Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 15, 1919, Page 14, Image 14

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Jkrth Life and Honor at Stake,
Clergyman Says to
fjr-f' -
By Associated Brest
Mlncola, N. Y, Jan. 15. —The Rev.
William F. McGlnnis, pastor of St.
Brlgld's Roman Catholic Church at
Westbury, who Is said to have known
tnore intimately than any other out
sider the relations of Jacques Le
baudy, self-styled "Emperor of
pahara," to his family, testified yes
terday before the Nassau county
grand Jury which Is Investigating the
•laying of the eccentric millionaire
pf Westbury last Saturday by his
After he left the grand Jury room,
Vather McGlnnis expressed the con
viction that Madame Lebaudy's act
Was Justifiable.
"Homicide is Justifiable," he said,
when life or honor Is at stake.
In this case I think both life and
honor were at stake. I believe
Madame Lebaudy reasonably came to
the conclusion that the lives of both
herself and her daughter were
threatened and believe she was Jus
tified In taking the life of her hus
Harry H. Moore, counsel for
Madame Lebaudy, announced yes
terday that he had discovered a wit
ness who heard Lebaudy say In a
New York hotel a few hours before
the shooting on Saturday, that he
was going to Phoenix Lodge, the
Lebaudy home at Westbury, to "fin
ish" his wife.
District Attorney Charles Weeks,
who is conducting the grand Jury
Investigation, announced after the
bearing that the case would be post
poned until Thursday In order that
additional witnesses might be sought.
Don't trifle with a cold
—it's dangerous.
You can't afford to risk
Keep always at hand a
box of
Standard cold remedy for 20 years—ln tablet
form—safe, sure, no opiates—break® up s cold
In 24 hours —relieves grip in 3 dsya. Money
back if it fails. The genuine box hat £feed top
with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Store
Heart of City
Coal Yard
/~YUR large coal elevator at Forster and
Cowden Streets is located in the center
of the city.
Coal consumers living within a mile of
Forster and Cowden Streets may know that
their order will reach them promptly. There
will be no waiting indoors several days by
our customers because of uncertainty as to
when the coal will arrive.
All our coal orders are usually de
livered same day as received- When
you are nearly out of coal this is
quite important.
United Ice and Coal Co.
Main Office, Forster A Cowden Sts.
Also Steelton, Fa.
Harrisburg National Bank
Over One Hundred Years at Our Present
Location 16 South Market Square
Condensed statement from call of Comptroller of the Currency, Dec. 31, 1918
Cash and Reserve, $888,661.77 Capital and Surplus,.sBoo,ooo.oo
Due from Banks, _ 12,010.72 Interest Earned, ........ 36,991.09
Loans and Discounts... 1,042,573.71 circulating Notes, ..... 201,200.00
Stocks, Bonds & Se- ' t\ j. T> I a
curities 524,108.18 Due to Banks 83,458.33
U. S. Bonds, 531,070.90 Deposits,, 1,876,775.86
$2,998,425.28 $2,998,425.28
We solicit every kind of legitimate banking business.
fi ■ • -'-v •• • c .>
Senate Today Will Get Meas
ure Passed Yesterday by
the Lower House
By Associated Brest
Bacnoa Aires, Jan. 16.—Martial law
may become effective throughout the
country to-day If the Senate acts fa
vorably on a bill to that effect passed
by the Chamber of Deputies yester- 1
day. The bill provides that the'
military authorities control the
country for a period of thirty days.
Five provinces have asked for
troops, and at every army post there
was great activity to-day. Govern
ment officials admit that reports
from outside the city are disquieting
and say troops are necessary to con
trol the situation.
At Rosarlo and neighboring cities
the situation Is grave. At Canada de
Gomez, near Rosarlo, strikers have
captured the police station and, ac
cording to latest reports, were hold
ing out against troops sent to oust
them. A large number of civilians at
Rosarlo have enrolled themselves for
special service.
In this city no attempt Is being
made to run streetcars after dark,
with the exception of one line. Pa
trolmen are armed with rifles and
bayonets and have received a cam
paign supply of cartridges.
Reports from the lnteror Indicate
that the disorders there are not due
to Bolshevists, but to strikers, the
majority of whom are railroad work
ers. The situation on the railroads
Is said to be rapidly approaching to
tal paralysis.
