Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 14, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Fear That Soviets May Cut
Railway and Isolate Omsk,
Leaving Siberia Helpless
By Associated Press
Omsk, Russia, Jan. 14.; —After a
trip of virtually 3,000 miles from
Vladivostok the correspondent of the
Associated Press arrived here on Fri
day. days In under
heated cars were spent In making the
Journey, the temperaturo at times be
ing 45 degrees below zero.
West of Irkutsk the trans-Siberian
railway has been improved, but east
of that place it is seriously disorgan
ized. Russian opinion is favorable
to tlie management of the railway by
John F. Stevens, head of the Ameri
can Railway Commission to Russia,
provided tho Russians are given gen
eral control.
Opinion expressed by people along
tlie route was favorable to Allied In
tervention against the Bolshevikl, but
there were some bitter attacks made
upon what was declared to be pro- 1
crastinatlon. The people said they
■wanted the United States to declare
Its policy or to clear out of the
country. Consideratble fear was ex
pressed that Bolshevik bands might
cut the railway, isolate Omsk and
leave Siberia helpless and starving.
Eevidence of poverty and general
distress was witnessed at the major
ity of the stations passed. There was
little food for sale. The conviction
was expressed by some of the people
that the Americans would not desert
the Russians in their struggle against
the terrorists. There was much evi
dence of sympathy with Bolshevik
princpiles, but it was coupled with
complete repudiation of Bolshevik
For AM Occasions
Floral Decorations .
Wedding Flowers
Party Flowers
Funeral Flowers
3heßerryhill I
Get Good Glasses
Overworked Strained Eyesight
cannot be cured by cheap quality, inferior glasses. Get the best —-
they are a saving to you in the long run
Our methods of making examinations of the eyes is the MODERN
way, and you get glasses that will overcome your trouble.
<S?ohl. Hinkenb ach &12o!t5fe"
N0. 22 N. 4-TH.ST.
An Invitation
When we had our And with this in
opening last summer creased business the
thousands of people same high standard
visited our new plant of efficiency is main
and inspected it from tained that you saw
beginning to end. when you attended
The plant was then our °Pemng
running in every part So we again invite
so that people could you to come and vis
see just how this it our plant any day
modern establish- in the week, and look
ment was operated. over the entire place.
A few months have You'll realize more
passed since then and fully, then, why ours
we are seling a great is considered the fin
deed larger volume est equipped plant in
of ice cream. Pennsylvania.
Eat Hershey's Superior Ice
Cream Every Day—lt's
Hershey Creamery Co.
401 South Cameron Street
Tells of German Life
While Marching Through
the Enemy's Territories
■ Corp. KolUliaan
* Corporal W, S.
Kohlhaas, a fa
miliar flgur* to
having a grent ex
jjL F' perlenco with the
J MWE American Army
occupation In
Germany and he
W tells something of
! . * It In a recent let-
I * tor to his aisters,
one of whom, Miss
————— Mary C. Kohlhaas,
1908 Manada street, sends his mis
sive to the Telegraph. Kohlhaas loft
home August 8, 1918, for Camp
Wadsworth, officers training course,
and after three weeks sailed for
France. He was employed at the Bell
Telephone Company's commercial
department, active in Zion Lutheran
Church and very keen to get in the
fray; having been promoted now to
"One day at one place is our sched
ule," he writes. "On the march Into
Germany, through Luxemberg we
came, having traveled about 110
miles. Coblenz, 1 hear, is our desti
nation. We have been treated line In
Luxemberg. where the scenery Is
beautiful. The Moselle river sepa
rates Luxemberg from Germany and
this we crossed. The town we are
now stopping in is Pfalsel, not far
from Treves. We live in the houses
right with the German people who
seem very well disposed toward us.
There are seven Yanks in this house.
A sergeant and myself have a bed
and it is pretty soft. The lady of the
house cooks us good meals; of course
we pay for them, but not nearly
much as in France. I
"The owner here is very much j
against the Kaiser and all for Amer- ]
lea and thinks the Huns just stopped
in time. We are kept very busy."
