Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 14, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
ARDON BOARD QUICRTO BEGIN mtenant-Governor Beidle man Will Be the Pre siding Officer The new State \\ dona, on which V\\ A /TOI there will be two changes, will as- CgSflfMßuJ I sume its work on I the day following CjWnBSftVJ the e ,ectlon - WltwiiKnaJl ca ' enc ' ar f°r the sFHlßelllsnH new Board's first |i§)!9UUIIKJ sitting is already being made up, a ions having been filed. The pres. , Board completed its work at a cial session last week. Senator Edward E. Beidleman, lietenant-governor-elect, will be ne chairman of the Board under law on the day he is inaugurated. 1 will succeed Frank B. McClain following day. Secretary of the nmonwealth Cyrus W. Woods re ins a member and Attorney Gen -1 Francis Shunk Brown will be ceeded by the new attorney gen 1, W. X. Schaffer. Paul W. uck, secretary of internal affairs, i of the two members elected by people, will retain his seat until y when the new secretary of in nal affairs, James F. Woodward, 1 qualify. 'he various state fiscal boards 1 reorganize later in the month. Lftcr Toll Roads —Officials of the te Highway Department are pre ing data relative to the cost of [uiring the toll roads which have been purchased and Joseph W. nter, first deputy commissioner, >ects to complete a report on the iject within a few months. Mr. nter has been in charge of nego ;ions for the various sections of I road taken over the last two .rs and has prices for several Jtclies under discussion. It is ex ■ted to reach agreements upon ces soon, the sales to be contin it ui>on an appropriation being de. few Secretary Coming—The new •retary of agriculture, Prof. Fred- THE GLOBE Everybody Is Goind to The Globe THE GLOBE THE GLOBES Gigantic Clothing Sale SIOO,OOO Stock Sacrificed Due to the Fire in Our Basement Which Occurred on New Year's Morn JAMMED TO THE ROOF- For the first time in the history of THE GLOBE our large, spacious, 4 story build ing was entirely too small to accommodate the enormous crowds which thronged our store on Saturday. Every floor was filled to overflowing, and while we had a salesforce of 80 people to serve you we could have used 80 more. Everybody is Telling Everybody Else About the Big Bargains at the THE GLOBE Why All These Tremendous Crowds?— FIRST—CONFIDENCE in THE GLOBE SECOND —The quality of the merchandise , THIRD —The prices are so LOW that they astonish everybody —even bur competitors Conditions of the Sale— ' ' i No Goods Charged No Goods Exchanged No Goods Sent C. O. D. None Sent on Approval No Money Refunded Every Sale Final % * ' Free Alterations on Suits and Overcoats Only 322-324 Market St. J |-J P T LJ 322-324 Market St. Harrisburg _L JL J, 1 X. 9 U B Harrt&burg TUESDAY EVENING, erlck Rasmussen, is expected here this week. He will visit the Depart ment and look over the field and then discuss plans for reorganiza tion of the department with the new governor. New Smulls Promised —Promises hove been made that the new legis lative handbook will be ready with in a week. The book much demand by legislators. Mora Counties Report More counties have been making their re turns to the State Game Commission on'the hunters' licenses. It is be lieved the aggregate for 1918, ' hen all report, will go over 300,000. Construction Hesumed. A con tract for construction wgrk at the Hamburg Sanatorium for Tubercu losis amounting to $343,800, was awarded to-day by Dr. 13. Franklin Royer, Acting Commissioner or Health, to Edwin Fay and Sons, of Philadelphia. The work Includes the erection of four one-story buildings and two two-story buildings at Hani burg. All of these buildings will be constructed of hollow tile and con crete with red asbestos shingle roofs and are designed to harmonize archi tecturally with the buildings already in use. The Cresson contract was not let. About $350,000- is still avail able for construction work at the various sanatoria in t.ne state. The plans and specifications for the erection and installation of an elec tric lighting: plant at Mont Alto san atorium and for an isolation hospi tal and garage at Cresson Sanatorium are about complete and will _b® ready for advertising shortly after the new administration comes into power. The resumption of work is designed to employ labor released by war industries. Ex-United States Senator George T. Oliver, of Pittsburgh. Is said to be quite 111 and his trends are re ported to be apprehensve regarding his condition. General Brancker Plans Trip by Plane Over Sea By Associated Press London, Jan. 14. —General Branck er, who is giving up his post as mas ter general of personnel in the air ministry to devote his time to com mercial aviation, in an interview with the Dally Express, yesterday, assert ed that a flight across the Atlantic prohably would be accomplished in May. The Evening News to-day says a regular airship mail service between