Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 10, 1919, Page 20, Image 20
20 MARKET_S By Associated Press New York, Jan. 10. —Wall Street. - - Selling of active issues was re sumed at the opening of to-day's stock market, with United States Steel, the central feature on an offer ing of 4,000 shares at a fractional recession. Mexican Petroleum contin ued its recent erratic course, an ini tial advance of almost two points being immediately superceded by a reaction of four points. Rails, cop pers and equipments were moder ately lower and Cuba Cane Sugar was weakest of the specialties, los ing 1 1-2 points. Littleopposition to the declining tendency was encountered during the morning, prominent stocks ex tending their early losses. Reactions were most severe in oils, steels, cop pers and equipments, investment rails also yielding with food spe cialties. NEW IORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square. Harrisburg: 336 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. New York—furnish the following quotations: Open. Noon. Allis Chalmers 54% 35 Amer Beet Sugar 73 72 American Can 49% 49% Am Car and Foundry Co 90% 90% Amer Smelting 74 % 74% American Sugar 114% 115_ Anaconda 60% 59 • Baldwin Locomotive .... 73 % 73% Baltimore and Ohio .... 49% 49% Bethlehem Steel IB) ... 61 60Si Butte Copper 19% 19% California Petroleum .. 22 s * 22% Canadian Pacific 158% 158' a Central Leather 59% 59% Chicago, R X and Pacific 25% 25 a s Chino Con Copper 83% 33% Corn Products 50 50 Crucible Steel 56% 56 % Distilling Securities 54% 55% Erie 16% 16% General Slotors 130 _ 13 '!_ Great Northern pfd .... 93 % 93 Great Northern Ore subs 33% 35% Hide and Leather 15% 15% Hide and Leather pfd .. 77 77 % Inspiration Copper .... 4 4 i 4., j Lackawanna Steel ®j' s ' Lehigh Valley 55% 55% ; .Merc Mar Ctfs 35% 25% ; Merc Mar Ctfs pfd .... 107% 108% Mex Petroleum 185 182% Midvale Steel j 4 j 4 % . New York Central "4% "4% i N Y. N H and 11 32% 31% i Northern Pacific 93 i 1 cnnsylrania Railroad . 45% 45 . | Railway Steel Spring .. 74% 73%, Reading 82 81% ; Republic Iron and Steel . 74 73 a Southern Pacific 10l 101% j Southern Ry ' 28% 2S-s studebaker 52% 52% I'nion Pacific 128% 128% 1. S I Alcohol 104 I'M I' S Rubber 77 76% I S Steel 91 % • 1 " Utah Copper 71% 71% ] Virginia-Carolina Ohein . 55% 55% , Westinghouse Mfg 42 41 % Willys-Overland 25 % 25 - ; Western Maryland .... 12 12 \ PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia. Jan. 10. Wheat —j No. 1. soft. red. $2.20; No. 2. red, $2.24. I No. S. soft. red. $2.24. Butter The market is steady*. : western, extra. packed. creamery, ] 70c; nearby prints, fancy. 74@T6c. Cheese The market is steady; New York and Wisconsin, full milk. 3 7 @ 38 % c. Eggs—Market firm; Pennsylvania.! and other nearby firsts, free cases. 320.40 per case; do., current re- ! ceipts, free cases. 319.50 per I case; western, extra firsts, free ca--.es. 320.50 per case; do., firsts. free j cases. $19.80 per case; fancy, selected, i packed. 73®75c per dozen. Corn—The market is lower: No. 2, f ellow, as to grade and location, i 1.63® 1.65. Oats The market is lower; ! \ CNDEWTAKEII 1743 | Chas.H.Mauk * Private Ambalunce Phones | * ( • Stock Salesmen wanted to dispose of small issue of | stock. Opportunity to make sev- j eral thousand dollars in commit- j sions. Address Box A, Littlestown. ' Pa. ( For Winter Driving i GOOD Quality MEDIUM Quality anil DE LUXE Quality AUTOMOBILE ROBES "Good service anil service from the gools we sell." E. Mather Co. 204 Walnut St. Harrisburg, Pa. "THY HARRISBURG FIRST" Cosden Operations assuming gigantic pro portions. Pipe line plan fore shadows greater refinery earnings. Glenrock New wells brought in with much regularity, reported to have forty producing wells and seventeen drilling. Island Oil Company preparing to double ca pacity of pipe line to sea-loading station. Tremendous production possible. Oklahoma P. & R. Owns pipe lines, tank cars, com plete refinery, 30 retail marketing stations, is steady dividend payer. Tho above active Curb oils de serve Immediate consideration be- i fore higher prices rule. Detailed reports furnished free. ffIUHUBARPXTTG Land Title Bldg., Phila. I DIBECT PRIVATE Wilt EM NEW YORK HAIUtISBLHG Second Edition Text Book of Well Street Now ready for free distribution. FRIDAY EVENING, No. 2. white, Su%@Slc; No. 3, white. 