By Associated Press
Geneva. Jan. 14. Vienna expelled
a large band of Itussian Bolshevists,
Sunday. Twenty of them were spread
ing propaganda while being engaged
ostensibly as Red Cross workers. A
number of Austrian officers and men
from Galicia, who are said to have j
been imbued with Bolshevist ideas,
have been arrested.
I.ong-distance operators of The
Bell Telephone Company will meet at
tie Johnson Building, this evening, at
. o'clock, to discuss the new long
distance rates, which go into effect on
Janupary 21. The purpose of this
meeting Is to acquaint the operators
with the new rates and new regula- j
By Associated Press
Paris. Jan. 14. President Wilson
wilt be the guest of honor at a ban
quet to be given by the French Sen
ate on January 20.
Chaxies Heinroth Will Give
Wonderful Program in
Messiah Church
Charlea Heinroth, organ virtuoso
and director of music at tho Car
negie Institute, will give a recital
on the new organ In Messiah Luth
eran church, Thursday evening, at
8.15 o'clock. Among the leading dr
ganists In this country, few have
greater distinction than Mr. Hein
roth. He was called to his present
position to succeed such renowned.or
ganists as E. H. Lemare and Fred
eric Archer and his tenure of ottlce
has been attended with corrsplcuous
success. The organ In Messiah la an
unusually attractive one with its
divisions on either side of the chan
cel and the pipes contained fn spe
cially constructed chambers, lend a
dignity to the tonal qualities of the
organ. The recital is given under the
auspices of the Harrisburg Associa
tion of Organists. A sliver offering
will be received, all above expenses
will be devoted to benevolence.
The program includes: Prelude to
"Mignon," Thomas; "Pastorale in A
Major," Gtiilmant; "Praeludium,"
Jarnefelt: "Prelude and Fugue in A
Minor," Bach; Largo, Finale, from
"Xcw World Symphony," Dvorak;
"Evensong," Martin; "Soer Monl
"ttf," Couperin; "Mareho Slav,"
To Entertain United War
Workers at Penn-Harris
Mrs. William Jennings who served
as chairman for the sixth district in
the Blue Triangle, part of tlie United
War Work campaign will entertain
some of the loaders and her co
workers at a luncheon at the Penn-
Harris to-morrow. Miss Annette
Dleckman .industrial secretary for
the East Central Held will be the
speaker at tlie luncheon. The invi
tation list includes:
Mrs. Marlin E. Olmsted, depart
ment chairman! Miss Anne McCor
mick, department vice-chairman:
•Vlis. Lyman D. Gilbert, state chair
man; Mrs. Francis J. Hall, district
vice-chairman; Mrs . Mabel Cronise
Jones, district publicity chairman:
Miss Ella M. Stitt. Miss Lois G. Scott,
and Miss Marjorie Holies of the Har
risburg Y. W. C. A., and the following
representatives of the ten counties
in the district: Mrs. Donald MePlier
son Adams; Mrs. Raphael Hayes and
Miss Marion Leib. Cumberland; Mrs.
A. Xevin Pomeroy, Franklin; Mrs.
Francis Farquahar, York; Mrs.
Frank Patterson, Mifflin; Mrs. J. W.
Ewing, Juniata; Mrs. John Pent\
Brock, Lebanon: Mrs. John W. Reily,
Dauphin; Miss Mary Jane Wills and
Miss Ann Irwin, Perry: Mrs. Edwin
Hartnian and Miss Mary Kepler,
Mrs. George B. Kunkel entertain
ed the members of the College Club
at her home, 118 Locust street. Dr.
Edward M, Green, superintendent
of the Pennsylvania State Lunatic
Hospital gave an interesting talk on
"Shell Shock."
[All announcements vnaer tfris head
iitff must be accompanied by name
to assure accuracy.]
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Saul, 1303
Susquehanna street, announce the
birth of a daughter, Oda Katherine
Saul, Sunday, January 12, 1919. Mrs.
Squl was Miss Newbrough, of Marys
ville, before her marriage.
Mrs. John H. Garman, 222 South
Fifteenth street, announces the birth
of a son, John Detweller Garman,
Sunday, January 12, 1919. Mrs.
Garman was Miss Virgie Elder be
fore her marriage. John H. Gar
man, the baby's father, died in Oc
tober of influenza.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Robinson, of
Enola, announce the birth of a son,
Robert Mitchell Robinson, Monday,
January 13, 1919. Mrs. Robinson
was Miss Emma Mitchell, of Leba
non, prior to her marriage.
