Deaths IKK Moses Tncker died at his Market street, New Cam land, on Wednesday. January 8. 9, aged 61 years, 3 months and days.- net al services on Saturday, Janti -11, at 2■ P. -M., front the Holt re. Fourth and Bridge streets, v Cumberland. Body can be wed on Saturday from; 11 A. M. atlves and friends are invited to end without further notice, la ment Mt. Olivet Cemetery. IRVI* At Welaka. Fltt.. Jami 4, 1919. Kinraa Piper Hlldrtip, low of the late William T. 11 il p. Sr.. aged, 78 years. . erment private on arrival oi y. CARD OP THANKS :S. G. V. GRAY wishes to tltank neighbors and friends, also In tou Tip nnd Roundhouse. No. he kindness shown during the t bereavement, in the death ot brother. Mil> A. Hetrlck; also he beautiful floral tributes. 1 sincerely thank our friends and ives for the beautiful floral tes rind kindnesses fl'OW" us g our bereavement, the deaths auriee I". Botnan and wife, >lat> AND MR?' a. W. HOUSER AND MI BY ANI : THE BOMAN BKOTII - AND SISTERS. LOST AND FOUND p-p V fox muff, between Or al Theater and Walnut street. Be to Orpheiim Theater. gX At Fourth and Market, on C. Special, early Tuesday morn- January 7, a brown P oc^ n Lfninr a sum of money, a ke> ana 1 Cross receipt with loser', name Return to 660 Feffer street and ve reward. INSTRUCTIONS DIVIDUAL. PROMOTION in Gregg hand. Typewriting. Englisn. keeping. Penmanship. Arithmetic. JAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. OPEN YEAR. Enter any time. Ben COLLEGE. larke' St. Chas. K. Beckiey. HELV WANTED —MA EE vV%\N AL'TOMOUU-E SALESMAN TO SELL, FORD CARS AND TUUXTON UNITS. MACS GARAGE. INC., i; SOUTH Til HID ST. /> WANTED I TWENTY MEN*. teport 7 A. M.i Monday. Janu ■ry 13. Ask for Mr. Urich at SWIFT & CO.. Eevnth and North Streets. INTERS AND PAPERHANGERS Hit he first-class men. Steady i. H. A. Bodmer, 836 North Third it. vou are a salesman and inter -1 "in earning $30.00 and upward cly. call at 47 Union Trust Bids., rtiay. ANTED. AT ONCE Custom r and busheltnan, or either. Good ■y and steady position. Clean. daylight workshop. Apply M. n 1320 North Sixth. Rell IiISR. ANTED Young man. not afraid ■ork. to assist with milk route, ■ess A.. 6930, cave of Telegraph. >UNG MEN 16 and over, are ble for government Railway Mail is. $92 month. Examinations For free particulars, write J. L. ard (former Civil Service Kx ler). 436 Kenois Building, A\ ash in. ANTED First-class shoemaker, dy lob. Good wages. Apply to k-American Shoe Co., 300 North d street. tN WANTED One who is a hustler, to sell our tea and cof to the trade. Small bond and reference required. Good propo n to right party. Apply Grand n Tea Store. 3oS North Second t. ' ANTED Driver for motor t and wagon. Good wages. Ap- Fink Brewing Company. Forster It. VO MEN WANTED To take rs. Experience unnecessary. 0 per week for an average of six rs per day. Call Room 410. Pa- Building. WANTED A good blacksmith and horse ihoer for our shop at Pax ang. Apply RUTHERFORD BROS., Paxtang, Pa. SEVERAL SALESMEN or door-to-door proposition. Newspaper experience deslr ible. Address * M.. 6541. Care of Telegraph. FOR SALE entrally Located ipartment House -story stone and brick building, am heat. Electric lights. Lot 115 ft. with garage on rear, ce tbsoo iller Brothers & Co. Heal Estate urnnce Surety Roads l.oeust and Court Streets nbers Hhg. Real Estute Hoard FRIDAY EVENING, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SERVES USEFULLY AND WELL til El.l* WANTED—MALE , , \ EXPERIENCED NIGGER-HEAD OPERATOR IVanted at once in McKay lastlngroom. Apply DEVINE & YUNG EE SHOE j MFG. CO., Sixteenth and State Streets. ! IVANTED District and local agents in every city and town ltt Pennsylvania. Automobile Insurance. Excellent policy. to per cent, more coverage, uO per cent, less cost. Big proposition. Address Y„ 6591, care of Telegraph. WANTED Boy. 14 or 15 years old. who can ride bicycle, for light deliv ery for downtown store. Must have school certilicatc. Easy work, and good chance for advancement. Reply, in own handwriting. 