Expert to Survey City's Need For Hospital to Treat Contagious Disease Dr John H. Stokes, of the Mayo, Clinic Rochester, Minnesota, was se lected' by the Harrlsburg Chamber of Commerce Committee, and the Dau phin County Medical Society Commit tee at their meeting yesterday, to come to this city and make a survey of the needs for a hospital for the treatment of contagious diseases. After a plan of action has been map ped out by the expert, it will be sug gested to the city and county com missioners, and it is the hope of the committees that actual work will be started in the spring. If 2ND BIG SATURDAY oF|f AVrfiAKTC J THE GREATEST OF ALL CLEAN SWEEP SALES (VtohhskhSO SATURDAY'S Broom Coupon (firing This With You > 6 HOURS OF BROOM SELLING: 9 to 11.30 • A. M. 2.30 to 5 P. M. *1 5 ilrooina I String) 49c Sold only to those buy north of mer e h n n dlae r:",?:;::;. None to chil- ■ drcn. The Balance of the GLOVES That Started the Great Sale Will Be on Sale Saturday Ladies' High Grade KID GLOVES 11 SATURDAY, pr„ l/£ High grade Kid Gloves in Mack, white, grey and tan. All sizes. "Menders" of line qual ity gloves. LADIES' CIIAMOISETTE GLOVES, fine quality in white, gray and mastic, slightly im perfect; sizes 6 and f* Q 6V:. Clean Sweep Sale O3C Price, pair ' I.ADIES' CHAIIOISETTE AMI DUPLEX GLOVES; fine qualities in white, hlaclc, gray and brown in self stitching. Jlean Sweep Q ry Sale Price, ft / C pair vsw, LADIES' CASHMERE AXD COLWOOL GLOVES in tray, orown and black. a , Clean Sweep Sale /4C Price, pair, — 1 Knnfmnn's. First Floor. ■ ■ WOMEN'S KNIT UNDERWEAR at Clean Sweep Prices W OMEN'S FLEECED VESTS AM) PANTS—Medium and heavy weight; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length pants. Sale Qzl/* price WOMEN'S EXTRA ' SIZE VESTS AND PANTS—Fleece lined; medium weight; .high neck, long sleeves, and ankle length pants. dj 1 1 O Sale price WOMEN'S UNION SUITS— Heavy weight, fleece lined* - high neck, long djl I*j sieeves. Sale price.. A• 1 # I Knnfmnn's. First Floor. Women's & Children's | HOSIERY at Clean Sweep Prices L A DIES' II O S I E K Y s.ightly imperfect. 1/1 Su . AtC LADIES' HOSIERY—BIack and white lisle; double sole and and heel; sizes to 10. Sa,e price, special OIC LADIES' LISLE HOSIERY —Black and white. A *J Sale price, pair ** C CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Heavy ribbed; black; double sole and heel; sizes 7to *}A 9 Vs. Sale price, pair. CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Fine ribbed black hose; double soio and heel; sizes 5 to 7 Sale price, o A " pair S4C I K imf...nFirst Floor. ■ I i Record Smashing Values In |H fflmm Clean Sweep Sale Saturday JS*? Heaters! All Kinds! Sheets and Pillow Ru&! Rugs! intr Brush 1"C chu " RoomMlr- tfjj On ' REVERSIBLE WOOL Pl rr-" 39c SBU 39c I O™ *** GI Cases ?ss. ss- ta ft3g I Chair oe Fhr'mrea 49c f^ UUtB .' - b. OK MUSLIN PILLOW CASES MUSLIN SHEETS—Seam- Price • f Keats M , lr .. ups 2Sc & .95 | £ S —3-inch hem; a good less; sizes 81x9(Mnches. These rugs are made of J Brush 7Q _ oecS ' !l!: O * quality; size 42x OQr SpeclaI ' $1.69 wool and a chemically treat- C with handle... "C tw J, foI . ' 5c $1.29 ' !< 36 inches; each.. each * e d fiber that makes them J 2E5*. . 19c K t -' '2sc g£SC $5.95 "° r "i n ' : st " *3 M (tea *,-. MUSLIN SHEETS Extra I —"""" Gas Hca,er ' ° •< jsaa: ~f® sE ,;s s ,B 5 J Special, pr., w540 COTTON FLEECE BLANKETS—Mado of O hours 1>3.03 each *1.157 Special, each f( . et ' clean QC C I BEAUTIFUL PLAID c ' ean crded ' in a good A O f> n - - - ll r. IT IT run r ri, nn m r . Sweep Price... **'"*••'* J I BLANKETS Wool had 0f gray; slze ,2xB ° J,OJ t Serviceable rugs in good ( % finish; plaid designs mule 3 * mm p IB "MP _________ n % color effects and all nice de- 9 M in plnfc, blue and tan; WOOL FINISH BLANKETS /ft r> f\ F* M ■ JMW WL H H HM9 Hj BiH # signs. \ I 06x80. 