Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 10, 1919, Page 6, Image 6
6 I BACK FROM THE BUSHES c* The International Sunday School Lesson For Jan uary 12 Is: "Moses the Leader of Israel"—Exodus 3:14-17 By WILLIAM T. fiLLIS Despite the fact that a few un taught pacifists are now lifting up their voices to tell us how to run the world, the lesson has really been learned by mankind In "the war that I suffers -from constipation to know about Dr. \ 1 \ Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It is pleasant to y ■ \ the taste, does not gripe, and the result is k 1 1 'sure." (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell writ- ■ I fen by Mr. R. A- Laney, Alexandria, La.J ■ Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a com bination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, pleasant to the taste, gentle in action and posi tive in its effect. It relieves constipation quickly, without griping or strain, and is a standard family remedy. DR. CALDWELL'S Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. $l.OO A TRIAL BOTTLE CAN BE OBTAINED,.FREE OF CHARGE. BY WRITING TO OR. W. B. CALDWELL. 459 WASHINGTON STREET. MONTICELLO, ILLINOIS HOW WEAK, NERVOUS WOMEN QUICKLY GAIN- VIGOROUS HEALTH AND STRONG NERVES 7 A DAY FOR 7 DAYS A Vigorous, Healthy Body, Sparkling Eyes and Health-Col ored Cheeks Come in Two .Weeks, Says Discoverer of Bio feren. World's Grandest Health Build er Costs Nothing Unless It Gives to Women the Buoyant Health They Long For. It la safe to say that right here In this big city ar tens of thousands of weak, nervous, run-down, de pressed women who in two weeks' time could make themselves so healthy, so attractive and so keen minded that they would compel the admiration of all their friends. The vital health building elements that these despondent women lack are all plentifully supplied in Bio feren. Stern's Appreciation lllucher or Sale of Good Shoes Button style. . , lroad t goes on in full swing. Bargains y* 1 like these are going to make to- f |\Q <PIsU7 morrow a "humdinger" at this store. y asvvr rSjSrl?*.. Boys' Tan Boys' Tan fslt EssHik Army Shoes. „ Work or /7 ■ - Lv School Shops. // Ik Lnee Shoes. Soft tips. Heave Kilt // I\ Itleh cloth Sale Price, skin uppers'. V | tops. Sole Sale price. U $2.95 $3.35 $2.95 Ladles' Black Lndlea' Nobby Ladles' \ Kid Military Dnll Kid Kelt ' Boot*. Hoots. Juliets I rK . .. l f n, .!! w , Fnr trimmed, / /Mf Military heels. Louis Heels. / /Mf Sale price. Sale Price, J JJa MenV $2.95 $3.65 $1.35 $4.95 $2.95 FRTDAY EVENING. safety Is not first; that pain 1s not the worst peril,'* that death Is more desirable than dishonor; and that "the right Is more precious than peaee.' CFaven consideration for the If you are ambitious, orave suc cess in life, want to have a healthy, vigorous body, clear skin and eyes that show no dullness, make up your mind to get a package of Bio feren right away. it costs but little end you can get an original package at any druggist anywhere. Take two*tablets after each meat and one at bedtime —seven & da> tor seven days then one adlei meals till all are gone. Then if you don't <eel twice as good, look twice as attractive and feci twice a's strong as before you started your money Is waiting for you. It belongs to you, tor the discoverer oi Bio-teren doesn't want one penny of it unless it fulfills all claims. Note to Physicians. There Is no secret about the formula of 810-feren, it is printed on every package. iters It Is: Lecithin. Calcium Glycero phosphate, Iron Feptonate Mang anese Peptonate, Kit. Nux Vomica, Powd. Gentian; Phenolphtbaleln; Glen resin Capsicum, Kolo. carcass, which la the essence of pacifism, has been repudiated by our gallant soldiers, who loved honor and duty and patriotism and right eousness more than the prolongation of their own existence. We are In a mood to study about Moses, ihe first patriot who dared to strike a blow for the sake of the op pressed. When Moses, palace-train ed, but a Hebrew to the last drop of his blood, saw an Egyptian smit ing a Jewish slave, he did the na tural, manly, and chivalrous thing, and felled the tyrant with a blow. Evledtnly, In his princely training. Moses had not known the suffer ings of his people. When first he came face to face with the plight of the poor, all his noble manhood surged up In protest. The simple ex planation for the continuance of ! many wrongs In the earth is that the i exempt and favored few have not really known or felt them. Wise with the wisdom of Moses Is the young man or woman who Invests his or hat - life In the service of the unfor tunate, and makes common cause with the masses., Right at the outset Moses found the disheartening condition which ultimately drives every faddist and shallow sentimentalist out of benev olent activity. The persons whom he sought to help did not