8., 7116. care of Telegraph. HELP WANTED—FEMALE A PERSONAL PROBLEM ANSWERED for young women who are seeking a good place to work. It is for your Interest before making a decision to : ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS Is the position permanent? Is the pay satisfactory? Is there chance for ad- j vancement? Am I going to be happy in my work? 1 THESE ARE ADVANTAGES ; WE OFFER TO AMBITIOUS YOUNG WOMEN Permanent employment. ; Good salary—Periodic increases, i Excellent opportunity for promo- I tion. Delightful homelike rest room. Inexpensive hot lunches. Carefully chosen associates. Apply to Miss Kline, j Operators' Employment Dept., i 208 Walnut St. • i THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNA. " I SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Wanted at once. Sewing Ma chine Operators. Inexperienc ed operators will be paid while learning. Positions are permanent, with regular work and good pay. BLOUGII MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Reily and Fulton Streets. WANTED Girl to assist in office work. Must come well recommended. Good chance for advancement. Address G.. 7119. Care of Telegraph. WANTED Operators on power sewing machines. Many orders for our goods guarantees steady ! work at good wages, paying I 40 per cent, bonus. Those be- i t ginning now will participate in our new profit-sharing plan. I i JENNINGS MFG. CO., 2012 North Fourth Street. WANTED School girl, or woman busy part time, to assist in house work in exchange for good home and board. Apply 218 Hamilton street. WANTED White woman to do cleaning. Rothert Co. WANTED A girl to work in confectionery store. Apply at Sic- Neal's, 1015 North Third stret. CANVASSERS —$15.00 week. Steady work. Call 6to 8 evenings. 222 lleily street. • WANTED Firs, and second maid, white preferred, for small family. Ap ply 2138 North Third street. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Harrisburg, December 7. 12,000 women clerks needed. Salary, $1,200. Experience unnecessary. Women de siring government positions write for free particulars. Raymond Terry (former Civil Service Examiner). 467 Columbian Building, Washington. YOUN'U WOMEN WANTED To learn shoemaking. Learners are well paid and earn good wages when pro ficient. Harrisburg Shoe Manufactur ing Co., 1402 Vernon street. YOUNG LADY' For office work. One with some kno\vledge of stenog raphy and typewriting. Call at Room 410. Patriot Building. LADY CANVASSERS WANTED For Harrisburg and vicinity. We pay $"2 00 per week for only 4 orders per day. Call Room 410, Patriot Build ing. I WANTED EXPERIENCED LOOPERS AT HARRIS HOSIERY CO., CALDER AND MARION STS. HELP WANTED—JIaIe and Female OPERATORS WANTED —l n addi tion to paying the best prices in the city on piecework, we will pay, be ginning January 2, a bonus of 20 per cent. Call at Harrisburg Apparel Co. Third Floor of City Star Laundry Building, Sixth and Ilerr streets. Learners paid while under instruc tion. • • BANKING INSTITUTION WANTS STENOGRAPHER Man or woman. Must be competent. Apply, in own handwrit ing. slating salary expected and references, addressing communication to f. O. BOX 167, Harrisburg. I HELD WANTED—MuIe and Female TEACHERS WANTED Contracts waiting best salaries for men and women ail kinds. National Teachers' Agency, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Mlddie-aged woman to do housework and help sick lady. Ad dress Box M, 7221. care of Telegraph. | SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED Position as chauffeur by colored man, for pyivate family, or driving truck; can do hit repairing and furnish best of references. Ad dress Chauffeur, care of Telegraph. ; SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED By a colored wonia... small washing to do at home, tun, or write, No. r306 Currant avenue. WANTED Young woman uesue clcricu.l work; lias nad previous ex ,'erieneo. Aaaress Box X, 6933, cait of Telegraph. WANTED Ironing and cleaning on Tuesday and Wednesday by color { ed woman. Address 718 North Sev enth street. WANTED Stenographic work by refined, young woman, who lias had two years' experience in general ofiice work; can furnish best of relerences.