44Q5 Silver gray; extra good qual A < U.S V H MSt H ■■■ . HiK J AXMINSTKRRCCS— J J Special, pr., slzB pair %&\J m%J %S M !■ M Standard makes. Clean % I I A Su!\ BLANRETS— WOOLNAP BLANKETS—Ex- ft% Jf /> f- f C 1 Sweep $34.50 { jl soft;' beaut! fu! ua U J ta. I i C ity; size 66x80 Inches. WHITE WOOL FINISH An aj. ( I bI %* V| . H \ trous nap. an extremely line m II Special, CC QC BLANKETS —Size 64x76; .ik.'l M„S !■ MB"LU I ■ li\e coat. . plum, taupe, /lark brown and rose taupe. Lined throughout— \\ /' w \ 1 f j /|U \ ' j plush, fur or self collars. One hundred and twenty-five coats. VV/fK7 '/ /M \ ) THE COATS AT $15.95 TTTF AT qc ' n M' / Kersey, Velour, Pompom, JCersey and Cheviot —in reindeer, A AAJJI wVA A O A 1 f\\j | \\ J WiiPmOM ' i h-J taupe, burgundy, navy, dark brown some lined throughout Broadcloth, Cut Bolivia, Duvetyn. Velour. Pompom Kersey. /'I I 11/ J - I * i / _V7 some half lined. Fur, plush or self collars. All sizes for In black, navy, dark brown, taupe, reindeer, burgundy und plum /I If J I r~*fl misses and women one hundred and ten coats. all sizes for misses and women. Ninety-five coats. J j J | H Hundreds of Dresses at Sale Prices [ J] \ Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' IT? ja I' I Serge Dresses JtG QEJ Dresses 41 9QC A \\ I . M I iL 4 Sale Price Sale Price P A MA * JIU J Made of men's-wear serge, in black, navy, brown and taupe; Made of extra fine serge, in all the newest styles; 1 nicely AA JU : all good models; sizes 16 to 44. trimmed; embroidered and plain; assorted colors." ' w 7 ilf SERGE DRESSES, SILK POPLIN DRESSES, WOMEN'S AND MISSES' S - | V Clean Sweep Sale OQC Clean Sweep Sale AQC SATIN DRESSES OQC 1 ™l T % lce $19.95 Price Price Sale Price O.VD gmTS All-wool* Doolin Bu- Colors —black, navy and brown, made Made of Susquehanna silk poplin, in Choice of black, navy atid plum; three qui#* prLw, v IDJ/0 rella cloth and 'serge of a heavy serge; good model; sues lb pretty styles; nicely trimmed; all colors elegant styles to select from; embrold- Me™ wear serge and suits. to 42 only. and sizes up to 44. cre d and plain trimmed; sizes 16 to 43, a lMvool poplin suits ' i i . K AL'FMAX'S— Secoitcl Floor. ■■■ More New Waists Saturday ! In the Clean Sweep Sale White Voile and Flannel WAISTS in All the Best WAISTS g 4 Materials IQ4 C lean Sweep Sale. . . V. ocorgette and Crepe De chlne3 . Voile, trimmed with Val. lace Jap Silk, Irish Poplins; embroid nnH pmhrnMprv soiiare and V- el 'ed and Pleated fronts: round, and embroidery, square ana v y and square neck . combination neck; sailor collars. Sizes 38 to an( j square collars; all colors. 46. Sizes 38 to 54. Crepe de Chine & Geor-| Taffeta, Crepe de Chine gette Waists, O *7 A and Georgette Clean Sweep Sale. . <6 •# rr I WAISTS. O J A Tailored and I embroidered Clean Sweep Sale. . •# M fronts, round, square and V- Pleated and embroidered neck; sailor collars; colors, fronts; square, V an d round > neck; square and combination white, flesh, beige and black, collars; all colors. Sizes 3S to Sizes 38 to 46. . . 