Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 13, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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1 Outline Procedure and
Ilarrisburg Railway
lmportant ac
yyj tion will be tak
en' by the Public j
L jjv Service Commis-
slop this week in
regard to cases
recently heard
figE and the future
idtO procedure in the
!3|ll Hnrrlsburg and
\j Valley Railways
WOsSSy plaints will be
ned. The Valley Railway val
n is well under way.
is also possible that some action
be taken In regard to Philadel
transit and electric matters,
ng the week executive sessions
be held and some of the big
i heard lately may be assigned
le Commission plans to make
iquiry into the natural gas sit
in something of nation-wide ini
ince. The proceedings of the
Brenco in Pittsburgh last Wed
ay when the authorities on nat
gas in Pennsylvania were
kers will bo printed together
the addresses of ropresenta
of the United States Govern
t and tlie companies. To this
be added the results of natural
cases considered by the com
ion in recent months. Adjoln
stutes will likely bo asked to
i in conservation measures,
u following .story of the new
■tary of Agriculture is told in
Miiladelphia Public Ledger:
ley tell Rn interesting little
■ of Professor Frederick lias
en. of State College, who is to
Secretary of Agriculture in the
ul administration,
rofessur llasmussen Is not a
pulling politician, but a seien
wlth the gift of puttng thngs
ly and galvanizing facts and tig
into life.
e talked about food-supply prob
lutciy in Chicago, and after
one of the magnates of the
industry who heard him re
Vnother good man wasted on
\ man with a brain like that
t to be in the steel business,
be at the top of the heap!
r heard such a fellow for mar
ng dry facts and putting 'em
ifully.' "
le United States Civil Service
mission annonnces an examina
for first-grade clerk, male and
tie, to be held in this city on
ch 1, 1919. As a result of this
lination new positions and va
les in the Third Civil Service
rict will be filled. The district
ware and New Jersey. Competi
prlses the states of Pennsylvania,
will be examined in the subjects
pelling, arithmetic, penmanship,
r-writlng and copying and cor
ng manuscript. Application
is and further information con
ing this examination may be se
d from George S. McCrone, sec
ry of the board of examiners,
i 205, Post Office building.
THE GLOBE Everybody Is Going to The Globe THE GLOBE
All day Saturday (the 4th day of our
Great Sale) tremendous crowds surged back
and forth in THE GLOBE. There has not been any sign or
semblance of a let-up. People who are interested in saving
REAL MONEY are flocking here in just as big crowds as on
the opening day.
No matter where you turn or in which
department you may happen to be you'll
find BARGAINS—BARGAINS—BARGAINS the like of which
Harrisburg has never seen before.
None of the Merchandise was burned
Conditions of the Sale —
No Goods Charged No Money Refunded None sent C. 0. D.
None Sent On Approval No Goods Exchanged Every Sale Final
Free Alterations on Suits and Overcoats Only
Rev. Dr. Bagnell Preaches
Second of Series of Sermons
Grace Metliodlßt Episcopal Church j
was filled last evening by a big con
gregation who heard the Rev. Dr.
Robert Bagnell discuss Immortality,
this being, the second sermon o£ a
series termed "Groat Things."
Taking for his text "If a Man Die.
Shall He Live Again?" Job 14:14.
Dr. Bagnell said In part:
"The question of the text has been
asked ,by men of all ages. Is it pos
sible to give an affirmative answer?
The whole life, in Its happiness and
service, has been limited; but when
an affirmative answer has been
found, there have been poise and
peace and power in the life. We
believe that a clear, certain affirma
tive is possible to every questioning
"Philosophy and human reason
offer some arguments upon the im
mortality of the soul which, while
they fall short of absolute certainty,
produce supreme confidence In It.
"Socrates was the first of the great
thinkers," he further pointed out,
"to arrive at the certainty of faith
In the immortality of the soul. His
best arguments are the unity and
simplicity of the soul which render
indivisible and therefore eternal, and
the law of opposites.
"The fact of darkness argues the
fact of light, therefore the fact of
death argues the fact of life beyond.
Socrates' arguments are not con
vincing, but his sublime personal
faith Is."
The Rev. Dr. Bagnell argued that
the very hunger of the soul for God
is a proof of God and likewise the
longing for immortality proves its
existence. "The supreme certainty
of the fact of immortality," he con
cluded, "is reached, not in the argu
ments of human reason, but in the
revelation of Jesus Christ, who
'brought life and immortality td
light through the Gospel."
Plans For Armory to
Be Made at Meeting
An important meeing of those In
terested in the rnaintainance of the
Armroy of the City Grays will be
held at the Armory building to-mor
row evening. Special committees will
make reports a<d the nomination
and election of commanding officers
for the military organization will
also be an important item of busi
ness. The meeting is called by Lieu
tenant George S. McGowan. presi
dent and the committee on organiza- I
tion which includes Sergeant Lau
benstein, Garman, Nauss. Humer and
With sixty-two men reported on
the sick list, the service of the Har
ris'ourg Railways Company was cur
tailed to a certain extent yesterday,
while the extra cars which were to
be run to Wildwood to accommodate
the skaters were not operated until 2
o'clock in the afternoon. Service to
day is resuming normal.
The Rev. Dr. George E. Hawes,
pastor of the Market Square Pres
byterian Church, in his morning ad
dress yesterday discussed the hand
of God in the various critical battles
of the great war. His theme was
the overruling providence of the
Almighty in bringing about a victory
for righteousness and justice.
By AstocialtisPrtst
Washington. Aerial navigation
maps are included, under War De
partment orders issued to-day. in
the permanent military maps to be
prepared and kept up t.o date in the
records of the department.
