Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 15, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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    dditional Classified Ads
on Opposite Pago
1 % and 2-ton Garfords.
chassis only or equipped with
express or dump bodies.
1%-1%-2% und 2%-ton
Bethlehems, with or without
Light delivery wagons. In
cluding Bulcks, Overlands
and Vims.
Open Evenings.
214 North Second St. Both Phones.
finished and thoroughly over
hauled, equipped with cord
chanically fine hape, paint
und tires like new.
ished wine color with blac*
wheels. Excellent tires. Looks
and runs like new.
COUPE Sllvertown Cord
tires. revarnished. Prac
tically a brand new car at
less than dealer's cost.
Open Evenings,
214 North Second St. Both Phones.
ing b.- expert- Road Jobs a
ialty. Charge reasonable. Hotn
nes. Sunshine Garage, 27 Nortii
eron street.
Liberty Demonstrator.
Keo Roadster.
1912 Cadillac.
1916 Cadillac.
1917 Chevrolet (recently overhaul
131 South Third Street.
1917-1918 MODELS
OADSTERS $275 TO $460
ELI VERY $375 TO $460
>UPE . ..$5OO
117 S. THIRD ST. *
3777 BEI.L 4213 DIAL
117 S. THIRD ST.
3777 BELL 4213 DIAL
16 8-cyllnder 7-puaaenger Cadll
for nule. Fine condition and a
derful bargain to quick buyer.
In touch with ua to-day.
Third and Rally Street*
Both Pbbnea. i
ANTED All kinds of used auti
1. %. -ay highest cash price*
Junk. H. Eaterhro'9l2 Norm
d etreet. Dial 4 890.
Hed. ueed. wrecked or o.dtimer.-
ny condition Se* me before sue
!ng elsewhere. Chelsea Auto
cl.ing A Schiffiiitii. 22. 24. >•
h Cameron street Bel; -.433.
i-sri for sale. Fi.ril tr-u .ru.-K
>-Car 2-ton trucks and one 7
eager Heynee T ri-/ Car. A
p to quick buyer*. Internal lon..
."ester Co. Tr- i-k Department. .No
ainut street.
Equipments React Moderately
With Distilling
By Associated Press
New York, Jan. 15. Oils, motors,
motor accessories and metals held
their usual positions of prominence
and strength at the opening of to
day's stock market, gaining one to
two points, while equipments reacted
moderately with distilling shares and
some of the low-priced rails. United
States Steel and Great Northern Ore
featured the firmer industrials and
Sumatra Tobacco led the specialties
at a gain of four points. Advances
were generally extended before the
end of the first half hour.
Chandler Brothers and Company,
members of New Y'ork and Philadel
phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar
ket Square, Harrtsburg; 336 Chestnut
street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street.
New Y'ork—furnish the following
quotations: Open. Noon.
Amer Beet Sugar 70 70
American Can 48% 48%
Am Car and Foundry Co 88% 90
Amer Smelting 73% 74
Anacpnda 60% 60%
Baldwin Locomotive .... 71% 71%
Bethlehem Steel (B) ... 57% 57%
Butte Copper 18% 18%
Canadian Pacific 159 159
Central Leather 58% 58%
Chicago, R I and Pacific 24% 24%
Chino Con Copper 33% 337
Corn Products 49% 49%
Crucible Steel 66% 56%
Distilling Securities .... 51 51%
General Motors 126 125
Goodrich, B. F 61% 61%
Great Northern Ore subs 36 37%
Hide and Leather pfd ... 76 76%
Inspiration Copper 44 44
FOR SALE Buick Roadster, A 1
shape. Bargain for some one. A.
SchifTrnan. 22-34-26 North Cameron.
One Ford Roadster, with new cylin
ders, black crank shaft and pistons;
ulso new rear end; all in good condi
One late Ford Touring car; all good
tires and a lot of extras; in perfect
One commercial panel body, for
One Ford Ton Truck.
One 12-cyllnder Pathfinder Touring
car; new cord tires.
One Interstate Touring.
One Chalmers Touring.
All in good condition.
1334-44 Howard Street.
AUTO FOR SALE Late 1916 Max
well. 5-passenger touring car. fully
equipped, demountable rim. In A 1 con
dition. Bargain to quick buyer. Ap
nlv Edward W. Evans. 36 North Third
street. Bell 1390. Dial 3573.
FORD ROADSTER, almost new.
Jackson, touring car, overhead
valves. ~
Hudson touring car, all good tires
and two e-tras.
Eight commercial bodies for auto
mobile trucks.
East End Mulberry Street Bridge.
MAX w 1.141. i> . .W iJR -vi....ei
Fine condition. New tires. Must be
sold. Best offer takes it. A. W. Trout
man. MUlersburg. Pa. j
speed, twin cylinder, electric equipped.
Run Sou mues. Inquire Mr. Davis,
2121 Swatara street.
Oarages, Accessories and Repairs
30x3% $11.72
31x4 22.68
32x3%..# 17.28
32x4 23.00
34x4 26.00
35x4% 27.50
35x5 15.00
32x3 12.66
912 North Third Street.
FOR RENT Private garages, reai
1272 Miller street, one block from'
Thirteenth and State streets. Five 1
dollars per month. Inquire of Wil- I
liam E. Orr, 101 South ~mlt street.!
He bone 445 M.