79®794c 1 Bran The market is steady; soft 1 winter, per ton. 340.50 0 4 7.00: spring. ' per ton. 344.00045.00. I Refined Sugars Market steady. I powdered. 8.45 c; extra due granutai -1 ed. 7.25 c. j Live Poultry—The market is lower, i | fowls. 33 0 37c: spring chickens. 33® I | 36c; fowls, not leghorns. 32®36c: white j 1 leghorns, 34037 c; young, sot unrated j roosters. 2161 22p; old roosters. 21022 c, | spring cnlckeiis, not leghorns, 30032 c; 1 white leghorns, 29@30e; roasting chickens. 30 036 c; ducks. Peking, spring. 35@>3Sc; do., old. 30035 c; In- ! dian Runners. 32034 c; spring ducks, Long lstund. SliUiiv. turkeys. 38®4uc; geese, nearby. 32036 c; western. 32® I 36c. Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys,! spring, choice to fancy. 45046 c; i do., western, choice to fancy, 42045 c; i turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good. 39 043 c; turkeys, common, 30035 c; old. I turkeys, 38®4t0; fowls. fresh i killed fowls, fancy. 33@36c; do.. I smaller sizes. 27 0 3tu; old roosters. | : 27c; broiling chickens, western, 42® 1 44c; roasting chickens. 31037 c; ducks., ' 40® 42c; western ducks. 38 040 c; geese. 30®32c; dressed Pekin ducks, 34® | 26c. old ducks, 30®32c; Indian Run ners, 27®37%c: spring ducks. Lung j ; Island. 30®40c. Potatoes The market is higher: i New Jersey. No. 1. 85®$1.0uj pel' basket; vio.. No. 2, 50igcoc per ; t basket; do., 100-lb. bags. No. 1. 32.50® 3.00 extra quality; do.. N'o. 2. 31.50® 1 2.20: Pennsylvania. 100 lbs.. No. T. I 1 32.50® 3.00; do., per 100 Ihs.. fancy" I S_.os® 5.10; New Jersey. No. 1. luu ' . lbs.. $2.15®2,60; do.. No. 2. 100 tbs.. | 31.2501.75; western, per 100 lbs.. 12.20 ; 02.40; New York State, per 100 lbs.. ! 32.3002.50: Maine, per 100 lbs., 31.60® | i 1.90; Dcluwaie und Maryland, per luu, ! bag. 90c® 31.10; Michigan, per 103 ! Tbs.. 31.5601.70; Florida, per barre' 32.6002.90; Florida. per bushel! | ! hamper. 75®S5c; Florida, per 160-Ib' 1 I bags. 31.5003.00; North Carolina, per ! . barrel, 31-5004.00; South Carolina, per i ! barrel. 31.500 4 0: Norfolk, ocr bar- 1 'rel, 33.25; Eastern Shore. per! | barrel, $2.00@3.50;i fancy. Alacungie j ! No. 1. per barrel, 52.90ny3.10; uo.. No." 2. per barrel. 31.2501.50. Flour Market unsettled; winter. ' .straight. $10.25010.40 per barrel; Kan sas. $10:50®10.75 per barrel; do.. I 'short, patent. 310.75® 11.00 per barrel: spring, straight. 310.75@10.90 per bar i rel: do., patents. 310.50010.75 per bar rel; do., firsts, clear. $9.40@10.15. Hay Market steady; tlinothv. i i No. 1. large and small bales. $31,000 ' 32.00 per ton; No. 2. small bales. 329.00 1 ®30.00 per ton; No. 3. $25.00026.00 per ton; sample. $12.50013.00 per tou. uo J grade. 37.50011.50 per ton. I Clover Light mixed. $29.00® j '30.00: No. 1. J27.000 25.00; No. 2. 325 00 ' @26.00. i Tallow The market Is quiet- I prime city, in tierces. 13% c; city 1 special loose. 14% c; prime country. ! 13c; dark. Ills® 12c; edible in tierces! 161 j@ 17 c. I HII tCII CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. Jan. 10. il". 8. Bureau! of Markets). Hogs Receipts, I j 64,000; market slow, fully 10c to 10c! ; lower than yesterday's average; earlv j top. 317.80. but few now selling above! if Look Over This Adv't Carefully and Then | i| Compare Prices Anywhere. We Know You'll | I That No Other Store Gives the Bid Bar- | sains The Leader Bargain Store Does. | 1 ™" 1W1 $8.66, $9 66 MEN'S UNDERWEAR | .. . _ , _ . _, .. . , , At Prices Much Less Than Most Stores r- Beautiful Dark Gray and Plaids—the most wonderful p p Tf fCG M'll Qj> ■Ofe values we've ever given. Must be seen to be appreciated. v3y IcOr ll at the lVllllS dgi I Worth $12.50 and $15.00. A brand new stock just received—all perfect goods. j4| _______Y'ou'll not gfet such values in the next : 5 years. Men's Suits at *f\ *53T n . s T:^ hS^ tsm .sL9B I All odd lots of Suits go on sale to-®P c . icr i .I _ feU ... . . s . „ Separate \\ 00l blurts and Drawers, worth r\ Ci UU V morrow at the above low prices. Most M ITPTO . MAfc r* m £ of them at way below cost-but we J 1 &OC ffi M must have more room values range $19.66 Extra heavy fleece Union Suits, worth 0* JQ >: \yQ from $l5 to $35. $3.00. Special at $ I ,tO 04 ———————— Extra heavy fleece Shirts and Drawers, OQ _ jqsj Men's Trousers Always at Lowest wo ' thsl ' 5 p \ h s^7 t alat ' ° * ffi Heavy Ribbed Union Suits, worth $3.50. 