- Address Box H, 9215, care of Telc , graph. WANTED Day's work by white woman. Call, or address, Lottie Wattson, 138 Indian street. - WANTED By a respectable white woman, two or three days' work a j week. Address W., 6329, care of Tele j graph. WANTED Housework, by young, white woman, in private family; can furnisli best of references. Address Box H. 2622. care of Telegraph. j WANTED Young woman, with child four years old, wishes position ]as housekeper. Address Box N, 7198, | care of Telegraph. [ WANTED Young woman would ! like to have stenographic work in office: three years' experience; furnisli best of references. Address M„ care of Telegraph. WANTED A widow dsires to keep house for an elderly gentleman, or be a companion for an eiederly lady. Ad dress H., 7118, care of Telegraph. | WANTED Young woman wishes position as stenographer; has com pleted High school course and course j in commercial business college. Ad- | I dress B. K.. care of Telegraph. j WANTED Plain sewing to do at j : home. Children's sewing a specialty. I | Inquire 1512 Hunter street, or call Bell •phone 1505 R. j BOOMS FOR RENT I ■ „ i ; | SINGLE OR ENSUITE ROOMS Electric lights, steam heat, bath, both ! telephones. References. Inquire Bell I phone 624. ' FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. ' second floor front; all conveniences; city steam and shower bath; centrally located; gentlemen preferred. Phone No. 2699 R. TWO large, unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; use of bath, gas and electric lights, heat; ten mitiuu from Market Square. Inquire 2429 North Sixth. PLEASANT ROOM AND BOARD And use of electric sewing machine, in exchange for few hours' daily ' help in housework. Apply 218 Ham ilton street. FOR RENT Two desirable sec ond floor furnished rooms; city steam. Call Bell "hone 466 R. STATE STREET. 234 Beautiful rooms for rent; all modern conveni ences; gentlemen preferred. FOR RENT One furnished, one large front room, all conveniences and use of phone. Call Bell 3694J, or call j at 308 South Second. i WILL RENT—A lovely front room. 3 large windows, steam heat, use of j bath and phone; no other roomers; re | spectable gentleman only. D., 7115, care of Telegraph. ! UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING i ROOMS Single or communicating; i kitchenettes. Stoves furnished free, i Strictly private. Laundry, phone and | bathroom privileges. Inquire 429 | Broad street. FOR RENT One large bedroom, j for gentlemen only. Rent reason- I able. Apply 276 riiiggs street. TWO UNFURNISHED and one fur i nished rooms in best part of city; ( steam heat and all modern con veniences. Apply in person. 916 "North Sixteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms, running hot and cold Water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments, No. 143 South Third. APARTMENTS FOR RENT RENT FREE Communicating bedroom and kitchen, with improve ments, electric lights and phone, in return for light service—about one hour's work each day. Snap for right party. Middle-aged or elderly man and wife preferred. Inquire Office, 429 Broad street, 9 to 11 A. M. APARTMENTS WANTED FURNISHED APARTMENT WANT ED 1 am desirous of locating a fur nished apartment of about 2 rooms with bath for light housekeeping for myself and wife; must be centrally lo cated, excellent references can be fur nished. Write fully, giving location, rent, etc. Address Box K, 7112, care of Telegraph. HEAD ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE, CHEAP. JANUARY 15— Valuable business house property, suitable for department store, located on business street, near center of population. Building 8 years old, steel and brick construction, four floors with basement, power elevator, glass front, steam heated and Damson cash carrying system. Size of building, 37 xlso feet—rear entrance on street. Department Store, Company, Shamokin Pa. . BUT YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth Street. FOR SALE Sixth Street, 2332, 10- room house; all improvements; 119 ft. lot: Turner street on rear; space to build extra house or two garages. A big bargain. Apply Lehman & Klinge man, 8 North Market Square. FOR SALE, IN THE CITY Two new brick houses. All improvements, porches, 8 rooms and bath. Possession at once. Owner leaving city.. Call Dial 5081. FOR SALE On easy terms, 2010 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Posses sion on April 1. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth. VACANT POSSESSION AT ONCE Two-story brick on Hill: six rooms and bath: all improvements: front and back porch; side entrance: drive alley; nice yard; room for garage; newly papered and painted. C. H. Corder, 1722 Green stieet. Bell 560 J. lOIRRISBURG TELEGRXPH SOMEBODY WHO IS NOT SAT ISFIED with his present office ac commodations might find that .you could supply him with just what he needs. He may not take the matter up at all unless you get his attention through a classified ad. Businessmen who are considering, even in a ten tative way, better quarters arc usually readers of the classified. .HEAL EST.VyE EOH SALE | _SEVERAL BRICK HOUSES FOR SALE Close to all-night street car service; all improvements. Prices, 33.400 to $3,600. Bell Realty Co, Bcrg ner Building. THREE BRICK DWELLINGS ON SOUTH CAMERON STREET FOR SALE —At 31,700 each. Particulars from Bell Realty Co, Bergner Build ing. GOOD INVESTMENT PROPERTY— Four brick houses each with six rooms and bath; all other improve ments. Income from rent, 3768 annu ally. Price, 36,600. Bell Realty Co, Berftner Building. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE For 32,650; 8 rooms, bath, gas, furnace, porcli front, cemented cellar; drive alley on rear. Bell Realty Co, Berg ner Building. 413 KELKER STREET Vacant: 5 rooms; all Improvements. Price. $2,300. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. TWO-STORY ifRICK HOUSE —All Improvements; In city; front porch: bay window; nice yard to drive alley; 3100 down, balance as rent. Liberty Bonds accepted. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell SCOJ j Ileal Esatc lor Sale or Exchange WANTED—TO RENT We are having a number of applt- ! cations at this time for furnished houses, apartments and rooms. What do you have to offer? Address Mil ler Brothers & Company, Locust and Court streets. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT li'Oß RENT Furnished house. Steam heat, electric and gas. Posses sion at once. Address J. 1L Bolton, 2305 Holler street, Harrisburg, Pa. RENT Large, 3-etory brick building, central location, suitable for garage. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Building. Bell 589. FOR RENT—NO. 2000 State street; corner brick house with all improve ments; store room and large garage. Good poolroom location. Rent. $35. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT Two private garages, rear 16oi awatara street. Rent. 36.00 each. J. E. Gipple, 120 l Market street. HEAL ESTATE—For Sale or Kent HOUSES AND GARAGES—At Fifth! anu curtin Streets; possession of some I of the houses on thirty days' notice. I Fred C. Miller, 31 Norm Second. Bell I phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Party desires to rent modern house, about 8 rooms, between now and April, north and 15 minutes walk to Market Square. Best refer ences. Address X., 7223, care of Tele graph. TWO TO 25 ACRES, near Harris burg, with or without buildings. Ad dress P., 7199, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 We have some ready purchasers for ' I improved Real Estate. Let us know what you have to offer. LINCOLN REALTY CO 1129 North Seventh Stree't. LIFELONG FARMER wants to rent a farm for cash rent; best of refer-] i tiice. Box 101, Middletown, Pa, Bell ; phone 14R3. i3e " j I I HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop- ! I erty in any section of the city, if, cheap. What have you to offer' 2 | CiiAS. ADLER. 1002 N. Third Street. I Offices and Storerooms for Rent FOR RENT BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM, j For meetings, conventions. ■ Banquets, Dances and parties. I Use of piano free. Kitchen attached. 11. C. CLASTER, Jeweler. 302 Market Street. STOREROOM 1202 North Third street; shelved ready for business 95 feet In depth; skylight; fitted for any kind of business in best block; 3 banks and largest market. Call and let me show you its advantages. J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street. . MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT Beautiful Daylight Store. 504 Market Street. CHAS. ADLER. 1002 North Third Street. FARMS 40 acres, good buildings, $l,BOO. 69 acres, good buildings; $3,600. 20 acres, good buildings. $2,500. ; 42 acres, good buildings, 21,700. 150 acres, good buildings, $4,600. 109 acres, good buildings, $3,700. 75 acres, good buildings, $2,500. Call at 107 Chestnut St; FOR RENT The Greeuawalt Farm, 4 miles north of llarrisourg. 165 acres. Good opportunity. Inquire A. S. Thompson, Chambersburg, or Mauk & Harttnan, Seventh and Emer ald. Bell Phone. SMALL FARM FOR SALE Locat ed within one car fare limit. Apply A. P. Dora nr.. 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS CIGARS Direct from Factory. Special limited offer. 50 Cigars, post paid, $l. Club of six for 60 each, 85, i postpaid. W. F. tine 11, Red Lion, Pa. \ For sale—mic;kllaa tons SAI ,7 E A *50.00 Third Lib . H Loan Bond. No coupon detached. Address Box P, 6932, care of Tele graph. ,TT 200-H.