22 HHk-Wgwi or thJ V FEWER WOMEN ON MIDDLE DIVISION Employed as Track Laborers Being Laid Off as Soldiers Return No more women are needed for track work on the Middle division of the Pennsylvania railroad, is the word sent ottt to-day. Already some of tho ■women e*ployed in this branch of the •ervice have been released from duty. These blooniered women, both coi eved and white, were first employed In 1517, when the scarcity of male la bor owing to war demands became especially acute. But soldiers are now returning in large numbers and a surplus of such laborers has been created. Not only does the Pennsy use wom en as track hands, car cleaners, of fice workers and sweepers, but a large number of janitresses made their ap pearance when the army of masculine employes was depleted for military service. The janitresses will perhaps be retained longer than other femi nine employes, with the exception of clerks and stenographers. No Discharges Included on Discipline Bulletin No discharges are included in the , discipline bulletin of ttie Middle di- . vision for the week ending January j 5, issued by Superintendent J. C. i Johnson. A total of ISI employes] were disciplined for various causes. Some were only reprimanded, while | ethers drew suspensions from one , day to one week. Twenty-three men were reprimanded or suspended for failing to respond promptly after be ing properly called, sixteen drew sus pensions for absence without permls eion, eighteen freight enginemen were reprimanded for failing to re port defects on their engines and six I enginemen were disciplined for fail ing to extinguish headlights on their engines. Eleven trainmen, including con ductors, firemen and brakemen, re ceived suspensions of from two days to two weeks for not being on hand v hen wanted. Eleven others drew suspensions for failing to properly protect their trains. Sixteen inspec tors were reprimanded or suspended for faulty inspections. SHOP DISCIPLINE BI'LLETIX The discipline bulletin issued by R. K. Reading, superintendent of mo tive power of the Middle division, for the week ending January 4, shows that twenty-seven employes of the shops and shopvards were disciplined for various causes. Four employes were suspended from two to five days lor being absent from duty without permission. Twelve employes were dropped from the rolls for continuous absence without permission. Letter to the Editor 'I Hi : PROHIBITION AMENDMENT To the Editor of the Telegraph: While we very greatly desired to see our Legislature ratify the pro posed prohibition amendment to the National Constitution before taking recess, because we wanted our state to be among the "Immortal Thirty six" that will write prohibition into lite constitution, we are greatly grati fied that a Speaker of the House was elected who has made such splendid declaration on the question as has Robert S. Sangler. Mr. Spangler was endorsed by the Prohibitionists of York county for election after he had signed the following ringing decla ration. as we are told, without any hesitation. "The action of the State Prohi bition Committee at its late meeting was, 'Resolved, That we declare It to be the policy or the Prohibition party in the coming campaign so far as possible to co-operate with the Pennsylvania Dry Federation or any other body of people intent upon the election of a Legislature that will ratify the Prohibition Constitutional Amendment and enact state-wide prohibition.' "I hereby declare myself In entire harmony with the above proposed line of action and pledge myself, if elected to the Legislature, to support in every way possible every effort to secure ratification of the amendment and state-wide prohibition. (Signed) "ROBERT S. SPANGLER, "Candidate for House of Represent atives." The above is an exact copy of the original paper subscribed to, and so Ihe good people of York county and of the state as a whole are confident ly expecting that the Speaker of the House in his official capacity will ring true to his pledge. We do not know Mr. Spangler personally, but have been assured that he meant what he said when he signed this paper, and therefore we congratulate the House and the people of the state upon his election as Speaker. We are living in great itmes. and! not the least of the great questions I that are being settled right is the unmistakable