28X3 $3.65
30x3 $3.75
30x3% $3.96
32x3% $4.15
31x4 $4.40
32X4 $4.50
33x4 $4.60
34x4 $4.80
812 Nortn s.. ~ceL
— !
Frames straigntened und welded. ,
Heavy Cast Iron Our Specialty. ;
Expert Welders. Woik Guaranteed.
1538 Logan SL
BELL 4396 J.
MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 1
Bosch nigh tension. Elshmann, Dixey, '
sp.itdorf, ilea, Keuiy und different*
makes ot coils, carburetors, etc. A.
Scbißman, 22-24-26 North Cameron
Street. Bell 3633.
AUTO KADlAl'ifta of all kinds re
call e.i by specialists. Also fenders,
lamps, etc. Best service in town. Har
risbuig Auto Radiator Works. 503
xr,rtl: I'b -treeL
Tho board of directors of this Com
pany has called a special meeting of
its stockholders, to he hold at the
general office of the Company at 198
North Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa.,
on Thursday, the 20th day of March,
1919, at 2. o'clock P. M„ for the pur
pose of voting for or against an in
crease of the capital stock.
Estate of Sarah A. Fiese, deceased
Notice is hereby given that Letters
of Adminisliuilou have been issued by
the Register of Wills of Dauphin
County in the above named Estate to
the undersigned. All persons indebted
to said Estate will make payment
at once, and having claims
against said Estate will present Uieui
promptly to
Steel ton, Pa..
Or to Administrator.
Fourth Floor Rergner Building
Harrisburg, Pa.
Miscellaneous unserviceable articles
of police equipment will be exposed
for sale on January 30. 1919. at the
store room of the Department of State
Police. Capitol Building. Harrisburg
Pa. List of articles may be had 011'
spllcatio'n to Department of State Po
lice. Bids should he submitted In
writing on the entire lot. Address
iiper'iitendent Stnte Pollen p. q jb ox
266. Harrisburg, Pa.
International Paper ..... 30% 31%
Kennecott 32 % 32%
Lackawanna Steel 64% 64%
Merc Mar Ctfa 24% 24%
Merc Mar Ctfs pfd 103% 103%
ex Petroleum 182 184%
I Miami Copper 24'g 24%
Midvale Steel 41% 42%
New York Central 74 74
Pennsylvania Railroad . 45% 45
Pittsburgh Coal 47 47
Ray Con Copper 20% 20%
Reading .... 80% 81
Republic Iron and Steel . 72 72%
Southern Pacific 100% 101
Studebaker 52% 60%
Union Pacific 128% 128%
U S I Alcohol 102% 102%
U S Rubber 76% 76%
U S Steel 08% 91%
Utah Copper 72 72
Westinghouse Mtg 42 42
1H111..4 OKI.I'H IA I'ltonucis
Vy Associated Press
| Philadelphia, Jan. 15. Wheat
j No. i, ,ui M ,cu. ..o. 2, Ivu, e—2*4.
No. a. noli. led. 32.24.
Butter The market is steady;
western, creamery, extras, ilrs.s, use,
nearby prints, fancy, 72®>74c.
Eggs—Market higner; Pennsylvania
altu M.ltti oeuioy uists. Lieu
319.20 per case; do., current re
ceipts, tree cases, 315.0 per
• ", utud „rsts, ileo
$lS.9O@ 19.20 per case; do., firsts, free
cases. 418.20 per case; tancy, selected,
packed, 68® 71c per dozen.
CUeese The iiiurKet Is firm;
New York and Wisconsin, fun unlk.
37 038 % c.
Corn The market is firm; No. 2,
yeuow, as to graue auu location,
$1.58 @ 1.7 0.
Oats The market Is steady;
No. 2 white, 80©8u*/2c; No. 3, ivi.no,
78% 11479 c.
packer, 67 ® 69c.
Bran llie market Is steady; soft
winter, per tun, 340.60®47.uu; spring,
per tun, s44.uetq 45.00.
Refined Sugars Market steady,
powdeied. 6.4,12, extra uua granulat
ed. 7.26 c.
Live Poultry Market steady;
fowls, 32 1(434c; spring chickens, z<u<
32c; fowls, not leghorns, 32® 36c; wnite
iegnorns, 34®3<u, young, out tinea ted
roosters, 21®22c; old roosters. 21®22c,
spring cluck ells, not icguortis, 2U032c,
white leghorns, 29®30c; roasting
chickens, 30®36c; ducks, Peking,
spring, 85®38c; do., old, 30®35c; In
dian Runners, 22® 34c; spring ducks.
Long Island, 34®36c; turkeys. 34®36c;
geese, lieuroy. 32®36c; Western, 32®
Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys,
. spring, choice to fancy, 44®iac;
'do., western, choice to fancy, 43® 44c,
turkeys, fresh killed, fair lo good, 38
;®42c; turkeys, common, 30®30c; old,
I turkeys. 38®41c; fowls, fresh
killed fowls, choice, 35®36c; do.,
smaller sizes, 27®31c; olu roosters,
27c; broiling chickens, western, 42®
44c; roasting chickens, 31®>37c; ducks,
4U®42c; western ducks, 38@40c; geese,
26® 30c; dressed Pekln ducks, 34®'
36c, olu ducks, 30®32c, Indian Run
ners. 27®37%c; spring ducks. Long
Island. 30®40c.