0| QQ wRj Prices Here J special at j _ _ __ __ __ __ __ Heavy Ribbed Shirts or Drawers wot*th Q/i _ J 51.98, $2.48, $2.98, 53.69, $4.98 *'•• sp.-.1.. gj "ffi, We carry the largest stocks of Men's Trousers in the city sji —and we give the greatest BARGAINS too. The lots at All f A■" Al AlfVO i'H| $2.98 and $3.98 include corduroys. XII M p Ijl^Mjjl^X jj&? Extra heavy Dark Gray Sweet-Orr Trousers. Worth $lO.OO Ire jgj&l at $6.98. We show the largest assortments of Men's Working H4 ____________________ Gloves in this city—Come here for Gloves of any descrip- QQ T lion* % Look at These Extremely Low Prices ffi U* i p i Men's $3.00 Buckskin Gloves at $1.98 kjl urrafle Men's $2.00 eather Gloves at m it A TIT 1 s leather Gloves, lined, at... |g W tlix\ I tli Men's $l.OO Muleskin Gloves at 53f Men's 55c One-piece Leather Gloves at ,|j| <2.50 Sweaters $1.19i57.50 Sweaters $3.48 Men's 35c Jersey Gloves at - jUki Ujj $3.00 Sweaters $1,691 $8.50 Sweaters $4.98 ~ , o n \ . ioi/ w. ;-*g $5.00 Sweaters $2.48 $lO.OO Sweaters $6.98 Mens 20c Canvas Gloves at 12y 2 f gh, iffi $6.00 Sweaters $2.981 $15.00 Sweaters . v ... $8.98 All Dress Gloves at l / 2 Price 0| I I MEN'S SHIRTS All Shoes I I Most of Hiem at Below Cost Today At Amatiiigly Low Prices if i All wool, Sweet-Orr, doublebreasted Shirts— &J JQ regularly worth $B.OO Special at VTT.4O Mdt'S WomCn'S Pre [tea All wool Sweet-Orr, double-breasted Shirts— 09 /lO (t* 1 /I O For Values to . „ ... . rss regul.rly worth $7.00 Special at ..' 53.1 1553.00 on £ 09 JQ For values to 1 5300 ffi <p£,*tO $3.50 09 QQ For Values to W s £ 50 Doz. Flannel Shirts at ff 1 ijn $9 QQ For Values to I $4.50 jxj m Men's finest quality Gray, Blue and Brown j| I Q{| Z* t? M-' 1 ! 0 . tQ O For Values to m £ Flannel Shirts-regularly worth $3.50 T I,WU Cj $500" $5.00 ® o 9# QQ For Values to $Q QQ For ™" eB to M a A bo.Wf $6.00 Vo.&O $6.00 m liuzeil uress OUiriS ai. .. . QQ. JQ For Values to QJJQQ For Values to m A special purchase of Shirts that would reg- nQL $7.00 $7.00 yy ularly be sold by any store at s2.oo—beautiful ww , W Jg striped patterns—aii sizes. Boys and Girls' Shoes All Reduced I The Leader Bargain Store § I 443 Market St., at the Subway, 443 Market St. | 117.70; bulk of sales. $17.400 17.70; butchers. 31 7.55® 1 7.50; light. $17.00® 17.65- packing. $16,756! 17.45; throw outs. $16.00® 16.60; pigs, good to choice. $16.00®-16.75. Cattle Receipts. 10,000; good and i choice beef steers strong; other I classes steady. Beef cattle, good, choice and prime. $16.75020.00; com mon and medium. $lO.OOO 16.75; I butchers' stock, cows and heifers. 3.5.00®-14.30. fanners a"' l cutters. $7.00 08.00. Stackers and feeders, jgood. choice and fancy, 310.00®' 14.00; ■ Inferior, common andmedtum. 35.00® 10.50. Ven 1 calves, good and choice. $17.00® 17.50. Sheep—Receipts, 30.000; sheep slow, 25c lower. Lambs, choice and prime. $16.7561 17.00; medium. $15.00® 16.75: I culls, 311.50 W T4.00; ewes, choico am, urime. 310.75® II'.OO: nmdluni and gooo $9.25® 10.75: i-i|M. 55.0-1 ® 7.75. Bavarian Minister Is Photographed in Berlin WMw&iJr,. asssasw - 1 "mm ■ >*. OiS. EI3MSR,. Dr. Eisner. Bavarian Minister to the Council of German States in Ber ; lin, photographetl while on his way • to the Chancellor's Palace with Ebert i and other revolutionary leaders. PIPE BONDING MEN TO BE ENTEHTAI \ED I * Employes of the llarrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Company will be ! the guests of the Central Y. M. C. A. at an "open house" entertainment in ! the "Y" building. Second and Ixicust ' streets, to-night. Features of the affair will he box ; ing, wrestling matches, bowling and 1 pool tournaments, a motion picture I show, an entertainment by a humor ! oils monologist and a number of van j devllle specialties. Refreshments will • be served. HAJRRISBTXR.G TELEGRAPH RAILROAD CHIEF ASKS 48 HOURS' TIME IN STRIKE i Regional Director Smith Says' Lives of Thousands Are Place din Peril By Associated P> ess Now York, Jan. 10.