Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 14, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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east of Food and
Oratory Tonight to
Mark Tech Victory
"er 200 admirers of tho Tech-
I High school football eleven
assemble this evening in the
liffet room of the Penn-Harrls
ay homage to the valiant deeds
he victorious team during the
season. That Tech "was state
lpion is undisputed. Many
Ed Tech as the best high school
in the country, and there were
to dispute even that claim,
ief among the speakers will be
tenant Governor-elect Edward
eidleman. Mayor Daniel L. Keis
-111 d Parke F. Davis, a promi
football man and lawyer of
on. To enliven the occasion the
stunts club will present several
nal stunts. Music, toasts, souve
and finally the election of a cap
will wind up the evening s pro
le honor of captain Is almost
to fall to the lot of Carl Beck,
's star all-around athlete. The
ueters will dine upon young
■ Virginia turkey. Professor
y L. Grubb, faculty director of
itics at Tech, will act as toast-
Tent Owners May Have to
cceed to Demands of the
Lesser Magnates
By Associated Press
IT York, Jan. 14. —A meeting of
lew International League offi
and another of the National
:iation of Professional Baseball
ues, at which the question of ob
lg for the minor leagues rellef
the present draft regulations
considered, ushered in here to
he most important week of ba.e
conferences held in many years,
minor league officials intimate!
unless the demonds of the mln
vere granted, they would break
the major organisations,
co the national agreement was
d years ago, the major leaguiv
enjoyed the privilege of draft
layers from the smaller organi
is. This practice, minor league
als maintained, was unfair in
when the small league develops
iyer he is taken by the major
0 at the end of the season.
Tinker, of the Columbus Amer-
Association Club, who, with A 1
ley, of the Three-X league, and
ianlon, of the St.Joseph West
.eague club, makes up the minor
e'committee appointed to confer
the major leagues upon the
ion of roconstruclton of the min
vas emphatic in his declaration
Llie requests of the smaller clubs
be granted. "Heretoforev the
• leagues have asked," he said,
time we will ask and, If the re
is turned down, we will de
n J. Farrell, secretary of the Na
-1 Association of Professional
lall Leagues, discussed the slt
ri with several of the delegates
t was said that ho was not one
jse who advocated radical meac
in dealing with the majors. It
asserted, however, that what
action was taken by the minors
1 be supported by all of them,
lie minor league officials ad
d that the major leagues have
I 1/ OFF
fith Prices as Low as These It's
Buying Time For Thrifty Hen
JO Suits and Overcoats . . $15.00
IS Suits and Overcoats . . $18.75
50 Suits and Overcoats . . $22.50
55 Suits and Overcoats . . $26.25
10 Suits and Overcoats . . $30.00
15 Suits and Overcoats . . $33.75
50 Suits and Overcoats ... <£37 gQ
Boys' Suits, Overcoats
and Mackinaws Now AH
I Our Semi-Annual Shirt Sale is now in full swing, with
livings greater than ever.
TRe & Hub
320 Market Str<*fcg.
master. It will be the largest affair
ever held in honor of a local foot
ball team, and because of the honor
brought to this city, it was well earn"
ed by the Maroon eleven.
Percy Grubb announced to-day
that Allentown will visit Chestnut
street auditorium Friday night for
a league contest. At a special meet
ing of the league officials held at
Lebanon Saturday morning, Lancas
ter's withdrawal was accepted. The
league will be better rounded out
with six teams than with an odd
number. Since it was only a ques
tion of how long Lancaster would
last in the league, it is better that
they did not start at all. Kecent
ly they won a "great victory" over
Parkesburg. In another week they
Will play Lititz; then Mount Joy, fol
lowed by Columbia, Strasburg and
Wright sville in rapid succession. As
a conclusion to their season ,the
Tech Reserves suggest a contest. If
Lancaster can win the majority of
these games, as is his wont, "Jake"
Weller will lay claim to the state
shown a conciliatory attitude toward
the demands of the minors, no major
league official would discuss the re
quests. The minor league committee
is to present its case to joint com
mittees of the National and American
Leagues and the National Commission,
probably on next Friday.