"¥ *OOD that is more
potent than medi-
JL cine and medicine
that tastes better than
food" is grapefruit, ac
cording to a magazine
article approved by the
United States Food
Conserve the nation's
supply of grains, meats,
etc., by liberal use of
grapefruit in the many
ways described by the
Sealdsweet Kitchen
Calendar and Chart.
Free at your deal
ers or from us.
Cooperative, Non-Pro'jlt
Marketing also surpauing Scald
aweet oranges.
YtAimrRBTTRG ufujliifc ♦TELfiOttXfli
On of tho moat Important meet
ing* of the ywr woe hold last night
at tho heme of Qllohrlst Drlntnger,
Sylvan Terraco. Plans were start
ed for tho yearly Plillonlan dance,
and President Clyde Hooker appoint
ed .the following chairmen for the
two most Important committors:
howls Itlmer, arrangements commit
too with Gilchrist Hrlnlnger as vice
chairman; Stuart Wagner, Invitation
and program committee with Itohert
Crist as vice-chairman. Tho danco
will probably ho hold April 14th, In
order to give tho alumni, who are
attending college, n chance to bo
present. Chairman Itlmer stated that
he would arrange Immediately with
tho manager of Wlnterdale Hall for
the use of that place, and that a ten
piece Juzz orchestra was his Idea for
a dance the size that the Phtlonlan
Debating Society would hold. Many
more Important matters were taken
up, but will not be made public un
til nearer the time for the dance.
Although the usual Plillonlan dis
cussion was not taken up last night
oh account of the importance of the
business meeting, a general jolly time
prevailed during the evening. Mr.
Brininger upheld the tradition of the
society y spreading a big lunch be
fore the following members: Clyde
blocker, Stuart Wagner, William Mc-
Brlde, ltobcrt Crist, Carl Stoner,
Lewis Rimer, Fred Snyder, Milton
Potts, Richard Qufcley, George Pu
las, Arthur Hibler and Alton Smith.
Seniors Will lloltl Dance
The senior class wil hold a dance
this Friday night at 8.15 o'clock at
Hanshaw's Hall, Third and Harris
streets. This will be the first dance
held under the administration of
Class President Lewis Rimer and
Secretary Elizabeth Lloyd. Many of
the members of the school have ask
ed President Rimer to hold a dance
in spite of the fact that Tech will
stage a basketball game at Chestnut
street the same night, so that It
is now up to the students of the
school, and especially the members
of the senior class, to turn out for
this dance. Rimer has arranged to
have a four-piece orchestra furnish
the music, and has decided to let
the price of admission remain the
same as before, seniors 15 cents, stu
dents of other classes, 30 cents. The
same rigid rules that have prevail
ed at all the senior dances will be
enforced by the new administra
Committee Meeting
The program committee of the S.
P. Q. R. met immediately after the
afternoon session yesterday under
Consul Primus Harold Connor. The
following program was arranged for
the next meeting of the Latin society,
which will be held at the home of
Miss Mary Garland, 4915 North
Sixth street on January 23: "Boy
hood of Caesar," Stuart Wagner;
"Caesar as a Soldier," Carl B. Ston
er. "Personal Life of Caesar," Eliza
beth Lloyd, class secretary; "Caesar
as a Statesman," Mary Lewis;
"Death of Caesar," Joseph Mlnnich.
The program committee is composed
of Harold Connor, William Mcßride,
John Koch, Mary Lewis, Grace
Peake, Margaret Good and Mary-
Sunshine Society Reports
Tell of Christmas Work
The regular monthly meeting of
the Roberta Disbrow Sunshine So
ciety, was held yesterday afternoon
in the John Y. Boyd hall, with Kirs.
Frederick E. Downes, presiding.
An interesting report on the splen
did work done by the society during
the Christmas season was read.
Every child, every shutin, every
cripple and every aged and, infirm
charge of the society, received a per
sonal gift and visit from one of the
members. Caps were given to the
children of the Open Air schools,
milk was supplied througty the Civic
Club to the School for Deficient Chil
dren. and many of the children were
guests of the Rotary Club at the Big
Brother Christmas dinner given for
the charges of the Sunshine Society.