—Unless rail- i roads can bring food into New York | by roundabout routes tlie hunger j point may be reached within forty- I eight hours and the lives'of thou sands imperiled as the result of the, marine workers' strike which tied ! up virtually all traffic in the harbor yesterday, according to a statement j last night from the office of A. 11. | Smith, regional railroad director. Situation Is Critical Tlie situation was described as [ "most critical than even tlie most J pessimistic can imagine," and could j be saved only by "intense action by j those in command of the transporta- j tion facilities." It was declared that ; "the very lives of thousands of peo- ' pie depend at this critical hour upon j the men who are rearranging the j schedules of the railroads with ter-I minals at this port." Air. Smith last night asked for "a forty-eight-hour armistice" and stated if this was granted, the strike could he settled "across the table." At'a conference with Air. Smith, however, the men told him the pro posal could not be considered until tlie general strike committee licit! a' meeting scheduled for 10 o'clock tills i morning. 15.000 Heady to Quit The 45,000 members of the Inter-j national Longshoremen's Association 1 at this port are ready to strike in I sympathy with the marine workers,- according to a report made last night i at a meeting of the strike committee) l-y Paul A Vaocarelli, representing i the associat : on. "We have pledged you our s'lnport," he said. President L'elahunty, of tha Aln-| H.ie Workers' Affiliation, who de-1 dared that ofl'ets to strike lia-l been j received from workers in other ports, j asserted that the New York marine! workers had agreed they did not wish to impose hardships on others: and had refused the aid. PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE Of Faotory Build ing 42 ft. by 80 ft., brick, one "top and basement, recently built, will be lieid at Marysville. January 11. 1310. at 1 P. M. Formerly used us hosiery mill. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS bOU CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE OFFICE OF BOAKO OF COMMISSION EliS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS ANI) BUILDINGS. STATE CAPITOL UUILDLNU. MAKKiSBUKG. PA. Sealed proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings ut his office in the Capitol Building, Hurrisburg, Pa., until two till o'clock P. M., January isth. 101'.', tor furnishing all 'aboi ami materials for the erection oi new piers and repairs to damaged piers of oridge over the Norm Branch of the Susquehanna liiver. at Luceyviiic, Wyoming County, Pennsy ivania, as indicated fully in the plans and speci dcalions prepared by William li. Pux son. of Wilkesbai re, Pennsyl vuuia, Consulting Engineer for uie Board of Commissioners of Public Urounds anu Buildings of Uie Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Plans , wpeciticutlons and bidding blanks will bo furnished prospective binders by applying tu the superin tendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. Capitol Building, liarns burg, Pennsylvania. Proposals uiusl oe marked "PKO POSAL FOR ERECTION OF PIERS Ob LACEY VILEE BttiOOL" on out side cover. GEORGE A. SiIREINER. Super tulendenc L W. MITCHELL. Secretary. PROPOSALS FOB CONSTRUCTION OF LiIIDGE OFFICE OF BOAluo OF COMMIS SIONEKs OF PUBLIC Oi.OUNDo AND BUILDINGS. STATE CAPtTOL BUILDINU. UAKKISBUKG, PA. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the Superintendent of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings at his of fice. in tlie Capitol Building, liams burg. Pa., until two (2) o'clock P. M, January 14. 1313. for furnishing all lauoi und materials tor the construc tion of a three span reinforced con cteie arch bridge over the Tioneia Creek, on the edge of Tionesta Bor ough. Tionesta Township. Forest County. Pennsylvania, as indicated fully in the plans and specifications prepared hy John Karris, of Pitta burgh, Pennsyl vail la, Consulting En gineer for the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Commonwealth ot' Pennsylvania. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective bidders by applying to the Superln tenuent of Public Grounds and Build irgs. Canitol Building, tiarrisburg. Pennsylvania. Proposals must he marked "'PRO POSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TIONESTA CREEK BRIDGE" on out side cover. GEORGE A. SHREtNER. Superintendent. U VV. MITCHELL. Secretary. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Henry S. Dixon, late of liarrlsburg. Dauphin County. Pa., deceased, having been grunted to the undersigned residing in llai- Visburg, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make imme diate puyinent. and those having claims will present them for settle ment. MARY N. DIXON, ♦ Administratrix. NOTICE The members of Egyptian Cora mandery. No. 114. Knights of Malta, are requested to attend a stag social ;to be held in their hall. Third and [Hamilton streets. Friday Evening. [January lu. 1913. Several Grand Of- I fleers will be present, and a large at tendance is requested. SOCIAL COMMITTEE. | PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE OFFICE OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC GR o UNDS AN D BUILDINGS STATE CAPITOL BUILDING' UAKKISBUKG. PA. * ' Sealed proposals vvlil be receiveu by the Superintendent of Public I Grounds and Buildings at his office in [the Capitol Butlding. llumsburg Pa. ' until two (2) o'clock P. M. January |J4tn. 1319, for furnishing an ,abui i and materials for the construction of a two-span reiniorced concrete arch bridge over Penns Creek, at Monroe Mills, Snyder County, t'enn ! svivania. as indicated tullv in the I plans and specifications prepared bv i u. A. Fllnk, of Hairlsburg. Pennsyi | vania. Consulting Engineer for the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds und Buildings of tho Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Plana, speculations and bidding blanks will be turmsned prospective bidders by applying to the Superin tendent of Public Grounds and Build ings. Capitol Building, tiarrisburg Pennsylvania. •' Proposals must be marked "PRO POSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PENNS CKLr.lv BRIDGE" oil outside cover. GEORGE A. SI I REINER L W. MITCHELL. Su " erin "-' ud >t. Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DWELLING IIOUSE BOARD OF COMMIS SIONLLS OF PUBLIC LivOUNDS oi-fi STATE CAPITOL BLILDINU. HARRISBURG. P4 SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the Superintendent of Pub lic Grounds ami Buildings at his of fice in the Capitol Building, Harris burg. Pa., until two (2) o'clock P. M. January 14, 1913, for furnishing' all" labor and materials for tlie recon struetion of a dwelling houso for the Department of Fisheries at Union City. Erie County. Pennsylvania, as indicated fully in the plans and speci fications prepared by Office of Super intendent of Public Grounds and Buil<l;--. Harrisbui g. Pennsylvania, for the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective bidders oy applying to the Superin tendent of Public Grounds and Build ings. Capitol Building. Hurrisburg Pennsylvania. Proposals must be marked "PRO POSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DWELLING HOUSE. UNION CITY ; PENNS""* \ * XIA, on mtside cover GEORGE A. SHREtNER. Superintendent. | L W. MITCHELL Secretary. NOTICE Letters testamentary on the Estate of Charles A. Kunkel. late of Harris burg city. Dauphin Gouty, Pennsylva nia, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned executors, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement, to BEVERLY W. KUNKEL JOHN E. FOX. MECHANICS TRUST COMPANY. Or to Executors. FOX & GEY ICR, Attorneys. Harrisburg, Pa. In the Orphans' Court of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. NOTICE is hereby given that the Heirs of Mary It. Fasnacht. deceased, and the Guardian of such as are Minors, have presented their Petition to the above-stated Court, and which Petition is now on file in the Office of the Clerk of said Court, praying for an Order to sell at Private Sale, under the Orphans' Court Partition Act of 1017, P. U 337. to MAURY SHEIiMAN. of the City, of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for the sum of Two Thousand CI3.0U0.00) Dollars the fol lowing desoribed Real Estate: All that certain house and lot of ground, situate in the Ninth Ward, of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the north ern line of Bailey street at corner of lot, now or formerly, of T. Coldwater. and running thence northwardly along line of lot of T. Coldwater eighty-five (85) feet to a ten feet wide alley: thence wcstwardly