Appoints Gray's Successor;
Hines Names W. T. Tyler
Washington, I). C„ Jan. 14. W.
T. Tyler was appointed yesterday by
Director General Hines as director
of the division of operations of the
Railroad Administration to succeed
Carl R. Gray, whose resignation be
comes effective on Wednesday. Mr.
Tyler has been Mr. Gray's assistant
since January 22, 1918.
Mr. Tyler began his railroad career
in 1883 as a messenger with the
Wisconsin Central. His first execu
tive position was with the St. Louis,
Iron Mountain & Southern, of which
he became general superintendent in
1901. lie later was general manager
of the St. Louis & San Francisco line
and of the St. Louis. Southwestern
lines. In 1917 he was elected assist
ant to the first vice-president of the
Northern Pacific Railway.
Have No of
Bolsheviks Here
By' Associated Press
Washington, Jan. 14.—Bolshcvlki
agitation in the United States shows
no promise of reaching a stage of
open disorder, according to Depart
ment of Justice officials who have
been observing the movement. So
far the movement, evidently mainly
in New Yorl:, is economic rather
than political in nature, they declare,
and organizers have kept well within
the law.
Department of Justice officials have
adopted the attitude that the
Bolshevist movement is not a subject
for government action unless federal
laws are broken.
Mt. Wolf, Pa., Jan. 14.—Harry G.
Seltzer, of Hamburg, Pa., former
American consul to Breslau, Ger
many, now representing a number of
Chautauqua bureaus, is circulating
in this borough and other nearby
town in an effort to secure a book
ing for this section next summer.
An effort is being made by Mr. Selt
zer to interest the residents of York
Haven, Mt. Wolf, Manchester and
Emigsville to co-operate and hold a
joint Chautauqua.
.'* ' #
~(SNOO-OULS! ) / O /ILL 60 To B£D\
i A nice Boy AND ySt iTN 1,. m ccotwr ) /nMThIM m \\ ( "RAW )
Xqso TO 9EP EA / ) / £E£ # ] V (NUIHINJ S \\V// V Before"l'u- ,
"Strangler" Lewis on Tour
May Give Show Here
Before you get fresh with a re
turned soldier find out if he trained
under Billy C. Sandow, manager and
trainer of Ed. "Strangler" Lewis,
who is now maklqg a tour of the
country and expects to be in Harris
burshortly. Sandow and the "Strang
ler" put wrestling in the army camps
and what they did not show the
doughboys, is not worth talking of.
For rough and tumble-stuff these
experts took thousands of raw sol
diers and made them nifty with the
various throws and jolts, and not
only that but showed them how to
break an enemy's leg, trip him on
the run and a dozen other tricks
which savor much of the Jiu jitsu.
Many of the soldiers found these
stunts useful in closing in on the
demon Hun.
Sandow gives some suggestion!
for the wold-be wrestler which are
worth knowing, for instance:
When you have your opponent
down and are the keep
him there by means of your \lfeight.
This will serve the double purpose
of preventing him from changing
his position.
Go through the motions quickly
and with vim, whether on the defen
sive or offensive.
When you are the under man,
keep on moving constantly, thus not
only preventing your opponent from
securing a hold, but also enabling
you in the change of position to se
cure a good hold on him.
Feature the strangle holds, for an
opponent may be made unconscious
by one of them.
Indulge in rough and unpopular
tactics, such as butting witli the
head. Remember when you meet the
Hun nothing is barred. Any hold or
method of procedure is allowed,
strangle, gouge, kick, poke the fin
gers in his eyes or snap his limbs.
You can kill a man with a flying
mare or a strangle hold.
Be as aggressive as possible, then
your opportunities for success will
be increased.
This system of rough and tumble
wrestling is an unsurpassed means
of selfdefense. Get behind your op
ponent as quickly as possible as it
it is the safest position.
Always watch an opponent's feet
as much as possible. You can throw
your man with your feet as easily as
you can with your hands and arms.
This system of rough and tumble
grappling is not only the most natur
al method of selfdefense in the world
but by far the most effective.