1 Potatoes The market Is firm;
New Jersey, No. 1, 85c@31.00
, per basket; do,. No. 2, su®ouc yr
! buskut; do.. 100-lb. bags, No. 1, 32.60®
; 3.00 extra duality; do., No. 2. 31. 60®
' 2.2 a; Pennsylvania. 100 tbs„ N'o 1
32.30 S 2.50; do., per 100 lbs., fancy,
2.saya.io. New Jersey* No. 1, 100
I lbs.. 32,15®2.60; do.. No. 2. 100 lbs..
r31.25@1.73; western, per 100 lb., $2.20
! @2.50; New York Suae, per 100 lbs.,
32.3u®2.5u; Maine, per lOu rbs., $1.60®
; 1.90; Delaware and Maryland, per luo
bag, 90c@$L10; Michigan, per toy
lbs.. 31.66® 1.70; Florida, per barrel
$2.60® 2.90; Florida. per bushel.
| hamper, 75®86c; Florida, per 160-lb.
bugs. $1.50®3.00; North Carolina, per
, burrel, $1.60® 4.00; Squill Carolina, per
' barrel, $1.50®4.00; Norfolk, per bar
i rel, $3.25; Eastern Shore, per
I ban-el. $2.00®3.50;( fancy. Alacungle
No. 1. per barrel, 32.9a®3.10; do.. Nu.'
2, per barrel. $1.25®1.50.
Flour—The market is dull; winter,
straight, $10.25®10.40 per barrel; Kan
sas, $10:50®10.75 per barrel; do.,
short, patent, $10.90011.20 per barrel;
J spring short, patent, $10.60@10.90 per
I barrel; spring, patent, $10.35® 10.50;
spring, first, clear, $9.60@10.ti0 per
I barrel.
| Hay The market is firm; timothy.
No. 1, large and small bales, $31.00®
1 32.00 per ton; No. 2, small bales. $29.00
1 @30.00 per ton; No. 3, $25.00@26.00 per
ton; sample, $12.50@13.00 per ton; uo
grade. $7.60® 11.50 per ton.
Clover Light mixed, $29.00®
| 30.00; No. 1. $27.00®28.00; No. 2. $25.00
I @26.00.
I Tallow The market is firm;
I prime city. In tierces, 11c; prime
special, loose, 12c; prime country,
10% c dark. 9@9%c; edible in tierces,
14 % @ 15c.
By Associated Press
Chicago, Jan. 15. U. S. Bureau
of Markets). Hogs Receipts,
32.000; left over, 48,000; strong, most
ly 5c higher on better grades; gen
erally steady; bulk of sales, $17.40®
17.70; butchers, $17.55017.75; packing,
$16.70@ 17.40% light. . $17.00017.50;
throwouts, $16.00® 16.50; pigs, $14.00
I @14.75. . •
Cattle Receipts, 12,000; . beef
steers steady to - strong; all other
, classes steady with yesterday's close,
j Beef cattle, good, choice and fancy,
I $16.25® 19.85; medium and good.
I $9.50016.25; butcher stock, cows and
1 heifers, $7.00014.50; banners and cut-
I ters, $6.25@7.00; stockers and teed
!l ers. good, choice and fancy, $10.25®
13.75; inferior, common and medium,
$7.750 10.25; calves, $15.75016.25.
Sheep Receipts. 21,000; firm, 15c
{higher. Choice lambs and handy
yearlings strengthening most. Lambs.
I choice and prime. $ 1 b,so® 16.75; nte
dittm and good, $16.(10016.50; culls,
311.50@13.75; ewes, choice and prime,
i $9.25010.75: medium and good, $9.00
| @10.2u; culls, $5.0007.50.
Chicago, Jan. 15.—Board of Trade
i closing;
I Corn—February. 1.32%; May, 1.28%.
! Hats—February, 67%: May, 67%.
Pork—January, 45.50; May, 40.20.
: Lard—January, 23.77; Alay. 23.77.
J Ribs—January, 24.42; Alay, 22.22.
Grand Duchess Whose
Abdication Is Demanded
k: I^PPI
J' * V: '■Zft&keaJ I
ifasu. i
/ ■- : *}. I
/•*'■• " : kM
/■ :• $1
Abdication of Grand Duchess Alarie
Adelaide has just been demanded be
fore the palace in Luxemburg. The
I political situation in the grand duchy
1 has been unsettled, a large part of
I the population has demanded the
proclamation of a republic. The
grand duchess Is twenty-fouf years
old She has been tho ruler of Lux
emburg since June, 1812..
[Continued from First Page.]
exceed two hundred dead and a
thousand wounded. The over
whelming majority of these are
Bolshevists- ,
London, Jan. 15.—N0 renewal of
disturbances in Berlin Is reported In
the latest advices. The government,
having successfully survived "Red
week" now is applying Itself to the
business of maintaining order and
preparing for the elections to the
national assembly Sunday.
Gustav Noske announces he will
keep sufficient troops in the city to
safeguard the elections. Government
troops are active and are disarming
all the remaining Red bands und sup
pressing the dangerous aftermath of
robbery and pillaging by the defeat
ed and dispersed Spartacan ele
ments. the leaders of which, in9lud
ing former Chief of Police Elchhorn,
whose resistance to dismissal was
the focus of the uprising, have all
begn arrested oa have fled.