England and the United States dur ing the summer of 1920 Is regarded as certain by airship builders. PALMER NAMED AS LIKELYCHOICEFOR CABINET_POSITION Prominent Democrats Say Alien Property Custodian May Be Attorney General Washington, Jan. 14. —A Mitchell Palmer, alien property custodian, and Democratic National Commit teeman from Pennsylvania was seriously discussed in official circles yesterday as tile logical successor of Attorney General Gregory. Demo crats powerful in official councils did not hesitate to say that Mr. Palmer place and the prediction was free ly made that he would be named when Mr. Gregory relinquishes his duties on March 4. ! The strongest argument advanced in his favor was that he had so well and fully performed his duties as alien property custodian as to expose more quickly than the De partment of Justices the intricacies and evils of the German propaganda. In his Investigation in each of Ger man owned property in the United States Mr. Palmer uncovered mil lions of such property and also ex posed the German propaganda plot. While the Department of Justice was investigating and reaching no results Mr. Palmer promptly went to the bottom of things, found the properties sought and obtained documentary evidence that connect ed Germans and German-Americans with bomb plots and crimes against the government. The activities of Mr. Palmer in spired the inquiry into the brewery slush fund, and led to the extension of the inquiry into German outrages. Against the wishes of the Depart ment of Justice Mr. Palmer made public the agreement of Arthur Bris bane with the breweries for the pur chase of the Washington Evening Times. With opposition expressed by Washington Mr. Palmer insisted that E. Lowry llunies, the United States district attorney in western Pennsylvania, prosecute the Penn sylvania breweries for their vioia- BXRRISBURGIfiiAImEGRXPB! Girl Guardian Who Kept Down List Mlss NFTTA D. ROgfL Doughboys and sailors alike agree that when a fellow has been away from home for a long time it's mighty nice to be "mothered" and looked after. And the mothering is all the more acceptable if adminis tered by a pretty girl. That's the reason Miss Netta D. Ross has been such a success behind the counter lof the information bureau of the American Y. M. C. A.'s Eagle Hut in London. This photograph will be recognized by hundreds of men who went to her with inquiries ranging from how to get back to camp or ship before they were listed as A. W. O. L. tion of the corrupt practices laws, which led to convictions and stopped the practice in Pennsylvania of the whisky and beer ring throwing a bar rel of money into elections. BUENOS AIRES TO BE UNDER LAW OF TROOPSJN STRIKE 10,000 Reserves Summoned to Colors; Prisoners Taken by Police Number 2,000' By Associated Press Buenos Aires, Jan. 14. —It was de cided yesterday by the President and the cabinet to declare martial law In Buenos Aires. The date for the declaration )as not been announced. Ten thousand reserves have been summoned to the colors and the military cadets have been called The total number of prisoners taken by the police now is reported to be about 2,00. The Interrogation of Russian prisoners reveals that nearly all of them were fugitives from Russia on account of revolu tionary activities there. The attacks Thursday night on po lice headquarters and police stations were more serious. It is learned, than was at first admitted. The plan was to take all police stations, then the other government buildings and to proceed with the overthrow of the government immediately. Pedro Wald, known as "President of the Soviet government," is report ed to have died from injuries re ceived while resisting arrest. GRADED SALARIES PLANNEDFOR POLICE [Continued from First Page.] year men at SIOO per month; sec ond year men at SIIQ per month; and third year men at the present salary of slls per month. The chief recognizes that it would be impossible to grade the present police force, but suggests that it would be no more than reasonable to grade the new men who may be added from time to time. Asks Reserve Force The reserve force recommended would be a great factor in building up a force of efficient policemen, he feels. The men on the reserve list would do all the extra work, such as being detailed to dances, public meetings, weddings, baseball, foot ball or any other events where the services of a patrolman might be needed. The reserve officer thus would get enough work to earn a livelihood, and be able to report at police headquarters for duty at any time. The men would be kept on the reserve list for a period of six months and if they made good then would be eligible for the first regu lar appointment. In case they fail ed' to develop ability as patrolmen Within the six months, they would be dropped from the reserve list. Need Small Automobile A Ford touring car would answer the purposes of the "hurry-up" au tomobile