54. Georgette and Crepe de Chene Waists Very high class models that were made M pa* to sell for high prices, in all the new shades IC /I /XI and new models All sizes, in the Clean J/T"# § Jt Sweep Sale, at ■ Kaufman'. First Floor. Muslin Underwear: Clean Sweep Prices! Muslin Gowns QA Muslin Skirts "lean Sweep Sale Qt 1 C Clenn Sweep Sale •/ / Price w Prlce Ladies' Nainsook Gown, trim- li.xt.ra quality of Muslin, deep med with Val Lace and Ribbon embroidery flounce, dust rut- Insertion. Square neck, full cut. fie, full edt all lengths. Nainsook Gowns, $ 1 .12 „ , __„ Clean sweep Sale I Envelope Chemise i'rlee Clean Sweep Sale \J § Ladies' Nainsook Gown, trim- I'rlee med with Kmbroidery and Val Made of Nainsook, trimmed Lace and Insertion. Square and with embroidery, val lace and V-neck, full cut. insertion. Sizes 36 to 44. Nainsook Gowns, $1 .47 „ , „• _ _ Clean sweep sale I Envelope Chemise Q7 Price Clean Sweep Sale Ladies' Naindook Gown, extra Price luality. trimmed with Kmbroid- Envelope Chemise of extra sry anil Val Luce and Ribbon fine quality of Nainsook, trim- Insertion. Round, V and square med with filet lace and inser neck, full cut. Regular and ex- tion and trimmed arm holes, tra sizes. Sizes 36 to 46. •Uniifmn. 1 ,. Second Floor.— Benjamin M.ftead Heads Natural History Society Benjamin M. Nead was elected president of the Historical Society of Dauphin county at its annual meeting in its headquarters at 9 South Front street, last evening. Other officers elected were: Vice-presidents, Abra ham Fortenor.ugh, William Pearson, George Forester; corresponding sec retary, Dr. Harvey B. Bashore; re cording secretary. Mrs. Lillia A. Peay; treasurer, Dr. M. W. Emrick; executive committee, George W. Par sons, George A. Gorgas and William Jennings. PARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Courthouse Notes Sues Company. Asking $1,200 damages Joseph Stanovic, through counsel, brought an action against the Harrlsburg Railways Company, allaging a street car operated at a high rate of speed, crashed Into his auto truck on the afternoon of Au gust 14, 1918, and wrecked it. Sheriff Files Return.—Sheriff W. W. Caldwell to-day tlld in the office of Prothonotary C. E. Pass a return of service in the suit ot Walter 11. Gaither against the officials involv ed in the appointments by the War Board to have a history compiled of Pennsylvania's part in the war. I STORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 * Clean Sweep Girls' Coats Girls' Cloth OQ Girls' Win- OQQ COATS ter COATS. Sizes 2to 6 years; in assorted Corduroy and cloth coats, as colors and styles. sorted styles and colors; sizes 7 to 14. 0 Girls' Win- 'Sj ver y $1.95 meres; a $2.49 Llnea special | big bargain worsteds, cheviots. Boys' Specials Tomorrow To Start SECOND WEEK of CLEAN SWEEP SALE Boys' Corduroy Boys' Knit Toques Boys' Odd Blouses Pants, 6to 16 years —a dozen madras; A Q —strongly OO r shades •7C lapelese ... made ..... Boys' I'olo Over- Boys' Corduroy Boys' Xorfolk coats with loggings Suits, 7to 17 years, Suits, ito 17 years; and hat to match; made of drab shade good quality chev made ol' a heavy cord; pants cut full lot; made with new beaver tf*.* QC —trench QC trench Qg cloth ... model .. wO.I/O DO.£7D Men's Furnishings For Saturday Extra Specials For Second Week of Clean Sweep Sale MUX'S LINEN MEN'S MEN'S MEN'S COT COLLARS SUSPENDERS lIANDKER- TON H OSP ~p„ llnon: 5.07 Men's dress shirts, Men's genuine Ladies' Slip-on soft and laundered lambsdown union Sweaters, cuffs; made of per- BU its; all sises and , About twenty-five cale and soft mate- the best garment on 0 „ wealed'values rias. tho market. up to $8.98. 87c $1.97 $3.89 KAUFMAN'S—First Floor. KEMI^MLSAM Will Slop thai Cough GUARANTEED : 5