I.lcbkiicclit Is Missing
Rumor is busy about Dr. Lieb
knecht, the Spartacan chief, but
nothing reliable is known of his fate
or whereabouts. The new police pres
ident, Richter. is reorganizing and
arming the police force which will
contain no Spartacan elements.
All the election results in South
Germany announced up to the pres
ent show that the Independents ev
erywhere have been defeated.
The Bourse, which was closed dur
ing the disturbances, will reopen on
All civilians are to be armed to
defend Berlin. Gustav Noske deliver
ed a speech in front of the foreign
office Sunday, thanking the troops
for what they have accomplished. He
said troops had been collected for
threatened troubles In the east, but
they had been employed In Berlin
instead. It was impossible to restore
order at the frontiers while in the
capital might was going before
Noske added that as soon as Ber
lin was normul the troops would be
sent to their original destination, but
a sufficient number would be retain
ed to safeguard the elections for the
assembly. The speaker concluded by
saying the German government had
notforgotten for an inßtant Its duty
to its brethren in the east and had
done everything to protect them in
the future securely and lastingly
against "Polish despotism."
It is proposed to make the illegal
possession of arms and ammunition
punishable with immediate death.
The military men now co-operating
with tho government propose to
show the insurgents no mercy ami
they amply demonstrated this policy
during the recapture of the Vor
waerts building and police head
Hundreds Under Arrest
, It Is declared by creditable eye
witnesses that lite new government
troops in both actions Saturday beat
down with bayonets and with clubs
and otherwise killed scores of men
who wer Spartacan guards or civil
ians caught with arms. Hundreds of
persons already have been arrested.
The last ripples of the tidal wave
which has swept over Berlin in the
past seven days now are being felt
in the spread of robbery and looting
which is being carried on by soldiers
and sailors who detached thentsblves
from Spartacan units. Berlin to-night
is virtually defenseless against law
Yorwaerts Building a Fortress
The material loss and disorder
caused by the rebels was especially
heavy in the plants of tho Yorwaerts
and the Tageblatt. Records and ac
counts were strewn about and bulky
ledgers wer Jammed into windows
to serve as barricades for riflemen.
The Yorwaerts building was con
verted Into a veritable fortress and
arsenal. After a breech had been
blown in with cannon the Sparta
cans began to weaken and later gave
Government Y'ct Impetus
The reinstatement and arming of
the police gives the government a
new force of trained men who know
the criminal world and whoso ab
sence during the first days of the
revolution gave the disorderly ele
ment a free hand. Police records,
including those of the Berttllon sys
tem, were not destroyed, as was first
reported. Detectives are already
rounding up old acquaintances anijl
the work of disarming lawless elel
ments is proceeding.
Property loses during the past
week of terror amount to tens of
millions of marks in addition to the
damage to newspaper plants and
government buildings. Merchants'
losses through looting are very high,
one youth being captured with sixty
thousand marks worth of jewels
which he had stolen. 'ln some
streets near the police headquarters
nearly every store was systematically
Bolshevist troops holding 'the
Silesian station had so much butter
that they used it to grease their guns
and boots.
Center of City Is Quiet
The center of the city fias been
quiet all day to-day. Late this even
ing a few shots were heard in dif
ferent parts of the town, being fired
by snipers and looters. Merchants
having shops along Unter den
Linden took down their shutters and
business went on as usual.
The government has no intention
of slackening its efforts against the
Spartacans ,tlie Abend Zeitung says
it learns from best authority. Ener
getic measures are being taken
against the leaders of the move
ment. It is reported that docu
ments found by loyal troops show
that tho Spartacan uprising was in
spired from Moscow.
Dr. Karl Liebknecht, the Sparta
can leader. Georg Ledebour, head of
the revolutionary Independent Social
ist element, and the immediate sup
porters of these revolutionary chiefs,
were so certain their plans for the
recent uprising would succeed that
they had prepared a proclamation,
dated January 6, in which the Ebcrt-
Scheidentan government was declar
ed deposed and formal announce
ment made that the government had
been taken over by the revolution
The proclamation wns addressed
to "I'ontrades! Workmen!" and was
s.gned by "the revolutionary com
mittee, per l.odebour, ldebknecht
and Soholio," It was presented to
ldeutenunt Hamburger at the min
istry of WIT on January 6, by a nta
ilne who appeared before the min
istry with three hundred armed men
rrotn the royal stable which was then
one of the headquarters of the revo
lutionists .The marine demanded that
the ministry be turned over to him.
I.leut. Hamburger, observing that the
signatures were typewritten, object
ed to them as Invalid, saying he was
ready to surrender the ministry to
the new government If the docu
ment were properly signed,
The troops withdrew and return
ed later with the proclamation
bearing the personal signatures of
LJebknect and Scholae, together with
an annotation by Dr. Uebknecht
(signing himself us "the representu-
tlve of Georg Ledebour, who la for
the moment ahaent."
Lieut. Hamburg took the procla
mation but retained the ministry In
his own hands.
Four of Castalia Lost in
Rescue of Ship's Company
By Associated Press
Haltfux, N. S.. Jan 15.—Four cf
the crew of the United States ship
ping board steamship Castalia, dis
abled off Sable Island Monday, were
lost in the rescue of the ship's com
pany by the steamers Bergensfjord
and Warllgian. A wireless messuge
from Cauptaln Bull of the Bergens
fjord, received here to-day by the
shipping board said the rest of the
crew had been saved.