outlawing of the liquor truffle. We are among those who! believe that it never has had consti-1 1 utional right to live in this land, but I when the amendment has been rati lied by the necessary thirty-six states, no longer can the constitu tion be perverted into giving it legal standing. It now looks to us that the necessary thirty-six states will 3ui\e ratified before our Legislature I reconvenes, so that ratification by it I can do nothing more than help to ward making ratification unanimous; I but if the unexpected happens and j the full number of thirty-sir has not yet been obtained by that time, we are confidently expecting Speaker Spangler to use his Influence to place Pennsylvania among the "Immor tals." We have no doubt she will ratify, but we greatly want her , among the honorable first thirty-six. Sincerely yours, B. E. P. PRUGH, Prohibition State Chairman. Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 10, a:j. JtISSIOXABV SGclteTV GETS A BEQUEST OF $21,000 ,™ e Foreign Missionary Society of the Harrisburg United Evangeli cal Publishing House, was bequeath ed 931.000 in the will of the late John Z. Herr, an aged real estate broker of Cleveland who died there yesterday. Mr. Herr was an in timate friend of Bishop W. Stan ford, 226 Reily street, who came to this city from Celeveland several years ago. He has been greatly In terested in the wprk of th Kvarigeli- Publishing House. I FRIDAY EVENING, Women's Value-Giving Underwear For the Cold Days of Winter There are many styles to choose from with as varied a showing for women requiring extra sizes as for women of average ligure. Women's white cotton fleece lined ribbed union suits, with Dutch neck and elbow sleeves, regular sizes. 42.00; extra sizes $2.25 Women's white cotton ribbed union suits of medium weight, in high neck and long sleeves: regular sizes. $1.75; extra sizes $2.00 Women's white cotton ribbed union suits of medium weight, in low neck, sleeveless and ankle length; regular sizes, $1.25; extra sizes, $1.50 Women's white cotton ribbed union suits of light weight; high neck and long sleeves $l.OO WOMEN'S SII.K AND 1.151.E STOCKINGS Women's black thread silk hose, fashioned feet, lisle tops $1.65 Women's thread silk hose; fashioned feel and lisle tops, in black and cordovan $1.75 Women's fiber silk seamless hose; in black, white, gray and cordovan. $l.OO Women's bli ck lisle seamless hose with spliced heels 50c Women's black cashmere fashioned feet hose $l.OO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Men's Winter Weight Underwear Heavy cotton fleece-lined union suits $2.00 Heavy ribbed cotton union suits, fleece lined, in Egyptian and grey, $2.25 Heavy grey cotton ribbed union suits, fleece lined $2.75 Heavy natural wool shirts and drawers, each $2.25 . Heavy ribbed cotton fleece-lined shirts and drawers $l.OO BLACK AND COLORED SOCKS Black cotton seamless socks ~.18c Heavy grey wool seamless socks 60c Black cashmere seamless socks ®oc Heavy cotton seamless socks, in black and cordovan 39c Fancy wool seamless socks $1.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. A Fine Lot of Winter Hats Reduced to $5.00 Of leading - interest in the clearance of Winter Milli nery are these models in Lvoivs Velvet that were for . merly $6.50 and 7.50 —some were higher. \ Another excellent group includes hats that were for merly $8.50 to $lO.OO at $6.50 Fur Turbans Reduced Fur turbans with Georgette crepe crowns and a bright colored flower as a trimming. Special in the Millinery \ Clearance at $5.00 —These have been * selling regularly at $6.50 and $7.50. Fine Velour Hats i N Reduced ) ij Regular $6.50 to $8.50 velour bats in y sport shades. Special in the Millinery Clearance at $2.95 f J \ Regular $lO.OO and $12.00 Velour I Hats in dark shades and black. Spe ) cial in the Millinery Clearance at ' A small lot of fashionable Countrv MsgClub Hatter's plush hats that were iNn. Jk $12.00 to $15.00. Special in the Mil- Ji lincry Clearance at $8.50 \ i Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 2nd Floor Front. A Host of Winter Suits From Regular Stock Joins the Semi-Annual Sale of Men's Clothing Suits Formerly $25 to $6O Overcoats Formerly $25 to $75 $19.50 to $50.00 $19.50 to $58.50 T -ig| This is an occasion of real economy in Men's and Young Men's . „ or Winter Clothing, for it is our scheduled time to adjust stocks, and ' f a fine lot of suits, embracing all sizes in the entire group, finds new ' lower prices on their tickets. Remember, men, that winter winds jR* 381 have only started to blow, &nd a long period of service is assured Ej^'^y^v^ WORSTEDS ' CASHMERES UNFINISHED WORSTEDS ;jlj "P\ J TWEEDS HOMESPUNS CHEVIOTS HERRINGBONES | J j. YOUNG MEN'S ONE-BUTTON WAISTLINE SUITS j 1 . ONE, TWO AND THREE-BUTTON DOUBLE-BREASTED SUITS i i fw* YOUNG MEN'S HIGH-WAISTED SINGLE-BREASTED SUITS CONSERVATIVE AND SEMI-CONSERVATIVE SUITS v .