's time in the war zone und the number of times wounded, the fol lowing explanation has been pre pared: War Service Chevron—A "V" shaped bar of gold lace, worn on lower left sleeve of all uniform J-oats, except fatigue coats, by offi cers, field clerks and enlisted men who have served six months in the war zone. This chevron is worn point down. An additional chevron is allowed for each six months' service. Wound Chevron—Also a "V" shaped bar of gold lace, worn point down, on the right sleeve. Not more than one wound chevron can be worn if two or more wounds are sustained at the same time. Silver Chevron—For oificers, field clerks and enlisted men who served six months outside the theater of operations, a silver chevron (worn the same as the gold chevron) is allowed. For each additional six months another chevron is worn. Scarlet Chevron—Soldiers honor ably discharged wear a scarlet cliev ron, point up, on the left sleeve above the elbow. These are In addi tion to the usual service stripes. Service Stripes—Enlisted men who served three years will wear service stripes of the corps or de partment of service. The stripes are worn diagonally on both sleeves of the dress coat below elbow. Sky Blue Chevron—Service of less than six months in theater of war is indicated by a sky bide cloth worn.as the gold wgr service chev ron. And Pennaf, Too , What a load will be lifted from the country when national prohibi tion becomes a fact! A load eco nomic, moral and political. Boose has disorganised industry, wrecked lives, demoralized politics. The states are tumbling over each other to ratify the federal amend ment. Missouri-must not he a lag gard.—From the Kansas Clity Star. Life's Question IJfe is service; the only question is, "Whom will we servo 7'V-Faber., lEimtutg (Elfat A copy of an official advertisement of the State of Pennsylvania for trees for its Capitol Park dated ninety years or so ago shows that the proper method of laying out the public grounds was receiving as much attention then as It is to-day when the Commonwealth is about to create an unsurpassed park about its official center. Although this city became the capital of Pennsylvania about 106 years ago, as a matter took several years to clear the knoll now known 4s Capitol Hill of the brush and old trees which it contained and to grade it. John Har ris gave four acres to the state for the use of the Capitol, just as he do nated the lot for the courthouse and prison, and tho state bought ten acres from William Maclay. This gave it possession of the whole knoll from the line of North street to a point something close to the line of Walnut street. Some of the old resi dents remember the wall which used to separate the original park from what was later the Apsenal plot and tho tract belonging to the tirst ex tension of Capitol Park. This latter was a purchase of five lots made after the Maclay transaction. Between 1812 and 1819 the cost of grading the Capitol Hill and laying out the park, building fences and otherwise "em bellishlng' it as tho early appro prlatlon acts style 4t, in their quaint way, was over 630,000. By 1828 it as f °und that the grounds looked ragged and further appropriations were made to level them and for the purchase of trees. It was apparently in pursuance of authority and an appropriation made about that time that the stato began to buy trees to plant in tho park and the Arsenal plot. Nowa days, the superintendent of public grounds and buildings asks for bids and the contracts are let by tho board, which is headed by the Gov ernor. It is an interesting comen tary upon the methods of govern ment in those days to see the names of the clerks of the two legislative houses as the signers of the invita tion for bids. The legislative branch would seem to have been exercising functions which are now consldor f. as wholly the part of tho execu tive. Nine decades ago being a mem ber of the Legislature was rather more Important than now because the lawmakers had to travel by coach and coming to Harrlsburg to legislate was not a matter of two or three days or a week, but six. Hence the greater interest taken in the de tails of government by the legisla tors. Another interesting feature about the advertisement is tho char acter of the trees. Just exactly how Warren H. Manning, the distinguish, ed landscape architect, who has been going over the trees in the park to select those for removal and pre scribing tho trees, for the improve ment of the old park and tho ad ornment of the new would regard the selection as a matter of conjec ture. We can Imagine Mr. Manning thinking a bit at the suggestion of cucumber trees for tho public grounds and just how he would re gard sugar maples for the front of Dr. Thomas Lynch Montgomery's classis white library building, can be left unsaid. Probably the park contains to-day sqme of the trees bought in that far off times by the two clerks of the Legislature, one of whom was later to become Gov ernor of the state and the ancestor of the present Attorney General, Francis Shunk Brown, and of a Har risburg engineer who achieved in ternational fame, the late William V. Shunk. • m • In any event the two clerks gave thought to the problem and secured the best advice available. This is tho way their advertisement reads: The subscribers will receive proposals until the Dth of No vember, (1830), for delivering at the State Capitol in Harrls burg on or before the 15th day of the same month tho follow ing kinds of young, thrify and growing trees, fit for transplant ting, as follows: Twenty locust, twenty American poplar or tulip tree, twenty sycamore, twenty-five elm, twenty sugar maples, fifteen ash, fifteen as pen, ten maple, ten spruce, ten pine, ten cedar, fifteen varieties ten hickory, fifteen cu cumber trees. Direct proposals either to WALTER S. FRANKLIN, Clerk of the Senate. FRANCIS It. SHUNK, Clerk of the House of Representatives. Just who got the contracts for supplying the 215 trees for the first Capitol Park and how they were priced has not come down to us. It Is probably tucked away in some dusty minute_ book in the Capitol. Anyway, it must have been the first big contract for Capitol Park and quite the largest business in trees done in Harrlsburg in a long time. The officials of that day were evi dently determined to have as fine a park for their time as we are to-day and it was probably about that time that the elms that fringed the old "boardwalk" were planted. * * * In passing it Is interesting to note that the Journal of the Legislature of 1825 contains a resolution author izing the Secretary of the Common wealth and State Treasurer of that day to purchase, if not too expensive the lots in Maclaysburg between Nprth and South streets and between the Capitol and the Susquehanna river. This was intended to bo the second extension of Capitol Park, but owing to tho fact that some of the owners wanted too much for briar covered plots and meadow lands and that some who had some kind of factories along the run that meandered down the tract were dis inclined to sell the project liad to be Just what this would have meant to the State Capitol set ting and what is now an Important residential bit of Harrlsburg, can be imagined. The price fixed by the viewers and then considered scan dalous was $24,400. A GREAT ATHLETE (From the Journal of the Ameri can Medical Association) Bhe was a four-flusher, particu larly as to her abilities in various sports. "Do you golf?" he asked. "Oh, I love golf," she answered. "I play at least thlrty-slx holes twice a week." "And how about tennis?" "I won the woman's championship) In our state.' l "And do you swim?" "The best I ever did was a half mile straight away," she replied. Somewhat fatigued he changed to lterature'. "And how do you like Kipling?" he asked. "I kippled an hour only yester day," was her unblushing renh^