Fred Stone, of Andover, N. II.;
John Tomakavltch, of Ollphant, Pa.,
and Benjamin Silverman, of Rox
bury, Mass., died of exhaustion, and
Andrew Cobb, of Ware Shoal, S. C.,
wns drowned, the message said.
The survivoj-s will be taken to Ber
gen, Norway, to which port the Ber
gensfjord was bound when she ans
wered the Castalia's distress sig
Annexation of Korea by
Japan Being Oppoed
Washington, Jan. 15. Resolu
tions protesting against the annexa
tion of Korea by Japan and asking
Prehident Wilson and the American
peace delegates to apply the princi
ple of self-determination to that
country have been sent by the new
Korea Associotion to the president
and members of the mretgn relations
committee of Congress. .
British Censors Will Pass
All Peace Messages
London, Jan. 157 —The British for
elg-n office announced to-day that the
government does not intend to exer
cise any censorship over press mes
sages during the Peace Conference.
It states that It has also received a
similar assurance from the French
[Continued from First Page.]
President. Ncf announcement has
been made, however.
Otflcials at the White House de
clined to discuss the report that Mr.
Sharp would return home to be suc
ceeded by Mr.. McCormick. but it
seemed to have credence in other
officiul circles. Mr. McCormick was
appointed chairntan of the War
Trade Board after the United States
entered the war and devoted all his
time to that work. -*
The Democratic National Commit
tee to-day announced that a meet
ing would be held February 26 to
elect McCorntick's successor. Homer
S. Cummings, vice-chairman, is ex
pected to be the new chairman.
While it is true that Ambassador
Sharp has tendered his resignation
to the President, it was stated on
good authority that there is no real
foundation for the report that Mr.
McCormick is going to succeed him
as American Ambassador to France.
Official circles to-day pronounced the
report as "at least premature." ,
When Mr. MeCormick left Wash- '
lngton, it was learnd he told some i
of his intimate friends that his work j
with the Peace Commission would ,
hold him in Paris for at least six ;
months. He felt that it would not be
fair td the Democratic Committee to j
remain longer at Its head while so
actively engaged In official service
and during so long a contemplated
absence in France, and it was then
that he left his letter of resignation
with the committee in Washington.
The resignation of Ambassador
Shirp is not a complete surprise. It
was quietly intimated when he re
turned recently to this country that
he did not care to return to his Am
bassadorial post. The presentation of
his resignation to the President is
believed to be based on the belief of
Mr. Sharp that the cessation of hos
tilities afforded him a convenient op
portunity to leave the diplomatic
It has been intimated several times
recently that Mr. Baruch might be
the next Ambassador to France. But
in quarters usually well informed it
is insisted that neither Mr. MeCor
miek nor Mr. Baruch was being con
sidered at this time for the Paris
diplomatic post.
Loan agencies may not charge
more than two pep cent, per month
upon sums exceding $lOO and not
exceeding $6OO and this rate of in
terest cannot be legally increased to
thre pee cent, per month on any '
unpaid balance at any time, ac
cording to an opinion rendered to
day by Attorney Genral Brown to
Daniel F. Lafean, State Banking
Commissioner. Three per cent, is
collectable on sums less than $lOO,
but when a larger sum Is reduced to
less than that sum the original rate
of interst must s'.ill continue.
By Associated Press
■ station, Jan. 15, Karl Cowley,
whose muntal affairs caused much
talk in English society from 1905
to 1914 died tills morning. Henry
Arthur Mornington Wellesley, third
Earl Cowley, was born in 1866 and
succeeded to the title in 1895, He
formerly was a captain in Ihe Wilt
shire regiment and served in South
Africa in 1900 with the Imperial
Petitioned by a committee of the
Dauphin County Bar Association,
with Frank B. Wickersham, as chair
man, the Court this afternoon grant
ed a rule returnable In ten days, on
J. It. Bennett, colored, attorney, to
(how cause why he should not be
ciisbarreti. Bennett, it Is charged,
embezzled money, and la now a fugi
tive from justice. In case personal ,
service of the rule can not be made
upon htm, the Court has ordered that
publication of the application should
be made once a week for four weeks
in the city newspapers.
By .1 ssoi'iated Press I
Washington, Jan. 15.—Designa
tion of the giant Redwood district at
the crest of the •Sierras in Califor
nia, HH Roosevelt National Park, as
proposed In a bill by Senator Phe- i
lan, of California, was approved ,
unanimously to-duy by The Senate ,
public lands committee. •
The Inst of the Inrge paintings by i
Violet Oakley, designed Sen- i
ate chamber, were delivered at the i
Capitol to-day. They ahow the in- •
flue nee of Quaker thought upon the i
life of the Commonwealth, They
will be hung during the next two
Tear Clothing From Man and j
Wife Until They Get
By .•istociated Prett
Warsaw, Jan. 16.—Bolshevik guar
rilla bands ar carrying out many
depredations in Lithuania as they
advance toward Warsaw. A land
owner named Mlchulsky, who has ar
rived In Warsaw, says twenty armed
men surrounded his house and de
manded money. When he told them
he did not have much, the bandits
tore the clothes from lilm and his
wife, beat the woman with a whip
and pounded Mlchulsky with the
butts of their yana until he agreed
to give them 15,000 rubles.