| ; V> * 150 Overcoats in Black and Oxfords pj WQBM j|a In the sale of'overcoats are cheviots, meltons, kerseys, fancy iSg, kj&iK jfjj black tweeds, and many imported fabrics of soft texture. J| mS Men's 36 to 44 years ...... $10.(>0 to |IBJSO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Rear. ftABJIISBTXRG TELEGIULFfI Dives. Pomeroy 6c Stewart Radical Reductions in Force on Women's and Children's Apparel A wealth of interesting values is offered in the sections of winter garments for women and children. $35.00 Coals For Women, $25.00 Fifty garments in various styles are reduced to a price that will make in teresting purchases for women whose coat needs have not been supplied. And in addition to the coats reduced to $25.00 are to be found many extra ordinary values in the groups that were originally priced at .$42.50 to $85.00. - Reliable Fur Coats and Furs Wiomen who are interested in obtaining dependable fur coats and furs at radical reductions will appreciate the economies presented in this annual Jan uary Clearance. Reliable peltry is shown at savings that will suggest the attention of women seeking furs. $275.00 Hudson Seal Cott with skunk price $275.00 collar. Clearance price $225.00 $,'(95.00 Hudson seal coat. Clearance $350.00 Hudson seal coat with beaver price $295.00 collar and cuits. Clearance price. $275.00 $225.00 seal coat. Clearance $250.00 brook mink coats. Clearance price 1 $175.00 price $215.00 $200.00 Nutria coat. Clearance price, $3 25.10 Hudson seal coat. Clearance $175.00 Fur Scarfs and Neck Pieces Reduced $27.50 and $30.00 Hudson seal muffs. uary Clearance price $59.50 January Clearance price $25.00 $05.00 skunk muffs. January Clearance $39.50 mole muffs. January clearance price $59.50 price $35.00 $55.00 red fox muffs. January Clear s4s.oo kit fox muffs. January Clear- anee sale $115.00 ance sale $39.50 $225.00 skunk scarf. January Clearance $65.00 natural cross fox muffs. Jan- price $175.00 Children s and Girls' Coats Reduced Our entire remaining stock of warm winter coats for girls and children is offered in the January Clearance Sales at substantial reductions. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. JANUARY JO, 1019. Clearance of Small Grassßugs Attractive Sizes Low in Price Clearance I'rlc* 36x/2-ii\ch W'aite Grass Rugs, $2.00 value $1.69 36x72-inch Deltox Grass Rugs, $2.50 value $1.69 36x72-inch Willow Grass Rugs, $2.50 value $1.69 36x72-inch Klcarflax Linen Rugs, $B.OO value $5.39 27-54-inch Klearflax Linen Rugs, $4.50 value $3.69 27x54-inch Body Brussels Rugs, $5.50 value $3.69 27x54-inch.Wilton Velvet Rugs, $4.50 value $3.69 36x63-inch Artloom Wilton Rugs, $12.50 value $8.50 9xl2'fcct Colonial Rag Rugs $lO.OO Short lengths of 50c China and Japan Matting 33<* Fiber Carpet, 35 inches wide; 55c value 39£ Fiber runners, 27 inches wide, 50c value 37< Corrugated Rubber Stair Treads— -9x 18-inch, 25c value '. 19f^ 7xlB-inch, 22c value 17£ Men's Winter Sweaters Reduced $5.50 extra heavy wool coat sweaters with shawl collar in navy, maroon and brown. January Clearance Price $4.35 $3.50 Navy Coat Sweaters with shawl collar and two pockets; cardigan stitch. January Clearance Price s£.Bs $3.95 Khaki Coat Sweaters with shawl collar; sizes 36 to 46. January Clearance Price $3.19 $3.85 Jumbo Storm Sweater Coats; extra heavy garment for outdoor workers, January Clearance Price .