Dr. B. F. Roller, the famous phy
sician-athlete and former American
champion wrestler, challenged Jess
Willard to go to the gymnasium with
a jury of newspaper men and city
officials and settle for once and all
the question of which is the better I
method of selfdefense, boxing or
Willard did not accept the chal
lcne. The whole world must here
after acknowledge that wrestling |
and no boxing is.the best means of |
Muldoon, one-time champion
wrestler, who trained Sullivan for
his fight with Mitchell, could handle
Sullivan at will. A mixed match was
proposed between Muldoon and
Mitchell, but Mitchell never accept
ed because he wisely listened to the
experts who told him that Muldoon
Single men drubbed the poor hand
cuffed guys last evening on Parthe
more alleys, New Cumberland, Just
like this:
Updegraff .. .. 143 140 120— 403
Ruby 136 144 161— 441
Noggles 81 148 133 362
Durff 108 84 98— 290
Vogelsong 134 110 128— 372
Totals 602 626 640—1868
McGruver .. .. 118 154 386
Goul 87 115 119— 321
Urlch 97 128 142 367
Bowen .. 118 132 116 366
Bricker 159 154 176 488
Totals 675 647 706—1928
At the Flckes alleys, Lemoyne.
quality met In the encounter 'twixt
Admirals and Captains, the former
holding the deck:
Flckes •• •••• 132 120 150 — 402
R. Reeser ••••• 113 116 135 364
Gangelo •• .•• 193 124 98— 325
Atkinson 88 73 102— 263
Hammaker .... 119 98 164 381
Totals .. ... 555 631 649—1745
Lewis 143 198 166 416
Millard 140 124 117— 381
Marts 94 119 92 305
Hamilton 139 93 108— 340
Kinley •• •••••• 94 159 123 376
Totals 609 603 606—1808
Hess alleys accommodated the Dull
lads, of New Cumberland, who wiped
things up with the Hess team, to wit:
Long 106 116 114— 336
Fehl 117 120 145 382
Rockey •. .... 89 140 102— 332
T. Updegraff .. 177 129 128—• 434
J. Updegralt ... 136 134 107— 377
Totals .. ••• 625 639 596—1860
Behney 114 109 77 300
, Cooper j.jw* 83 85 50— 227
w J***
A % *•
• <. ■
would mako him jump out of the
Farmer Burns had a challenge to
whip any prize fighter in an empty
room. The challenge stood for years
without a taker.
Dr. Roller could whip any fighter
in the world In a rough and tumble
fight, not because he could box, but
simply because he could wrestle.
Under certain conditions you can
convert an adversary's resistance
to your own good ends. For instance,
suppose you wished to turn him to
the right force him to the left and
he, thinking that you are in earnest,
will resist by exerting his strength
toward his right side. Now your rao :
ment for determined, definite action
has come. Your foe is straining in
the very direction you desire him to
go, so, swift as a flash of light you
change your tactics and force him
to the right. Your power will thus bo
supplemented by his own, if you are
quick, for he "will not have had time
to correct his error.
Should a man ever fall and lose
his rifle, or be partially disabled and
lose it, instead of being at his oppo
nent's mercy, he is still as danger
ous as ever, and the system provides
a means whereby in an Incredibly
short space of time the positions are
reversed by throwing your opponent
to the ground and leaving him de-
The system will give small men
more confidence in themselves to at
tack larger and more powerful men.
Once the small man masters this
system he is no longer despised. He
can then overcome brute force and
physical strength.