along the southern line of said alley, eighteen (18) feet and eight (8) Inches to corner of lot, now or formerly, of Mary A. Wolf: thence southwardly along the line of said lot of Mary A. Wolf eighty-five (85) feet to Bailey street; thence castwardly along the northern line of Bailey street eighteen (18) feet and eight (8) inches, to the place of be ginning. Having thereon erected House No. 1236 Bailey street, Harrisburg, Penn sylvania. For Title see Deed Book "W," Vol. 12, page 156. And that the Orphans' Court of said county has fixed Monday, February 10, 1019, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court House, at Harrisburg, Pennsyl vania, as the,time and place f->r hear ing and consideration of said Petition, when and where all parties Interested may appear and object to said Private Hale for any Dcgal or Equitable grounds or on account of the insuf ficiency the price offered for the same. lIENRY E. FOX, Trustee to sell the Real EBtute of Mary R. Kasnacht, deceased. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of John David Llngle, late of the City of Harrls burg. Dauphin County, Pa„ deceased, having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said Estate are reuuested to make Imme diate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment to THOMAS W. DINGLE, Administrator, Or Llnglestown, R. D„ 1. STROUP & FOX. Attorneys, Marrlsburg, Pa. LETTERS OK ADMINISTRATION on the Estate of Mary Ann Painter, late of the City of tlnrrlsburg. Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons Indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement to WILLIAM PAINTER. Administrator. No. 212 Hummel Street. Or Harrlsburg. Pa. STROUP A- Fox. Attorneys, Harrlsburg. Pa. EXECUTORS NOTICE Estate of Mary Stahl. late of Har rlsburg. Pa., deceased. Letters testamentary on the said Estate have been granted to the un dersigned. All persons having claims or demands against the said Estate will make known the same, and all persons Indebted to said decedent will make payment, without delay, to J. G. INGRAM, 119 N. Eighth Street, Lebanon, Pa. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Mary E. Downs, late of Steelton, Pa., deceased, having been granted ta the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make li"n"rtli,i- payment and those having claims will present them for settlement lo KATHARINE DOWNES, B. IRENE DOWNS. Or to Exeeutrlces i H. L. DRESS. Attorney, • Steelton, Fa. JANUARY 10, 1919 LEGALNOTtCES ! ELECTION UK OIHUCTUtttt The annual election 'or nine direc tors of the Merchants' National Bank, of Harrisburg, Ha., urlll be held at the banking house. 129-8 North Third Street, Tuesday, January 14, 1919. be tween the hours of 10 A. M. and I P. M. 14. O. Ml Ll,[lit. Cashier. GREAT SOUTHERN LUMBER COM PANY Stockholders' Meeting NOTICE is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Great Southern Lumber Com pany will be held at the Company's Office, Room 409 Kunkel Building. SOI Market Street Harrisbtirg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, on Monday, January 13. 1919, at II o'clock A. M., for the election of a Board of Direc tors for the ensuing year and for the consideration und transaction of such other corporate business us may prop erly be brought betore the said meet ing. FRED A. LEIIR. Secretary. Dated December 147, 1918. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Mary Hender son. lute of Steel ton. Duupiun County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, und those hav ing claims uitl present them tor set tlement to ERNEST C. HENDERSON, Or to Administrator. H. L. DRESS. Attoruey, Stcelton, Pa. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Stephen Balog, late ol swatara Township, Dauphin County Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing In Cly Pa all persons indebted to said Estate ure requested to make Immediate pay ment. and those having claims will present them for settlement to MIEE TKNTA. Or to Executor. 11. 1,. DRESS. Attorney, j Steelton. Pa. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Millnrd Ff Perry late of Harricburg. Dauphin County! Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in said citv all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. L. D. PERRY. 