recommended for the de partment. Chief Wetzel declares that the department is badly in need of a small car for this work, so that when a call is received, stating that a murder or robbery is committed, or that "there is a burglar in the house," the detectives and patrol men can jump into the waiting ma chine and quickly be taken to the scene of the crime. The car could also be used for the purpose of run ning down automobile thieves and breaking up the "joy-riding" prac tice. The record for, "the recovery of stolen property established by the department during 1918 was excel lent, the report shows. Of a total of $82,943 worth of property re ported stolen, $11,170.50 worth was recovered. Fifty-nine of sixty-eight automobiles stolen were recovered. Many of these cars were taken by "Joy-riders," and usually were found a day or two later where the thieves abandoned them. Saturday four boys were arrested for instigating the practice, and are being held for court. Other thieves arrested dur ing the year for stealing automo biles are serving Jail sentences. Many Arrests Made There was a total of 2,246 arrests and fines and cost amounting to $12,347.84 were collected. In July 258 arrests were made, the largest number in any month of the year. During that month $1,514.10 was collected in fines and costs. Costs received from the county amounted to $1,701.09, so that the total amount received from all sources was $14,098.93. The report contains a tribute to JANUARY 14, 1919. Patrolman W. Melvin Kepford, who on the night of October 30 was killed when an automobile struck him as he stepped into the street at Chestnut and Fourth, • where he was detailed for traffic duty. The patriotism of the members of the force, in their zealous pursu ance of their duty during war times, when a great amount of extra labor was placed upon them, came in for its share of praise from the police head. Captain Joseph P. Thompson, Lieutenant J. Frank Page,' and the members of the detective bureau, also received the chief's thanks for t'nelr efficient service. Seven in l". S. Service Mention was made of the seven members who went into the military service. They were Patrolmen George J. Shoemaker, John K. Spangler, John S. Dye and Theo dore A. M. Magnelll, and Detec tives Glen G. Allison and David Wills. Patrolman Shpemaker and Detective Allison, both of whom are lieutenants, were seriously wounded in France. The number of arrests, and the fines and costs imposed during the year, were as follows: January, 168, arrests, $972.80 fines; Feruary, 138 arrests, $797.67 fines; March, 210 arrests, $1,463.47 fines; April, ISP arrests, $469.90 fines. May, 221 arrests, $820.56 fines; June, 196 arrests, $786.99 fines; July, 258 arrests, $1,514.10 fines; August, 237 arrests, $1,182.98 fines; Sep tember, 225 arrests, $1,051.01 fines; October, 113 arrests, $717.35 fines; November, 185 arrests, $1,355 fines; December, 172 arrests, $1,219 fines. "In closing my report," adds Chief Wetzel, "I desire to express my appreciation and thanks to His Honor, the Mayor, and to the mem bers of City Council and to other city officials, for the uniform courte sies extended to me during the past year, and to the members of the police bureau for their hearty co operation in the work of the bureau during this period." WALSH REFUSES BRITISH POST By Associated Press London, Jan. 14.—Stephen Walsh, Laborite, lias refused to accept his appointment as parliamentary secre tary the president of the Board of Trade, which was announced on Friday. LAST ARTICLE ON NATION'S LEAGUE BYT.R. APPEARS Colonel Declared Were Not Getting a . Clear Vision jfl Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 14.— An ar tide on the league of n&thma. thg last contribution that Colonel The*, dore Roosevelt prepared for the K "- sas City Star, appeared in that nwwm paper yesterday. The editorial was dictated Friday, January S, and Ms secretary expected to take the tyfe* copy to him for correction oa the fal lowing Monday. Instead she wee nod lied early that morning of hie deaths The article follows: "It is, of course, a serious miefMe tune that our people are not lettlef a clear Idea of what Is happening on the other side. For the moment the point as to which we are foggy is the league of natlona We all of us earnestly desire such a league, only we wish to be sure that It will help and not hinder the caufte of world peace and justice. There is not a young man in this country who has fought or an old man wfc* has seen those dear to him light who does not wish to minimise the ehaaoo of future war. But there is not m man of sense who does not know that in any such movement, if too mode is attempted, the result is either fMI ure or worse than failure. • • • i "Air. Wilson's recent utterances give us absolutely no clue as tm whether he really Intends that at this moment we shall admit RusMa. Germany, with which, incidentally, we are still raging