Page 127 120 107— 354
Hess 117 68 85— 270
Edwards 89 116 102— 307
•Totals 620 507 421—1448
General Pershing was on the job,
rooting for his namesakes last even
ing' at Academy alleys, helping to
bump the Privates. Total casualties:
James 101 130 107— 338
Jacobs 91 91 92 — 274
Johnson 126 115 148— 339
Bobb 109 166 149 — 424
Hargest 119 117 148— 384
Totals ... ... 546 619 644—1809
Storm 100 107 127 334
Magaro 126 117 120— 363
Darrow 69 115 134 313
Grimes .. 121 167 104— 392
Banks 128 134 115— 377
Totals 544 640 600—1784
Herblne 93 113 138— 344
Morrett 120 79 97 293
R. Harmon 92 137 115— 344
Simmons 107 119 173 — 399
Hood 114' 93 102— 309
Totals 526 541 625—1692
Martin 129 129 129 387
Miller 138 98 116— 352
Sible 88 103 112— 3d3
Kerson 349 142 89— 380
Bentz 125 125 126 375
Totals 629 597 571—1797
Parent-Teacher Circle
to Hold Meeting
* The Parent-Teacher Circle will
hold a meeting In the Maclny school
building on Thursday evening at 7.30
o'clock. Community singing, led by
Miss Conkling, will be a feature of
the evening.
A. 11. Dtnsmore, of the V. M. C. A.,
will give an illustrated lecture on
"Building Men, or Developing Boys."
This is the first time A. H. Dins
more will have given this lecture be
fore a Harrisburg audience.
Sporting Editor of the Telegraph:
Dear Sir:
"These are a few lines in connection
with the 'Beck' case, of Tech. Your
paper is continually using my name
as also under suspicion of playing
professional basketball. This year 1
have not engaged in a single game of
ball outside of Lebanon High, and
wisli you to use my name no more in
connection with Bock's professional
"At no time this year was I in
eligible to play, but your paper stated
that Beck and Miller have been re
instated after giving up their play
ing with any outside team. I, per
sonally feel as if Beck should play,
and hope he does, for that will make
the league more interesting.
"Very truly yours,
"Lebanon High School,
"Lebanon, Pa."
Representatives of the Central
Pennsylvania Scholastic Basketball
League, at a meeting in Lancaster,
voted to accept the withdrawal of
Lancaster High school from the
league, and decided, on account of
the lateness of the season, to make
no effort to fill the vacancy. The
schedule will be played out by Leba
non. Reading, Allentown, York, Steel
ton and Harrisburg Tech. Lancaster
withdrew from the league because of
Harrisburg Tech officials insisting on.
P'nying Carl Beck, against whom the
charge of professionalism was enter
ed by Lancaster officials because of
his playing with the Harrisburg In
"The Supreme Court of West Vir
ginia reversed the lower Court, de
ciding that "Dan" Hill has no right to
bring a bottlo of .whisky into the
state for his own consumption."—
News Dispatch. .
I ain't consnrned ' much, xuid "Dan,"
About this temperance throttle;
But whnt I'd like t' know, Is this.
Which jedge took home my bottle.
"Attorney General Gregory Resigns;
Needs More Money"—Headline. Let's
all resign.
Pity the returning soldier. "Eph"
Zann, of Kansas, sent back his civil
ian clothes, when he went to war, to
his sweetheart. When ho returned
the other day. he found her married
and her husband sporting his togs.
ji i ii' i $
* Tobacco Co. iI I j l I ill I 111 11 w ith Prince Albert —it
ll| 1 )| Ik" hits you so fair and square. It's a scuttle full
(J ' of jimmy pipe and cigarette makin's sunshine
I 1' a nd as satisfying as it is delightful!
I I R' s never too late to hop the fence into the
Prince Albert pleasure-pasture! For, P. A.
is trigger-ready to give you more tobacco fun than you ever had
in your smokecareer. That's because it has the quality that makes
: its flavor and its fragrance so enticing.
And, quick as you know Prince Albert you'll write it down that P. A.
I riid not bite jfour tongue or parch your throat And, it never will!
il|| For, our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch and lets
' S. '- man with the touchiest tongue simply smoke the roof off the house!
Man, man, what a wad of smokesport there's stored in that P. A.
package that's addressed directly to you!
u|Jli|yK Topjp rad bag*, tidy rad tint, handtoma pound and half pound tin
humidor*—and—that clavr, practical pound cryatal glam humidor with
tpong* moi*t*n*r top that heap* tha tobacco in uch par fact condition.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C.
After over a century of existence
the toll road between Lewistown and
Reedsville has been freed by the
state, thus giving a toll-free highway
all the way from Philadelphia to
Pittsburgh by that route. This is said
to have been the last toll road in that
section of Pennsylvania.