appreci ate him. When he intervened be tween two quarreling Hebrews, they scorned him and betrayed him as the slayer of an Egyption taskmaster. That was a hard blow for the pa triotic ardor of the young reform er. It was a bitter discovery. Many persons have felt exempted from further charitable service because they have found that not all Bel gians are grateful; that some Ar menians are unworthy, that there are tmposters among the Syrians; that certain Ottoman Greeks are capitalizing their misfortunes, that the poor generally are unapprecia tlve. This Is shallow thinking. If help were to be given only to the wholly worthy and thankful, phi lanthropy and reform would cease. "God is kind to the evil and the un thankful." Moses, like most of us. had a hard time learning how to be patient with the provoking people who did not deserve his service. Knights For New Days Our day has arrived at the Hoses mood, of quick, hard blows at popu lar evils. He rode forth righting wrongs. His attitude toward all In justice and oppression was that of the knights of the new day. All the world is waking up to the convic tion that wrongs are not to be en dured, but to be remedied. Patriot ism expresses itself in fearless cham pionship of all who suiter. We have seen shining examples of zeal for their own countrymen, and for the universal liberty, by the Czechs and Rumanians and Slavs who are In exile from their homelands. They are of the Moses type. This passion for human rights, which has made Moses a vital factor in our own day, and caused his laws to be the buttress and hope of lib erty everywhere, has come to new power since the war. Millions of soldiers have had long, long thoughts concerning it: for it is the cause to which they devoted- their lives. In the recent remarkable cel ebration at Philadelphia of the sign ing of a Declaration of Independence by the Middle European nations, when a new Liberty Bell was un veiled, a Jewish speaker reminded the people that the message of the bell, and of the cause, came from the law of Moses—"Proclaim Lib erty throughout the land, and unto all the inhabitants thereto." Nobody can have an intelligent zeal for lib erty without acknowedging his debt to Moses. Tranquility is no longer a goal of life. Soldiers have taught us that truth's tumult Is better thai} error's ease. Moses would have missed life had he remained In the palace; ho achieved manhood and succeed by striking a blow, an au dacious, risky blow, for freedom. The persons whose chief fear is that they may be unpopular or uncomfortable have not much standing In the world to-day. Timorous shrinking from criticism gets scant respect or con sideration. In these timeß we award all palms to the fearless champions of conviction, who are willing to af front tradition and if only they may help make and keep the world free. There are two classes of people in the world: The few who do things, and the many who talk about those who do things. As vre stand with Moses, God's lighting man, let us learn the great lesson of courage for righteousness" sake. Into the Desert British military railways now thread the desert that stretches be tween the palace home of Moses and the tents of Horeb to which he fled When he learned that he was known as the slayer of the Egyptian. Dr Ftnley made the flight in an aero plane from Cairo to Jerusalem in four hours. Ere these words are printed I shall be well on my way to Palestine, for a last look at Bible times, before civilization effaces Ihem forever. The desert and Its splendid thought-compelling isola tion is doomed. Instead, I suppose we shall retreat for meditation to the distant heights above the clouds. It does seem as If a great desert experience is essential to every man with a great work to do. Moses was sent off into this school of seelus on deprivation and meditation. So was John tha Baptist. So was Jesus. So was Paul. There they all learned how nonessential are most of the things that civilization prizes; and how essential are the things of the spirit. A tent may be a more royal abode than a palace- France has been, in some respects, a desert of for our sol diers. They have learned In the army that a man's life consists not in the things ho possesses. There existence has been stripped to the efleifientals for them. They have achieved their sublimcst heights without any of tbfe comforts of home or conventional living. Luxuries or even conveniences are not essential to great living. The First Lesson From the Trenches Nolan Rlbe Best, editor of The Continent, returned from France with this sense of superiority to hardship as his first Impression. "No man Is yet a free soul who imagines thut he has to be comfortabre in or der to be happy. To millions of Americans the recpnt war has brought the blessing of deliverance from that illusion. They have learn ed how possible It is to be happy though Inconvenienced. From painless barracks, sheet less cots and llnenless mess halls on this side of the Atlantic, our sol diers have passed to three-layer bunks and swing-shelf tables packed with suffocating space economy Into the holds of ocean transports bound for France. Landed on the other side of the ocean, they have learned fresh lessons In scaling down life's necessities ns they tramped inter minable distances under Enormous pack loads along Btony highways, rode farther yet by rail in freight cars shared often with their battery horses, took both the beat of the sun apd the drench of the clouds without protection from either; and under the ineffectual shelter of pup ,ten;fs camped la UWJJBBII flelds. now HARRISBTTRG (AfiAl TELEGRAPH smothered with dust and again sub merged In liquid mud. "Still beyond all-this they came to their weeks and weeks of trench duty, where even a dream of clean liness was possible only in wild de lirium, where escaping the Intimate company of vermin was a far great er miracle than escaping the shell fire of the Hun, and where the acme of good fortune and luxury was a chance to squat on the earth floor of some Stygian dugout and eat'one's dinner of 'slum and spuds' out of a battered tin pan. "Counting out battle' risks alto gether, and all the hldeousness of mortal conflict, man to man, it yet remains true that war relentlessly stripped from these flne-grained and finely nurtured young Americans practically every shred of outward amenities which had been supposed to constitute the peculiar boons of civilization. "But did these young gallants find life intolerable when its facile con veniences and its pleasant indul gences thus disappeared? "Entirely otherwise; life under these sterile conditions daily took on for them ampler meaning as its rinds were husked oft and they came nearer and nearer to the core of it. "They found themselves happiest when they possessed least. "Most of all, this wartime experi ment in defying obnoxious circum stances will afford men new cour age to disdain an unfriendly world warring against tholr consciences. "The man who would smite an old abuse and cry down an evil creed Is back from the bushes and dosert to OurJanuarySale Is Going Big We re getting the Crowds tor these big Cloth- When Wni. Strouse Store starts out to reduce iiit, \alues all over our store. People know where the real stocks you can bet your bottom dollar there's going to be merchandise is and where the real values and genuine re- !! something doing around this big men's and boys' store. All actions are to be had I You cant fool all the people ° our stocks are in our January Clearance Sale. It's the best all the time, and it s a mighty clever fellbw who fools time to buy. We're getting die crowds because we're giving them at all v # the values. ALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS §9ll I ® ur Januar y Sale $25.00 Suits and d>i Arn $40.00 Suits and d00 CA IhFS!MW|S! ° vercoat $1.50 Overcoats $33.50 j] ifoijpf nil ■ 1 $30.00 Suits and doi ja $45.00 Suits and djo7 pa f/ Yj I jfe |® Overcoats tp&l.iJV !! Overcoats a : \\ % $35.00 Suits and PA $50.00 Suits and djyi IPA Overcoats —... .p£ I• 0" Overcoats P ** • A Shirts—-In Our January Sale' All Men's ' wA Percales, Silk Stripe Madras, and Finest Silk®— Underwear .l MA All $l - 00 Shirts ... 79c. AH $5.60 Shirts /. $4.19 ft" <Z£L-. Sl * 49 ■r i|j|| A* / All $1.50 Shirts .. $1.29 All $6 50 Shirts $549 " JSLiSSi... $139 All $2.00 Shirts .. $1.49 „ ** g* ;; $2.19 Hi , All $2.50 Shirts .. $1.89 ™ *£. so ™• • llil tOZL.. $2.69 " ? 'H A \ All $3.00 Shirts ..$2.19 " $B.OO Shirts .. $6.89 $3.19 ■ Mm mj k \ All $3.50 Shirts .. $2.69 All $8.50 Shirts . . $7.49 ay* $4.19 I .An $4.00 Shirts .. $3.19 All $9.00 Shirts .. $7.89 $5.19 | / >\H " Overcoats and Suits h 4 $7.50 Suits and Overcoats $8.50 Suits and Overcoats <£g glj . __ $lO.OO Suits and Overcoats £7 85 ]rW ml yj' All Men's Trousers All Men's Hals $12.50 Suits and Overcoats to'cc I f F . T si T 01 IN OCR JANUARY SALE .DH.Oj ' I ' " . In Our January Sale su ,oo Velour Hats $8.45 cicnnC.** A . UL L-J $3.00 Trousers .. .$2.45,, $B.OO Velour Hats $6.45 gIO.UU JUItS ana UVerCOatS {ll OP , % $3.50 Trousers ...$2.95i' $6.00 Velour and Felt pil#oJ f,Wi // . $4.00 Trousers ...$3.45 ' -fj-'f' $lB.OO Suits and Overcoats $l4 or #-/\ (f/i. $5.00 Trousers .. .$3.95 ;°° hZ. /ITs $14.55 /A L gA $6.00 Trousers ...$4.95 $3.00 Felt Hats.. .$2.55 $20.00 Suits and Overcoats <MCCC / $6.50 Trousers ...$5.45 $3.50 Felt Hats,. .