Story Tellers League
Will Meet Tonight
The regular meeting of the Story
Teller's League will be held this
evening at 7.30 'clock in the direc
tor's room of the Public Library,
Front and Walnut streets.
Miss Dolores Segelbaum will lead
the discussion on the subject of the
evening, "The Illustrated Story" and
the program will Include legends and
fairy tales told by Mrs. E. J. Decevee
Mrs. Roy Croll, Mss Kate Craven,
Mrs. D. J. Reese and Mrs. S. M.
Army Nurse Comes Home
From Madison Barracks
Miss Anna R. Hitchcock, of this
city, who volunteered for the Army
Nurses Corps and spent sogio time
at Camp Jackson, and wen the dis
tinction of being selected to estab
lish the general hospital at Madison
Barracks, New York, where she is
now head nurse, is visitng friends in
the city. Miss Hitchcock will spend
her leave with her sister, Miss Agnes
Hitchcock, at her residence, 223
Maclay street.
C. A. 0. Society Guests
of Miss Margaret Good
Miss Margaret Good entertained
the members of the C. A. O. Society
at her home, 263 Maclay street, last
evening. A short business meeting
was held after which a social hour
was enjoyed. Those present were
Miss Gertrude McDevitt, Miss Helen
Kochenderfer, Miss Grace Peake,
Miss Elizabeth Lloyd, Miss Virginia
Forrer, Miss Hazel Collier, Miss
Virginia Downcs and Miss Margaret
H. L. Morrlssey, who has been
seriously ill following a surgical op
eration performed at the Harrlsburg
Hospital on Thanksgiving Day, is
eonvalescing at liis home, 413 9outli
Sixteenth street, and expects to be
out In several .weeks.
Through his position with the Key
stone Printing and Binding Company
for many years, and his activity in
the Liberty Loan and War Fund Cam.
pagns, Mr. Morrissey has won the
esteem and friendship of a wide cir
cle of friends who will be pleased to
hear of his recovery.
Miss Dora Ann Straw, of Lykens.
and George Washington Baker, of
Righspire, were quietly married yes
terday morning at the parsonage of
the State Street United Brethren
Church, bv the pastor, the Rev. H. 8.
Rhoad. There were no attendants.
The Missionary Society of the Park
Street Evangelical church, held Its
monthly meeting at the home of
Mrs. J. O. JCickey, 482 South Thir
teenth street, ' i
State Librarian Montgomery
Speaks of Franco in tho
Past, With Illustrations .
The lndlee of the Jonestown Bood
Literary Bnolety spent n delightful
time at the home of Mrs. George F,
Lumb last evening, when Thomas
Lynch Montgomery, atate Librarian
gave one of those delightfully Inti
mate and Informal talks for which bo
Is famous, His subject was "France
In t!)e Past." uml was Illustrated with
stereoptlcun views.
Miss Ada Dickinson accompanied
I. H. Dickinson who gave classic umi
patriotic selections vocally and on
tho violin. Refreshments were served
and n vote of thanks was tendered
Dr. Montgomery for hie Interesting
and educating address.
Those present were Mrs. Lawrence
Hetrlck. Mrs. J. B. Steese Mrs. ltay
Shoemaker, Mrs. Edgar K. Smith,
Mrs. Joseph Miller. Mrs. Annlo
Hazlett. Mrs. I. B. Dickinson. Mrs.
Mathews. Mrs. George F. Lumb. Tup
Misses Grace Henry, Elizabeth Rouch.
Mary Rouch, Tilda Zarker, Mae
Mendler, Emma Nlssley, Stella Reese.
Mary Reese. Lillian Relter. Agness
Hitchcock, Anna R. Hitchcock. Ada
Dickinson uud Matiter Frederick
McCurdy-Ritner Wedding
Event of Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey .C. Ritner,
62S Reily street, have announced the
marriage of their daughter, Lillian
R. Ritner, to David Eurl McCurdy,
son of George W. McCurdy, 61S Race
The ceremony was performed by
the Rev. Dr. Lewis S. Kludge, pastor
of tho Pine Street Presbyterian
Church, at the manse Saturday aft
ernoon. The bride, who wore a
traveling suit of brown broadcloth,
trimmed with fur, was attended by
her sister. Miss Helen J. Ritner. Mr.
and Mrs. McCurdy will reside for
the present at 628 Reily street.