Washington. Rumor In the War
Department has it that Major Gen
eral George W. Goethals is to take
charge of the building of a vehicular
tunnel under the Hudson River to
connect Manhattan uud Jersey City.
Washington. The friends of
Representative Nicholas Eongworth,
of Ohio, have decided they will urge
htm to become a candidate for the
Speakership of the new House of
Washington. Secretary Daniels
made public copies of letters from
the officers commanding troops on
the armored cruiser North Carolina
and battleship Georgia to the com
manding offecers of these warships
expressing their appreciation of the
care and provision for the comfort
of the soldiers on the voyage from
New Officers Installed
by Post 58, G. A. R.
Officers of Post 58, Grand Army
of the Republic, who were elected
recently, were installed on Saturday
night. An interesting and Impressive
program had been arranged for the
occasion. Officers for the year fol
low: 11. S. Waton, commander; M
A. Lloyd, senior Vice-commander; H.
L. Bennett, Junior vice-commander;
I* I. Thomas, quartermaster; R. M.
Johnson, surgeon; William Huggins,
chaplain; W. H. Jones, outside door
man; H. S. Wettzel, outside guard; H.
W. Newman, post inspector and ad
jutant; Thomas Numbers, senior
guard; W. D. Rhoads, quartermas
ter sergeant.
I wont catch cold
if my feet
"When I get home, I'll Just dry
my feet and snuff some Kondon's
Catarrhal Jelly up my note.
It's easy to keep a cold from coming
-—and KONDON'S—It smells
so nice."
FREE K°odon' doesn't do wonder®
oft Tm.—n X. torrourcold. sneesing. cough,
catarrh, noso-bleed,
Coupon headache, ioro none,
A tin (large encash we'll pay your
for'JU apphctttionß) money hack,
will be mailed on receipt KONDON'S
of your name and add re# s, Minneapolis,
r'og sale by all druggists. Minn.
Presbyterian Association i
to Meet on Thursday
The Presbyterian Association of |
Harrisbyrg and vicinity which In- |
eludes the elders, deacons, trusteos
and Sunday School superntendents
of Presbyterian congregations will
have its annual meeting at the Mid- >
dletown Presbyterian Church, Thurs
day afternoon at 5 o'clock.
The Rev. Dr. George E. Haws will f
address the evening meeting o# the.
topic, "What Has the World War
Reft the Church?" Supper will be
served by the women of the Middle- 1
town congregation at 6 o'clock.
A large claßs of new members was ,
received into the Holy Name Society
last evening by the Very Rev. Daniel .
J. Carey, rector of St. Patrick's Oat
thedral. An Impressive sermon was '
delivered by the Rev. Patrick J. j
Phelun. The spiritual director of the (
society, the Rev. F. X. Feesre, at
tended the ceremonies.
. **TWr eta b* mm bmilal, 1 !
Ibt itw taw from OM Mood mt
women. <h. nm go from tWr
chaofca—their cbarm and attract
irenotadepart. I always insist that
my patients take organic iron—
Nuxated Iron—(not metallic iron
which olten corrode* the stomach
and does more harm than good).
.Nuxated Iron is easily assimi
lated, does not blacken ncr in
jure the teeth nor upset the
stomach. It will increase the
strength and endurance of weak,
nervous, irritable, careworn,
haggard women in two weeks
time in tnany cases. I ha v e
used it in my own practice I
with moat surprising results."—
Ferdinand King. M.D.. well known
New York Physician and medical
author. (Satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded—On sale at all
good druggists.) ' >
From a
After itn absence of a couple
of weeks I hnre returned (rum
a business trip and svlll be at
my office us usual,
I) A. M. until 12 M.
1.30 until 5 P. M.
• >., Mil 1 UN ma nuMum,
"The Live Store" "Always Reliable"
January Reductions
The speedometer (when working right)
gives the speed of the car, the driver can always tell if
the car is running "safe" —So the merchant can tell from his
daily records if his business is in a flourishing condition, or not,
sometimes it's necessary for HIM to "speed up" to keep within
running distance and around th ; s time of the year there's usually
a lot of speeding up—
. This "Live Store" believes in keep : ng a business in
a flourishing condition all the year around, were geared up to "high
speed" at all times Yet there is never anything spectacular about the way we do
business, our plan has been ever since we started, to give the people the kind of mer
chandise they want at a profit to us, and a saving to our customers, because we be
lieve that known quality merchandise with the usual DOUTRICH guarantee is the
most satisfactory way to win the confidence of the buying public, and the only way
we do business is by square-dealing honest representation and giving greater values.
Com 2 Here For Genuine Reductions
Where Every Suit and Overcoat Is Reduced
All $2O Suits and Overcoats $16.50
All $25 Suits and Overcoats $21.50
All $3O Suits and Overcoats $24.50
All $35 Suits and Overcoats $28.50
All $4O ? and Overcoats $32.50
Suits and Overcoats * $37.50
All $5O Suits and Overcoats 1.50
All Men's and. Boys Mackinaws Reduced
gl Shirt Reductions
■f M All $l-50 Shirts ... .. $1.19
[ fllllll All $2.00 Shirts $1.59
I All $2,50 Shirts $1.89
jfc All $3,50 Shirts $2.89
.|||R All $5.00 Shirts $3.89
Shirts $4.89
W -iiaß All $6.85 Shirts $5.89
|j||j fjll All $7.85 Shirts $6.89
I All $8.85 Shirts $7.89
PWP ' All $lO.OO Shirts $8.89
Iplßp| All Black Satin Shirts 99c
All Signal Shirts $1.75
HP All Flannel and Wool
Shirts Reduced