$2.85 '/ The Wm. Strouse Store 310 Market St. .quiet, we will rob you of your living' favorite threat: 'lf you don't keep "But the soldlejr who has fought overseas will surely answer: 'You cannot frighten me rfhat way. In France I learned to live; without a living.' " Paradoxically, tlis lonely places are crowded with the loftiest thoughts. All desert peoples are philosophical. Dwellers In the far spaces, the seas and the sands, have time to think about the greatest themes. Moses acquired the high art of meditation, which is more valuable than any of the mysteries of Egypt, during his long years of sojourns as a shepherd on the Sinai Peninsula. He developed an inquir ing mind, the shepherd's oivok is but an elongated question mark. So when he saw a bush aflame a* turn ed aside to see the great slagi Some stodgy brains that we e 1 know would never have looke-i °wice for the meaning of the m~ -vel. Mrs. Browning's familiar lines tnust be quoted: "Earth's crammed with heaven, And every oommon bush afire with God: But only he who sees, takes off his shoes, The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries." Everything in Ufa hangs on "If" hooks. If Moses had not been alert and of an Investigating turn he would never have heard the Voice In the bush calling his own name. Lo, it was Jehovah, revealing Him self to this doubly-drilled deliverer, trained In Egypt's face, the shep-' herd-statesman heard his own com mission to save tfte Hebrew* from Pharaoh. God accredited Himself as the covenant keeping One—which should have been credentials suf ficient for Moses, too. "I can stand anything that any body else can stand, and I can do anything that anybody else can do," quietly said a traveler to a friend, in explanation of his success in overcoming hardships. Mose* lacked this confidence; but he became dis loyal when he distracted God. When the Lord says "Go" it Is no time to respona, "Who ttn I?" The only answer *o sucb a command is the first made b Moses, "Here am I." God's g-oatest servants have ever been those who developed the habit of saying, "Here am I" to His calls —even when they are a summons bac kfrom the bushes and desort to the palaces of Pharaoh. "If by'a still small voloe He calls. To paths that I do not know, I'll answer, 'Dear Lord, with my hand In Thine, I'll go where you want me to go.' " A Shepherd's Dud With a King Equipped by his providential ex periences, and by Tils call, Moses re luctantly—too reluctantly—assumed the task of leader of Israel, to de liver thepi out of captivity. His long conflict with Pharaoh, until by the argument of tho plagues he won at last, are told in the Lesson Text One of the wonders of the conflict was the simple fact that a shepherd from tho desert was arrayed a.?alnst the mighty king of Egypt. By a I way he knew not, Moses had been Urn. i&rmts? JANUARY 10, 1919. led to a place ot world leadership. such as as could never have attained had h- remained a palace favorite. God seems to lead us a long way around to our dearest goals, perhaps to teach us to know our Guide. Forlorn as was the cause of Moses and his enslaved countrymen. It nevertheless won. We are living In the day of the triumph of forlorn hopes, yehlch five years ago seemed quite as desperate as the case of the Israelites. Sometimes wo thlnlc that 1 we must pinch- ourselves to make sure that we are awake and not 1 dreaming. Behold, after centuries, Bohemia Is free, and Poland. Tho cruelties of the Germans, and of all • other nations, to the blacks of Cen -1 tral Africa are ended. Turkey's 1 tyranny has been completely bro MUSTARINE CONQUERS TONSILITIS, PLEURISY,LUMBAGO ARD NEURALGIA Kills All Pains and Aches in Half tho Time it Takes liniments, Poultices and Plasters Begy's Mustarlne is used by tens of thousands of people who know that it Is the quickest killer of pain on earth. It's so penetrating and effective that In most cases neuralgia, head ache, toothache, earache and back ache disappear in 5 to 10 minutes some statement, but It's true. It will not blister because it's the original substitute for the old reliable mustard plaster and Is made of real ken. and Armenia, Syria, Arabia, the Druses and all the other little sub ject peoples have been delivered. The small nations of Middle Europe an- now free from ancient yokes. Slavery U gone The liquor power Is going. Child labor has had its shackles broken Verily, this is tho day of jubuoiion for forlorn hopes. Now we wonder who of the men returning from France, freed fron old fears and conventional Hons, will be tho new followers ot the example of Moses, to le*l man kind Into still larger liberty, spirt*. UHI as well as physical. Has MUM Paul or Whilefleld or Bulbar or Moody been In training In tho' trenchers? In this high hour of hls "tory and opportunity, who a[e to b# God's chosen liberators? I yellow mustard—no cheap substitute* are used. Use it to banish rhsumatlo palm i and gout, for sore, inflamed or frostsd feet, for chilblains, stiff neck or ! Joints or cramps In legs. It acts In stantly and never fails to drive out Inflammation In any part of the body. Ask for and get Mustarine always in the yellew box. —Adv.