Hess-Updegrove Wedding
Solemnized in Cathedral
t Kirs. M. T'pdegrove, 641 Boyd
street, has announced the marriage
of her daughter, Sara Elizabeth
Updegrove, to Emmons P. Hess, of
the U. S. S. Madawaska. The wed
ding wns solemnized Saturday at St.
Patrick's Cathedral, the Rev. Father
Carey, officiating.
The attendants were Miss Mar
garet t'pdegrove and Albert Upde
grove sister and brother of the bride.
Kir. Emmons left yesterday to re
loin his ship and expects soon to be
mustered out of service.
Luncheon and Music
With Mrs. H. F. Glessner
Mrs. Harold Glessner, of Market
street, was hostess this afternoon at
an attractive luncheon in honor of
her guests, Mrs. Earle Farrar and
Kirs. Clyde Jackson, of Washington,
D. C. The appointments were of pink
and white with primrcftes forming
the centerpiece of the table. Little
baskets of bonbons tied with ptnk
ribbons were given as favors. Ten
women were present who enjoyed an
hour of music after the luncheon.
Mrs. T. F . Towsen and Miss
Marian Towsen. of 616 North Second
street, are home from New York City
where they visited Lieutenant .1.
Wilbur Towsen at the Lafayette
Home, a convalescent hospital. Lieu
tenant To-.vsen, who was seriously
wounded several times at the front,
Is making a fairly good recovery but
will be transferred to another hospi
tal for special surgical treatment,
The card benefit to be given for
charity by the Harrisburg Walking
Club, Saturday afternoon -of this
week will be held in the Board of
Trade hall, instead of Cameron hall,
as orginally announced. Several hun
dred tally cards have already been
sold and the affair promises to be
a great success. Playing will begin
promptly at 2 o'clock.
The entertainment committee of
the Colonial Country Club will con
duct the regular monthy card night
at the clubhouse this evening. Play
begins at 8.45 o'clock and prizes will
be awarded as usual.
Mr. and MTS. G. M. Spangler, of
233 Emerald street, are enjoying a
leisurely trip through Florida.
Miss Editha Harrison went home
to Ontario, Canada, last evening after
spending a month with her aunt,
Mrs. George W. Thompson, of Green
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Montgomery,
of Cleveland, Ohio, were recent
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles G. Owens, of State street.
Miss Claire Watson started for a
western journey this morning, to In
clude stops at Pittsburgh, Chicago,
Fort Wayne, Ind., and Omaha, Neb.
Miss Phyllis Haytman, of State
street, is visiting her niece, Mrs. Wil
liam K. Irving, in Baltimore, this
Miss Margaretta Wiley, of 132 Lo
cust street, has returned after a va
cation spent at Palm Beach, Fla.
Mrs. McCarty and Miss Hazel Mc
carty, of Williamsport, spent yes
terday in town on the way home
from Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Robertson, of
Troy, N. Y., are in the city for a
week or two, looking up old friends
and neighbors.
Miss Elma Gary and Miss Sue
Gary, of Richmond, Va., are guests
of their relatives, Mr. ar\d Mrs.
George T. Miller, of Penn street.
Ex-Mayor J. William Bowman has
been confined to Ills home for several
days with a persistent throat irrita
tion which has given him considerable
annoyance, but wheh is not regarded
as in any way serious. He hopes to
be out this week and resume his
wonted activities.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Ashton
and their daughter, Mrs. Robert A.
Gregg, of Philadelphia, are guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Owens, of
Market street, for the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin K. Frazer, of
1529 North Second street, started
tlfls morning for a southern trip in
cluding a prolonged Btay at Daytona
and a journey later to Cuba.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Denniston
and small son, Charles Howell Den
niston, went home to Buffalo, N. Y„
this morning after a week's stay
among relatives in this vicinity.
Miss Pearl Saunders and Miss
Anna Belle Saunders, of Boston, are
in town for a brief visit among rel
atives In the West End.
George B. Dunn and his small
son, Howard Fredericks Dunn, of
Brooklyn, are visiting their relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Emerson,
i pi Penn street.
Forcibly Enter Palace uml De
mand Abdication; Pro
test Hunt Fealty
fly /ijsoctatffii Ptrit
Geneva, Jan. 14,—Reports reach
ing hero of tho proclamation of a
republic In Luxembourg say rovolu
tionloln forcibly entered the palace
of Grand DuOhess Mario on Friday 1
and demanded her abdication. She
refused on tho ground that tho Par
liament had not made such a ro
quest. " She was glvon twenty-four
hours to leavo her capital and was
told that sho would bo permitted to
take only her personal effects. She
consented to go to her chateau out
aide of the city. In the meantlfne,
the Parliament held a disorderly
Grand Duchess Marie has a minor
ity following, it is suid, being mainly
clericals. As a protest, they' left the
Parliament building in a body. It is
stated that fceltng against the Grand
1 Duchess is due to the fact that she
received former Emperor William,
the Crown Prince and other German
officers and also permitted her sis
ter to become engaged to Crown
Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria. The
people, it is said, desire to be ab
solutely Independent of German con
trol. It is reported that the Grand
Duchess probubly will not return-at
once to the city of Luxembourg.
Deaths and Funerals
Funeral services for Samuel Knox,
Jr., for thirty years a member of the
Friendship Fire Company, will be
held at the Friendship Firehouse to
morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The
Rev. Ellis N. Kremer, pastor of the
Reformed Salem Church and chap
lain of the fire company, will offici
ate. Burial will be in tne Harrisburg
Funeral services for Reinliold J.
Voll, aged 65 years, who died Sunday
morning at his home, 1032 South
Cameron street, wil be held to-mor
row afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev.
Reinhold Schmidt, pastor of St. i
Michael's Lutheran Church, will of
ficiate. .Burial will be in Paxtangl
Cemetery. His wife; two daughters, 1
Miss Esther Voll and Mrs, William F.
Hoy; two sons, Harold and William
Voll; a sister, four brothers and two
grandchildren survive.
Funeral services for John Lahley,
nged 44 years, who died Friday night
at his home, 1859 North Cameron
street, were held this afternoon in
the undertaking parlors of C. 11.
Mauk, Sixth and Keiker streets. The
Rev. W. W. Baldwin officiated. He
is survived by his wife and two chll<
dren. Burial was made in the East
Harrisburg Cemetery. Mr. Lahley
was a policeman at Marsh Run. He
had a host of friends.
Mrs. Lena Quickel, wife of Dr.
Daniel S. Quickel, of Anderson, Ind.,
died" Monday morning. Dr. Quickel
is the son of Dr. and Mrs. D. S.
Quickel, 1610 State street. The
funeral will take place at Lincoln,
111., where the body will be buried.
She is survived by her husband and
two sons, Daniel David and Harry
Lewis Quickel.
Norman Latherone, aged 12 years,
died at the Harrisburg Hospital yes
terday from influenza. He was a
charge of the Children's Industrial
Home and one of the first front that
institution to contract the disease.
Funeral services for Mrs. Cath
i erine E. Snyder, wife of David D.
Snyder, 3236 Main street, Penbrook,
who died Sunday, will be held Thurs
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Further
services will be held in* the United
Brethren Church at Grantville.
In addition to her husband, Mrs.
Snyder is survived by one son, Nor
man T. Snyder; two brothers. Frank
lin R, Seibert, of Paxtonia, and
George H. Seibert, of Hummelstown;
also one sister, Mrs. Edward G.
Gohn, 2434 Jefforson street.
Mrs. Catherine Wenrich, 49 years
od, died this morning following a
stroke of-paralysis on Saturday at
her home, 1522 Susquehanna street.
She is survived by her husband, Wil
liam E. Wenrich, and one son, Russel
Wenrich, of Harrlsburg. Funeral
arrangements will be announced
Moose Minstrels, Orplienm The
atre, night of January 23, 1919. adv
Keeping Faith
With the Public
Thousands of people have
learned to depend upon
the quality of
And while it may be nec
essary to increase the
price from time to time,
due to the coffee short
age, that quality which
they expect will be found
in this popular brand.