war, Turkey. China and Mexico Into the league oa a full equality with ourselves. Mr. Taft has recently defined the par* poses of the league and the limita tions under which it would act in a way that enables most of us to say? we very heartily agree in principle with his theory and can without doubt cpme to an agreement on spe* ciflc details. Would it not be well to begin with the league which we actually have In existence, the league of the Allies who have fought through this great war? Let us at the peace table see that real justice Is done as among these Allies and that, while the sternest reparation is demanded from our foes for such horrors as those committed in Belgium, Northern France, Armenia and the sinking of the Lusltpnia, nothing should be done in the spirit of mere venge ance. Then let us agree to extend the privileges of the league as rapid ly as their conduct warrants it to other nations, doubtless discriminat ing between those who would have a guiding part in the league and the weak nations who would be entitled to the privileges of membership but who would not be entitled to a guid ing voice in the councils. "Finally make it perfectly clear that wo do not intend to take a po sition of an international Meddle some Matty. The American people do not wish to go into an oversea* war unless for £. very great causa and where the issue is absolutely plain. Therefore, we do not wish to undertake the responsibility of send ing our gallant young men to die In obscure lights in the Balkans or in Central Europe or in a war wa do not approve of. Moreover, tha American people do not intend to give up the Monroe Doctrine. Let civilized Europe and Asia introduce some kind of police system in tha weak and disorderly countries at their thresholds. But let the United States treat Mexico as our Balkan peninsula and refuse to allow Euro pean or Asiatic Powers to Interfere on this continent in any way that implies permanent or semiperma nent possession. Every one of our Allies will with delight grant this request if President Wilson chooses to make It, and it will be a great mis fortune If It is not made. "I believe that such an effort mada moderately and sanely, but sincerely and with utter scorn for words that are not made good by deeds, will be productive of real and lasting inter national good." First Open House at Moorhead'* Friday Night . G ,e°rgo W. Deiker, superintendent of the Moorhead Mills, announces the first open house of the Moorhead Knitting Company for tha year 1910 on Friday night. The entire mill will be In operaton from 7.80 to 8.80, giv ing an opportunty to the people of Harrisburg to go through and see the entire workings of the Moorhead plant. The foreman of each depart ment will be In charge with special: attendants giving all possible infor maton as to the makng and finishing of the product. Starting with the fourth floor, R. L. Jones, In charge, the visitors will be taken through the entire knitting department, thence down to the loops ing, mending and inspecting depart ment in charge of Merle Sanders: thence to the finishing department In charge of Mrs. Grace Sheesley, In charge of domestic and Miss Mar garet Parner' In' charge of for sic rg domestic shipping in charm off Haynes Green and foreign shipping in charge of Isaac Naugle; thence to the boardng department in charge "of Miss Mary Lawyer. All the mill will be in operation. No tickets will be necessary. After inspection of tha mill a dance will be held in the recreation room of the plant. Mualo will be furnished by the Municipal band orchestra, in charge of Frank Blumensteln. No children will ba admitted unless accompanied by adults. Souvenirs will be distributed Miss Edith Randolph West, wh* has charge of the welfare and • ployment work of the mill wit) be hostess In the recreation room and will do everything poestble to make It pleasant for the- guests. A big crowd is looked for. Yankee Girli Dance With Prince of Wales Cobleiu, Jan. 14. — Tha prinoa ofi Wales, who has been vlßltlng tha American area of occupation as tha guest of Major General Dickman, re* turned to the British sector this af ternoon. He said goodby to General Dickman at a luncheon at which ha was the guest of Major General Hlnes in the castle of tha Prinoa of Wled at Neuwled. Since his arrival In the American sone, the prince had been treated ag an ordinary captain, the rank desig nated by his uniform, rather than ag the heir to the British throne. At the danoe the prinoe attended last night It was intended that ha should be exempted from "cutting in," which meant that one otfioey could claim the partner of another officer, there not being enough nurs es from the American and Brltlsn armies to go around . On* office* accidentally "cut in" on the princa. He passed the incident aside, and for the remainder of the evening "cut in" and submitted to the teal of his partner with th* same grasp as th* other* . - 11