Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 14, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 EFFICIENT WOtEERS AiE 10 BE FOUNI Bf USING'THE CLASSIFIED PAGE Deaths BHETZ —f On January 12, 1919, Ben jamin Franklin Bretz, aged . I years. Funeral services Wednesday, at P. M.. at his late residence, 252. Herr street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Interment at Mld dletown Cemetery. McCnrroll Charlie McCarroll died at his home. Keno street, New Cum berland, on Saturday, January 11. at It P. M.. in his 73d year. Funeral services on Wednesday January 15, at 2 P. M.. from his late residence. The relatives aid friends are invited to attend without further notice. Interment llarris burg Cemetery. I\ MEMORIAM IX loving remembrance of Mrs. Ida Williams, who departed from tins life three years ago to-day, January 14, BY HER DAUGHTEiIS. LOST AND FOUND LOST Large Moonstone stickpin, in central part of city. Reward U returned to C. O. Majors Oftice. LOST On Sunday morning, bunch of keys, between 1900 block, on, virtu street, on way to Pax tang. 1< inder please call Bell phone 4S7OM. LOST —A toolbox, containing tools and Keys. $5 reward it returned to 1610 Berryhill street. LOST Open-face gold watch, on Herr or Seventh streets, between Kighteenth and Roundhouse. Keaiu if returned to 1815 llerr street. INSTRUCTIONS LA SALLE EXTENSION" UNIVER SITY Trainings in higher account ing, lnw and traffic. Full ln '° r J?„ tt trl ?" upon request. R. A. Warner, Regis • Xu. 26 Xortli Eighteenth street, liar lisburg. Bell 3842 M. INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION In Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. Lnglisn, Book Keeping. Penmanship. Arithmetic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Den 694R, Dial 4016. BECKLrA LSI.NESS COLLEGL. 1 -jl Marke' St. Chas. K. beckley. HELP WANTED —MALE WANTED 1 OMOBILE SALESMAN TO SELL FORD CARS AND TRUXTON UNITS. v \r's garage, inc.. 117 SOUTH THIRD ST. WANTED Truck farmer for farm adjoining city line. Good oppor tunity for right man. Apply J. W. Morrow, 17 North Fifth. HIGH-GRADE SALESMEN For nearby counties, with au tomobiles. to sell Light Plants and Accessories to Farmers. To those who can qualify a liberal commission and draw inff account will be allowed. See District Manager, T. B. BELFORD, At Penn-Harris, All Week. A CORPORATION manufacturing mechanical office appliances of inter national reputation offers exceptional opportunities to several young men. preferably between the ages of 21 and 25 to qualify as expert repairmen. We will engage only serious-inten tioned men. who desire permanent employment. Good pay during the instruction period. State, in your re ply. your age, nationality, previous employers, education, and whether or not vou would accept out-of-town employment. Address Box E, iOO2, care of Telegraph. THE GLOBE Requires the ser vices of a thoroughly experienced and capable window trimmer and sign writer. Good position, with steady advancement. Apply at once. The Globe, 322-324 Market street. WANTED A blight boy. over 16 years of age, to learn printing trade. Apply HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH COMPOSING ROOM. WANTED Expcrieinced loomiixer on box and plain looms; one accus tomed to crepes and plaids preferred; permanent position for man of steady habits, who can obtain results und handle help successfully; state age, experience and wages expected. Man hattan Silk Co., Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED, AT ONCE Custom tailor and bushelman, or either. Good salary and steady position. Clean, airy; daylight workshop. Apply M. Cap!" 16"<) North Sixth. Bell lugß. YOUNG MEN l6 and over, are eligible for government Railway Mail Clerks. $92 month. Examinations soon. For free particulars, write J. L. Leonard (former Civil Service Ex aminer). 436 Kenois Building. Wash ington. WANTED First-class shoemaker. Steady Job. Good wages. Apply to Greek-American Shoo Co., 800 North Third street. TWO MEN WANTED To take orders. Experience unnecessary. $34.00 per week for an average of six orders per day. Call Room 410. Pa triot Building. FOR SALE Six-Acre Farm, Near Trolley and Railroad Limestone soil, all cultivated; improved with 2%-story brick house, eight rooms, heated by steam, lighted by electricity; a line garage, barn, chlckenhouse apd other outbuildings; this prop erty lies along the trolley; will sell entire, or part with building* and part without. Miller Brothers & Co. ltenl Heinle 'n.urnnrr Surety Honda l.ovuat and Court streeta 'tembera Hhg. ltenl Kstnte Hoard TUESDAY EVENING. iIEI.P