At all times GOLDEN
ROA S T deliciousness
will be maintained.
Importer, Harrisburg, Pa.
JANUARY' 14, 1919*
Dauphin Boy Tells of Work
With Signal Corps With
American Army in Action
~ 1 ~~ 1 1 wn pretty busy
In the telephone eervlce: we had to
keep communications every moment
and shells were flying thick all about.
Part of the tlmo we wore Just be
hind the Infantry, and I never heard
anything as terrible as a big shell
flying through the air. Airships drop
ping bombs was something flerce,
too; you think they are coming right
at you but generally they full somo
distance away. 1 see lots of alr-llght-
Ing; planes falling in flames and
others all shot up. Most of them
carry parachutes and I have seen ft
lot come down safe. :
"The Argonne Forest was the worst
drive we were In, and believe me It
took some pounding to get the Huns
out. When we first started our In
fantry was shot to pieces, but they
certainly did somo line lighting, al
though the papers haven't given the
Eighty-second Division any credit.
Our artillery could not be beat; they
would hit anything they were told to
aim at. They enptured a Boche of
ficer who said we must have thrown
an ammunition, dump Instead of a
barage. lie said we did not need any
infantry'. The French could not un
derstand the way we fought and said
we were too close with our guns; but
we showed 'em.
"The English certainly hammered,
too. They did not think we could
fight until the Marines stopped the
Boche at Chateau Thierry. The
French said we had the best artillery
barage'and at that we only had two
months' training with trench guns.
"Well, now that it's over I wish
they would send me home, 1 don't
like this country. It's been a great
experience, but I'd like to get back
home and tell you all about. It."
Witmer, Bair and Witmer
Walnut, Near Second
January Clearance Sale
$l2O set of fine quality $145 set of extra qual-
Taupe Fox, special, ity Brown Fox, special,
$96.00 $116.00
$19.75 Hudson Seal $25 Australian Opos-
Mufifs, special, sum Muffs, special,
$17.78 $22.50
$25.00 Serge Dresses $18.75
$25.00 Jersey Dresses i $18.75
$30.00 Serge Dresses $22.50
$36.00 Georgette Dresses $27.00
$48.00 Satin Dresses . $36.00
$62.50 Tricolette Dresses $42.50
$79.50 Tricolette Dresses $49.50
50 Georgette Blouses, 200 Tailored Blouses,
in bisque, navy, gray, in organdy, batiste and
flesh and white; values fancy voiles; all sizes;
to 6.95. Special, special,
$4.95 $1.95
m # + +
All-wool knitted Jack- Blouses of Striped
ets in black only; long Organdy, with lace edg
sleeves; $2.50 values, ing; $2.50 values,
$1.95 $1.69
Witmer, Bair and Witmer
-- OF
Mr. Mooradian has returned with
his famous collection of Oriental
*We invite all of our friends to visit
225 North-Second Street and inspect
this superb line.
We shall be glad to be at your
service without any obligation on
your part.
I expect to be here all of this
This is an unusual opportunity to
make very pleasing selections.
G. S. laoraiiai
225 N. Second St.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Pi Collins, of Mt,
Pleasant, West Moreland county,
were guests to-day of their eousln.
Hi C, Devor, 1734 North Third
street, Mrs. Collins will be pleasantly
remembered as Miss Irene Bhupe,
The Philadelphia
Eyesight Specialist
Comemncing Thursday, Janu
ary 9th, and ending Saturday,
January 18th, this exceptional
Our aclrntlflc err examination,
drat quality spherical leuaea and a
Kuurnntrrd frame all complete ae
low aa
lifirite ahull rim flniieii bent
qunlUy Icniei, aycclul during this
In our examination we one the
I snout modern method* known to
optical Nclcnce nnd guarantee mt
j lfii*tlon In every enie.
Office hour* i D n. m. to 8 p. m.
The Philadelphia Eysight
Over \Ym. Stroune Store.
I'hlln. Office. 1547 W. Pnujunk Av.
llarrlnburic:, l*n.
810 Market St.
Beautiful Spray, $3.00
Keeney's Flower Shops
814 N. JO ST. 157 N. FRONT ST.
llnrrlnburg Steclton