"Snowey" Baker, the best-known
sport promotor in Australia, says that
Australians and Americans in France
had not only adopted one another as
brothers in arms, but that their af
fections ran into the sporting field
as well, and that the returning Au
stralian soldiers had learned to know
and like baseball and had, in fact, be
come ardent fans. Baker thinks base
ball a high-class sort of sport him
self, and is willing to lend his tre
mendous influence, his money and his
genius to fostering this new love of
the Australians, so that the time may
not be far distant when a team will
come from the Antipodes to meet the
best this country can produce.
l'hllndclphln. Jan. 14. "Billy"
Miske, of St. Paul, outpointed "Tom"
Cowler, the Australian heavyweight,
in a six-round bout, Saturday night,
at the National A. C, Miske dropped
Cowler with a light to the jaw in
the first rount for the count of seven.
The Australian recovered and man
aged to last out the round. Through
out the remainder of the bout 110 was
continually on the defense.
"Don't know what the war has done
to the bill at the country hotel," says
a motorist, "but if it has eliminated
eight or ten of the side dishes it will
not have been fought in vain. The
only new thing they ever had on the
table was an occasional raspberry
stain where a traveling man from
Chicago had passed.
"The peroxide waitress sang the
bill-of-fare with deadly precision,
and if you were quick you cpuld pick 1
out something you wanted after the
traveling men had been served.
"Y'ou were always sure of the
'roast beef and brown gravy' and the
'roast pork and apple sauce.' The
wise ones ordered both, but they wore
not wise enough for the chef. When
anybody ordered both he served a half
portion of each.
"Surrounding the meat would be
fourteen side dishes, each one contain
ing a vegetable."
JANUARY 14, 1919.
Church Athletes With
Basketball League Help
to Religious Unity
An athletic novelty entirely new
In Harrisburg was fully organized
last night, namely, the Sunday School
League, which will include ten clubs
from progressive religious activities,
irrespective of creed. Clergymen of
Harrisburg expressed the opinion to
day that this movement, so unexpect
ed and unusual, might mean a great
deal for religious unity.
The election last evening resulted
in William Winn being chosen presi
dent, with Emory Lutz, secretary and
treasurer. The president announced
that there were now ten churches in
the league and that five managers,
who woflld not be personally con
cerned, would make all decisions that
wore appealed.
The churches now represented are:
Stevens Memorial, Market Square
Presbyterian, Christ Lutheran, Hlck-
A-Thrift, Methodist Club, Covenant
Probe Into Batavia
Wreck Starts Today
llntavin, N. Y., Jan. 14.—A joint in
quiry into the wreck of the New
York Central's Wolverine express at
South Byron on Sunday will be held
at Syracuse, beginning to-day by
railroad officials and the Public
Service Commission. Railroad of
ficials and Coroner Snow yesterday
complete the 'list of twenty-two
persons killed in the wreck and
whose bodies were brought here. Only
a few of tile bodies have been posi
tively identified.
There appears to bo a discfepany of
one between the total number of
persons who had berths' in the car
and the number accounted for in dead
and injured. Tickets had been is
sued to twenty-three persons for
this car. Mrs. Patrick R. Dougherty,
of Flint. Mich., died at a hospital
yesterday, making the known dead
twenty-two. The twenty-third name
Presbyterian, Reformed Salem, St.
Mary's Catholic, Camp Curtin and
Tarsus A. A. On next Monday night
eight of the clubs will open the sea
sen, using these four floors: St.
Paul's Episcopal, Boyd Memorial,
Covenant Presbyterian and Shimmell
Within several days the full sched
ule, which calls for games twice a
week, Monday and Thursday, will be
given out, and thereafter the pro
gram is to be accurately run with
standard rules.
The significance of these church
boys co-operating in baßketbali can
not be overestimated from an Amer
ican viewpoint, and the city of Har
risburg should be proud that these
husky athletes have taken progress
by the forelock and determined to aid
in bringing the sectional and creed
units together.
was that of Harry L. D'unnan, of
Grand Rapids, Micti. His name was
not iucluded in the official list, how