WANTED—MALE EXPERIENCED I • ■ NIGGER-HEAD I OPERATOR Wanted at once in McKay lastlngroom. Apply !, DEVINE & YUX'GEL SHOE MFG. CO.. \ Sixteenth and Slate Streets. ■ , .. • I r i SEVERAL SALESMEN for dour-to-door proposition. Newspaper experience desir able. Address M„ 6641, * Care of Telegraph. WANTED Wood cutters. Experienced men preferred. Good wages. Steady employment. Call R. M. BAIR, 110 East High Street, Hummelstown. Tuesday Evening, \Vednesday _ All Day and Evening. EXPERIENCED MEN'S CLOTH ING SALESMAN WANTED 4 Permanent position; good salary. All applications must be by mail, and will be held strictly confiden tial. Address, stating age and reference, KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORE. MAN WANTED One who is a good hustler, to sell our tea and cof fee to the trade. Small bond and good reference required. Good propo sition to right party. Apply Grand Union Tea Store, 208 North Second street. WANTED. A CANDY MAKER, I AMERICAN An all-around man. one that can make hard candy and cream goods, for a small factory just starting in business. A man that could also man age a small factory would be prac tically his own boss. Give reference and address, also state salary expect ed. Address Box W, 6939, care of Tele graph. WANTED Young man, for office position. Must be good at figures, accurate and a fair penman. Steady position and opportunity for advance ment. Address, giving full particu- j lars as to age, experience, reference, etc., E„ 3211, care of Telegraph. WANTED An experienced chauf feur for driving Ford delivery car. Prefer one who is able to make his own repairs. Apply S. S. Pomeroy, Market Square Grocer. CLERKS Capable applicants are wanted to take up training at once, without interference with the present duties, for Important accounting po sitions with the large American in dustries. railroads, business corpora tions and the U. S. Government. Mini mum salaries, $1,800.00 per year. Ad dress Box W, 6936, care of Telegraph. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED, AT ONCE Girl for newscounter in Telegraph Building. References required. Short hours. Apply Newscounter. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Wanted at once. Sewing Ma chine Operators. Inexperienc ed operators will be paid while learning. Positions are permanent, with regular work and good pay. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Relly and Fulton Streets. WANTED Operators on power 9ewing machines. Many orders for our goods guarantees steady work at good wages, paying 40 per cent, bonus. Those be ginning now will participate in out new profit-sharing plan. JENNINGS MFG. CO.. 2012 North Fourth Street. OPERATORS WANTED ln addi tion to paying the best prices in the city on piecework, we will pay, be ginning January 2. a bonus of 20 per cent. Call at Harrisburg Apparel Co. Third Floor of City Star Laundry Building. Sixth and Herr streets. Learners paid whilo under instruc tion. WANTED A refined, settled wo man, without home cares. Permanent employment, with rapid advancement. Experience not necessary. Box B, 6943. care of Telegraph. YOUNu WOMEN WANTED To learn slioemaking. Learners are well paid and earn good wages when pro ficient. Harrisburg Shoo Manufactur ing Co., 1402 Vernon street. WANTED White girl for general housework. Must give references. Ap ply 303 Market street, New Cumber land, Pa., or call Bell phone 3488. WANTED An experienced house keeper—one who can cook—in family of three adults. Good wages. 1430 North Second street. City. Phone 825 J. •DRESSMAKER WANTS Experi enced workers on Waists and Skirts. Apply, between 12 and 1 or 5 and 7. 122 Stat.t street. WANTED Thoroughly experi enced and capable cook (white or col ored) for very small family. No laundry work. Very good wages, i Comfortable quarters with bath. None hut experienced need apply. Call mornings. 1632 North Second street. Bell phone 282. WANTEo Woman for general housework. Good home. Apply 1632 Green street. WANTED White woman and daughter for general housework. Daughter, in school, to care for child | part time. 813 North Second street. WANTED Maid for general housework. I No washing or Ironing. Small, private family. Apply 266 llerr street, or Bell phone 4912. I 1 WANTED Firs, and second maid white preferred, for small family. Ap • ply 213$ North Third street. HELP WANTED —FEMALE ADVICE FROM PARENTS . Often helps a young woman make a wise choice of a place to work. We Invite the in terest of FATHERS AND MOTHERS Do you wish to insure for your duughtsr work in pro tected surroundings?. Hell Telephone operators enjoy certain advantages that MAKE THEM HAPPY IN THEIR WORK Carefully chosen assoc.iatee. Comfortable, rest rooms. Inexpensive hot lunches. Good salary—Periodic Increases. Opportunity for promotion. If you are interested in having your daughter work under these conditions, send her, or better yet, come with her, to see us. Apply to Miss Kline, Opera tor's Employment Depart ment, 208 Walnut Street. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNA. WANTED Female clerks for typewrit ing and general clerical work. Excellent opportunity for ad vancement. Apply ROOM 401, Johnson Building. WANTED Chambermaid. Apply at Hotel Columbus. SALESLADIES WANTED We wilt receive applications from experienced salesladies for corsets, hosiery, women's knit un dearwear, notions and other de partments. Excellent opportuni ties for those who can take care of stock and assist in selecting merchandise. Permanent posi tion. Good salary. All applica tions must be by mall and will be held strictly confidential. Ad dress KAUFMAN S UNDERSELLING STORE. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Harrlsburg, December 7. 12,000 women clerks needed. Salary, $1,200. Experience unnecessary. Women de siring government positions write for free particulars. Raymond Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), 467 Columbian Building, Washington. WANTED EXPERIENCED LOOPEES AT HARRIS HOSIERY CO., CALDER AND MARION STS. WANTED A stenographer and typewriter for general office work. A good place to develop. Write, giving experience. Address S. & T., P. o Box 44, Harrlsburg. WANTED Experienced cashier Apply H. ShafTer, 175 North Front street. Steelton, Pa. WANTED Stenographers, lone experience unnecessary. Reference required. P. O. Box 355, Harrisburg, HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female APPLICANTS Desiring to pre pare for coming Civil Service Exami nations. Write Box H, 6937. care of Telegraph, for information, special assistance, and coaching from ex- Clvil Service Examiner. STENOGRAPHER With at least four years' experience and flrst-class references. Good salary. Answer M 6934, care of Telegraph. AGENTS WANTED LIFE OF THEODORE ROOSEVELT By William Draper Lewis, his inli mate political associate and friend Low price. Fully illustrated. Demand enormous. Big moneymaker for so licitors. Special terms. Freight paid credit given. Outfit FREE. Universal House. Philadelphia. nnersai SITUATIONS WANTED—MALK WANTED—Boy would like Job in grocery store; has had previous ex perience. Apply 1206 North Seventh street. WANTED Position by young man or executive ability; experienced in salesmanship, collecting, adjustments and stock record work; references. Address Box K, 6935, care of Tele graph. SITUATIONS WANTED—Fcmrfle WANTED Colored woman wduld like day's work. Inquire 1427 North Fourth street. WANTED Woman wishes wash ing and ironing to do at home; can furnish reference. Call at 305 Daisy street. WANTED Clerical work, by young woman, who has had there years' experience; best of references. Address Box E, 6940, care of Tele graph. WANTED Housework, by young woman tor private family or wid ower; good manager. Call Bell phone 29u8J• WANTED Young widow, with four-year-old boy. wishes position as housekeeper; experienced; best of ref erence. Inquire 810 South Seven teenth street. Bell 682 R. WANTED Young woman desire* clerical work: bus had previous ex porlenre. 'ddrcss Box X, 6933. cart of Telegraph. • WANTED Plain sewing to do at home. Children's sewing a specialty. Inquire 1512 Hunter street, or call Bell phone 1505 H. • ROOMS roil RENT FOR UENT After January 15, four-roomed apurtment, furnished for light housekeeping; side and back porch; phone. Address Box L, 6944, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT One nicely-furnished front room, for one or two gentle men with clean work, at 1171 Mar ket street. Uood location. Near a good hoardinghouse. FOR RENT One large, pleasant furnished front room, on second floor; all conveniences; ladies preferred, or married couple. Inquire 927 Grand street. TWO. THREE OR FOUR UNFUR NISHED ROOMS For light house keeping; all Improvements. Call 1612 ChestnuJ FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 13.60 per week end up; warm rooms, running hot and cold water; light ; houaekeeplng and private bath. Wtl -1 aon Apartments, No. 143 South Third. *s/ ' ' HXRRISBURG TELEGRAPH ' FURNISHED ROOMS SOME TIMES "rent themselves," of course —just as goods sell themselves on rare occasions, as when an immediate urgency conies to a person and the First thing that ofifers is welcome. But, as a rule, it pays, and pays well, to ADVERTISE furnished rooms there by securing the right kind of tenants. ROOMS FOR KENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS For light housekeeping; all conveniences; steam heat. Call Bell phone 4648.N1. FOR RENT One furnished or two unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping. Apply 619 Kelker street. WILL RENT—A lovely front room, 3 large windows, steam heat, use of bath and phone; no other roomers; respectable gentleman only. D., 7115. care of Telegraph. LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR RENT —At 609 North Front street, over looking River Park. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; use of bath and phone; centrally located; adults preferred. Inquire 923 North Second street. SINGLE OR ENSUTTE ROOMS Electric lights, steam heat, bath, both telephones. References. Inquire Bell phone 624. FOR RENT One large bedroom, for gentlemen only. Rent reason able. Apply 276 Bi'tgjgs street TWO UNFURNISHED and one fur- , ntshed rooms In best part of city; steam heat and all modern con veniences. Apply in person. 916 North Sixteenth street ROOMS WANTED GENTLEMAN Locating in city, desires well-turnlshed room, modern conveniences, with refined, private family. ttato particulars. Address Box H, 6938, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS WANTED FURNISHED APARTMENT WANT ED lam desirous of locating a fur nished apartment of about 3 rooms with bath for light housekeeping for myself and wife; must be centrally 10. cated, excellent references can be fur nished. Write fully, giving location, rent, etc. Address Box K. 71X2, care of Telegraph. REAL, ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE No. 2008 N. Third St. No. 816 James St. No. 302 Cumberland St. No. 306 Cumberland St. No. 1704 Susquehanna St. No. 22 Prospect St. No. 16 Prospect St. No. 1911 Susquehanna St. No. 1912 N. Third St. No. 1910 N. Third St. No. 1908 N. Third St. No. 410 Woodbine St. No. 408 Woodbine St. No. 1442 Thompson Ave. No. 1444 Thompson Ave. No. 1809 N. Second St. No. 1902 Mulberry St. No. 1603 State St. No. 2008 N. Seventeenth St. No. 2010 N. Seventeenth St. No. 648 Peffer St. No. 232 Maclay, St. No. 1623 Swatara St. No. 66 N. Sixteenth St. No. 433 Peffer St. N0.'1531 Green St. No. 202 Hamilton St. No. 2216 N. Fifth St. No. 2162 N. Fifth St. No. 2160 N. Fifth St. No. 2214 N. Fifth St. No. 2206 N. Fifth St. No. 2245 Atlas Ave. No. 2242 Atlas Ave. No. 1917 Park St. No. 1923 Park St. New House on Lenox St. < „ GROUND ' Plot of ground on Jefferson St. Cor ner of Columbia St. Plot of ground on Wlconlsco St. • 612 ft. of ground on Mulberry St.. east of 19th St. 226 ft. of ground on Bellevue Road, between 19th and 2uth Sts. 106 ft. of ground on North Sixth St. Apply to CLINTON M. HERSHEY, . 14 South Second St. HOUSE FOR SALE ON NINE- I TEENTH STREET Frame, 6 rooms and attic. Price, $1,200. inquire al 116 Boas street. FOR SALE Any person open to buy a good, thriving, general store, will do well to get in touch with Wm. 8. Poorman. Palmyra, Pa. 747 DUNKLE STREET Three story frame, porches. Price. SI,BOO. Small payment down. Easv terms. Apply D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 689. 421 KELKER - Ttwee-stpry brick corner property, $2,600. D. A. Caley! 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. 3-ACRE place near Steelton. with new bungalow on. Close to trolley line. Well and creek water. Fine truck and poultry farm. Cheap if sold at once. j C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. KEAIi ESTATE EUR SALE DESIRABLE PROPERTY On Whitehall street for sale. Brick con struction. eight rooms and bath, gas electric light, steam heat. Practically new. Price will bo made right. 2058 Whitehall street. Bell Realty Co Bergner Building. BRICK HOUSE With six rooms and bath, gas, electric light, steam heal, cement cellar, concrete porches Price right and terms easy. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. GOOD INVESTMENT PROPERTY" Four brick houses esch with 6 rooms and bath, all other Improve ments. income from rent, $768 an nually. Price. $6,600. Bell Realty Co Bergner Building. y v "°" FOR SALE f- Darny residence, cor ner of Pine and Bailey streets, steel ton. Iot. 49x94 feet.. All modern con- ! venlenres. including spacious front and aide porches. Apply on the premises. SOUTH NINETEENTH STREET NOS. 904-906-908 At a big bargain .Good Investment. Lehman ft Xllnge man. 8 North .Market Square. , REAL ESTATE FOK SALE VACANT POSSESSION AT ONCE —Two-story brick on Hill; six rooms and bath; all improvements; tront and back porch; side entrance; drive ullcy; nice yard; room for garage; newly papered and painted. C. 11. Corder 1722 Green street. Bell 660 J. FOR SALE No. 1243 Swatara street. 343 Crescent —room for garage. 2352 N. Sixth—room for doubie gar age. Emerald street house—room for double garage. A. IV. SWENGEL, 2131 North Second Street. TWO AND THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSES In all pnrts of the city. All •improvements. Some with storerooms. Corner properties. Cheap. Small amoupt down. Pay as rent. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. FOR SALE. CHEAP, JANUARY 15— Valuable business house property, suitable for department store, located on business street, near center of population. Building 8 years old, steel and brick construction, four floors with basement, power elevator, glass front, steam heated and Damson cash carrying system. Size of building, 37 xlso feet—rear entrance on street Department Store, Company, Shamokin Pa. ___ BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. Wo have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply p. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth Street. FOR SALE. IN THE CITY Two new brick houses. All Improvements porches, 8 rooms and bath. Possession at once. Owner leaving city. Call Dial 5081. FOR SALE On easy terms. 2010 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Posses sion on April 1. Apply A. P. r>or-r --1225 North Sixth. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE All Improvements; In city; front porch bay window; nice yard to drive alley' 1100 down, balance as rent. Liberty Bond* accepted. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell 560J Real Esato for Sale or Exchange WANTED—TO RENT We are having a number of appli cations at this time for furnished houses, apartments and rooms What do you have to offerT Address Mil ler Brothers & Company, Locust and Court streets. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished house. Steam heat, electric and gas. Posses sion at once. Address J. H. Bolton. 2306 Hoffer street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT—No. 2000 State street' corner brick house with all improve ments; store room and large garage Good poolroom location. Rent 126 J. E. Glpple. 1251 Market street! FOR KENT Two private garages rear I6i swatara street. Rent 16 mi each. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Market ,t?e el . REAL ESTATE—tor Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES—At Fifth and Ourtln Streets; possession of some of the houses on thirty days' notice Fred C. Miller. 31 North Second. Bali phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Party desires to refit modern house, übout 8 rooms, between now and April, north and 15 intnuics walk to Market Square. Best refer ences. Address X., 722„, care of Tele graph. TWO TO 25 ACRES, near llarrls burg. with or without buildings Ad dress P., 7199. care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE WANTED We have some ready purchasers for Improved Real Estate. Let us know what you have to offer.. LINCOLN REALTY CO 1129 North Seventh Street. I HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty in any section of the city if cheap. What have you to offer'" CHAS. ADLER. 1002 N. Third Street. Ufficcs and Storerooms for Rent STOREROOM 1202 North Third street; shelved ready for business 95 feet in depth, skylight; fitted for any kind of business in best block- 3 banks and largest market, call and let rue show you Its advantages. J S. Slble, 256 Herr street. MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT Beautiful Daylight Store. 504 Market StreeL CHAS. ADLER, 1002 North Third StreeL FARMS 3 A., good buildings |65 ( , 5 A„ good buildings ~1 (0 It A., good buildings 8780 15 A., good buildings $1,500 20 A., good buildings ....... .*2 600' 20 A., good buildings- SJ.OO 40 A., good buildings SI,BOO 42 A., good buildings $1 800 76 A., good buildings $2,200 102 A., good buildings ...$3 000 109 A., good buildings $3, iOO 150 A., good buildings SISOO 239 A., limestone ss.suu CALL 107 CHESTNUT ST. SMALL FARM FOR SALE Locat ed within one car fare limit. Apply A. P. Doranz, 1226 North Sixth street. I'ARMS I FOK RENT The Greenawalt Farm, 4 miles nurth of llarrisburg 165 acres. Good opportunity. Inquire A, S. Thompson, Cliambersbnrg or ' Mauk & llartman. Seventh and lime;. ! aid. Bell Phone, FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALK Upright piano. First- ' class conditton. Very little used, i Cheap for quick sale. Albert L. Allen. ' 2220 North Second street. FOR SALE National Cash Reg ister. Registers 5 cents to $6.00. Bar gain to quick buyer. Dayton Cycle Co., ill 2 North Third street. FOR BALE One French Plato Pier Glass, height. 