Hunger Riots Take
Place in Petrograd
By Associated Bress
Stockholm, Jan. 15.—Hunger riots
took place In Petrograd on Saturday
and Sunday, according to advices re
ceived here. Ten thousand people
paraded'through the streets, shouting
for bread, and were fired upon by
Bolshevist troops, who are said to
have been Letts. Desperate from
hunger, the crowds are reported to
have asked the eoliders to Are upon
Dispatches state that not a single
piece of bread Is to be found now in
Petrograd and that unground oats
are being given to the people.
Propagandists, disguised as refu
gees, are said to have been sent Into
Finland by the Bolshevists. The po
lice there have recently discovered
several organizations which are al
leged to be plotting a new Insurrec
Will Discuss Agricultural Pos
sibilities of the State Next
Wednesday Night
"The Agricultural Possibilities of
Pennsylvania" will be the subject of
the first address of Governor-elect
William C. Sproul to be delivered aft
er his Inaugural, and he will speak
on It at the joint meeting of the ten
organizations interested In farming
and Its allied branches to be held
here next Wednesday night. Senator
Thomas P. Gore, of Oklahoma, will
speak on the same occasion on
"Agriculture and the War." The fol
lowing night the organizations will
have another joint meeting, at which
the new plans for dehydration of
food products will be explained hy 1*
D. Sweet, of the United States Food
Administration at Washington, and
Dr. George M. Rommel, chief of the
United States Bureau of Animal Hus
bandry, will discuss live stock and
the war, with Impressions of agri
cultural conditions in Europe.
The organizations meeting will be
here for their annual sessions and
each will have a separate conven
tion, uniting at night for general
sessions. During the week the state
will have its third annual farm
products show, with numerous trac
tors and other exhibits and boys' and
I girls' and clubs' corn exhibits and
judging. Prizes will be given for
i corn, potatoes and other products
grown in Pennsylvania, especially
those of boys and girls. The organi
zations are the State Board of Agri
culture, Pennsylvania Breeders' and
Dairymen's Association; State Horti
cultural Society of Pennsylvania;
State Poultry Association, Pennsyl
vania Potato Growers' Association;
Pennsylvania Boi keepers' Associa
tion; State Veterinary Medical Asso
ciation; Pennsylvania Sheep Breed
ers' and Wool Growers' Association,
Pennsylvania Holsteln-Frislan Asso
ciation and More Sheep—More Wool
Association together with the organ
izations of the State Department of
Public Instruction in charge of agri
cultural education and similar rural
acWVities and directors of the State
Chambe rof Commerce. The lattet
two will present the prizes to the
winners of the boys' corn-judging
The various meetings will give spe
cial attention to problems attending
cattl?ralsing, including beef cattle,
sheep and hogs.
Lights Out in House
as Denison Makes Speech
Washington, D. C., Jan. 15. By
the flickering light of matches, two
candles und a lantern, the House ad
journed to-night half an hour earlier
than had been planned. . Due to a
crossed wire outside the building, the
House chamber was plunged Into
darkness while Representative Deni
son, of Illinois, was in the middle of
a speech on the legislative, executive
and Judicial appropriation bill, wheh
was under consderation.
Mr. Denlsoa stopped In the middle
of a sentence and for a minute there
was not a sound. Then a general
hubbub arose as members called upon
each other for matches. Watchmen
grouped their way Into the basement,
Foqßng for candles and lanters, but
only a few could be found.
"I move we adjourn," someone call
ed vfrom the darkness. Others re
peated the motion, which was carried,
but not before floor leaders had se
cured an agreement for the House to
meet an hour earlier this morning
so as to make up for the lost time.
Make Your Stomach
Your Best Friend
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Di
gest the Food, Prevent
Sourness and Make You
Feel Fine All Over
If you feel any distress after eat
ing take a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab-
Jet. You will then have a good,
steady friend in your stomach. For
no matter what you eat there will
bo no gas, no sour risings, no lump
in your throat, no biliousness, no
dark brown taste in the morning.
And should you now oo troubled,
eat a tablet as soon as possible and
relief will come promptly. These
tablets correct at once the faults
of a weak or overworked stomach,
they dp the work while the stom
ach rests and recovers itself.. Par
ticularly effective are they for ban
queters and those whose environment
brings them in contact with the rich
food most apt to cause stomach de
rangement. Relief in these cases
always brings the glad smile. Get
a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
50 cents, In any drug store. Be
I good to your stomach.
The greatest educational lesson of
this war Is Its demonstration of the
need of more Instruction in scientific
knowledge for all boys and girls.
Schools are still conducted on a too
literary basis. The elements of sci
ence should be taught several years
earlier In the courses than they are at
present. It Is literature that ought
to wait, and not science.
The laws of motion and of elec
tricity are more Important to be
known by everybody than the re
finements or caprices of style, or the
rules of metrical composition. There
Is more mental value In Newton than
In Homer; the one represents the
day's work, the other the evening's
In our existing: system of edu
cation we are like an architect be
ginning: his plan with tlie ornaments.
The right system would be arranged
somewhat as follows: First speaking,
then reading, then writing with sim
ple composition, and along with these
or immediately succeeding them,
arithmetic elementary mathematics
together with the ordinary laws and
facts of physics and mechanics,
knowledge of plants and animals,
anatomy and physiology, the weather
the seasons, elementary astronomy,
geography, history: and, after all
these, languages, literature and such
advanced scientific and other studies
as might be preferred.
Through and over all, of course,
should go instruction and guidance
in morals. A.nation whose youth
were brought up along some such
line as that would not only be un
conquerable, but it would stand at
the world's head, not by virtue of
force, but by virtue of intelligence.
The vice of the literary type of
education is that it leads to a kind
of mental cigarette smoking, and
tends to destroy the initiative of the
stronger faculties, which, under sci
entific training, deal effectively with
the actualities of life and nature.
Everybody' should, as far as possible,
read the great masterpieces of the
world's literature, and feed himself
upon them; but without any qualifi
cation, everybody should first be a
fully developed human and that can
not be if he values expression above
When our age has become a chap
ter of ancient history it will be seen
that the crowning achievement of the
Anglo-Saxon intellect was not the
writing of "Hamlet," or "Macbeth,"
but the production of the "Mathe
matical Principles of Natural Philos
Every day you must be educated
men and women who are not asham
ed to confess that they could no
more extract the square root of a
number, or tell how far a body would
fall in ten seconds, or account for the
phases of the moon, or calculate the
approximate length of day or night
at different times of the year, or ex
plain the workings of a steam en
gine, or an auto motor, or a dynamo,
or a submarine, or an aeroplane, or
solve a problem in algebra, or tell the
difference in principle between a
thermometer and a barometer, or de
tect the fallacy In the popular belief
that the Lusitanla is still floating
deep beneath the surface somewhere
in the Atlantic because the great
pressure prevents her from reaching
the bottom, or distinguish a planet
from a star, or understand the
strange conduct of gyroscope, or say
how a molecule differs from an atom,
or show the reason why a baseball
pitcher can put a curve in the ball,
or explain why wheels appear to
turn backward- pictures than- they
could jump over the moon.
Confronted with great practical
problems, outside tho narrow range
of their everyday occupation and ex
perience, they are as helpless as in
fants. They know nothing about na
ture, her reasons and her laws, her
capacities and her limitations. They
do not know how to measure or how
to calculate. Left alone, unaided,
unfamiliar eurroundingings, they are
less capable of taking care of them
selves than the lower animals would
As I have often said: Tho highest
type of man (excluding moral consid
erations) is the engineer—and he
may be as moral as the best. He is
the man that is ready to deal with
things because he understands things.
I would have every young person an
engineer in embryo.
Think of what the soldier going to
battle in this war must gain by an
education like that outlined above.
Halt the terrors that strike the new
comer on those awful battlefields
may be robbed of their paralyzing
force by the neutralizing effect of the
foreknowledge in.his brain. Chem
istry can arm him against the de
mons of the gas war, knowledge of
ballistics makes the swooping shells
less fearful, acquaintance With the
principles of tir-flight steadies his
nerves in contests with aerial foes.
Familiarity breeds contempt if you
| know the sources and limitations of
' the powers engaged against you they
lose the advantage of inspiring vague
and superstitious fear. Already the
American soldiers in France have
shown the enormous value of the
turn toward scientific ideals which
our educational institutions have be
gun to lead the world in taking.
Labor Congress Completes
Plan For Mooney Fight
By Associated Press
Chicago, Jan. 15.—The National La
bor Congress started its second day's
session to-day by completion of its
organization in electing permanent
officers and appointing committees.
The delegates had gathered through
call of the International Workers'
Defense League to decide on plans
to procure new trials for Thomas J.
Mooney and Warren Billings, serving
life terms for murder in connection
with the preparedness day bomb ex
plosion at San Francisco in July, 1916.
Efforts similar to those of yester
day to secure control of the congress
by the radical element were predicted
by the conservatives, and plans were
formulated to confine action to three
possible courses of action. These
were stated to be.yirst, an appeal to
the United States Department of Jus
tice to invoke writs of habeas corpus
on the ground that the process of
law was not exercised in the case;
second, an appeal to Congress along
with publicity, and, third, as a last
resort, the use by labpr of its eco
nomic power either through the boy
cott or the strike weapon.
Temporary Chairman E. D. Nolan
stood firm in his ruling that only
Amalgamated Clothing Workers and
railroad brotherhood delegates
should lt with the American Fed
eration of Labor delegates and also
that there should be b\it ono delegate
for union on, the convention
Possible Problems of Force
Not Yet Solved, Says llic
Commerce Secretary
New York, Jan. 15.—While assert
ing that the United States should
free its commerce as quickly as pos
sible of all restrictions and build up
its domestic and foreign trade, Wil
liam C. Redfleld, secretary of com
merce, declared in an address here
last night that "apostles of hurry"
must beware of Bolshevism and
many other post war obstacles which
can best be removed without haste.
Speaking at a meeting held under
the auspices of the Council of Ffir
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
A Notable Sale of Women's and Misses' Coats
e Ilun^rC( * bne quality wool velour coats, representing the
ljjji \p test of our reserve stocks go into the January Clearance Sales
to-morrow at price concessions that will make interesting reading
yitff 11 r to women whose coat needs have not yet been filled.
I ie StJ '' CS ai * C °* 3 t ' ,at appeal to nine out of everj
M $55.00
,Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor.
There's a Welcome in Every Home For a Whittall Rug
Pay Less For These Famous Rugs During This
Annual Sale of Discontinued Patterns
Whittall Floor Coverings occupy the highest pinnacle of textile artistry and quality. When Whittal
patterns are discontinued, not because of inferior designing, but because of the ever forward march of prog
ress in the evolution of beautiful patterns, we are permitted to reduce the rugs affected. Hence the import
a nee of this news.
9x12 feet, regularly $125.00. Special $102.00 Wllittall's 'leprae Wilton Rugs—
-8.3x10.6 feet, regularly $112.50. Special $92.00 9x15 feet, regularly $112.50. Special
r,a 7Q 7K t,rn 9x12 feet, regularly $83.00. Special $72.00
6x9 feet, regularly s>9. >5. Special ...... $63.00 8.3x10.6 feet, regularly $73.50. Special $59.00
36x63 inches, regularly $20.00. Special $17.25 6.9x12 feet, regularly $67.50. Special • $54.00
_. . . , , 6x9 feet, regularly $50.00. Special $39.50
incheS| reeularly ?12 - 75 - Special * ,or '° Wllittall's Peerless Body Brussels Rugs-
Wliittall'q Roval Worcester Wiltnn Rikts 11.8x15 feet, regularly $105.00. Special $89.00
\\ Jllttail S lvO) 31 WOlcCStei \V lilon 11.3x12 feet, regularly $84.00. Special ....... $69.75
9x12 feet, regularly $60.00. Special $47.50
9x12 feet, regularly $95.00. Special $.9,00 < JX I2 feet, regularly $55.00. Special $15.90
8.3x10.6 feet, regularly $56.50. Special $72.50 9x } 2 * ee b regu ' a ' r, y !j®®®- Special $39.75
8.3x10.6 feet, regularly $55.00. Special $14,75
6x9 feet, regularly $59.00. Special $49.50 9x9 feet, regularly $50.00. Special $39.75
86x63 Inches, regularly >13.75. Special ...... •{' gg JSSfiSg K.,' I""; gKJ
27x54 inches, regularly $lO.OO. Special $8.90 6x9 feet, regularly $35.00. Special $27.50
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor.