-P. Automatic Lngnne -0 K. . belted generator, di phone^SGL 1 - *'• K " tm'ii? SALE One baby stroller and , H , als ? davenport, in good , Apply 2o South Front street, b irst Apartment, after 11 A. M. FOR SALE Gas Coffee. Peanut or corn Roaster; also l-H.-P 1) c Motor, including shaft and belting! Call at 3009 North Fourth street. La<3 >' s long, black, plush coat and two black broadcloth coats. In line condition. Will sell reasonable. Call Bell phone 4 427 M. r>i P i Ol n SAE p, A large, mahogany Rishe 1 machine. Plays all makes of lecords, and a nice selection of music. A party with reference can arrange part cash, rest to suit buyer. Address Box K, 71.1, care of Telegraph. X SLIGHTLY USED PIANO FOR SALE l ine tone and good condi t 011. Cheap to quick purchaser. Dealers need not apply. Address "10 South Thirteenth street. uuless " lu I *i OR , SAER Tw ' a rolltop desks and other ofiice furniture. Apply The j Courier. 210 North Third street. j FOR SALE One 19>ge Hotel 1 range, one hand-power freight eleva tor. one laundry dry Fooni, one "4 !\ lat< :-£I a i. ic x ' Ra >' machine. Apply No. lioo North Second street. FOR SALE 600 Bushels of Penn -1 sylvania Potatoes at 1336 North Sixth ?, t , reet u cls .° to Broad Street Market line Cooking Potatoes at 31.75 and 5n mf er i UShe l' £'?? Seed Potatoes, 90 lbs, in. sack, 32.85 and 33.00 per sack. Will deliver 10 Bushels and over on Tuesday and Friday of each week. FOR SALE A number of slightly used typewriters. Have been return ed to us. Now is the time to get a practically new machine at a rea sonable Price. Remington Typewriter Co, 119-121 Walnut street. HOMERS FOR SALE Large Squab-breeding Belgium Homing Pigeons, 32.00 per pair. Henry Riegel New Blooinfleld, Pa. FOR SALE One American Radi ator Company 900-foot furnace used two years, practically new. ADDIV 1 Chas. S. 8011, Room 65, Union Trust 'Building. j FOR SALE White enamel baby carriage. Cheap to quick buyer Bell 877 W'. ell TYPEWRITERS. BOUGHT FOFt CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TTLLOTSON. 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOOITP ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES FOR SALE one brand new elee trie furnace blower for sale chean Apply 2006 North Sixth street, or Bell phone 4667. CANNEL COAL 18 85 t J. B. MONTGOMERY Just Phone. FOR s.VLE " ' , Magazines for No. 1 Linotypes A rare bargain lor a plant'with a No. 1 machine. Address It THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY. U Harrisburg, Pa. 1 SIMON MICHLOVITZ offers for sale | the machinery and contents of the ! Pennsylvania Reduction Company of j Harrisburg. Pennsylvania, which he i bought some time ago. If anybodv ! is Interested ij any of the material in or about said plant to apply at his I office. Paxton street and Pennsylvania | R. R.. Harrisburg. Pa. I MORRIS SAYS save money buying ' new and second-hand furniture here High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz, 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The Store across from Y. w. C. A. offers you the Biggest and Best Bar gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over coats, Mackinaw Coats, Underwear Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fam ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO. 23 North Fourth Street WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. TO BUY Second-hand 1 player piano. State price, condition and where it can be seen. Address C„ 6558, care of Telegraph. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention. Newmark & Cown, 308 Broad Street. Dial phone 4826. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for a'l kinds of Junk. Get our prices before selling. Call Bell phone,936, or di.,p us a postal and our wagon will call. Keystone -ron & Metal Co., Broad and , Currant streets. PARTY OWNING well-located vacant pnopertv In the city, would like to get tn touch with a responsible contractor and builder. One *tv would be Interested In developing the property. For particulars address M.. 8211. Care of Telegraph. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and lunk. Call , Bell phone 4276. B Abrama & Bon, 824-838 North Seventh street, i WANTED MISCELLANEOUS MAX SMELTZ Second-baud furniture bought and ■old. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 5347. or drop a pos tal to Max Sineltz, 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. WANTED Second-hand motors. Small size preferred. • Apply FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP, ' Cranberry St.. near Second. Harrisburg, Pa. ELECTRICIANS Will And an opportunity tn the sale of profitable News Agency i a thriving suburban town. Influenza has deprived the town of Its only, elactrlolan. No Elea vrlcal Supply Store in town. Start a business here. The Newspaper Agency will get you acquainted with the people. BOX R, 7474. Care of Telegraph. ~U COHEN & COMPANY', York and Ash Avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and metal and old machines. Send postal or call 3221 W Bell and Dial 6225. Money to Loan WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 17. 1915. to individu als In need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience; positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO, 132 Walnut Street. — 1 MONEY 4 If yon are pressed for ready casli to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money in compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETT, ROOM 206 BERGNER BLDG, THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. . LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. Musical FOR SALE X largo mahogany cabinet Victrola, in first-class condi tion. Also 42 pieces of music. Good as new. Cheap to quick buyer. Ad dress Box H. 7120. care of Telegraph. VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS, BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promtply and carefully repair ed. OY'LER'S, 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and caret ally repaired by an expert only. OYLKK'S. 14 South FOurth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs. just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An expert will be at your service at once. Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE A very good bay horse. Can be used for delivery or 011 a farm. Apply Grand Union Tea Co, 208 North Second street. BUSINESS PERSONALS CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates. Jobbing. First-class work. H. YV. Hummer, 1423 Liberty street. City. Bell 4420. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Lobby of Hotel Columbus. UPHOLSTERING Of the best kind. Work guaranteed. We call and deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone 4826. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge. 25c doz; double edge. 36c doz; razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. U. Cap lan Co, 206 Market street. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHoSPHO-QUININE will stave It off If taken in time. Gross Drug Store. 119 Market street. BUSINESS OPi'ORTUNITIES FOR SALE—OId-established, sound and profitable business in Harrisburg. Modern, accurate cost system. Open for inspection to any responsible busi ness man who means business. Best of reasons for selling. About 312,000 required. Address Box K, 7224, care of Telegraph. HAVE five to six thousand dollars to invest in a good, clean, legitimate business, with position. Address B. care of Harrisburg Telegraph. FOR SALE Millinery Shop, good will, stock and fixtures. Old. reliable stand, doing good business. 1306 Market street. FOR SALE Fruit, confectionery and cigar store. Reasonable price. Roasting coffee and peanut machine. Good scales. Inquire at 614 Market street. HAULING AND MOVING LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING —Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 656 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636J, Dial 3683. t HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped for turniture. freight and piano mov ing No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E Grubber's Truck Service, Irvin Aungst. manager. Hershey. i'a. Bell phone 15R6. * HICKS Local and long-distance halding. 424 Keily. Both phones. AUTO HAULING —Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital street. Both phones. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE—LocaI and long distance. F. J. Mart ir. Bell 39-J, Steelton. AUTO HAULING —Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt service. Call Bell 623 J. LOCAL AND LONG - DISTANCE HAULING Prompt service. A & B. Motor Express. 917 Capital Street. Bell phone 1635 J. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. ""GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320, or Dial 2265. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home cooking served to Businessmen and Ijidles In separate dinlngrooms. Storage STORAGE —418 Broad street, house- i hold goods, merchsndise. Private I rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul- | lng of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. ' Both phones. ' JANUARY 10, 1919. Slorage STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods In clean Srlvate rooms. Reasonable rates. P i. D'iener, 408 Market street. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods In fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates In non-fireproof ware house. Harrlsburg Storage Co., 437- 446 South Second street. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. BELL 1966. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH IC. SPICER. Funeral Director and Embalmer. 611 North Second Street BELL 262. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the nort.i and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moderate. Millbr Bros. & Co., Agents. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES WANTED—MORE WINTER EGGS TO SELL AT HIGH PRICES. Speed up the laying. Feed your hens DR. HESS POULTRY PAN-A-CE-A regu larly and you will get big returns In the egg basket. The leading egg producing farms are using it because it conditions hens, makes them healthy, makes the egg organs ac tive. Costs little to feed. Costs noth ing if you do not get better results, fts dealers refund your money. Keep laying hens and all poultry free from lice by dusting DR. HESS INSTANT LOUSE KILLER into the feathers and placing in dust bath. Guaranteed. For ROUP use DR. HESS ROUP REMEDY. The Dr. lless line is for sale by all dealers in Poultry Sup plies. Cleaners and Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned. Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the best place In town. Call and deliver Goodman's, 1306H North Sixth. Both Phones. AUTOMOBILES YOU CAN BUY A REBUILT TRUCK. ON CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS Hi and 2-ton Garfords, chassis only or equipped with express or dump bodies. IU-l'4-I'.i and 2%-ton Betiilehems, with or without bodies. Light delivery wagons, in cluding Bulcks, Overlands and Vims. THE OVERLAND-II ARRIS BURG CO., Open Evenings, 212-214 North Second St. Both Phones. OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT Good used cars are scarce. It is difficult to maintain an assortment varied enough to advertise them, they move So quickly. These cars deserve special mention: Saxon Six touring, almost new. All tires good, one ex tra. Equipment includes spot light, new chains and radiator cover. Priced attractively. Late Model Chandler Coupe, equipped with practically new SUvertown Cord tires. An op portunity to purchase at sub stantial saving over the new car price. 1916 Ford touring. Motor and mechanical condition ex cellent, all tires good. Willys-Knight five-passen ger touring, completely and thoroughly overhauled and. repainted. THE OVERLAXD-lIARRISBURG CO., Open Evenings, 212-214 North Second St. Both Phones. \ FORD ROADSTER, almost new. Jackson, touring car, overhead valves. Hudson touring car, all good tires and two extras. Eight commercial bodies for auto mobile trucks. C. A. FAIR WAGON & AUTO WORKS, East Bind Mulberry Street Bridge. MAXWKLb CO PRE 1916 Model. Fine condition. New tires. Must be sold. Best offer takes it. A. W. Trout man, Millersburg, Pa. FOR SAtrfS 6-passenger Cadillac Eight, late 1916; condition first class; newly painted in spring of 1918; 5 good tires; two nearly new; one extra rim, one extra tube. Address 1042 Rolleston street. Phone 1691 R. AUTO FOR SAKE Late 1916 Max well. 6-passenger touring car, fully equipped, demountable rim, in Al con dition. Bargain to quick buyer. Ap- Dlv Edward W. Evans. 38 North Third street. Bell 1390. Dial 3573. ONE brand-new 1918 Chandler Tour ing Car, in good condition, baa been used about three months, to be sold on account of death. Inquire at Gard ner & Baptistl. Third and Chestnut streets. FOR SALE —1917-1914 Ford Touf- Ings, $425.00, $325.00, to settle estates. Address Box H 0661, care of Tele graph. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS and pleas ure cars for sale. Ford ton trucks. Auto-Car 2-ton trucks and one 7- paaeenger Haynes Touring Car. All cheap to quick buyers. International'. Harvester Co. Truck Department. Na Cjit u ,i street. OLD AUTO": Wonted: used, wrecked or oidtlmers. in any condition. Sea me before sac rlflclng elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. SchlfTman, 22, 24, 26. North Cameron street Bell 3633. SUNSHINE ■GARAGE Auto re pairing by Fxpert. Road lobs a specialty. Charge reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. BEHEE SITUATIONS WANTED This column lias two objects: First, to help men and women who are now employed to secure better positions; second, to put employers In direct touch with an ambitious class of workers. | CHIEF CLERKSHIP OR ASSIST- I ANT MANAGER By young man ! with executive ability to handle and ikeep up organization; atatlstlclan; two years' experience along this line, four years other work, which Includes stenography and typewriting, collec tions. express business, payrolls, and government work. High and business 21 AUTOMOBILES > J USED FORDS—FORDS—FORDS J Al j. 51 1917-1318 MODELS 'i M TOURING CARS $3OO TO>s6o ROADSTERS 8276 TO 348* SEDANS ~..3600 TO 30 DELIVERY 3375 TO 3460 COUPE 350* ALSO ROADSTER AND TOURIXGI BODIES AT BARGAIN PRICES. ( ONE SPECIAL SPEEDSTER WITH DISC WHEELS. SCHUTTH BODY—A REAL SPORT CAR. THESE CARS HAVE BEEN OVERHAULED AND REPAINTED AND ARE SPLENDID VALUES. CONVENIENT TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. ' '} MAC'S GARAGE, INC., 117 S. THIRD ST. 3777 BELL 4213 DIAL ). FORD DELIVERY CARS FOR > HIRE, ALSO 2H-TON FORD TRUCKS BY THE DAY OR TRIP, WITH OR WITHOUT j DRIVER. 4 J lull MAC'S GARAGE, INC., (£j 4 117 S. THIRD ST. " . 3777 BELL 4213 DIAL < FOR SALE Buick Roadster, A 1 shape. Bargain for some one. A. Schlffman, 22-24-26 North Cameron. WM. PENN OARAGE 304-6 Muench street. Limousines for funeral, parti* and balls; careful drivers; open day and tight. Bell 4664. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto top and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates. 72-78 South Cameron Street. "~ONE CHEVROLET ROYAL MAIL ROADSTER Beaver's Garage, 632 North street. FOR SALE Ford truck, pannel body; two-horse wagon, good as new. Both equipped for baker. F. J. Nov. lnger. Millersburg, Pa. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. VV. oay highest cash prices. No Junk. XL Bl2 North Third street. Dial 4990. FOR SALE —6-ton Standard truck, price reasonable; mechanical work in A 1 condition. Guaranteed 30 days. Sunshine Garage, 27-29 North Cam eron street. ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK— Covered body; 1,000 lbs. capacity; a bargain. Inquire of Philadelphia Quick Lunch. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES I 1918 lIARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTOR- i CYCLE FOR SALE CHEAP Three-, i speed, twin cylinder, electric equipped. Run 600 miles. Inquire 2121 Swatara ! INDIAN MOTORCYCLE—Like new. I Bargain at 895.00. Horat, Llnglea- 1 town. Pa. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. , ' DORY SHANER, )' 1 WITH j ': I ANDREW REDMOND. 1807 NORTH THIRD ST. Garages, Accessories and Repairs I FOR RENT Private garages, rear 1272 Miller street, one block from Thirteenth and State streets. Five dollars per month. Inquire of Wil liam E. Orr, 101 South Summit street. Bell phone 445 M. SPECIAL ON AUTO CHAINS ' 28x3 8L65 30x3 83.75 I 20x3 Va 83.95 32x3 Y 34.15 31x4 94.40 32x4 84.50 33x4 14.00 34x4 84.80 DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 912 North 'Xin.u oireet. WELDING AUTO AND MACHINE! , PARTS Frames straightened and welded. Heavy Cast Iron Our Specialty. j Expert Welders. Work Guaranteed. CAPITAL CITY WELDING CO, 1538 Logan St. BELL 4390 J. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and i Boich high tension. Elshmann, Dixey, Spiltdorf. Met, ltemy and different j makes of colls, carburetors, etc. A. Schiffman, 22-24-26 North Cameron I Street. Bell 3633. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also fenders. lamps, etc. Beat service In town. Har- ; rlsburg Auto Radiator Works, 805. North Third street. school education. References furnish* ed. Address I*. 7117, care of Tele- I graph. MECHANICAL SHOP SUPERIN TENDENT 14 years' experience, seeks greater opporttmitlea in general machine or tool worlT Age 30. Mar- | rlcd. A 1 references. Address Box M. 7114. care of Telegraph.
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