10 ft., width 2 Ct. gold-leaf frnino. In tine condition. Oost $200.00. Selling because ceiling in present house is too low to place same. Phone 4292 J. WOOD FOR SALE-Billets or slabs stove length, $6.50 per load. Cull Bell 1055 M. FOR SALE New Brunswick Par lor Pool Table, complete equipment Cheap on account of moving. Inquire D. A. Sturr. 527 Race street. City. RAISE WHITE MICE during spare time. 1 am making money, you can do the same. Demand enormous Prodis large. I furnish hi ceding stock at 75 cents a pair. Inquire 11. 11 Mil ler. 1543 Walnut street. ! CIGARS Direct from Factory Special limited -ffer. 50 Cigars, post- I paid. sl. Club of six for 50 each, $5 ] postpaid, W. F. Snoll, Red Lion, Pu, ' | FOR SALE 2OO-11.-P. Automatic i Engine 25 K. W. belted generator, dl | rect current. F. R. Laverty. Bell i phone 1857. I- : * J I 1 OR SALE Gas Coffee. Peanut 'or Corn Roaster; also l-H.-p d C ' Motor, including shaft and belting" j Call at 3009 North Fourth street. j FOR SALE A large, mahogany ! Rishell machine. Plays all makes of I records, and a nice selection of music A party with reference can arrange part cash, rest to suit buyer. Address j Box K, 7121, care of Telegraph. | A SLIGHTLY USED PIANO FOR SALE Fine tone and good condl ! tion. Cheap to quick purchaser | Dealers need not apply. Address 210 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE One hand-power freight elevator, one laundry dry room, one 24-plate Static X-ltay ma chine. Apply No. 1790 North Second street. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new Rid second-hand furniture here High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmor'z, 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. FOR SALE A number of slightly used typewriters. Have been return ed to us. Now is the time to get a practically new machine at a rea sonable. price. Remington Typewriter Co.. 119-121 Walnut street. FOR SALE One American Radi ator Company 900-foot furnace, used two years, practically new. ADDIV Chas. S. 8011, Room 65. Union Trust Building. ~~ TYPEWRITERS. BOUGHT FOR CAoti ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. f. iILLOi'SON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE OKPHEUM THEATER U!=lTt BOTH PHONES FOR SALE one brand new elec tric furnace blower for sale cheaD Apply 2006 North Slxtii street, or Beli phone 4667. SIMON MICIILOVITZ otters for sale the machinery and contents of the Pennsylvania Reduction Company of Harrlsburg. Pennsylvania, which' he bought some time ago. If anybody is Interested 1-1 any of the material in or about said plant to upply al u," office, Paxton street and Pennsylvania R. R.. Harrisburg. Pa. * • C ANN EL. COAL $8 86 J. B. MONTGOMERY Just Phone. PCJR SALE ' Magazines for No. 1 Linotypes A rare bargain for a plant with a No. 1 machine. Address THE TELEGRAPH y PRXXTXNO Harrlsburg, Pa. BARGAINS! BARGAINS' The Store across from Y. w. c. A olfers you the Biggest and Best Bar gains it: Mens and Boys' Suits. Over coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underwear Huts, Caps and Shoes. We ure tam ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial OUTLET CLOTHING CO. 23 North Fourth Street.' DOG FOR SALE Boston Bull, Toy size; weight, 16 pounds; color, brindle and wlilte;'bat ears; well bred. R„ 7001, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Gas range. Inquire 1000 North Sixth. Third Floor. Wanted miscellaneous WANTED Second-hand adding machine and safe in good condition. Address P. O. Box 103. WANTED, TO BUY Second-hand player piano. State price, condition and where it can be seen. Address C., 6558, cure of Telegraph. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention. Newmark & C'own, 308 Broad Street. Dial phone 4826. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of Junk. Get our prices before selling. Call Bell phone 936. or drop us a postal and our wagon will call. Keystone ron & Metal Co.. Broad and Currant streets. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and iunk. Call Bell phone 4275. B Abrams & g on , 824-832 North Seventh street. MA:; SiiBLTZ Second-hand furniture bougnt and •old. Highest cauli price* paid. Call Bell JKBI or L,ial 584 1. or drop a pos tal to Max SnicltJ, 1018 Market street. Will ''oil. city or country. WANTED Second-hand motors. Small aize preferred. Apply EEDEKAL MACHINE SHOP Cranborvy St.. near Second. Harrlsburg, Pa. ELECT KICIA NS Will find an opportunity | n the gale r.f profitable News Agency In thriving suburban town. influenza hag deprived the town of its only electrician. No Elec trical Supply store In town. Start a bualneaa hare. Tha Newspaper Atreucv will re| you aruualnted with the neopla. BOX R. 7474. Care of Telegraph. 