The band told Mme. Mlchulsky, who
Is French, that she belonged to the
"dlr®- Allies."
"All your people will soon be like
us. There will not be any more prop
erty owners. We are going to War
saw and then we will overrun Eu
Eater the bandits i\Bked for more
money and tortured the couple until
Mme. Mlchulsky became unconscious
and her husband's wrists were brok
en. Mlchulsky gave them 15,000 ru
bles more, all the money he had.
Then, after stealing all the clothing
and valuables In the house and the
horses on the farm, the men demand
ed liquor. Finding that there was
none, they gave the pair a final beat
ing and went to. a neighboring
They did not find any money there,
so Mlchulsky says. They set Are to
the house and shot down the family
as they fled. A girl of IS almost es
caped, but was brought down with a
second shot as she ran. The ban
dits then beat her to death with the
butts of their guns.
Tlje commanders of the retiring
German troops are reported to be
carrying on systematic schemes of
getting money. One plan Is to sell
the farms hack, to their owners be
fore retiring, or. If they are unwilling
to buy to sell them to the peasants.
[Continued from First Page.]
be police control but (he weight of
public opinion. Public opinion, bow
ever, would be sufficient to insure
at least that any future war would
be reduced to single disputes—that
is, there would never be another
war like the present one."
Lord Robert would not go so far
as to say there would be no more
wars, but he expressed confidence
that they would be confined to the
immediate disputants.
Public Opinion First
"In the daily life of any country."
Ford Robert Cecil continued, "it is
public opinion and not the police
man which controls the conduct of
the people. You have yourselves seen
that even in cases wlfere law and
public opinion clash public opinion
As to the machinery of a league
of nations, Ikird Robert said there
should be an international secretar
iat operating permanently to carry
on the routine business between
meetings of the main international
tribunal. The main triburnal would
meet periodically, perhaps every
month or six weeks, to handle mat
ters of moment.
Ford Robert Cecil also said the
league should do away with all
treaties inconsistent with its tenets,
including compacts providing for a
balance of power.
Monroe Doctrine Safe
Asked what effect the formation of
a league of nations would have upon
the Monroe IJpctrine, Lord Rob
ert asserted he could see no conflict
with the doctrine. Asked what would
happen if Mexico or a South Ameri
can country did something that
caused trouble with the league, he
"Then, I think, an agreement
could be made by which America
could act in behalf of the league."
Regarding the admission of the
I Central Powers and their allies to
the league. Lord Roberts said they
should be admitted, "if they showed
an inclination to do the right*thlng."
Speaking of Germany, he said:
Huns Must Make Good
"We must await events. If she
turns over a new legf and tries to re
pair the damage she has done, thero
is no reason why she should not join.
The league is for the good of hu
manity, and not for any select group.
It will benefit her if she comes in."
With the resumption to-day of the
meetings preliminary to the peace
conference, it is apparent that the
movement to create a league of na
tions is being carried on by two
forces, having the same object but
differing as to the means for making
effective the decisions of the pro
posed world society. One of these
represents the contention that the
decisions of the league must be back
ed by its combined physical forces,
while the other represents the view
that its findings can be enforced
without the aid of a common world
police force.
Move Toward Common Ground
Diplomatists seem Impressed with
the view that both these ideas are
moving toward a common ground
which, for example, might provide
that the nations could reserve for
each individual case their decision
whether they would utilize armed
forcf> or nvall themselves of other
There Is reason to believe that
such an arrangement would be sup
ported by some of the European
statesmen and there is nothing to
indicate that it would be rejected
by the American representatives.
The work before to-dny' session of
the Supreme Council comprised com
pletion of the allotment of represen
tation of the various nations, and
further .consideration as to whether
Russia .should have delegates In the
larger body. These matters aro ex
pected to be entirely disposed of by
Saturday, when the first sitting of tlie
peace congress will be held.
league lias First Coll
The program commonly agreed
upon calls for primary consideration
of the forming of a league of nations,
and the congress will work on this
to the exclusion of all other subjects.
The effort aems to be to bend all en
ergies to the laying of the foundations
of the league, so that the conference
may proceed to tne actual making of
the peace treaty In the early spring,
even if It be only a preliminary one
which will dispose of the pressing
question of demobilization and the
return of the warring countries as
nearly as possible to the economic
conditions of peace. This Is recog-
nlzed by all the statemen as of the
utmost necessity*
President Wilson will have before
him an Independent estimate of the
actual physical damage suffered by
France and Belgium during the war
when the peace congress reaches the
stage of discussing Indemnities, A
survey Is being planned and will
probably be conducted by mere than
two hundred army oflloers chosen es
pecially for the work.
Bill of Damage* Great
Some observers believe the bill
of actual damages will be so great
that the Entente nations probably
will be more concerned with the abil
ity of the German people to pay it
than with the possibility of exact
ing further damages in the nature of
punitive Indemnities and war costs.
President Wilson's attitude toward
the question of what Indemnities nre
to bo exacted from Germany has
been made plain on several occa
sions. lie believes that damages
should be restricted to restitution,
reparation and restoration and
should not be extended to financial
punishment of the German people.
May Visit England Again
President Wilson may visit En
gland on his way back to the United
States next month, but not to con
fer with statesmen there. He has
hoped to be able to sail from a Brit
ish port, probably Queenstown, and
have an opportunity to Inspect the
base of the American flotilla which
did such remarkable work In the
antisubmarine warfare.
Mr. Wilson, It Is said, might de
cide, If he visits England, to stop
for a few hours at Oxford to reoelve
an honorary degree which that uni
versity wishes to confer on him,
london, Jan. 15.—Commenting
upon the onference between Pre
mier Orlando, of Italy, and Presi
dent Wilson last Friday, the Paris
correspondent of the Dally Mall
says that persons In touch with the
Italian mission declare the premier
was surprised at Mr. Wilgop'g atti
Wilson Finn In Refusal
"President Wilson was firm In his
refusal to recognize Italian claims
beyond Trieste and Trent," the cor
respondent writes. "It Is known that
Foreign Minister Sonnlno, of Italy,
demands an Important part of the
Dalmatian coast, as well as the
Fiume, while Premier Orlando
would be content to give up the
Dalmatian coast If sure of Flume.
It Is reported that even on this point
Mr. Wilson was unwilling to give
Italy May Incur Enmity
"While the majority of the inhab
itants of Fiume are Italians that
port is the natural outlet for the
Austrian Slavs. It Is said, therefore,
claimed that a few thousand Italians
in Flume dare not to be balance
the needs for a sea outlet for millions
of Slavs, it Is pointed out that the
commercial necessities of the Jugo-
Slavl demand an outlet to the Adria
tic and that if Italy ignores these
necessities she may incur the en
mity of those populations and create
a new danger to the peace of
Colorado Senator Says
Smith Story Is Untrue
Washington. Jan. 15.—Senator
Thomas, of Colorado, appearing to
day before the Senate Judiciary
Committee investigating German
propaganda, declared that testimony
given yesterday by Austin J. Smith
than an arrangement was made with
Count Von Bernstorff to pay for the
support of the Pueblo (Colorado)
Chieftain in 1915 was untrue.
"This man Smith is an unsuccess
ful blackmailer, an unmitigated liar,
and a man I believe to be a forger,"
said Senator Thomks.
Board of Governors For
Country Club Nominated
Caspar Dull, H. W. Moorhead,
George-IV. Reily, S. C. Todd and John
Fox Weiss were nominated as mem
bers o fthe Board of Governors of the
Country Club of Harrlsburg to serve
for three years at the meeting of the
nominating committee held at the
Harrlsburg Club this noon. Ezra F.
Hersliey and John P. Dohoney were
nominated to serve for a year.
Election will be held February 4.
The nominating committee is made up
of H. P. Leonard, A. Boyd Hamilton,
A. 11. Armstrong and T. T. Wierman.
New York, Jan. 15. —Thet United
States crpiser St. Louis, bringing the
Three Hurllred Forty-sixth Artil
lery, forty-fiflve officers and 1,255
men, arrived here to-day from Brest.
Twenty-six of these were sick and
wounded. The regiment saw service
In Belgium with the Ninety-first
I Copenhagen, Jan. 15. —The•German
cabinet met yesterday to discuss the
new constitution and to consider pro
posald for the meeting of the National
Assembly. Germany's participation
in the peace Congress was also taken
up. The meeting will be continued
[Continued on Page 12.]
tence of not more than fifteen months
nor less than nine months. He said
In defense that the proseoutor "ran
into the knife."
William Singleton, colored, charged
with shooting Mrs. Marie Kline and
shooting at her husband, Helnrich
Kline, a restaurant proprietor In
Steelton, was convicted.
Agnes Slesser, now Mrs. John
Smith, of Middletown, pleaded guilty
to a charge of perjury and was given
six months in jail by Judge 8. J. M.
McCarrell after a severe reprimand.
Mrs. Smith testified recently In two
other court cases, at the morning
session of court giving the correct
evidence and In the afternoon con
tradicting her former sworn state
ments. „
Bllla Ignored
Bills of Indictment were Ignored by
the Grand Jury in cases against
Charles Zinn, fraudulent appropriation
cf partnership property; Alfonso
Harris, larceny as bailee; Daniel
Bankcs, larceny at clerk, three
charges. a
Other cases which were heard fol
low: Charles Hartley, Samuel Law
rence. George Stewart, larceny, six
months each: Ramon Ralla, larceny
of hats, four months; Francisco Lo
pes, carrying concealed deadly weap
ons. three months from November 9;
Henry Nelson, larceny, acquitted;
Richard James, felonious assault,
convicted: William Greenway and
Ford Rankin, felonious entry and lar
ceny, six months each: Alfred Probst,
plea of guilty, conducting disorderly
house, $l5 fine and four months.
Because of the Illness of the prose
cutor and other witnesses, the case
against J. M. McKonley, charged with
aggravated assault and battery, was
Rosle Klots, convicted of throwing I
water on George Houseman and at
tacking him with a broom, was di
rected to pay costs of a suit which
she brought against Houseman,
charging him with surety of the
peace. He waa released.