APictureofPinkLoveliness The Clearance
M Dainiy pink Lingerie has a Wi-afp- Ujjfq
J grace all its own, and these crea- V/-L T T J.J.J. _LJ.CC vU
tions of softest batiste and voile Brings Extraordinarg Values
WThree Groupslhat May Be Classed
V* % pric „. For instance — • as Bargains
$5.00 $6.50 $8.50
Pink striped voile envelope chemise, hemstitched hem ' •
trims top t
Pink batiste chemise wash satin top, satin ribbon shoulder 1 hese arc Winter Hats fash
strap * $1.95 ioned of finest silk velvet, **
White batiste and nainsook envelope chemise, dainty trim- panne velvet, hatter's plush, v - ||
mine of lace insertion and medallions with lace or embroidery velour and beaver.
cd „ e $1.25, $1.50 to $3.95 mggSU^
Long White Skirts— is the P ol cy of this store
Long white skirts with flounce- trimmed with lace inscr- to have millinery clearances at 4
tion and lace edge jfo? regular periods of the year to
Long white skirts, cambric top, embroidery flounce sl.Jo discourage the idea that a hat W
HfetaVd V-necks, yoke trimmed with pin tucks or com- ■ comes in today may be
bination tucks and embroidery insertion, embroidery edge bad at a reduced price a week
trims neck and sleeves $1.95 to $4.75 later.
Low neck gowns, slip over styles, lace or_ embroidery The opening of the January'
trimmed to 31 . Clearance Sale found the Mil- sty
Extra Size Underwear — High neck gowns linery Section offering all re-
Corset covers ..0c to $1.50 , n f 2,50 to $305 maining Winter Hats at re- \U\llA\
Camisoles .... $1.50 to $2.95 $1.95 to *3.95 duced prices. When these are
Drawers 75c to $3.50 chemise $1.50 to $4.05 gone no other reductions will .1 \\MA \\
Short skirts ....85c to $1.25 Envelope chemise *1.95 , „ >*-
Long skirts ...*1.95 to *5.95 Combinations ..*1.95 to *3.50
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
eign Relations, Mr. Redfleld asserted
with the support of Congress,
his department is prepared to sus
tain commerce and Industry In both
the domestic and foreign fields,
"providing both a scientific and p.
commercial service at home co-op
erating with the great commercial
service abroad."
Ho warned his audience, however,
that while in a military sense, the
war is over, "in the sense of war
problems, war limitations, war dif
ficulties and war responsibilities, It
is not yet over."
Continuing he said:
"We must remember also that the
possible problms of force are not
wholly gone. Germany seems In
chaos, Russit we know is so. Who
will say' to-day what is the future
of Bolshevism? Dare we permit a
flood of anarchy to sweep over Cen
tral as well as Eastern Europe to
threaten the peoples who have
fought by our side, and, if this is
done, then certainly later to threaten
us? Who can answer the question
whether It would be wise or even
safe now to reduce ourselves to com
parative military weakness until we
know more of the natt.ro and pur
pose of the forces which have over
whelmed one empire and threat
ened, the successor of another?"
Not to Vote Through Mother
Country, Is America's
Idea in Plan
By Associated Press
Paris, Jan. 15.—The representa
tion of the various countries in the
lnter-allied conference still is the
subject of revision, but as outlined
by the council the allotment gives
two delegates each to Canada, Aus
tralia, South Africa and India and
one each to New Zealand and New
foundland, in addition to the allot
ment, as previously announced, to
the other countries taking part in the
This is not considered as giving
preponderance to Great Britain i
hercolonles, but rather as giving
colonies separate representation
cording to their activities in the v
Also, it is the American vlewpt
that it is preferable to give the <
onies a direct voice. Instead
through the mothercountry. The
terests of Canada and Newfou
land are felt to be much the ea
as the United States, whose flvemt
bers, with Brazil's three, gives
American countries an aggregate
eleven members.
Aemrica also will be represen
by technical delegates whene
technical matters are considered. J
their status will be that of exchan
able delegates, whereas the regii
members of the conference will hi
a status as plenipotentiaries.
The decision requiring a vote
unanimity is said to give sulfa
protection to the delegations w|
out reference to their size. The p
posal respecting unanimity met vj
some opposition as permitting
struction and possibly leading
negative results, but it finally p
vailed as a proper safeguard
small countries and the most 11V
means of uniting all interests.