1617 North Second Street. Harrisburg. Pa.. Or to Administrator. ELMER \V. EHLER, Attorney-at-Law, 213-314 Arcade Building, llarrisburg. Pa. HARRISBURG BRIDGE COMPANY" Harrisburg, Pa.. January 6. 1919. The Board of Directors of the Ifar risburg Bridge Company have this day declared a dividend of one (1) per cent, on the par value of 320 per share, being twenty (20) cents a share on the capital stock of (he compunv. JOHN D. SPONG. J i Treasurer. NOTICE Doners Testamentary on the Estate of Charles E. Glass, late or Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the un dersigned, residing at No. 40 North Seventeenth street, Harrisburg. all persons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate pavmeot and those having claims will present them for settlement, to RAYMOND E. GI.ASS. Or Executor. R. S. CARE. Attorney. ESTATE OF LEVI M. MeGILI, de ceased All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having legal claims against the same will pifsent them, without delay, iu proper order for settlement, to F. C. NEELY, Administrator. No. 908 N. Second Street, Or his Attorney, W. S. SNYDER. ESQ. Harrisburg. Pa„ December 6. 1918. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that in pur suance to the Act of May, 23. ISB7. en titled "An Act to make the earr-Rig on of tlie business of Detective -with out license a misdemeano: and to regulate the licensing and powers of Detectives,' application will be made by the undersigned to tlie Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County, on the 27th day of January, 1919, fo.- a license to conduct the business of a detective or detrtive agency in the City of Harrisl>*.rg. Pennsylvania. lIARRY C. WHITE HANK STATEMENT BANK STATEMENT REPORT OF TUB CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL HA at Harrlsburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business on December 31, 191 S. RESOURCES 1. a Loans and discounts, including rediscounts 1941,85 2. O'erdrafts; unsecured 4V 5. I'. S. bunds (other than Liberty Bonds, but Including 11. S. certificates of Indebtedness) i a U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) $100,000.00 b U. S. bonds and certificates of indebtedness pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par value). 50,000.00 150,00 0. Liberty Loan Ilondsi a Liberty Loan Bonds, o'.j, 4. and 4U per cent, unpledged $167,218.58 b Liberty Loan Bonds. 3',4, 4. and 4Vi per cent, pledged to secure U S. deposits 60,000.00 227,21 7, Bonds, securities, etc. lotlier than U. S.): a Bonds (other than U. S. bonds) pledged to secure U. S. deposits $396,742.75 b Bonds (other than U. S. bonds) pledged to secure postal savings deposits 30,000.00 e bncuritiea other than' U. S. bonds (not including stocks) owned unpledged 534.546.44 Total bonds, securities, "etc., other than U. 5..... . 961,28 8. Stock*, othei than Federal Reserve Bank stock 13,15 | 9. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of subscription) 16,50 11. Furniture and fixtures 7,13 j 13. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 100,80 | 15. Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks ... 201,27 | 16. Net amounts due from banks, bankers, und trust companies other than included In Items 13 or 15 3,20 17. Exchanges for clearing house 42,16 I 19. Checks on banks located outside of city or town of report ing bank aiul other cash items 61,49 20. Redemption lunu with U. S. Treasurer und due from U. rf. Treasurer 6.00 21. Interest earned but. not collected approximate—on Notes and Bills Receivable not past due 4,22 22. War Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps actually owned, 86 23. Otiicr assets 39,53 TOTAL $2,776,50 LIABILITIES 24. Capital stock paid in $lOO.OO 25. Surplus fund 460,00 26. a Undivided profits $61,503.89 b Lees current expenses, interest, und taxes paid, 8,286.47 53.21 27. Interest and discount collected or credited, in advance of maturity and not earned (approximate) 2,50 28. Amount reserved for taxes accrued 4,71 29. Amount, reserved for all Interest accrued 6,03 30. Circulating notes outstanding 98,90 32. Net amounts due to Natlonui hanks 9,73 33. Net amounts due to bunks, bankers, and trust companies (other than Included In Item 32) 170,09 Ueiuaud deposits I oilier (bun bank deposits! subject to Iteserva (deposits payable within 30 days); 34. Individual deposits subject to check 1,171,54 36. Certified checks 72 37. Cashier's checks outstanding 4,60 40. Dividends unpaid ' Total ul demand deposits (other than bank depos its) subject to Reserve, Items 34, 3% 37 and 40 $ 1,116,955.63 T'lme deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 davs, or aubject to 30 days oF more notice, and postal savings): 42. Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed)... 196,79 41. J'oatal savings deposits ..' „"!!'!* 45. Other time deposits •-• • • -9.,11 Total ot time deposits subject to Reserve. Items 42, 44 and 45 $**14,009.31 4s. Lnileu Mates deposits (othei than postal savings): a War loan deposit account $l4-.800.00 e Otnei United estates deposits, including deposits of U. S. disbursing officers 32,937.29 175,72 56. Liabilities other than those above stated 14,61 TOTAL $2,776,5( STATE OF PENNSYTA'ANIA, COUNTY OF DAUPHIN. s: 1. E. J. Qlancey, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly si that the above statement la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. J. GLANCEY, Cash! Hubscrlbed and sworn to before me thts lOlh day of January, 1919. C. A. FORNWAI.D, (Notarial Beal| .Notary Publlt;. My commission will expire March 8, 1918. . Correct —Attest: WILLIAM T. HILDRtP. . WILLIAM JENNINGS, ' ' AVJLLIAM S. SNYDER, • ' ,J Oirectq LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Notice is hereby given that app Hon will be made by Henry G. y Frank A. Quler and Jesse J. Quic the Governor of Pennsylvania, or 27th day of January, A. D. 1919. i o'clock A. M„ under the provislot Hie Act of Assembly entitled the poratlon Act of 1874, and the su; incuts thereto, for a charter for a tended Corporation to be called cured Investments. Incorporated,' character and object of which is Ing and selling and Improving, proved and unimproved real es und for these purposes to have, soss and enjoy all Hie rights, I fits and privileges by said Act of sembly and the supplements the E. M. HERSHEY _________ Solicit BANK STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE CONDITIO! lIAII It I SU DIIG 'TRUST COMP located at No. 16 Soutli Market Sq Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, at close of business, December 31, RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash. specie and notes . 8102,528 SO Duu from A p pr oved Reserve Agents ... 469,084 73 i 3571.61 Nickels and cu.its 4! Checks and cash items .. 129,1' Due from banks, trust cus.. etc., excluding re serve 1,80 Commercial paper pur chased: Upon one name v. 125.5 C Commercial paper pur chased: Upon two or more names 1,004,61 Time loans with col lateral 125,71 Call loans with col lateral 861,93 Loan secured by"* bonds and mortgages 33,98 Bunds, stocks, etc 692,11 Mortgages and judgments i of record 10 Other real ostute 165,00 overdrafts 20 Total 33,712,16 LIABILITIES Cupital Stock 3400,0t Surplus fund tou.Oi Undivided profits, less ex- ; penses and taxes paid'. 11,79 D E M A N D DEPOSITS: (exclusive of trust funds) Deposits sub 1e c t to check 31,790,755 22 Dcpos i t s . C o rn mon wealth of Penn'a. ... 157,721 62 Deposits, I U. S. Postal savings ... 5,385 55 Cerliii e d checks ... 731 53 1,954,59 [TIME DEPOSITS: (ex clusive of trust funds) Tiqie certificates of de posit 640,48 Due to banks, trust cos., etc., excluding reserve, 104,85 Dividends unpaid 42 Total 33,712,16 TRUST FUNDS: Mortgages 3987,43 Other investments, etc., 2,867,74 Cash balance 314,25 Total Trust funds ....34.169,43 CORBORATE TRUSTS Total amount 11. e. face value) ul Trusts under deeds ot trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to se cure issues of corpor ate bunds, including Equipment Trusts ~...324,131.10' Toiui amount of securi ties deposited by Cor porations wHh fl' Company as !r r to secure of Col lateral Trust Bonds., 122,65 State of Pennsylvania, County Dauphin, su; I, George G. Carl, Treasurer of above named Company do solen ■wear that the above statemen true to the best of my knowledge belief. (Signed) GEO. G. CARL, Treasurt Subscribed and sworn to before this 7th day of January, 1919. (Signed) EDWARD M. WINTEF [Notarial Seal] Notary Pul Correct —Attest: (Signed) WALTER P. MAGUIRI (Signed) H. L. HERSHEY. (Signed) G. W. Reily, Director