Lieutenant-dovei-notf BeflJle
mnn to Take Oath of Office
Outside Senate Chamber
the announcement yesterday thai
I,leutennnt-Governor-elect E, 13,
Beidleman will take the oath of ot->
flee in front of the Capitol at thsl
same time as Governor-elect Sprotfl,
instead of In the Senate Chamber*
ng hqs been the custom heretofore,
is meeting ith general approval
throughout the city and state to
day. The change in plans will give
Senator Beidleman's many friend*
an opportunity to witness the cere
mony, something they would have
been unable to do had the event bees*
conducted according to precedent.
One hundred and fifty members at
the Philadelphia Union league wilt
come to Harrtsburg for the Inaugu
ration. This delegation will act aa
the escort of honor for the guberna
torial party from the Governor's re
ception room In the Capitol to the
grandstand In front of It, and wilt
have scats on the grandstand dar-
ing the ceremony.
Two hundred Boy Scouts, each
carrying a large American, flag wilt
pecede the Union League member*
and the gubernatorial party front
the CapltoL They will line np on
both sides of the distance to the
grandstand and after the guberna
torial party has passed by will close
In behind on a specially prepared
J. Hay Brown, Chief Justice of tbe
Supreme Court, will administer the
oath of office to Govemor-elect
Hproul, after which the Governor's
Inaugural address will be delivered.
1.1 eu tenant-Governor-elect Beldle
man will then take the oath of of
fice. It will be administered by Judge
8. M. J. McCarrell, additional law:
judge of Dauphin county.
Changes have been made In the
plans for the Governor's reception
on Tuesday evening and instead of
being held In the Senate caucus
room as has been customary, it wlLl
be held in the rotunda of the Cap
itol at the foot of the grand stair
way. The crowds will be admitted
to the south wing entrance and al
lowed to puss through the building
to the north entrance. All other
doors will be closed. The 20® Boy
Scouts, who will be at the ceremony
during which the new officials will be
sworn in, will be stationed on the
grand stairway and balgony, each
with an American flag.
The inaugural parade will form at
Front and Market streets, while the
oath of office is being administered -
It will pass don Market street to
Fourth to Walnut to Third and pro
ceed as far as Pine street, where it
will remain until Xdeutenant-Govern
or-elect Bcldleman complete his ad
For one of the first times, a sec
ond visiting fire company will be in
the line of march. Samuel M. Vaa
clain, of Chester, connected with the
Baldwin locomotive Company, and
a personal friend of Governor-elect
Sprgul, has made arrangements to
binrg the Vauclain lire Company,
of Chester, including fifty members,
to Harrtsburg for the event. It will
be the second company in. the fire
men's division. The Baldwin band,
of the great locomotive works, will
furnish music for the organization.
This fire company will bring with it
as an interesting exhibit some of the
most obsolete and as well as some of
the most modern fire apparatus. The
delegations will arrive in Harrlsburg
on Sunday afternoon or evening, or
Monday morning. Albar Johnson, of
the locomotive company and Mr.
Vauclain will be with the delegation.
'As has been customary, the first:
place in the fireman's division will
be given to the Vigilant Fire Com
pany, of York. This organisation has
been a regular feature In Inaugural
parades of the past. One hundred
men and apparatus, altogether will
be In line together with a large band.
Just how many local fire compan
ies will participate in the big page
ant has not yet been made known.
Bands will be furnished to all such
bodies that will have a delegation
warranting such expenditures by
the state. E. Z. Gross will marshal
the fireman's division which will be
the third In line, it was announced
following a conference In the may
or's office last evening.
The right of line In the political
division will be gtven to the Vare or
ganizations and then will follow the
Harrlsburg and West End Repub
lican clubs, a Pittsburgh club with
300 or more men in line, the Lacka
wanna Republican club with IS®
men, the Pioneer Corps. West Ches
ter: two Chester county ciubs, the
Republican club of York, the Paul
W. Houck Republican club, of
Schuylkill county, the William C.
Sproul Republican club and the Al
lied Republican club. Delaware
county, each with 800 men.
To Police CKy
Double the number ot detecting
ordinarily engaged during the event
will be present this year. Recent
bombing outrages account for the
greater protective measures taken
this year. Colonel Lewis B. Bottler,
chief-of-staft, announces. The entire
force of detectives will be Under the
direction of Harry G. White, of the
White Detective Agency.
The military section will be made
up of a company of marines and e
company of sailors from the PUh
by the Marine band. Cadets from the
Pennsylvania Military Academy and
State College, twelve companies el
state malttia, a detachment of the
state police, two companies of the
Home Defense Reserve of Philadel
phia and a company of the Home
Defense Reserve from Cumberland
The old Eighth Regiment National
Guard band will probably make its
first appearance since being muster
ed out of the service, at the Govern
or's reception from 8 until 10 o'clock
on Tuesday eventng.
After the reception the Governor
and his party and the Lieutenant-
Governor and his Mends with the
departmental chiefs and bead of
ficers of the House and Senate vrtll
attend the inaugural ball at the
Chestnut street audltortum, given by
the Harrleburg Republican (dub,
By Associattd Prtts
Washington, Jan, 18. —>. Swtlw
Lawrence Y. Sherman, of Illinois,
Republican, intends to retire from
public life when his present term '
in the Senate expires, March S, 1881.
Any salesman owning Ruip'c.
Cadillac. Hudson or Overianq par.
can represent manufact Jrey of Sfw
dan Tops and Enclosures igu
mediate delivery, This presents a
wonderful field and opportunity
for a high grade man,
Standard Auto Top and ilody fie,
* ft