1- COHEN Sr COMPANY. York and Aeh Avenues. Illgheat prices paid for rags, paper. Iron, harrela, rubber and metal and old machines. Send costal or call 8221 W Bell and Dial. 6225. JANUARY 14, 1919. .Money to l.onii i WE IxEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 17. 1916. to individu als In need of ready cash; smnll loans e specially, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rales In city. PENNSYI.YA.MA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street. MONEY If >v.i arc pressed for ready chsli to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money in complin nee with the luws of tho State. EMPLOYES' IX)AN SOCIETY. ROOM 206 BERGNER BLDO.. THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. Musical FOR SALE A large mahogany cabinet Vietrola. in first-class condi tion. Also 42 pieces of music. Uood as new. Cheap to quick buyer. Ad dress Box 11. 7120. caro of Telegraph. VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS. BANJOS. Band and Orchestra instru ments promtply and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and ■ carelully repaired by an expert oury OVI.LI I * South Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re • pairs, just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An I expert will be at your service at once. ! Or bring machine to 1213 North Third | street. BUSINESS IERSOXAI.S ) CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates, Jobbing. First-class work. H. W. Hummer. 1423 Liberty : street. City. Bell 4420. y UPHOLSTERING Of the best kind. Work guaranteed. We call and deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone 4826. I RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge. 26c doz; double edge. 360 I doz; razors, 26c. Gorgas Drug Store. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. It Caplan Co.. 206 Market street. QUININE —Look.out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave It off If taken In time. Gross Drug Store. 119 Market street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED A manager, at 650.00 a week, to purchase controlling ln teset in a live, established business In Harrisburg. which is paying over 15 per cent, on 612.000 investment. Our books arc open to any reliable business man. Address D., 6942, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Small barber shop, near Harrisburg. Inquire of Fred Bender Barber Supply House, 26 South Third. FOR SALE General store in a thriving community. Good, clean stock and fixtures. Elegant opportu nity. Jonas K. Heist. 601 North Front street. Steelton, Pa. FOR SALE—OId-established, sound and profitable business In Harrisburg Modern, accurate cost system. Open for inspection to any responsible busi ness man who means business. Best of reasons for selling. About 612.000 required. Address Box K. 7224, care of Telegraph. HAVE five to six thousand dollars to invest in a good, elban, legitimate business, with position. Address B. care of Harrisburg Telegraph. FOR SALE Millinery Shop, good will, stock and fixtures. Old. reliable stand, doing good business. 1306 Market street. FOR SALE Fruit, confectionery nnd cigar store. Reasonable price. Roasting coffee and peanut mauhlne. Good scales. Inquire at 614 Market street. HAULING ANl> MOVING AUTO HAULING Anything, any where, furniture moving. Cull Bell 1591 W. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver, llain und dustproof body. J. E. Grubber's Truck Service, Irvin Aungsi, manager, Hershey, Fa. Bell phone 15H6. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING —Furniture moving. Froippt service. Ernest Corbin, rt> Calder street. Both phones. Bejl 3636 J. Dial 3083. HICKS Local and long-distance halding. 424 Kelly. Both phones. AUTO • HAULING —Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 917 Capital street. Both phones. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE—LocaI and long distance.' F. J. Marter, Bell 3'J-J, Steelton. AUTO HAULING—LocaI and long distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Kates reasonable. Froinpt service. Call Bell 623 J. LOCAL AND LONG - DISTANCE HAULING Prompt service. A & B. .Motor Express, 917 Capital Street. Re.ll phone I£33J. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS.. 341 KJ2LKER ST. BELL PHONE 62 3 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320, or Dial 2265. YYIIFKF TO DINK ~ ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFKR S RESTAURANT—Home cooking served to Businessmen and Ladies In separate diningrooms. storage STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all Winds. D. Cooper & Co Both nhonea. STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diener, 408 Market street BETTER SITUATIONS WANTEB This column lias (nu objects: first, to help men unil women now employed to secure better positions; second, to put employers In touch with an ambitious class of workers. -J&te: CHIEF CLERKSHIP OR ASSIST ANT MANAGER —• Uy young man with executive ability to handle and keep up organization; statistician; two years' experience along this line, tour years other work, which Includes stenography and typewriting, collec tions, express business, payrolls, and government work. High and business Storage STORAGE Private rooms household goods in fireproof w house. 63 per month und up. l, storage rales In non-tlreproof w house, Harrisburg Storage Co. 440 south Second street. '* UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKx.fc.it . FUxNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Oerry St. BELL 1968. DIAL 21 RUDOLPH K. SPJCER F.ueixi Director and Embalm RPI I ° fcecund street. - a2 - DIAL 21 CEMETERY LOTS FOR BAI PROSPECT lIILL CEMETER Btautifully situated on Market s east of Ttventy-slxth. and on nort.i and east faces the new n way. The prices of lots are mode Xlii.er Bros. Ai Co.. Agents. Cleaners null Dyers IT PAVS to have Clothes Clei Piessed. Dyed or Repaired at the place in town. Call and del Goodman's. 13U6 4J North Sixth. Phoned. AUTOMOBILES YOU CAN BUY A REBUILT TRUCK O.N CONVENIENT MONTHLI PAYMENTS ..i l ' 4 , atKl 2 - ton Garfords chassis only or equipped will express or dump bodies. TioUV 1 . 1 ' 4 " 2 ' 4 nnd 2V4-toi Betnlehems. with or wiftou bodies. Light delivery wagons, In eluding Buicks, Overland and Vims. THE OVEP.LAND-HARRISBURG Open Evenings. 212-214 North Second St. Both Th OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT SPECIAL OFFERS THIS WE: 6-PASSENGER BIG FOUI OVERLAND TOURING lte liiiished and thoroughly over hauled, equipped with eori tires. 1916 FORD TOURING—Me chanically fine : hape, pain and tires like new. WILLYS-1< NIGHT 5-PAS SENGER TOURING Refill ished wine color with blacl Wheels. Excellent tires. Look and runs like new. LATE MODEL CHANDLE! COUPE SUvertown Cori tires, revarnished. Prac . tlcally a brand new car a less than dealer's cost. THE OVERLAND-IIARRISBURG Open Evenings, 212-214 North Second St. Both Ph FOR SALE Three-passenger Roadstet. Fine engine. Good c tlon in every way. Bargain for < sale. Albert L. Allen, 206 Wi street. FOR SALE Dort Roadster, equipped with self-starter, ele lights, new tires. Car in first condition. Inquire Real Estate 0 34 South Third street. FOR SALE Buick Roadste; shape. llurgain for somo one. Schiffnian, 22-24-26 North Came WM. PENN GARAGE 804-6 Muench street. Llmouslnei funeral, purth* and balls; ca drivers; open day and light. 4664. x KEYSTONE AUTO TOP C( All sorts of auto top and cui work done by experts; also r work. Reasonable rates. 73-7S i Cameron Street. BELL DEMONSTRATOR, 19 $850.00. A genuine bargain, and ( auleed for one year. Camp Hill age, Kay Deardorff, Proprietor. EXPERT FACTORY KEPAIKI Packard, Pierce-Arrow, Ovct Hudson and Chandler. Only grade work solicited. Model ear trucks built to order. Camp OH rage. Hay Deardorff, Proprlett FOR SALE ITEMS One Ford Roadster, with new t ders, black crank shaft and pis also new rear end; all In good c l 'onc late Ford Touring car; all tires and a lot of extras; in p< condition. ... One commercial panel body Ford. One Ford Ton Truck. One 12-cyllnder Pathfinder To car. new cord tires. One Interstate Touring. One Chalmers Touring. All in good condition. C. L. CONOVER. 1334-44 Howard Street. AUTO FOR SALE Late 1916 well, 5-passcnger touring car, equipped demountable rlin. In A 1 ditlon. Bargain to quick buyer nlv Edward W Evans. 36 North ' £t?eet Hell 1390. Dial 3573. FOR SALE —1917-1914 Ford ' 8425.ti11. 8325.110, to settle es Address Box H 6561. care of graph- FORD ROADSTER, almost ne Jackson, touring car, ove valves. , „ m Hudson touring car. ail good an Eight' commercial bodies for C O a"fAlR WAGON & AUTO WC East End Mulberry Street Brl< Fine* condition! New tires.*''Mu sold. Best offer takes it. A. W. 1 man. Millersburg. Pa. Additional Classified A on Opposite Page school education. References fu ed. Address L., 7117, care of graph. • MECHANICAL SHOP SUPI TENDENT l4 years' expet seeks greater opportunities In g machine or tool work. Age 30. rled. AI references. Address D 7114, care of Telegraph.