$£.95 Boys' $1.50 roll collar Sweaters in silver and oxford grey; sizes 26 to 34. January Clearance Price $1.15 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. The Annual White Sale Presents Scores of Lovely Styles of Dainty M id-Season Under muslins One of the year's most important m events because it has to do with the ••• "'l showing of the new and the season's ; ' ; style presentation of mid-winter tin- J X ® dermuslins at special prices. ; tjk Co The last word in dainty lingerie is to be found in the groupings of under- 1 Cambric gowns in high or V sliape with .A lyZ?)tgtM J long sleeves; tlie yoke is trimmed with JjL fl,l > LvXtrJ J tucks or combination tucks and embroidery / v-. insertion and on embroidery edge trims neck I j'll||Tl\ \ and sleeves $1.05, $2.50 to $7.75 / AiW-TiTOiii A jdT\ I.o# neck gowns in slipover style of I J t round, square or V-shape neck; kimono or I\~ 1 1' ™ 'V J set in sleeves, or sleeveless with lace or em- \\ I 'j broidery trimming, l.ong skirts of soft finish cambric, finished |j,\\ / KTyf" T| I M with flounce of blind or eyelet embroidery, l\ 1 I w]//>- or with flounce trimmed with lace insertion I I 1 /) 1 i]! and lace edge $1.05 U J ' 11 f] Double panel skirts, finished with em- 2 "/ I I fJ \ broidered scallop or flat embroidery trim- I // I ming $1.50, $1.75 and $1.05 Better grades of long skirts of nainsook and cambric with lace trimmed embroidex-y flounce $2.50, $2.05, $3.03, $5.00 and $5.05 Nainsook corset covers .trimmed with embroidery medallions, lace in sertion and lace edge; or neat enxbroidei-y beading with embx-oldery edge, 75c, $l.OO, $1.50 to $3.50 BLOOMERS AT SI.OO TO $3.05 White crepe bloomers $l.OO White satin bloomers $1.50 Pink crepe bloomers $1.50 Black satlne bloomers „.... , . , . . . , , $l.OO and $1.50 White and pink, batiste bloomers, Wool j ersey bloomers $3.05 51.25 Silk jersey bloomers $3.50 and $3.05 EXTRA SIZE I'SDKItM USLIXS High or V-nock gowns. Corset covers 00c to $1.05 $2.50 to $3.50 Short sktrts 65c to $1.25 Long skirts $1.05 to $5.05 Low neck gowns . .$1.90 to $-.0.> Envelope chemise ..$1.95 to $2.95 Drawers 75c to $2.05 Combinations $1.05 to $3.50 CORSET VALUES AT $2.00 Pink brocade girdle top corsets Lace front coutil corsets in med with elastic top, suitable for slen- ium bust style $2.00 der or medium tlgui-es $2.00 SEMI-TAILORED WAISTS AT $1.50 > White madras waists with French turn back cuffs, in all sizes. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Sturdy Shoes For Men of Action First Grade Leathers: $4.00 to $6.50 Ivo Ko brown talk skin shoes, made on a long forepart English last, with oak leather welted soles and red rubber heels $0.50 Black kid skin shoes made on a full toe straight last, in blucher lacc style; heavy winter weight welted soles $4.00 Black kid skin shoes made over a bunion last with wide plain toes, a good fitting and comfortable shoe for enlarged joints; Goodyear welted soles, $5.00 Railroad and mill work shoes, made over wide toe lasts, in tan and black elk skin oil treated solid leather soles and heels $2.50 to $4.00 Tan elk skin Home Guard shoes, made over the Munson last with soft tips; two soles heavy stitched; leather heels $4.00 Brown elk skin oil treated shoes, made over a full toe last, with two soles; Goodyear welted $5.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Spring Time Voiles and Dress Ginghams Silk stripe voile, in neat and fancy figures with silk stripes. \ ard, $l.OO, $1.25 and $1.49 Voiles in fancy allover designs of blue, green, brown and green. Yard, 590, 690, 790 and $1.25 Dress ginghams in a large line of fancy plaids, stripes and neat checks, 490 and 590 Wm. Anderson's imported ginghams, in a large new line fancy plaids, stripes and checks. Yard ...090 and 790 Figured silk and cotton Tussah; 36 inches wide, in ten different shades of self color figures. Yard Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Groceries of Finest Qualities Moderately Priced Pure clover light honey, pound jar, 49c pint jar 59c Hecker'a pancake flour 130 and 23c Pure black pepper, lb 39c Breakfast blend coffee, steel cut, lb., 29c Sweet Florida oranges, dozen 3e Fancy California layer tigs, lb 39c Sunshine Hydrox and Advocate creams, pound 45c Sunshine dainty sugar wafers, box. . ,09c liershey's delicious cocoa, 2Uc cans, 15c Jell-O, all flavors, package 10c Fresh smoked sausage, lb ...SBc Fancy table syrup, gallon bucket... .850 •Potatoes, peck...llc; bushel.. .$1.70 ~ String beans, large cons 15c Lava soap, 6c; 10 cakes 57c Hecker's sterilized eornmeal, pkg...,10c Vanilla, large bottle, 12c; quart 98c Lancaster county evaporated corn, two pounds 89< Klbow macaroni. 2 lbs 29c Pure codllsh flakes, 2 pkgs 25c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers